Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 26, 1949, Page 17, Image 17

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    Grains Lower
During Friday
Chicago, Aug. 26 ft.M Weak
ness in soybeans unsettled other
commodities on the board of
trade today. Showing an easier
undertone all session, beans fell
at a faster rate late in the day.
Losses ran to several cents on
fairly heavy volume.
This brought some nervous
selling into other pits. Only corn
displayed resistance to the pres
sure. Wheat got off to a steady start
on small mill buying, but faded
toward the close. September fell
under $2.00. Oats and rye fol
lowed the same pattern as the
bread cereal.
Traders said the selling in
soybeans, which has now
brought beans down for large
losses from recent highs, was
based mainly on further weak
ness in vegetable oil prices.
Some suggested soybeans had
been "over-bought" earlier this
Wheat closed lower,
September $1.99, corn was 14
lower to Vt higher, September
$1.24-, oats were unchang
ed to Vi lower, September 66
66y4, rye was lower,
September $1.423j, soybeans
were 4 -6 lower, November
futures were 2 to 10 cents a hun
dred pounds lower, September
i By the Associated Press
American Can 93
Am Pow St tt 12'i
ap TbI & rel 144
niiacorda 27
Bondtx viation 23?;
B'th Steel 26
Boetns "Jrplnne 18
Calif Packing
(Jmadian Pacif'o 12-Ti
Case J 1 38 "i
Calei pillar 33'i
Chrysler SHf
ComwMh St Sou 5
Com Vultee 107
Continents1 Can 33 'L-
Crown Zellerbnch 25' r
Onrtlw VVrtKhi 8'i
Douglas Aircraft
Dupont de Ncm 50
Genera) Elect r.c 37i
Crerai Pood
General Motors 61
Goodyear Tire 39
Inr Harvester 27
Int Papei ., 536
Kvnnecott '.
Llbby McN St L 7','j
Lone Bel! "A" 204
Montgomery Ward 52
Huh Kelvlnator 14
N-.l Dairy 32
NY Cnrta 10'h
Northern Pacific 141-
Pac Am Fish
Pa Gas St Eleo : 331
" Tel a. Tel 8
Penney J O 50
Radio Corp HH
Rayonter 24 Vi
R yonier Pfd
Reynolds Metal
Richfield 39
Safeway Stores 24 a;
6ars Roebuck
Southern Pacific 38
Standard Oil Co
Studebaker Corp 33 7
Sunshine Mining
tnion OU Cal ljy
Union PaclMo
United Airlines "J
U fi Steel 22 ',,
Earner Bros Plo 10 -
Woolworth -j- 48
Maison to Direct
Hospital Death
State Police Supt. Harold. G.
Maison will direct inquiry into
th death of Oren A. Brownlee
24, who bled to death in the
state prison last March.
Gov. Douglas McKay ordered
the Investigation after the Ore
gon Journal reported Brownlee
lay unattended for six hours
after he had slashed his wrists,
Maison was asked by Attorney
General George Neuner to make
the inquiry.
Hamler Appointed to Bench
Olympia, Aug. 26 ) rGover
nor Langlie today named Fred
crick G. Hamley, Seattle, to the
state supreme court succeeding
retiring Justice Clyde G. Jef
fers. He will take office Sep
tember 6.
Texas leads the nation in pro
ducing spinach for fresh-market
if f-2rf-i l . fl
.uiiuruu injures i Milwaukee, Wise., firemen
lift a stretcher out of a window of one of the interurban street
V cars that crashed into the rear of another. 19 persons were in
jured in the collision. (ACME Telephoto)
Dakota Fire "Out of Control" Air force men from the
Rapids City air base wearily battle an "out of control" blaze
in Black Hills National Forest, S. D. The fire disrupted traf
ic by jumping Highway 14 between Rapids City and Sturgis,
and extends on a seven-mile front.
UP Accused
By Blanford
Portland, Ore., Aug. 26 U.R
R. K. Blanford, vice president
of the Denver & Rio Grande
Western railroad, asserted today
that "monopoly practices" of
Union Pacific railroad were
"discriminating against the Pa
cific northwest."
Blanford said he felt the D &
RGW "should have a chance to
sell its service to eastern Ore
gon and Idaho."
The D & RGW operated lines
in Utah and Colorado. Union
Pacific has lines from the north
west through Utah and Colorado
to Omaha. Blanford said Union
Pacific will not grant joint rates
on shipments originating in the
northwest which move on D &
RGW tracks in Utah and Colo
The D & RGW has asked the
interstate commerce commission
to force Union Pacific to allow
joint rales. Union Pacific con
tended the request was an at
tempted invasion of Union Pa
cific territory and that there
was no reason why shipments
should move over D & RGW
tracks on the long eastern haul.
Blanford said Union Pacific
was trying "to close the door on
competition in Idaho and east
ern Oregon." He said shippers
should decide how they want
their cargo routed and should
not be penalized if they pick a
line other than Union Pacific.
Chicago Livestock
Chicago, Aui. 28 (UJtt (UBDA Live
stock market:
Hogs: Salable 5,000. General market
slow. But close fairly active. Butchers
200 lbs. and over, 25 to 50 cents lower;
lighter weights steady; sows under 400
lbs, 25 to 60 cents lower; heavier sows
steady; top 21.25 sparingly; bulk sood and
choice 200 to 270 lbs, 20.50 to 21.00, odd
lots 280 to 330 lbs, IB. 00 to 20.50; scatter
ing weights up to 400 lbs, as low as 17.00;
good and choice 170 to 190 lb Ufchts, 18.50
to 20.50; few 140 to 160 lbs, 17.00 to 18.25;
good and choice sows, under 360 lbs, 17,00
to 18.25; few 18.50 to 450 lbs, 16.00 to
17.00; few 475 to 550 lbs, 14.50 to 15.60;
odd heavier sows down to 13.50; good clear
ance. Sheep: Salable 1,000. Lambs and year
lings very slow; undertone weak to low
er; sheep steady; slaughter ewes, 8.50
down; western kind with breeding ewe
ends, 6.00.
Cattle: Salable 1,000. Calves 200. Steady
excepting canner and cutter cows, these
active and strong; load choice 965 lb steers,
and heifers mixed, 27.75; scattered loads
and lots medium and good fed steers,
23.00 to 26.50; common and medium
grassers, 17.00 to 22.00; most heifers, com
mon and medium grassers, selling from
16.00 to 20.50; common to low good beef
cows, 14.50 to 17.00; canners and cutters,
12.00 to 14.75: medium to low good saus
ase bulls. 18.50 to 20.50; common to choice
sealers, 20.00 to 27.00; odd lots medium
and good stockers and yearling feeding
steers, 19.00 to 22.00.
Portland Grain
Portland. Aug. 26 OP) Wheat:
Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.12; soft
white (no rex) 2.12; white club 2.12.
Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.12; 10 per
cent 2.12; 11 per cent 2.12.
Today's car receipts: Wheat 23, barley
21; flour 7; corn 1; mlllfeed 11; flax 1.
Salem Livestock Market
(By Valley Packing Company)
Lambs $17-00 to MM
Feeder lambs $10.00 to (14.00
Ewes 5-.S0 to $4.00
Cutter cows $9.00 to 110.00
Pat dairy cows 110.00 to tll.oo
Bulls (11.00 to $15.00
Calves, good (300450 lbs.) $14.00 to $16.00
Veal (150-300 lbs. good ..118.00 to 20.00
Portland Eastslde Market
Peaches sold for $1.50 to $1.65 wrapped
ar. packed In 23-25 lb. lugs on the
Portland Eaatside Farmers Wholesale
Produce market today.
Corn brought 75 cents to $1.00 a five
dozen ear pack.
Radishes were 50 to 60 cents a dozen
Beets were offered for 40 to 50 cents a
dozen bunches.
Green onions were 40 to 45 cents a
dozen bunches.
Spear melons sold for $2.50 a crate.
Cortland Produce
Batterfat renio.ivfl, subject to Imme
diate change Premium quality maximum
to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered in
Portland 63-S6c lb.. 02 score 61-64c lb., 90
score, 57-60C, 8fi score. 55c. Valley route
and country Ainu w less man wrist.
nutter Whbles la FOB bulk cubej
wholesalers: grade 93 score, 62 cents;
02 Rcnr 61c: B 90 score. 59c ib.i
C 8r score, 66c. Above prices are strictly
Cheese Selling price to Portland whols
sale: Oregon singles 39-40c; Oregon 5
sm. loaf 42-43c; triplets U4 less than
Eggs tTo Wholesaler!) A grade large
63A-646c; A medium, 55-58 ic; grade
B large, 54-5BVic; small A grade, 42 Vic
Portland Dairy Market
Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA
prints 67c; AA cartons 68c; A prints
67c A cartons C8c; B prints 64c.
Eisa Prices to retailers: Grade AA
large, 70c doz.; certified A large, 67c; A
large, 66c; AA medium, 61c: certified A,
medium, 60c; A medium, 39c, A small,
16c; cartons 2c additional.
Cheese Price to retailers: Portiana
Oregon singles 39-42c Oregon loaf, 6
lb loafs 44 'A -45c lb.; triplets, IVt cents less
than alnglfj. Premium brands, singles.
5Ic lb loaf. 5 3 ',4c.
Lire Chlckena No 1 quality FOB
Plants, No. 1 broilers under 2't lbs 25-26c
lb.; fryers 2 "4 -I lbs., 30-3 lc; 3-4 lbs., 31c;
roasters 4 lbs. and over, 31-32c lb., fowl,
leghorns, 4 lbs and under 19-aOc, over 4
lbs. 20c; colored fowl all weights 22-23c;
roosters, all weights 18-19c.
Rabbits Average tr. growers: live whites,
4- fi lbs 18-20 lb.; 5-6 lbs. 16-18c lb:
colored 2 cents tower; old or heavy aoes
B-14c; dressed fryers to butchers, 63-57c
Country-Killed Meata
Veal top quality, 32-33c lb.; other
grades according to weight and quality
wl h poor or heavier 24-29c.
Hogs: Light blockers, 32-33c; sows
33 -35c.
Lambs; Top quality, springers, S3-36c;
mutton 8-lOc.
Beef: Good cows, 23 -26c lb; canners
cutters, 20-22c
Fresh Dressed Meats
(Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.):
Beef steers, good, 500-800 lbs S43-4S:
commercial, 35-$41; utility, $31-$34.
Cows Commercial, $30-34; utility, $26
27. Canners-cutters, $22-24.
Beef cuts ( good steers) Hind quar
ters $53-55. rounds, $53-55: full loins,
trimmed. $70-$75; triangles, $36-37; square
chucks, $38-40; ribs. $52-55; forequarters.
Veai and alf; Good, $38-40! commercial,
$32-35; utility $26-80
Lambs: Good-choice, spring lambs, $41
43; commercial, $35-38; utility, $32-33.
Mutton: Good, ''O lbs, down, $18-20.
Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs. 160
62; shoulders, 18 lbs down $40-42; spare
ribs $48-51, carcasses $33-35; mixed
weights S3 lower.
Portland Miscellaneous
Caacara Bark Dry 12 Wc lb., green 4c lb.
Wool Valley coarse and medium grades,
45o lb.
Mohair 15o lb. on 12-month growth
i nominally
Hldei Calves, 27c lb., according to
weight, kips 22o lb,; beef 10-llc lb., bulls
5- Bc lb. Country buyers pay 2o less.
Nut Quotations
Walnuts Franqueltea, first quality Jum
bo, 34.7c large, 32.7c; medium, 27.2c;
second quality jumbos, 30.2c: large, 28.2c
m.dium. 26.2c; )aby. 23 2c; soft shell, first
quality large, 29.7c medium. 26.2c: sec
ond quality large. 27 2c. medium 24.7c:
baby 22.2c.
Filberts Jumbo. 20o Ib.i large. 18c
medium. 16c; smalL 13c.
Veterans Housing
Short of Tenants
Grande Ronde, Ore., Aug. 26
u.R)One-fourth of the 100 unit
veterans housing unit here will
be torn down because of a lack
of tenants, Project Supervisor L.
R. Anderson said today.
Anderson attributed the lack
of house seekers to a general
decline in employment in the
Grande Ronde area.
Relieve Menstrual Pain
New Jill Tabs New
Ask your druggist for further
Northwest Drug & Chemical
Products Co.
3106 S.E. 50th Ave., Portland
Why Suffer
Any Longer
vThen others tau use out Chinese
remedies Amavini success for a00v
rears in China No matter with what
ailments ton arr afflicted- disorder
sinusitis bean lungs liver, kidneys
gas. Lonjitlpation ulcers. dlabeUa
rheumatism tall and bladder, fever
kln t'mal' complaints-
Office ROM I ) I
Ttes and Sat. Only
t4 H Cora met tU
Pbene HUM
SALEM. Oftft.
New $30,000 Store
At Capitol Center
Mrs. W. L. Allen of Salem
will be manager of one of the
new stores to go up in the Capi
tol Shopping Center for which a
permit was issued Thursday
The cost is estimated at $30,000
The permit was issued to Pa
cific Mutual Life Insurance com
pany, builder of the other large
business houses in the project.
Pacific Greyhound Lines took
out a $2000 permit for altera
tions at the bus depot, 450 North
Church. The area adjacent to
the driveway will be paved for
bus parking facilities, and some
changes will be made in the of
fice. .
Other permits today: Edith
Vernon, to reroof a one-story
dwelling at 1663 Court, $185.
Ned McCoy, to build a one-story
dwelling and garage at 1470
North 23rd, $13,200. Jack Hen
ningsen, to build a one-story
dwelling at 3315 Willamette
drive, $13,000.
Tina Pauline Rolls
In this city AukusI 23. Tina Pauline
Rolie, late resident Of 2260 South 12th
street, at the atte of 75 years. Survived by
.six children, Philip Rolie of Salem, Ru
ben Rolle of Portland Jay Rolle and Mrs.
Kapitola Hangensun of Colgan. N. D..
Mrs, Adolph Haagensun of Fortuna, N.D.,
and Mrs. Thora Gardner of Crawfordsvllle,
Oregon; a sister, Mrs. Pctro Zaback of
Burgon, N. D.; and two brothers, Ouner-
ious Ounderson of Colgan, N.D., and Carl
Gundersorf or Westminster, B. C. An
nounccment of services later by W. T. Rig
don company,
Bert Orum
In this city August 23, Bert Crum, late
resident or 1079 Ruge street, West Salem.
at the age of 61 years. Survived by his
wife, Violet Crum of West Salem: three
children. Betty Jean Crum. Billle Bert
Stafford and Mildred M. Orager, all of
Salem; three brothers, Edwin Crum, Ralph
Crum and Burl Crum, all of Salem; a sis
ter, Mrs. Gertrude Knox of Livingston,
Mont.; and two grandchildren. Services
will be held at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel
Saturday, August 27, at 1:30 p.m. with
concluding services in the City View cem
etery. Rev. Walter Naff will officiate.
Lee Wallace Acheaon
Lee Wallace Acheson, at the residence
at 1665 South Church street, August 25,
at the ase of 76 years. Survived by wife,
Mrs. Sadie Marie Acheson of Salem; a
daughter. Mrs. Loralne Stevens of Rich
mond, Calif.; sons, Alfred Acheson of
j bany and Wayne Acheson of Wash
ington; a step-daughter, Mrs Opal Mar
tin of Portland; two step-sons, Claire
Anderson and Vern Anderson, both of
Los Angeles, Calif.; three grandchildren
and seven great grandchildren. Announce
ment of services later by Clough-Barrick
Mri. Thelma Kollmorgan
Mrs, Thelma Kollmorgan, lute resident
of 159 Fisher road, at a local hospital
Auttust 24. Survived by husband, Louis F.
Kollmorgan of Salem; a daughter, Karen
Dene Kollmorgan of Salem; a sister,
Miss Thyra Matthewman of Chicago: and
two bothers, Aubrey Dale Matthwman of
Streator, 111., and Cyril Dene Matthew
man of Olympia, Wash. Services will be
held at the Clough-Barrick chapel Satur
day, August 27, at 10:30 a.m. with Rev.
George H. Swift officiating. Interment In
Belcrest Memorial park,
Martha Evelyn Schmidt
At Corvallls August 24, Martha Evelyn
Scmldt, late resident of 418 South Fourth
street. Survived by her husband, Jacob
Schmidt of Salem; two daunhters, Mrs.
Ella Goertzen of West Salem and Mrs.
Doris Barksdale of Sherwood; four broth
ers, Henry Beler of Frazler, Mont., Harry
Beier of Tampa, Kan., Leland Beler of
West Salem and Earl Beier of Portland;
two sisters, Mrs. Nettle Gerdes of Mt. Lake,
Minn., and Mrs. Helda Martens of Frazler.
Mont.; and two grandchildren. Announce
ment of services later by the W. T. Rlg
don chapel.
Thousands now chew steak, corn, apples
without fear of slipping plateatThey une
iTAZE, amazing new cream in a handy
tube I 8TAZB seals edges TIGHT I Helps
keep out annoying food parttelett
Money-back guarantee. Get 354 ITAZE I
Tractor Bargain
H-D-10 with drum and blade
for balance of contract.
You pick up the paymenti.
Thii tractor in A-l condi
tion. See at
Bird & Zyssert
871 Wallace Road
ARI.K niJT TKUK - When eawh mtnut
wma like an rtrolty mm bronchial
aothma tillered Qt'K'KI.T (ukhIIj with
in I mlnnte by NEPHRON INHALA
TION Til KR ArV. no ntirrotics ar habit
forming drag. Hot stubborn rmmm r-
i sironfl Ilk mngle. KgardleM mt what
' you hava tried or how bopeleaa your
I eae don't (Ire op. II r Inr this coupon
In and we will glre yon 10 dar ap
ply of Nephron Inhalant to mm la
Knm-Aima Vaporiser. Caatlami m
only a directed,
j Toor I,,
Completed from reports of Balcm deal
ers lor me guidance 01 capital
Journal Headers. (Revlied dally).
Retail Feed t'rlce
Vgg Mash $5.10.
Habblt rellrli 14.30.
Dairy Feed 13.75.
1'oultry: Buy Ins prices Grade A color
tiX hens, 21-24c; trade A Leihorn hens.
m-zic. grade a colored iryers. tnree
lbs. and up, 32-33C. Grade A old rooster
15 cenLs.
Buylnr Prices Extra large AA. 64c;
large AA, 63c; large A, 6I-84c; medium AA,
57c medium A, 5459c: pullets 36-40c.
wnoiesaie Prlcei Ebb wholesale prices
to 7 .cents above these prices above
Grade A generally quoted at 68c; medi
um, 64c.
Premium 6t-65c, No. 1. 63ci No. 2, 67
c -buying prices)
Butter Wholesale srade A. B7ci re
tail 72c
Portland Livestock
Port and. Ore.. Aus. 26 fl).R Weekly
Cattle: Friday salable 50; calves 15:
market slow; few cleanup sales weak;
fairly close clearance.
Hogs: Friday salable 10: nominal: Quot
able top 23.50.
Sheep: Friday salable 50: market slow:
nominal; good and choice aprinsera 20.00.
James P. JenBfn
Woodburn James P. Jensen, 66. promin
ent business man and resident of Moni
tor lor 60 years, died Thursday evening,
Aug. 25, at his home. He was born In Min
nesota, January ff, 1883, and came to Mon
itor at the aite of six years. His wife died
in July 1948. and survivors Include a son.
James Jensen. Jr. of Monitor; a daushter,
Mrs. Barbara Beckett ol Monitor: slaters.
Marearer Mortenson of Lodl, California:
Hazel Dammeler of Hollywood, Calif.: and
Emma Jensen of Los AnBeles and one
brother, Martin Jensen df Portland. Fun
eral arrangement later by Rlnso,
Carl J. Thompson
Woodburn Carl J. Thompson, 73, late
resident of 448 Fourth street, Woodburn
died August 35 at a Salem hospital. He
was born in Iowa. April 2, 1876 and came
to Woodburn from Nebraska 54 years
ago. Member of the Woodburn Church of
Ood. Survivlnt are his widow, Lucy
Thompson of Woodburn: sisters, Anna
Shadbolt of Gordon, Nebraska and Laura
nime oi AUBUsta, Kansas. The body will
be shipped to Gordon, Nebraska, by the
Rlneo mortuary for services and Inter
ment. James Hunter
Dallas Funeral services for Jamr. Him.
ter, 17, of Falls City, who died at Rose
burB where he waa visiting, will be held
irom uie rail City Methodist church f.
4 ociock oaiuraay, Kcv. James Royer of-
uciaung. frivate commltal wi 1 follow
at the Falls City IOOF cemetery. He waa
born at Falls City July 24, 1932 and was
a hlsh school student. Surviving, are hla
parenu. Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter and
a sister, Janice Hunter, all of Falls City
and another alster, Mrs. Barbara Morton,
wuuyunviuo; aiso inree grandparenta,
all of Falls City.
Charles Eber Stone
Albany Charles Eber Stone, 76, died at
his home at 406 E. Fourth avenue wrini.
uiiy. runerai nervices win be held from
me i-orimuicr-rreuericKsen chapel Satur
day at 2 p.m. with burial in the River
side cemetery. Mr. stone, a resident of
Albany the past 28 years, having come
here from Yamhill county, was born at
uivennure, ia juiy IB, 1874, He married
Edith L. Kenyon September IS, 1899 at
Ottosen, la., who survives as do three
children. Earl Stone and Mrs. Velma 1
Morris, hoth of Albany and Kenyon
stone, Astoria and a brother; Henry
Stone. Humboldt. la.. 13 grandchildren
and three great grandchildren.
Mrs. Delia Moore
Stayton Mrs. Delia Moore, 76, mother
of Mrs. A. N. Arnold, passed away at the
Salem Memorial hospital Tuesday, she
naa been- making her home with her
imugiiLcr in stayton since last April when
her health failed. Born In Virginia In
1873, Mrs. Moore had lived in Oregon
since HUB. mostly in the vicinity of Port
land. She was a member of the First
Southern Baptist church of Portland and
was the widow of Dr. J. T. Moore, former
minister of that church. Funeral services
will be held Saturday. August 27, at 10:30
a.m. from the Colonial Funeral home 14th
and Sandy Blvd., Portland. She will be
burled beside her husband's grave -In Lin
coln Memorial cemetery in Portland. She
leaves four sons and two daughters, Carey
and Judson Moore of Portland, Ray
Moore of Vlctorvllle, Calif., and Luther
Moore of Romeo, Mich., Mrs. Ethel Stev
ens of Oakland, Calif., and Mrs. Myrtle
Arnold of Stayton; also nine grandchil
dren and one great-grandchild.
Fay Amelia Bragg
Silverton Funeral services for Mrs.
Fay Amelia Bragg. 46, native and former
resident of Silverton who died at Palm
Springs. Calif.. Sunday, will be held
Sa'urday at 1:30 o'clock from the memorial-
chapel of the Ekman funeral home
with concluding services at the Green
Mountain cemetery.
Harold Bean, Jr.
Mill City Funeral services for Harold
Bean, Jr.. 26. who died at a Portland hos
pital, will be held from the Mill City
Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock Satur
day with burial in Falrview cemetery. He
ts survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs
Harold Bran, Sr., and sister, Delores
Bean, all of Mill City.
LEAVING FOR Minnesota September S
Tnke one Jlder. Phone 27279. x204
All makes used mt chines, told, rented
repaired Roen 466 Court Phone 1-6773
ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service
new appllanew, Vluce's Eiectrlc Phone
Free estimates Tiadc-tns accepted on
3-8239 157 S Liberty St o
Spencc's Home Appliance Repair. "Noth
ing to Sell But Service " Phona 9-4602
Prompt. o208'
Please! . . . Turn Down
That Light!
When you sit in a lighted room and have to face the lifc'ht, do
you want to shield your eyes because they hurt, because the
glare bothers you? A visit with a careful eye examination
should do away with this difficulty. Get your new glasses
383 Court St.
Dial 3-6506
Dr. E. E. Boring
Sawnmower sharpening and repairing
Dexter'a Ph 36833 o"
Authorised Warrant) Repair Station
for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow
Radio CO.. 153 8. Liberty Ph 3-6955 o
Towing service day phona 1-BJ88 Night
2-1804 33" Cenier o
Mike Panek. 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-5161
Brake and wheel aligning specialists
Remodel repair (hat home now. Terms
No down payment Phone 2-4950. o'
Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun
dations. Phone 2-5809. o216
Alt Bros. Also houses raised New foun
dations. Phone 2-5909. o212'
Tonmie and groove chmney bloc lea.
wholesale or retail. Mortarless Block Co
Ph 3-1324. O205
Dean Robinson. Ph.
Bulldozing, leveling, road bids., clear
ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Hu-skey. 1010
Falrview' Ave. Ph. 2-314B, Salem, oau1
Bulldozing, leveling
Prompt service. A. L
& fine grading
Ekln. Ph. 3-1204
Instant delivery of new RCA cast,
register Al makes sold, rented, re-pa:-ed
Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 o
For expert guaranteed satisfaction new
or repair of foundation, sidewalks,
dnvewavs. patios, curbs, walla, etc Call
2-4850. O
Furnace chimneys bacuum
Ensley, 771 8. 21st. h. 3-7176.
Custom killing, curing St smoking and
locker meat for sale. Salem Meat Co.,
25th & Turner Rd. Ph. 34858. 0211
Hoe, Dragline, shovel. Free estimates
E L. Boatwrlght. 410 Oregon Bldg. Ph.
Ph 3-9238 o
Excavating A grading. Ben Otjen St Son.
818 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. o229
Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service
Ph. 3-3056. Leo Cross, 1555 Pearl. o206
Brelthauofs for flowers Dial 3-9179. o
J. R Watkins Oo products Free de
.Ivery 1717 Center Ph. 3-5395. o
Johns-Manvllle. Phone 3-3748.
Window Cleaning
Janitor Service Floor Waxing
Buildings - Factories - Homes
. Estimates Without Obligation
Ph. Salem 3-9133 o
P A. Doerfler St Sons. Ornamentals. 150
N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor Ph. 2-1322. o
345 Jcf
0218 fcrson St., Phone 23452.
Sharpened, guaranteed service. New
power and hand mowers. Call Harry
W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l. St. Q207'
At you: door lawnmowe; sharpening
Dexter the lawnmuwer man Ph 16833
Capltni Bedding Phone 3-4069.
Spanish St Hawaiian Oultar, Mandolin.
Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 2-7569.
Desk chairs, files and flllnz supplies
safes, duplicators and supplies, desk
lamps, typewriter stands, brief oases
?)erca Witt Recorders. Roen. 4S6 Court
Clfstrom's are equipped to do
painting Phone 2-2493
Painting and poperhanalng. Free esti
mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. o214
Expert Paperhanging and painting. H.
J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. o227
Call 2-2608 for your Painting St Paper
hanging. .Attractive rates. o233
Pic t fire framing Butchton Paint Store
Phoue S-6687 0
Fisher, 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. o20fl'
Phil 1 3 W Belike h. 2-1208.
Road building St grading, land clearing
with teeth. Small or large Job. Prompt
service. L. Ekln. Ph. 3-1264. 0212'
Valley Sand St Gravei Co Slit, sand A
(11 dirt Excavating 10B shovel St cats
Tractor scoop St trucks for dirt moving
Ph. office 24002, res. 37146. o
3alem Saw Wrka. .Ph. 3-7603 1293 N 5th
Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent
Razor harp Steel Cutting Blade
Clean Sewers or Drama Septlo Tankf
Cleaned Reas Ph !-63?l or 1-9468
Dr. Sam Hughes
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,
Bought, sold, rented, repaired, EZ terms.
All makes. W. Devenport. Ph. 37671.
K. F Ham.fl. Septic tanks cleaned.
Electric machine service on sewer and
drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143 -8th
St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o223
Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge.
Call us collect. Todd's Beptic Tank
Service. 2545 Stat St. Phone 2-0734. o'
Mike's Soptlo Service, Tanks cleaned
Roto Rooter Service on Sewers.
Eira St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468
Bought, sold, rented, repaired, EZ terms
All makes. W. Devenport. Ph. 37671.
All makes repaired, free estimates
Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No.
Commercial Ph. 3-3512. o
Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under
wood portables Ah makes ufivd machines
Repairs and rent Roen, 456 Court o
Burnet oils, coal Si briquets Trucks tr
Portland dally Agent for Bckins House
hold goods moved to anywhere in US
oi' Canada Lartner Transfer A St o race
Ph 3-3131 o
Made li Salem Free est
Klmer the Blind man
Salem Venetian Blind.' made to order or
reflntahed Relnholdt St Lewis 2-3639
Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5965
Portablo acetylene
anywhere. Pit. 334B5.
Fred Wymore. Rt. 2 Box 317. Ph. 2-5135
' 0210
Washable. Roller Made to order. I Day
Del Retnholdt St Lewis Ph 23639 o
See the Famous Picture of
Oregon's Crater Lake
And other marvelous works of art all made on a
New Home Sewing Machine on display at
Saturday From 9:30 A.M.
to 5:30 P.M.
Gear Driven Electric Sewing Machine
Equipped with Floating Gib Hook Stitch Regulator
Forward and Reverse Sewing Sewing Lamp Floating
Presser Foot and many others.
New Home electric console with the ityle, quality
and finish of the finest furniture. Serves equally
well as end table or lamp stand.
Long Shuttle, V Size
n. 89"
A Real Economy Model
Now on Display
A, model for every need. .
price for every budget.
Portables, Cabinets, Desks
From 89.95 to 299.95
Friday, August 26, 194917
Acme Vlndow Cleaners Windows, walls
A woodwork cleaned Ploors cleaned,
waxed and polished. Ph 3-3337 347
Court. Langdoc. Culbertson and Mather
West Salem Fuel Co. Ph. 2-4031.
"I have filed my final account as ex
ecutrix of the estate of Elizabeth Meyers,
deceased. In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Marlon County, and aaid
Court has set Mondav. SeDtember 10. 1949
jat the hour of 10:00 A.M. Pacific Btan-
uaru iime, ana me courtroom oi suta
Court as the time and place lor hearing
oi objections thereto, at which said time
and place all persons objecting to said
arcount or the settlement of said estate
hereby are required- to appear and show
cause. If any there be, why said account
should not be allowed and approved and
said estate settled and closed and execu
trix discharged.
Helen m. walker. Executrix."
Aug. 19, 26. Sept. 2, 9. 16.
an order of the Circuit Court of the Stat
Oregon for the County of Marlon. In
Probate, duly made and entered on the
twenty-seventh day of July, 1949, THE
t (JUTLAND (OREGON! was duly ap
pointed as executor of the Inst will and
trs'anent iind estate ol ROBERT D,
PA 'US, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate hereby are
required to present thcin, duly verified
and with proper vouchers, to said execu
tor at its Ladd St Bush Salem Branch
oank ins house, corner ol State and Com
m Trial Streets, in Salem, Marlon County,
Oregon, within six months after the data
of the first publication of this notice.
Dated and first published 'he twenty
nin'h day of July, 1949.
Trust Offloar
ill .n G. Carson and Wallace P. Carson
Attorneys for Executor
(July 29.
I.O.OJ. meeta every Wed
neaday night Visitors wel
0UK with
a run Korary Electric
Sewinq Machine