b L . o E W . IV'. A U TJ c 18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 29, 1949 ClaASSlPIED ADVERTISING Per Lint . . ..IBe Par Lint ft time 40c Per bin time 60e Par Lin 1 month 12.00 Outside of Salem 16a per lint per day. Mtn. IOci S time mln 66 0 tlmej mln II JO No Refund READERS Id Ucml New Cat Only. Per une iOe To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES HEW 4 bdrm. house, 3310 Broadway. 18500 A. E. Header, 230B N. Liberty. a209 Leaving the State My 11392 equity In 1 yr. old 3 BR home. Insulated, hardwood fin., com pletely modern. Move right to tor $500. Bal. F.HJL See 643 Blller Ave. Ph. 2-2680. a2Il For Sale or Trade Older 3 BR home, 4 acres, good soil, 2 acre In timber. 164 ft. well it eleo. pump. Will trade for smaller home of like value In or near Salem or a down payment on rental unit. Price 13975 Ph. 2-2029. a20S" Fair Oaks Way By owner: 3 bd, rm. house, all modern, electric throughout. Will (sell my equi ty, (5900 ca.ih. Some term on bal. Rt. 6, Box 17 H. 1 block off Klngwood Dr. a206 BY OWNER, nice 1 story 3 B.R. home, good location, close to new school and elt bus. Lac, lot Owner leaving; Sa m. Make offer. 4350 Macleay Rd. Ph. 2004S. a207 Owner Leaving Oregon 4 bedroom home one year old. Lane living room, tile kitchen, bath upstairs and down. Plastered basement and gar ane. Hardwood floor, lou bullt-Ins, terraced back yard. Coat over $18,000 to build. Reduced to $12,600 for quick aale. For Information caU 34547. a227 BY OWNER 3 B.R. house In good cond. Priced for quick sale. Low down pay- ment. 1240 S. lMh. a213 FOR SALE BY OWNER: Small modern house on city lot adjacent to bun, school and store. $2660. Reasonable terms. 685 South 22nd Street. a207' SAR.no. Large 0 br. home No. 8 Zone on Mill St. Suitable for Apartment or rooming house. Small down payment. Make offer. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtor 163 S. High, call 34121, Eve. 25501 a205' n.fidft. Modern 3 Br. home Inglewood DIM. Hw. tie, Fireplace, full basement, cornor lot. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors 163 fl, High, call 34121, Eve. 26561 a205 BY OWNER! 2 Bd. rm. house, large lot, $3,300. Will also sell furn, 148 Abromn. Ph. 20079. a206' 4 Bdrm. $7,000 Large llv. rm. with fireplace. Din. rm., utility rm. St garage. 60x160 lot on 23rd St Walking distance to hospital and Capitol. $2000 down. Bal, like rent. Garage House H acre ground. Owner will take car In good condition, as all or part payment. Full price $1,600. Call Bon Cleary Walter Musgrave, R'ltors 1211 Edge water Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-9939 a205 93760 for 3 bdrm. home. $300 down. 2200 Simpson. 207 MODERN 4 BR., 2 bath, oil hent, base ment. I lots. Soma Income. 1810 Trade at. a208 912.000. Clean Moccri. l Bedroom home 7 yrs. old, Hollywood DIM. Full Base ment, 2 fireplaces, Hardwood fl. throughout. Beautiful yard, shrubs, $2, 600 down. Balance $60.00 per mon. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtor 163 S. High, call 34121, Eve. 3ft5fll B205 SALE OR TRADE 2 bedroom modern home. Will take unimproved acreage to $2,000. 3810 Monroe. 205 i KM. HOME by owner. Large lot. shade, fruit trees, fine loc. 110,000, half cash. -838 Court St. Ph. 2-6579. a20fi 3 BEDROOMS Living room with fireplace, kitchen ft dinette, automatic oil heat, attached garage. Close to grade it Junior high chool. A good buy. BY OWNER 740 Electric Ph. 3-9882 a20B NEW ft ROOM HOME by owner. Close In choice corner close to schools Si bus. Ph. 2-5438. a2ufl Immediate possession a nn house. full basement, IS blk. from school, bus by door, price $5900. 305 Columbia or ph. 2-4962. a205 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Suburban Property SOUTH. 3-bedroom house. Electric heat and cooking. Fireplace. Poultryhoust. Family fruit, ft acres, all In cultivation A bargain at 89,750. NORTHEAST. J bedrooms. Elect, hent. Hwd. floors. Oarage, large lot, close to school. (1,500 gives possession. SOUTH. 3-bwlroom, modern, plnstered house. Flreplnce, Insulated and weath eratrlpped. Oarage. F.H.A. commitment. City water. Priced to sell at 18,750. SOUTH. 3 bedrooma. Plastered. Hwd. floors. Attached garage. Elect, heat. City water. Immed. possession. F.H.A. committment. A bargain at $9,000, SOUTH. 2 bedrooms. Large living rm., dining rm., kitchen, nook. Oak floor throughout. Utility room. Attached plastered garage. City water Bus at door. McKlnley school district 110,200. See or call McKillop Real Estate New Location - Center and High Office Phones 3-5131 and 3-8620 Evening 3-5514. a208" 4 BEDROOMS $8500 4 bedrooms at this low price era hard to find Large lot, 330 ft. frontage, beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers. Kill it wood Height. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTOR 1211 Edgewater Ph. 35109 aaoa BY OWNER: ATTTf ACTIVE 6 RmTTioME" NICE FIREPLACE. ATTACHED OAK AO E, FENCED IN YARD. NICE FOR CHILDREN. LOVELY FLOWERS St SHRUBS. VERY OOOD VIEW OF CITY KINO WOOD HEIOHTB DIST, CLOSE TO SCHOOL A BUS. 14.000 EQUITY HANDLE WITH OOOD TERMS . SOME BALANCE. PH. 35059. a205 I BR. HOUSE, LuthTji, city wtr. and hattT Overlooking a prMty view. Hiah ground. This place would make a gnnd rental Income or nice sub. home. Also bldg. lot that goes with plare. Turn L at top at Cascade dr., then a Quick R at first L hand turn. Price lionfl dn.. terms on bal. Total price 13500. Mr. Roth, Rt., 1, Box 104, Went Salrm. R309 BY OWNER, 4 bdrm. home, perfect eond Completely carpeted. Easy terms. 114.750 Ph. 3-4536. a20fi LEAVING OOOD BUY Beautiful 3 BR home. Fireplace, basement, Vj acre . 27341. ,306 S B.R. MODERN home, gas range A water heater. 2 lota. Lots of fruit tree A partly furn. Any reasonable offer accepted. Albert Bauman, Oervats. Oregon a 306 BY OWNER: 4 bdrm. living R.. dining R kitchen, utility, fruit R.. fireplace, air ond. furnace, city bus by door. New achool close Newly painted In and out. Shade trees A shrubs. Must be seen to be appreciated. Open house ft to S p.m Priced for quick sale. Some terms. 35 . Lansing Ave. a309 foB SAr.E""orrRAnETEjran'a7e tot. Prult A nut. 2 bdrm. remodeled home. Close to hied, center. Ph. 37.166. a307 iY OWNER: fMro7dVRR. ""iniuiated" hdwd. floors, oil floor furnace. Com- , lewiy modern. Move tn 6500 down, Tftft w- Liberty. Ph. 22366; a210' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Ma & Pa Kettle" PLUS "Colorado Territory" AT WARNERS CAPITOL THEATRE HERE ABE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of thii picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the want ao In which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment of 23 words or less on 'Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads." with your name and mailing address, and delivei or mail to the Capitol Thcatei boxoffice. Contestants will be judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Ma & Pa Kettle" plus "Colorado Terri tory" coming soon to the Capi tol theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capita! Journal and decision of the judges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal. The Capitol or Elslnore Theatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES BV OWNER, 111.000. .3200 equity, balance .67 per mo F.H.A. Klnewood Hel.hU. New 3 Bd. rm., hardwood floor,, fire place, auto, waaher Si dlahwaaher. Bona. elec. heat. City water, IV. bath. View lot 73x140. Lawn, fenced In back yard, flee anytime. Klnswood Dr. Left on Fair Oak. 1st road riant. Ph. 35SOS. ,200 S BEDROOMS all on one floor, ThU la a beautiful well-arranged home. Fireplace, hardwood floor, and all room, are larae. Plenty of closet .pace. You should aee thl,. Goodwin & McMillan Realtors 484 Court Ph. 3-4707 Eve. 3-4773, 2-72B3. .300' LOOK $1,000 DOWN On thl well constructed it new 2 bed room home located at 795 Waldo Ave., clean, quiet district, auto-heat, nice kitchen with corner sink, separate utility room McK in ley sen. Move In to. morrow, Bal. of $7,260 In payment Less than rent. CALL Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph 3-5838 231 N. High Eve. Call 3-1724, 3-0770, 3-7534. B20S1 IMM. POSS., SUB. Out of state owner here to sell prac tically new home, 8 Ige. rrtu., hdwd. firs, thruout, auto-furn. piped to all rins. Un fln. upstairs. Stairway In. Breeieway, bit. gar. Lge. lot, city water. Low down Payment. F.H.A. terms. Salem Heights dl.it. 585 Ewnld. a200 LITTLE COTTAGE NORTH for Only 13300, 2 lots, Ige. shade trees At gar den, 3 rooms and garage. $1600 down. Sl'i.lO DN. WILL 1IIJY THIS mod. 2 bdrm. home, East Nenr schools Si shopping dLit. Older type but very comfortable. Immed, poss., owner has left town. A barnaln at 15500. IF YOU want a 3 bdrm home with f'place, beautiful yard with patio outside r Pi nee, hardwood floors, basement, oil furnace In Entclnwood dl.it., cull or see us about this one for quick sale, 19600, Tonus. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Bxcluslve Listings Personal Service 184 S. Com'l St, Ph. 3-8389. Eve, 3-7440. a206 BY OWNER Move right In. Vacant 2 a. it., monern nome. Furnished. La rut lot and garden. See Sunday, fi to 4 at 136 N. Alma (4-Corners) or call ' .'" evenings. a205 BY OWNER New 6 rm. suburban house. garage, 3 lots. South on pavtment. Electric heat, fireplace. 16600. VI 000 down. Ph 2-6316. a;. 06 BY OWNER 1 B.R. llv. rm.. kit., nook. hall, bath. Lots of bullt-Ins, plastered, Insul. Extra cottage, gar., nice yard. Re duced price 14B50. 1615 N, Liberty. a306 $50 DOWN! 37. Ml PER MONTH, factory built trailer and lot. Move right In. No. 3. $100 DOWN! 136 per month unfinished livable house 4 rooms. Immediate possession. Elec tricity and water, suburban, north. No. 363-B. . $500 DOWN! We hnve 2 homes that can be purchased for this small down payment. One 3 bedroom: one 3-bedronm. Onll us today about Nos. 2fl5 and 291. $1600 DOWN ! completely furnished 2-bedroom home located east on fiOxlOft lot. Furniture Includes range and washer. Balance $65 per month. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 3-9203 Sun. A Eves. 3-9713, 2-8241, 2-2532. 3-5005 a305 ENGLEWOOD 3 B.R. ON I FI.R., 1300 sq. ft. of floor space, hwd. tlrx., fireplace, oil heat, fine corner lot at 23rd A Market. Call Crawford for an appointment. Burt Picha, Realtors 379 N. High St. Phone 2-3649 2-5300 or 3-7451 a305 WHY RENT? $300 DOWN TWO BDRM. home, kitchen, bath, util ity, garage. Price I49."i0. J 50 per mo. $550 DOWN New 2 bdrm. home with LR. DR. hdwd. firs., garatie, auto, hent. Price. 18150. $52 per mo, $750 DOWN One yr, old 2 bdrm. home with LR, DR, hdwd. (Irs., dble. gnraxe, full mint, smut, oil piped furnace. At edge of city on corner lot. Consider lot, etc. sa down pymnt. Price iflsrto. COLBATH LAND CO. 1663 Center St. Ph. 2-4553 Residence 2-6851 or 2-4395 a 308 DRIVE BY 790 N. 17th St. 3 hdrm. home. Living rm.. dining rm.. hdwd. firs., fireplace, full hsmnt. Price 18500, COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 2-4553 Residence 2-8651 or 3-4395 a 306 MONTH to live In a beautiful new 1 bdrm. du plex4 It ao. Investleate this. DUPLEX, 2 BDRM.. HDWD. FLOORS Lovely kitchens, elec. range, refrlg., laundry, double gar. One aide rented 170 mo. Down payment A 180 per month. What a bur! MUST SELL BY SEPT. 3 3 bdrm. home on N. 31st at. Thl U a buy. Double garage. 111.550. Terms. THIS HliKM. home has many unusual features. Spacious living a dining rm. Several built-in cupboards A wardrobe cloaeu. Fireplace, picture windows. Can ?f.A0U,hl at "Optionally good terms. 11500 down. Monthly payment Includes taxes. lire Insurance A Interest. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church ph. 1-7843 vt. or Sua. 3-0141 I-01H. 430ft FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS ENGLEWOOD 3 bdr. on on. fir., llv. rm., din. rm., hall, bath, Inatde utility, hdwd. fir... thruout, fireplace, attractive home. In Knllewood proper, owner leaving city. CALL ROY FERRIS. ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST HOMES Spacious sunken llv, rm., lie. din. rm., kitchen, nook, rumpus room in baa nit. with fireplace, $ spacious bdrm., dble. plbg., dble. israte, oil furnace, best of location. CALL PETER OEI8ER. ... GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS Hi fl. Liberty St Phone 2-2471 Eveninis and Sundays Cell larl Wast 1-1213 Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Gelser 3-99S8 - Ben RoLsen 2-2471 70S' 1340 NORTH 21st St. 100 rt. Pvd. St. front. Pull fin. basm., with separate party it utility rms. Llv. rm. 18x24, fin. in Ph. mahogany, 12x12 din. rm. Lots of bull tin in kitchen. La. nook, 2 nice BR. Covered patio with fplc. 2-car is. Lb. fish poo), nice lawn shrubs. Priced at 119,000 or reasonable offers will be taken. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL COURT Located 2 blks from the beach on main bvd. in retired mans town, Arlzo nans so there for the summer to escape the heat. Northerners In the winter to escape the cold. Courts are furnished, are almost new, const, of concrete St brlrk. Tile roof. Net Income Is 112.000 yr. Price 178,000. Owner wants to come to Oregon where hunting St fishing Is good! Will except In trade resort property or small farm. What have you? Ph. 20080, XD LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St, 2fl FOR SALE HOUSES New 2 Bdrm. Homes im DOWN. Move rllht In, no red tape. Hdwd. floor., large lara.e. In city. Bal. .05 mo. Inc. taxea, Interest. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 3-7043 Eve. or Sun. 3-0343 or 3-0138. a 3 BEDROOM HOMES 1 near Englewood school. 1 near St. Vincent de Paul school. State G.L's Attention A new 2 BR home Including Hotpolnt range on 1 acres N. Should take a good loan. Total price 10500. WM. BLIVEN & CO. REALTORS 047 N, High St. Ph, 3-3617. Eve, 3-8360 a205' $4950 $1000 DOWN Newly dec. 3 BR home. Call Allen Jones and Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 Slate St. Ph. 3-9301. h306' FOR SALE LOTS SALE OR TRADE: View lot 80x140. City wtr. LI tea A Ph. FHA approved. 11000 or car ot equal value. Ph. 2-6159. aa207 LOT. NORTH, close to school and store. Call 2-5564. , aa.208 ACRE IN CITY, City water, trees, close In. Mane oner. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty. Salem Ph. 37113 aa205 BY OWNER: Lot 70x112, South. City Wa ter, stiou. i un. iiu a mo. rn. zaau, 23203. a a 307 FA I KM (MINT HILL VIEW LOTS. 90' front age. Salem s most exclusive residential dlst. Only a few left at 13500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive listings Personal Service 64 B. Com'l. St. Ph. J-8389. Eve. 3-7440. aa207 $10 DOWN! LOTS WITH WATER, ELECTRICITY, BUS SERVICE. CLOSE TO SCHOOL A STORE. Balance 11a per month. Reimann For Real Estate 301 Bouth High St. . Ph. 3-9203 Sun. A Eves. 3-5905, 2-8241, 2-2532, 3-0712 FOR SALE FARMS U ACRES, ciose In tab., cleared, fenced and weh drained, 300 ft. frontage on paved road. Oood subdivision possi bilities'. Bargain at 1400 per acre. A PEW t acre tracts left at $550 A up. juu it. on paved road, ACRES 3 bedroom house, close In, P.OOO. Some terms. G. A. VICARY REAL ESTATE 118 N. Oom'l St. Ph. Day or Eve. 20421 b205 10 ACRES, cloie-ln East. Best of land. iaeai nulla, site, low down payment 13000. 6li A. Chicken A Berry ranch. A very Droi'-..b.(, :n.un nice i ait mod. house, oiner bldgs. Close ;o Bch. A store, pav ed highway. 5 miles out. $8950. 1 A. East. New 2 BR house being com pleted, good well, plenty water, good soil, live stream, close to Salem. Easy terms. $8750. A. close to City Limits, N.E. Extra build, sites. Fine pre-war country home, 2 master size BRs, basement, fireplace, party rm. Air cond. furnace, deep well, young orchard, bus at door. Low down pymt., bal. like rent. Trade for small house, mortgage. R. E. Meredith. Rlt. or B. M. Mason 176 B. Commercial Ph. 3-8841 b206 STOCK A DAIRY FARM IRRIGATED LADINO 133 A. dark loam, loc. West, ea sy drive from Salem. 110 A. in grain, hay and clover. Well drained. Artesian well, 3 springs, water piped to all bldtts, A spacious well arranged mod. plast, home, bamt., furnace. (Magnif icent view over valley). 10 stanch, barn, new 800 capacity pltry. hse., new 2-car garage, milk hse., Ige, hog barn. Priced to sell. 125,000. terms. P. 8., Will trade for modern 2 BR home or Income prop erty Salem. NEW GRADE A DAIRY LAKE LABJSH DIST. 150 acres of the valley's ven best soli. LOE. ACREAOE OF BEAVER DAM SOIL. Yr, atream. unlimited irrlg. (10 A. Ladlno under sprinkler) NEW 3 BR home, Plast. A knotty pine finish, f'place. hdwd. firs. NEW 35x200 dairy barn, Incl. latest milking parlor A lounging barn set-up. milk hse, A 2 concrete suos, 100 ton cap. each, A beautiful loc. on pvmt. 40 head of good milk cows at bargain. INVESTIGATE NOW. $50,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph 3-8369. Eve. 3-7440. b206 HY OWNER Buslnesa Interests compel us iu ru vac rasi, io wfl are selling our country home. There an ten fertile acres with strawberries, blackberries, and red raspberries for Income, also some young fruit trees eomlng along The house Is nearly new, contains two bedrooms, and la of smart modern de sign. It Is all electrlo and has many other attractive special features to make (or comfort In living. Price 117.600 and worth It, One-half mile south of Clear Lake school, east side of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 3. Box 264, Salem. b206 FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE: M to 20 acres. Choice building sues. Htver bottom illt. Ph. 31180 eve. hMo REAL ESTATE 1 STORY bide. In excellent condition for sale. $350.00. Inquire 465 Center St. Mr. Wilson. c306 BEST BUYS $1,000 DOWN Nice clean 4 bdrm. home, well worth the money, 1 block to bus. Close In north Total prke only $7500. Eve. ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. 2 HOUSES Both new A very modern. OIom to school, bus A store. North. Electric heat. Insulated. We believe this is a very good buy for only $11,400. Yve. ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. 4 ACRES TO RENT Modern 3 bdrm. house. 3 acres filberts. Good soil Close to suburban town. Rent only 1760 per year. Lease available. Eve. pn. j-ioa or 3-3558 5 ACRES Close In north. Oood modern garage house. Private well. Willamette soli. Close to school, A buy for only 14200. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3556. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7630, S-4S9I. 103ft Portland rd. 301' IFOR SALE HOUSES XEAL ESTATE 4 A., GAR. HSE., wired for range, part ly furn. Deep well it pump. Outbuild- intra. 11500. Rt. 2. Box 409F. L. W. Karn Jr. Between Kelr.cr it Chemawa. c20B IDEAL HOME: Oood size living room; dining room; kitchen: two cheerful bedrooms: oak floors: large linen clos ets, cement basement. Oil furnace, Price only 10950. $2600 down. FURNISHED NEAT 2 bedrm. home. Bus by door. Price only (6676. Terms. KEIZER DISTRICT: 2 bedrm. home. Large lot. Price I69B0. Reasonable down pay ment, balance O.I. loan. ATTRACTIVE BUY. Choice 80 acre tract lew miles out on paved highway. Can be subdivided. About 40 acres in fruit: bal. timber and pasture. Creek on cor ner. Fruit crop will help pay for place. Price only 17500. Part terms. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3603 Evenings call: Mr. Sederatrom, 3-67B9 or Mr, Voorhees, 2-4007. c205 $5250, Consider $600 Dn. $ BR hse, (on one floor). Large gar age. 3 lots, gnrden soli, wide frontage, paved. Bus 1 blk, (Discount for cash). $3900 ($300 DOWN) MOSTLY FURNISHED Modern 2 BR hse. Redecorated. About Vacre. Near school, store A bus. (With out furniture If desired). Immediate pos session. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 S. Liberty. Salem. Ph. 3-7113. c205 BEAVERDAM LAKE LABIS!! on ton ground, have you In vestigated the price of ONIONS? If not act on this 24 A. with fine onion crop of around 30 cars. At the present price one year's crop would pay for this beav erdam. If you are looking for a gold mine Investigate this ad at once. The price is right and "4 'crop goes to pur chaser. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3255 C205 FOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy tint mortgage on real estate Salem A vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net inventors 5. We make all col lections for you It desired. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 8 High r WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! II your property Is tor sale rent or exchange, list tl with us Wr have air kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S High St ca WANT: CHEAP HSE. IN OR OUT OF CITY. REP. PH. 37113. ca205 REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE listings needed to satisfy our customers. We have the buyers if you have the property. We help finance. Phone 2-7083, ,oom 320, Oregon Bldg. HAVE cash buyers for farms 30 to 100 acres priced up to 117,000. Phone 2-7983, room 320. Oregon Bldg. ca213 10 OF in ACRES not over 6 miles south. Must have view, shade trees, pasture and water. No bldgs. Write P.O. Box 509. Salem. ca208 CONTRACTORS ATTENTION Do you want to out id a 2.000 sq. Ft. house on my property and sell It to me on monthly payments? Box 375 Capital Journal. ca207 WE ARE In need oi eooq Douses to sell Id or neat Salem If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENIIORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St Phone 3-3471 ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE OR SELL 84 A. grade A dairy in Ranter, Ore. 35 A. cleared A 39 A water rights. Milk parlor A hse. lounging shed A cows. All equlpt. $7,000 saw timber, 2 houses. Sell for (13,500 take small acreage In Salem. Ph. 34243. co305 SELL OR accept large house trailer on mci'iy mm. noma, eoiou, ln. 30339. cb205 SWAP! KM ACRE FARM, 2 barns. 8 rm. house, completely .stocked A equipped. 12 ml. north. Price 113,500. Trade for house In town. 34 Acre farm, equipped. 7 rm. modern house with fireplace A basement, about 4 acres fruit. Price $10,000. Trade for small house In town. Crawford. Burt Picha, Realtors 379 N. High St. Phone: 2-3649 2-5.1!10 or 3-74SI cb305 RESORT PROPERTY LARGE LOT In Lakepolnt add., on Devils uane, ei. s w. in. priced reasonably BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE: Established Grade A Restau rant centrally located In vall-y town. Large fireproof brick building. Low rental. Seating capacity 54, plus ban quet room. Complete, modern equipment. Definitely a money-maker. Owner de sires quick ante, returning to college in fall. Call Brownsville 5830 or write Box 4!I cd208 WJ-8TOOL LUNCH ROOM and filling sta tion (or rent. Income Is $50 a dav. 2 people can handle, small town. Write box 353, capital Journal. cd309' FI'LLY EQUIPPED machine shop A gar age In good location. Good machine, roomy shop, also steam-cleaning out fit, spray painting outfit A service sta tion. Four business lota. Selling price, 136,500. For Information, phone Gall Zysset 3-7690 Salem. Td306 DEALERSHIP Salem and vicinity. Eastern Corporation offers an exclusive franchise to quali fied party. Bunlness provides excellent Income Immediately. Liberal financial assistance enable rapid expansion. Business fully established before you take over. Applicant must have $3750 cash for inventory. This places you in a stable lasting and well paying business. Will stand your banker's Inspection. If cash la not available do not waste our time or yours. Write fully giving ad dress and Phone No. Address Box 500 Capital Journal. cd307 SHOE REPAIR shop. New machinery. stock. Good location, $3,300. Terms. 2490 Myrtle Ave. Eve. cd305 A A NT A nightclub? Here's the best chance you'V ever get. Total price of 1S800 will handle the Club Combo, Sa lem. Lea.se and following equipment, 11350 Ice machine. 1850 carbonater. I14O0 furniture, drapes, kitchen equip ment, deep (reeie, eleo. watr heater, oth e Items 13800 ts the total price if you act at onqe. Ph. 35 U0 now for com plete details. edios BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Need taverns, groceries, restaurants, service stations and motels or courts Have out of state huyers tor all of the above. Phone 3-7983, room 120, Oregon BJil. td212 FOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS A Good Little Home For You It's located on Lynn Ave., has 2 bedrooms, oil floor furnace heat, full sited lot. located lust 9 blocks from the En lie wood school. Immediate possession. Priced at 17500. Drive By It's located at 597 Knapp St. (Just cross the foot bridge in the SOD block on N. Church St.) It's right on the creek with brick patio, has full bast ment, auto heat, fireplace, 1 small bedrooms, att. garage. Oood terms, 17300. Up On the Hill A lovely ft room home surrounded by lane fir and walnut trees, large panelled living room. 3040 baameent with fireplace, very spacious rooms, huge lot, sun deck overlooking valley A home well worth the price oi 112,800. Don't b sorry you missed seeing It. Lovely Cape Cod Home Beautiful setting, lovely yard and shrubs, a 3 bedroom home in perfect condition throughout. 2 sets of plumbing, finest ruis and draperies in cluded. Call for appointment. Home Plus $195.00 a Month Income i new rentals of 1 bedroom each, plus living room, dinette, kitchen and bath, range, refrlg., and auto washer included PLUS new 2 bedroom unit for owner, 3 garages. It's one of the best rental unit for 123,000 offered today. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve. 28053 - 33408 - 28098 - 33033. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NELSON NEWS FOR RENT FOR OFFICE OR SHOP Downtown professional men whose cli ent! are plagued with parking problems, can arrange through our office for ac commodations In a new building which can be available In 90 days. On a wide street, with a lot of traffic A lot of free parking space. Tell us what you need A we will try to arrange It for you. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 702 N. High Ph. 34622 cd205' GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 2 gas pumps. 6 cabins. 2 ml. N of underp&sa on My 99 E. W. J. Jarms, Rt. 7 Box 145. Salem. Ph 24319. cd207 FURNITURE FOR SALE 4 DRAWER UNFINISHED CHEST Best quality, 114.95 MAURER-BOGARDUS FURN. CO. So. 12th Hlway June. Open From 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day d206 RED HOT SPECIAL Beautiful desks, hardwood, drop leaf, with 3 drawer base, hand rubbed 3 coat finish. Available In blench, ma hogany, walnut or maple, Reg. $40.50. Yours today at only $39.05 plus abso lutely free matching desk chair. Value 10. Will Rive to tlm first 3 purchasers a very attractive Decna lamp. Terms of course. .GLEN WOODRY Furniture Market 1605 N. Summer. Ph. 3-5110. d307 UNIVERSAL GAS range, table top model, automatic oven, tto iui c. wiison. 4305 NOW Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY BAH GREEN BTAMPS You Can't Beat This Combination H & H Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3707 d205 4 DRAWER UNFINISHED CHEST Best quality, 114.95 MAURER-BOOARDUS FURN. CO. So. 12th Hiwny June. Open From 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day d206 ALMOST NEW blond dining room suite, extension table, 6 chairs, buffet, $100. Gas fjreplace heater, 120, and 2 elec. heaters, 125. Ph. 2-5133. d20fl WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and nousenom articles, notning to Dig or sm. Ph. 36656. da207 USED FURN. Check our '.prices. Valley Furn Co- 386 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. da208 HIGHEfT PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 8-5110 da AUCTIONS Furniture & Appliance Auction EVERY TUESDAY 8 P.M. GLENWOOD BALLROOM 4-i MILES N. of SALEM on 99E Sell for you, on commission, or pay out right cash. Attend our sales. Profitable, entertaining, get action with auction. Ph. 3-5110. GLEN WOODRY Auctioneer dd306 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK SADDLE IIOftsE. Route 2 box 22A, ml. no Kclxer school. e205 180 HEAD of young ewes A lambs. You pick or taxe an. jonn m. uross, route 3 Box 209. 3 ml. S.W. of Molalla on Sllverton highway. Phone 18F53. e20ft MILK GOATS fresh A springer, also weaner pigs. L, C. Edwards, Ph. 2-4372. ei06" ft YR OLD saddle mare. Hamlltonlan A American saddle. Gentle enough tor a woman. Rt. 4 Box 40. Phone 23037. J. Chamberlln. e305 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED Uvc.loct buyrr. C McCandll.il. 1127 B 3S Ph 3-S147 . e.305 PETS COCKER PITS. Ph. 35441. WEEKS Cock.r pups. 4647 Lowrtl. Krl- xer Dial. ecaoa MOOKE'S TROPICA!, fish auppllM. lara. variety. Special on Redsa'orda A Oupplra. Open evenlnas until 9 p. tn Rt. a, Box 483 on McCleay Rd. Ph. 37131. ,c30B FUEL . TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37442 16" Slab Wood and Ed rings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 8AH GREEN STAMPS CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Oleel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Cods A Block Wood. Ph. S6444 ee OAK, SO. fir, limbs. 2-2139. ec223 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak. ash A maple. 4' fir, 16 slab and edging. Ph. 314.8, West Salem Fuel Co. M EN. DRY OR OREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 1I-D4. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phon, El.tn 3-4031 Als pick up wood at 153!, Edt.wat.r St . v.st Sal.m ... FOR SALE POULTRY 3 LB. RED FRYERS 1,50 dreased ft dellTered. other to t lb. also hena. Come ft choose yourself. Rt. 7, box 434A. McCain Ave. off Silver ton road. f305 Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES and See Phone 34.' 15 J4116 a307 IFOR SALE POULTRY 7 HANSEN strain white Leghorn hem, $1 each. Ph. 26230. 1307 NEW HAMPSHIRE chick for immediate or future delivery Hatche every TueA Foi Hatohery, 3830 State St. Ph. 1-4909 f NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Tbura day Ph 2-3801 Lee' Hatchery f PRODUCE ELBERTA PEACHES. Now ready. Carl Aapinwaii orchard at Brook. Ph. 2-1301. A Lao U-Plck peaches. ff208 PEACHES, CHOICE tree ripened Imp. El- Denaa. era zieunsai tu. 7 box 22. Pn. 25717. 1 mile E. of Totem Pole. ff307 IMP. HALES and Elberta peache. Joe Dledrich. Rt. 2, box 148, 1 mile straight W. of Kelzer sch. Ph. 2-8304. ff20B CORN 20c dOZ. Ph. 24319. rrac7' CHOICE IMPROVED Elberta peaches. uravensiein appies, uartiett pears. T, C. Mason, Rt. 2 Box 267 Salem. 6 ml. N. on Wheatland Rd. at Clear Lake. Ph. 3-1260. ff207 BARTLETT PEARS, U-plck HOc. Picked 75c, Bring boxes. Rt. 8 box 118, 4 mile out State St. ff308 U-PICK PEARS, 79c bu. Bring own con tainer. L. L. Ranch, 1M mils west of Kelner, Ph. 23118. ff206 SWEET CORN, golden grain 1944 award winner, one of the best large yellow varieties, 25c doe. Rt. 7, Box 439 P. McCane Ave,, off Sllverton Rd. Ph, 35008. ff309 Improved Elberta PEACHES Ready at Jeu Ma this Orchard A fruit stand, 8 ml, N, of Salem on Portland hlway. fi30B OOOD eating apple S1.75 a box. 2503 8. com'l. ffsos TOMATOES, hybrid, acid free. Will de liver, u. m. oorman, Jefieraon, Ore. Ph. 318. (1328 ELBERTA PEACHES and canning corn, jucon ituu Btana, "U n. niver noaa. ff207 CANNING PEACHES, corn, tomatoes, pears, prunes, apples, strawberries, raspberries. Frigaard Fruit Farm, hi ml. N. KeUer School. ff313 SWEET CORN, 6 dozen or more at 25c at the place, or 35c delivered. No Sat. aales. Ph. 33117, outh end of 22nd St., Rt. 4, Box 62. ff207 HILL GROWN PEACHES Crawforda, Imp. Elbertai, Mulrg it Hales. Rollln Beaver, Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F3. ffaoii CANNING TOMATOES U-Plck $1.00 bu. no.m an, u mnes soutn oi aaiem on old highway toward Jefferson, ff20S PEACHES, tl to 82.50 buahel. One mile out wanace rd. a-aaia. ff308 PEACHES, APPLES, CORN & TOMATOES IMLAH FRUIT FARM mile out Wallace Rd. Ph, 9-8304 ff305 IMP. ELBERTA peache it Bartlett pear. i a a dox. pieced or u-plck, at Pen 4 Corner. 1 mile E of Auburn Sch. O. W. Green, Rt. 6, Box 226. Ph, 3-1639. fiaio IMPROVED ELBERTA Peache. Brltt Ai- plnwair Peach orchard at Waconda. on Salem-Champoei road. ff306 HELP WANTED BEAN PICKERS, Bishop, South River road, 10 minute from Salem. Bu leave 13th and Mlaaion 6:00, Farm La bor office 6:30, Ladd Buh bank 8:3ft, south on Cimmercial to Owen. For In formation call 3-6137. g210 HOP PICKING will start Sept. 1 at the John J. Robert it Co. yard, 4 mile out on 8. River Rd. g208 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Dairyman, 1175.00 and furnlah. see Don Kelly, Dairy co-op. 88205 WANTED. Young man 18 or older, neat, wen mannered, apply capital Theatre. ca206 MAN WANTED: Call ' at 1161 Rufte St. west BBicm oeiween i i p.m. gaauo" WANTED: MARRIED man for grade "A" aairy. Must oe experienced. 1170, nouse, lights it milk. Phone 3-1038. ga207 BOYS 16 years to set pins. Good winter job. BAB Bowling. 308ft Portland Rd. ta205 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED! Women between ages of 30-60 for work in the Fisher Nursing Home. Ph. 1439R 219 W. 4th St. Albany. ib205 LADY FOR housework. Full time. Live In or stay home nltes. Ph. 20994. gb207 HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Between 30 it 65 yean of age. Must like children & be capable of taking charge. Good salary, room & board. Ph. 39339. gb207 CASHIER small office, exp. preferred, not required. Typing required. 40 br. wk. Exceptionally pleasant working condi tion. Good salary. Write box 354, Cap ital Journal. b207 PAYROLL CLERK for payroll it general office work. Oood salary. Transporta tion can be arranged. Apply Indepen dence Lumber A Manufacturing Co gb208 STENOGRAPHER and typist experienced. Good salary. Transportation can be ar ranged. Apply Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Co. gb206 FULL TIME SECRETARY-Offlce Man ager Parrlah Junior High, Phone 2-3466 jr 3-7993. gb306 SALESLADY Give age, exp., marital sta lls it salary desired In first letter. Box 308 Capital Journal. b EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITION! CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency sat, Stat St Pn 3-14II if WANTED SALESMAN ONE OPENING for experienced real ea- tate aaleaman. Apptr In peraon. Ret tnann Real Estata 301 South Hith St. - ie30S' WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE Or dar. Ph. 3S9IS. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34" nr. aerr- Ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5073. h330' TYPING, addreaainf In my home. Will pick up and deliver In cltr. Ph. 9-3911. h30 CLEANING and Ironim dt bour. Oood ret .. rnone j-9nsi. , naoT YOUNG Bl'SlNESSMAN de.lru po.ltlon. cxperiencea in Dooxxeepinr. ana oitice management Interview, e.n be arran,. ed. Write L. O, Cooper, 106 Weil Fir.t, Mo.row. Idaho. h318 TREE WORK, topping trimming, re moving. In.urtd operator. John Pajme. I4 ft. Church. Ph. twit. U17 WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING UNION MEN ONLY Work absolutely guaranteed, Ph, 1-1 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 h33T EXP. AUTOMOBILE mechanic want job or good location for shop. Ph, 399B3, h306 NEW LAWNS Prepared it seeded. Light tractor on rubber with doser. Ph, 28137. Duane Wolcott. h231 FINE PAINTING, papering. Ph. J-5533 h207 Mimeographing-Typing POIS 66ft North 16th Phone 3-3643 h307 CHILD CARE. 183 B. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. naia1 CI-MENT WORK wanted Ph 2-4850 b EDUCATION WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wage. Oldest welding school in NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 620 NS Sacramento. Portland MU 9680 hr.306 FOR RENT ROOMS NEAR GEN. HOSP., scp. bath, ent. auto. heat, 130. Ph. 3-3D30. juaos ATTRACTIVE quiet room, modern home. 10 n. unurcn oi. jr.uo- NICELY FURN. room for rent. 388 N. Winter Ph. 38142. Jk205 CLOSE IN Sleeping rm. Ph. 30318. Jk226 VERY NICE sleeping room. Priv. entrance. oatn ee nrepiace. Business taay or em ployed couple. Also room for employed gentleman. 838 N.. Church. Jk207 HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. Jk235 WELL FURN, sleeping room. Close In. H at c. water. Men only. 737 center. jkU7 VICE SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-7556. Jk308 PLEASANT sleeping room for gentleman. luoij norway. vn. jwi. jKaiu- LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, clean. Ige., connecting oatn, close in. losa no. win ter. 36905. Jk307 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICELY FURN. 3 rm. apt. Utilities furn. 365 S. 16th. JP205 NEAT, CLEAN turn. apt. 3 rms. Prlv. bath, utilities turn. Employed cnupie preferred. $40. 280 N. 18th. Ph. 2-8787. UPSTAIRS 5 rm. apt. with priv. hnth, eleo, stove it on stove turn. BUitaoie for couple with one child. Located In West Salem. Ph. 26900 or 2fi638 before 11 or after ft. Jp207 COMPLETELY NEW 3 rm. apt. Rnnge, reirig. no otner lurnisnings. v diock to bus line, stores it bank. Available now. 1066 Edgewater St., West Salem. Jp207' ONE-RM. furn. apts. Prlv. ent. Near state house. 832.60 it 835, Ivan G. Martin. Ph. 3-4410. Jp207 i RM. APT. around floor. Private ent. Ph. 3-1620. JP200 S RM. APT. New, furnished, clean. Elec trlo water heater, range, fan, garbage ddposal, refrigeration it automatic heat. Private entrance. 1 blk. from Scars Center. Adult. 179 Phone 3-9383. Jp206 FOR RENT HOUSES New 2 Bdrm. Homes 1199 down. Move right In, no red tape. Hdwd. floor, large garage. In city, Bal. r,6ft mo. Inc. taxe. Interest, L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church . Ph. 2-7642 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0126. Jm TJNFURN, 8 BR house, 1 blk. grade school, 7 diocks parrmn, l c-ik, uua. sept, l, 170 per mon. Ph. 38519. jm210 NICE CLEAN 4-ROOM cottage. 145 month. Newly decorated. 4016 Sllverton Rd. Jm2O0 NICE 1 bdrm. furn, home with den. Nice yard, garden spot, Auto, washer. Year's lease. Available Sept. 6. 176 per month. Ph. 26243 at 750 3. Lancaster. Jrn207' RM. unfurn. house. Small, modern, olose In. Auto, hot water it elec. heat. Utility porch. Ph. 36912. . jm307 GARAGE HOUSE. Nice location. South. Box 376, Capital Journal. Jm307 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TWO-STORY ALLEY WAREHOUSE With Elevator For Rent by the Month STATE FINANCE C& 153 S. High St., Tel. 3-4121 MOD. DOWNTOWN business office. Long term tease. o. pn. 38jbb, jaoe OFFICE, desk space, Oonv, loo. Ph. 39133. J319' POWER TOOL rental tor home and in- du trial use. Hawser Bros. Ph. 3-3646 i FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery wa.d. ) TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand- r We ell everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS Ph. 3-3648 lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE apace and desk space Ph. 25692 BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. 1 V DRIVE truck, car. Ph. 2-9103. TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bro5 1410 6 12th. Wet Salem. J SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rate. Free pick up it delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com I Ph 33512 WANTED TO RENT WORKING LADY want small unhS.l. uned apt. Reasonable, close in. Ph. 3-7419 after 6 p.m. Ja208 EMPLOYED COUPLE desire 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. house. Call 3-3400 between 9 a.m. St 3:30 p.m. Jn206 RELIABLE COUPLE want 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. house with garage. Permanent. W1U icase 150. Ph. 3-9331. Ja207 SMALL HOUSE out of Salem. Ph, 3fiF32. Independence. J&205 COUPLE Jp 3 children need 2 bdrm. un- xum. nouse in town, permanent em ployed. Ph. 34712, auk tor Mr. Buchan nan. Ja307 OR LEASE 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. hse. with automatic neat. McKlnley or Engle wood school district. Ph. 2-4648. Ja210 RELIABLE PARTY wishes to lease 4 -bdrm. nouse by October 1. References furnish ed. Telephone 3-7966. Ja207 STATE WORKER St wife need 1 or 3 BR house or apt. unfurn. under 850. Ph 2-8786. Ja205 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD AND RM. 850 E St Ph. 3-8706 JJ207 LOST AND FOUND LADIES' black blllfold. Containing valu able papers. Reward. Ph. 2-6157. k205' t.ES SPRINGER, men' hatter. 464 Court we ciose Saturdays 13: 30 m2lS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adoiph Blds.-4!tat A Commercial St SALRM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS ROCKLATH. PLASTER and Stucco mater ials, complete luae, quality material PUMLLITE, Weat Salem. ma30ft BUILDING MATERIALS HARD WATER-PROOF WALL BOARD. IUAHU. j wall, t Mr for I q. ft. Ideal for bath room kitchen Make good too floor or sub floor linoleum or earpetlng. Only 7 Vie aq. Inch Insulation board Se or 11.84 sheet. C. O Long, Ph, 3-6631, On mile north of KeUer. mi208 ENTRANCE DOORS SCREEN DOORS Colonial 1 Inch raised panel doors 113.50, flush slab 1 Inch door 113.50. Screen door, choice ot lte 16.80. Com bination storm door 110.00. Interior doors A.76 up. O. O, Long, Ph. 2-5821. One mile N. of KeUer. ma208a FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform ft Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulator. All fireplace and masonry material. PUMILITE Wen Salem. ma205 SHAKES 86.00 Per Squire Painted Shake 18", 7.50 Per Sq. 6818 S.E. Foster Road TA 6684 Evening phone TA 7508. ma206 SPECIAL! Cedar siding, "" Random lergth. C-grada, 18ft thouaand Keith Brown. Front Court SU. Salem. CHIMNEY BLOCKS it Foundation Block. PUMILITE, Weat Salem. ma205 DEAR CUSTOMER, lnilst on your ton tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Oo. SB Lena Ave. Ph. 34039 Free parking, ma220 STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frames. Casement. Double Hung it Commercial Types, PUMILITE, West Salem, ma205- BUILDERS Realized substantial saving on lumber. Rock bottom price for larger amount. 3x4 and hlplap, top grade No. I, 888 per M. No. 4 HI per M Free delivery. West Salem Saw Mill 1060 Wallace Rd. Ph. 30993. ma3M" PLYWOOD LARGE stock of !, thicknesses grade. Both olaln it water proof Prioaa start at 5c per q ft. also OOOD stock of H" and W Insul ating boards Low price on H" Wd sheet rock Keith Brown, Front Court St., Salem. mi NEW SHIPMENT piast board " Mtl V 8o sq (t Rock lathe 4 at ft. 11.7ft MONTGOMERY WARD tLBM SAVE OK ROOFINO Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on youi roofing needs. Wide range of colon Call our ottUlde salesman tor tree esttmata Phone 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD OO. SALEM. OREGON RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No. 1 $7.75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 sqs. No, 3, 8 In. olear, suitable tor roof or ldewall. Ted Muller, Ph. Sa lem 3-1198. Balem-Indep, Road. ma NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS. ORDER bulb. DOW. Mtl 7th st. pn. 30914. mbaoHa FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SEWING Machine, Electric or Tr.adl.. Service on all makea. Ph. 1-1131. n31l- pi.asti-koie, th, cellophanfllka llnlah for your loora or linoleum, that re quire, no waxlni Tetter Appllanoa Oo.. 355 N. Liberty, "Ma Pa Kettl." Plua "Colorado Territory," nail FULLER brushes. 174ft Orant, Ph. 3-8387. n2iBa turn YOUR spring and mattress into a Hollywood bed, with a aet spring leg. Easily attached. For box aprlng. set of 8 leg 14.95. No clamp on coll aprlng! $5.75 aet. Green tamp. SALEM HOME FURN. OO. FOR SALE: Two Manley popcorn machine one use a mo., otner 8 mo. Electric and automatic every way, also aheei 137 So. Commercial n206 aluminum bids, for each. Clean and guaranteed. Maohlneg tn Corvalll, Ore. Will meet party there If Interested. Add. Ralph Wilson, 416 N, 18th St., Spring field, Ore., or ph. 7-9828, Springfield, Ore. No Sunday call. Price, $1000, each. n205 SAX.i violin; bed springs: S girl eoata. ii to i arum maj, ooou; eniidj iron ing board it lge, ball. All excel, cond. 1810 E. Nob Hill. B305 ELECTRIC water heater. Oood eond,, $20. ova a aireei. 1)207" MALL CHAIN SAW bargain 8228.80 or trade lor refrigerator or ga range. 900 N. Comm'l, Ph. 34839. n208 30-08 REMINGTON 731 Weaver Scope 8170. 30-06 SPRINGFIELD Bporter, 1110. ,'10-Ofl SPRINGFIELD. Stock unfinished. 180.00. Apt. No. 203 633 Ferry St. H3Q1 NEW Remington Rand typewriter 21 la. carrage Plcka type. 620 Marlon It. Ph. 24176. nSOfl- LIQUIDATING OUR STOCK of- - Musical 'Instruments Plino (grand & spinet), accordions, band instrument, guitar, violin. Phonograph, public address sytnu, etc. Also cash register 8t shop equip ment. Jaquith Music Co. Ph. 3-4641, or see us at 846 aOscad Dr. naos LUMBER 2x4' by jitney load, 810 per it Mfg. Co., Ino. Independnoe, Ore. 8 PAIR of draw drapes, Ph. 14676. 1,206 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crol6f. GlbaOB and Montag Appliance at Qevurts. n FENCE POSTS, poles, all type Shingles, .cimisci oi iiftbrocK rnuup nro. n. 6. Box 118. Ph. 31456. D" DISTILLED white vinegar for all pickling purposes -Keeps your- pickle krlsp. Also old time pure apple cider vlnigar. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. n205 SALEM SAND &, u RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer ti Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-' yd 10 B H yds. D-7 Cat A Dour D-6 Cat it Dozer D-4 Cat it Dozer See u about ditching by th ft. Phone Day 8-9408 Eves 3-826 or 1-4400 balem Ore on - o1 WE BUY newspaper and waste paper. iivv n. rrom. - n210 EI.F.DTR in REWIXn X44tKi.. m... intnouse. xeater Appliance Co., 355 N. Liberty. naiS STEEL CLOTHESLINE Posts, railings In .wa. a niai oroer. U4B n. Liberty. nSlf USED ELECTRIC ranges S39.9ft to 1 139.50. xeaier Appliance co., 35ft H. Liberty. 0218 USED ELECTRIC refrigerator. Tester Ap-" Piiance i;o., a 30 t. liberty. B218 USED ELECTRIC Wuhlne- uhtn.. S19.95 to 1129.90. Tester Appliance Co.. 255 N. Liberty. &216 GRAND PIANO Lovelr Queen Anne period daalln piano. Excellent condition throughout. An ln atrument to aatlalr tha moat critical mualclan STONB PIANO CO, 'The Valler'a Flna.t Piano (ton" 1540 Palnrounda Bd. (Cor. M. Cott.ie) n307 ELECTRIC PORTABLE Sln.tr Oawlnt Ma- .... vo. . commercial, oajamcat apt. nao7 MINK-DYED Muikr.t coat. Slaa 14 Or ,;k. """ conoition. Rea.on.6Ie. 1383 Franklin Bt. We.t Balem. bjot FRONT DOOR with aldl panel, com. plete with hardware and Venetian bide. Barclay. 3(55 Oarden Road. MOT At'TOMOBILE paint. AU eolora. R. D. "roodrow Co., OU Ward, prop. 150 Center naos- PIECE dining rm. act. no. ph. uui M07" .Jo-.on rifle, with .cope. To trade for pood outboard motor. Pho.i, Burton n7 HOME FREEZER Lt . Private party, must sell. Phone ' IJ commercial St. n307" (Continued on Page 19) i 1 1