' - ftS-A fc - ' mmJk ft umfftL&Ljit ;... , .arfUVSA.ii jjbJt Bride Last Saturday Wed last Saturday was Mrs. Clifford Campau, the former Lucille Mae Forman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Forman. Mr. Campau is the son of Mrs. Anna B. Campau and A. J. Campau of Portland. (Jesten-Mil-ler studio picture) Chambers-Van Horn Rites Sunday Afternoon at Amity Amity A garden wedding took place at the J. B. Abraham home on West Fifth street Saturday afternoon, August 20, at 2 o'clock, when Miss Vida Van Horn, daughter of Mrs. William Hichter, Amity, was married to Frederick Chambers, son of Mr. ind Mrs. Reed Chambers of Salem. Rev. S. James Osborne, Mc- Minnville officiating at the double ring ceremony. Preced ing the marriage, Mrs. Robert Shields, sang two solos, accom panied on the organ by Mrs. Ivan Shields. The couple stood before an altar if white lattice, with gar lands of English ivy and tall bas kets of salmon shaded gladio luses, near the fireplace. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Hugh Shields, wore a blue and white gabardine dressmaker suit, white hat and white accessories. She carried a white Bible on which was ar ranged an orchid and shower of white satin ribbons. Enclosed in the Bible were sprigs of white Heather, sent by friends from Scotland, as a token of "good luck, good health and happi ness." Mrs. Lyle Williams, was ma tron of honor for her cousin. She wore a pastel pink suit, white accessories, and carried a nosegay of white carnations. Ladd Chambers of Salem act ed as best man for his brother. Following the ceremony a re ception was held on the lawn. The damask covered reception table was all white with a floral centerpiece and white candles. Mrs. Donald Shields cut the wedding cake, and Mrs. George Shields, presided at the coffee urn, while Mrs. Ladd Chambers presided at the punch bowl, with Mrs. Hugh Shields and Mrs. Ivan Shields assisting.- At the gift table were Mrs. Robert Shields and Mrs. Etric Farmer, who also passed the guest book. Only close friends and Tela tives were bidden to the wed ding. From out-of-town were: Mr. and Mrs. Reed Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Chambers, of Sa lem; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ro- mig, Portland; Mrs. Darrel James Newberg; Rev. and Mrs. S. James Osborn, McMinnville; The Carl Shields family from Port Angeles, Wash. Amity HARD OF HEARING You've Waited for This! HERE IT IS! NO RECEIVER BUTTON IN THE EAR! ML guests were: Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Shields, Mr. and Mrs. George Shields, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shields, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shields and Joan, Mrs. Lyle Wil liams and Lila, Mrs. Robert Shields, Mr. and Mrs. William Richter, Ralph Richter, Mr. and Mrs. Etric Farmer, Mr. and Mrs G. B. Abraham. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Kichter chose a navy two piece afternoon dress, navy and wnite nat white accessories and corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Chambers, mother of the bride groom wore a blue dress and corsage of pink carnations. Following the reception the newlyweds left on a trip to the state of Washington going to Pudget Sound, Hoods Canal, Port Angeles, and Seattle. They will be at home in Salem after September I at 658 N. Church street. The bride is a gradu ate of Amity schools and Salem Miss Keene Wed Today Silverton Mrs. Clarence Whittier Keene announces the marriage of her daughter, Miss Frances Keene, to Wayne Satch- well, son of Mrs. Willard Satch-well. The ceremony was solemnized in the chapel of St. John's Cath edral, Spokane, Wash., at 12 o'clock today. Only members of the imme diate family and a small group of friends witnessed the service. A reception was arranged lat er this afternoon at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Henry C. Glaze, Jr., at Spokane. The couple will be at home after September 5 at 5140 S. E. Roberts Ave., Gresham, Mr. Satchwell to teach there. Mrs. Lettie Steelhammer and Mrs. Henry Pritzlaff left early Thursday forenoon by motor to attend the wedding. Mrs. Keene and her daughter left for Spokane several days ago and have been house guests of another daughter of Mrs. Keene, Mrs. Henry C. Glaze, Jr. (Margaret Keene). Miss Byrd Is Hostess Miss Virginia Byrd was host ess Thursday at a luncheon at Godfrey's, guests including past matrons of Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Miss Byrd is a charter member of the chapter. The luncheon table was set with yellow gladioluses and zinnias and gold tapers, and low bowls of white and peach bego nias decorated the rooms. Fol lowing the luncheon, the group went to Miss Byrd's home for an informal afternoon. Late re freshments were served, Mrs. R. D. Byrd assisting. Guests included Miss Beth Forster of Portland, Mrs. Lena Cherrington, Mrs. D. M. Eby, the present worthy matron of the chapter, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. M. C. Petteys, Mrs. Wayne Hen ry, Mrs. Frank Minto, Mrs. C. L. Blodgett, Mrs. Leon Barrick, Mrs. Fred Keeler, Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mrs. Harold Phillippe, Mrs. Gerald A. Reeher, Mrs. Belle Niles Brown, Mrs. Albert A. Cohen, Mrs. Rose Babcock, Mrs. Paul Hauser, Mrs. Ida Niles, Mrs. Byron B. Herrick Mrs. William Merriott, now of Woodburn, and the grand chap lain in the order; Mrs. E. E. Bergman and the hostess. Woman's Club Tea Due Next Wednesday 9 ..Ai!' , r ;j a Arrange Garden Setting Arranged for next Wednesday afternoon, August 31, is the silver tea of the Salem Woman's club, to be given in the beautiful gardens at the Henry Hanzen home on South High, hours to be between 3 and 5:30 o'clock. Pictured here are three of the committee in the Hanzen garden planning details of the tea, left to right: Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, co-chairman, Mrs. Grant C. Rogers, general chairman, and Mrs. Henry Hanzen. Proceeds from the tea go to the club's General Federation of Women's club convention fund and the national "Community Betterment" program. ! Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, August 26, 1949 7 Zontians Told of Convention Program Thirty-one attended the des sert and business meeting for Zonta club last evening at the home of Mrs. R. W. Land with Miss Mary Larson, Mrs. Robert McEwan and Dr. Lucille Fortner as co-hostesses. Mrs. Ben Lam bert poured at the dessert hour. Mrs. William E. Smith, dele gate from the club to the Zonta International convention at Que bec, gave her report on the busi ness and activities of the con vention. Starting with the next meet- within the next year. Parties for Miss Duffy Mrs. Carl E. Nelson and her daughter, Mrs. William Ean of Portland have invitations out for a party next Wednesday evening, honoring Miss Florence Duffy, bride-elect of John S. Horton. Thirty guests have been in vited to a buffet supper and linen shower, the party to be at the West Lefclle street Nel son home. Surprise Given Last evening, Miss Duffy was honoree at a surprise party giv en by Mrs. Jack Price and her sister, Mrs. Dean Boyes, at the Price home. A dessert supper was served, followed by bridge and a miscellaneous shower for Miss Duffy. In the group were Miss Duffy, Mrs. Oscar Specht, Mrs. Robert H. Hamilton, Mrs. John Kolb, Mrs. Stuart McElhinny, Mrs. Le land Shinn, Mrs. Wayne Hadley, Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod, Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Mrs. Jack Price and Mrs. Dean Boyes and Mrs. Jack Price. IN BEND this week-end will be Mrs. John Copenhaver. There she will meet Mr. Copenhaver who is returning from summer session at University of Colora do, and they will attend the Sat urday evening wedding of Miss Marie Cox and Bain Low In Bend. Mrs. Copenhaver is to as sist at the reception. Surprise for . Mrs. Hansen Members of Mrs. Leon Han sen's team in the recent mem bership drive of Marion aux iliary. Veterans of Foreign Wars, gave her a surprise party recent ly at the home of Mrs. James Beall. Co-hostesses for the af fair were Mrs. C. M. Briggs, Mrs. Ivell Haley and Mrs. Iva Hamilton. The evening was spent in formally with Mrs. Edwin Lyle in charge of the games. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Nell Benoit, Mrs. Agnes Jensen, Mrs. John Henny, Mrs. Paul Tharalson and Mrs. Mae Wilder. Mrs. Hansen was presented a gift by Mrs. Wilder, president of Marion auxiliary and past membership chairman, in be half of the members of the team. A late lunch was served. Present were Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Wilder, Mrs. Benoit, Mrs. Jensen, Mrs. Tharalson, Mrs. Henny, Mrs. Lyle, Mrs. T. E. Dutton, Mrs. Helen Marshall, Mrs. Bertha Ray, Mrs. Delia Schoneboom, Mrs. F. P. Dierks, Mrs. Axel Jacobsen, Mrs. Lil lian Myers, Mrs. Rudolph Jager, Mrs. Nila Grimes, Mrs. George Lewis, Mrs. A. H. Davis, Mrs. Jessie McNeil and the four hostesses. ITS ASPIRIN AT ITS BPST ing, September 8, the club will begin its series of downtown j luncheon meetings to be held on the second Thursday of each ; month at the Golden Pheasant. ! These are to be the program j sessions, arranged by Mrs. James i Bunnell and Miss Lena B e 1 1 e 1 Tartar as program chairmen. ... Betrothal Told Mt. Angel G. A. Vreeland announces the engagement of his daughter, Miss Vivian Vreeland of Mt. Angel, to Charles Erwert of Woodburn. No date has been set for the wedding but it will take place business college. Mr Chambers attended the Salem schools, serv ed in. the late war, and on re turning took special training as a civil engineer, and is with the state highway department. The bride was honored by two groups of friends in Salem with a kitchen shower and a linen Shower, and a miscellaneous shower, given by the Christian church women of Amity. The Phtnto. Kold combined with the Belton Hearing Aid assure you of uniurptsted hearing quality for both ton and Tolume. But best of all, even your friends won't notice that you are wearing hearing aid. You owe it to yourself to see this newest hearing improrement and convince yourself that now for th first time you really can conceal your deafness. Drop in today and see it. Mean- while, nil out coupon tor free book. A GHftllftklaTA I Goo. HoJMkffpinf J MONO-PAC ONI.UNIT MAKING AID James N. Taft AND ASSOCIATES 2g Oregon Bldr. Salem, Ore. 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