UK Tl rle RO 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, Angrjgt M, 1949 . i. m. hi i ion mil ! J! in. . !j i v..m.ij ii u.nww ? ' f - ?i ii !i niriiiirtitiiiria . :. el German Jailer in England Prince Waldemar Zu Hohen lowe (left) ex-commandant of a German prison camp, it gueit of George Wickenden on a holiday in Kent, England, to repay him for kindness to British war prisoners. Four Corners Home Scene For Nebraskan Gathering Four Corners, Aug. M The Nebraska club auxiliary met with Mrs. Charles Osborn on last State street for a no-host luncheon. The birthday anniversaries of Mrs. William Worm, Mrs. Lura Tandy, Mrs. . M. White and Mrs. Willis Shipman were reoog nizeri. Mrs. Shipman out the birthday cake presented by Mrs. Btan Braden. Four generations were present with Mrs. Clara McDerby, 89, as the oldest, her daughter, Mrs. Lura Tandy, grand daughter, Mrs. Leroy Austin and great grand daughter, Patricia Austin. Members attending were Mrs. Audrey Gebauer, Mrs. R. P, Simpson, Mrs. Albert Hovett. Mrs. Lura Tandy, Mrs. B. M. Randall, Mrs. Clara McDerby, Mrs. M. W. English, Mrs. Norah Pound, Mrs. Edna Tucker, Mrs Stan Braden, Mrs. Willis Ship ; man, Mrs. William Worm, Mrs, Graoe Kasson, Mrs. Leroy Aus tin, Mrs. Floyd McDerby. Visitors were Mrs. Jess Mc- Ilnay, Mrs. William Slater, Mrs, E. M. White, Mrs. E. A. Snook and Mrs. Eva M. Rogers. For the social hour bingo was in play.1 The next meeting of the club will be September 21 with Mrs. Norah Pound. Hostess at an afternoon tea at her home on Hawthorne ave., was Mrs. Wallace Tower com plimenting her aieter-in-law, Mrs. George Corning of Billings, Mont. Greeting the honored guest were Mrs. Xrneet Walker, Mrs. Wes Corning, Mrs. Walter Kleen, Mrs. Buford Maworth, Mrs. E. R. Corning and Mrs. Forrest W. Daniels. Reoent newcomers to Four Corners are Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Swan, John and Sandra Lee Swan of Norwich, Conn., have moved Into the Herman residence at 4010 Beck are. Mr. Swan is employed at the Detroit dam. Mr. and Mrs. Rehfield, Kay I.aree and Connielou have mov , ed from Jefferson into their new residence at 675 S. Elma ave. He is employed by the State Forestry Department. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owens and Carol and Mac Owens have moved from Salem into the Boyington apartment t 8774 E. State st. Mr. Owens will teach science at the Parrish Junior lugn school. The fourth annual flower show of the Rickey Garden club will be held Thursday Sept. 1 at 8 p. m. at the Community hall. Owing to limited display facil ities entrys will be restricted to residents of Four Corners. Visitors are cordially invited. Guest speaker at the morning service in the Four Corners Baptist church Sunday August 2S will be Elmer Heibert from the Biola Bible Institute in Los Angeles. At the evening service there will be a film of sacred pictures shown by Hurold John son followed by a scripture mes sage by Jack Quiring of West Salem. There will be special music. Many out of state visitors con tinue to make news in Four Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy M. Apple had as their house guests this week old friends, Mr. nd Mrs. Alfred Cramer, Rich ard and Alfred Jr., of Los An- '100 EXTRA for 2 weeks "rst la nit" COSTS ONLY $1.40 Oet 1W from Personal on sal it , furniture, or car. If used re pay Personal In monthly amount. If not used, return it after 1 weeks and pay only $1.40 charges. Loans made to pay bills, mtdlcal expenses, repairs and other needs. LOAN'S $25 to SM en Auto geles. The visitors went on to Canada from here. Mrs. Frank Tyo of Louisville, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Masters, Shirley and James Masters of Kansas City, Mo., visited in the Dean Brown home 4040 Beck ave. Mrs. Tyo is Mrs. Brown's mother and Mrs. Mast ers is her sister. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns, Durbin ave., were Mr. and Mrs. William Lusa and Juanita Lusa of Ta coma, Wash. The men were former shipmates. Mrs. Dora Newkirk of Luellen, Neb., visited her great nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Braden on LaBranche ave. A reunion of schoolmates from grade school days was held at the Edward White home 4055 Beck ave., when Mr. and Mrs, Kilburn Smith of Selma, Calif., unexpectedly called this week while enroute to Canada. Mrs. White and the Smiths were childhood schoolmates. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pfenning S. Elma ave., are on vacation at Eureka, Calif. They also plan to attend the Pendleton roundup. Marine Corps Band At Football Game Salem's Marine Corps recruit ing office Thursday received word that Oregon will be hear ing the Department of the Pa cific Marine Corps band before it makes lis appearance at the Oregon State Fair. The band, composed of 32 mu sicians, is to be in Portland Au gust 27 and will play at the Shrine Benefit football game at the Multnomah stadium. During the state fair the ma rines will be here for three days, September 8-10. They will travel by plane, leaving San Francisco for Salem September 8. The musicians will board the plane in Salem for San Fran cisco September 10. Public Aware Of Many Idle Albany. Aug. 28 Unemploy ment is coming to public atten tion in this country now but this does not mean that the United States is economically on the downgrade or that anoth er depression is imminent. Earl O. Shreve, past president of the United States Chamber of Com merce, told 100 members and guests of the Albany chamber at luncheon at the Hub restaurant. The apparent increase in un employment, said Shreve, Is due rather to industry's failure to absorb new employables than to decline of jobs. In fact, he pointed out, there are now em ployed 59,000,000 persons, far more than were employed prior to the war, but the annual in crease of employables is far greater than can be absorbed, which means that many new jobs must be created if unem ployment is to be wiped out. Industries inability to keep pace with job demands, in Shreve's opinion, is due in a large measure to an economic impasse which has arisen from governmental policies. 'Venture capital, which built up this country, has disappeared because of excessive taxation," Shreve said. "We need 50 bil lions of dollars a year for in dustrial expansion but the money is being appropriated for spending by the government In stead of my private enterprise. The speaker suggested equal ization of the capital gains tax, reorganization of government under recommendations of the Hoover commission, which he said should receive activt sup port of all communities, and indirectly by more general par ticipation by the people in gov ernment, through study, ac quaintanceship with public of ficials and by voting. - 'It was disgraceful that only 45,000,000 persons voted at the last presidential election," he said. Students Get New Facilities University of Oregon, Eugene, August 26 This fall, for the first time since the war. Univer sity of Oregon students will have room to breathe. A new look has been added to the cam pus that will add attractiveness and alleviate crowded condi tions. Nearing the final chases of construction are Carson hall (the new women's dormitory), and the modern University thea ter. Recently comrjleted werp the new wing on the school of music, and Interior remodeling of Villard. The 424-seat thea ter will be an aririltlnn in Vil lard. Scheduled for completion oexore the ecariemir vnnr ie nut are the Student Union buildingj and a major addition to thej iiDrary. Carson hall, a SI. son nnn fire proof concrete and brick build ing, will house 333 coeds. In addition to suites (for small group living, and a spacious din ing nan, me dormitory will have Sheriff Elliott Has Large Staff Portland, Aug. 26 (IP) Mult nomah county has 537 regularly commissioned sheriff's deputies and some 240 holding special commissions, the Oregon Jour nal reported today. The special commissions aren't particularly unusual some 2000 of them were Issued in the 18 years Martin Pratt was sheriff. The sheriff's reserve, public officials and various oth ers got them. Regular commissions, how ever, were rarely issued by Pratt to other than his office personnel, the newspaper said a check of county clerk's re cords disclosed. The present sheriff, Marion Elliott, has a staff of 230 and in addition has issued 307 regular commissions to such outsiders as Mike De- cicco, Portland tire dealer; Ni cholas Granet, county Democra tic party chairman; and State Senator Jack Bain, the Journal reported. Ecuador and Colombia are the source of the "panama hats" worn by Americans. Palmistry Readings present D&st. Will advise on Will tell your ana iuiure. love, marriage and business. A 09 lly. questions. Ars doubt? Special Readings. a- jmr Open 9 a.m. roNi r to 10 p.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial m sntafl fcoAV aesrlofs, - Beosn)foil rooms, and music rooms. A tun deck is planned en the roof. The theatre will feature the finest in seating, stage, light ing, acoustic, and personal com fort facilities. Six major pro ductions will be presented year ly. Remodeling Villard hall has allowed the radio, speech,, and drma divisions to be consolid ated under one roof. When the Erb Memorial Union is completed, a center for stu dent activities will be provided on the campus for the first time. Offices of the Associated Stu dents of the University, and stu dent affairs will be located there. The Urfe stew ballroom can double as an auditorium or ban quet room. A post office, bar ber shop, soda bar, as well as recreational rooms and an art lounge will be housed in the building. A hew service arrangement will be possible witli the addi tional space provided by en larging the library. Instead of having an attendant get books for students from the stacks, the student will be allowed to browse among the stacks. ' Pearls are most frequently found in oysters that are un healthy, overcrowded andor plagued by parasites. VIESKO'S FAMOUS IMPROVED ELBERTA AT ORCHARD PRICES! The GLAD STAND At the City Limits North River Road Union Monopoly To Be Checked Washington, Aug. 26 (IP) Sen ator Robertson (D.-Va.) said to day the Senate Banking com mittee is considering sending a subcommittee to Hawaii to investigate the economic power of the CIO Longshoremen's union. The union has been on strike for 117 days, paralyzing island shipping. Robertson Mid the inquiry would be part of the banking committee's broad Investigation into ' monoply charges against labor organizations. Small business men In Hawaii have asked him, Robertson said, to send a subcommittee to look into the union's "ability to com pletely close down Hawaii's economy."' 1 Southern Oregon's Umpqua river still holds the world's rec ord for the largest stream caught Chinook salmon. It .weighed 83 pounds and was reported in 1910. ROOFING Now Is the. time to order thot new roof before the busy summer season. Expert workmanship with the highest equality material. Free estimates without obligation.- McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 t When fyou decide to buy her a diamond . J&uxmal T&t&onal FINANCE CO. (18 Stale St. Room 125 C. R. ALLEN, Msr. Llo. C-1M M-16S Phone t-t4S4 LsMnt tnsdt to fmMmhs ef efl iwrcnilikf mm The (act tHot w hove a reputation lor ftae oSooonds win be Wporot o yo. Few people koo eiperience in assessing Mw qvoHly of diamonds . . . but w have, and wo ore provd ol Ming M In trovr service, to enable yo to moke rK ' bolt possible pwrthaso. own rlno. AtMo Mfflno. 517OS0 II 7 Budget Terms ... Of Course LIVESLEY BUILDING SALEM, ORE. SHOP IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT AT SEARS 7-Inch Tilt Table Dunlap Bench Saw Check Its Low Price Compare its features against its low price you'll find it's another case of good quality for less at Sears! Stand on a husky base. Smooth-ground cast iron table tilts 0 to 45' . . . locks in position. 7-in. rip saw blade adjusts 0 to 2V4-in. cut. Oilite bronze bearings. 2i00 Green Plastic Hose 50 feet J77 Lightweight and easy-to-use yet has amailng strength and durability. Super smooth surface is easy-to-clean, resists wear and weather. In choice of 25 er 50-ft. Now at Sears money-saving low prices! Craftsman Drill lightweight Electric Hand Drill At Only 19.95 EH cail aluminum from. Double rcduc Hon gears. "HandlitV W-Jti. chuck. 1 600 R.P.M. Saw hondl, trigger iwikh. Handy Tool Box Now, OoV. 1.89 K..p your toett leu.ejor h ) m. attractivriy doaigiMd box. WMi mot bl. Inside Door Set Popular Bross Ploled Elgin low Priced i 1 1 i 1.35 DrM p old doers with Ihh handsom. nw Elgin 11. Bread bsvri design. Select yoen Sedoy at Sean, save! Transparent Box 12 Compartments 98c Keeps small parts ready for Instant selection. Perfect for holding screws, costume ewelry, fish hooks, etc 8 'A Inches long. Strong Hack Saws Electrically Welded Steel Frame Rubbish Burner 24 Inches High, large Capority 59c Gr Eno-M.!.!... 2.35 Dim edVttebl. for S to 1 J-h. blades' "V "?bi aWl' "' . voo eon him It In tour rflr.rtiaat bw favge wwe rrem 8 Inch blude angle cuts. Sturdy pistol grip. bvner at teote. I specs Ire keiardel Circular Saw Blade Heat Treated Super-Tuff Steel Crartsseaa i i i i i i 2.98 CfwftMMM professional quolity rip ond crauewt sawa la 6, 7, B. 10 and 12 -to. Dunlop Bench Vise A Real Vohte 6.95 Everytfiing you want In a vmo! Jaws open 4'A-in.j give positive grip won't wobble. Swivels 180, fecks sf)Qfrefy In position Plenty of Free Parking Craftsman Shears 1.98 Cnnttrarlrt ter vmferl bsUnre nd caller enltlnr. Crtlttmmn hears arr mi dp at Cnned ttl with polished nclkel plated llnUb. Sara new! STORE HOURS 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.i Daily , 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.i Friday i