MONG brides-elect telling plant for their approaching nupiiais is k Mica .Tnnii-x Middleton. who is to be married Saturday, September 10, to LaVern Hiebert. The service will be at 8 o'clock in the evening in the First Me thodist church, the Rev. Brooks Moore officiating. Soloist lor the service will be Ronald Craven. Lighting the tapers will be Miss Bar bara Smith and Miss Marian Sayre, the latter of Brooks. Mrs. Allan Bartlett of Oceanlake will be matron of honor. Bridesmaids are to be Miss Lois Ruecker, Miss Patricia Car ver and Miss Barbara Halvarson. Jerry Clay will be best man and ush '' ering will be Darwyn Hiebert, a brother ' of Mr. Hiebert; Dan McCall and Richard Cole. i The reception following is to be in the Carrier room at the church. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mrs. Lee Crawford, Mr. Hiebert the son of . Mr. and Mrs. Nels E.: Hiebert. By Marian Lowry Fischer -ISS MARJORIE Tate, who is to be married the evening of Saturday, September 10, to Law rence E. Christian of Lebanon, is an nouncing members of the wedding party. The service will take place at 8 o'clock that evening in the First Congre gational church, Dr. Seth R. Hunting ton officiating. Mrs. Robert Bryant, Portland, a Delta Delta Delta sorority sister of the bride-to-be, is to be matron of honor. The four bridesmaids are to be Mrs. John P. Maulding (Margaret Jane Cooley), Mrs. . John Gilbertson of Eugene, Miss Patri cia Christian of Lebanon, sister of Mr. Christian, and Miss Virginia Nikand. Loree King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verle King of Silverton, cousin of the bride-elect, is to be flower girl. Alan , McEachran of Milwaukie will be best man and serving as ushers will be Tho mas Young of Haines, William Juza of , Lebanon, Donald Van Zyl of Gresham and John P. Maulding. The ushers will light the tapers. Soloist for the wedding is to be Mrs. Scott Adams (Elizabeth Nelson) of Portland and Jean Hobson Rich will be at the organ. The reception following is to be in the church fireplace room. Miss Tate is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ulwin M. Tate of Sublimity, Mr. Christian the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Christian of Lebanon. Plans for her wedding are being an nounced by Miss Yvonne Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gray, Sr., who is to be married the morning of Wednes day, September 7, to Dale Crandall, son of Dale Crandall, Sr., of Merced, Calif. The ceremony will be solemnized at 11 o'clock that date in St. Paul's Episco pal church, the Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Mrs. Frank Hrubetz is to be soloist, Mrs. Raymond Barton to play the organ. Lighting the tapers will be the two ushers, William Hempy and George Paris, both of Eugene. Mrs. E. L, Gray, Jr., is to be matron of honor for her sister-in-law and the best man is to be Harry Stewart of Merced, Calif. The reception following is planned at the Gray residence. Misi Lovella O'Brien, bride-elect of Ralph Lindahl of Dallas, was honored at a bridal shower for which Mrs. Ray Bairey and Mrs. Gladys Schollian were hostesses Thursday evening at the Bai rey home. Bidden to the party were Miss O'Bri en, Miss Rita O'Brien, Mrs. Elizabeth O'Brien, Mrs. George Lindahl, Mrs. Em ma Lindahl, Mrs. Carl Steelhammer, Mrs. E. Whitaker, Miss Josephine Nolan, Mrs. Leonard Howe, Mrs. Jack Hunt, Miss Norma Jane Boles, Miss Mildred Toombs, Mrs. Genevieve Olsen, Mrs. Ro bert Van Orsdcl, Jr., Miss Emma Belt, Mrs. Ray Olsen, Mrs. Louis Nichol, Mrs. Victor Buckingham, Miss Donna Seay, Miss Bernlce Ruettgers, Mrs. Robert Lard, Mrs. Marie Bertram, Mrs. Betty Weston and the two hostesses. Miss O'Brien and Mr. Lindahl are to be married September 9. The ceremony will be at 8 o'clock in the evening in the Carrier room at the First Methodist church, the Rev. Brooks Moore officiat ing. Miss Rita O'Brien will attend her sister and George Lindahl will be best man for his brother. The reception fol lowing also will be in the church. Mrs. Roger Schnell and Mrs. Robert Elgin will be hostesses Monday evening for the Spinsters club meeting, the event to be at the home of Mrs. Schnell'a mother, Mrs. John 8. Beakey, On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Waller Kirk will entertain at an all-day party at their summer home at Devil's lake, guests to Include members of Mrs. Kirk's bridge club and their husbands. Brunch will be served at noon and during the afternoon, Mr. Kirk is to christen his new boat by taking guests for rides on the lake. In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Macdonald and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. El liott of Portland, Carl Gabrielson, all as additional guests; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Becke, Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Poorman, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Maison and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, and the hosts. Miss Charlotte Alexander leaves this week-end for Seattle to spend a few days visiting friends. A daughter, who has been named Karen Sue, was born Wednesday, Au gust 24 to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Showers i. wumuiiu, iaui. uranaparenu are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carter of Salem, Mrs.. Showers being the former Marian Car ter. Mrs. Carter is leaving this week end to spend a time at the Showers home In Oakland, Miss Kathleen Hug is expected to arrive from Portland at the mid-week to spend a month's vacation here with hmt mother, Mrs. George Hug. Busy School Days Are Near .... -1 J'' V . ' ' I ': ''' tzar - V V- V1,", . , . " " ' . ",,. ' ' ' ' , t " ' f (Jetn-Mlller studio picture.) ANOTHER SET OF sisters to go away for college are Miss Joan Barnes, at left, and Miss Suzanne Barnes, daughters of Mrs. Chester A. Downs. Joan has chosen Lewis and Clark ' college in Portland and Suzanne will enter Oregon State college. Both are to be freshmen. College Plans Big Interest Now "Away to college" is the big interest for many Salem girls right now and these next two weeks will be busy ones for the girls and their mothers alike with preparations under way to get wardrobes in readiness and other details arranged for the opening of school. As usual interest centers on the choice of schools for the freshmen, and Salem Is sending off a large crop of them this year. Miss Margaret Acton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Acton, leaves next Friday for Pullman, Wash., to enter Washington State college. To University of Oregon at Eugene, leaving September 11, will go as freshmen, Miss Marjorie Becke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Becke; Miss Catherine Sieg mund, daughter of Floyd Siegmund; Miss Shirley Karsten, daughter of the W. P. Karstens; Miss Ann Carson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carson; Miss AUie Lou Ohling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling. Oregon State college, its freshmen week to begin September 18, is drawing a large contingent of local girls to Corvallis. Among them are Miss Shirlee New bry, daughter of Secretary of State and Mrs. Earl T. Newbry; Miss Diane Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Perry; Miss Marijo Ogle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ogle; Miss Thais Crandall, daughter of the F. Bruce Crandalls; Miss Barbara Zumwalt, daughter of the Chester Zumwalts; Miss Beverly Beakey, daughter of Mrs. John S. Beakey; Miss Audrey Simmons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Simmons; Miss Jean Clement, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Clement; Miss Dorothy McCall, daughter of Fred S. McCalls; Miss Joanne Hen drle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hendrie. Misses Suzanne and Joan Barnes, daughters of Mrs. C. A. Downs, will both be freshmen this year, but at different schools. Suzanne will be among those enrolling at Oregon State college, Joan to enter Lewis and Clark collge at Portland. Miss Margaret Smith, younger daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, is leaving early in September for Greencastle, Ind., to enter DePauw university as a freshman, her sister, Miss Sara Louise Smith, leaving at the same time to go 1o Lynchburg, Va., to begin her junior year, at RaYidolph-Macon Women's college. ( It & Girod-Halvarson Wedding Sunday A candlelight ceremony in the First Methodist church is planned for the wedding of Miss Barbara Jean Halvar son and Stanley T. Girod, Sunday eve ning, the service sto be solemnized at 8:30 o'clock with the Rev. Brooks Moore officiating at the double-ring service. The bride-lo-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Halvarson and Mr. Girod is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Girod. Lighted tapers will glow down both aisles, the candelabrums to be decorated with white blooms and ribbons. Baskets of white and variously shaded pink glad ioluses and asters will decorate the church front and altar. Gordon Pratt of Portland is to be the soloist, singing "How Do I Love Thee," "Through the Years" and the "Lord's Prayer" before the service. Miss Jessica Kinsey will be at the organ. The taper lighters, Mrs. Merritt Wood of Mayfield, Wash., and Miss Louise Ulvin, will wear sea green organdy frocks designed with white collars and sashes, and they will wear wreaths of pink blooms in their hair. Wears Ivory Satin To be given in marriage by her father, Miss Halvarson has chosen a heavy ivory salin gown for her wedding. The dress is cut with a soft roll encircling the shoulders, a yoke of ivory nylon net, long sleeves pointed at the wrists and a train. The bride is to wear pearls, a gift of Mr. Girod. The Ivory French silk illusion veil, fingertip length will be arranged from a bonnet type head dress of shirred net scattered with seed pearls. For her flowers the bride will, carry white baby orchids centered with white beganias from her father's garden. Miss Barbara Schultz of Forest Grove is to be the honor attendant. Her dress is of rose organdy designed with white organdy collar and sash and a very full skirt with the gathered fullness in back. She will wear a shepherdess hat in rose color, tied with a bow under the chin, and mitts matching the gown. Her flow ers will be begonias in different shades of pink fashioned in a basket with a aatin handle to match her gown. Miss Janice Middleton and Mist Alice Girod, sister of Mr. Girod, are to be bridesmaids. Their (own will be iden at Hand Again Mum tical in style to that of the maid of honor but in the pink organdy. Their shep herdess hats and mitts also will match their gowns and they will carry the baskets of begonias with the satin han dles matching the dresses. All the be gonias for the flowers are from the Halvarson garden. Standing with Mr. Girod as his best man will be his brother, Howard Girod. Ushering will be Robert Singleton, Earl Cooley, Eugene Fowler and LaVern Hie bert. Mrs. Halvarson is to be gowned in a changeable wine taffeta dress with black accessories and black lace mitts for her daughter's wedding and she will wear rose-colored roses in her hair. Mrs. Girod, mother of the bridegroom, is to wear a fuchsia crepe gown with white accessories and gloves, and a corsage of white roses. Aunt Assists t The reception is arranged in the Car rier room at the church. Mrs. Kenneth Cunningham, aunt of the bride, will serve the cake. Mrs, Ross Slyter of Portland will be at the coffee urn. and Mrs. Louis Girod of Tigard at the punch bowl. Miss Amy Girod and Miss Mari lyn Nichols are to have charge of the gifts and passing the guest book will be Miss Pauline Girod. Mrs. Allan Bart lett, Mrs. Bob Lee Smith, Miss Fern In gram and Miss Elcanora Loveless will be assisting at the reception. Rose, pink and white begonias and sweet peas will decorate the reception room. , For going away the bride has chosen a gold suit dress with eggshell coat, mocha brown accessories and corsage of white baby orchids. Following a trip to Washington the couple will be at home in Portland, both to attend Lewis and Clark college this fall. Both have been attending Willamette university, the bride being a member of Alpha Chi Omega on the campus here. Mrs. James Dunn and Mrs. Keith Gwynn were hostesses at the home of the former Thursday evening at a mis cellaneous shower honoring Mrs. Dan' Morley. Twenty-five were bidden. A late aupper followed an informal evening. Mrs. Kenneth Kohnen of Eugene and Miss Betty Childs of Portland will be out-of-town guests here for the buffet supper and linen shower for which Mrs. Carl E. Nelson and her daughter, Mrs. William Ean of Portland, are to enter tain next Wednesday evening at the f I . ' ' i 1 4 - f . r i V ,!f, jf f f ' I if ' ' i I " ' , l" i :a wr. ;l fly ' .... (Jesten-Miller studio picture, TO COLLEGES IN the mid-west and east go Miss Sara Louise Smith, at left, and her sister, Miss Margaret Smith, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith. Sally will be junior at Randolph-Macon College for Women in Lynchburg, Va., following two years at Willamette. Margie will enter as a freshman at DePauw university in Greencastle, Ind, A group of 16 has been bidden' to a miscellaneous shower and late supper for which Mrs. A. R. Tartar is to enter tain Monday evening in compliment to Miss Carol Young, bride-elect of Frank Lauritzen of Oakland, Calif., and Miss June Young, who is to wed Stanley Ralph Underwood of McMinnville. At the party will be the Misses Young ' and their mother, Mrs. Hubbell A. Young, Mrs. J. L. Kennedy, Mrs. Allan Johns, Mrs. Willard Wirtz, Mrs, Stan-' ley McKay, Mrs. Marie Ling, Mrs. Lu cille Burnett, Mrs. Howard Jenks, Mrs. C. C. HigginS, Mrs. Claude Steusloff, Mrs. E. A. Young, Mrs. Roy Nutting of Albany, Mrs. Emerson Teague, Mrs. Flo Nutting of Albany, Mrs. Howard Mix, . Mrs. Thomas Kenagy and the hostess. . Among visitors in the capital is Miss Marie Churchill of Portland who is here until the first of the month at the home, of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Weller. A dinner party is being given this eve ning by Dr. and Mrs. Horace McGee and Dr. and Mrs. Maynard Shiffer at the home of the former, bridge games to follow the dinner. , , (McEwan studio picture.) AN ATTRACTIVE BRIDE whose wedding look place August 20 was Mrs. Theodore R. Flook, Jr., the former Miriam Shellenberger. She is the daughter of Mrs. A. G. Matherly of Sitem, Mr. Floot the too of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Flook of Portland. The couple will live la SaKob - Nelson residence to ' honor Miss Flor ence Duffy, bride-elect of John S. Hor ton. Mrs. Kohnen is the sister of Mr. Horton. Thirty guests have been in vited, the party being a mother and daughter one. t " ark ),.':.' ;; Mr.-and Mrs. Keith Brown are to be hosts, this evening at a dinner and in formal evening at their country home for a group of 12 friends. Members of the board for Eta chap ter, Beta Sigma Phi, will meet Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Burl Cox. Mrs. George Giustina and Miss Anita McGuire of Eugene will be luncheon guests of Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, Monday, the visitors being en route to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wilson, Jr. will be hosts for an informal at home at their Fairmount Hill residence Sunday, complimenting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bon awitz, who recently moved to the capital from Portland. Mrs. Bonawitz is a sister of Mrs. Wilson. Guests have been bidden to call be tween' 3 and 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell are to assist the hosts. ' .Miss Patricia Long and Miss Patricia Carver are to be 'hostesses next Thurs day evening at a dessert party and pan try shower to honor Miss Janice Middle ton, September bride-elect of LaVern Hiebert. A group of 14 has been bidden, the party to be at the home of Miss Long. " $ , , 4,1 J J 1 -yu.iyirh Tvti ,: ; ; TIM 1 KNIGHT Memorial church will be the setting for a wedding of in terest Sunday evening when Miss Norma Jane Cass, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Luis A. E. Cass, Salem will be mar ried to Richard Martin Thurin, son of Mrs. Reynold Thurin of Altadena, Calif., and Reynold Thurin of La Canada, Calif. The church will be decorated in white and pastel gladioluses and candlelight for the service, the Rev. Louis E. White to read the vows at 8:30 o'clock. Preceding the service, Miss Beverly Kenney is to sing "Because" and "Al ways," Mrs. Clifton Cass, sister-in-law of the bride, to be at the organ. Lighting the tapers will be Miss Mavis Eggens and Miss Shirley Long. , Both will wear aqua gowns. Mr. Cass is to give his daughter in marriage. The wedding gown is of white satin, fashioned in princess style with a lace yoke and large bertha, and a long train. The fingertip 'veil is to be ar ranged from a headpiece of the veil ma terial. . For her flowers, the bride is to carry a cible with baby orchids. Five Attendants . Mrs. Richard Givens (Charlotte Wil liams) will be matron of honor, wearing an aqua gown.1 Miss Frances Gilbert, Miss Vclma Dsvis, Miss Ramona Evans and Mrs. Lewis Sturgis are to be brides maids. The attendants will te in gowns matching in style te- bride's dress e--cept they will not have yokes, two nf them in gold, tvo in pqua. Their flowers . will be bouquets of gold chrysanthe mums. Four-year-old Peggy Lee Cass will be flower girl for her aunt and will wear an aqua organdy frock and carry gold flowers. Attending Mr. Thurin as best man will te James Ma?on of 'Los Angeles and actin? as ushers will be Clifton Cass, brother of the bride-to-be', James Car son, John Petty and Patrick Tynan. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Cass is to be in a gray gown with corsage of rosebuds. The reception following is arranged in the church fireplace room. Cutting the cake will be Mrs. Clifton Cass, sister-in-law of the bride, and pouring will be Mrs. Eva Arnett. Assisting at the reception will be Mrs. Donald Dill, Mrs. Donald Smith, Miss Lois Johnson, Miss Harriett Thurin, Miss Betty Canter. The couple plan a trip to southern Oregon beaches. For traveling the bride is to wear a rose suit with white acces sories and a corsage of white orchids. After September 10 the couple are to be at home at 1809 S. W. 11th, King Al bert apartments, Portland. Both are former Oregon State college students. Recent -visitor at the Robert W. Wil son, Jr. home was the former's brother, Howard W. Wilson, recently of Ray mond, Wash. Mrs. Howard W, Wilson and daughter are spending the summer in Victoria, B.C. .' Preparations are under way for the start of freshman and rushing week at Willamette university, September .14. Students will be arriving on the cam pus September 12 and 13. The four sororities in the Willamette Panhellenic group have parties arranged for September 14, 15, 16 and 17. The preference luncheon is to be given Sep tember 17, the preference banquet that evening with formal bidding following. After bids are accepted the girls will go to their respective houses tor firesides; Panhellenic groups at Willamette in clude Pi Beta Phi, Chi Omega, Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Gamma. A meeting of the campus Panhellenic is to be held the week-end freshman week opens, reports Mrs. C. R. Nelson, Panhellenic adviser on the campus. . Rehearsal Eyents Several rehearsal parties are on the calendar next week in conjunction with early September weddings. - Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Emmons are to entertain Wednesday evening at a buffet dinner at their home to honor their daughter, Miss Margaret-Jane Emmons, and her fiance, John H. Syme of Parma, Idaho. The affair will be at 5:30 o'clock, . preceding the wedding rehearsal. About 30 will be in the group, including all members of the wedding party and rel atives. Mr. and Mrs" James C. Syme, parents of Mr. Syme, and sons, Donald, Jim and Bruce, and daughter, Miss Jeanne Syme, will arrive Wednesday afternoon from Parma. The Syme-Emmons wedding is to be an event of Thursday evening, Septem ber 1, in the First Presbyterian church, the reception following also to be in the church. Thursday Event , Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Schnell are to be hosts Thursday at a party for their daughter, Miss Phyllis Schnell, and her fiance, Robert W. Strebig, the affair to precede the wedding rehearsal. In the group will be members of the wedding party and the parent's and families of the young couple. Miss Schnell and Mr. Strebig are to be married next Friday evening, Sep tember 2, in the First Congregational church, the reception following to be at the Schnell residence. Entertain Friday Mr. and Mrs Hubbell A. Young have arranged a buffet dinner for next Friday evening at their home at 6 o'clock, hon oring their daughters, Misses Carol and June Young and their respective fiances, Frank Lauritzen of Oakland, Calif., and Stanley Ralph Underwood of McMinn , ville. The dinner will precede the wed ding rehearsal, the two couples to be married at a double ceremony Satur day evening, September 3, in the First Presbyterian church. Attending the dinner will be all mem bers of the wedding party and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Lauritzen, parents of Mr. Lauritzen, are to arrive from Oakland, Calif., that day, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Paul Childs, their son, William Lauritzen. and their son-in-law, James Watt, also all of Oak land. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley King Un derwood of Los Angeles, parents of Mr. Underwood, are to arrive Saturday morning for the wedding, accompanied by friends.