16 Capital Journal, Salem, The HOUSE on AP Nawiaofur., (Chapter 8) Each of the four men who had assembled that morning In Morris Dlehlmans office knew tnat some thing of more than usual lmpor--tance was afoot. The tenacious llt tl general manager of the Brook lyn National Life Insurance Com pany did not, as a rule, request the presence of the entire claims de partment. ' Once they were seated, Dlehl man wasted no time In prelimi naries. His words were quick and decisive. "I've called you In because It looks like we've got a big problem on our hands one directly connect ed with your department. I know It Isn't really necessary to say this. but I do want It understood that what we discuss here this morning Is not to be passed on to anyone, either In or outside the company. He stopped for a moment, as If to give his words greater weight. "It has always been the policy of this company In handling claims to assume that the great majority of them are honest. To pay these honest claims is one of the chief purposes of our business." Again, there was a slight pause. "But I'm afraid that all our past experi ence is worth exactly nothing as far as these are concerned." He In dicated with his hands a stack of files In front of him, "I have picked out from all claims made In a period of less than six months these twenty-two which, In themselves, might not be un usual, If It weren't for two things that they all have In common. In all but two, In which death was accidental and where we paid out double Indemnity, cause of death In each case was either pneumonia, acute indigestion, or heart failure. The second coincidence Is that each of these policies was written by ' one of two agents, Maddock or ' Owens." Dlehlman brought his fist down ,. on nis desk in empnasis. "If you asked me to believe that "is all coincidence, I'd say you were ' IOOl." ? "We'll have to be pretty care , rul," Dlehlman said. "The way l inings stand, these ines are closed. We can't reopen them without some "pretty good evidence to back us .' up. If this thing turns out to be a wholesale insurance swindle, someone pretty smart must be be- ' hind it, and there won't be many ioose enas jeic ior us to unravel. ; After all" he looked at the others meaningly "In backtracking, I've c.only gone back some six months, but Lord knows how long It's been ' going on. I'd like the four of you 'to get busy and see what you can . turn up, but mind: keep It under your hat. If this Is a big orgafil- cation we're up against, they've probably got good channels of ln ' formation, and we don't want to how our hand too soon; otherwise they'd Just He low for a while and then start all over later." At that same moment, Derrla was standing In the lobby of a large office building. She was idlv skim ming through the pages of a morn ing paper she hnd bought. As she did so, a small headline caught her attention, one oegan to read with Intense interest. POLIOS SEIZE COUNTER FEITING PRESS Police last night raided a ware house on Larchmont Street and seized presses and other equip ment which had been used to manufacture counterfeit bills which have, of late, been flooding r this and other cities in neighbor ing states. Although several ar , rests were made, police believe . that some members of the gang evaded the police cordon and made their escape, and that one or more may have been wounded in the melee. '- In clone collabortlon with the . FBI, officers today are continu ing their investigations, which ttiey are certain will lead to the ultimate breaking up of a na tional counterfeiting ring. "A warehouse on Larchmont Street "Why Larchmont Street was only about three blocks from the Liberty Laundry. Could this have any con nection with the man on the bus? Tlie elevator whisked Derrla up to the twelfth floor. She pushed through the door of Brooke-Macintosh Incorporated. Walking oulckly through the general office, where a number of stenographers and the receptionist echoed, "Good Ore., Friday, August 26, 1949 LILAC STREET by FRED BAYARD morning," she entered her own, still deriving some satisfaction from the new "Derrla Martin" boldly sten cllled on the door. Derrla began at once on a mass of correspondence. Miss Turner came in, carrying her Inevitable dic tation dook ana pencil. "Good morning, Miss Martin Miss Lynne. I mean Mrs. Holway Is in the outer office and was won dering if you had time to see her.' "Of course; please ask her to come in." The girl who entered was strik ingly lovely, with a definite Latin cast to her features. Dressed com pletely In black, her smartness was accentuated by a dramatic silver pin worn high, and matching sll ver bracelets over her kid gloves. Long dark hair was drawn smoothly back in a low, sophisticated roll. Completely poised, she sat down across from Derrla. "Hello, darling, how's everything going- Derra offered her a cigarette. "Pretty well, on the whole. I'm glad you dropped by. Cherry. I only got in a little while ago myself. i ve oeen working on those sugges tions of yours, though, and this will give me the opportunity to show you what I've done so fur. How are things at the Zodiac these nights?" Cherry laughed. "Never better. Dave says that If the nights' takes continue to be what they've been lately, well soon be able to retire." Suddenly Cherry glanced at her watcn. "Gosh. I've got to get out of here. I've a luncheon date, and lots to do before then." She walked over to tne door. "By the way" she turned to look at Derrla as she went out the door "bring those sketches out yourself on Monday when they're completed, will you? I'd like to show you our new bar. Ana ao arop into the club sometime, darling. . A friend of mine has writ ten a swell new song for me that i d Jike you to near." (To Be Continued) Ji UMm SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, EXTRA LARGE Provides Pot-Holders Pretty pansy pot-holders cleverly de signed to match the patch pockets no. dvoo is cut in sizes small, medium, large and extra large. Me dium, 2 yds. 35-in., Vt yd. 35-tn contrasting. To obtain this pattern, send 25c in Iurns, giving pattern number Sour name, address and tone num er to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, 838 Mission Street San Fran cisco 3, Calif. PlnM KVitlt V Q,iini. aaa t-. - - - - - - ........ nuu luia cheer yuor eating on luncheon or oreaxiost ciotns witn these six good-enough-to-eat cross - stitch (rults. Easy stitchery and fun to do, for a slmnle tn follow rninr ouiH u in cluded with the pattern. ratiern Envelope No. R3SM con tains hot-Iron transfers for fruit stitch Illustrations and complete em broidering and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nay, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3, Calif. ' BUT, THE NEW 20 BILL Tl KNOW- HOWEVER, f MEANWHILE, I HAVE CERTAIN--AH T&This moment -in the Palms Hotels I - PLATES STILL NEED I YOU AND I ARE I ADJUSTMENTS TO MAKE ON OUR A W MISS KAVNE ? WE COT YOUR " I WORK DONE ON THEM,yCOINS TO RUN OUT N ESCAPE CAB f m.m l f ADDRESS FROM THE SANITARIUM " 1 T BEAVER J r TON THE REST OF OUR ' : v&MPj&tf 1 I I'M AFRAID WE HAVE BAD NEWS I ' -Mf N -AH-PARTNERS, AND VlVfciii'. vABOUT YOUR SISTER f f iSa -r""?-7-"T -g --"""ajagjaJ BUT I GUESS I COM QET UP feijS jjf HERE I'LL CflRRY GES, MISTER W 60 YOU NEED ICE. BUT VOU CBMT -V . ' gl TWO BITS FOR A OUST CAUSE V. O W THflTAND WFLL IOBD 1 YOU'RE O. K. j R i pn for rr. eh? well, i-m no . fci-jiKv g9 here we pre-whadoyuh fcO- 1 tht other bucket ot f SB KSi M D BtOfffED PLUTOCRffT MYSELF IN Eft S MAC? ICE FER TH' KID Ik W PUMP WE GO Bt- & THOTT IS I jp REALLY? I MY iOS PUT THEFINISUIMG 1 THAT'S T 1 CAHT DISCUSS II YOU'RE THS FIRST '. " ( M1S ' TOUCHES TO AN EXPERIMENT JJrstE 1 fA0'MOTf?i!K GOIK1Q on MIME SO I'M SHOWING TELL ME ,-YOULL BE THE 1 IN A SENERATION, . J AELLO,RUt.COMr ON? k them MY APPMCIATIOK IV ABOUT IT jFIRST TO KNOW WILBUR, AND I CANT SAY T .iS-.REX A sTHgM MY APPR5f.lATION N J-iyAlQ4 IVl SET J I ENOOV KNOWINC5 H "( V yr- I, ' oyouiii i I I WISHT AH V NATCHERLY frMASS RlGHT OiMLX REASON 1 f -BUT, VHUT KIND J OF A PAPPY r COOLD GOT" JITS RlDlKALUSS DAiSV MAE IS GiTTlN' MARRIED wiLU ' ONt-FAULT vJONES J TH' WEDDIM' T HWITE. OKIE'S OP IS SO SHE KIN ADOPP fit MAKE. ? - A PORTV GOOD ONEj, 0',c , -BUT, AH H OWN CHILLUN AH KNOWS ShE'li. BE. A AH GUESS, WlFONW ONE I I h.Stt, ! W.)WARhfT IT' ONE'S OWKiy Va-, OOODMAMMVJ. FAULT TO HIS CREDIT. 'Nvnto mwb ro united rrwwoxt'.' "'yjiiF -woNrFjUTjTrtj M ) "' & f 'EirlC? CARE TO BUY fC U"i f I'M SSi to faLL A COMPLETE U 1 : WiJ&Mr SOME SOAP, I SORRV?) , 71 LINE OF fe1 T Xff LfJ fe'rar CARPET TACKS OR W ) ASLEEP AGAIN! SLEEP,MS , g SWELLMRTATE I TH.NK 1 T" " V0Me7S I'M TRI IhEV, JOC.WHEBEt ) I '6AVB VOU AL - WEL L MR.T ATE I TWNK JHREE MOTION-PICTWE CAMERA I FINP THE kEV THE KEV TO THIS the KEYS THAP YOUVE COT SOME KINP CF BOAT OS PURPOSE. ANP TRIPOPS ANP SIX FL00PU6HTS - TO THIS BOX. Blo BOXT IF IT AIN'T THERE R IPiA ABOU? WARTORPS NOT I ALSO tK HE'S THAT CHECKS, BILL. WHAT'S NEXT? IT ;P0KN'T ( JJSStVW ,, C0MIN6 ABOARP THE "COMET', WHERE HE CAN'T 6ET W- Slf J?5-1 il&SBslP. IT IS- KlT'S VMNE...V YEAH, BUT ) I fOKAY, THEnNI I N I fT 7 " 7wl OH ROVl IT TOOkVvES IT WAS ( IT WAS WE'LL FLIP I tpL , s 1 n an'hSuq.SStVquaI'tmi yjOBJ QvveuMfJ fos nj .42) X-, - f J JVu t T' " W Fy2 WEM YOU GO THRU C-ZL Jk A CHEESE, SAUSAGE AND, ) ) V - tl . h-fc-v-l ''Nr-- "YE BREADy fA'i XC 61AD YOU CALLED MARY' J Tv fA ill UT tRR NOTHING I CAN DO L THERE 1$ 0MtTHIN6"Y0U COULD (. tfCjLM&rtZTl I 1 J l N0 THE BE1 BONE 4 WM JA I ABOUT THE CROWDED CONDITION jU S 00, HOWEVER, TO EASE THE - 7 ? ' A fc? ' A VpecialVtwthw M). t-S. k QMi RADIO PROGRAMS KRIDAf l :00 Walter Trohtn Womio'i Seercl Rbrthn Rneb Cart Mbimjp k :1S Frank Hfminiwy Sunnj Bid Rhythm Banib The LittU 9b 1 J Puslnt rsradt Newf Bing Criby Sonn f Pralrl JzJ Carmeo Cavalier Richard Harfcnw Spar! Paw Larry La Umr 6:6 Ted Draka tight br Beoeii Canfl U(Ht Ji Knox Maanlat :1B Ted Drake Elrbt br Reaneit BUitt Bealab : Adr. of Champ. Palelta at Plana Newe - Chel HantltT ft Music Elmer Peterien Flihcaitw Na 7:W Gmbrlo Keatter Wrbiter Sara P O'Brien Thli la Broadway :1ft Kortbweat Newa Wrbiter Sari Musical Jackpot Thia la Broadway :M Fisblnr, Hon tin i My Good Wir Banditand Thia la Broadway J Fiahing. Hantlnr Mr Good Wif Dugout Pop Thia la Broadway 8:00 Old Barber Shop Dr. I Q Baieball Xarler Cutat IB This ! Mail Dr. I Q ' Baaeball Xavler Cuiat 30 Cisco Kid Bill Stern Baseball Nation's Defonsta :6 Cisco Kid Rhythm Timt Baseball Nation's Defenses 9:00 Straliht Arrow Supper Club Baseball Lowell Thomas :1ft Straight Arrow Newa of World Baaeball Jack Smith :80 Muaio Tree In Brooklyn Baseball Summer, St. Lonia i4S Music Treo In Brooklyn Baseball Summer, St. Lonlg laj ja. :00 Newa News Baseball Flro Star Final l:16 Select Local News Sparta rago Final Sews Round -op Sporta Spotlight 111:30 News Big Town Track 1400 Columbia Foaturt : W ;4S Muslo Big Town Track 11M Columbia Featura I :00 Walter Trohan Sam Hares Track 1490 Serenafte Tift Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track 14D0 Yon tha World I I :S0 Bob Poolt Show Was Museom Track 1400 Orchestra :4D Musle Wax Museum Track 1400 Orchestra IttOO Sign Off Sign Q 1:00 A.M., Sign Silent SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Newa Hodge Podge Newa :1ft Dawn Patrol Newa KOIN Elk :80 NW Farm Newa Hodge Podga KOCO Kloek KOIN Kloeh :0 March Time Hodge Podge KOCO Klock KOIN HUock 00 Dawn Patrol Now Hear This Tei Rltttr Koln Kloek aft Dawn Patrol Now Hear Thia News Newa :80 Dawn Patrol The Old Songi Homes on Land Newa :4ft News Newa Extension Service Consnmer Newa 8; 00 Newr Smooth Musle Science Excursion Muslo lor Tea 16 Breakfast Gang Smooth Musio Popular Varieties Muslo for Ton :30 Breakfast Gang Jerry Marlowe Western Melodies Broadway Beat , . .4A Top Trades Sam Hayes Western Melodies Broadway Beat 9" loo Bargain Counter Fred Waring Show Haven of Rest News :1B News Fred Waring Show Haven of Rest Let's Pretend :30 Sons ol Pioneers Ed MeConnell Musio Without Junior Miss 45 Music Ed MeConnell Words Junior Mill ibo Northwest News Newa Crole of Song Theatre of Today ;lfl Musie Public Affalra Cycle of Song Theatre of Today :30 Pastor' Cal Orchestra Concert Favorites Grand Central :4ft Purple Sage Orchestra Concert Favorites Station J0Q News ' Farm-Homo Hour Saturday Serenade Stars Over :1ft Garden Guide Farm-Home Hoar Saturday Serenade Hollywood :S0 Klwanis Choir Mary Lee Taylor Saturday Serenade Give and Take Klwanls Choir Mary Lee Taylor Saturday Serenade Give and Take aj 4tv :00 Top Trades Young Oregonlana At the Opera Newa J :1ft Newa Young Oregonlana At the Opera Drivers Plarb'aa X:M Doe. Platter Jock News News ""!" lown M;4fi Doe, Platter Jock Report on Europe Ted Pale Presents Frontier Town !00 Doe, Platter Jock Musleana Saturdar Matinee Countr Fair 111 Poc, Platter Jock Musleana Saturdar Matinee Countr Fair :80 Northwest News Musleana Saturdar Matinee Dance Orch, :4ft Bob Eberly Show Musleana Saturday Matinee Dance Orch. 2 -.00 Man on Farm Voor Health Saturdar Matinee Newspaper of Air :1ft Man on Farm Bits of Hits Saturdar Matinee Newspaper of Air :80 News Contrasts Memory Theater Sat. at Cbaaa :4ft Blng Blngt Contrasts Memory Theater Sat, at Chase 3:65 Guest Star Mind Manners Chin-Up Chatter News .16 Veterana Frgrm Mind Manners Chln-Up Chatter The Hopeful :30 Alrforce Cotton Slnga Chln-Up Chatter Way for Youth :4ft Alrforce Horse Race Chln-Up Chatter Way for Youth 4:00 Bob Poole Show News Spotllte on Muslo Griffin Bareroft 1ft Bob Poole Show Guest Star Spotllte on Muslo News :S0 March Time University Theatre Curtain Calls Dell Trio :4ft News University Theatre Curtain Calls John Daly DIAL LISTING 8: KRX. 1190; KOAC. 550 lCY Friday P. M. 5:00, Squirrel Cage: Phi. A 0:30, Yukon Challenge) 6:00, Keeping np With Sportst 6:1ft, Home Edi tion Newsi 6:30, Modern Romance! t 7:00, Headline Edition: 7:1ft, Elmer Pavlai 7:80, The Sheriff: 8, Heinle and Hli Band; 8:80, Your FBIi 9, Fat Mani 0:30, 'Neath West ern Sklest 10, Richfield Reporter! 10:15, Intermesso; 10:80, Concert Houri 11:30, Memos to Tomorrow) 12:00, Xtra Hourt 1:00, Sign Off. U cy Saturday A.M. 6:00, Pawn Down Ix LA beati 7:00, Round-up Boysj 7:15, Time Temposi 7:45, Adventures In ' Re search) 8:00, Peep River Boyst 8:15, Mar tin Agronskyi 8:80, Home Demonstration Agsnti 8:45, Frankie Carl 0:00, Johnny Olsen Get Together) 0:80, Toyland Tunes: 10:00, Stars of Tomorrow) 11:00. Girls' Corps) 11:30, American Farmer) 12:00, Treasury Band Show) 12:80, Fascinating Rhythm) 1:00, Ballad Boxi 1:1ft, Horse Races) 1:80, Band Box) 1:00, Tea and Crumpetst 8:00, 101 Ranch Bora) 8:80, Meet the Band) 4:00, Jnnlor Junction I 4:80, laity Concert, Grain Produces Well Fairview Combining grain in this area is progressing and spring-sewn barley has" been yielding good and tests have across 1. Arabian garment 4. Mimics 9. Nockpleco 86, Two: prefix 30. Exists 27. Daughter of Agamemnon 88. Supported by 19. Orderly iz, uap 41. utter 13. Unit of weight 42. Tropical fruit 14. Possess 44. Public 16. Flighty IS. Huf?e wet 19. Rodent 20. Supplication 22. Thicken 25. Mall 28. Went ahead 29. Feminine name 11. Deface 12. Dutch geograput 12. Group of advanced DUpllfl conveyance 46, Purpose 47. Unsuitable 54.. Feline animal 55. Fortification &fi. Distant: prefix 67. Watch closely 68. Periods of time 69. Writing fluid DOWN 1. Siamese coins 1. Exclamation Of dl-IBTUSt 7 2 p WM l5" I I7 fl f ' " 's iSr 7 r mr gar -rwA 1 1 1 Wrr ROOM AND BOARD P.M. KOIN lrkf Frldar P.M. 5:00, On th lvJ Upbeat I 5:00, 650 Sports Clnbi 6:00, Nawst 6:15, Dinner Melodies: 6:10, Hnalo of Chechoslovakia; 7:15, Evening Farm Hoari 8, Kostelanetx Concert i Stlft, Here's to Veterans) 8:80. Great Songs) 8:45. LoggerV Fire Weather Forecast! t:00, Muslo That En dure si 9:40. Lift Up Thy Voice; 10:00, Adventures In Research 10:15, Serenade) 10:45, News) 11:00, Sir Off. lAAr Saturdar A.M. 10:00, Nowst IWSMV 10:15, Especially for Women 11:00, The Concert Halli 12:00, News; 12:15, Noon Farm Houi) 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy i 1:80, Volea of tho Army), 1:45, Melody Lane i t:00, Mualo of the Masters) I Science News) 8:45, This Is Booth Afrleat 4:00, Driver's Playhouse: 4:15, Songs of eat the Weat; 4:45, Children's Theatre. been above standard of 48 pounds per bushel. At the W. J. Marley field of 12 acres, 320 sacks of barley were re ceived. MlUDHEDgNSflBAT A L aUxE Nig Nil E L III pe1nT ElpllofslMl 1 1 0 1 s ter nb3 i mu A T I El P AjlBjprilT SlldN A R a kFngjT p kfBQsjp a do aMa NNprQE T ent1 i mLEnTAslso Iavewaopa wlrj i aJu A I RflcfAjU IS EffE V A m1enU7 i repUrep1 Solution of Yesterday's Puzzl S. Entertained 4. Recorded proceedings 5. Chum 6. Rather than T. Uncooked t. Move 9. Lowest point 10. Have debts 11. Conjunction 16. Beverage 17. Faucet 20. Clear 21. Rent 22. Recreational contests 23. Heather 24. Covered with ravelings 26. Wooden shoo 27. Threefold 29. Pharmaceutical honey . i' 80. Organ of "1 hearing 33. Arrangement 34. Half diameter 40. Diminish 42. Italian violin maker 45. Active 46. Alder treesi Scotch 47. Congealed water 48. Negative 49. American Indian 50. Room In harem 51. Equality 62. Number 53. Wild animal Bv Gene Ahern Hate