Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWBI fUCHEB f Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thoreday, Angnrt 25, 1949 Fall Wedding Is Planned Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Snyder j tre announcing we engagement 7 a 4hr Mntlffhtpr. M1M Ruth i! Snyder, to Jack Michael, son of G - - i m T T nor. ma iirs. ucu . wu.a; ui Richland. Waih. The wedding i planned for November, the ceremony to be In St. Mark Lutheran church in Salem. Miss Snyder was graduated from Salem high school and last year attended Cascade college in Portland. This summer she is visiting at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Arthur Case, in Rich land. Mr. Michael Is now In the U.S. rmy, his three-year service to be completed in October. Mothers Meeting Woodburn The re gular meeting of the Mothers' Circle at DeMolay will be held Thurs day night in the Masonic parlors. Members are asked to bring tea towels finished and labeled and also recipes for the cook book which is to be printed and sold to raise funds for the DeMolay robes. Refreshments will be served after the meeting to the De Molay boys by Mrs. Addle Har rison, Mrs. Paul Ruud, Mrs. George Rogers and Mrs. Tom Stampley. This is also the regular meet ing of Woodburn chapter of DeMolay. RETURNING Wednesday from a short trip to eastern Ore con were Mrs. James W. Mott and daughter, Beverly, and Mrs, Marlon W. Rilea. They were at Buttle lake, then at Madras where they visited Mrs. Mott's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sullivan. Board Meets At a board meeting of the Salem Junior Woman's club this week plans for the new year's program were outlined. The playground project was report ed well under way with pros pects for a successful continuation. The meeting was at the home of Mrs. Ralph Atwood. Annou cement was made of a meeting for all committee chairmen next Tuesday evening at the home of the president, Mrs. Sam Camp bell, 1790 North ISth, at 8 o'clock. FOLLOWING a two weeks' visit here Mrs. Ethel Perfect is leaving for her home at Alham bra, Calif. She has been guest at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Homer G. Lyon, Jr. Reports Feature Auxiliary Meeting Reports were given by Mrs. Joe Horneffer on rehabilitation and by Mrs. Iva Hamilton on hospital work at the regular meeting of Marion auxiliary Veterans of Foreign Wars, Mon day evening. Mrs. Bob DeLapp reported the picnic held August 14 at Hagers Grove was well attended. Mrs. Covll Case, Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mrs. Mike Becker, Mrs. N. Jensen, Mrs. Mammie Phipps, Mrs. Ivell Haley, Mrs. Francis Briggs and Mrs. Lillian Meyers were named to work on the de linquent dues committee. Mrs Ivell Haley was appointed sew ing committee chairman. Mrs Charley Hunt announced the rummage sale will be held Sep tember 16 and 17. Mrs. Arwin Strayer, as de partment membership chairman, stated there will be two more membership plaques given by department this year instead of cash prizes. VISITING at the home of Mr and Mrs. G. A. Chaloupka at 1212 Dearborn avenue are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Cha loupka of Portland and Miss G. E. Coon of Cleveland, Ohio. A week-end trip to .Timber- lint lodge is planned this week end by the group, after which Miss Coon will fly east to Cleveland. ? " , . i - & 1 Wed H t A k. r , t - ; i. v ' " . " "Y V ' i 4 V' ; y. 1 In Portland Mrs. Donald E. Crouch (Barbara Ann King) was a bride of August 12 at a ceremony in St. Michael's and All Angels Episcopal church in Portland. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. King, for many years residents of Salem, now of Portland. Mr. Crouch is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill C. Crouch of Portland. (Edris Morri son photo, Portland) Supper Friday Hosts on Friday evening lor l informal supper party at their South High street home will be Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry. Honor guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Norman Courtney of Los Angeles who are to be here for a short stay. Mrs. Courtney formerly lived in Salem and will be remembered as Emeline Klein. Guests for the supper will include some of ' her old-time friends. ' Two Hostesses Hostesses at the early week were Mrs. Frank S. Healy and Mrs. Dan Johnston, who enter tained Tuesday at luncheon at Mrs. Healy's summer home at Devil's Lake. Guests numbered 12, bridge following the luncheon. Re maining over with Mrs. Healy until Thursday were Mrs. John ston, Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr., and Mrs. George Alexander. Legion Post Plans Dinner Members of Pioneer post, No. 149, American Legion, the all- woman post, are meeting for a no-host dinner this evening at 8 o'clock at the American Le gion club. Miss Grace Marck, member of the post who went east and is now visiting here on vacation, is to be a special guest. The post will begin its regu lar schedule of business meet ings in the fall. Installation df new officers is set for Septem ber Miss Susan Faherty to take over then as commander. Recent Herb Tea Successful Event Lebanon Most important event of the summer social sea son here was the 12th herb tea of the Lebanon - Garden club at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dillard. The guest book revealed the names of 300 guests, many of whom came from out-of-town points. A collection of herb books, with lists of books on herbs and gardening, was exhibited by Mrs. Adelaide Barker, of the state library, who was guest speaker of the afternoon. She invited correspondence with the library for needed garden books. Mrs. E. Rasmussen's large collection of herb products gave a variety of suggestions for the use of herbs. Two tables also were full of herbs grown by other gardeners of Lebanon. Other displays included the fuchsia exhibit of Mrs. Bruce Ensley; prize dalhias from the garden of the Misses Helen and Dorothy Clem and Mrs. F. H. Haskell's gourd display, the lat ter to be shown at the State Fair. The tea table, under the chair manship of Mrs. Ivan Ayers, was busy all afternoon It pro- CLEARANCE SALE Complete closeout of all remaining spring and summer Dresses All going at tht low prices of $500 si 000 $1500 Jlte .Smart Shop 1 115 North Liberty vided 18 different herbs for ta brewing, herb sandwiches cookies and candied flowers. Garden club presidents pres ent at the tea included Mrs. Alice Sorague of Riverview; Mrs. L. R. Breithupt of Corvallis; Mrs. Wayne Hulbert of Junction City: Mrs. F. H. Sexton, Molal- la; Mrs. Isa Silver, West Linn; Mrs. Ben Maxwell, Salem; Mrs. George Cross, Halsey and Mrs. Carrie Emery of Sweet Home. Mrs. A. E. Haith of Corval lis, vice president of the State Federation, and Mrs. L. Ritter of Portland, chairman of the Co lumbia district, were guests. Members of the Oregon Herb society of Portland included Mr W. E. Wilhelm, Miss Alena Ja- cobsen, Mrs. F. Pershing, all of whom have been speakers at former herb teas, and Mrs. Jean Hollowell. Souvenirs of the tea included herb punch recipes, herb cut tings, small bags of tea blends and seasoning seeds. Herb punch was served to the guests as they entered the gar-, den by Mrs. Ken Kenyon who made the punch, and by Misses Rita Kenyon and Barbara Gam-berg. Mrs. Herbert Faller, Lebanon , Garden club president, gave the welcomng talk and Introduced Mrs. Thomas Dillard, whose gar dens provided the setting for ' the tea. -;. ' Wear a V-. western buckle Timely team-mate for your sweaters 'n skirts, this western-wise hand-sewn moccasin in embossed antiqued brown leather with silver-tone metal trim. Can be yours in sizes 3 to 10, AAA to C. "Salem's Newest Shoe Store for Women" 170North Liberty Add 201 for Mail Orders "Pocket Skirt" . . . It' called .... tht "Kangaroo Pouch Pocket" . . , it's created by "Bobby Brooks" .... in 6 colon of Featheroy (corduroy). her. "SPALDING They are here .... in every size .... the al lover white Buck Saddle . . . the one and only .... genuine Spalding! 4.95 and tS 7.95 ; 10.95 y if "Loafer Jacket" . . , With jounty uptumtd fol iar .. . end belt . . . can be worn A woyi .... in oil 6 colon of Ftathtroy (corduroy). 7.95 ond 10.95 1 1 A t 1 ''Classic Jacket"... Semi-fitted . . . wear matched os a suit .... use it separately as a sport jacket .... Bobby Brooks gives you 6 colors . . . 10.95 "Straight Skirt"... Pencil slim with a slit in the skirt ... it fits perfectly .... in all 6 shades of fa in 0 u s gunwale Featheroy (corduroy). 6.95 li; I r$ 1 y.-'j 1 (Sizes arc 10 to 20) 'Block . . . Ruddy Brown . . , 'Teal Blue... Smoke Grey . . , her... "Lanamere" ... The most famous of all "Campus Sweattrs" . . . the genuine "Lanamere" ... in 18 luscious colors . . . 4.95 1 St 234 N. Liberty in Salem ...