) Camp Turner Busy Place Camp Turner has been the scene of unprecedented activity among Conservative Baptists of Oregon during the past weeks. August 8 saw the opening of the Bible conference with some 700 visiting the camp. Dr. Richard Clearwaters of Minneapolis, and Dr. John Houser of Lebanon, were the speakers during this period, with Rev. Erick Fryken berg of India bringing the mis sionary interest. The Girls' Camp with an en rollment of 183, followed on August IB with Mrs. Peach of Portland as the director and the following teachers: Miss Edwina Vine, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Hunt of Portland, and Mrs. Emerson Teague of Salem. The Boys' Camp, now in prog ress, has an enrollment of 133 and includes among its counsel lors; Rev. Ray Ames of Portland, director; Rev. Arthur Collins of Carlton; Rev. Stanley Peach of Portland; Rev. Floyd Arnold of Portland; Rev. Lowell Powers of Portland; Rev. Arthur Van De Zande of Junction City; and Rev. Roy Boldt of Portland as the -.camp pastor. " It is expected that the Youth Camp, which convenes on August 29 to September S, will register 160 young people from over the state. Rev. Clarence Stauffer of Portland will be the director and the faculty will include: Rev. Richard S. Beal, jr., of Cal ifornia; Dr. Paul Dewhirst of California; Rev. Charles Losie of Salem; Mrs. Edward ' Hart of Corvallis; Dr. Lloyd Anderson of Salem; Dr. John Houser of Lebanon; Miss Dolores Joy, mis sionary appointee to Italy; Rev. Ernest Malyon, Portland, Rev. Gene Brickwedel, Salem; Rev. Herbert Anderson, Gladstone; and Rev. Horace Moore of New berg. Church Holding Picnic Woodburn The annual pic nic of the First Christian church will be held Sunday at Settle inier park following the morn ing service. Coffee and ice cream will be furnished, Mrs. Roy Seely, W. O. Green and Ralph Harrison are in charge of arrangements. All members and friends are Invited. Dallas Churches Evangelical Mention!. e Brethren A. P. Toewfl, pastor. Sunday ichool. 9:35, Morn Inn worahlp, 11. Sermon, "Tnt Sower." Sunday achool Children' Day program, Apostolic Faith Forrest Damron, Inter im pastor, sunany scnrjoi, w;ju. jubvuwuu al service, 11. Evening service. 7:45. Flrit Freibyterlan Dr. Earl William Benbow, D.D., pastor. Sunday school, 9:46. Morning service, 11. Sermon, "The Social Teacnings oi me ijora rrnyer. Mennontte Brethren a. H. Jantzen, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor ship, 11. Christian Fellowship, 7. Young people's union programs, 7:30. Evangelical Vnlted Brethren R. 'William Elmer, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30. Morn ing worship. 11. Youth fellowship, 7. Adult pre-prayer, 7:30. Evening worship, 7:45. Grace Mennonite J. J. Regler. pastor. Sunday school, orchestra, 9:30: devotions, 10. Morning worship, 11. Christian lellow shlp, 7:30. Mrs. Goldia Ferguson will speak. Trinity Lntheran Karl TJfer, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Divine service, 11. Union Missionary Baptist Harmony community, W. A. Heard, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Sermon, 11. Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor shln. 11. Sermon bv Rev. A. A. Loewen of West Salem, "The Motive of - God's jujve." First Christian Kenneth Johnston, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship. 11. Sermon, "Not Forsaken." Fellowship hour. 0:30. Christian Endeavor, 7. Eve nlng evangelistic service, 8. Perrydale Christian C. A. Si a Si pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 10:45. Sermon, "God Be With You. Christian Science Sunday school, 9:45. Morning service, u. auDject or tne les son sermon for the week Is "Christ Je sus." Falls City Christian Charles Knox, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning wor ship, 11. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. First Baptist Sunday school. 9:45. Mor ning worship, 11. Training union, 7. Eve ning worship, 8. Seventh Day Adventlst Ralph Gladden, pastor. Sabbath school, 9:45. Sermon! 11. Assembly of God L. Otis Trlplett, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor ship. 11. Vesper service. Christ's Ambas sadors, Junior church, 8:45. Evangelistic meeting, y:io. Free Methodist R. W. McCormlck. pas- lor. sunaay scnooi, b:. Morning service. 11. f Church of God Henry Loggan, pastor. Sun da v school. 9:45. Mo mine wornhln. 11. Young people's meeting, 8:45. Evangelistic meeting, Church of Christ Bible study, 10. Com munion, li. Buna ay evening study, 6:30. Eota Sunday School Sunday school, .io. iHUTiiiiiB worsnip, ii. Rlrkreall Sunday School J. N. Thies- sen, supt. Sunday school, 9:30. First Methodist Clark S. Enr, pastor. tTnlfled family service, 10. Sermon by Rev, Lee Keck, recent graduate of Llnfleld col lege. Intermediate fellowship, 7. . Christian and Missionary Allline Paul W. Wilbur, temporary pastor. Sunday cnooi, v.vo. Morning worsnip, . sermon, "Showers Withheld." Evening service, i:o. sermon, uenoia 'mat Man." Falls City Seventh Day Adventtit ttaipn uiaaaen, pastor, sabbath school 9:30. Preaching, 11. Trinity Episcopal Rev. Cyril P. Hanney, vicar. Church school, 10. Morning prayer. 11. Holy Baptism, 13:30. Falls City Free Methodist niitort Johnson, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morn ing service, u. noting people's meeting, 7:30. Evangelistic service, 8. Bridgeport San day 8-hool H. Schmidt, upi. ounaiy acnooi, ju. Falls City Metbodlit James H. Royer. pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor- f. Philip's Catholic Father H. Her man, pastor. Mass, e.io. Chares of Jens Christ f lttor n Saints Elder Miller presiding. Sunday Oak Grove Cb a pel Fremont Paul, mln Itter, Morning service. 9:45. Sunday school souowa, xoflia leuowanip, eunaay vtatBg. latent 5 C?li urchei Jason Lh HetnorUl Methodist North Winter at Jefferson St. Louis C. Klrby, D.D., pastor. Sunday school, 9:49. Morn ing service, 11. sermon subject: "Paul Be fore King Agrlppa." Solo: "Just for To day" by Mrs. Otto Tunker. First Spiritualist 348 North Commer cial. Rev. Harry Raymond, speaker. Cir cle at 9:30, services at 1:30. Knisht Memorial Consreaatlonal Nine teenth and Ferry streets. Louis E. White, minister. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon: "The Writing on the Wall." Church-time nursery. West Salem Methodist Third and Oerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church school, 9:45. Worship, 11. sermon: "Well- springs of Religion." Leaders' council In preparation lor tne every memoer can vass, 7:30. First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win ter. Chester W. Hamblin. pastor. John L. Ooodenberger, assistant pastor. Church scnool, b:4D. Morning worship, io:ds. "Childish Folks," sermon by Mr. Oood enberger. United Pentecostal 445 Ferry street. Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning service, 11. Sermon subject: "Patience, Comfort and Hope." Evening service, 7:46. Sermon subject: wnat win me Harvest tstr First Church of Christ. Scientist Lib erty and Chemeketa sts. Sunday school at 11 a.m. Morning service at 11. Lesson sermon subject: "Christ Jesus." Nursery lor children up to 3 years oi age pro- vlded durlne the morning service. No sunoay evening service during August. Liberty Church of Christ Skyline Road in Liberty district. Rev. Eiery a. farmn, unister. Bible scnooi, 10. Morning wor- hro. 11. Christian Endeavor. 7. Evenlnn worsnip, s. First Church of God Hood and North Cottage. O. W. Clemens, pastor. Chris tian Brotherhood broadcast over KQW. 8:30. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor ship. 10:45. Topic: "Divine Healing." Youth fellowship, 7. Evening worship, 7:45. Topic: "Popular Highways Which OuBht to Be Closed." 3 Central Lntheran Gaines and North Capitol. G. B. Rundstrom, pastor. Broad cast on KSLM, 8:45. Junior service, 10. Morning worship, 11. Opening session at Camp Colton Sunday evening. Institute of Rellslons Science and Phi losophy 460 N. Cottage street. Topic, 11, uoa juaae Man upngnt." Healing medi tations every Sunday, 10:30. Rev. Olive Stevens, minister. Mrs. Ton! Van Ornum, assistant teacher and practitioner. Jenia Name Pentecost at It in Ovh Bt. Ronald V. Slttser, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship. 11. Afternoon Jubi lee, 3. Evening evangelistic, 7:46. Salem Troth Center 362 N. Cottaae St. Tuesday, 8 p.m. "Real Prosperity," Olive Stevens. Rev. Ollce Stevens, minister. Saint Paul's EnlscoDal Church and Chemeketa streets. The Rev. George H. swiit, a.u., rector, aoiy communion tin the chapel), 7:30. Nursery school In par ish house, II. Prayer service and sermon, 11. Central Church of Christ Chemeketa at Cottage. M. C. uthbertson, minister. Bible school, 9:45. Preaching and worship, 10:45 and 8. First Christian Hlsh and Center. Dud ley Strain, minister. Walter Naff, associ ate minister. Church school, 9:46. Morning worship and communion, 10:50. Sermon: .unaeveiopea liives," waiter nan. eoio, "The Poor Man's Garden" bv Russell. Pe ter Larson, baritone. Youth groups, 6:30. Evening worship, 7:45. Sermon, "Pray as urotners," waiter Nan. special music. St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran 343 N. Church St. Rev. M. A. Getendaner, D.D. and Rev. John Bagllen, pastors. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship service, 11. Miraon topic; rne Heavenly minter. Christ Lutheran State street at 18th. C. R. Schuls, pastor. Divine worship at t:to ana 11 o ciock. sunaay scnooi at a.oo. Court Street Christian 17th and Court streets, w. n. Lyman, pastor. Bible school assembly, 9:46. Morning worship and communion, 10:60. Sermon by W. H. Lyman, "One Thing at a Time." Chris tian Endeavor hour, 7. Evening service, 8. Message by W. H. Lyman, "What Are You Looking For?" Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 5th and Madison streets. John E. Salisbury, bishop. Sunday school, 10. Priesthood meeting, 11:30. Evening ser vice, 6:30. Bethany Evancelleal ft Reformed Mar lon and Capitol Sts, Rev. Russell Mayer, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor ship, 11. Evening worship, 8. Turner Christian Gilbert R. Carey, pas tor. Bible school. 10. Mornlns worship. 11. Sermon topic: "Workers for the King dom." cnristian Endeavor, 7. Evening church service, 8. Sermon tople: "That Which Is Living in a Dying World." First Bantlst Marlon and Liberty Bts. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. C. E. BricKweaei, associate pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. "The Wisdom of the Cross," Dr. Lloyd Ander son, intermediate, uign scnooi ana col lege B.Y. groups at 6:45. Evening gospel service, 8. "The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price." Four Corners Baptist State and Eltna streets. Sunday school, 9:46. Morning wor ship, 11. Mr. Elmer Hlebert, guest speaker irom tne bioib institute 01 ios Angeies. Evening gospel service, 8. Balbert Memorial Bantlst Located one mile north of underpass on Highway 99-E. Rev. C. E. Brickwedel, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Message by the pastor. Young people's league, 6:30. nvcmuB gospel service, 1.30. Faith Tabernacle 1305 N. Rth ffith Gaines). Rev. Max Wyatt, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Sermon by pastor. Evangelistic service, 8. Sermon 03 pastor. .-., vuuiiuuuit; itiiuui, urc, ner, RfiafPT-a Trtxrfn nairnr Bnnd -W e n Divine worship, 11. Sermon subject: "R- lor youth groups meet at 7. Evening ser- ' - mKo ray mn, neien - uuil Islons" and director of "Village Missions." doubii is mn ouwianaing speaker, and will also show pictures of mission work In rural America. The ReornniEed Cht.mli nt of Latter Day Saints Corner North 17th and Chemeketa St. Elder Charles H. Ah. er, pastor. Church school, 10. Preaching j X X-' " isue, o:jw. moie Stu dy, 7:30. . Y.:. unuer. a. iarey, pas tor. Bible school, 10. Morning worship, U. Sermon, "Homeward Bound." Christian Endeavor 7. Evening service, 9. Message by the pastor, "Ears and No Ears." Woodburn Churches Chrllllan TVin Drla.t ...- n - ' wniwi 11; Ki. s. at 7; evening services at 8. IiumiMw art J 1 . " v ircDicr uiDson, pas tor. Sunday school at 9:45; preaching at 11 and 7:45; Y. P. at 6:45. Free Methodiit Mrs. Roxella B. Douglas pastor. Sunday school at 9:45: preaching at 11 and 7:45. St. Lake's Catholic V. L. Moffenbeier. pastor. Sunday services at 6:00, 6:30 and 10:30. Benediction after 10:30 mass Sun days. Till Rttarrantvexl ftam-nK aaf of Latter Day Saints George Omens, pas- ur. nurc a scnooi at ivi preacning at 11; Zlons League at 7; lecture study at 8. Bethel Presbyterian 3 miles east on Union School road. Earl K. Fenton, pas tor. Worship at 10; Sunday school, 10:45. Flrit Presbyterian Earl K. Fenton, pas tor. Sunday school at 9:45. Divine wor ship at 11 and 7:30; Y. P., 8:30. Chereh ef God Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school at 10; worship at 11 and 8; Y. P. at 7. St. Mary's Minion (Episcopal) William Van Meter. Vicar. Holy Communion at 8:30 ft. an. Rev. Bohl Resigns Local Pastorate After about four and on-half years of enjoyable ministry the Rev. Herman J. Bom will term inate his official duties' as pastor of the Salem Alliance church on Sept. 18. Rev. Bohl came to Salem from Hood River four years ago last April. The resignation was sub mitted more than two weeks ago and this week was accepted by the local board. A recent election of the Na tional Association of Evangeli cals here for Salem resulted in him becoming president of that organization. He has been very active in Christian Youth effort for Salem area. As a member of -the Salem Academy Board he was chosen for chairman of the educational committee. He has not announced his plans for the future. Silverton Churches Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Balnts (Mormon) Sunday school at iv; evening service at 7. Christian Science Sunday school at 9:45. services at 11. St. Paul's Catholic Father John Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, 8 and 10. ween flays, s. Assembly of God Berrel H. Scott. Das- tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Divine wor ship, 11. Young people's society at 6:45, Evangelistic at 8. Church of God Rev. E. E. Nix. pastor. Sunday school at 10; worship hour at 11; evening services at 8. Seventh Day Adventlst Elder A. Chtlson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, local elder, in charge. Sabbath school, Sat urday, 9:30; morning worship at 11, Sat urday: sunaay evening evangelistic ser vice. Marquam and Molalla Concreralions. Methodist Rex Kendall, pastor. Joint pas torate. Forenoon services at Marquam, afternoon at Molalla. Pilgrim Holiness D. C. Olson, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Sermon by pastor. 11. Young people meet, 7, Evangelistic sermon, 8. Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlle, pas ir. No services Sunday. Connreitation will be guests at Trinity. Luther Lennue to have retreat week-end outlns Satur day and Sunday at The Chapel By The Trinity Lutheran 1U tor. Divine worship . J. K. Puhr, pas and Holy Commu- nlon at 11 a. m. Calvary Lutheran James A. Toft, pas tor. Sunday school and Bible class at 10 a. m., Miss Olga Johnson, supt. Morning worship at 11, theme: "Is Christ Your Master?" Quartet will sing. Christian and Missionary Alliance Gor don T. Bratvold, minister, Sunday school classes for all age groups, 10 a. m.; morn ing worsnip at 11, sermon "rne nope 01 the Coming of the Messiah." Junior and senior young folk meeting at 7 p. m. Evangelistic service at 6 p. m., special ooject lesson lor cnuaren during service, First Christian Church Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible school at 9:45 m.; Communion and sermon, theme, "When Jesus Pays No Attention." Senior Chris tian Endeavor at 7 p. m. At the evening 8 o'clock service, the minister will answer Bible questions submitted by the audience. Methodist Ben F. Browning-, minister. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., classes for all age groups, nursery for pre-Sunday school aee. World Service day for the month. General worship service at 11, sermon, "Religion in Education." Choir meets at 10:50 for formation: Youth Fellowship at 7:30 p. m. Bible Bantlst Earl Baker, nastor. Sun day school at s:46; worship service at 11 and 1:45; Y. P. at 6:45. Immanuel Lutheran Harvln N. Chrls- tensen, pastor, worship service at 11. Gervals Presbyterian Ernest Tremblay, pastor. Sunday school at 10; worship at 11; C. B. at 7:30. Methodist Ormal B. Trick, pastor. Church school at 10; worship at 11. Foursouare Arthur Ooble. pastor. Sun day school at 9:45; worship at 11 and 7:45; Y. P., :4S. Church f Jesus Christ of L.D.8. Sun day school at 10. Sacrament meeting at 11:30. Stayton Churches haptlit Rev, WiHard Buckner, pastor Sunday school, .10. Morning worship, 11 rralnlni hour, 7:15. Evening service, 8. Church of Christ Clyde Freeman, pu to Bible school, 10. Worship service, 11 foutb Fellowship, 6:90. Evening worship, Chvrcb af Christ L. M. Setd, minister Bible study, 10. Morning worahlp, 11, Eve ning worship. 5. Metbodlit John Uorante, pastor. Blblt school, 10. Worship service, 11. Youth Fel lowship, 6:90. Evening worship, I. Assembly of God Rev. Melvln Stock to-11, pastor Sunday school, 10. Morning service. 11. Young people's meeting, 6:45 Evening evangelistic service 7:45. Immaenlate Conception Catholle Rev Rth. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services' Masses 6, .7:30 and 0:90 a.m. St. Partlck'a Catholle (Lyons) -Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays, mass 10:30 a.m.i Ird and 4th Sundays mass at 8:30 a.m. Onr Lady of Lonrdes (Jordan) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st, 2nd and 6th Sundays, mass 8:30 a.m.; 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30 Baptist Bruce Wakeman, pastor. Sun day school 10, morning worship 11, Youth Fellowship 7, .evening service 8. Church of Christ Wm. F. Morse, min ister. Bible school 10, morning worship 11, Junior meeting 7, Young People's meet ing 7. evening services 8. Methodist church Rev. Fremont Paul, pastor. Sunday school 10, morning wor ship 11, Junior Fellowship 6, Youth Fel lowship 7. Assembly of God William N. Peachy, pastor. Sunday school 9:45, morning wor ship 11, children's service 7:30. evening service 8. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Invites You Two Worship Services Every Sunday 8:45 a. m. 11am. Sunday School 9:50 m. C R. Schulz Pastor I Amity Churches Baptist Bruce Wakeman. pastor. Sun day school at 10 a. m.; morning worship at 11, sermon topic. "The World for a Life. (no host dinner at the church) ; Youth Fellowship at 7 p. m.: evening ser vice at topic, "The Waiting Quest." Church of Christ Wm. P. Morse, pastor. Bible school at 10; morn-lng worship at 11; Youth meeting at 7:30; evening services at 6:30. Methodist Fremont Paul, minister. Sunday school at 10; morning worship at 11. guest speaker; junior ana zouta Fel lowship, canceled for August. Assembly of God William Beachy, pas- r. sunoay scnooi at s & a. m.: morn ing worship at 11 a. m.; special youth service at 7:15 p. m.; evening; service at Episcopalians Will Greet New Vicar Woodburn Rev. Clarence Slocum of Portland has been appointed as vicar of St. Mary's Episcopal mission in Woodburn, effective Sept. 1, replacing Rev. W. S. Van Meter who is leaving Woodburn to become deputy state labor commissioner for en forcement of the new fair em ployment practices law and with Mrs. VanMeter will move to their new home in Salem next week. Rev. Slocum is a graduate of the General Theological semin ary of New York city and holds a master's degree from the Uni versify of Michigan. He has served pastorates in the mission ary district of Spokane and act ed as chaplain of the Good Sa maritan hospital in Portland For several years he taught languages and history at St. Helen's hall in Portland. He will reside at 344 Hardcastle Ave., the residence now occupied by the Van Meters. Articles Wanted For Fair Booth Material for the Sunday School booth to be set up in the grandstand building of the state fair is being sought by Fred deVries, prominent in Marion county church circles. Wanted articles include photographs of churches, picnics, daily vacation Bible school groups or any activ ity appropriate to church school work. Posters carrying "Mes sages at a glance" are also de sirable. The booth will be located at the same place where it has been for nearly 20 years, at the north door of the grandstand building. No admission charge is made to this part of the grand stand except at certain times of the day when tickets are requir ed lor entrance at the main gate. Materials may either be sent to deVries. address, Route 6 Box 241, Salem or taken to the booth on the opening day of the tair. Wipper Family Has Reunion at Turner Turner The sons and daugh ters of the late Herman and Alice Wipper planned a party at the home of Mrs. Mary Wipper Ball. Coming from a distance were Mrs. Lena Wipper Birmingham, uildale, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lydon and children Sherry and Terry, -Coalinga, Calif.; A. E. Birmington, Boise, Ida.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lyle ana grandson, Mike Collins; Mrs. Paul Montgomery and sons Lyle and Douglas of Seattle, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Bill (Fanny Wipper) Eyestone, Portland. Home folks were Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wipper and Gerry, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wipper, Wal lace and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weishaar (Winnie Wip per), Mr. and Mrs. Elton Ball and son Gregory, Robt. A. Ball and Mrs. Mary Ball. One daughter, Mrs. Belle Kel ly was absent. During the get-to-gather a call was placed to her home in San Francisco. I want you to know how pleased I am with the new. stabilized BEVERLY. I love its fresh roasted taste and your re -usable glass jars are a joy ! WASHINGTON, D.C. Seems like everybody who TRIES IT lovot BEVERLYI Beverly ii STABILIZED. ..to it tpreadt like a dream, taatea fre$h at freth roatted peanut!, AND NEVER GETS LOOSE OIL ON TOP! Let your youngster enjoy plenty of Beverly it't a food high in body building protein and energy valuea. Clarkson to Preach ! To Stayton Baptists Stayton Edward Clarkson will preach the sermon at the! evening service at the Stayton j Baptist church, Sunday, August 28. Clarkson is a brother of Charles and Malcolm Clarkson of Stayton. He was a licensed Baptist minister by the Melrose Baptist church of Roanoke, Va.j Clarkson received his train ing from the Mars Hill college of Mars Hill, N.C. While vis iting here with his brothers he has been working in the local cannery. The public is cordially invited to attend this service. Rev. Stevens to Attend LA Meet Rev. Olive Stevens, Institute of Religious Science Chapter Leader of Salem, has been invit ed by Dr. Ernest Wilson, na tionally known Unity Leader and this year's president of the International New Thought Al liance, to speak on their congress program, to be held Sept. 4 to 10 at Los Angeles. While Rev. Stevens attends INTA Congress, Mrs. Toni Van Ornum will have the regular Sunday services held at the Salem ' Women's club, 460 N. Cottage. s Valley Home Sought For Displaced Pair Dayton The Woman's Coun cil of the Christian church met! at the home of Mrs. Harry Sher man. Mrs. Helen Manning had charge of the lesson and devo- tionals. Mrs. Orin Wright sang a solo. Mrs. John Sherman of Alas ka told of their trip to old Mexico and South America. Mrs. Ernest Havernick of For est Grove spoke on displaced persons and how they were try ing to place a couple in the val ley. Mr. Schutner, representa tive of DPs, spoke at great length did Mrs. Feldman. also of Forest Grove. Lithia water is dispensed free in downtown Ashland In south ern Oregon. Mineral water is piped from springs to a large re frigerated fountain on the city plaza. ...as a hound's tooth! -that's PRESTO-LOGS THE CLEAN, ECONOMICAL . CONVENIENT FUEL GET 'EM FROM CAPITOL LUMBER CO. N. Cherry Ave. Fhone 38862 or 24431 mm f n m 10 n i s I 4Mb at FENNETS Friday Night and Saturday Save Yourself Plenty Shop Penney's and Save with Confidence WOMEN'S NYLON PANTIES POPULAR WANTED BRIEF STYLE SIZES S-M-L. ELASTIC WAISTBAND AMAZING AT ONLY 1.00 MAIN FLOOR MEN'S LIGHTWEIGHT UNIONS COMFORTABLE LIGHTWEIGHT COTTON SHORT SLEEVE WITH LONG LEGS STURDY CONSTRUCTED FOR LONG WEAR MAIN FLOOR INFANT'S KNIT SLEEPERS LOVELY SOFT PASTEL SHADES INFANTS SIZES 2 TO 6 YEARS OUTSTANDING VALUE AT THE PENNEY PRICE SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S SUMMER DRESSES OUT THEY GO! OUT THEY GO! OUT THEY GO! BROKEN LOTS AND POPULAR FABRICS ALL WERE HIGHER PRICED BETTER DRESSES DOWNSTAIRS STORE MEN'S ALL-WOOL SWEATERS BROKEN LOTS ANP SIZES SLIGHTLY SOILED. SLIPOVERS, COAT STYLES TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON THIS ONE MAIN FLOOR BOYS' SUNTAN PANTS STURDY WEIGHT COTTON TWILL SANFORIZED. SIZES 8 to 16 JUST RIGHT FOR SCHOOL WEAR MAIN FLOOR Men's Rayon GAMBLER SHIRTS RAYON GABARDINE TOWNCRAFT SHIRTS POPULAR 3 BUTTON CUFFS. WASHABLE FALL PASTEL COLORS. AT NEW LOW PRICE MAIN FLOOR Men's All-Wool Worsted SUITS SHARKSKINS, STRIPES, PLAIDS, PLAINS FALL COLORS. SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED J. C. PENNEY SUITS ARE FIRST FOR STYLE, PRICE MAIN FLOOR WOMEN'S TWILL RAIN COATS RAYON SATIN TWILL RAIN COATS BLACK OR GRAY. DETACHABLE HOODS CRAVENETTE WATER REPELLENT SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S RAYON BRAS WANTED RAYON SATIN UPLIFT BRAS SIZES 32-34-36, A-CUP DON'T MISS THIS AMAZING VALUE SECOND FLOOR PENNEY'S OPEN EVERY4 FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. HOP Friday, August 26, 1949 15 Salem, Oregon II 1.00 199 2.29 35 1266 79c 00 3oSS 3o8S