10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Aug. 25, 1949 Approved Lois Chartrand, 19, (above), of San Jose, Calif., smiles after her con tract with Paramount studio was approved in a Los Angeles Superior court. A talent scout discovered her at Occidental college. The seven-year con tract calls for a weekly salary of $760 by the end of that time. (AP Wirephoto) Spokane Killer Escapes Again Walla Walla, Aug. 25 (P) For the second time within a year, a Spokane county slayer was be ing hunted down today after es caping from the state penitenti ary. The prisoner, George Madi on, escaped from the institution with three companions at dusk last night. All but Madison were retaken shortly. , Madison, described by Warden John Cranor as "dangerous and vicious," was i believed to have taken a truck from the stale game farm across the highway from the prison. The hunted slayer escaped previously in November, 1948, while assigned to the prison photo laboratory but was retak en in Fort Wayne, Ind. The quartet slipped to free dom last night through a 35-foot tunnel which started between a cell block and the prison chapel and came up outside the wall. Timing was perfect. Their flight was covered by dusk and ' tower guards were busy with other Inmates in the recreation yard. Churchill III London, Auug. 25 (U.B Win- fton Churchill caught a chill while bathing on the French Riviera this week and "will re quire a few days rest. and quiet," the former prime minister's sec retary laid today. Flying Saucer' Reported Portland. Aue. 25 (U.R) A woman excitedly informed po lice today that she had found a flying saucer. Patrolmen in vestigated and renorted back that the "flying saucer" was a phonograph record of the home recording variety.. A machine for cleaning shins' hulls without docking has just oeen invented in Australia. Spinach was grown in south west Asia before Christian times. WANT SOFTER, " WHITER HANDS 7 3 Rain Dropt actually "babiei" your hands, guards their smoothness with gentle pro tection, each time you use it. Pensioner Told To Give Up Car Portland, Aug. 25 VP) The state public welfare commission has upheld a Multnomah county ban on car ownership for an aged pensioner. The decision requires Logan Fields, 78, to either give up his car or lose old age assistance. Commission members made the ruling yesterday after hear ing appeals that favored allow ing pensioners to own cheap cars. The old age recipients are now permitted to do so only if the cars are essential. Fields, a one-armed former vi olin maker, owns a 1936 mode car. The commission was told by Floyd K. Dover that the car was needed so Fields could get to grocery stores. Dover represents a recently organized old age grievance committee. Joseph E. Dunne, pension group leader, said he would un dertake a court test of the deci sion. He said he would seek an injunction to halt the Multno mah commission from stopping funds to two other pensioners who own cars. State Commission Chairman Jack Luihn defended the policy. He said "sentiment throughout the state is that our regulation is very, very liberal. If any county welfare commission wishes any one to have a car they can do so under our regulations." Complaints of both the Hood River and Multnomah commis sions over reductions of aid to dependent children to provide more funds for aged pensioners were also heard. Chairman Lu ihn and Administrator Loa How ard were instructed to take up the matter with the state emer gency board. Missing Los Angeles po lice have launched an all-out search for Mrs. Mimi Boom hower, 48, (above), wealthy widow who reportedly vanish ed from her home a week ago. she was last heard from when she telephoned a friend that she was to go out with an unidentified man. Police found all the lights burning in her home. (Acme Telephoto) Farm Home Visitors Are Given Surprise Dayton A group of ladies chartered a bus from Robert Stilwell, and enjoyed an all-day visit at the WCTU Childrens Farm Home, near Corvallis. There were 51 in the group. The farm home covers about 100 acres and most of the food used, is grown on the farm and maintains a dairy of 60 cows and the boys are getting calves ready for the fair. There are ap proximately 160 enrolled in the home between ages of five and 18 years of age. They have non- demoninational church and It is supported by donations from various sources and organiza tions. There were 15 ladies from La fayette and three from Newberg besides the Dayton ladies in the party. Records Posted At Round-up Pendleton, Aug. 25 VP) A bulldogging record and a near record calf roping time were al ready posted for the 39th annual Pendleton Round-up today as cowpokes went into second day competition. Oral Zumwalt, , Wolf Creek, Mont., dropped a steer in 8.4 seconds yesterday for the new record. The time was four tenths of a second better than the previous mark set in 1946. The fast calf roping time of 13.1 seconds by Cotton Lee, Clo vis, N.M., was within one-tenth of a second of the record set in 1941. Gene Rambo, Shandon, Calif., a leader for his third Interna tional Rodeo association title, had troubles in the first day's events. He was thrown in the bareback ride, failed to halt his steer in the bulldogging and pulled leather in the saddle bronc ride. He placed, however, in steer roping. Rambo won the Jackson trophy here in 1944 and his early misses in the points put him behind for a repeat in this arena. Frank Gamble, Toppenish, Wash., used his own string of ponies to win the pony express, cowboy pony and relay races. A first day crowd of 6500 cheered the veteran rodeo entrants. Why Suffer Any Longer trhn oT.ru r fall ui our OWneat femedlw Amtilni mcceAi tot 6000 rears m China No matter with what ailment jou art afflicted disorder ilnusitii bean, lunii. liver, kidneys km, constipation uleera, diabetes, rheumatism, call and bladder, (aver ikln. Hmalfl complaint. CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB CO. . OfMet Hoan t to I Ties and Sal. Only M4 N Comm.Fcl.l Phsn tlSM SALEM. OS!. m XL 1 il fwt waooo's mn improved brm makes YOUR 600P MORHlNo HABIT! M-ml Kellogg's Improved 40 Bran Flakes are tastier, orlsperl Supply whole -grain vitamins, minerals, and extra bulk. Many diets need this to help prevent constipation. Delicious way to encourage "good morning" habits. Get the whole family eating Kelloao's Bran Flakes In the white, red and green box. ' Good? 'e flmn KWogg way .MOTHER KNOWSa BESTI BHGGESTT 'OTTOS MARKET UN TOWH WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF HAMS SWIFT'S BONELESS ROLLED NOT PICNICS HALF OR WHOLE. LB. 69c SLICED BACON SWIFT'S ORIOLE OR ARMOUR'S .LB. 45c FRYERS LARGE REDS DRESSED AND DRAWN $ EACH 1.49 COTTAGE BUTTS SWIFT'S PREMIUM HALF OR WHOLE . . LB. 45c BEEF ROASTS I STEAKS I RUMP ROASTS SHORT RIBS 42c -r 69c J4c,k 29c- Leon Tender Boneless No Watt ' Lots of Leon Meat Ground Beef BEEF LIVER Cottage Cheese Aged Cheese 39c, 29c v 23c 49c Only Beef Used Young Fiieher'i Pint GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SWEET CORN Large, Tender Earl Dozen 29c Red Ripe. TOMATOES .........2 .b. 15c SPUDS U. S. No. 2 Gemi 50 lb. tack. 95c Hot Master Bread Right from Oven, 4 P.M. ASPARAGUS HOMINY TOMATO JUICE COFFEE 2. an. 25C HUn, 2 can. 1 9C 40db. No. t Can Center Cuts No. 2 Can No. t Can, Elsinore Grind It Fresh W'jjf VINEGAR TOMATOES SPAGHETTI 37r 39C go.. 19c can I 2 earn 25c cn Bring Jut- No. 2 H Can Franco American MARSHMALLOWS SHORTENING SCOTT TISSUE DOG "fOO I D 2Pkg,. 29c 3 ib.. 79c o ,, iqc ? o,. Dounackt Snowdrift will J cant XJC IGA Store 19 men Grocery n Salem Vi Mil North of Underpau AVING (((ENTER Stores West . Salem '. At Foot of Bridge FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY MEAT DEPARTMENTS FII?ST BIRTHDAY WE DON'T WANT ANY GIFTS, JUST YOU IN THE STORE BUYING THESE WONDERFUL BAR GAINS! LOOK AND SEE! " r Jtrm ri mm am. . i l LOCKER BEEF AT NEW LOW PRICES 29c BEEF ROAST SWIFT'S COMMERCIAL Neck Blade Arm .33c 39c GRADE A MILK FED VEAL AND GRADE A BEEF AT LOW PRICES GROCERY DEPARTMENT 3 If you fry the burgen you mutt have SWIFT'NING LB. can-a can 69c CRACKERS are needed for meat loaf 2 LB. KRISPY BOX ; .Box 39c You've got to have CATSUP, Dennison's 2 for 25c And it goet good with Denniton'i CHILI and BEANS 27c 4 99c k each......." for " burger's MAYONNAISE NEED BESTFOODS AJAR 35 WESSON OIL , . . Quart 59c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PEACHES $ 1.39 Bex WE ARE COOPERATING WITH LOCAL FARMERS TO HELP SELL SURPLUS AMOUNTS OF FRUITS. HOOD RIVER PEARS BARTLETTS ...Box 1.59 95c LOCAL ..Box TOMATOES 18 to :v, 20 LB. FLAT iV WATERMELON GUARANTEED 2vk A LB. 'i if Hl if BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS Open Sundays 8 A.M. Till 6:30 P.M. SUGAR,, 85c k ALSO CRAWFORD AND HALE PEACHES U Mfftfla, MIIIHIH