Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 25, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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To Coordinate
Army Exhibits
Sixth Army headquarters at
the Presidio of San Francisco
will send a man to Salem to co
ordinate the public information
side of the combined armed forc
es exhibit planned for the Ore
gon State Fair.
The information was forward
ed to Salem this week from the
information section of Sixth
Army by Col. James B. Ed
munds, information officer.
Sent here to work with the Sa
lem Military Manpower commit
tee, the organization that laid
the ground work for the exhibit,
Bullets Split the Air Marine reservists of the 4th 105mm 4
Howitzer Battalion of Portland, Salem and Eugene, Oregon
and the 17th Engineer Company of Portland man light machine
guns at firing practice at Camp Joseph H. Pendleton, Ocean
side, Calif., where the civilian-Marines are taking two weeks
of active duty trainnig. (U. S. Marine Corpe photo)
Fine Displays Feature
Opening of Yeater Store
A cheery atmosphere throughout, attractive appliance displays
and the very latest in ultra-modern lighting are featured in the
new home of Yeater Appliance company at 275 Chemeketa street.
The store was opened to the public at 2 p.m. Thursday, and
dozens of people flowed through the doors minutes afterward.
Lady visitors to the store onf
opening day are being given or
chids. Yeater's will remain open
until 10 p.m. Thursday.
Housewives visiting the open
ing were particularly interested
in a, model working kitchen,
complete with refrigerator, elec
tric range, clothes washer and
dryer, dishwasher, etc., all wir
ed up and ready for use in dem
onstrations. Included in the 2000 square
feet of display space is a radio
television room, specially equip
ped to be turned into a dark
room for television display.
The interior lighting running
above the large front windows
and over the demonstration
stage in the main display room
is the first of its kind in Salem.
Flourescent lamps are situat
ed four or five feet above a large
grille-work. The grille-work
breaks up the rays of light but
does not reflect them upward.
Thus indirect lighting without
sacrificing any of the light is
Yeater has taken particular
pains in striving for convenience
of employes in the new store
Small appliances and hardware
items are so arranged that sales
persons will be required to do a
minimum amount of talking.
Bright colors are employed on
every wall, ceiling, floor and
pillar throughout the building.
Truman Put Out Welcome
Mat for Southern Bolters
Washington, Aug. 25 VP) President Truman put out the wel
come mat for southern party bolters today, but demanded that
those who cross it get in step with the 1948 democratic platform.
He delivered the invitation strictly on his own terms at a
rousing dinner of the democratic national committee a few hours
after it" had read five southern
states' rights members from the
high command.
. And, leaving the door open to
non-Truman democrats in con
gress to fall in line with the
Truman program, the committee
exempted them from the party
The fires of revolt, however,
already were burning anew.
States' righters announced they
are opening Washington head
quarters to spread the flames.
The whole thing was sparked by
southern dislike for Mr. Tru
man's civil rights program.
It was Truman the campaig
ner swinging free style in the
manner of his "give ' 'em' hell"
stumping of last year who pro
claimed his party of today "a
national party, and not a section
party any more."
"The tail no longer wags the
dog," he said.
He went on to say that he won
in 1948 without New Yor,
"without the industrial east and
without the solid south" and that
he was "prouder of that than
anything that has ever happened
to me."
Then came the invitation:
"And that doesn't mean that
we are not inviting the indus
trial east and the solid south
and all the rest of the country
to join the party of the people.
and help the county go forward.
That is exactly what we want
and that is exactly what we are
going to accomplish in the next
two years."
Leanaer Perez of New Or
leans, in charge of the new
Washington states' righters of
fice, said they expect to set up
committees in all states and try
to elect governors, senators and
congressmen who see eye to eye
with them.
He said they will defend
themselves if the democratic
convention in 1952 puts undemo
cratic, un-American and uncon
stitutional planks into the plat
form. . ':' ' ' ' - - ;-- '. ' -'.
As for a presidential candi
"I think the best indication of
what we will do is what we did
Nohlgrens to Open
New Restaurant
Roland and Evelyn Nohlgren,
who for the last three years have
operated Silver Falls lodge, will
be operators of a new combined
drive-in and restaurant to open
about November 1 at North
High and Willow streets, in the
800 block on North High.
R. J. Schmidt of the realty
firm of Nelson & Nelson has ne
gotiated a transaction between
the Nohlgrens and Pacific Guar
anty company whereby the lat
ter will put up a new building
for the business. It will be a
very modern one-story building
of concrete block, much window
space . and with . canopy all
around for accommodation of the
drive-in business.
The Nohlgrens will discontin
ue their operation at Silver Falls
before," Perez said.
That was to put - the Thur
mond-Wright ticket in the 1948
field and capture Alabama
Louisiana, Mississippi and South
.Notice I hereby given that the un-
deratEned by an order of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of Marion, duly made and entered
on the 24th day or August, 194B, was ap
pointed administrator of the estate of
Delia E. Hofstetter, deceased, and that
he has duly qualified as said administra
tor. All persons having claims against
aid estate are hereby notified to pn
sent the same, duly verified as required
by law, to him at 645 Hood Street In
the city of Salem in Marlon County, Ore
gon, within six months from the date of
this notice.
Dated and first published this 2Bth day
of August. 1S4B.
Date of last publication, the lftth day
ox,- September, 1949.
Administrator of the estate of
Delia E. Hofstetter. deceased
ELLIS ft ELLIS, Attorneys for the estate.
1102 Equitable Building
Portland 4, Oregon,
Aug. 15. Sept. 1, , 15, 1949
V Miss Margaret Scherbium in
spects a 10-Inch Drurya Anll
machus In her New York store
where she manufactures objects
decorated with butterfly tvintr.
of the
Come in now and get
your pair before the se
lection in sizes is incomplete.
and L.t. Col. Henry Russell, who
is to serve as coordinator for the
exhibit will be Maj. Charles
Cawthon from the office of Col.
Edmonds. The major will arrive
by September 3.
The exhibit, covering an area
of 30,000 square feet and partici
pated in by all five branches of
the armed forces, Army, Air
Force, Marine Corps, Navy and
Coast Guard, is the largest com
bined exhibit of the armed forc
es to be held in the west and
among the largest ever held.
"Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Aug. 25, 19499
The glowing color of fine
handmade American ruby glass
ware is produced .by putting a
small amount of gold into the
2,000-pound batch of raw ma
terials before melting the sand
and other minerals to a molten
"What's Your Name" by Jack Wright of San Jose, Calif., an
invitation print in .the "Tops of Photography" show.
Does Food Form Sour
Gas in Your Stomach?
"I have never taken anything that
worked so quickly and fine as Kal-O-Dex.
It's a grand medicine," says Mrs.
Lucy Wallace, 2420 Webster Ave., Fresno,
"and I have lots of PEP now since I'm
rid of that awful acid stomach condition
that gave me so much misery. Seems
food Just laid in my stomach and soured
had to be taking soda all the time,
especially at nights, because of awful
pressure In my stomach from gas and
bloat. It would keep me awake. Finally
I discovered Kal-O-Dex and my troubles
are all over I can eat many things now
that I couldn't before taking Kal-O-Dex.
Bowels are regular, no more bloating or
sour stomach, and Z feel better all over."
KAL-O-DEX Is an Herbal Formula of
5 Juices from Nature's Plants. It has
relieved many people who had never
really helped before by any medicine
Taken Rhortly before meals it mixes wuh
your loon, neiping to eliminate me
poisons that foster stomach trouble. It
will cleanse the bowels, clear gas from
stomach, enliven Intestines and remove
old, sickening bile from the system. 80
don't go on suffering! Get KAL-O-DEX
at all Drug Stores today.
? i
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For the price of a suite alone and
. . . on terms to fit your budget! Only
For All 10 Pieces
$5.00 Per Month
Attention all BUDGET WISE homemakers! Here's a
dream come true! Now for a limited time only, you will
be able to get this beautiful bedroom group at this sen
sational LOW price! Just look at the items . . .
Full size bed in genuine silver walnut
(Twin Bed Suites Available.)
Big Roomy Chest
Matching Vanity .
All Steel Simmons Coil
Spring 1
Two Boudoir Lamps
Pair Pillows
Hobnail Chenille Bedspread
(Choice of Colors)
Pieces Offered Are
Similar to Illustration
Proof Again That It
Pays to Buy at Woodry's
It Takes Only a Few
Minutes to Open an
Account With Usl
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