tfc Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Angr. 15, 1949 IM y , With the 1948 line, Sear$ is making Silvertone S,. ( " jj) the FOREMOST name in Radio. There's only one way to do that: Not by gfSg advertising... not by extravagant claimsbut by making wonderful radios and at prices ffif "lSilr- ,haf r keepinB w5,h Sftar ,radi,lon! THE BEST F0R LESS! WE'RE DOING ITI THEY'RE READY v h j, ' FOR YOU NOW IN THE NEW 1948 SILVERTONE LINE-UP1 ffefcggj ' - - "t, IT MAS 1 'SgT- ' -'iT HAS WlRE ' iSS' IT MAS ' . ''V ' T i iiiillil 11 liTTilfF .STY!.! 'iViL.- RECORDING! ' , !fCC' m- IMPROVED FMf, .'t'V 1 'ai-.i' r ..umJluummiygg""' . -8urt Ulfcf CNi- ; - ; " , A Silvertone flrsK j I , (,', D n.w thrill In fine ' S,4Sh' illlUIllliuiiiiiii"":"'" MHliiii1--"' "" ' lip - I V. oUtty . s-r Recordt full hogr of ",. flLmS'' ;.rodio reception. ' i"! - f uuiK!- - . , cloied mohooarry.- - tTf) -'UV ' radio, retards, or' ' ' -'kVSOf ' Sharp ond cleor, - j JS ' IJI o blnt. Hqnfrbbed V ' V-KJif- vei on one jmoH "' JL-2--"'r '- not affected By elec- ' l ,-feig'-JI533iT - to,O fltortoiBfMih., - , fft - ppol of wire, - - ' ' t?-' ' tricot disturb6nces. U 5 TV, S - -TOMATtC-,;--SAPPHIRE'' 'r5;j. i n - tM' CHANCER I '"T.V-V.' ' ' JEWEL STYLUS! - . fCZ ' ' I " - J) -it't (ioiwyI Hon 1 '"4 gaSfc: ; '.' . It brinat but ihe Won, ' . njf I I I VA twfcr Mrn,,6rf-tft inllllllfll i ' md low ""i' V'v ' ?FO ' - ;g5gSS' I rOtdl OBt JlUr '"" never iieord before, 'L?a' ' liy. w- - , - n'' -ofleo-Aif WrVs 4- "T". :."! - on reeordKtf handled ; " fV, llifagtii""' - sMiSs .'-m)i P - with,r,ivrnedj y . III a ! : J Vf , I f K iri5aPap 1 Hill I v 1 fcS.P AUTOMATIC TIMING! Buif(in lectrtc clock tyrnit on the radio, wire recorder, or phonograph ooto :moHcally oi any de-:; Mrad im, ' t A NEW UteUdt& MASTERPIECE, 3-IN-l COMBINATION: AM-FM-SW RADIO, WIRE RECORDER, AUTOMATIC CHANGER! Just close your eyes and listen. Listen to the powerful AM-FM-SW radio bring, out the hidden , beauty ... the high and low tones that mean greater music enjoyment. Play the new, miracle Silvertone Wire Recorder ... put a whole hour of fun on a tiny spool of wire. You can set it to automatically record radio programs while you are away from home you need never miss a favorite radio program. Put a stack of 10- and 12-inch records on the Big automatic changer) . . . notice how smoothly and quietly it operates. When it finishes the last record, it shuts itself off.' The gorgeous 18th Century Cabinet, with its two big album compartments,, is truly fit for a king. Also available in an ultra-modern, blond mahog any cabinet style. And the best part of this you can have the new Silvertone Combination at a price you'd, expect to pay for the radio alone. It's truly a Mdsterpiece! It's a Silvertone for '481 "9(51(0195 EASY TERMS 10.4 CU. FT. SPACEMASTER KENMORE CIRCULATING o L HEATER ' Stainless steel freezer chest store 50.2 lbs. of frozen food! : Big, full width Handibin drawer stores 1.9 bu. of cereals, potatoes, dry foods! $New beauty of design mokes Coldspot Kuthe briaht SDot of vour kitchen. Cold- pspot Spacemoster cabinet with its back-mounted unit gives you big food storage i space in small kitchen space! Its aiant I freezer chest, stainless steel shelves and Mumiderator moisture-control make (.old- spot the best choice for safe, economical food-keeping. See this new beauty ot Sears! PLENTY OF FREE PARKING STORE HOURS: 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Dally 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Friday hi 11 11 I u New beauty in design! Harmon izing high gloss enamel finish baked on. New efficiency with full saving Zonosphere burner. Has fuel econ omizer! It's new! It's low priced! It's a Ken more sold exclusively by Sears! Gives you quick, fast and penny-saving radiant and circulating heat! Has gas and fume-tight inner combustion chamber. Adjusto door - and ex clusive gives quick radiant heat. 2-qt. humidifier. Burns up to 52 hours on 5-gals. of fuel at low fire. Shop in Air Conditioned Comfort at Sears ' ex, p(HW rtmey 6zai" M 550 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-9191