10 Capital Journal, Salem, The HOUSE on by A? Nawafaefarao (ChaDter 7) Beacon Street had long; since seen better days. The houses were all of a uniform ugliness and were long past their prime. The inside of Number 38 was not as forbidding as the outside, but the apparent neatness was that of a housekeep er whose method of tidying up Is limited to sticking odds and ends in drawers and behind doors. Like her house, there were few pretentions about rifi Warnock. Such character as she possessed could be read on her face and could be described In one word, "Avarice." Most of her life had been spent wanting things she never got, and from morning till night, she never ceased berating her hus band for his failure to provide her with what she termed the simple luxuries of life. The years had en abled Ben Warnock to adapt him self nagging; In fact, he rarely heard her, so well had he trained himself. It was barely twenty minutes to ten when Fill heard the sound of feet on the veranda. Not waiting for the bell to ring, she opened the door. She stood aside to let William Owens pass her, "Go riant into the front room and make yourself at home," she bustled. "I sure am anxious to hear If that business you talked to me about can be worked out." "There's no doubt about it Mrs Warnock." he replied. "All the ar rangements have been made. Mind you, it's a bit unethical, but you and I know that the ultimate pur- nose Is to surprise your nusoand After all, it's perfectly legitimate to take out a policy of Insurance on his life. His being notified of the fact Is a mere technicality a mere technicality." He beamed at her smugly. Opening his briefcase, which lay beside him on the couch, he began to sort several papers. "Here we are." He looked up at her. "A few more questions to be answered, and then I'll Just get you to sign these, and that's all there Is to it. in view 01 nis present age, a physical examina tion will, of course, be unneces sary." The agent completed several par ticulars. "There now. If you'll Just sign at the bottom." He held the ap plication form flat on his briefcase while Mrs. Warnock signed where he indicated. She looked up at him inquir ingly. "When will I get the pol icy, and when am I supposed to pay?" He laughed at her eagerness. "You pay your part of the first premium today. We'll look after , the balance, as I explained to you. I'll see that your policy is rushed through. It might be wise for you to pick the policy up yourself. Three of us have a sort of headquarters at this end of town, In a laundry store, the Lib erty Laundry on Maple Street. Do you know it?" Fill nodded. "I know about where it is." "Fine." Owens stuffed the papers back into the case. Methodically, he screwed the cap on his pen and dinned it Into his doc', et. "Come In sometime Saturday morning, and I'll have everything ready lor you." He looked about him. "Yes, in deed, Mrs. Warnock, you've made an excellent Investment, and I know you won't regret it. It'll give you a sense of security." Aunt Sarah Murzon regarded Derrla with a baleful look. "You're foolish and obstinate." Sarah said angrily. Derrla put her arms around Sarah's thin shoulders. "I think you're Just a bit peeved that you weren't here when It all happened. Look, I'm not exactly accustomed to being made a fool of. Nobody's going to walk in on me and ask for my help, and then walk right out of the picture when It suits them not to mention the nerve of taking my car to do 11 with. "I haven't anything much to go on," ahe continued, "but I feel that I owe It to myself to go back to where It all started and take a look around. "No," she Interrupted, as Sarah was about to protest, "I don't wani Top News Millinery designers are featuring the "little calot" as ta)s lor lata summer and early fall, so show your fashion know how by making this headline edi tion rlRht away. Easily and quickly crocheted of wool yam, the calot has a charm and versatility which makes It wearable and flattering to all ages and types. ROOM AND BOARD . 7 THIS PLACE WAS H16HLV W J TOUTED BY A FELLOW WHO W U RUNS THE FREIGHT ELEVATOR. "1 b AT THE WAREHOUSE WHERE Z IK ROBIN WORKS' r CAN M 5-JL WOULD ENJOY TVO WEEKS J & UNCH I AND A Stow LrSna ANYPLACE WHERE HE J HALF Of A) V Ore., Saturday, August 27, 1949 LILAC STREET FRED BAYARD you to go alonir. If I'm going to eet anywhere at all, I ieei i can do better alone, you old watchdog." The latter part of the sentence was accompanied by a tender look which belied the harsh words. "I'll drive you into the viuage," Derrla said, returning with a large wicker shopDmit basket, "Get to gether all your stuff. It won't take me out of my way at all. and you'll I be through with your marketing that much earner." Most of the local farmers and market gardeners had stalls, and! it was toward one of these that! Sarah now made her way. "One moment," Maria KORsetu said. "I Just leenish thees," indicat ing a number of parcels she was! wrapping for a customer. This com pleted, she came over toward aaran.i With an odd. almost furtive air. she asked: "Mees Derria. she is all right?" I The tone of the Question, rather! than the Question itseu, puzzled I Sarah? "Derrla? Why, certainly. She i drove me in to shop this morning, and then she went to the city on an errand. Why do you ask?" Maria appeared confused, almost as li sne regretted having spoken. I She did not answer at once, but bee an to gather up Sarahs parcels. Leaning forward to take Sarah's shopping basket, Maria spoke so softly that Sarah could barely hear her. "Tell Mees Derria I come over to morrow, Sometimes when I get a chance. " A woman was apporaching the fitana. maruea dv ine unexpect edness of Maria's remarks, Sarah felt more questions rushing to her lips. She felt the basket pushed quickly Into her hands. "Plees. you don't forget your bas ket," Maria gave her a long look mat. somehow, seemed to sound warning, and turned toward the new customer. (To Be Continued) Weskil-KH-t set kit the newest idea in mix-match seta! No. 3098 Is cut In sizes 10, 12, 14, 16. 18 and 20. Size 16 skirt, Vk yds. 54-ln.; cap sleeve weskit, 1 yds. 54-in.; sleevlcss wcsklt, l'i yd. 54-ln. Just out! The FALL-WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over- 150 practical. easy-to-sew. up-to-iue-minute pat tern designs for all ages. Remember, it's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. price Just 20 cents. To obtnin this pattern, send 35c In COINS, giving pattern number, vour name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street San Fran cisco 3. Calif. Pattern envelope No. R28S9 con tains complete crocheting Instruc tions, material requirements and stitch Illustrations. To obtain this pattern, send 30c In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Robert. Capital Jour nay, 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 3, Calif. Bv Gene Ahern AW ONLY CCWLAINT IS ABOUT THE LACK Or NOURISHMENT NECESSARY TO SUSTAIM ME DURING THE INTERVALS WHILE THE DINING ROOM IS CLOSED' MY BELT IS RE&ISTER'N AM INCH AND A HALF. OF SLACK 1 f I tupw vrui wkirtvA T ru AEDAin An..l V ucdctl tuc cm err rai c r&T err vap uavF I " " 1 $ SOMEONE WHO MKSWn PLCASE TAKE ME BOGUS BROCCOLI -WHERE IT, STEVE--AND jSi I HAVE SHOT VOUR I TO THE OFFICE SHALL I PUT IT, BEAVER ? J KEEP THE 5UPPLY ftm I r - i iar Mi w m i i A,vr i i u L..,-,w-... , 1 1 w 1 1 r 1 1 i r-r ... : M M S'sfeSrMa W mx! notsllh' veah?t2U Risk rr.S h, crobks?! T swky.-my friend, but y: R If vou txoMT iwt to 13? PLEeURSs KM W vwr she's got- dont yuh? well, I still on the I ooMPurrety n control of b carry THfrr tee (- N mine-where M it could et tw toucher'm any P ! job. eh? how mvsblf c of tuts cose- L g -M " WffTEf? ALL TH' VKt M IS SHE? N M fc. CflTCHW XjSRM, I 3JESS- yt 1 YUH FEBJrfNCM? SET DOVM THOSE BUCKETS T ill;;! H HECK FOR ME -OUT yyTHggE? LpjT") If fWTj TT" SYiJ!' Z. "T." ' " TrrafW fflMKf&ini iiirai HI I lTELLVDU WEVE JCOOJT. CoT.WlLBon: IT 1BUT I'LL POT LESS SOAP I I HOPE .ILMOST LtJ Qjl! T AMStf.THIS dUBBLINSlCARFARETO CLEAN UP MRS, NEED IS A NAME ANDr- CAV AN 1 DIDNT LIE ITV) 1 ( MUD BRICK WILL 7TWILW3 BGARDIN' HOUSE 4.WELL BEALLV CASM Mj SO PEDDLE VDUB !MUDrt Am H r, BE A r-f VAFTER THEM MUD BUBBLES -rTT-ir . BJr?5bE, ME u SHOULD ) 5"y CRV, FtlLT HAIkTT BEIN' A F TH Wll1 TH'3-IO WE.DDlM'.'aUt'.fi. IT MAY MEAN I IS NONE :M SHE; SO MAH WIDDERVOUNIUTI.H'.lI fle 4 M"H DOTH, BUT WHUT MORE. IS.THAR TO TOO GOOD U:l CRVf-SHESHUSBlM I &ROWS J TAKE TH' P 1 l.CO S LIV1 FO', AFTER PERFORMIN' A WEDDIN OKE) f FO' VO' f!jl L LUCKY f NhAS A -Wt A WOOIN'?' TtTir ntMkl'rr .THBT? RUH ALL TH'OLO AN'nlUXt) J VJSEAR. " . GIT HIM.1'ieOT tUNDER- -nVSfCyS VI tUUlM A AFI DISTANCE .V REMOVE AU. TH' M :H I MlH GOT YoNLYONC IstANdWJ I'M? aX,-, BUT-THAR'S CHILUIM.7 STOP THE TWINS.'?'- THIS V ). V Ml II OMLVO) FAULT i--ffiEtaC" V NE.VAH UN NO ) 16 GONNA BEt A REAL, GENOOWINE U.XV I JA ' 31 f:M - FAULTS yi-f mo.'', ).. jff7rOKfii I SECH THIN3T WEDDIN' AN' NOTHlWVL,l ROW M J rT l :U I . I lDOatATCH roTHOUSAWVIAM.C I S i ; 1 i 1 ; , v. . n mrm a twAx-feswy y M ajNTJ etel' HATs.rHrMlL-L-Lo. K mfirri ; itt - ' i if"- 25 I I A1S4NiVHl. M TATE'S CABAJ. I 1 I . I -f- MAYBE ITS SOMETHING fry SIT POWN, HM-M-MI IT'S WHAT I nr SO SPECIAL HE YOU SENT FOe X SALTY. I RAPIOEP TO MY THOU6HT. ILL WRITE OUT COURCil I'VE TBIEP EVERY y ON THIS 1 KEEPS THE KEX J I ME. SIP? OFFICE ABOUT WARFORP. A COPE MESSA6E TO MV D RIN6, ANP NONE PITS THIS BOX. 1 HIMSELF. ilk ssj, jf HERE'S THE ANSWER: 'CANT CHIEF. I'P BE OBLI6EP IP I I LL HAVE TO SEE MR. TATE K Hfc.ASV UHPZSTAZ AQWfy VOU'P 6lVE IT TO YOUR RAPIO BS U I about it. , if ff fl LVJeTSn I wasr m&aeo. eieneooy man, so as to keep me yfcjSyV i ""iti nriii m leJi ii i" 0ri-ru',v.''l L,-,-J!rP I II II I ! I HOW WONDERFUL OF DRUM fiREENWOOO J I I HE MADE A 4TRAN6E REMARK TOME I ? EVEN WITHOUT SEEING HIM, I COUtD ) j TO TAKE AN INTEREST IN DONN! AN0 ) J BR fcKr 5A I D I COUl D DO 50METHI N6 ' 3jI -'f I TELL HE HAD A SLY SMIIE ON HIS FACE! AFTER ALL THE THINGS m MID ABOUT J SoMKTE CROWDEDONDmoNflN J4 ! AKNH&,MVCURIWIT! M H,' TH,Ci5TV.PlNC' HT 0URHOSPITAlS!..IPR0MI5EDT0COME jy V V LTTk "" BASEBALL AX7 2Ss . ' M )T I TODAY '"Sk 39s. t ? VT m-1-s-sa.d, s,, lo-l- mmm ikp-t I -I OAK RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY .M. 'KSLM ,SS IKGW IKOCO r'KOIN 5 in MmU rjalnnltr Tkt Inil 0 T1m Tronrr Jhow iH rr.nk HBlnr DilnnlU Tht p MMW.JhT1" ' k lnn Bd .1 t mb Tnlan Dlr Ah . n.k. BIbw B l Lb lbl Or.B.lf 6' Hawaii C.Ui Haiti at LbbI CandllllBt and Had Barbar HI Hawaii Calto Sanaa at Ual "' orthailra :H nrcrarr Haai Bara'a Tata ! Ore Baal ra Graiarr Haa llgar TalaraaB Tralana "awa - f 7 m Haila Hit Parada Driaar'a Plarkaiia MBala fr Taa :1 rabarBBala Baka Hit rarada BaBditaBd Maila far Taa IH Canada FlajbaBaa Saacaraaa BaadataBd Maala Majar)af Itt Caaiadr riayhaaaa AaalaBBiaBt Daaaat Paaa Plek Hbtmbb 8:M t B A Dlek FawaU Baaaaall 1b M AaalB ill I B A Dlak 1-awaU Baaaaall Hal M AfalB m Yalta ml Tralk Oraad Ola Oprr Baaakall Blaa It Aialm l Valea at Tralk Oraad Ola Oarr Baaaaall IB1 It AialB 9' Llla BaalBa at M Yla Daaaaaa ihaw Baaaaall Taa Mamna ll Ufa Bailsa at N Via DarBaaa Bkaw Bankall VaaikB Maaraa IM Mut tha rraaa Daaaa Orahaatra BaaabaM Oaaa Aitrr 'tt Ml tka rraaa Dacca Orebulra Baaaball Oaaa Aatrr 1 ak Naw Dlraa, Plarkaaia BaaabaU na kiar Final If :1 It'a tka Tap Dlraa. Plaaiaa Kawi Baaad-TJ on Baitais niRiM Ntwa Tkraa Baaa DaBclaa Party Oaaa Baatara Itt Harry Jamaa lUllla Trla Daaalaa Party ' JaBtaaB Baaefc ntM Ovtn HaBaa Was MaaaaBi Daaslaa Party JaBtaaB Baaah :1k Oaaa Haaaa Was Maaaaai DaaalBS Party Baraaada ISO Opaa Haaaa Was Haataaa DaBalas Party Orabaalra I4B Opaa Haaaa Was Manaaa DbpcIbp Party Orekaatra !!; 8lra Oft 8I OH BlrB Otl Blas-ofl SUNDAY Ntwa Wormwood Torett Canto! of Mule Caaitea af Mailt Blklt Rlfhllfhli Dibit Hirhllrfati Hasli Mule Catnt. Lvtbtr Chirtta ia Rm Cbareh In Ham 1st BbpIIiI Ch. lit Bpllt Ch. Voice f ProvbttT Volet t Propbtey Ntw iHtni, StrBit Jobs Dh'i Mailt Radio Blblt CU Radio Blblt Clan Lntbtras Hoar Lutheran Hoar SlWor fltrlnra Silver Itrlnn Eternal Ufbi Eternal Debt Newt Orehtttra Newt MM Htrth Trla Glenn BLelley Oltnn Bhulltr Chleaio Roand Table font TaptitrlM Tone TaptitrlM Newt David Rate Sunday Paverltct T B A T B A Canary Pel Show Newi Mult ' Trae Dettctl-a True Dcttetlva T B A T B A T B A T B A Hoata of Mystery Roaao ( Mriterr T B A T B A Air Force Band Air Poree Band Kane. Private Kyc Kane, Private Bye Under Arrett Mailt or Maittrt Muile or Maitert Hollywood Colli Hollywood ' Colli Under Arret! Mr. Fix-It Concrete Report 1 Roy Rottra Roy Roaera Nick Carter Nick Carter Hollywood Calls Hollywood CaUs Surprise Serenade Surprise Serenade Muslt for Sunday Mutfe for Sunday For Christ For Chriat Voleo Ji Events Voice Rventt Orebestra Orchestra Alexanders Media- Star Playhouse Star' Playhouse lion Board VD Radio Proj. NBC Symphony NBC Symphony news Secret Minion Secret Mission Family Theatre Family Theatre NBC Symphony NBC Symphony e trial Merman Ethel Merman Murder by Eipert Murder by Exnart Who Said That Who Said That Medleal Hllittt Horace Heidt Heraee Heldt Northwest Ntwa i Twenty Questions Twenty Questions Burl Ivee Lanny Rose 1 Newa . Musie Bill Cunnlntham News Father Knows Father Knows Symphony Hour Symphony Hour Symphony flour Symphony Hour Oatholle Hour Catholla Hour Slcn Off Newa Mary Ann Mereor Wax Museum Wax Museum sin Off DIAL LISTINGS: KKX, 11M; KOAC, 159 Saturday P.M. 5:8, Uncle Bob's Dart 5:80, Dixieland! :, Hero's I to Vetii 8:15, Home Edition News I I Modern Romances I 7:00. Muileal Etch- lnrit 7:80, As Wa Sea Iti 7:45, It'a Tour I Buil nets t 8:00. Lone Ranter S:80, The Eye, 9:00 Break the Bankt :8, Name 1 ItiB Mmlti 10-ftdV Neva i 1ft 'IK Hdk-aa f.lfca It Hot; 11:30, Beverly rilllt Orch. II :W, Aira noun i:uo, sun uii. Sunday A.M. 7:00, Mornlat Melodies) 8:00, Fine Arte Quar tet: 8:30. Musie Time', 8:00, Revival Hoar Parade of Hits 10:80 Voleo of Prophecy l 11:00, Jamee Roosevelt i lt:lB Romance of Hlrhwaysi 11:80, National Vespera; Z:00, This Week Around the World) U:30, Plane Playhouse; 1:00, Newn 1:10. Forelrn Reporter! 1:89, Hour of Faltbt 1:00, Opera Albumt S:80, Mes ayo of lirael; 3:00, This Chanting World, Small Animal Hospital Opening at Lebanon Lebanon Construction of a hospital lor small animals was announced this week by E, R. Storey, veterinarian who recent ly came here from Albany. It is the first institution of its type in the Lebanon area. The building to be of frame structure with stucco finish will be located on North Main street near the Crown Zellerbach pa per mill. Its estimated cost ex clusive of equipment is $5000. ACROSS 1. Came tone t hot 4. Ibsen heroin 8. Reside 12. Obliteration 14. Got) of war 15. Italian coin l. Voters It. Four brldf playera Id a frame 50. Allow the use of 51. Butter S4. Remnant of combustion 15. Evergreen tree 57. Annoy 18. New England stste; abbr. 19. Poorly 40, Country 42. Shoot 44. Wild animal 47. Innkeeper BV Send out it. Surface measure II. One living oa another 66. So be It. W. Server 17. Metal container DOWN t Liquefy by heat subatltm A ion ft way Pronoun Past Flowerlnc plant Greek letter Dane step Descendant Wrlta ti rr1 mm jff '8 ii s sc- y,7j- Newi Biiifi OrnniM BIcn. Orvanlit Chariot vVhooli Deep River Boyi Newt PeUowahlp Volu rcUewifalp Veleo Church af the All Church af tha Air Church of the Air Church of the Air Chapel af Air Clark Dtnnl Ave Maria Hoar Ave Maria Hear Newa Howard Baillh Gallery Oouip Ntwa Chareh In W Orran Loft Saerod Heart Wayne King Invitation to Ijiarnlnf Fceplu'a Ptatfam1 People's Platfei Pint Ban Hit Ob Pint Baptltt Oh Pint Baptltt Oh. Ftttf Baptist (lb. Salt Lake Taber. Sail Lake Taber. Treat. Bandit and Treat. Bandstand Itrenade for Btrlnri United Nation! Qny Lombard Choralleri Choraltert Orth. Maria In Mailt Newt Wordi A Mailt Wordi A Mailt Daydream Maile Daydream Moilo CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony CBS Symphony Showeaio Bandt Sboweaao Bandt Maile for Sunday Mnilo for Han day CBS Symphony CBS Symphony orchestra Orchestra Maile Room Maile Room Sunday Serenade Sunday Serenade My Set en ado Nere Sympbonette Symphonetto Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Family Hour Family Hour Yours Truly Tours Truly Dallas Ministerial Hit Parade Hit Parade Call the Polite Call the Faliea Jack Bonny Maile for America Muilo for America Baseball Baseball Baseball Battball Rocky Jordan Rocky Jordan INewa Qtorn Fisher Baseball Battball Bandstand Corliss Areher Corliss Areher Oar Miss Brooke Our Mlts Brooks Bandstand Bastball Baseball Life With Lulrt Lift With LulrJ Hit Parade Hit Parade BasebaU Baseball Baaaball Baaeball Baseball Baseball Philip Marlowa Philip Marlowa The Whistler The Wblitlor Baseball Flva Star Pinal Sam Spado Sam Spado St. Franeli Sour Newa Roundup Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie Sim Off' Serenade Let's Danea Orchestra Orchestra Slrn-Off KOAC Salarday P.M. :M, Ob tka Dpbaati l:M, BOO Bparta Clakt 6:M, Xawat 8:15, Laak at Aaatrallai d:80, Laadaa Lattari 1:45, Hallaad Teday and Tanarrewl T:B0, Urkt Optra Tanlrkti 8:45, Laarara' Flra Waatbar Faraaaati 8:88, Daaaa Paradai 18:45, Naw,i 11:08, Bl Olf. 1:15, Bans Balaamant S:88, SBBday wltk a i 4:00, Lat'a Uitan to Mailt I 4180, H llywead .By-iinai .4:45, .FaBtaay ,1b Meladyi 5:00, Bias tka Maalai :00, Tklnk Fait; 8:80, Nayy Haan 7:00, Bar! Iran 7:15, Laaclla Paraanit 7:80, Cbanea af a Llfatlmai 8:00, JlaliBla Pldlari 8:15, Ttd falaaat 8:80, Oaaat Stan 8:46, Baadalda Cbapell 8:00, Waablnrtan Marry.fa Banad; 8:15, Maaday Harnias Haadlhtaat 8:88. Barl Ivaai 8:46, Iatamaaial 10:00. Biikflald Baparll 10:15, WaablnttaB Marryie-Baandi 10t80 JantiaB Bcack Orcbsl 11:00. Naetarna'i 11:30 Clarenant rek.t 18:00, Xtra Haari 1:00, Blrn Off. Church Brotherhood Lebanon The Interchurch Brotherhood will be entertained Monday evening by the First Baptist church. Ladies of the church wilt serve the dinner at 7 p.m. Three special musical numbers will follow dinner. Lyle Leach will lead group singing. Guest speak er of the evening will be Dr. John B. Houser, All men of the area are invited to participate in the evening of fellowship. ATBAffA R E RTi jtfflB Q t1a1mUcaratUo wn I H U T T U EW I T T I IHLglADslElLOHQlslTl Solution of Yttordy'a Puxil t. Silkworm S. Oriental rap 4. Greek letter 5. Me lr (-bearing compound (. Electrical unit T. Pear Gynt's mother t. More recant 9. Press 10. Green or blu pigment 11. English ittr IS. Vend 17. Trlb 19. Long fish 22. European blackbird 21. Last 25. Cistern 26. Armadillo 27. Vaporous 29. Seed container 20. Widespread disease 21. Musical character 18. Cheering syllable 21. Pertaining to a part of the eye 41. Broods or pheasant 42. Arrow poison 4E. Feminine name 41. Egyptian solar disk 47. Bteat 42. Appropiiatf vtneeiea vehicle 10. Enoch I fttV nanBrtmaaS in frail o v Af Naarafaarvra,