tt Capital Journal, Salem, ADVERTISING. Pt Lint 16c Per Une 4 tlmu , 40c Par Unt I time 0t , Pe Lint i month 43 00 Outside of Salem Ibc per lint pri day . Kin loci time mln aoe time mln II 20 No Relundi SEA m as- In Local News Col Only: Per une jOt lo Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER, 2 acres, modern 2 B R. home Ven. blinds, garage St shop bids., ber flee and orchard One block So. of Rosodale school. Rt. 9, Box 219. a2f)2 BY OWNER: NEW 2 BD. RM. HOME. ST. ELMO ADDITION. LARGE LOT, - - FENCED IN BACK YARD. COMPLETE OUTSIDE FIREPLACE AND PATIO ' AND GARAGE. PH. 25348. a203 BY OWNER 2-B.R. home, 11 replaced hardwood floors, utility rm., att. garage. Lot 63tt'x2ir. FHA. 37BQ LaDranche Ave a202 BY OWNER nearly new 2 BR home, nice kltch., Bendix washer, lae. lot. Ph 33318 Of 2t.23. W BY OWNER ' New a bdrm. home. Plastered, electric heat. Drapes. Unfinished upstairs. Lawn, shrubs. Large garage breereway. Sell at bullderi V acre or 1 acre. Ph 3-4686, 149) Lancaster Dr. North of Market St. a202 BY OWNER: New 2 barm, suburban home Near bus St school 17050, Q. I. loan. Ph. 2-7111. 3320 Cheater. a203' BY OWNER: Kingwood Heights, new ? bd. rm Fireplace, Ht. Pt. dish wasner. Bendix. Lawn In. Lot 76x140. Kingwood Dr., left on Fair Oaks, lit Rd. riant Rt 8, Box 27. a 2 03" NEW 4 bdrm. house, 2310 Broadway, 18500 A. E. Heasley. 2305 N. Liberty. a209 t BDRM. HOME on Vi acre. In Bweglc dlit. or trade tor large home In city. Rt. 8, Box 68. a204 Immed. Poss. Bargain BY OtVNER: 2 Ba nome. Reduced for quick sale. Good location, trio N. 32 na a204 LARGE. NEW 3 bedroom home. 685 N. 16th. Open dally. Ph. 3-6757. a204 BY OWNER 3 bdrm. home reduced to 35900. 622 N. 17th St, B204 Leaving the State My 11392 equity In 1 yr. old 2 BR home. Insulated, hardwood lira., com ' pletely modern. Move right In for 1500 Bal. F.H.A. See 812 Blller Ave. Ph 3-2880. a211 For Sale or Trade Older S BR home, 4 acrei, good soli, 2 acres In timber. 164 ft. well Sz elec. pump. Will trade for smaller home of Ilka value In or near Baiem or a down payment on rental unit. Price $3978. Ph. 3-2020. n205 3 BEDROOMS Living room with fireplace, kitchen St dinette, automatic oil heat, attached garage. Clone to grade St Junior high school. A good buy. BY OWNER 740 Electric Ph. 39882 S202 OPEN HOUSE All This Week 2-5 p.m. 7-0 p.m. 1570 N. 23rd St. REALLY NICE Brand new 3 B.R., hwd, firs, Lee. Llv. Rm., Ige, din. rm., tee. kitchen, Ige, bath rm., la, utility rm. Double gar age. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Phone 3-3649 a 202 Fair Oaks Way By owner: 3 bd. rm. house, all modern, - electric throughout. Will sell my equi ty. 15500 cash. Borne terms on bal. 1 Rt. 8, Box 17 H, 1 block off Kingwood Dr. a205 BY OWNER: ATTRACTIVE Ft RM. HOME. NICE FIREPLACE. ATTACHED GAR AGE, FENCED IN YARD. NICE FOR CHILDREN. LOVELY FLOWERS A SHRUBS. VERY OOOD VIEW OF CITY. KINOWOOD HEIGHTS DIRT. CLOSF TO SCHOOL St BUS. $4,000 EQUITY HANDLE WITH OOOD TERMS. SOME BALANCE. PH. 35059. a202 Suburban Special last. 7H acres. Lit. mod. hse. wired for range. 3 yrs. old. Yi. round spring. All fenced. Barn. In a setting of fir trees. Might consider town hse. as part trade. B. Isherwood, Realtor t007 N. Capitol St. Ph. Office 2-3663 aaoa WHY PAY RENT? 1750 down. Use your O.T. loan on this new home North. Utility rm., att. gar. Large lot. Full price 16050. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 45 a, Oomm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536 a 203 V Acre, $500 Down You can't go wrong on this suburban 3 bdrm. home, Located on the bus line. Cement foundation, good paint, garage, chicken house, nice yard. Full price. 15500, Only $5950 Very close In, Suburban 3 bdrm. 3 year old plastered home. Has 3 lots. This Is a real bargain. Any offer on terms will be considered. 2 Acres $1500 3 bdrm. modern. Electric thruout. Fam ily orchard. 3 car garagr. city bus Terms. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District Pit. 1-4664. Eve. 3-0013, 3-7123, 3-5157 . a20J $6650 A real buy In 3 bdrm. house, llv. rm.. din. rm., 1 bdrm., v, 0nth down: 2 . bdrms.. full balh up. Suitable for home and income properly. Well located, close in on cnemoketa At $7500 Dandy 3 bdrm. home, llv. rm., din. rm., nice kit., floored attic. Large lot north east. View Home Strlclly modern I bdrm. ranch type home: bsmt., dble. tar, On South River road, located on b acres land with til bert orchard. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. 1305 N. Capitol Bt. Bvei. t-3397, 3-6901, 3-4353, Ph. 3-6458 a 203 A REAL BUY in Enalewood dlst., fnsul. St w. s., 3 bdrms., llv. rm., din. rm., nice kitchen, bullt-lns. f 'place, hdwd. fir., full basement, auto oil furn., beautiful fenced back yard with out door fplace St patio, garden spot, berries St fruit trees. Located out 3085 N. 19th St. Price 19500. Terms. Call or phone for rppI. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8, ConVI St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 FAMILY HOME 4 year old. 3 bedroom, basement, fur nace, fireplace, large lot, fruit and large native shade trees. View, Shop around then see owner for bargain 1360 S. Com mere 14 St. Phone 85996. 303 Ore., Thursday, Aupr. 25, 1949 Win a Guest Ticker to See "Ma & Pa Kettle" PLUS "Colorado Territory" AT WARNERS CAPITOL THEATRE HERE ARK THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title ol this picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the wnnt aa in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 2. words or less on 'Why I Read The Car.lta) Jour nal Want Ads." with vour name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theatei boxoffice. Contestants will be Judued on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived eacli dav will each receive a guest ticket to see "Ma As Pa Kettle" plus "Colorado Terri tory" coming soon to the Capi tol theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the ludees Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in this contest FOR SALE HOUSES Near Willamette "U" A very comfortable older home of two Hood size bdrni.1.. large living and din ing rooms, fireplace, wired for ramie, full basement, furnace, big fruit room. Walking distance to Willamette. Price 17950. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 202 $750 DOWN One bdrm., shade trees, fine garden; full price J3050. FULL PRICE $5000 Three bdrm. older house, gas equipped, good big lot on paved street north Sa lem, fruit and nut trees. NEARLY NEW Two bdrm., plastered, fireplace, V blinds, oil floor furnace, elec. water hlr. Only $1775 will give you possession; balance at $53 mo. Including 4 Inter eat. Located NE. Furniture optional. To tal price $8975. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N. High St Phone 37600 Eve. phonrs 24591 - 3(1(105. a 202 NEW, two bedroom, all electric home, $52.ri0, terms. 3145 Judson St. Phone ?ari74. n203 BY OWNER, nice 1 story 3 B.H. home, Rood location, close lo new school and cit) bus. Luc. lot: Owner leaving Sa lem. Make offer, 4350 Macleay ltd. Ph. 20048, n207 ; ELECTRIC RKFRKi.. washing machine, 1 bed. 3 dressers, chests of drawers, book case, dining table, chairs, vacuum cleaner with attachments, car trailer. Many other nilAcellanrotis household goods. 160 S. 15th. Ph. 34277 11202 IT'S CLEAN $5950 Good 3 bed rm home with base ment on a paved street, close In, nice lot with trees St flowers it a picket fence. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 33849 - Eve. 35200 a204 NEAR HIGH SCHOOL 112,000 One year old, 3 bed rms St den. Fireplace, hardwood floors, radiant heat. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 B, Commercial Ph 33649 Eve. 35360 a304 CREEK LOCATION A nice 3 H.R. home located at 364 So. 25th St. The lot is 125 ft. along Mill Greek. This Is a nice home, has Inmc llv. rm. with wall to wall carpet, base ment, gnrnge. Price reduced lo $8500, Johnson. BURT PICHA, Realtors 373 N. HlKh St. Office 3-3640 Eve. 3-7451 or 2-5390. A302 Owner Leaving Oregon 4 bedroom home one year old. Large living room, tile kitchen, bath upstairs and down. Plastered basement and gar age. Hardwood floors, lot.i built-lns. terraced back ynrd. Cost over $18,000 to build. Reduced to $12,500 for quick sale. For Information call 34547. a337 New & Lovely Home 3 bdrms., picture windows. Deluxe built in features, fireplace, spacious rms. (14,500. Terms. Just Completed 3 bdrms. Lge. dining Sz living rms. En trance hall, open stairway. Last word in kitchen & breaking nook, built In china cupboards, storage and ward-robe clothes, Philippine mahogany woodwork. 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, double garage. This Is extra select, $25,000. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 4.10 N. Church Ph. 3-7642 Eve, or Sun. 3-0136 or 3-0343. U02 HOMES FOR YOU $:moo total price 1 H.R., garage, plumb ing, fruit, paving. $5500 with $1000 down, new 2 B.R., hdwd. ana nr noors. garnur. Loc. East Halrm $6950 to you. Worih $8500. Hdwd., flre- piaci, na.semeni, elec. heal, garage, 3 B.R., clwe in. 11500 down ISO i.mnlh E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com'l Ph. 24649 35497 a304 BY OWNER Late built modern 2 bedroom nome on i acres. Attached garage, many attractive features. Rt. 4, Box 342 Ph. 2012S. ,304 BY OWNER 3 B H. house In good cond. itiwi lor muck sale. Low down pav liirnt. 1240 S. 15lh. ais 4 Bdrm. $7,000 Large llv. rm. with fireplace. Din. rm., utility rm. Se garage. 50x150 lot on 33rd St. Walking dLttnnce to hospital and Capitol, $2000 down, Bal. like rent. Garage House N acre ground. Owner will take ear In good condition, aa all or part payment. Full price $1,500 rail Bon Cleary Walter Musgrave, R'ltors 131 1 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-M39 20S na for 3 bdrm. home. 1300 down. 3360 Simpson, a207 It Y O W N E R Kutn." or" unTun" 3"bdr in i . modern home. Full basement, Double garage. Auto. heat. Bus by door. 505 N. 3 1st. Ph. 3-1436, a204 THIS R1AI TIKri71Eblt6bMilOME all on one floor. Is well built and well arranged, all rooms are large, plent ol clivrl space. nlre fireplace. H.W. floors, ute h-at. really worth your considera tion. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Ph 3W7 484 court BvT' a77...r...a':3M ,30S To Place, Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 1 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER wmwmmmmmmmmMwm rr&i 1 yrs. old, 3 Bd rm. Center L. R., dinette, nice kitchen. Inside utility rm. nice size bath. Oil floor furnace, V. Blinds, Fenced back yd. Good city bus service, desirable neighborhood near Leslie sen. 18950. Terms, 1660 S, Capitol, Ph. 36086. t203 REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS CLASS A DUPLEX Located close to State buildings and Capita) Shopping District excellent condition thru-out, auto-oil heat, space for 4 courts on rear of lot. An exceptional buy. CALL COBURN L, GRABENHORST. 1449, SOUTH LIBERTY Get located for school in this 3 BR home, LR, DR. K, bath and shower, double garage, only $1400 down, total price 17100. Will sell furniture. This Is a wonderful location. CALL PETER H. OEISER. 4410 HUDSON STREET 4 Corners district at S.E. corner of Hudson Sz Elma, 3 bdrm.., hdwd. ilrs., hall, bath, fine home thruout, 13,300 down, balance in easy piyments at 4. CALL ROY FERRIS. GROCERY STORE WITH LIVING QUARTERS Close to downtown North 42x27' ft. bldg. plus 7 rm. llvinr quarters. Excellent car lot location, Ideal retail outlet. Owner leaving the city. CALL BEN ROISEN. GRABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 3-2471 Evenlnirs and Sundays Call Eari West 3-1333 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oelser 3-9968 - Ben RoLsen 3-3471 c202 AUTOMOBILES I PONT1ACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage $1895 ,'46 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sedan, R&H 1145 '38 Ford "60" 195 '36 Chevrolet Sedan 195 '36 Plymouth Sedan 195 Herrall - Owens Co 660 N LIBERTY FOR SALE HOUSES New 2 Bdrm. Homes 1225 DOWN. Move right In, no red tape Hdwd. floors, large garage. In city. Bal. $66 mo. Inc. taxes, Inetrest. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 3-7642 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0126. a S0500. SPECIAL reduced lo sell. Very mod- em. 2 bdrm. FHA appr. amau aown payment will handle. Ph. 3-689.a204' FOR SALE BY OWNER: Small modern house on city lot aajacent io mu, school and store. 2R50. Reasonable terms. 585 South 22nd Street. a207 BY OWNER: Llv. rm., din., kit., nook, 2 bdrm., den fit batn on one noor. run basement with play rm., bdrm., shower rin. Sz laundry. Auto, heat, 2 llreplaces, insulated, weather atrlpped, Ven. blinds, awnings, dble. gar., ig. lot. lencen yru. Price $18,501. 1970 John. Ph. 3-8226. a204 FOR SALE BY OWNER: 6 room house, water heater and wired for range. Ven etian blinds. Price $4050. Will consider some tradePh. 37047. 204- It Y 6 W NElt: "small house; to be complet ed; Mt Acre; North; 11960. 1B6 Dn. Ph. 25211. 203' Sacrifice Owner leaving. 4 rm, house wllh bath. Price drastically reduced. Large lot. New addition. Onas S. Olson Kelser Real Est. Se Ins. 665 Chemawa Rd. A ml. West Kehter School. Ph. 31360. a204 MH50. Large 6 br. home No. 3 Zone on Mill St. Suitable for Apartments or rooming house. Small down payment. Make offer. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Renltors 153 8. High, call 34121, Eves. 35561 a205 Low Priced Home Clean $5700 2 bdrm. home. Full basement. Nice yard. (4950 Only $1000 down. 2 bdrms. Newly decorated. Full basement. J 6000 2 bdrm. suburban home $1000 down. $4800 3 bdrm. furn. Immediate possession. 14050 3 bdrm. home. $1500 down. Bal 150 per month. Call Allen Jones and Mabel Neeclham Realtors 341 State St. Rm. 4 Upstairs Ph. 39201 a 303 97,500, Modern 3 Br. home Ingle wood Dlst. Hw. (Is, Flreplnce, full basement, corner lot. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors 153 S. High, call 34131, Eves. 35561 a205 $995.00 DOWN tpprox. $55 mo. on F.H.A. loan Includes tax St Ins. New two bedroom all el. home, auto washer, att. garagr. Ph. 22146. a204 furnTduplex $10,500 2 bedroom apt. down. 1 bedroom apt. up. comp. turn. Garage could be altered to another apt. Presrnt Income $140 month'. A good Investment In a good location. See It today. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM 250 N. High St. Phone 3-4120 4 CORNERS DIST. 96500. New modern style 3 bdrm, home. Living rm., dining rm., kitchen, balh. attached garage, elec. water system, fruit trees, lawn and shrubs. S6200. FHA com. Close to bus and shopping center. KEIZER DIST 113.000. Beautiful 2 yr. old bung, style home. 3 bedrms,, living rm., dining rm., kitchen, bath, full basement, fireplace, large lot. nice lawn and shrubs, paved street, bus by door, 19600. FHA Com. HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 17500. 550 ft. on 99E. South. Close to shopping center. A real Investment piece of property. Don't mlJ a good buy. LISTINGS WANTED We have buyers for 3 and 3 bedroom homes and acreages. If you are listing your property, call us. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN IPt 8. floyt St. Ph. Home .17163 Office 36693 A. A. LARSEN REALTOR CASH SACRIFICE For 14500 cash (or bankable terms) you ran buy this 5 rm. 1 yr. old home near new Capitol school. A very good buy. Near State Hospital Two yr. old plastered 3 bdrm. home wllh LR, kltch., dinette, utility rm. Lge. lot. Price 13950. $250 DOWN Buys 3 yr. old 3 bdrm. modern home with utility rm. and attarhed garage. On pavement near bus. Price 94950. COLBATH LAND CO. 1483 Ctntrr SI. Ph. 34M3 Ivu. lmi or H3J .303 I FOR SALE HOUSES ariiniiinwi nm anf torn REAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILES PH 24113 FOR SALE HOUSES 912,000. Clean Modern 3 Bedroom home 7 yrs. old, Hollywood Dlst. Full Base ment. 2 fireplaces. Hardwood fls. throughout. Beautiful yard, shrubs, 12, 500 down. Balance $50.00 per mon. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors 153 S. High, call 34121, Eves. 25561 a205 ENGLEWOOD $6950 A little dream cottage, 1 bedroom, LR, fireplace, bath, dinette, kit., burnt., oil furn., gar,, fenced yard. Best location. $10,950 2 blocks to Senior High. 6 blocks to En glewood School, large living room, fire place, oil air cond. furnace, utility, 2 large BR. Hdwd. firs, thruout. Lot 56 x 137. P.H.A. Loan 96500, Chas. Hudkins & Son' OVER 37 YEARS IN SALEM 350 N. High St. Phone 3-4130 a304 FOR SALE LOTS SALE OR TRADE: View lot 80x140. City wtr. Lltes St Ph. FHA approved. 31000 or car of equal value. Ph. 2-6150. aa207 ACRE. CITY Water. Agt. Ph. 37113. aa202 FOR SALE OR TRADE: Extra lge. lot. Fruit St nuts. Close to Medical Center. 2 BR remodeled home. Ph. 37365. aa204 LARGE BUILDING lot on Crolsan Creek. Large enough to accommodate 85 It. long ranch style house. Creek flowing in front across entire width. Cement Slab now In place ready to start a building. Large and small native trees, a beautiful site for quiet living. Price 31850 complete. Terms If desired. Own er Ph. 3-6893 or Inquire at 985 N. Capi tol St. aa203 .-MixlOt restricted dist. N. 18th St. Ph. 3-4085 or see at 1913 N. 18th. aa204 t ACRE view lot 500 feet of Pacific high way 99E South. Inquire at 401 Oregon Bldg. a202 LOT, NORTH, close to school and store. Call 2-6584. na208 FOR SALE OR TRADE. 91395 3 '4 acre building site with barn, chicken house, cherries, for good lot. Ph. 3-1393. a a 202 FAIRMOI'NT HILL VIEW LOTS. 90' front age. Salem's most exclusive residential dlst. Only a few left at S2500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 64 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440. aa207 FOR SALE FARMS 12i ACRES 99E 4 room house, berries, lota of hiway frontage, good spot for gas or grocery, 97500. terms. Owner wants a small con fectionery. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Som'l Ph. 24649 - 25497 b304 TWO ACRES Three bedroom suburban home with basement and furnace, small barn, all kinds of Tamlly fruit and nut trees, good bottom rich soil for garden, prop erty Is located on the Salem, Indepen dence rond, and Is about a mile away from the river. Owner In a position to give very liberal terms, or take In a trailer house or good used car. Ex clusive 17500. Eve. Ph. 3-7217. $6,500 Exceptionally nice two bedroom home with fireplace and basement, attached garage, excellent location for a state worker. Exclusive. $5250 Neat small 2 bedroom home on tht back of a large lot. Located north in a bus iness gone. Owner wants a trade for a larger home, to meet his family needs. W are In a position to arrange good financing on this one. $1000 down, bal ance like rent. Exclusive. COURT SITE Three good lots all together, located east and within walking distance of State Capitol or fltatt Hospital, a buy for $2800. Joe L. Bourne. Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-82161 B303 STOCKED & EQUIPT 33 A. all tillable with creek. Oood I rm. house, fair barn, excellent 30x40 poul try house. Includes tractor St equip ment: six milk cows, milking machine, 300 hens. For only $11,000 with $3,000 down STROUT REALTY B59 S. 13th 81. Phone 3-5333. b303 BY OWNER Business Interests compel as to go bark east, so wt arc selling our country home. There art ten fertile acres with strawberries, blackberries, and red raspberries for income, also some young fruit trees coming along. The house Is nearly new, contains two bedrooms, and Is of smart modern de sign It Is all electric and has many other attractive special features to make for comfort In living. Price 117,300 and worth it. One-half mtlc south of Clear Lake school, east side of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 3, Box 364. Salem. b3Q To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUTOMOBILES ONE OWNER CARS 1949 Lincoln Sedan. Fully equipped. 8,000 miles . .$2595 1949 Mercury Sedan. Radio, heater, undercoating. 11,000 miles $2095 1949 Ford Sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive, new tires $1895 1948 Kaiser Sedan. Low mileage. Radio, heater, visor ...$1395 1947 Lincoln Sedan. Fully equipped $1695 1046 Mercury Sedan. Radio and heater $1195 1946 Chevrolet Aero. New paint $1295 SPECIALS 1946 DeSoto Sedan Coupe $1095 1942 Ford Sedan $495 1941 Buick Super Sedan $595 1940 Lincoln Sedan $495 19S3 Chevrolet 2 Door ..$75 AS IS 1942 Ford "6" Sedan : $695 1938 Plymouth Coupe. Clean $345 1937 Dodge Sedan. Clean $295 YOUR BEST BUYS ARE AT YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER Warner Motor Co. SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION 545 CENTER PH. 33012 .203 FOR SALE ACREAGE NELSON NEWS WE WANT ACREAGE Several families are arriving In Salem each month who would like to have a small tract of land with livable im provements. Their thought Is that they oould derive a part of their living from auch a tract white becoming acquaint ed with the country and finding suit able employment or business oppor tunities. We need more listing of that kind of property. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 702 N High. rnone a-ws. hdu REAL ESTATE S52BO 3 BR hse. 3 loti. Paved. Consider small down pytnt. 98600 BR hse. Furnished 94200. H A. Close in near acn., dub at 1 13015 CASH. New, mod. S rm.( mostly uninnea. dud, wua. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Salem. Ph. 37113 c202 FOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy Iir mortgage on rej mi vicinity. Examine security yourself Amojnts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 6 We make all col lections for you It desired. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 8. HlKh e BEST BUYS 3 bdrm. home. Very clean, close In north. acre, Small barn, chicken house, tool shed, lots of trees. Would trade for business. Total price only 17500. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. DUPLEX Older type home. Both apts. modern. Close In. Corner lot. Lots of trees Si shrubs. Income 1100 per month. $1000 down. Total price only $7500. Would trade for Portland property of equal value. Eve. ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. $6000 SPECIAL 3 bdrm. home. Close In. Furn. Good con dition. Large lot. Owner leaving city. Owner says present offer on your ternu. Eve. ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS $1500 DOWN 13 acres north. S rm. house. Small barn, 3 small chicken houses. Amity soil, deep well. 3 acres berries, 16 acres adjoining can be leased. Total price only $5500. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 4 ACRES 1 acre walnuts, H acre grapes, yarlety of fruit Sc berries. Sub Irrigated. Total price only $1800. No buildings. Joining acre with 3 bdrm. unfinished house Sz well available. Total price for both $4500. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 3-4590. 3035 Portland Rd. C202 BUY NOW 5 ACRES about S miles from Salem. 3 rm. house and shea. Price sauuu. rerms. 4 ACRES. 5 room house. Elec. water sys tem Small barn. Paved road, uiose to school and stores; on bus line. Price IR300. VERY OOOD 3 bedrm. home, furnished. Price only $6675. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED In a 3 bedrm. or a 3 bedrm. home for leas than $1000 with good terms, call us. LARGE BUSINESS LOT and good 6 room house on 99 highway north. Price n, 600. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorhees, 2-4007 or Mr. Sederstrom, 3-6789. c202 NELSON NEWS, 3 BDRMS. OFF STATE ST. 35500 Mod. plastered home with Ige. LR St DR. 3 bdrms. on 1st fir. OH heat, part bsmt. Corner lot, on pvmt., close to bus. GOOD AS NEW N. $7500 A good 2 bdrm. suburban home near bus, stores, school. LR Sc DR, elec. range facilities, elec. W. htr.. V. blinds, gar., fruit rm., utll. rm. 5 blks. to Kel ler S., l blk. to Kelrer bus. About Va A. BUSY CAFE VALLEY TOWN Well located valley town cafe, brick bldg., good efficient equlpmt. 97400, can be handled with 9300, easy terms on bal. KEIZER DIST. ACREAGE Almost 19 Acres, a stone's throw from Kelier school. Ideal for sub-division, It already has a deep 8" well sufficient to furnish water for many homes. On surfaced rd. Priced right. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialise 702 N. High Ph. 3-4622 c203 Homeseekers Agency . Specials 4 room and bath. Completely renovated. i-ewplumbing and wiring. On East Hill. A rent beater at 13750.00, terms. 5 room and bath. Close to school. Large 'ot. Completely furnished, Including electric range, refrigerator, oil circu lator, etc. Ready to move in. 14000.00 terms. Very good 6 room, modtrrt plastered home. Close in and a good location. Full base ment, fireplace, garage and nice yard. $8500.00. New, 2 bedroom modern home, never been lived in. Near High School. $7350.00. 5 acres, all cleared. Mostly in berries. small modern nome. ideal lor coupie. Oood slsed machine shed. On highway. Wonderful soil. 14300.00. 19 acres, valley land, nearly all cultivated. Good 7 room plastered home. Irrigation well and Irrigation equipment. Fine pasture. Very good berry field. Excel lent soil. A dandy barn, machine shed, etc. $10,000.00. 119 acres on highway. About 70 cultivat ed Fine 7 room, modern home. Base ment, furnace, fireplace, good slued barn, chicken house, machine shed. A good value, $18,000.00, Before you rent, sell or buy contact The Homeseekers Agency SILVER TON. OREGON 302 2 A. CLOSE TO SCHOOL Out-of-town owner must sell 2 Bd. rm. modern nome. garage. C. Good well, all In fruit and berries. Will take offer. KIEZER DIST. New 3 Bd. rm. 87.500. General Real Estate 355 Center St. Ph. 33389 203 IAUTOMOBILES REAL ESTATE CROISAN CREEK Very nice, small, build ing site with year-round creek, oak trees, macadamized road, four miles from Ladd St Bush. Ideal for summer place or year round living, $700 (full price). Owner's phone Is 3-6803. c203 CITY - COUNTRY HOME Llv. Rm. it Din. Rm. 2 Bd. Rms. Orand kitchen. Ac. north well improved. Good well with pressure system. Very pleasant St livable. $5800. E. A. McGLAUFLTN Edw. A. Dyck - Realtor 328 N. Commercial Street Phone 2-2511 - 2-3203 c202 WANTED REAL ESTATE N'OTICEl If your property la for sale rent or exchange, list U with u We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS . 153 S High Bt ea REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE listings needed to satisfy our customers. We have the buyers If you have the property. We help finance. Phone 2-7983, 100m 320, Oregon Bldg. HAVE cash buyers for farms 30 to 100 acres priced up to $17,000. Phone 2-7983. room 320, Oregon Bldg. ca212 CONTRACTORS ATTENTION Do you want to build a 2,000 Sq. Ft. house on my property and sell It to me on monthly payments? Box 376 Capita) Journal. ca207 WANT TO BUY acreage with Income pos sibilities, reasonably priced. No dealers. Call 3-5130. ca202 WE ARE In need oi gooo nouses to son In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for gale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty Bt. -Phone 2-2471 ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TO TRADE 3 A. North. 4 rm. hse. Bam. Gar. All m strawberries St family orchard. For house St lot close in. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Comm'l. Ph. 8-4590. Eve. 3-9536 cb202a SELL OR accept large house trailer on ntceiy lurn. nome. '95760. Ph. 20229. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 6 UNIT MOTEL $600 month income, electric heat, good location, 99E, close Salem. $19,000, part terms. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com'l Ph. 24649 - 35497 Cd204 STORE & LIVING QUARTERS Price reduced on approx. 1 acre Dallas highway. 2 miles from bridge. Large bldg. Green hse. Room to build 3 more hse. C. W. Reeve Realtor MS B. Comm'l. Ph. 1-1590. Evi. J-S6J8 Cd202' WANT TO RETIRE? SEVEN VERY NICE MODERN APTS. LOW OPERATING COST. ABOUT 34600 PER YEAR INC. SHOULD NET OVER 13 ABOVE OPERATION. TERMS. PH. 3-1744. ITS A BUY. cd202 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT A nightclub? Here's the best chance you'll ever get. Total price of 93800 will handle the Club Combo, Sa lem. Lease and following equipment, $1350 ice machine, $650 carbonater. $1400 furniture, drapes, kitchen equip ment, deep freeze, elec. water heater, oth e Items $3800 is the total price If you act at once. Ph. 35110 now for com plete details. cd205 Attention Painters Good contracting business. Repeat bus iness. Panel truck and all equipment. Going at cost. Only $750. Worth investi gating. Capital Journal, box 371.. cd203 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Need taverns, groceries, restaurants, service stations and motels or courts Have out of state buyers for all of the above. Phone 2-7983. room 320, Oregon Bldg. cd212a GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 2 gas pumps, 6 cabins. 2 ml. N of underpass on Hs 99E. W. J. Jarms, Rt 7 Box 145. Salem. Ph 24319 cd207 FURNITURE FOR SALE -HG PAD, 9x11 Axminster, floral de sign. Almost new, $47.50. Trader Louis. 3055 Portland Rd. d203 LARGE UPHOLSTERED rocker. Newly recovered. $20. Ph. 33882. d202 ENAMELED WEDGE WOOD gas range, $35. Good tan davenport, $20. Nearly new blue wool rug 9x12 $35. Nearly new oil circulator $25. Ph. 3-4961 or 1165 N. 16th. d202 PIANO, Brewster mahogany. Exc. cond., $143. Trader Louts, 3055 Portland Rd. d203" WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and nousenoid articles. Naming to Dig or sm. Ph. 38558. da207 SPOT CASH for your furniture, appli antes, rugs, sporting equipment, an tiques, neea at once, faying top prices. Glen Woodry. Ph. 35110. da204' USED FURN- Check our prices. Valley Furn Co. 369 N. Com'l. Ph. 37472. da20S HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone OK no at Woodrv Auction Market Ph 3-6110 da' AUCTIONS 16 FT. House Trailer, $125 at East Salem Auction Center. Ph. 31221. dd204 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK S YR OLD saddle mare. Hamtltonlan is American saddle. Gentle enough for a woman. Rt. 4 Box 40. Phone 23037. J. Chamberlln. e305 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED Ureitock buyer. K. C. McCinalUB. 1127 8. Z. ra. I-B147 f30V Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE'S SPECIALS WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF LOWER PRICED USED CARS WE HAVE HAD IN MONTHS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A LOWER PRICED CAR WITH A LOT OF QUALITY, COME IN AND CHECK OUR STOCK. . 25 To Choose From $95.00 to $1,000.00 Teague Motor Company Phone 2-4173 PETS TROPICAL FISH aquarium with fish and p'ints. Ph. 35912 after 7:30 p.m. ecam A.K.C. registered collie pups. Ideal pets for children. 470 Wayne Dr. Ph. 2-3013. ec304 DOBERMAN PINSCHER male, age 13 months. Phone 3-9417 after 6 p.m. ec204 FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16' Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 8&H GREEN STAMPS ec CALL HIGHWAY FUEL POR and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood. Ph 36444 ee OAK, 6.Q. fir, limbs. 2-3129. ec223 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, asb Sz maple. 4' fir, 16" slab and edgings. Ph. 31458. ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. I6-IH. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Stlem 2-4031 Alfo pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St.. West Salem ee FOR SALE POULTRY LGE. COLORED FRYERS Se hens. 2 lee. White Rock roosters. 1 doi. pullets Rt. 6. box 301E. Ph. 2-0096. f203 FRYERS for sale 50c it 75c. Keizer dlst. Ph. 2-3240. 1304 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery. 3830 State St Ph. 3-4969 t NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day Ph 2-3861 Lee's Hatchery fB PRODUCE TOMATOES, hybrid, acid free. Will de liver. G, M. Gorman, Jefferson, ore. pn. 318. ff226 ELBERTA PEACHES and canning corn, Leon's Fruit Stand, 4005 N. River Koaci. 11207- U-PICK Tomatoes, Cukes, Peppers, Corn tor canning. Merrill s ureennouse. Brooks. ff207 CANNING PEACHES. corn. tomatoes, pears, prunes, apples, strawberries, raspberries. Frlgaard Fruit Farm, H ml. N. Keizer School. ff213 SWEET CORN, 6 dozen or more at 25c at the place, or 35c delivered. No Sat. sales. Ph. 23117, south end of 32nd St., Rt. 4, Box 62. ff207 CORN, Route 7, Box 434 R, Hollywood Dr. Salem, Ore. ff204 GRAVEN8TEIN Apples, Bartlett Pears. Crawford Peaches at Waconda. J. u Savage. Ph. 31344. ff203 BARTLETT PEARS, Gravensteln apples, $1 bu 1st house off Pac. hwy. on ciax ter Rd. Ph. 24305. II203 BLACKBERRIES U-Plck. Bring contain ers. 5c lb. Ph. 23117. Rt. 4 bOX 62. Just South of the Walling aravel. No Sat. calls. ff204 CANNING BEANS & corn. Klghtllnger, 1187 S. Com'l. Ph. 29166. CRAWFORD PEACHES, U-plck. J. C. Savage. Ph. 3-1344 at Waconda. II203 HILL GROWN PEACHES Crawfords. Imp. Elbertas, Mulrs St Hales. Rollln Beaver, Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F2. ff205 CANNING TOMATOES U-PIck $1.00 bu. Holman, 13 miles south of Salem on old highway toward Jefferson. II205 PEACHES, $1 to $2.50 bushel. One mile out Wallace rd. 2-3216. II206 PEACHES, . APPLES, CORN & TOMATOES IMLAH FRUIT FARM H mile out Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-830' IMPROVED ELBERTA Peaches. Britt As- p!n wall's Peach orchards at Waconda. on Salem-Champoeg road. 11205 PEARS, U-pick, $1 bu. Bring boxes. Ph. 2-4918. 1330 Park Ave. ff202 CHOICE BARTLETT PEARS, 91.00 bU. Or U-pick 76c bu. Allrma Motel, 3846 Portland Rd. Bring Boxes. Ph. 24510. ff204 BARTLETT PEARS ready now. Olson Or chards y mile W. of Keizer sch. 75c to $1.50. We deliver. Bring boxes. Ph. 3-1380. 11303 CRAWFORD PEACHES, Bartlett pears. Joe Dledrich, route 2 box 146, Salem. 1 mile straight West of Reiser school. Ph. 3-8204. ff204 HELP WANTED 51 AN OR WOMAN with car St some sales ability to deliver for photo studio. Good deal. Permanent. A. W. Mueller Stu dios, 229 N. Commercial. Ph. 2-1657. g202 HOP PICKERS WANTED. Long run of early and lates. stadell Bros., suverton. ore., pn. arcen 163 or Blue 213. gao1 IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad In Instruction Column. g203 HOP PICKERS wanted for Kaufman Bros. Si Schurters hop yards. Will start Aug. 29 on late hops. Good picking, long run. Silver ton Rt. 3, box 147. Ph. Black 183. g204 BEAN PICKERS, Bishops. South River road, 10 minutes from aalem. Bus leaves 13th and Mission 6:00, Farm La bor office 6:30, Ladd it Bush bank 6:35, south on Clmmerctal to Owens. For in formation call 3-6137. "Ma Se Pa Kettle' Plus "Colorado Territory." g204' NOW REGISTERING hop pickers. 91 de- posit required tor can in reservation John J. Roberts St Co., Salem. g HELP WANTED MALE TWO MEN with automobiles interested In becoming life Insurance agents with or without experience investigate sen sationally new "insured savings plan" sponsored by Consolidation Life Ins. Co. Phone 3-3873 for appointment (full or part time.) ga202 OPPORTUNITY for young man with car to train to be accident it health ins. agent. Sponsored by Constitution's "Family Hospital Plan" as advertised o-er radio station KXL, Full or part time. Phone 2-3872 lor appointment. ga303 HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL OR WOMAN to help with house work it children for 3 mo. Km., board at good wages. Pn. 3-kmd. gM03 LADY FOR housework. Full time. Lire in or stay home nltes. Ph. 30594. gb304' WANTED CHRISTIAN woman ol quiet habits, to live in home with elderly lady. Can arrange for part time house work If wished. For further informa tion write Box 351, Capital Journal. Ib204 FULL TIME usherette. Apply In person. Grand Theatre. gb204 VOMAN wanted with experience for press lng. Price's, 135 N. Liberty. gb304' IAUTOMOBILES 352 N. Commercial q304 HELP WANTED FEMALE STENOGRAPHERS: Positions In state offices 9160 to $193 per month to start. Must qualify by examination. Apply civ il service commission, 444 Center Bt. gb204 WOMAN OR GIRL to care for 2 yr. old boy and three room house Monday thru Friday, all holidays off, go home nights. Live about V mile out on N. River rd. on Kelrer bus line. If possible would like some one in that vicinity. Start to work Sept. 1. $10 per wk. and bus fare. Do not apply unless can be permanent until school Is out. Box 373. gb203 SALESLADY Give age. exp., marital ata- tla it salary desired in first letter. Box 308 Capital Journal. gb GIRL OR woman for house work, full time. Live in or stay home nights. Ph. 27581. gb202 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State Bt Ph. 9-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN APPLIANCE SALESMAN, adjacent to Sa lem. First quality nat'l lines of merch andise. Draw Se commission or salary As bonus. We expect a lot from you. We al so are willing to pay you for results. Write box 307 Capital Journal for In terview stating qualifications. gg203 BE YOU interested in working for re sponsible corporation with opportunity for advancement? We operate retail stores adjacent to Salem. Many nat'l first lines of merchandise, also our own leader. Guarantee. Draw is com mission or salary it bonus. We don't care if you are the man we want. Write for Interview. Box 306 Capital Journal. Give qualifications. gg203 REAL ESTATE Salesman wanted. Contact job Lt. uourne, tteaiior, 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38216. BS202 I LOCAL salesman to sell In territory adjacent to eaiem Must own car and be able to furnish references. Salary St commission. Apply 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana Ave., Salem. SALESMAN TO represent J. M. HOME IN- uun wen v,un inrtuiUK, u you can qualify Ph. 33748, ask for Mr. Vergets. Good earnings. SK OUT OF WORK OR ON SHORTER HOUR? n-rue u immediately regarding op portunities to supply consumers with Rawlelgh Prdoucts, lull time In city of Salem. No experience needed to start. For interview, write Rawlelgh Co., Dept. WANTED POSITIONS BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-4014. h203 TYPING, addressing In my home. Will pick uh nu uciivci m city. rn. 3-ssii. nzoe WANTED: Carpenter Work, Repair St AI- vctnwiiB, rnone a-u alter 6 p.m. h202 WANTED; Baby Sitting. 35c per hour. Ph. a-o m. .xpenencea. hlOi irrntiNTiMK 1,1. ..... , bounuic buu acpemjBDie, acciu biiihii account ior spare time or would consider full time office man agement. Matured and well experienced. References, write box 305 Capital Journal. han INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. J.78. bin' 0.1 COMBINING br acr, hour. August Sprlnser. Call 1-1121. h202 EXP. AUTOMOBILE mechanic wanta Job ei ,DDQ location ior anop. pn. 39B82. h20Sa WIDOW, mlMleaied. ixcall.nt cook, neat ana aiwacnve, oautnter 12, vuth full responalbillty motherlcia home, Mra. Powers, Hotel aalem, Ex 159. h204 MAN WITH family want, dairy work or vou on dim starting montn of Oct. Write J. A. Clnqell,, 1811 Lee St., Salem. hid. VETERAN require, position. Have eom- picteo training course in refrigeration. Received degree. Willing to tak. on th. Job training. Write or call, Erwin Duerk sen. 1120 Cross St., Salem. h203 NEW LAWNS prepared & seeded. Light ..cum on ruDDer Wltn noier. Ph. 28127, Duane Wolcott. h221 CARPENTER WK, New, repair. Ph. a-203. h213" FINE PAINTING, papering. Ph. 1-SS2I. hjot Mimeographing-Typing POE'S es North Hth Phon. I-JB4S MOT - EXP. GIRL to watch "children day or night. Ph. 26767. h203" TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 nr. aerv- icc former pnon, opr. pn 1-6072. h20.- DRESSMAKING & alterations. Ph. 2-9840 2 U203 WOMAN for general house work At cook ing for 3 adults. No laundry. Wages & meals. 215 E. Lincoln. h203 CHILD CARE. 18 8. IBth. Ph. 2-6876. h212 cr.MENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4850 n PLOWING. DISCING. Al Mot,. Ph. 2295T 6202 -J . EDUCATION IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint writ for Talent Test (No Fee). Give age and occupation. Box 357 Capital Journal. hh203 WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school in NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 630 NE Sacramento, Portland - UTJ 0680 hh206 FOR RENT ROOMS CLOSE IN Sleeping rm. Ph. 36316. Jk226' ATTRACTIVE rm. private home. Gentle- nia. wd n. oummer. trn. 36366. Jk302 SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen privilege. Re ftned lady. 15B5 Mission St. Jk202 NICE FURN. rm., ind garage. No smoking. 1765 N. Winter. Ph. 34731. Jk204 HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. LGE. SLEEPING rm. Single or twin beds. GENTLEMAN. Nice Sleeping Rm. H.&C. water In rm. 255 Center St. Ik203 MCE SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-7553. Jk206- SLEEPING ROOM. Hot is cold water. 461 W- High. jk204 SLEEPING RMS. for men. Prlv. entr Ph Dy. or Mo. 1505 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3435 Jk204 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4 RM. Duplex, nicely furn. Adults. 190 B. 25th. Ph. 35045. Jp202' 3 ROOM apartment with garage, frlgid alre, utility. No children. 1130 Madtson. JP204 FURNISHED APT. CI OS in. Ph. 2-0745. ' JP202 3 RM. FURN. apt. Close In. Private bsth Ph. 3-6965. JpSOS (Continued on Page 23) K 1