10. se all lot of as ne er 11a in pr Sv CO CO A be go 5h ba wl lu at se hi hi t fe Xc d 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Baturday, August 27, 1949 Rn-v . it - i i t v. Final Concert of Season Set Sunday The final season program of the Salem Municipal band will be played in Willson park Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock. This concert, Director Maurice Bren nen laid, ii sponsored by the American Federation oi music ians through its recording fund. The program follows: AcropolU Maroh King In a Monutery Garden Xetelbey runrv nt th OrMiron AHord Love Scene lrom "Borli Godounov" MOUMorxsKr Pmiiii Paelflo Alfoid Intern) luton Selection from "Sweetheerta" .. Herbert Espn Welti Waldtenfel Ooldtn Oate March Ooldman Star Dtut Carmlchael I'll see You in My ureama . . jonw-iiin E. W. (Hap) Hewitt, above veteran Salem police officer, will again be in charge of policing the grounds during the Oregon State Fair in Sa lem, September 5 to 11. Be low Joe Simeral, veteran man ager of the ticket department of the Oregon State Fair, has good reason to smile. Advance ticket sales to the fair's horse racing program, stage revue, and horse show-rodeo are far away the heaviest in history. Legionnaires In Philadelphia Philadelphia, Aug. 2 () Delegates to the 31st national American Legion convention be gan streaming into Philadel phia today with many appar ently intent on naming a World War Two veteran as their new commander. As the city gradually took on a holiday atmosphere, two vet erans of the last war plunged Into the business of meeting delegates and lining up support. They are George N. Craig, Bra xil, Ind., attorney, and Earl Cocke, farmer and railroad man, of Dawson, Ga. A third candidate Is expected to establish campaign head quarters by tonight James F. Green, Omaha, Neb., attorney. Election of one of those three would mark the first time top control of the legion passed out of the hands of World War One veterans. Legion spokesmen have indi cated they believe the race will narrow down to a three-way scrap between Craig, Cocke and Green. But while the $lS,000-a-year Job is of intense Interest to ev ery legionnaire the big show, as far as the public is concerned, .will be Tuesday's parade of 18, 000 marchers. Legion officials say it will be the biggest and showiest ever put on. One official said cos tumes, musical instruments and equipment for the 15-hour par ade are valued at $5,000,000. He added that the national championship band from Joilet, 111., Is bringing uniforms and Instruments worth about $65, 000 alone. Keizer School Will Seek Additional Room Space Keizer, Aug. 27 At a special meeting of the Keizer school board Friday night, a decision was reached to advertise for bids as soon as complete plans can be prepared for construction of addi tional classroom facilities, provided that successful bids are re ceived by the board next week on the $48,000 board issue ap proved by the voters on August 10. Preliminary sketches pre sented by Frederick H. Eley, ar chitect, who has been retained by the board were approved. Bids will be called for on work consisting of removal of the old school building from its pres ent location to a new site north of the Keizer Grange hall; com pletion of one classroom and a library room on the back of the new school building; and a three room extension on the back or west end of the north wing of the new building. The architect was instructed to rush the plans to completion in or der that advertisement for bids can be placed as soon as possi ble. It is hoped that a contract may be awarded and construc tion begun not later than Octo ber 1. i In this connection the board points out that subject to com pletion of at least a portion of the new facilities around the first of the year it will be neces sary, because of lack e space, to double shift probably the first and second grades, although the exact extent of the double shift ing that will be required cannot be determined until after the pre-school registration is held next Tuesday and Wednesday, August 30 and 31. Members of the school board are: Ralph B. Sipprell, chair man; William L. Woelk, and Ray H. Lafky Assist With "Bank" Independence Serving at the blood bank in Monmouth were Mrs. R. M. Walker, Mrs. C. A. Fratzke, Miss Myra Montgom ery, and Mrs. C. H. Harwood of Independence; and Mrs. Hattie Schweizer, Mrs. Hugh Van' Loan and Mrs. Gilbert Prime of Mon mouth. The blood bank will re turn to this area in November. Roy M. East Line Gets Fare Increase Roy M. East, operator of a bus service between Salem and Til lamook, via Valley Junction, is given a permit to increase rates in an order signed by George H. Flag, publie tttiUtlM sem- mlssioner. IhCi nHf inn was for author ity to adjust the intermediate ap plication rule and cancel in in dividual 40-ride scholar commu tation book, and also to increase certain passenger fares. The findings in the erder hold the petition Justified. END OF THE MONTH SHOE REPAIR SPECIAL Leather or Composition Half-Soles $1.29 For All the Family Offer Good Mon.-Tues.-Wed., Aug. 19-11 Fast While tl Wait Service SHOE REPAIR DOWNSTAIRS Stat Farm Mutual . Announces A cut in auto insurance costs Oregon Driven Will Sav UP TO 20 State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance Company CALL Art Holscher 37921 Tractor Bargain H-D-10 with drum and blade for balance of contract. You pick up th payments. This tractor in A-l condi tion. Se at Bird & Zyssetr 871 Wallace Road Opn Sunday STATE FARM MUTUAL announces . . . Savings for Oregon drivers announced by world's largest auto insurance company Today comes the best news in many years for every family driving a car! The world's largest automobile insurance company has just announced a 10 reduction in collision and a 20 reduction in comprehensive (fire, wind, theft, etc.) insurance rates. Why savings are possible Three reasons make it possible for State Farm Mutual to give car drivers the benefits of lower insurance rates at this time: 1. State Farm is a Mutual company. Whenever savings in operation can be made, these savings are immediately passed on to the huge family of more than one and one-third million policyholders. During 1948 our cost of operation was reduced. These savings are being shared with policyholders, new and old, in the form of reduced insurance rates. 2. State Farm Mutual policies are written for a six-month period rather than the usual twelve-month period. It is therefore possible to refigurt rates and make savings available at more frtqutnt Intervals. 3. The ideals and principles of State Farm Mutual are embodied in the insuring of only careful drivers. This keeps down the number of accidents among Statd Farm policyholders keeps our cost of operation down to the minimum. Who is eligible All car-owning families may take advantage of State Farm Mutual's new low rates on auto insurance. It doesn't matter whether the car you drive is new of old. The only requirement is that you are a careful driver and maintain your caf in good physical condition. The hundreds of thousands already insured by State Farm Mutual will enjoy the benefit of these lower rates on their next renewals, although renewal notices now in the mailing process, of necessity, are based on former rates. For full details... A Contact your friendly State Farm representative; He Is if jr trained insurance agent. He will be glad to advise you on j all your insurance problems. Look under "State Farm Io surance Companies" in your telephone book; 1 FIVE reasons why it pays to insure with State Tarn. State Farm Mutual's rates are now lower because State Farm is a mutual com? pany issuing six-month policies and seeking to insure only careful drivers. For your extra security, State Farm provides twice as much public liability pro tection plus five times as much property damage protection as is required by any state financial responsibility law. Sound management, financial stability assure prompt payment of legitimate claims. . State Farm Mutual is the largest automobile insurance company in the world; 7,500 representatives at your service, coast to coast, in the U. S. and Canada.- Ctift and Save this COUpOlt to rtmind you of tit reductions in auto insurance costs Statt Farm Mutual is now offering careful drivers m mm wmjim. tm tm.m&m See your phone book for your State Farm representative's name D ! D I n s D 2& For YOUR FALL HEATING NEEDS ' CONVERSION BURNERS 'FURNACES BOILERS CIRCULATORS GAS FURNACES 9 CIRCULATORS 'BOILERS CONVERSION BURNERS Wood and Sawdust Furnaces SAVE FUEL COSTS! Let Us Vacuum Clean Your Furnace! IP E E and Son 540 Hood St. Ph. 3-3603 CALL 3-3603 OIL