Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Aug. 25, 1949 15 THERE IS AN IGA STORE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD with ft I X I I 1. ;L;', ..W Winners in the annual model car competition of the Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild are Gale Morris (left), of Portland, who took first state honors In the Junior Division (ages 12 'through 15), and Frank J. Coen, of Eugene, whose beautiful model car won first in the Senior Division (ages 16 through 19) Each received a cash award of $150, and Morris" model ,went on to take regional honors and a chance to win a university scholarship in the national competition. Transportation Planned Hubbard The North Marion Union high school district plans at present to send 100 students to Newberg and the pupils that attended Canby last year will again go to Canby. Transpor tation will be provided. Work has not yet started on the pro posed new school building for the district but the well has been dug. MOVIES PICK Face Like Rhinoceros for New Romantic Sensation By PATRICIA CLARY Hollywood U.B .-Paul Douglas, a 40-ish actor with a face like a rhinoceros, is Hollywood's newest romantic sensation. Douglas is the number one night club Lothario hereabouts. He's squired all the cute models and starlets in town. On the screen, he's been the romantic lead in all his pictures. "That's the funniest thing that's happened to me in Holly wood," he said. "I guess I'm the relief guy from the handsome hero 'type, "One look at me and every body figures there must be some thing about me to make up for this map. So they write me swell dialogue, they put me in terrific yarns, they thrust the gal in my arms under 'how-can-you-miss' circumstances, and the public's so glad to see some body besides a junior Adonis that they give me a cheer." Douglas, who used to be a sports announcer, won Linda Darnell in his first picture, "Letter to Three Wives." He wooed both her and Celeste Holm in "Everybody Does It." He played opposite Jean Peters in "Turned Up Toes," and now he has sizzling love scenes with German actress Cornela Bruch in "Two Corridors East." : "I can't figure It out," he shrugged. "Nothing romantic about me, I've been a character ever since I was born. ' "It must be that everybody looks up there on the screen and says, 'if that character can get the dame, is could happen to me! Douglas readily admits that he gets a kick out of his screen love scenes. "I'm ready, willing and eager to do em, he said. After all, kissing glamor girls is much pleasanter work than , kissing cold microphones." Douglas gusto is contagious where it counts at the box- office. He's getting a lot of fun from his success. "Why wouldn't I," he inquir ed, "when for 20 years I tried to get in and all I got was the you'd better stick to the mike routine?" LOOK FOR THE IGA SHIELD - IT'S THE PLACE TO SAVE ON YOUR FOOD NEEDS Lemmon's Market 598 North Commercial Pearson's Food Market 294 North Commercial Model Food Market 275 North High St. Orcutt's Market 4200 North River Road Central Cash Market Monmouth, Oregon Ronner's Grocery Capital Accounts Of Banks Increase Portland, Aug. 25 W Na tional and state banks in Oregon have increased capital accounts in the past year, State Bank Su perintendent A. A, Rogers said today. Capital rose from $76,453,098 to $82,420,900, an increase of $5,968,801 for the year ending June 30. The national banks set capital at $71,030,088; state banks and trust companies at $11,390,812. Deposits declined from $1, 363,236,255 a year ago to $1, 291,164,421. Total assets were down from $1,447,859,915 to $1,-381.524,007. This new formula la cblck gist It the perfect feed for falter growth. Snail enough to be safe for graall birds, coarse enough for eaay pour ing, leas feed waate, and better appe tites. Keep your broilers growing In high gear with balanced ratios Xrumbles. See Your Local Dealer v afa, J" Gervais, Oregon (MM) (Ml T7f?fYr ! Equall s Grocery j J Jj ilf Woodburn, Oregon s&pll Independence ?f&$Q Food Market j&jjfjJ Independence, Oregon '.U' I M I Us HM si. I jtif 1 1 mm vi. pkgs. MTsma kf I 1 -J io Firm V Jr II d-w I Treet ' 'C ' ""W I I Armour's Luncheon Meat jLJ $&SL iVv I A favorite for lunches retjffd T'" V) I lor parties. 12 01. can 3C IK. II I I I I BUTTER 35C ei,!!V f - -jg agree as mousanas no. I . c-"lMsJ' g- ? Bits creamier, smoother and I ' "C r " T f i , . 4 more deliciously flavored-. I It helps yoo stic k iTlMiirL delicious ,00 reduced, p5J f Ronun Meal bread peps up dull 'w during rnenus. and really makes f Mj 14 uier to Slick to your reducing plan. .. ' jar ell C It has delightful, truly different - '"" flavor you'll thoroughly enjoy. ' owdw- BB CHILI fW, CON CARNE 'nriji JllJIL1. & Mi,dly ,pie,l Ujfti7'MP f0, r(t ItJ, (Qrrrrnri . .. Highland Market 800 Highland Avenue Ken Golliet Mehama, Oregon Open Sunday Broadway Grocery Broadway and Market Open Sunday Scid Food Market Scio, Oregon Quality Food Market 17th and Center Carter's Market 17th and Market Sts. State Street Market 1230 State St. TYPICAL EVERYDAY LOW PRICES These are examples of everyday low prices on item after item at IGA Stores. IGA SOAP GRAINS L?fr 23c LINIT STARCH For that new, crisp look Pkg. 13c CD I 111" IADC Goodhousekeeper Q Q riUI I Jfl0 Doien Regular Pints OeJC CD II IT IADC Goodhousekeeper QQ, rlUI I Jl3 Doien Regular Quarts TTC PICKLING SPICE Ta0,ztyppJk 29c CIDER VINEGAR rDnepJo,ft 59c IGA FLOURS' $1.89 ROYAL GUEST COFFEE eiin 48c SALAD DRESSING rGntA,ar 27c JlGA stores from coast to coast give us tremendous buvinrr ypower to keep prices down. urn LOW SAVING PRICES Stop Today at IGA and Save State Fair Calif. TOMATOES No. 2i2 Can . . . Take advantage of the special low price. Try 6 cans and you'll O for -nrrip back for 18c $1.00 V Wins the Family from the Start! ALLSWEET MARGARINE Sunny Morn Coffee 40c Grand tasting . . . and always so fresh! Wonderful Lb. coffee for the money. Pkg. 7 Picket Hard Enriched WhCaBa9,b 169 SOUP It's the best! DR. ROSS DOG FOOD Lb. Can... ELSIN0RE TOMATOES No. 2Vi can Ml) Solid Pock. . . ZdC Whole red . delicious flavor 6 cam FREESTONE PEACHES t." 29c With that home canned flavor 6 for Get a FREE package of MUFFETS THE RIW, IHMlVED I0UN0 SHREDDED WHEAT BRING IN THIS CERTIFICATE! IMPROVE '"s"' 'REE PCk, " tlmlfl 1 Itf aw mtaesr, Th. OMker 04s C. Mr roller ehelf pric for i. ( (to b. illee) k. by grocer). CWer good Only In Vtiui Sum. CHI prr 3wwn!w 30, 1941. f NMMFTIOMS. D. 11., Uk to, MIS, Chleoe 77, HlhMk 2 gg ew ar . i m . i m m v llm.l rnFi"lil I rkJ DDirt 3 29c cam m m IGA SNO KREEM SHORTENING SPECIAL LOW PRICE 3 ion 75c Sunshine HI-H0 CRACKERS : 97r America's finest! SPECIAL LOW PRICE LLLLiiiii 1U . n 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 j $1.29 $1.69 SWEET POTATOES oc Roundi out a delicious ham L Sf or pork dinner. 'DS. WiV SUNKIST ORANGES Ae Get your dally fill of vita- O Arw 14 iP min C with a tall glass. UUit -V SWEET ONIONS on Walla Walla's finest, priced IL tC to save you money. IUa m V HUBBARD SQUASH . For a delicious pie or II. Sf vegetable dish. CANTALOUPE nft Dillard's famous and A (g- aT your favorite. " l Or Mmt i:,,k 73c SAVE YOU MORE MONEY