SHE GETS AWAY WITH IT 'Cheesecake' Ruled Out By Serious Marsha Hunt Hollywood (U.R) Marsha Hunt was at 17 the youngest charac ter actress in pictures, and now, eight years later, she's still the prettiest. She's played woman of 60," flippant comediennes, old maids with specs, school teachers, dumb-style Southern girls,' un married mothers and all. "And I loved every minute of it," she said. "That's what I wanted to do. I'd never, never be an ingenue." No such creatures exists as the ingenues movie starlets usually play, says Miss Hunt. They are figments of the Hollywood im agination. . "All those words, words, words they say," she sighed. "Did you ever hear anybody really talk like that? Mush." Miss Hunt currently is play ing a straight-talking,, sensible policewoman in Columbia's "Wo man From Headquarters." She got over this ingenue bus iness her first few days in pic tures. She went straight to the publicity department and an nounced she'd be glad to fight a grizzly bear or float over the city in a balloon. But no, abso lutely no, leg art. i naa reaa enough movie magazines to know that girls who pose for cheesecake are re ferred to as 'cuties' or starlets ,' she said. ' "Well, I thought could act and I didn't want to be a 'starlet.' I wanted to be an actress." ' - She did act once in a bathing suit. It was in picture called "College Holiday." She looked pretty good, although leggy "I had to show my legs while I was acting again on television," she recalled. "I was doing a pro duction of 'Twelfth Night.' Shakespeare knew enough to put girls in tights once in awhile." The character role she liked least was in "Pride and Preju dice" singing "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton," off key. "I happen to have perfect pitch," she said. "It was very hard." Wants Cookie Jar Back Thief River Falls, Minn., Aug. 25U.R Mrs. M. H. Collins said today she would bake all the cookies the thief who stole her cookie jar could eat if only he would return the jar. Man Admits Mauling Vet Montesano, Wash., Aug. 25 WP)--"I guess on several occa sions I dragged him by the hair and slapped his face, but I was just trying to cure him. With those words, Sheriff Mike Kilgore said, 52-year-old Frank Chase confessed orally to mauling his 29-year-old ampu tee veteran stepson, Henry Chum. The confession was given yes terday before a group of news papermen. Kilgore said Chase admitted beating Chum because the lat ter "had lost his self respect." Chase is held in the Grays Harbor county jail on assault charges. A suit in Chum's behalf was filed in Superior Judge J. M. Phillips', court by Lester Stritmatter, a Hoquiam attor ney. The complaint charged that Chase, by "intimidation, threats, force and fraud," took $2768.05 in government disability pay ments from Chum, and alleged that the World War II veteran was forced to sign a certificate of title for the amputee'automo- bile given him by the govern ment and that Chase sold the machine. The slightly built ex-GI, who lost his left leg above the knee in a Japanese bombing on New Guinea, told Kilgore yesterday I he had been forced to crawl Mayor Frowns on Gal's Shorts But His Deputy's Different San Francisco U. Last year Mayor Elmer E. Robinson refused to allow "Miss Harbor Day," a 19-year-old blonde model clad in short blue shorts and a T-shirt, into his office until she changed into a more decorous outfit. This year Mayor Robinson was out of town and acting Mayor Daniel J. Gallagher, a bachelor, looked forward with considerable anticipation to the annual visit of "Miss Harbor Day." .He was disappointed when she turned up in a very proper black suit. It seemed Janet Jackson, also 19 and blonde, had been warned about proper dress in a mayor's office. "What, no scanties?" asked Gallagher?- After a brief retirement Miss Jackson came back in very short white shorts and a blue T-shirt. The mayor beamed. Commie Plea for Mistrial Denied New York, Aug. 25 m Fed eral Judge Harold R. Medina today denied a motion by de fense counsel for a mistrial in the communist conspiracy trial. Judge Medina also denied the motion that Russell Janney, a juror, be disqualified and that an inquiry be made as to his possible "influence" on other jurors. Defense attorneys yesterday asked for a mistrial on the ground that Janney author of about the house on hands and knees for 15 hours last Christ mas day. the best-selling novel "Miracle of the Bells" had shown bias in private conversations with an actress and singer, Miss Carol B. Nathanson. The 11 communist leaders are charged with conspiracy to ad vocate violent overthrow of the government. Lyons and Stayton Groups Plan Outing Lyons The Lyons Methodist Sunday school will hold its pic nic Sunday, August 28, at Silver Creek Falls, in connection with the Methodist Sunday school of Stayton. There will be special services, Sunday school, special music and song service. A pot luck lunch will be served at noon. All members and friends are invited to attend. Any one Lutherans Drop Sunday Service ! Silverton No services are to be held at Immanuel Lutheran church Sunday forenoon, Au gust 28, is announced by Rev. S. L, Almlie, who is to assist in supervising the group of lo cal young folk who will spend two days through Sunday eve ning at the beach in retreat at the Chapel of the Chimes. The Immanuel congregation will worship with Trinity Lu theran members, Sunday. The Ladies Aid of the church is announced to meet Thursday at 2 p.m., the hostesses, Mrs. Jul Farr and Mrs. E. Brines. Willamette Lutheran Bible camp is to open at Colton Sun day, August 28, to continue through September 2. Calvary Lutheran prayer meeting is to be Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock at the church. Christian and Missionary Al liance Bible study hour is an nounced for Wednesday eve ning 8 o, clock at the church. Trinity Ladies meets Wodnes day, 2 o'clock in the afternoon in the church parlors. The Dor cas society meets on Friday September 2, at 8 o'clock in the I Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Aug. 25, 1949 3 evening, the place to be an nounced later. "The Man Who Wrote Scrip ture" is the topic to be discussed by Rev. Arthur Charles Bates at the Thursday evening, 8 o'clock, Bible study hour at the parson age home of Mr. and Mrs. Bates. Sunday is announced by Rev. Ben F. Browning as the world service day for the month, at the Methodist Sunday school hour. Children like a cool drink made from canned unsweeten ed pineapple juice and milk. Use equal parts of the fruit juice and the milk, shake well and serve chilled. lAOvertlaetnent.) ATHLETES FOOT GERM KILL IT IN ONE HOUR. YOUR 35c BACK, if not pleased. The germ arowi DEEPLY. to kin it, you mutt reach it. at te-ol at any drug score, a bthunu lungicme, made with 90 alcohol, It PENETRATES, Reaches More derma. Today at J. C. Perry Drugs, (Advertisement) Old? Get Pep, Vim MEN, WOMEN StfySSttS III hausted. Take Oetrei. Coot sins tortlo often Deeded after 40 by bodies old Just because lack ing Iron; plus etlrtum, Vitamin Bi. Thotuand now il Introductory sit now tor oaip 60s. At all drug atores everywhere . In Salem, at Fred Meyer's Hemorrhoids (Piles) Fistula Fissure Prolapse and oth er Rectal Disor ders corrected the easy, convenient way. No hospitaliz ation, quick relief Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-RecUl apedalUt 1MI Oenter St., Salem, On. Ph. I94C0 rR PARKINO needing transportation or hav ing a car with room for passen gers, are asked to be at the Lyons church at 8:45 o'clock Sunday morning. We're Not Fussy ... We will call at your convenience, be it morning, noon or night, to show roofing samples, and give you that free estimate. MONTHLY PAYMENTS Willamette Valley Roof Co., Inc. 30 Lana Ave., Salem Phone 3-9694 court and liberty III i I A Cffl m fteftw"' ILAS ( c... ' fft- No matter what direction your back-to-school 00S C3ZIXl ' EZOG3 tre'- takes you . . . remember, Sally's is a ' 0 'must' point of call! . . . for all your AC ' m school wardrobe needs ... ... Stop and Shop at Ify 0 A OUR TEEN-TOWN SHOP Y A w oAcR ON YOUR way to school! W $CLm LLmW Never more 0 , Coed Approved! Carolina wonderful ... new fall NLA .fW CASHMERE SWEATERS COATS! -Mm I - g Here's a collection of sweaters sure to be "right" on any campus! Catalinq fHS. Mi m Cashmeres . . . all-wools . . . cardigan and pull-over types. Longer You'll have the "look" of fjMll si JPmk a knowledge when you out- If U vt "A":?is iWw fas ASkfen lj short sleeved. In wonderfully delicate pastel shades! Come select several fit yourself in a coat from lJF 4 f VSsAjH 1 3 n for your back to school wardrobe! m'r "d'" f"V i jf fM I ' jgj 1 1 fi: ments of dresses for back- We know you'll "fall" .In love with our wonderful show- l Bfl i ' 1' 'I $ ill P lrl Ings of new season skirts . . . so RIGHT for campus wear! j MS A fi m ' 'Kf jT&fKnS 1 f M Come choose several tomorrowj H I t ' 't " 9 Ml 1 jfjMffM ml ml Rhythm Slips ... 2.98 and up x 3$ ! ' "Y ' 5 Jjfi MLJf 9 II . - : r. 1 b vu w Ia a mm V Iff f V ml tmmm- w I II I j icifLcrimcr . . jklli j . . . j s on tout way to scnoou