14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Aug. 25, 1949 Can't Miss, Says Director Proclaiming that It is her best show in iive years, Producer Helene Hughes of San Francisco told Manager Leo Spitzbart by long distance telephone this week that the 1949 Oregon State Fair stage revue "can't miss." Miss Hughes, whose produc tion played to capacity houses throughout the 1B48 exposition, said, "the talent I have lined up is without a doubt the most out standing to ever play in the Pa cific Northwest." One of the top billings will go to Arthur Lee Simpkins, recent singing sensation with the Los Angeles police show, who will leave following the state fair for engagements in the bigger east ern showplaces. Heading the comedy section will be the Nonchalants, cur rently appearing at the Music Hall theater in New York. Miss Hughes had attempted three previous years to bring the group west without avail. Another laugh act will be the Mastin trio, which features Sam Davis, Jr., and a group that has recently been featured with Frank Sinatra at the Paramount in New York. O'Donnel and Blair, proteges of Milton Berle and currently appearing in one of the come dian's picture efforts, are com ing north for the first time. Miss Hughes labels this duo as a "sure show stopper." The revue, to be staged each evening of the fair, Sept. 5 to 11, in front of the racing grand stand, will be supported by George Bruns and his orchestra of Portland and the precision Helene Hughes dancers, a line of 12 girls' direct from San Francisco theater engagements. Couple Gets Married On Ocean Bottom Atlantic City, N.J., Aug. 25 (U.R) A 21 -year -old machinist and his pretty blonde bride said today that they had a guarantee against divorce by having a mar riage to remember one per formed at the bottom of the ocean. . Louis Villani and Ruth Ehlers, a 17-year-old North Bergen, N.J., sparkplug assembler, were married Tuesday in a 4 'A -ton commercial diving bell off At lantic City'i steel pier. A fortune teller told us to have an unusual wedding so we wouldn't forget the occasion so soon," Mrs. Villani said. "We met in the diving bell a year ago and Louis proposed to me in It last June, so it was the natural place for the wedding." Neighbor Woman Saves Small Boy Albany, Aug. 25 (If) A neigh bor woman was credited today with saving' four-year-old Billy Larking from strangling in a prune tree. The boy became entangled in a limb crotch. Screams of plnv matei brought Mrs. Hugh O. Ragle to the scene. She climbed a ladder to lift Billy's weight until firemen arrived 15 minutes later and extricated the boy. The Pacific ocean has an area of 68,634,000 square miles. , MEZKEF.r 110 DAT FTIKK TRIAL - IINRRMRT. AH IK HUT TKUK . When trh mlnuta wmii Uk mn eternity flptumf bronchial, mothmn relieved QUICKLY (antuillr with In 1 minute) by NEPHRON INHALA TION THF-HAPY, m mrrotlea or h.blt lortmn aratrn. MM irtabborn rMXi re iRltond like marl. RmtrrilNa nf what you have tried or how hopeleoa your ,rurm urn Kv up. Iinnff mil COllpOn In ami we will Rive yon 10 dny -ply of Nephron Inhrtluit in iieo In Knox-Aima Vaporiser, Caution i oniy m directed. Tfoor Heine iii AddreM PERRY'S DRUG STORE i ' Bg3 Witness Cedric R. Worth, special assistant to the under secretary of the Navy, ac knowledges before the house armed services committee that he wrote a "mysterious docu ment" that brought on the B 36 bomber investigation. He holds a copy of the document. (AP Wirephoto) DP's Amazed At U.S. Autos Newbcrg, Aug. 25 W) Amaze ment at the number of automo biles and the New York skyline were impressions of a Russian family now settled on a farm near here. Josef Svichar, his wife, two daughters and a son arrived yes terday at the farm of W. G Putnam as displaced Europeans admitted to the United States. Daughter Antonian, age 16, spoke in uncertain English in describing the family's impres sions of America. She explain ed they had been routed from theiT Russian home by invading nazi troops, sent to a concentra tion camp and later to a displac ed persons camp. They were former land owners in Russia and lost their property in the Soviet collectivization of the farms. They were among a few Rus sians allowed entrance into the U.S. because their political views were acceptable, she said. Putnam said he has asked for displaced family a year ago. He plans to get Scichar estab lished as manager of his farm and then plans to move to the Oregon coast to start another dairy farm. Nude Woman Issue Redwood City, Oil., Aug. 25 (U.R) Mrs. Hugh Lee Smyer sued her husband for divorce today charging he came home drunk one night accompanied by a nude woman. Smoky soys- f HICK0RV SMOKED ( POTATO CHIPS! J GOOD FOR SNACKS! Fresh at your grocer PHIL SCHNELL Distributing Co. 280 Bollevnr Ph. 3-3B08 Truman Places Pad in Effect Washington, Aug. 25 U.R The North Atlantic treaty became effective today and President Truman assured the world that no nation need "fear the results of . . . cooperation" by the 12 signatory nations. The Chief Executive witness ed the deposit of the ratifica tions by Denmark, France, Italy and Portugual the last of the 12. Then, at a solemn White House ceremony, he signed a proclama tion stating that the treaty is now an operating actuality. He emphasized, in a state ment that the purpose of the pact is to establish freedom from agression and force in the North Atlantic community and thus to promote and preserve peace throughout the world. "As htis treaty comes into ef fect," Mr. Truman said, "it seems particularly appropriate to rededicate ourselves to the carrying out of the great task we have set for ourselves, the preservation of stability and peace. "No nation need fear the re sults of our cooperation toward this end. On the contrary, the more closely the nations of the Atlantic community can work together for peace, the better for all people everywhere. Nursery License Renewal Refused The nursery license renewal application of L. E. Marcus, op e r a t o r of Sherwood bulb gar dens, has been refused formally by the state department of agri culture. The state held Marcus guilty on four complaints. They includ ed charges that he deceived his customers and misrepresented his merchandise. It is not unusual for a sail fish to leap across 40 feet of water. "WH SQEEZ KLEEN Glass Cleaner Just Squeeze It On and Wipe It Off! You'll save two-thirds your cleaning time if you use SQEEZ-KLEEN! No waxy film! No oily scum! No muss to clean up! SQEEZ-KLEEN makes wood work glisten . . . mirrors sparkle . . . windows shine! One 6 oz. Plastic Bottle plus One 1 6 oz. Refill . . . both for - 59c Made by the makers of WHITE ROSE BLEACH! Quality Meats 170 N. Com'l. PEERLESS MARKET Store Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. At the New Bus Stop Courteous Service Phone 35704 SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Morrell's All Rite Sliced Bacon Lb. 59c Lean, Boneless Beef Cubes Lb. 49c For Stewing or Braising Swiss Steaks Lb. 69c Lean, Meaty BEEF SHORT RIBS Lb. 33c MORRELL'S PRIDE Sliced Bacon Lb. 69c Pork Steak Lb. 59c Pure Lard 4 Lb. 49c SEASONING Bacon Squares Lb. 11c Sliced Bacon Lb, 49c HAMS HALF OR WHOLE 59c lb. FRESH DRESSED FRYERS HENS RABBITS STOP fsHOP) I keizer COAfiAAUNITY' A Rapidly Growing Community Shopping Center, Offering You QUALITY MERCHANDISE AND SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES Located Out Front Street Just 5 Minutes from Downtown Salem LOTS OF FREE PARKING Open Evenings Until 8 P. M. 4990 N. River Road keizer Phone 2-8230 mm market Shop Every Day Shop The Easy Way These Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday LOTS OF FREE PARKING Open Evenings Until 8 P. M. Large Pkg. 16c FACTORY DEMONSTRATION See Shredded Wheat Made Here in Our Store First Showing in Salem SWIFT'S PEANUT BUTTER 2 GARDEN PORK & BEANS, 2 J3c PROCTOR & GAMBLE CRISCO Pure Vegetable Shortening 3 lbs 79c THE REAL FAMILY FLOUR OCCIDENT FLOUR 25 lb. print. . . . 1.89 rirrfrmTfTTl Swift's Brookfield Cheese 2 lb. box . . 79c SURE JELL PECTIN 33. 29c FRESH VEGETABLES FRESH LOCAL Tomatoes 4 lbs. 23c LOCAL GROWN 5c Spear Melons u. LOCAL GROWN Q Carrots 2 bunches M SEEDLESS or TOKAY Grapes Lb. . 10c 49c KEIZER MARKET SWIFT'S ORIOLE Sliced Bacon ea One Pound Layer SWIFT'S SWEET SMOKE Bacon Squares Dixie All Squared and Cello Wrapped SWIFT'S GOVT. INSP. Spare Ribs Lb. Pork These Are Meaty and Tender 35c 39c I Tender Meat - Oscar Phillips s & w TOMATO HOT SAUCE cans . 25c Coffee l&bw 49c PALM0LIVE! New Perfume New Allure HEOUWH I PALMOLIYE Far loveliness All Over BATH SIZI 2-! 23c SUPER SUDS Better Than Sunshine MltOI PKO. 25c VGL I I MarVElout for Diihes I I LAROI PKO. 25c FAB Fatter And Better 25c fKO. Cashmere Bouquet Tolltl Soap with Ihe Fragrance Men Love NEW low 3l 25c ! Edwards & Drakeley Sam Snow Sez EDWARDS & DRAKELEY have the cold spot at Keizer Frozen Food Lockers Meat cut, double wrapped, locker-ready, quick frozen, Se per lb. Phone 2-2164 - N. River Rd. SPECIALTY BAKERY Phone 2-6339 We Bake A Complete Line of PIES CAKES PASTRIES HOT BREAD Dally at 9:30 A. M. Our every attention given to decorated birthday and wed ding cakes. Plenty of Free Parkins Space at KEIZER SHOPPING CENTER McDERMOTT VARIETY ANNOUNCING REOPENING Entirely New Merchandise Old & New Customers Welcome FREE PARKING 4945 North River Road Ladies' Apparel and Infants Wear A new store with new merchandise for a new community GOLDIK'S DRESS SHOP M4 Nartk Rlni U. rh. t-lW Oita II u 1 rM rarklm IRIS FOUNTAIN Lunches Dinners Soft Drinks ! We specialize in Homemade Pies J Grade 'A' Restaurant i $ Keizer Korners DRIVE OUT TO KEIZER SHOPPING CENTER Free Parking Shop at Your Leisure KEIZER FEED & SEED CO. Presents Larro Farm-Tested Feeds And Albers Quality Controlled Feeds Ph. 23279 We Deliver Also Hay - Grain - Concentrates Seed - Fertilizers Sundries And Pittsburgh Paints INTERIOR EXTERIOR FLOOR PAINT & VARNISH Come in and see these qual ity lines of merchandise Our prices are right The Real Corner of Keizer KEIZER . Korner Store W. H. "HUGH"' SHATTUC, OWNER FREE COUPON BRING THIS AD AND GET for the price of Machine or Maehlnelaia Ware KEIZER BEAUTY SALON 49U N. Riter Road rh. 1-U1S Keizer Cleaners 4954 No. River Rd. Telephone 2-7108 for Pickup and Delivery Service. VTTTffiJf CLEANING and PRESSING WATERPROOFING ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS Keizer Hardware & Appliance Is Showing A Special Plastic Garden Hose 50 ft. lengths at 5.40 Also Stocking - Galvanised Water Pipe & Fittings From Vi in to 1 Vi inch Check Our Prices on These Heavy Duty Wheel Borrows Light Wheelborrows Lawn Carts It Mowers Electric Appliances KEIZER HDW. AND APPLIANCE CO. Phone 24350 4964 N River Rd. VWXVXNVWV.NVWWVV