i 20 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Aug. 25, 1949 The HOUSE on LILAC STREET by FRED BAYARD Chanter R It seemed as u Derria had onl; Just closed her eyes before th Whirring of the alarm clock awoki her. Startled out of a sound sleep wim tne sun streaming uirougn ne Uldow. It urns hnrrl tsi rpnll7j. l.hn the events of the night before wer Wore than a nightmare. Ttie quiet was very noticeabli now; her own feet made no souni on the carpeted treads. She sau the doctor, still asleep In a largr armchair. The door of the sewing roorr was slightly ajar. She pushed It open. With a start, she realized there was no one there 1 The blankets on the couch had been thrown back with apparent haste. Quickly going to the front door and pulling It open, she looker1 out. The doctor's car was still where i ne had left it. Its top was cov ; ered with a heavy white film of raw, oeaoea here and there with larger drops where already the sun was roucning it. one turned. The doctor was standing beside her. "I see the same thought struck you mat ma me last night, though , i nun ii nea anven off in It, I would have heard It. ,.r"tast night? You mean to say ' you knew he went during the nignty- "Well, don't take me literally a uiuu i uuiuaiiy see nun go. "You might at least have wak cubu me to ten me when you auiiiiu mm gone. The doctor shook his heart "And what useful purpose would nave been served by that? We , wouianT nave Known where to start looking for him. and he woundn't , be wasting much time trying to , make' himself scarce. At least it makes'lt quite clear what we have to oo now. Derria arched her brows. "The police?" "Certainlv. No reason now for holding off." Derria grudRingly admitted that there was not anything else to be aone. it was out of the question to ask the doctor to keep quiet auuui, tne wnoie tning. Blast his sense of dnt.v she thouRht. as she walked past him Into the house Afterward, she walked out to thr aontqrs car wtn htm. Don t look an wnrrlpH eVio cnM 'I don't think there's any reason "nw- it makes you reel anv better, I'll even drive the car right down to the office, and I won'' have to come anvwhrr nnnr a h Just In cose anyone's watching for . ' lne t,me 1 l""1 home to nitrht, Aunt Snrah will be back and she's a match for nnvhnriv1 "And don't I know it!" she said jctmug as ne puuen away. She went to get her garage and ignition key from the small hook beside the kitchen door, where biib always nung them. The keyf were mlsslngl She was out of the house In a flash, and running toward th garage The padlock hung In place The windows in the garage doors were too high for her to look In Dut tne smaller one at the side verified her suspicion. Her car was . For moment, she was too stun- ueu to move. If I ever get my hands on him . .! Elm left the thought unspoken. 6he now had no alternative. She would have to get In touch with the local police to see if tney could find some trace of the car. The walk down the lane to the highway did nothing to improve n" temper. There was no car in sight, so she began to trudge to ward the village. She had gone barely a hundred yards when a small truck pulled up beside her A round, merry face beamed at her. "Mr. Bertoll, am I glad to see you! Are you going In?" "Sure, sure, Jumn In. Your car. he breaka down?" "Why, yes," she answered. "I couldn't get it started, so I'm go ing In to see about having some one fix It." She thanked him as he left her off in front of Klceber's garage and stood for a moment on the sidewalk, as she watched him go clown the street toward the mar ket. Then she turned and began lownrq tne police to COME DOWN TO THE 6ARA6E WITH ME, STEVE "TVE GOT A JOB FOR YOU 1 .tatlon. Derria pushed open the door, to -e greeted by a delightful smell ireii smoKe. I stale tobacco and wisps of clg The large bulk which heaved it ;elf out of the chair at her approach urnea out to De tne cmej Jilm- en. "Good morning. Miss Martin.' Je smiled affably as he held open .he wooden gate, permitting her to move to a chair near his desk. "I've been expecting a call from you mis morning, put hardly nought you'd be her so soon. As a matter of fact, I was just go ing to phone your house." I rnone me7 What on earth for?" "The same reason vour here now! I reckon." Deria frowned. "You mean about my car?" "We had a call early this morn ing from a farmer about three mues north of here, that there was a maroon coupe on the road below his place. It's out back in' tne garage right now." He leaned back in his chair folding his hands in front of him. His manner clearly indicated that he was complacently awaiting her cxfiuiiuuun. Listening to his account. Der ria nad had a moment or so to I lormuiate ner story. I m afraid It's all a nrnnMrnl joke," she began. "You see, it was pretty late last night when I got u j. uiuirt leei nice having to get out to open the garage doors. I Just left the car In front of the house. After all, we're a good way in from the highway, and it never occurred to me that anyone would take It. The long lane to the house aiscourages most people from com ing up unless they're on business." Derria mentally comnlimenterf herself. Surely that would satisfy him. He got UD. Went tn a nnhlnet I and, taking some keys out of the urawer, nanoed them to her. ''Here you are, and you're sure lucky the car wasn't damaged I none' He held ooen a door for hprl at the back of the office. "Might I aa well go tnis way." In a moment, they were in the police garage, which was emptly except for her car In one corner i names very much," she said, me uvemefln nnnra curl im I T'll ... u- - - , " "I'M x .i nvib uc ou careless next time. vio oe continued) 2899 SIZES . H New Jumnrr Kltlinni.il tn,. Jumper Is a "must" for Pall! This one is new from swooping U-neck mm OUUK IIHUrill dOWn tO SOf tiV i pleated skirt and feature tnrtii wets mouse as teammate. no. Zaun is cut in sizes o ii is . 17 and IB. Size IK hu os.'l yds. 54-in.; blouse, 2 ',4 yds. 39-in Just out! The PALL-WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearinir nn nH , styles to come. Over 150 practical easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat- uco.g.u iw mi ages. Kcmember, amort to sew your own and save money. Order vour rrmv nnv, -i 1 Just 30 cents. " "- """"M To obtain this pattern, send 25c wmo, giving Daitem nnmh,. .(uui iiHiiic. Hdnriiu nnri - .... ber t0 Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour- "in, ufio mission Mr.rnor. Knn TT1 M TIM i j i ljflf r"hlon Rihl - This fashlon- PQ(S3p JO Vl wUe bl0UM ls destined to be the RjSuiCrX f 1 I not Popular "separate" in jour Tft rV 1 U 5ummcr-n-t0-'" wardrobe. f ySv ftljCSH i.atlelrn.nvelope No- R378 en I 2SSV kVJ hot-iron transfer for em- fTTmSft l rV. bro'dery. material requirements and VirScY St "n,lsh"1,! "istruction" X1mrUyph, V tl3 72 s"e Pattern in sizes H. 16. and SSVt M ing PeC y slze when ordcr- arTjAVyV l inT?n0iNn ,th,U P"tIern. "nl 20c XiSfcJffVyty ht vnlNS' gillng PR""n "umber. KM TJlif I' l ut. nmt' uress and zone num- roH A HUflH. r t0 PeRKy Roberts. Capital Jour- 1 P AUC -T"T-riMi Yrv-nn tr n iu . ."i ""1 n'"''. 1 -. . . . ttiMiaLi YfBiiiii m&WS '-sMt'AA I" I II 11 M l I I- II W -.Ahrr-A o tviz3i&mm i,.M-r .v--- ...... . d nceicE-qar to get ice-but AHM I I ko? doc set 1 there- I for th' head ke got- t i life HOW? NOT A CENT, EVEN IP I COULD M I I THERE O. K.? I B-B-BUT HE feffl I BUT IU. GET VUH SOME W HAVENT fW (" tXJNTKNOW KlP VOU'RE REALLY SLAO.J I NUEN YOU W6NTTOTHE AMD WE WERE AFRAID J HCW THAT SOAP WELL TELL YOU HOW IT It PHONE .TRUDY AND 1 WAMTED) YOU'D BE MAD SO WE ) 1 1 6OT INTO THE HAPPENED, DADDV- J I ID SEE WHAT YOU "WERE QUICK STIRRED IT T ( MUD BRICK BUT I MIXING AMD THE SOAP Jl IMTO THE MUD AM' RAM ) H VlM SLAD IT d ft- J POWDER FELL INTO S OUT BPORE YOU . S r AMPPE"EDj r ( X-H IMEML-prr I .CAME BACK ' - ra (ni . rvs I i ,i i iii i . 1 ' j,x aa iTTrtr HLltSPV MtANS YO IS GONNA I Y-YtS.'-OM. AM COUl-DN'fTwH JONES WONDER I L-U L tWI rSE5,"E I UP WIF ONE SCAR ,T EF SOMEONE LE WONT TAKE I wJuT 1 --JJ2S23t. "OTHE.R ... I FAllLT'JONES -SOS HAD TH' ftlGMr T'LOOK AFTER L MUCH LOOKIN t- V ,T S I II . . .IJHrjf' f- A YO'LL BE A MARRIED YO" ALL Th' REST O' YO' UFE P AFTER HE'S 7 ' - ) jlfl f ' J!?.lhV- WOPMIN-WIF SOMtHOW.IT SEEMS NEARLY PCRFtCT. PTTS I Wf i VOUR N- HUSBIN -AN THAR- T THET LOOKIN AFTER HOT ALL HE GOT IS J II r3T - N JB Ur Vm I " 19.RALKiiai7.,S B LI'LABNER-WAS WHUT MX ONE FAULT 'S71r l f (yrkwi irv,,Mwiiai!i H was born -jmrL ftm . t hjwm mmi crm m m ie r i iA -i 3 ii rfT-Tri7" . j i iv7 ttt m fTnL!k OH.MUTT-olviTWHATS THE" VSHE 6055 M mAVRfV NO-1 1 17. -A I . Na-"-.?, II I -Y. . I I f .r-A. I I . I ' " I J I I V WUnn Al 1 1 IlMflHI - I ITVV. , J-1 f. k Yk77 K UPHILL; hiaaSl YE5TER0AYI v V. ,-r. JV I ' 1 in , i i n . 7vry:T 1" VC WMV..WWWP5 ne. uirirE loruwir, .. II,,,.., TELL ME, CAPTAIN, DOESS $ffiB.e-JP-If 9S22'W5fSUPPLIeS WH0 P'PNtJ BEEN WITH US TWINKIN6 THAT IF I HAD A Ml?. TATE THINK HIS MAN roTX-NEP COME ABOARP IS HE A FOR YEARS., IN 600P JOB LIKE HIS, AND I f ,'.?,?? R SIMPLY MISSED i L1" ABOUT IT J TRUSTED MEMBER OP YOUR . OUR STOCK ROOM. MISSED THE BOAT, I MOULD .PT"5 y THE BOATT, 'S HPAI M iTY0UR SoSNHAS l' y 14 'N ' PEVE HADTOPUT V iTH I I Ife U 1, ifM1 l' A BAD LE(i FRACTURE Vf "00M NOW ? ANvlvARD SRACE' HIM OUT MERE INTHt A fer I 'J1. H VJM . . w BUT NOTHING MOW 160 IN? WARDSPACE. HALL;.. .rM50W!Y.. y.J la7f 32"', 7 " RADIO PROGRAMS IKSLM THURSDAY P.M. 'bJo IKOCO ItH I KOIN 5100 Wilier Trohin Woman'! Secret Bhrlbea Rkneb Curl Miner :1A Frank Brmlnrwar Sannr Bide Rhrlhn Reneta Little Show :S0 PiMlne Parade Newi Blai Oroebr 8onsi o( Prairie :45 Newt Blchard Harlineie Sport Paie Larry LeSener 6100 B-Bar-B Ranch Strlnf Serenade Candle Light and Knoi Manning "" ilA B-Bar-B Ranch strlna Serenade Surer Benlah :S0 Adv. of Champ. Srmpbonr Salnto Newe Chet Haulier :46 Muiic Elmer Pelerion Bill Stern Newa 7:00 Gabriel Heatler Nclion Eddr Pat O'Brien Escape lit Northwest Newe Nelton Eddr Mnclcal Jackpot Eacapo ISO Weetcoait Jamee Mason Bandatand Crimo Photet. 10 Ramblcra Jamee Maaon - Duiont Dope Prime Photov. 8'00 Medicine Drama Fred Warini Baieball Firel Nlibler :I0 Muile Home Fred Warin Baseball First Nlcbfer :S0 Moraan Manner Draanet Baseball . National Defensea f0 Morgan Manner Draanrt Baseball National Defensea 9:00 Hop Alone Cassldr Sapper Clob Baseball Chas. Colllatwoed :1S Hop Alone Cassldr Newa of World Baseball Cfalcaaoana :S0 Coast Survey Silent Pkrtncr Baseball . Mr. Keen f Coast Server S lent Tartner Baseball Mr. Keen fAPA .oo News Newe Baseball Five Star Pinal ' 1 1 1 :ls SclKt Local Newa Sporta Par Final Newe Ronndap Sunset Serenad 1U:SA News Banda of Land Track 14M Spin to Win its Music Band Waaon Track 1490 Spin to Win ujuj -00 Walter Trohan Sam Hayes Track 14M Serenade I I :IB Bob Poole Sbow ' Way Museum Track 1400 You j the Worlu T.-SO Bob Poole Show Waa Museum Track 1490 Orchestra 40 Mnsle Way Museum Track 1400 Orchestra H:oo Sim Off Sim OH Biyn Off silent FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. av 00 I News Hodye Podco ' News :l I Dawn Patrol Newa KOIN Kloek :S0 Northwest Newa Hodye Podye . KOCO Kloek KOIN Kloek iu Slarch Tim Hodye Podye KOCO Kloek KOIN Kloek 7:00 Dawn Patrol Farm Time Tea Rittey KOIN Kloek :1S Dawn Patrol . Farm Time News A "porta News :S0 Dawn Patrol The Old Sonn Top ' Hernial News i Newa News Newa Fred Beek 8:.. 5".. Smooth Musle Weetem Melodies Consumer Newa : J.'""'" ' Smooth Mnsle Western Melodies Art Baker SO Music Riders of Saye Stars Slny Make Believe 1 Top Truss Sam Harea Church In Wild Make Believe 9!0? Baryaln Counter Second Cup ' Melody Time focal Varletlea :10 Rise and shine Second Cup ' , Melody Time Vewe ! Sons of Pioneers Jack Berch Without Worde Grand 81am "'' News J. Chaa. Thomaa Bosemary : I stt !?! Np'bwest Newe Hostess Honso Guest Artist Wendy Warren II i!55 ' 8nl"n "" Ho," H" Northwest Reports Aunt jenny 'W '.ia r"or 0U Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Helen Trent ' Wiles Walts Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Our Oal Sunday 1 1 : 2ew L""' rcn- M,,o Mart Bly Sister ' I I ""spel Sincere Irf)pea Orch. Music Mart Ma Perklni - n : l"," om . Toi"l' ?"" i p" T Dr. Maleni Walts Serenade Lore I.awlon Vocal Varlcliea Guldlny Llyht I rt :?I ?,0B TrM Double or Nothlny Hollywood Musle" News I ' S,w' . Double or Nothlny Hollywood Musio Come A Get II laC, ij. '"' ' News NorahDrak. - Queen for a Day Liyht of World Ted Dale Presents Brlyhler I. 1!m ,UJ!m E.1"' L"e "'' M'a Melodlea nd Mrs. Burlon" :JS ' R'' ls" Mae'a Melodlea P., Mason ; J.IV, ""' """ Brliht Ll.ht Bob Eberly Sbow Happiness Mae'a Melodies Alr-flo 7;00 Tell Neighbors Backstaye Wife Mae'a Melodies Newspaper of Air 18 Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mac'. Mcl.dle. Newspaper J, J J ; Bin, Blnaa Wldder Brown Mae'a Melodies Tunefully Toon 3:J0 Ayalnst the Storm A Girl Marrlee Mae'e Melodlea Ne ' ii, ''."" """ F,c" 1"' "' Melodlea Meet the Ml.... 3! J? . it Plain 8111 Mae'a Melodic. Meet the Ml.su 40 NIPar Front Pa.e Payroll Mae'a Melodlea Robert Q. Lew's 4:00 Say It With Music Welcome Traveler Movie Time . Robert O Lewi. '" :!S I" " W"i M"'e W""me Traveler Philosopher itS ft i" ', -M Sony. .( On, Aunt Mary By.re Bedlam Robert 2 Low ! !" . W. Lev. Learn Byar. Bedlam ilSA g L. . KEX, 1190: If f Tbursday P.M. 5:00, Sunlrrel - Cayei 6:30. Johnny Lulack: 6:00. Keepinr Up With Sporisi 6:IS, Home Edi tion News! 6:.10, Modern Romances! 7:00, Headline Edition! 7:10, Timer Davist 7:30, Damon Runyon Theatre; 8:00, Counterspyt M:30, First Hundred Yerst 9:00, Oriyinal Amateur Houri 9:4S, Musle for Drearalnyt 10:00, Richfield Reporter! 10:15, Inter measoi 10:30, Concert Honrt 11:30, Memos to Tomorrowl 12:00, Xtra Hour! 1:00, Slyn Off. ICy Friday A.M. 0:00, i Early Bird; Dirt Doctor! 7:00. Wash burn News! 7:16, Band Box; 7:80, Bob Hasen Show! 7:45, Time Tempos! 8:15, Martin Ayronskyi 8:30. Zeke Manners! 8:45, Troplcanai 9:00, Breakfast Club! 10:00. New. i 10:15. Star, of Today; 10:30. ftelody Promenade; 11:00, Ted Malenoi 11:16. Galen Drake) 11:30, My True Story; 13:00, Betty Crockeri 13:15, News; 13:30, Baukhayo Talyklny; 13:46, Naney Craly; 1:00, Northwesterners; 1:30, Kay West; 3:00, Breakfast In Hollywood; 3:30, Easy KOAC, 690 VOAC T""day P.M.-5:00, On th. r v"' Upbeat! 6:50, 660 Sporta Club; 8:00, Newsi 0:15, Dinner. Melodies; 6:30, 'Round the Campflret 7:15, Evenlny Farm Hour; 8:00, Yon and Your Security; 8:15, Great Sonys; 8:30, Program of Canada; 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast, Newsi 9:00, Music That Endures! 9:45, Lift Up Thy Volcei 10:00, Excursions in Sci ence! 10:16, Serenade; 10:45, Newa; H;00. Sign Off. KOAC 10:00. 1 a.m. to 4:45 ..,- Th Nawii 10:15. K- McUlly far Women j 11:00, Tht Conetrt Hall; 1J:00, Newn It: 1(5, Noon Wmrm Heart 1:00, Rldt ' Cowboji Variety j 1:30, Melody La nit 1:00, Caval eada In Dramai S;45, Memory Book of Miiiie 8:00, Newt. Society Holds Picnic Lyons The annual picnic of the Women's Society of Chris tian Service was held at the Doerfler grove near the Brade hauf home. The next meeting jof the society was cancelled due A mi J:45, Meet tho MenJoust 1:00, Sur prlit Packaici 1:80, Bride and Groom, 4:00, Ladlei Be Sealed) 4:30, Add-a-Lloe. to it being Fair week. Those present for the picnic were Mrs. Lawrence Walworth, Mrs. Wil lard Hartnell. Mrs. Minnie Smith. Mrs. Daisy Johnston, Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Mrs. Orlin Elwood and Mrs. O. A. Jewell. ACROSS 1. Wet earth 4. Delightful reglona I. Flying mammal It. Wing 13. Inert raa H, Tale 15. Signified 17. Pertaining to the hearleat known substance 19. Old 20. Italian river 14. Watering place 85. Kind of fuel 87. Concerning 89. And: French 40. Give a right to 42. Italian poet 44. Conservative 46. Bidding 46. Genua of the oat 48. Incomplete 51. Ventilate 62. Produce 14. Feminine name 21. Rear of a boat 55. Chess piece 23. Located 66. Weary 26. Father 57. Ribbed fabrle 21. Prepares Tor publication 29. Growl 80. High mountain 82. Neckpiece MffPAHpJJsaM lAlNloHeUelRlBlEaMvlEl i QpeDbri ttler Eij-glg A vQIb at)on S AflR E C A UfffitAm ;s1tyUaIl.on1eIJ eIkI&I Solution of Ytaterday's Puzxl DOWN 1. Crazy I. Mother of Perseus1 4. Reaches C. Act t. Finish is TSr iPiJ 40 4-1 4i 4h47 g-8 ' iyf fa I I '--'A I I 1 I A 1 Af Ntwtfeatwret T. Negative L Force air noisily through the nose I. Laments 10. Title of Mohammed U. Twitching IS. Fairy tale monster 18. Coxy 20. Passageway 21. Room 22. Unplayed cards at solitaire IS. Jewel 24. Binding fabrics 25. Muse of cer tain poetry 28. European country 81. DeBign 83. Joined 36. Wild animal 38. Diplomacy 41. Region 43. Devotee of a winter sport 46. Establish 45. Dutch liquid measure 47. Contend 48. Contented murmur 49. Salutation 50. Extend over 61. Biblical eltr ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahern ' Wt EVERT NOONITS TW1S &&&2&ZZ and ,p ASKEt m m SAMCONSOWME-- V - FOR A CRACKER. TO 1 AM ON ON AND A CARROT I GO WITH THE V '. WELD FOR A MINUTE CONSOMME. THEY! V, ' UNDER. THE HOT PROBABLY TELL. WATER. FAUCET, YOU THAT THE THEM THE DELICATE I PARROT W0NT 1 V LIQUID IS V LET ANMSNE TAKE I I iSLAMOURlZED ?t THE CRACKER, WITH A r AWAY FROM V sprig of . ( i . lt lt v lllIf Js. him; y 4X v OVEREATING AT f 1 v TNj 'ogowlooge;;; ! l...rT....,...M. 8-35 f I TCLi.e- J