Display of Early Farm Home Articles Features Silver Tea Set for Tuesday Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRI FISCHEB 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, August 26, 1949 4 i i ' ; ' Ik 1 Shower for Miss Myers Honoring Miss Jeanne Myers, who is to be married October 2 to Ensign Henry B. Johnson, USN, Mrs. Gerald Robison will entertain next Tuesday evening at a dessert party and bed linen shower at her home. Guests are bidden lor 7:30 o'clock. Roses in sterling compotes will decorate the dessert tables and about the rooms will be cutglass bowls of roses. The guest list for the party in cludes Miss Myers, her mother, Mrs. Burton A. Myers; Mrs. Har old Gardner, Miss Grace Shields, Miss Anita Hager, Miss Marilyn Hjort, Miss Margaret Morltz, Miss Margaret - Jane Emmons, Mrs. William Dunn, Jr., of Woodburn, Mrs. Robert Siddo way of Portland, Mrs. Lloyd V Lewis (Janice Myers) of Eu gene and the hostess. Salem Women At Convention Three Salem women will leave next week for Chicago to attend the supreme convention of the P. E. O. Sisterhood, open lng September 5 at the Stevens hotel and continuing through September 6, 7 and 8. Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mrs. Ivan Stewart and Mrs. E. A. McGlau fin are the three to go from here. Mrs. Stewart, a member of the local G chapter, also will represent Chapters BC and AB of Salem. Mrs. Potts is delegate from the Salem BQ chapter and also will represent chapter O of Albany and Chapter BP of Corvallis. Mrs. McGlaufin from the local CB chapter also will represent Chapter CC of Grants Pass and Chapter CD of Co- quille. Following the convention, Mrs. Potts will go east to Phil adelphia to visit her brother, Wlllard White, then on to Rochester, N. Y. to visit another brother, Clarence White. She plans to be gone four weeks. Mrs. Stewart will go to Can ton, Ohio, following the P. E. O. event to visit her sister-in-law, Mrs. Blair Stewart. Accompany ing her home will be her mother-in-law, Mrs. James Stewart, formerly of Salem, They will return to Salem about September 15. Mrs. McGlaufin plans to re main In Chicago a few days to visit and on her way home is to stop in Spokane. Anniversay Event Buena Vista A surprise pic nic celebrating Mr. and Mrs. Le- land Prather's silver wedding anniversary was given at their home Sunday. The table was beautifully decorated with flow ers and a three-tier wedding cake, topped by a miniature bridal couple. Gifts were pre sented to the couple after din ner. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Weaver. Mr. and Mrs J. P.Doty and son, Mrs. Mattle Swan, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Hiebenthal and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Runkle and daughter of Lewisville; Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Koozer and fam Hy of Walterville; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Addams and Carolyn, of Buftne; Bill and Elmo Prather, and the honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather. Mothers Picnic Sigma Kappa Mothers club members gathered for a picnic at Dallas City park, Thursday, Mrs. Forrest Holmes and Mrs. H. J. Eastman of Dallas being the hostesses. Plans were made for the first fall meeting of the group on September 20 as a luncheon at the home of Mrs. W. G. Burris Mrs. Cameron Tea Hostess Mrs. David H. Cameron en tertained at an informal tea this afternoon at her home to honor her daughter, Mrs. John C. Strickfaden and twin daughters, Patsy Lou and Peggy Sue. Mr. and Mrs. Strickfaden and fam ily are leaving within the next week for Portland to reside. Guests were invited to call be tween 2 and S o'clock. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Carl Greve, Mrs. H. Law rence Lister, Mrs. Donald Nel son, Mrs. Vinnie Bell, Mrs. My ron Feig, all of Portland, and Mrs. Minnie Jane Bell of Inde Newberg Wedding Interests Here Of interest to Salem friends is the wedding of Miss Shirley Spaulding and Roderick Arthur George in Newberg Saturday evening, the ceremony to be solemnized at 8 o'clock in the First Methodist church there. The bride-to-be is the daugh ter of the Henry Clifford Spaul- dings of Newberg. Among those from here plan ning to attend the wedding will be two aunts of the bride-elect, Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith and Mrs. Roy H. Mills, both of whom will assist at the reception, also Mr. Mills, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding and the latter's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Bcnnison of Portland. Birthday Party Marcia Diane AUaway cele brated her first birthday Tues day afternoon when her moth er, Mrs. Jack AHaway, Jr., en tertained at their First street home. Pink, blue and white featured the table decorations when the traditional birthday luncheon was served. .. Honoring Marcia were Mrs. James King and Virginia, Mrs. George Davis and Vickl and Johnnie, Mrs. Donald Bowers and Susie, Mrs. George Hall and Linda, Mrs. Gerald DeSart and Karen, Mrs. W. R. Van Osdel and Mrs. AHaway. JOZJ t -M Mill d 04"mMf If 11 Prepare for Silver Tea "Early Farm Home" articles will be featured at the silver tea planned for next Tuesday afternoon, August 30, at the Salem Golf club for the bene fit of the First Christian church building fund. Mrs. Ben Lambert, at left, and Mrs. Ercel W. Kay, general chair man, who are arranging the tea, are shown in the picture at left with some of the articles to be used in the settings at the tea. Some of the pieces for the table settings are shown in the picture above. Hours for the Tuesday tea are 3 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon and 7 to 9 o'clock in the evening. (Candids by Jesten-Miller studio) HOSIERY AND SWEATER MENDING . . . Miller's Downstairs Ynce's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SERVICE RENTALS SALES REPAIRS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLS GUARANTEED . Tree Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 George-Smith Wedding Aug. 21 Silverton Miss Helen Lou ise Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Smith of Wenat- chee, Wash., was married at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Aug ust 21, to Norman D. George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. George of Silverton, in a double ring ceremony in St. Luke's Episcopal church in Wenatchee. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of heavy ivory satin fashioned with embroidered bodice, and panels in front and back, and a long veil over a court train. She carried a white Bible on which was an orchid from which fell narrow ribbon streamers. Mrs. Elmer Hastings was matron of honor for her sister, gowned Sojourners Event Forty-five members of So journers club enjoyed the lunch eon and afternoon of cards at Silver Creek Falls lodge, yes terday. Mrs. William E. Healy was chairman for arrangement. Honors at cards went to Mrs. Melvin Bedsaul, Mrs. Farley Mogan, Mrs. William E. Healy, Mrs. Walter Toy, all at bridge; and Mrs. Pete Anderson at pinochle. identically with the three bridesmaids in pastel green taf feta, all carrying sheaf nosegays of gold and white daisies. Gordon George of Bend was best man for his brother. Ro bert George of Salem, cousin of the bridegroom, was head usher. The reception following the ceremony was held in the gar dens at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Earl Crane. Mrs. Ross W. Clark of Salem cut the cake and Mrs. Paul George of Seattle, poured. Relatives going north for the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Howard George of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Ross W. Clarke, Mrs. Frank Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert George, all of Salem, and Mr, and Mrs. W. H. McCall of Bozeman, Mont. After a brief wedding trip to the Oregon beaches, the couple will be at home in Pullman, Wash., where Mr. George will continue his studies in Washing ton State college. IN PORTLAND for the day Thursday to visit friends was Miss Charlotte Alexander. Cosmis Dance On Saturday Cosmis club's August dance is to be an event of Saturday evening in the Mayflower hall, Claude Bird's orchestra to play for the dancing between 8:30 and 12 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Witenberger are chairmen and on the com mittee with them are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dumler, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton. Miss Rice Honor Guest at Party A buffet supper was held this week at the 'home of Mrs. Har mon Yeary honoring Miss Mary Keith Brown Has Cold-Pack CANCERS 7 Qt. Enameled O That CoHYttkiti Location lllJlk '. new ankle-slimming heel stocking fashion! w o SAPPHIRE conjures the wickedly attractive SIRENADE heel to bring out the tiren in you! Stunningly self-outlined or silhouetted in contrasting color! Ankle-slenderizing ... oh, so tantalizing at 1.95 a pair! Lastingly lovely in win-i wtsf ...warm grey silhouetted in black or self-color. 1 T uoe ... rich beige silhouetted in black refreshments hour, has named Mrs. Fred Evans, Mrs. William Meithke and Mrs. Charles Morey as a committee to serve during the social hour for the month of September. Rice, public health service nurse, whose reassignment to the Okla homa state board of health for work in that state was received through the Oregon state board of health. Miss Rice leaves Ore gon, September 1. Miss Erna Berstecher acted as co-hosteSs with Mrs. Yeary. Tables were decorated with cov ered wagon centerpieces. Games and songs carried out the theme, "Oklahoma Bound." Those present were Miss Joan Schneider, Miss Helen Steyaert, Miss Helen Wangsgard, Mrs. Jean Wright, Miss Gertrude Finnemore, Mrs. Elithe Kell, Miss Margaret Couper, Miss Evelyn Krueger, Mrs. W. J. Stone, Miss Lucile Lukens. SILVERTON Mrs. S. A Pitney, chairman of the Ameri can Legion unit No. 7, auxiliary RECORDS "South Pacific" Now available on 45 r.p.m. Records Al Goodman and Or chestra with Supporting Cast. WK 18 3.10 Capitol Artists . Peggy Lee Margaret Whiting Gordon MacRae CDF 163 3.52 Downstairs Oregon Bldg. State and High 3-8631 mm It ' : PING rsijur THE NEW PATTERN B I BY I j THE FINEST SILVERPLATI This gorgeous pattern may be seen in Salem at ALEXANDER'S . . 61 pieces, service for 8 stunningly arrayed in the distinctive Dream Chest (at no extra charge, of course). In order th6t you may own the finest without sac rifice, here are the Alexander Terms: $4.50 DOWN . . . $7.50 a month until the balance is completed. The total price 79 .50 at II 0. or seitcoior. U. . Pat. Nt I5MII eueoru YARD- COUR' J J JJI (f.JJ