I h ! Cl ; ei j tc F ! 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 29, 1949 The HOUSE on AP NtwtftofurM (Chapter8) Retracting her steps, Derria reach ed the vicinity of the laundry shop. She drove slowly past, down Ma ple Street, and parked her car a block away, around a corner. To Justify her going inside, she had brought along a bag with soiled clothes which she intended leav ing. In the light of day, Derria ad mitted to herself, there was noth ing at all sinister about the place. As she watched from underneath the awning of an adjacent shoe store, she saw one or two people go In, to come out almost imme diately. Several seconds later a car pulled up to the curb, and a man with a briefcase got out and went In. She waited for some time, but he did not come out. Derria glanced at her watch and pushed open tne door. Once inside. Derria glanced quick ly around. The shop was dismal and not too clean, but surprisingly much larger than it appeared to be from the outside. An opaque glassed door on the left Indicated an office of sorts. Steps sounded along a passageway leading to the back. A man came through the door and said: "Good morning." Of the man with the briefcase there was no sign. Before she could answer, the bell sounded and a woman entered the store. She glanced around lnqulr lngly, then came toward fahem. "I was supposed to come here uus morning, its aoout some in surnnce. It this the right place?1 The man behind the counter traightened up, "Yep, this is the place. I guess it's Mr. Owens you want to see What's the name? I'll let him know you're here." "Mrs. Warnock." He went to the door which Derria had first noticed, and stuck his head In. The man who came out was the one she had seen getting out of the car. He allowed the woman to pass into the office, or whatever it was, and closed the door. The loquacious character had meanwhile rammed his position behind the counter. "Insurance?" Derria prompted. "Here?" "Sure, I let a couple of the boys I know have the use of that office. I don't need it for anything any way. They say It's handy for theii contracts out this end of town, and I get well paid for it." Unable to think of anything more the could ask without arousing sus picion, Derria moved toward the door. When will my stuff be ready?" "Oh, Monday sometime. I'll prob ably be shopping in the neighbor hood, and I'll call for it." A sudden thought struck her. "By the way, until what time are you open in the evening?" He looked surprised. "We are not, miss. We close at six every day, and one-thirty Saturdays." Derria looked up from her gar dening to see Dr. Bayles' car com ing toward the house. Having seen her from the drive, he left his car at the front and came around to the side where Derria was work ing. The doctor smiled. "Had sev eral matters to attend to early, and since I was passing by, I thought I'd come in and see if there were any further develop ments." Derria came In and sat on the bench near him. "I'm glad you came. Several things have happened." "Let's hear Uiem," the doctor asker, leaning back. Derria pro ceeded to tell him about the stolen car and her excursion to the laun dry. The doctor was thoughtful. "I don't like to throw any cold water on you, but everything so far is negative. It's all a mass of con jecture, and I still tlinik it's Just one oi uiose tilings tnnt happen without nnv beginninir or end nnri that you might as well forget Voices sounded from the klU-hen Sarah appeared in the doorway to announce, "Maria is here." She paused, throwing a significant glance toward the doctor. Derria Ignored It. "Ask her to ome nere." "Dr. Bayles," Sarah said unex pectedly. "I wonder if you would R2690 UMM5iV!l a! V. LILAC STREET by FRED BAYARD care to come and see the new barbecue we're having built." That the idea didn't particularly appeal to him was obvious, but be fore he could voice his objections, Derria spoke up. "Yes, why won't you? For what it's costing us, I think it snould be worth seeing. We'll be there in a few minutes." As the others left she turned to Maria and asked quietly, "What is ltv Youre worried about some thing?" "Yes. very much a-worry for you, Mees Derria. There have been men making the questions about you. I did not see them, but I have hear how they ask every. where." With great agitation, she began to fold and unfold the edge of her coat. "About thees men, I do not know anything but that tney are Daa, very Daa. it ees saia they have had trouble with the poleece. They have been seen talk ing with that man Kleeber. He owns a garage. That one, ees no good. There ees much he can tella you n he wanted." As if suddenly aware of what sne had said, she looked at Der ria, her big brown eves frightened. "Please, Mees Derria, do not say anything to anybody about thees things what I have told you. Al ready, I have said too much. I am so much troubled." She gazed about as if looking for some means of escape. "I have kept open my cars, and listen, but never do I hear much. Only I know something she ees very wrong," All further questioning was fruitless. As if afraid that she had laready said too much, Maria refused Derria's offers of tea, and quickly left. But the words of warning rang in Derria's ears "Something she ees very mucn wrong!" (To Be Continued) II If Style-Wise Jumper The belted basque Jumper a new silhouette animated by a cuffed bodice, softly pleated skirt. The rounded collar blouse makes a perfect companion piece. (Both in one pattern.) No. 2015 is cut in sizes 11. 13. 16. 11 and 10. Size 18 jumper, 1 yds. S4-1I1.: blouse, 1 yds. 3U-in. Just out I The PALL-WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new styles to come, over 150 practical, eosy-to-sew. up-to-the-minute pat tern designs for all ages. Remember, it's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now, price just m cents. To obtain tins pattern, send 25c In COINS, giving pattern number. your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission street San Fran cisco 3, Calif. Dream Dully This nrerlnun nlw of handwork will provide a lovelv background for flowers, brlc-a-brau nr give a hospllnbie note to a con sole or hall toble. Measuring 10 inches in diameter, the dolly is eas ily and quickly crocheted . Pattern Envelope No. R2600 con tains complete crocheting Instruc lions, stlich illustrations, material requirements and finishing dlrec tions. To obtain this pnttern, send 20c in i.uiNt, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nay, 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 3, Calif. 'WONT IT BE A LITTLE UNHANDY BEAVER .'--PULLING OFF A HUB CAP EVERY TIME SOU I HAVE TO PAV FOR A HOT DOG? " r ' f E LE5S LEGS lEeS 0 W!?Z!Zf t UfclfcllMj IT WELL, NOT "W HCW OOVOU AIM TO 3 jlT HA-Ha! OH, SURB-IP A HUNDRED SAuhll R F.rJ8 JT?" N RICH I6"33 TC WD? FURS, nl BUCKS WILL GO THAT R...POUH Wi ft LUCKY, YOU 6P0TTIH' MY ( A RICH 1 I BUT NOT BROKE I JEWELS, A SWHT. HJ ( A DIME HB5E-. A OUflRTER THERE- I 1 ' EVERSIMCE EMBER7)HES SOT SOME KIK1D "CZj,'' MEANWHILE OUR BATH "f THAT CAN'T BEU KMOVYTTSaT" 1 piSCOVERED NOX- DP A NEW DISCOVERY BUSIS1ESS HAS DROPPED J MUCH LONSER J BUT. i T T fT,'!E,H.LJ?P?SvBUTlWE,W0'"L1-E"rJ!' OFF ALARMIK4SLV-OUR 1 RUDY IT'S rWlLBURS DIS T Myp,W LBUR HAS J ME IM OM IT JgA PATIENTS INSIST ON BATH- SETT1MS kcVERY ISSUPPOSEC H BEEM VERV CASX ) N g V INS IM WILBURS LOT OF VOUITE COOL1TO TAKE CARE OF " ff'gVWITH ME.FANNy 7 1 U Jliiijsf MUD AS LONG AS ) Sil J -ALL SEASONS p thar' a few siMPLt precautions one gotta 1 vrofmcrnnFrnZiZsuPAa! TAKE BEFO" CCWMITTIN'A r"o-'!Vli aE WEDOIN'.r . FUST-AID TAT!ON.r ROUND UP A MESS O' MULE- : FUST-CLEAR OUT ALL THE AGED, CHILLUN, AM' CS TEAMS T'CARRV OFF TH' DCAO AN' DYIN'.'T-NOTIFV 1 HELPLESS ANIMALS W THEN -NOTIFY TH'BR ) , WTl TH' HOSPITAL TLAY IN tKTWY STRATT tlACKBT RD' DBPAnXWr AN' TH' MMfcHUNAL UARD T' , SSWV'L THEM WHICH GOE3 STAAK, RAW1N' MAD.'T LAST TIME. 1 I stand m m'A m eurvrr sCSfaC! ah puffawmed aii.s weddin; th' is-yar-old brides ts. , , j, ; M55R HAI TURNED WHITC AFORE ft H WAS HALF-WAV THROUGH L s -r Vi Irlfffrr, AN' th'groom went into a state, of advanced shock, J HERE I AM-BROKE--TSAV,.MUTT,PlD r fwELL, I'DGET V 7t?OH THANKS MUTT Wit's FUN CATChW 1 M AMD THERE'S MUTT EVER TELL YOU HOVlT) SOME VOR.S fWHAT'S fl HAtfeA bOUBLE i SUCKERS! DID P U . IN THERE HAVING I CAU6HT SUCKErI AND PUT THE VORS? J ouocolatE r " ' VOUEVE R TRy J !7 IT LOCKS LIKE THERE! THE HASP OKAV. I'LL LIFT 60LLY! ITS NOTHINS s THEY'RE FILM CANS KTOLP MR.TATE A80UTTHIS T?L?'Sjo?iif 'SM-rl:ET'S T0"83- Bin-ALOTOFCA.PUSTy.MOvlgFILM. R (BOX. HE HAS NO KEY, BUT EASY ENOUfiH OPEN IT. rTWa -s SS!w few JlA p V.'Jlrr. ,e' dwwJ St K-t ,,t 1 PRtU P YOU'RE 5U6GE5TIN6 THAT I -21? BUT WHY? YOU COULD A I I I ' I ' '111 hA.ka.UA.. j iHJ., HEADAN ORGANIZATION TO BUILD FVOiVmn MARRY HANDLE IT.'- YOU DON'T , J, u?c?tL A CHAIN OF CHILDREN'S HOSPITALS,ApT?.TuFNAME EESLPcFtR?Mt" " ICT" V M ma .-WtLL!. -1 NEVER. DREAMED THE VftT S "THE ANVONE ELSE ST-fS1 . V ,-75 T I ALWAYS SJ f-WRAPPED AROUND THE 11 I I KEEP SOME II BATTERIES INTHI5 I I bl PETTY CASH FLASHLIGHT II I 1 ffiat 1 ipC. ju' ' IN THE GLOVE bw I M TWTUdiu Kl U COMPARTMENT. I MM J? "X I H i'f i Will W&H Steve-- jiv jr rstx imfiw MeemvJiils-In the oft ice of local Secret Service aMent- thef - 1 NEVER FOUND OUT WHERE BEAVER LIVED, MR. WEBSTER BUT. IN THIS LOCKET MY SISTER WORE. t THERE'S A PICTURE OF HER AND aALDYTAKEN IN FRONT OF A HOUSE RADIO PROGRAMS y , MONDAY P.M. . KSLM'S KGW Z KOCO V." 'KOIM . I 5:00 Fulton LwU Jr. Womin'i Secret Rhrthm Ranch Cart Huiir , :1A Frank Hem lot way Sunny Side Rhythm Ranch tittle Show ; Paulng Parivda Ntwi Bini Crosby Club 15 M Carmen Cavalarro Richard Barhness Sport fait Edw. R. Mnrrew 6:00 Ted Drake Musical Soiree 'candlellgUt - Kno& Hannlni :15 Ted Drake Musical Soiree Silver Beulah ;3 Adv. el Champion Voice of Newt Cbet Huntley ; Muiie Flreitone Troptcana, Newa 7:00 Gabriel Scatter Telephone Hour Pat O'Brien Radio Theater :1ft Northwest Newi Telephone Hour Musical Jackpot , Radle Theater :S0 Musle Jane Pickens Bandstand Radio Theater ,: l Musle Jane Pickens Dugout Dope Radio Theater 800 American Forum Contented Hour Baseball My Friend Irma :1ft American For. a Contented Hour Baseball Mr Friend Irma :' Cisco Kid Radio City Baseball Bob Hawk Show M ciico Kid Playhouse Baseball Bob Hawk Bhew 9:00 Let George Do It Supper Club Baseball Lowell Thomas :1B Let Georee Do It News of World Baseball Jack Smith Show :3f The Saint One Man's Family Baseball Talent Scouts :4I The Saint One Man's Family Baseball Talent Scouts Jk '00 News - New. Baseball Five Star Final llV1 Seicn ,ooal News Sports Page Final New Round-up Inner Sanctum 1017:30 News Orchestra Track 1 HM Inner Sanetnae 46 Musio . Orchestra ' Track HIH) Bands on Parade H;00 Fulton Lewis 3x. !am Hbyes Track 1400 . Serenade IJ Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track 141)0 You and Worl :S0 Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track 1U0 Orchestra) - This Day Wax Museum Track lt0 News ' UM Sign Off Ofl Sign Oft Heat TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6iOO News Hodge Podga News 16 Dawn Patrol Hodge Podge KOIN Kloek 30 NW Farm News News KOCO Klock KOIN Klock :45 March Time Hodge Podge KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7 00 DawnPatroi" " Farm Time Tex Rltter KOIN KJoefc , ilft Dawn Patrnl Farm Time News Sports News - - :M Dawn Patrol The Old Songs Top Morning News US News News News Fred Beck - 00 'ffewa Smooooth Musle Western Melodies Consumer Newt 115 Breakfast Gang Smooooth Musle Western Melodies Art Baker ;SU Breakfast Gang Riders of Sage Stars Sing Make believe towa ilfi Top Trades Sam Hayes Church In Wild Make believe town 9" loo Bargain Counter Second Cup Time for Melody Feature Storr :16 Musle Second Cup Time for Melody News :80 Sons of Pioneers - Jack Beroh Musle Without Grand Slam ' :45 Morning Special Jews J. Charles Thomas Rosemary a A 100 Northwest News' Tommy Dorsey Guest Artist Wendy Warren Via Katr oVnith Tommy Dorsey N.W. Retort Aunt Jenny 1 1 I. 'go Pastor's Call Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Helen Trent "145 Purple Sage Tommy Dorsey ' Concert Miniature Our Gal Sunday g. tOO News LoBM orcn. Music Mart Big Sister I I 16 Woman of Week Lopes Orch. Music Mart Ma Perkins n -80 Wiles Organal. Today's Children Jan Garber Dr. Malone b U :4d Waits Serenade Lora Lawton Vocal Varieties Guiding Light hm Top Trades Double or Nothing Hollywood Musio Duncan MeLaeA lO'lO News Double or Nothing Hollywood Musle Come Get It 1 '10 Queen for l Day News Newt Norab Drake :I6 Queen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents Brighter Day 1:00 Ladies First Life Beautiful Mac's Melodies 2nd Mrs. Bute .10 Ladles First Road of L.fe Mac's Melodies Perry Mason 80 Northwest News Pepper Young Mao's Melodies Bright A Ughl ,45 Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Air Flo ;qq Tell Neighbors Backstage Wife Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Air W ;i6 Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Air i -80 Organ Reveries Lorenzo Jones Mac's Melodies Columbia Feature) iss1:45 Bing Sings Widder Brown Mac's Melodies Tunefully Yours 3" .(H) Against the Storm A Girl Marries Mac's Melodies News 1A galnst the Storm Portia Faces Life Mao's Melodies Meet the Mlisag - 80 Musle Just Plain Bill Mao's Melodies Meet the Missus 45 Musle Front Page Farrcll Mac-a Melodies . Robert Q. Lewis 400 Lucky V Welcome Travelers Movie Time Robert Q. Lewis ;i6 Lucky 'V Welcome Travelers Philosopher Robert Q. Lewis 30 Nat Brandwynn Aunt Mary Byers Bedlam s Robert Q. Lewis 45 News We Love A Learn Byers Bedlam Robert Q. Lewis DIAL LISTINGS. KEX. M90: KOAC. 550 l.rV ' Monday P.M. 0:00, Bauirrei 11A f.wM- KTtn. C.rmt Harnett 6:00. Keeping Up With Sports) :16 Home Edi- tiont 6:30. Modern Romances! 7:00, Headline Edition: 7:15, Elmer Davis; 7:30 Mr. President i 8:00, Lone Ranger i 8:30, Song Shopi 8:45, Arthur Gaetht 9:00, Railroad Hourt 0:80, Ella Mae Morse; 9:45, Henry J. Taylori 10:00, Richfield Report, en 10:15, Intermexxoi 10:80; Concert Hourt 11:30. Memos to Tomorrow! 13:00, Xtra Hoori 1:00, Sign Off. ICV Tuesday A.M. 4:00, Early Birdt lsS 7:oo, Newsi 7:16, Band Boxi 7:80, Bob Hazen Showi 7:45, Time Tem pos! 8:15, Martin Agronskyi 8:S0, Zeke Manners! 8:45, Tropicanai 9:00, Breakfast Clubl 10:00, Newsi 10:15, Stars of Today; 10:30, Melody Promenade; 11:00, Ted Meloner 11:15, Galen Drakei 11:30, My True Story i 12:00, Betty Crocker; 12:15, Newt! 12:30, Baukhage Talking! 13:45, Club Timei 1:00, Northwesternersi 1:30, Prune Picking Starts - Amity Prune picking will sTiJ f 1 1 wvy m jWqfffi r ACROSS U Caddis fly. 4. Turn to dry 9. Spoiled 12. Sheepiike 13. Court . 14. West Indian sorcery 15. Nuisances 16. Time Intervening; 18. Spur range of the Rockies 20. Escape by . trickery 21. Rain hard 23. Exclamation . of disgust 25. Hewing; tools SI. Pino leaf 36. Come out Into view 87. Manner 38. Tropical tree . 41. Beverage 42. Wiles 43. Negative Ion -45. Implement for turning 47. Amount of weight a vessel may ' carry 49. Water vapor 62. Small fish - 63. Play on words . 64, Reddish-orange dve 27. Robs 29. Triangular end Portions of .Udlngs 65. Above: poatlo 66. Insect 67. Literary composition Jl 33 HP23 93S 9 30 gj . 32 33 M I, PS- 35" PS ,, 47 B p4? SO IS, MiiiFrrt h 1 1 1 1 Newjfeofufes ROOM AND BOARD fes piffle. yp quickihe Vsgg FFSHORE Bf WASNT SEEM -pi.. ST NIGHT IN Ya US YET--GET I 'jK.O-rV. SE HE j ' BACK OF THE PCXf ' JOUNCING BARN HE y-W)V 5 CHIM 7 SAID HE'D TELL AAE ffctfS crS, UOWHESWAWTHE Pi' h ENGLISH CHANNEL A'jn J Jln K VVITHONEARM (l'.tU l-' WHILE HOLDING )-'SMhJr "Te At ALOFT A LETTER. (i&Mt&fi 5-c M ' THE FRENCH P?Sy?SJ'A V4S 'It I l HIMSELF y f f-s. 4J 1 .A f (J I known A Af Monday P.M. 5:00, On the iVMV Upbeat; 8:60, 650 Sports Clab 6:00, Newsi 6:15, Dinner Melodies! :M, Musle of Czechoslovakia! 7:15, Bvtnlu Farm Hourt 8:00, Artistry In Classlesi 8:16, Defense Report; 8:30, Great flongst 8:46, Loggers Fire Weather Forecast! 9:00, Musle That Endures 9:45, Lift -L'p Thy Volcei 10:00, The Newsi 19:15, Serenade! 10:46, Newsi 11:00, Sign Off.. ' A AT Tuesem am. to 6:46 .sa,i -P vML io, News i 10:15. For Women i 11:00, Concert Hall! . 12:00, Newsi U:li Noon Farm Hour) 1:00, Rlde'em Cowbey : 1:15, Variety Timei 1:30, Melody- Lanti . 3:00, Cavalcade of Drama! 8:15 Memers ' Book of Musle; 8:00, The News. - . v Kay West! 3:00, Breakfast In Hollywood 2:30, Easy Aces) 2:45, Meet the Menjoust 3:00, Surprise Package! 3:30. Bride and Groomi 4:00, Ladles Be Seated, 4:30 Adda-Line. begin at the Burch-Wood orchard near Hopewell this week. 3 w E TQN P R A1L ' lvlEl Solution of Saturday's. Puzzlf DOWN 1. Policeman! slang 2. Bail and farewell I. Molest 4. Go In 6. Position At bridge C. Sudden sharp pain "7. Eternity -8. Love to excessi t. Sodium tetraborate) 10. Tolerate 11. Silver coins 17. Flaring out 19. Beginning 21. Wooden pin ' 22. Early English money 24. Shelter for aircraft 27. A son of Nokht variant 28. Shelter SO. Acid fruit 32. Grows lees light 33. Illuminated 34. Bitter vetch 36. Late 38. Courtyard 39. Positive electrlo polo 40. Straight batted ball 42. Makes a preliminary wager 44. Soft feather 46. Countv to North Carolina 48. Firearm 50. Literary bit 51. Is possible 8-2? Bv Gent Ahem Cj"Hb'oIARQ i t A OflU U P jjNflE T A P ASjONT IfIN A S HlJc E P A RUT R K B ZTl R zfmmSji VENA BgN 1 FACEllE MIT ARE AW H A raS T E "AME NO tIrIaIvQcIaInI i n