18 Capital Journal, Salem, C I OSSIFIED ADVERTISING, Per Lint . ife Per Line time ... Oo - Per Line 6 times .....60o Per Line 1 month 12.00 Outside of Salom lfto per tin pei day. Mln. 30c i I times mm 80e 8 times mln 11.20 No Refunds READERS In Local News Col Only) Per una 3 To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER, 2 acres, m'xlern I B.R. home yen. minus. Karate wiof rles and orchard. One block Bo. of Rosedale school. Rt. 8. Box 219. e202 BY OWNER: NEW 2 BD. RM, HOME. ST. ELMO ADDITION. LARGE LOT, FENCED IN BACK YARD. COMPLETE OUTSIDE FIREPLACE AND PATIO AND GARAGE. PH. 25348. BY OWNER: New 2 born., suburban home. Near DUs acnooi ju. . . ...... otiii na fMiMtir. a203 BY OWNER: Kinitwood Heights, new 2 bd. rra Fireplace, in. n, uwi o... Bendlx. Lawn In. Lot 75x140. KlnKWOod Dr left on Fair Oaks, 1st Rd. rlnht. Rt 8, Box 27. a203 C-nv i Mrm- hniuc. 2310 Broadway. J8500 A. E. Hcn.slcy, 23U . uioeny. ft III) KM. HOME on" acre. In Bwcgle dlst. or trade ior large uuua in uy. lit. 6, Box a204 Tmmpfl. Poss. Bargain 3 bdrm. on Mi acre, Kingwood. 3-7241 BY OWNER: 2 BR Home, Reduced for quick sain, uooh idchiiu.., uv . - aUQ4 iirr.v Kc w 3 lied room home. 8B5 N. 16th. Open dally. Ph. 2-0767. a204 BY OWNER 3 bdrm. home reduced to $5900. 622 N. I7tU Ml. Leaving the State My U392 equity In 1 yr. old 2 B.R. home. Insulated, hardwood firs., com pletely modern. Move rlnht In for 1500. Bal. P.H.A. See 642 Blller Ave. Ph. 2-2880. a2U For Sale or Trade Older 3 BR home, 4 acres, Kood soil. 2 acres In Umber. 114 ft. well At elec. pump. Will trade for smaller home of like value in or near Balem or as down payment on rental unit. Price (3976. Ph. 2-2029. a2p5 Fair Oaks Way By owner: 2 bd. rm. house, all modern, electric throughout. Will sell my equi ty, $5500 cimh. Some terms on bal. Rt. 8, Box 17 H. 1 block off Kinitwood Dr. a205 34 Acre, $500 Down Tou can't bo wrontt on this suburban 2 bdrm. home. Located on the. bus line. Cement foundation. xood paint, Karaite, chicken houso. nice yard. Full price, 15500. Only $5950 Very clo. In. Suburban 2 bdrm. 2 year old plastered home. H11.1 2 lots. This Is a real barwHln. Any offer on terms will be considered. 2 Acres $4500 1 bdrm. modern. Electric Ihruout. Fam ily orchard. 2 car Karaite. City bus. Terms. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District Ph. 2-4864. Eve. 3-8013, 3-7128, 3-5757 B203 $6050 A real buy In 3 bdrms. house, llv. rm., din. rm., 1 bdrm., buth down; 2 bdrms., full bath up. Suitable for home snd Income property. Well located, close in on Chumekota si. $7500 Dandy 2 bdrm. homn. llv. rm., din. rm., nice kit., floored attic. Lame lot north east. View Home Strictly modern 3 bdrm. ranch type home; bsmt.. dble. gar. On South River road, located on 5'4 acres land with lil htrt orchard. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. OHl rt. uapuoi Bl. Sves. 3-5397, 3-6001, 2-4352. Ph. 2-8458 203 A REAL BUY in Enwlewood dlst., lnsul. St w. j., 2 bdrms., liv. rm.. din. rm., nice kitchen, bullt-ins, f'ptace, hdwd. fir., full basement, auto oil furn.. beautiful fenced back yard with out door f place A; pHtlo, narden spot, berries St fruit trees. Located out 2085 N. 19th St. Price tntnA Titiiu ("nil nr nlmnit for Al)llt. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 184 B. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440. a203 FAMILY HOME 4 years old.- 8 bedronm, bn.wment, fur nace, fireplace, lame lot, fruit and Jarae native shade trees. View. Shop around then see owner for barmiln. 3280 S. Commercial St. Phone 25096. ii2Q3 K'EW, two brdroomT all electric home. SVJftO, terms. 3145 Jensen SI, Piione 2-8074. s -J 04 BY OWNER, nice 1 story 8 B.R. home, good location, closo lo new scnooi ano ll bus. Lue. lot. Owner leavlnit 8i-It-m. Make offer. 4350 Maoleay Rd, Ph. 20048. a207 IT'S CLEAN M&0 Good 2 bin! rm home with bnse ment on a pnvrd street, clnsa In, nlcr lot with trees ft flowers A a picket Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Commercial Ph. 18849 Eve. 2S280 NEAR HlGirSCHOOL" 12,000 One Ttar old, I bed rms den. Fireplace, hardwood floors, radiant heat. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 8. Commercial Th 28849 Eve. a204 Owner Leaving Oregon 4 bedroom home one year old. Large living room, til kitchen, bath upatsirs and down. P1 altered basement and gar . Hardwood floors. lots built-Ins, terraced bsck yard. Cvt over $18,000 to build. Rrduced to 113,500 for quick Sale. For Information call 14847. 227 HOMES FOR YOU $4000 total price 1 B R., garage, ptumb- Inir. frqlt, paving, H ea.sh. $9800 With $1000 down, new 2 BR, hdwd. end fir floors, garage. Loc. F.nst Salem. 160 ;K to you. Worth 18500. Hdwd.. fire place, basement, elee. hrat, garage, 3 B.R., lo m. $idoo nown. iro niomn. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 170 . Com'l Ph. 24649 - 25487 R304 Bf OWNER Late built modern 2 bedroom home on 1"h acres. Attached Karaite, many attractive features. Itt. 4, Box 342 Ph. 20129. a204 KyOWNER 3 B R. house in good cond Priced for quick sale. Low down pay Tnent. 1340 s. 15th. ai3 FURN. DUPLEX $10,500 t bedroom apt. down. 1 bedroom apt. up. comp. furn. Oftrnne could be altered to another apt. Present Income $140 month. A good investment In a good location. Eee It today. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM fJTtO N. High St. Plioce 2-4129 Ore., Friday, August 26, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Ma & Pa Kettle" PLUS "Colorado Territory" AT WARNERS CAPITOL THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and tind the title of this picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 23 words or less on 'Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Ma & Pa Kettle" plus "Colorado Terri tory" coming soon to the .Capi tol theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the Judges is final. Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES 4 Bdrm. $7,000 i.nrirA llv. rm. with fireplace. Din. rm., utility rm. St Karaite. 50x150 lot on 23rd St. Walking distance to hospital and Capitol. 12000 down. Bal. like rent. Garage House H acre ground. Owner will take ear In Kood condition, as ail or pari payment. Full price $1,500. Call Bon Clcary Walter Musgrave, R'ltors 1311 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-993D $2750 for 2 bdrm. home. 1300 down. 2200 Simpson. B207 IIV OWNER. Furn. or unfurn. 3 bdrm. modern home. Full basement. Double Ha rase. Auto. heat. Bus by door, sua n 21st. Ph. 2-1436. 204 THIS BEAUTIFUL 3 BED ROOM HOME all on one floor, Is well built and wen arranged, all rooms are lame, plenty of closet space, nice fireplace, H.W. floors, nuto htat, really worth your considera tion. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Ph 24707 484 Court Eve. 24773 - 27283. a203 New 2 Bdrm. Homes $225 DOWN. Move Htiht In, no red tape Hdwd. floors, largo Karaite. In city. Bal. 186 mo. Inc. taxes, inetrest. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7842 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 3-0128. a SflTtiK). SPECIAL reduced to sell. Very mod ern. 2 bdrm. ph A apnr. email aown payment will handle Ph. 3-0180. a204 FOR HALE BV OWNER: Small modern houne on city lot adjacent to uus, school and Ktore. 2HhO. Reasonable terms. 586 South 22ml Street. a207 BY OWNER: Llv. rm., din., kit., nook, 2 bdrm., den A bath on one floor. Full basement with play rm., bdi'm.. shower rm. iaunury. auio. neat, a urcpiucen., Insulated, weatner stripped, vnn. unnos, awnings, dble. itur., Ik- lot. fenced yard. F1ice $18,500. 1070 John. Ph. 3-8226. B204 FOR SALE BY OWNER: 6 room house, water heater and wired lor ratine, Ven etian blinds. Price $4050. Will consider some trade. Ph. 37847. , H204' IIY OWNER: Small house; to be complet ed: y3 Acre; North; $1050. $185 vn. rn. 25211. a20;i Sacrifice Owner leaving. 4 rm. house with bath. Price drastically reduced. Lame lot. New addition. Onas S. Olson Kelier Real Est. St Ins. 085 Chemawa Rd. A ml. West Kelzer School. Ph. 31380. 8204 SfiH.Mr. Lartce 6 br, home No. 3 Zone on Mill St. Suitable for Apartments or rooming house. Small down payment. Make offer. Call Btanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors 153 S. High, call 34131, Eves. 25581 K285 Low Priced Home Clean S5700 2 bdrm. home. Pull basement. Nice yard. t4fi0 Only $1080 down. 2 bdrms. Newly decorated. Full basement. 16000 2 bdrm. suburban home 11008 down. Mfino i bdrm. furn. Immediate possession. $40f0 2 bdrm. home. tlttOO down. Bal t0 per month. Call Allen Jones and Mabel Needham Realtors 341 State St. Rm. 4 Upstairs Ph. 38201 B'203' JP7.MHI, Modem 3 Br. home Inalewood Dlst. Hw. fls, Fireplace, full basement, corner lot. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors 153 S. Hlith, call 34121, Eves. 25581 ii205 $05)5.00 DOWN Ipprox. $55 mo. on F.H.A. loan includes tax 6s Ins. New two Dcdroom an ei. home, auto washer, att. garage. Ph. 22146. 204 4 CORNERS DIST. $8500. New modem style 2 bdrm. home. Living rm dining rm.. kitchen, bath, attached Karaite, elec. water syMem. fruit trees, lawn and nhrubs. $6200. FH A com. Close to bus and shopping center KE1ZER DIST $12,000. Beautiful 2 yr. old bung style home. 1 bedrms., living rm., dining rm.. kitchen, bath, full basement, fireplace, large lot, nice lawn and shrubs, paved street, bus v floor, siouu. tiia uoin, HIGHWAY FRONTAGE $7f00. 850 ft. on 991. South. Close to shopping center. A real investment piece or property, uon t mtsi a goon nuy. LISTINGS WANTED We have buyers for 2 and 3 bedroom homes and acreages. If you are listing your property, call us. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN 191 S. High St. Ph. Mom 37183 Office 28693 A. A. IjA Ko CjIN REALTOR CASH SACRIFICE For $4500 rash tor bankable terms) you can buy this 5 rm. 1 yr. old home near new Capltola school. A very good buy. Near State Hospital Two yr. old plastered 9 bdrm. home with LR, kltch., dinette, utility rm. Lie. lot. Price $5950. $250 DOWN Buys t yr. old I bdrm. modern home with utility rm. and attached garage. On pavement near bus. Price $4950. COLBATII LAND CO. 1883 Center 8t. Ph. 24553 Eves. 28851 or 24398 a20J $l?,0ftA. Clean Modern 3 Bedroom home 7 yrs. old, Hollywood Dlst. Full Base ment. 3 fireplaces, Hardwood fls. throughout. Beautiful yard, shrubs, 12, 500 down, Balance $M 00 per mon. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors IH S. Hub, call $4131, Kvas, 25501 REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS AMERICAN COLONIAL OlfMi !n Bouth In bMUtlful settlns of oak trMs. Living room I7xlB ft., open U!rcac, 3 bdrm., dble. plb,., steam heat, a yrf. old, excellent condition thruout. priced to aell. CALL ROY FERRIS. CLASS "A" DUPLEX Located eloa. to atBta bulldlna and Capital Shopplna District excellent condition thruout, auto-oll heat, apace for 4 couru on rear of lot. An ex. oeptlonal buy, CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST. SUBURBAN SPECIAL An unusually fine home located on aero of land. Two spacious bedrooms, dressing room, tile bath, LR with fireplace, den, dining room. K. breakfast nook, large inside utility, double garage, landscaped. Let ua show you this very attractive home. CALL PETER H. OEISER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 fl. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Karl West 2-1232 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter Gelser 3-9S68 Ben Rolsen 2-2471 c203 FOR SALE HOUSES ENGLEWOOD $6950 A little dream cottage, 1 bedroom. LR. fireplace, bath, dinette, kit., bsmt., oil furn., gar., fenced yard. Best location. $10,950 2 blocks to Senior High, 6 blocks to En glewood School, large living room, flre ninrp nil air cond. furnace, utility. 2 large BR, Hdwd. firs, thruout. Lot 66 x j jt. r.H.A. isoan oauu. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 a204' MODERN 4 BR., 2 baths, oil heat, base ment. 2 lots. Some income, ibid iraoe B208 BY OWNER: ATTRACTIVE 5 RM. HOME. mUt; riKarLAUC niinv,nr,u w.s- AOE FENCED IN YARD. NICE FOR CHILDREN. LOVELY FLOWERS At SHRUBS. VERY GOOD VIEW OF CITY. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS DIST. CLOSE TO SCHOOL to BUS, $4,000 EQUITY HANDLE WITH GOOD TERMS . SOME BALANCE. PH. 35059. 2Q5 BY OWNER: 2 Bd. rm. house, large lot, $3,300. Will also sell lurn. l Aoramn. Ph. 20079. a205 OPEN HOUSE Sat., Sun., Mon., by owner. Reduced. 2 b.r. near school. Dry sealed basement. Oil furnace. Dbl. plumbing. Excellent condition. Nice fenced yard. Immediate poss. F.H.A. terms. 2425 E. Nob Hill. a204 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Suburban Property SOUTH. 2 -bed room house. Electric heat and cooking. Fireplace, rouuryimuae. Family fruit. 5 acres, all In cultivation. A hoi-trnln nt 15 750. NORTH EAST. 3 bedrooms. Elect, heat. Hwd. floors. Oarage, larae ioi, ciose iu Phnni fi son Bivts Dossesslon. SOUTH. 2-bedroom. modern, plastered house. Fireplace, lnsuiaieo ana wcam erstrlpped. Garage. F.H.A. commitment, miv wnter Priced to sell Rt $8,750. SOUTH. 2 bedrooms. Plastered. Hwd. floors. Attached garage, meet. m-ai. City water. Immed. possession. F.H.A. rommlttment. A bargain at $9,000. SOUTH. 2 bedrooms. Large living rm., dining rm., kitchen, nooK. uan noors throughout. Utility room. Attached plastered garage. City water Bus at door. McKinley school district $10,200. See or call McKillop Real Estate New Location - Center and High Office Phones 2-5131 and 3-8620 Evening 3-5514. a205 4 BEDROOMS $8500 4 bedrooms at this low price are hard to find Large lot, 230 ft. fronUiae, beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers. Klngwood Heights. WALTER MUSGRAVE REALTOR 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3(1109 Englewood District 2-bedroom home with full basement, nice si.o living & dining room. Venetian blinds. Wired for range. $9,500 with easy terms. No. 289 FAIRMOUNT HILL Lovel ysmall home with 1 VS bnlhs St 3 fireplaces. Has an excellent plan for additional rooms. Lot worth $4,000. Full price $8,500. Easy terms. No. 3 $500 DOWN!! W have 2 homes than can be pur chased for this small down payment. One 2-bedroom one 3 -bedroom. Call us today about No. 265 and 275. Reimann For Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Sun. St Eves. 3-5905, 2-8241, 2-2532, 3-9712 83113" OPEN HOUSE 2-5 P.M. 7-9 P.M. 1570 No. 23rd St. And oh! What a beauty) 3 B.R., tfiwd. firs., extra nice. Ifte. bathroom, espe cially nice utility rm., double garage If you aro looking for a better home don't fail to see this one. You will agree that it is one of the best buys in Salem. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Ph. S-39 a204' TODAY'S SPECIAL See the house at 1555 N. Liberty street: three bdrms; priced at $5,000. If you SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37880 a204 $750 DOAVN One bdrm., shade trees, tine garden; full price $3050, ASK US About a three acre tract Just off Pa cific hlway north, 4 miles south ot Woodburn. A very attractive property with neat house, good poultry house, fine deep well. ' NEARLY NEW Two bdrm.. plastered, fireplace, V. blinds, oil floor furnace, elec. water htr. Only $1775 will give you possession; balance at $53 inn. Including 4rt inter e.st. Located NE. Furniture optional. To tal price J8975. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 Eve. phones 24591 - 26805. o204 SALE OR TRADE 2 bedroom modern home. Will take unimproved acreage to $2,000. 3810 Monroe. a205 8 KM. HOME by owner. Large lot. shade, fruit trees, fine loc. $10,000. half cash. -835 Court St. Ph. 2-6579. 20! 3 BEDROOMS Living room with fireplace, -kitchen St dinette, automatic oil heat, attached garage. Close to grade St Junior high school. A good buy. BY OWNER 740 Electric Ph. 3-9882 a208' NEW 5 ROOM HOME by owner. Close In choice corner close to schools A bus. Ph. 2-5438. a208 IM MEDIATE POSKSStON 2 BR house, full basement. IS blk. from school, bus by door, price $5900. 365 Columbia or pn. 2-4982. a?95' INEXPENSIVE $1790 full price, 1 acre St 4 rm. hsa. North. 13950 Older 6 rm. hse., north. Mi acre good land, trees. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St. Ph. 1-38(13. 1304' FOR SALE LOTS SALS OR TUA11F: View lot 80x140, dtr wtr. LIU ft Ph. PHA approved. 11000 or tar ot rqual value. Ph. 3.6159. aaaoT FOR SALE OR TRADE: Extra lgt. lot. rrutt A; nuts. Clo,e to Miilral cnt.r. 3 HR rrmodrlffl home. Ph. J73M. aaao, To Place Classified Ads Pon 2-2406 I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS LOT, NORTH, close to school and store. Can 2-5584. aaioo LARGE BUILDING lot on Crolsan Creek. Large enough to accommodate 85 ft. long ranch style house. Creek flowing in front across entire width. Cement Slab now In place ready to start a building. Large ana small native trees, a beautiful site for quiet living:. Price $1850 complete. Terms if desired. Own er Ph. 3-6893 or Inquire at 885 N. Capi tol St. aa203 FAIRMOUNT HILL VIEW LOTS, 90' front age. Salem's most exclusive residential dlst. Only a few left at $2500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 84 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440. aa207" $10 DOWN! LOTS WITH WATER. ELECTRICITY. BUS SERVICE, CLOSE 'i'U SliMUUL tK STORE. Balance $15 per month. Reimann F.or Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Sun. St Eves. 3-5905, 2-8241, 2-2532, 3-9712 aaaos 50x101 restricted dist. N. 18th St. Ph. 3-4085 or see at 1915 N. lBtli. aa204 FOR SALE FARMS 12 ACRES, close in East, cleared, fenced and well drained, 300 it. irontane on paved road. Good subdivision possi bilities. Bargain at $400 per acre. A FEW 'a acre tracts left at $550 St UP. 100 ft. on caved road. S ACRES. 3 bedroom house, close In, S7.000. Some terms. G. A. VICARY REAL ESTATE 818 N. Com'l St. Ph. Day or Eve. 20421 b205 121s ACRES 99E 4 room - house, berries, lots of hlway frontage, good spot for gas or grocery, $7500. terms. Owner wants a small con fectionery. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Som'l BY OWNER Business Interests compel us to go dbck east, so we are selling out country home. There are ten fertile acres with strawberries, blackberries, and 'red raspberries for Income, also soma young fruit trees .coming along. The house Is nearly new, contains two bedrooms, and Is of smart modern de sign. It Is all electric and has many other attractive special features to make for comfort In living. Price $17,500 and worth It. One-half mile south of Clear Lake school, east side of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 2, Box 264, Salem. b206 FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE: Va to 20 acres. Choice building sites. River bottom silt. Ph. 31160 eve. bb208 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $1,000 DOWN Nice clean 4 bdrm. home, well worth the money, 1 block to bus. Close in north. Total price only $7500. Eve. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. 2 HOUSES Both new St very modern. Close to school, bus St store. North. Electric heat, insulated. We believe this ts a very good buy for only $11,400. Eve. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. 4 ACRES TO RENT Modern 2 bdrm. house. 3 acres filberts. Good soil. Close to suburban town. Rent only $760 per year. Lease available. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 5 ACRES Close In north. Good modern garage house. Private well. Willamette soil. Close to school. A buy for only $4200. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor' Ph. 3-7820, 2-4598. 3035 Portland rd. c205 i A., OAK. USE., wired for range, part ly furn. Deep well St pump. Outbuild ings. $1500. Rt. 2, Box 409F. L. W. Karn Jr. Between Kelzer St Chemawa. c208 IDEAL HOME: Good size living room; dining room: kitchen; two cheerful bedrooms; oak floors; large linen clos ets. Cement basement. Oil furnace. Price only $8950. $2500 down. FURNISHED NEAT 2 bedrin. home. Bus by door. Price only $6875. Terms. KEIZER DISTRICT: 2 bedrm. home. Large lot. Price S69!to. Reasonable down pay ment, balance O.I. loan. ATTRACTIVE BUY. Choice 60 acre tract few miles out on paved highway. Can be subdivided. About 40 acres In fruit: bal. timber and pasture. Creek on cor ner. Fruit crop will help pay for Place. Price only $7500, Part terms. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Sederstrom, 3-6789 or , Mr. Voorhees. 2-4007. c205" FOR YOUR SAVINGS investment buy m tint mortgnue on real estate Salem & V'dnity. Examine security yourself Amojnts $500 to sevcrnl thousand dol lars, net investors 5 We make all col lections for you it desired. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 8 High e 2 A. CLOSE TO SCHOOL Out-of-town owner must sell 3 Bd. rm. n.od rn home. Karnge, C. Good well, all In fruit and berries. Will take offer. KIEZER DIST. New 2 Bd. rm. $7,500. General Real Estate 255 Center St. Ph. 33289 c203 CKOISAN CREEK Very nice, small, build ing site wun year-rouna creec, obk trees, macadamlted road, four miles from Ladd St Bush. Ideal for summer place or year round living. $700 (full price.. Owner's phone Is 3-8893. c203 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICEl It rour propertf is tor sate, rent or cxchaDia, list It ttn us W, have all Kinds ot casn otiyers STATK FINANCE CO. REALTORS I5J S Htlb SI REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE listings needed to satisfy our customers. We have the buyers if you have the property. We help finance. Phone 2-7983, 100m 320. Oregon Bldg. HAVE cash buyers for farms 30 to 100 acres priced up to $17,000. Phone 3-7983. room 320. Oregon Bldg. ca212 CONTRACTORS ATTENTION Do you want to build a 2.000 Sq. Ft. house on my property and sell It to me on monthly payments? Box 375 Capital Journal, ea207 WE ARK In need oi gooo nouses to tell in or near Salem If you wUb to list your property for sale o GRABENHORST BROS.. RIALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 1-3471 ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE OR SELL 84 A. grade A dairy In Ranter, Ore. 35 A. cleared St 29 A water rights. Milk parlor St hse. lounging shed St cows. AU equipt. 17.000 saw timber. 2 houses. Sell for 813.500 take small acreage In Salem. Ph. 24243. jrrtW 8KI.L6Raccept large house trailer on nicely turn. home. 5150. Ph. 30229. AUTOMOBILES CHEQK THESE PRICES ! ! THEN BUY ! ! 1939 Ford Tudor $265 1936 Ford Fordor 125 1936 Chevrolet Coupe 185 CAPP'S USED CARS 253 UNION - PH. 8-6143 Bonesteele Sales & Service 1948 Studebaker 5 Pass. Coupe, R&H, O'drive, 12,000 mi. $1995 1948 Studebaker 2 Door, R&H, 9000 miles $1995 1946 Nash Sedan $1075 1941 Studebaker Sedan $595 1941 Chevrolet Coupe $695 1940 Plymouth 2 Door $595 1636 Chevrolet Sedan r $150 1935 Chevrolet 2 Door $125 1936 Terraplane Sedan $165 1937 Chevrolet Coupe $265 BONESTEELE 370 N. CHURCH BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Sale or Exchange 10 acres Hayesvllle. All kinds of fruit St berries. Neat home. Good barn Si chicken hse. Consider Income property. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Ph. 2-3862. cd204 FOB SALE: Established Grade A Restau rant centrally located in valley town. Larue fireproof brick building. Low rental. Seating capacity 54, plus ban quet room. Complete, modern equipment. Definitely a money-maker. Owner de sires quick sale, returning to college in fall. Call Brownsville 5830 or write Box 45 cd206 6 UNIT MOTEL $600 month Income, electric heat, food location, 99E, close Salem. $19,000, port terms. I E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com'l Ph. 24849 - 35497 Cd204 SHOE REPAIR shop. New machinery. stock. Good location, $3,300. Terms. 2490 Myrtle Ave. Eve. cd205 NELSON NEWS FOR RENT FOR OFFICE OR SHOP Downtown professional men whose cli ents are plagued with parking problems, can arrange through our office for ac commodations In a new building which can be available In 90 days. On a wide street, with a lot of traffic St lot or free parking space. Tell us what you need St we will try to arrange It for you. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialise 702 N. High Ph. 34622 cd205 WANT A nightclub? Here's the best chance you'll ever set. Total price of $3800 will handle the Club Combo, Sa lem. Lease and following equipment, $1350 Ice machine, $850 carbonater, $1400 furniture, drapes, kitchen equip ment, deep freeze, elec. water heater, oth -e items $3800 Is the total price If you act at once. Ph. 35110 now for com plete details. "Ma A; Pa Kettle" Plus "Colorado Territory." cd205 Attention Painters Good contracting business. Repeat bus iness. Panel truck and all equipment. Going at cost. Only $750. Worth Investi gating, Capital Journal, box 371. cd203 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Need taverns, groceries, restaurants, service stations and motels or oourts. Have out of state buyers for all of the above. Phone 2-7983, room 320, Oregon Bldg. cd212 GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 2 gas pumps, 8 cabins. 2 ml. N of underpass on Hy. 99 E. W. J. Jarms, Rt. 7 Box 145. Salem. Ph. 24319. Cd207 FURNITURE FOR SALE OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer St. at Summer St Norway d203 UNIVERSAL GAS range, table top model. automatic oven, $95. 104 E. Wilson. da 05" NOW Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES HIOH EST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY S&H OREEN STAMPS You Can't Beat This Combination H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3797 d203 MOVING. Items of household furn. for sale. Reasonable. Ph. 24703. 1335 Lee. d204 M'G A PAD. 9x11 Axminster. florat de sign. Almost new, $47.50, Trader Louis, 3055 Portland Rd. d203 PIANO, Brewster mahoaany. Exc. cond., S145. Trader Louis. 3055 Portland Rd. d203' WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and household articles. Nothing to big or sm Ph. 38558. da207 SPOT CASH for your furniture, appli ances, rugs, sporting equipment, an tiques. Need at once. Paying top prices. Glen Woodry. Ph. 35110. da204 USED FURN. Check our prices. Valley Furn Co.. 285 N. Com'L Ph. 27472. da208 HlCtllErT PRICKS paid. Phone Glenn at Woodr? Auction Market Ph 1-3110 da AUCTIONS IA FT. House TraUer, $125 at East Salem Auction Center. Ph. 31321. dd204 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK1 SADDLE HORSE. Route 2 box 22A, ml. no. Keller school. e205" MILK GOATS fresh St springer, also wearier pigs. I. C. Edwards, Ph. 2-4372. . e205 S YR OLD saddle mare. Hamlltonlan St American saddle. Gentle enougn ior a woman. Rt. 4 Box 40. Phone 23037. J. Chamberlln. e205 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. UeCandl ah. 1127 & 25. PH. 3-8147, ea20S PETS COCKER PUPS. Ph. 25441. rt WEEKS Cocker pups, 4647 Lowell. Kel ler Dlst. ao5 REGISTERED Springer Spanlal puos Very good. Call 3-1508 or 2-2471. ec203 MOORE'S TROPICAL fish A sup plies, large variety. Special on Reds words ft Guppies. Open evenings until 9 p. m. Rt. 5 Box 483 off McCleay Rd. Ph. 27321. ec205 TROPICAL FISH aquarium with fish and p'ints. Ph. 35912 after 7:20 p.m. ec204 A.K.C. registered collie pups. Ideal pets for ohUdreo. 470 Wayne Dr. Ph. 1-1013. 20V IAUTOMOBILES Ph. 3-9277 q203" iPETS DO HERMAN P1NSCHER male, age 13 months. Phone 3-0417 after 6 p.m. ec204 FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 8&H GREEN STAMPS CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends St Block Wood, Ph. 86444 e OAK, S.Q. fir, limbs. 2-2139. ee223 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash St maple. ' fir, 18" slab and edgings. Ph. 31458. ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-XN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Silem 2-431 Also pick up wood at 1S25 Edgewater St., West Salem ee1 FOR SALE POULTRY 3 LB. RED FRYERS $1.50 dressed St delivered, others to 6 lb. also hens. Come St choose yourself. Rt. 7, box 434A. McCain Ave. off Sllverton road. 1205 LOE. COLORED FRYERS St hens. 2 lge. White Rock roosters. 1 dos. pullets Rt. 6, bo.t 301E. Ph. 2-0096. f203 FRYERS for sale 50c St 75c. Kelzer dist. Ph. 2-3240. 1204 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3630 State St. Ph. 1-4969 f NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Ph. 2-2881. Lee's Hatchery. f PRODUCE PEARS, you pick, BOc box, bring boxes. Saturday afternoon and Sunday only. Close In. "Brown's Place" on Brown ing Ave., half way between Liberty rd. and Belcrest. (If you bring a, long lad der you'll get better pears). II204 E'"-RTA PEACHES. Now ready. Carl nwalt Orchards at Brooks. Ph, I. Also U-plck peaches. ff208 IALES and Elberta peaches. Joe rich. Rt. 2, box 146. I mile straight of Kelzer och. Ph. 2-8304. ff208 BARTLETT PEARS. U-Pick 50c. Picked 75c. Bring boxes. Rt. 6 box 118, 4 miles out State St. ff208 PEACHES. U-Plck, $1.00 bu. Apples and pears. T. C. Mason, Rt. 2, Box 267, Sa lem. 6 miles N. on Wheatland Rd. Ph. 3-1260. ff206 U-PICK PEARS, 75c bu. Bring own con tainer. L. L. Ranch, 1"4 miles west of Kelzer. Ph. 22118. If205 Improved Elberta PEACHES Ready it Jess Mathls Orchard St fruit stand, 6 ml. N. of Salem on Portland hlway. ff208 GOOD eating apple $1.75 a box. 2505 S. Com'l. ff205 TOMATOES, hybrid, acid free. Will de liver. Q, M. Gorman, Jefferson, Ore. Ph. 318. ff226 ELBERTA PEACHES and canning corn, Leon's Fruit Stand, 4905 N. River Road, ff207 U-PICK Tomatoes, Cukes, Peppers, Corn for canning. Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks. fI207 CANNING PEACHES, corn, tomatoes, pears, prunes, apples, strawberries, raspberries. Frlgaard Fruit Farm, 4 mi. N. Keizer School. ff213 SWEET CORN, 6 dozen or more at 25c at the place, or 35c delivered. No Sat. sales. Ph. 23117, south end of 22nd St., Rt. 4. Box 62. ff207 CORN, Route 7, Box 434 R, Hollywood Dr. Sa'em. Ore. II204 GRAVENSTEIN Apples, Bartlett Pears. Crawford Peaches at Waconda. J. C Savage. Ph. 31344. H203 BARTLETT PEARS. Gravensteln apples, $1 bu 1st house off Pac. hwy. on Clax ter Rd. Ph. 24305. ff203 BLACKBERRIES U-Plck. Bring contain ers. 5c 10. Ph. 23117. Rt. 4 box 62. Just South of the Walling Gravel. No Sat. calls. ff204 CANNING BEANS St rorn. Klghtllnger. 1187 e. com'l. rn. asiae. nm- CRAWFORD PEACHES, U-pick. J. C Savaze. Ph. 3-1344 at Waconda. If203 HILL OROWN PEACHES Crawford!. Imp. Elbertas, Mutrs St Hales. Rollln Beaver, Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F2. ff205 CANNING TOMATOES U-Plck 11.00 bu. Holman. 13 miles south of Salem on old highway toward Jefferson. ff205 PEACHES, 81 to 32.50 bushel. One mile out Wallace rd. 2-2316. loa PEACHES, APPLES, CORN & TOMATOES IMLAH FRUIT FARM 4 mile out Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-8304 ff205 IMPROVED ELBERTA Peaches. Brltt As plnwill's Peach orchards at Waconda. on Salem-Champoeg road. f 1205 CHOICE BARTLETT PEARS, 11.00 bu. or U-plck 75c bu. Alirma Motel, 3645 roruana Ha. Bring Boxes, rn. voiu, 11204' BARTLETT PEARS ready now. Olson Or chards H mile W. of Kelser sch. 75c to SI. 30. We deliver. Bring boxes. Ph. 3-1380. ff203 CRAWFORD PEACHES, Bartlett pears. Joe Dtedrkh, rout I box 146, Salera. 1 mile straight West of Kelser school. Ph. 3-8304. ff204 HELP WANTED HOP PICKERS WANTED. Long run of early and lates. Stadell Bros., Sllverton, ore., ra. ureen isj or Blue an. g:tw IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad in instruction column. g203 NOW REGISTERING hop pickers. $1 de posit required for cabin reservation John 3. RoMrU Ctv, Salem. AUTOMOBILES HERE'S BUYER'S SAFETY when you buy " a Used Car To promote and maintain the highest possible standards in our business, and to assure you fair, honest dealing when you buy a used car, the pro gressive dealers in Salem have formed the SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION. It's an organization dedicated to your protection. Be sure the dealer you buy from is a member . . . for your protection and ours. Anderson's Used Cars Zeeb's Used Cars Herrall-Owens Pontiac Dealer Bob Marr Used Cars Western Motors McKay Chevrolet Co. Chevrolet Dealer Orval's Used Cars Otto J. Wilson Co. Buick Dealer Quality Used Cars Lee's Used Cars Capp's Used Cars Salem Automobile Co. Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer WANT A TOP USED CAR? IF SO DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THESE CARS 1947 BUICK SEDANETTK 1946 CHRYSLER CLUB COUPE 1946 CHRYSLER 4 DR. SEDAN Or If It Is Something in Low Cost Transportation You Need These Cars Are Good Buys 1937 PLYMOUTH 4 DR. SEDAN 1938 CHEVROLET 2 DR. SEDAN 1932 FORD 2 DR. SEDAN 1939 PLYMOUTH 4 DR. SEDAN Several Others To Choose From Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER - SERVICE - PLYMOUTH Open All Day Saturday - Evenings by Appointment 435 N. Com'l St. Phon HELP WANTED HOP PICKERS wanted for Kaufman Bros. St Schurters hop yards. Will start Aug. 29 on late hops. Good picking, long run. Sllverton Rt. 3, box 147. Ph. Black 183. 1204 BEAN PICKERS. Bishops, South River road. 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 12th and Mission 6:00, Farm La bor office 6:30, Ladd St Bush bank 6:35, south on Clmmercial to Owens. For in formation call 3-6137. g304 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED FRUIT A vegetable dept. opera tor. State experience St give ref. Box 374 Capital Journal. . ga204 BOYS 16 years to set pins. Good winter job. B & B Bowling. 3085 Portland Rd. a205 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED! Exp. waitress. No phone calls please. Hrs. 3 to 10. Blue Anchor Cafe, 1125 Edsewater. b203 SALESLADY, must know music and play piano. Just for Friday afternoon. Wills Music store. b203" I REFINED middle aged woman for light housekeeping ana cootting ior quiet family of three. Ph. 3-4119. gb WANTED! Women between ages of 30-80 for work in the Fisher Nursing Homes. Ph. 1429R 219 W. 4th St. Albany. gb205 GIRL OR WOMAN to help with house work Sz children for 2 mo. Rm., board St good wages. Ph. 3-9440. gb203a LADY FOR housework. Full time. Live In or stay home nltes. pn. aos. goam- WANTED CHRISTIAN woman of quiet habits to live in home witn eioeriy lady. Can arrange for part time house work if wished. For, further informa tion write Box 351, Capital Journal. gb204 FULL TIME usherette. Apply In person. Grand Theatre. gb204 WOMAN wanted with experience for press ing. Price's, 135 N. Liberty. gozov STENOGRAPHERS: Positions In state offices $180 to 8195 per month to start. Must qualify by examination. Apply civ il service commission, 444 Center St. gb204 WOMAN OR GIRL to care for 2 yr. old boy and three room house Monday tnru Friday, all holidays off, go home nights. Live about mile out on N. River rd. on Kelzer bus line. If possible would like some one tn that vicinity. Start to work Sept. 1. 110 per wk and bus fare. Do not apply unless can be permanent until school Is out. Box 372. Bb203 SALESLADY Give age, exp., marital sta lls St salary desired in first letter. Box J08 Capital Journal. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph. 1-14S8. ! WANTED SALESMAN APPLIANCE SALESMAN, adjacent to Sa lem. First quality nat'l lines of merch ndlse. Draw St commission or salary St bonus. We expect a lot from you. We al so are willing to pay you for results. Write box 307 Capital Journal for in terview stating qualifications. gg203' I LOCAL salesman to sell In territory adjacent to Salem. Must own car and be able to furnish references. Salary commission. Apply 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana Ave., Salem. (AUTOMOBILES Valley Motor Co. Ford Dealer McCall's Used Cars Harold Gordon Used Cars Stan Baker Motors Dodge-Plymouth Dealer Tillie's Used Cars Warner Motor Co. Lincoln-Mercury Dealer Bonesteele Sales and Service Studebaker Dealer Ron's Motor Co. Acme Used Cars Marion Motor Co. Nash Dealer Sam's Used Cars J-4117 495 N. Com'l St. 03 WANTED SALESMAN ONE OPENING for experienced real es tate salesman. Apply in person. Rei mann Real Estate. 201 South High St. 205 RE YOU Interested in working for re sponsible corporation with opportunity for advancement? We operate retail stores adjacent to Balem. Many nat'l first lines of merchandise, also our own leader. Guarantee. Draw St com mission or salary St bonus. We don't care if you are the man we want. Writ for Interview. Box 306 Capital Journal. Give qualifications. gg203 WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE by day. Ph. 28685. BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-4014. typing, addressing in my home, will pick up ana aeuver m city. pji. j-sbii. H206 WANTED: Baby Sitting. 25c per hour. Ph. z-imT. Experienced. h204 ACCOUNTANT, capable and dependable, seem smaii accounts ior spare time or would consider full time office man agement. Matured and well experienced. References. Write box 305 Capital Journal. h204 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp, Ph. 2.6706. h227" EXP. AUTOMOBILE mechanio wants Job or good location lor shop. Ph. 39982. h208- WIDOW, mlddleaged, excellent cook, neat ana attractive, daughter 12, wishes full responsibility motherless home, Mrs. Powers, Hotel Salem, Ex 159. h204 MAN WITH family wants dairy work or jod on farm starting month of Oct. Write J. A. Clndell, 1811 Lee St., Salem. h204 VETERAN requires position. Have com pleted training course In refrigeration. Received degree. Willing to take on tha job training. Write or cajl, Erwln Duerk sen. 1120 Cross St., Salem. h20J NEW LAWNS prepared St seeded. Light tractor on runner witn. doser. Ph. 28127. Duane Wolcott. h221 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093. 11213" FINK PAINTING, papering. Ph. 2-5522. Mimeographing-Typing FOE'S 665 North 16th Phono 3-3643 h207 EXP. GIRL to watch children day or nignt. rn. ao?oi. h203' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 14 hr. serv- lce Former pnone opr. Ph. 1-5072. h204 DRESSMAKING A alterations. Ph. 3-9840 after 3 h303 WOMAN for general house work St cook ing for 3 adults. No laundry. Wages St , meals. 215 E. Lincoln. 1.203 CHILD CARE. 183 B. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. h212 CLMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4851. b PLOWING, DISCING. Al Uoit. Ph. 32937. fa 202 EDUCATION IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint write for Talent Test (No Fee). Olva age and occupation. Box 257 Capitol Journal. hh203 WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school in NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 630 MR Sacramento, Portland - MU 0680 hh206 (Continued on Page 19) A.