Four Corners Homes Open To Out of State Visitors Four Corners, Aug. 29 Out of state visitors in the W. J. Sit ton home, 210 S. Elma avenue, where his niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carter Smalley and Wayne Smalley of Van Buren, Mo., and Mrs. Florence Smalley of Kansas City, Mo. They went from here to Los Angeles and Long Beach, Calif., to visit other relatives before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Macomber 41S1 Macleay road, who recent ly moved into their new resi dence had as their guests thi week, his mother and brother Mrs. E. M. Macomber and C. W Macomber of Albany. With a volunteer crew of twenty the painting of the out side of the Fohr Corners Baptist church annex was completed on Monday evening. Coffee and sandwiches were served by the women of the church. More vol unteer help would be appreciat ed to work on the inside of the building. Mr. and Mrs. Hardle Phillips and Janice Phillips, 4075 Beck avenue, left Saturday for Red mond where they will visit his parents over the week-end. Janice will remain for a two Weeks visit with her grandpar ents returning home for school in September. Rita Phillips will accompany her cousin, Janice, for a visit with the grandparents. C. C, Robinson of Salem has purchased the Nick Schweigert property at 3628 La Branche avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Schwei gert and children Diane and Kenny have purchased the prop erty at 345 Richmond avenue, Salem, They moved this week. A surprise visitor this week in the J. T. McFadden home, 4080 Durbin avenue, was Wil liam Nordmark of Covington, Ky., agent for the Delta Air Lines in Cincinnati, O., who flew here for a visit with his mother Mrs. J. T. McFadden. Harry Hart, 4125 Macleay road, a veteran of World War I has gone to the Veterans hos pital in Portland for a short stay. Mrs. Hart accompanied him s far as Oregon City where she visited their daughter and family, the Harold Roleys. Their granddaughter, Joan Roley, turned home with her for ' visit. - House guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Simpson, ' 4060 Durbin avenue, for several weeks was their nephew, - Leslie Hald of Burwell, Neb. He left Thurs day for his home. While here he was a guest soloist on a KOCO studio party with Mrs G. M. Deen as accompanist. M. A. Campbell and daughter Betty of Prlneville were in Four Corners for a few days disposing of their property at 4155 Mac leay road. Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Hallsted of Salem, pur chased the residence and have moved in. Mr. Hallsted is su pervlsor of landscaping at the Oregon State Tuberculosis hos pital. Friends of the Campbells who formerly lived here will be interested to know that they plan to move to Arizona soon Soil-Saving Showy Affair Aumsville, Ore., Aug. 29 Visitors attending the farmers' field day, September 17 on the Irvin Bartels farm, near here, will see two of soil conserva tion's most showy landmarks strip cropping and contour terraces. The soil-saving practices have not, as yet, been used extensive ly on the sloping farmlands of the - Willamette valley. .Best known use of contour strips is Vernon Jette, a supervisor of the Santiam soil conservation district, and a neighbor of Bar tels. The quilt-like pattern of strips stand out on Jette's lands like a huge round "marquee" advertising good land use, More than 150 miles of ter races are now in use in Klickitat county In south-central Wash ington, where nearly 2000 farm ers and ranchers attended the show of conservation farming at Goldendale in May. Three of Oregon's largest users of strip-cropping are Charlie NIsh, Virgil Larson and Art Jaeger whose strips, laid out on the rolling wheatlands of Gilliam county serve as an ef fective buffer to run-off. Laying out of one mile of di version terraces and 246 acres of strip - cropping on Bartels' farm will be features of the Wil lamette valley soil conservation day. Technicians of the Stayton staff of the U. S. soil' conser vation service were scheduled to complete engineering work on the practices this week. Meal Price Drop Due in September Chicago, Aug. 29 (U.R) Meat prices across the country have remained steady, but a spokes man for the National Associa tion of Retail Meat Dealers said today that they are due for a "substantial" drop in Septem ber. A spot check of representa tive cities by United Press show ed little trend in retail prices during the last half of August, despite a decline In hog prices. Strikes Decline Washington, Aug. 29 (U.R) The labor department reported to day that strike activity contin ued on the downgrade in July There wert only 300 new strikes last month, it said, com pared with 375 in June and 450 In May. New July strikes involved 110,000 workers. Hope to Find Lost City Of Queen of Sheba Cairo, Egypt, Aug. 29 (U.R). American Archaeologist Wen dell Phillips said he hopes to un cover an ancient ctiy, rich in gold, which was a center of cul ture in King Solomon's day and now is buried under the desert sands of southern Arabia. Phillips, who arrived in Cairo with Charles Inge, British di rector of antiquities in Aden pro tectorate, said he would leave for California to seek backing for a big expedition. He once led a University of California expedition in Africa. Phillips said he recently Hew from Aden to what may be the site of ancient Tlmma, described by a Roman historian as a "city of 40 temples." Phillips said he believed Tim ma might have been a great center of civilization, perhaps where the Queen of Sheba held court some 2,500 years ago. The site is 150 miles north of Aden near the Yemen border. Vacation Trip Starts Amity Mr. and Mrs., Rob ert Rosenbalm, Sharon and Bob bie left Saturday on an extend ed vacation trip to Kentucky and Tennessee. They will visit Yellowstone park and the Black Hills enroute. To Be Deactivated U, S. Naval shipyard at Long Beach, Calif., (above), has been ordered deactivated by Secretary of Defense Lewis Johnson to practically a custodial basis, throw ing nearly 6,000 civilians out of work, and depriving the Long Beach area of a $2,000,000 payroll. (ACME Telephoto) East Salem Club Members Wait State Fair Opening East Salem, Aug. 29 With the 4-H Marion county club show over, Middle Grove Swine club have listed their awards and after a week's rest will be on hand at the State Fair with their best en tries. ' With Chester White Lewis Paterson placed second with his junior gilts and second with his market hogs. Dale Van Cleave first and championship with his Chester Whites and Gary Doty fourth with his market hog. In Hampshires Marvin Cage placed first with his market hog; Eldon Beutler second and third with his market hog. Eldon also placed first with his junior gilt and Marvin Cage second witn nis market hog. Marvin Cage placed first with his pen of three junior gilts and one sow placed first. With a pen of Durocs Wayne Goode received first and cham pionship for his market pigs and second for one market hog; first for one gilt and second for a pen of junior gilts. Wayne Goode also received the grand cham pionship award for his pen of three over all breeds in pens oi three. Eldon Beutler received a reserved championship for Junior gilts. Marshall Jeldreks placed first with his Burkshire sow. . Wayne and Yvonne Goode also entered chickens a n d eggs Wavne received first for his pen of three white leghorn pullets and a pen with one cockerell and two dullets. Yvonne Goode second for her pen with two pul lets and a cockerel and third for her pen of three pullets. Wayne Goode received a first on eggs and Yvonne third. A new entry this year was in showmanship and Wayne Goode . received third. His entries in garden pro duce received a grand champion ship for produce and third for corn. Mrs. Robert Ballard was hon ored guest as past president of the Lansing Neighbors Garden club for party at the home of Mrs. . Ben Rathen on Lansing ave. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Halbert Kemper was assisting hostess. Mrs. Ballard has been president of the club for the past two years and was presented with a ' vase as a gift. Present were Mrs. Irwin Sion, Mrs. Wil lard Cole,"- Mrs. Marcia Aplet, Mrs. Leland Zajlc, Mrs. Joyce Wilson, Mrs. Roy Lively, Mrs. Ed Tobin, Mrs. George Wilcox, Mrs. R. O. Anderson the honored guest and hostesses. Mrs. Charles A. Barney en tertained members of her sew ing club at their Auburn com munlty home Wednesday after noon. Sewing were Mrs. Henry Hanson, Mrs. Clarice Mahoney Mrs. Warren Shrake, Mrs. btuart Johns and the hostess. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Glenn Moody. . Navy Java Wins in Unification Plan Washington. Aug. 29 (U.R) The air force can fly its old B-36 into the wild, blue yonder any wav it wants to. But when It comes to coffee, it has to drink the navy's brand and like it. Marx Leva, assistant to De fense Secretary Louis Johnson revealed last night that as part of the unification setup, the navy is now roasting coffee for all three services. He said in a nationwide broad cast over the Columbia Broad casting system that the navy is "justly proud of its drana. Missing: Two Teeth Los Angeles. Aug. 29 (U.R) All nerrlel Jones. 6. wants is her two front teeth back. They're false, held together bv a gold bar, and- are worth S350. She took them out to chew some gum and lost them Hop Fiesta Costumes Revealing Ingenuity Independence Fads and fash ions in Independence lately have been confined to one stylish out fit blue jeans and a hop fiesta stenciled "T-"shirt. A few of the more outstand ing get-ups, however, should merit some mention as they dis- played ingenuity in varying their dress. The prize should go to Roy K.uiiander who donned bib ov eralls over his "T-' shirt and looked the perfect part of a gen tleman farmer. Dalivina Robinson added mere color to her costume with a green silk scarf tied around her neck. Ira Mix and Mrs. C. L. Carey wore their "T-"shirts with their its in place of shirt or blouse. There were some, of course, who had to me confined in the hop fiesta "Brig," otherwise known as the hoose-gow. be cause they were not wearing the required dress when the brig came along. Squirt guns were used for ammunition by the fi esta authorities to help enforce the rules. First Generator Early in 1953 The first generator for Detroit dam project, according to terms of bids by contractors, is to be completely tested and ready for commercial operation by February 1, 1953, and the second by the next July 1. Westinghouse Electric corpor ation of East Pittsburgh, Pa., was apparently the low bidder Friday for . furnishing install ing and testing the generators. The bid for the two 55, 555-kva alternating current generators and appurtenances was $2,094,- 979, said to be 20 percent above the current price. At time of de livery cost of the generators is not to exceed this price, but savings will be allowed the government not in excess of the 20 percent. Other bidders were; Allis Chalmers Manufacturing com pany, Milwaukee, Wis., $2, 130,490; and General Electric company, Schenectady, N.Y., $2,164,537. All prices quoted were 20 percent greater than the current price. Detroit dam will be the fourth unit in the Willamette River Basin project to be completed by the Corps of Engineers. Cot- Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 29, 1949 15 Wince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SERVICE RENTALS SALES REPAIRS On All Types Household or Commercial , Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLX GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 NO GREASE HAIR CONTROL H5 "'faH, II' . A yjy m e rea 7 Youi 50c NRULY HAIR I just has to be ae when it ts 'HIS- No ie Hair Control ut without look 'slick" oi oily, taster like it because it's the same fine product their dads and big broth ers prefer At any ags . . an Indispensabls aid to good grooming. CAPITAL DRUG STORE State Liberty "On the Corner"! If you re moving . Want To Know A Secret? You can save up to Half on your moving bill if you Rent a ATruck Truck Rental Service By The Hour-Day-Week-Month Special Refrigeration Trucks Padding at No Extra Cost Gas & Oil Furnished SMILING JACK'S SUPER SERVICE Center and Church Stt. Phone 3-9600 tnge Grove dam on the Coast Fork and Fern Ridge dam on the Long Tom river have been in operation since their completion in 1942. Dorena dam on the Row the river will he comDleted In the fall of this year and will give added flood protection this winter. Detroit dam. when completed. will have a rated capacity of 100,000 kilowatts, while the Big Cliff re-regulating reservoir, 2Vi miles downstream from the dam, will have a capability of producing 30,000 kilowatts. Early Registration Starts at Lebanon Lebanon Early registration by all students new In the dis trict is urged by A. Burleigh Cash, principal of the Lebanon union high school. The office will be open each day beginning Monday he announces. He ex pects assignment of all new stu dents to be made before the op ening school day, September 12. Registration fees may be paid at the office any time before the opening day and students are urged to take care of this mat ter before the rush of the first day. Students who made out pre- registration forecasts last spring need not report before Sept. 12 unless a change in subjects se lected at that time is desired. Cash said. Registration on the first day of school last year was 1620. Biggest clam shell weighs as much as 500 pounds. Nothing Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades W alto wih, retape, paint and rviUl rour old Venetian blinds. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Fret Estimate Phons S-732S 14.13 Huge St. West Sulrm We give S&H Green Stamps $$ MONEY $$ FHA 4V5 Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Aoto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. Hi;h St. Lie 821 -SttM One hundred fourteen thous and tons of spinach were shipped fresh to markets in the United States in 1948. U-Pick Peaches! Improved Crawfords Improved Albertas Bring Your Own Containers Orchard Open 7 Days a Week Every Night Until Dark $ Ua PER BUSHEL LaFollette's Mission Orchard Here Are Your Directions: Phone 3-1445 Drive north on River Road 1 V4 mile past Keller Sehool. Turn left and follow Mission Bottom Road signs to LaFollette's Mission Orchards. for ALL-PURPOSE transportation Its Beauty Comfort and Ease of Handling appeal to her . . . The completely new FORD PICKUP is the woman's car on the tarm from Cottage Grove fe Lyndtn, from Spokane to the sea; Wenafchee, Bend or Lewlsfon Wherever you may be For handy transtportatlon Throughout our Greaf Norfhwesf, The womenfolk will 111 you They ike Ford's Pickup besf. The '49 Ford was awarded the Fashion Academy Gold Medal as the "Fashion Car of the Year" Ask your Ford Dealer about Ford's $100,000 Safely Contest for all makes oj carsl VALLEY MOTOR (0. TRUCK DEPARTMENT Marian at Liberty Phone 3-3147