8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Wednesday, Ang. 24, 1949 Swank for Junior High : i A - Sub-teen Smoothies The future deb is all set for school fun In her carefully styled "petlteen" dresses. At left, plaid spun rayon with dog-leash belt and crew neck rimmed in white pique; right, two-tone blue rayon gabardine with smart scalloped detail at yoke. 200 Due at Style Event on Thursday All set for Thursday is the luncheon and fashion show to be presented by Delta Gamma alumnae at the American Le gion club, the luncheon to be at 1 p. m. Two hundred reservations have been taken for the event. Starting with the dessert course will be the parade of fall fash Ions to be staged by Esther Fos ter's apparel sliop. The music will include solos by Eldon Caley and piano numbers by Miss Marian Carson. Mrs. James T. Brand is to be guest com mentator for the fashion revue. RECENT VISITORS at the Charles C. Harris home have been cousins of Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Edna Downey of Palo Alto, and Mrs. Downey's brother, Herbert Wilson of Riverside, Calif. They have been visiting also in Portland. This was the first time in 61 years that Mr. Wilson had seen Salem. Both he and his sister lived here many years ago. Miss Morgan Bride Sunday In an all white setting on Sunday afternoon at the First Christian church Miss Mary Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Morgan, was mar ried at a double ring ceremony to Donald G. De Lisle, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. De Lisle of Ashland. The Rev. Dudley Strain read the vowi at 4 o'clock. Miss Gwen Chase of Spring field and Miss Orla Deedon of Amity, wearing pink and blue taffeta frocks, similarly fashion ed in style to those of the other briday attendants, lighted the tapers. Soloist was Miss A 1 e n e Amacher of Hillsboro. Mrs. John Schmidt played the organ. The bride wore a white slipper satin gown of long sleeves and fitted bodice trimmed with crystal beads And orange blos soms. The double full-length veil of embroidered Illusion cas caded from a crown of orange blossoms. She carried a large lavender throated white orchid on a white Bible with white stain streamers and stephanotls. Frocks of the bridal atten dants were fashioned alike in taffeta with . fitted bodices, sweetheart necklines and Mar tha Washington sleeves. Mrs. William Morgan, sister-in-law of the bride, as honor attendant was in pink. Bridesmaids, were Miss Ruth Willoughby of Spring field, in blue, and Miss Elva Rankin of Astoria In yellow. Each carried white crocheted baskets of baby breath, pastel sweet peas and roses tied with huge bows and streamers. Little Miss Diane Lee, flower girl, wore a floor length blue dotted Swiss dress, identical in style to the other attendants. She also carried a smaller white crocheted basket of flowers. Master Phillip Perlman, small son of the Harry Perlmans, carried yie rings on i. satin lace pillow. Earl De Lisle, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Ushering were William Morgan of Corvaflis, brother of the bride and Jack Mcrriott of Eugene. Ralph Morgan Jr. and Verono Waite closed the aisles. For her daughters wedding Mrs. Morgan wore a brown taf feta dress with brown and green accessories. Her corsage was white gardenias and pink rose buds. Mrs. De Lisle wore a gown of aqua crepe with black accessories and a corsage of white gardenias and pink rose buds. The reception was in the church parlor. The serving table was decorated with a lace cloth and white tapers. The large cake was surrounded with sweet peas and tiny rose buds. Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson cut the cake. Mrs. Rex Putnam presid ed at the coffee urn and Mrs. M. C. Buchanan Served the punch. Serving were Mrs. Gor don Wood and Mrs. Calvin Stew art of Stayton, cousin of the bride. Assisting were Miss Jeanne DuBuy, Miss Patricia Zahare, Miss Patricia Zosel, Miss Donna Johnson and Miss Lucile Proctor. Mrs. Grant Fallin introduced to the line. Mrs. Conrad Lee had charge of the gift table and the CLOSE OUT ON 1949 MODEL ROTOTILLER New low prices while they last (Only a few left) SEE US TODAY Teague Motor Company 355 N. Liberty Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4173 For the Young Miss mm 1 4.81 Id T Reservations Due Reservations for the informal supper and dance plannea Dy the Reserve Officers association anil tho finlpm Women's Army and Navy League should be in by Thursday evening. Those takinff reservations are Mrs. Harlan A. Judd, Mrs. Hom er G. Lyon, Jr., Mrs. ueorge Spaur, Mrs. Richard Reynolds. The party is to De i naay eve ning at the American Legion club. You can peel two bunches of small-sized beets, cut them in A Pretty Room Any little girl would be happy with this pretty room which is planned to Incjude everything she needs for fun and comfort. Sectional book shelves, table and chairs, and a juvenile desk form a complete play area, and still allow plenty of space for the bed and chest. Misses Barbara Daleiden and Joan Lockhard 'of Eugene had charge of the guest book. When ready 'to leave on their the bride was wearing a Glen plaid suit with black accessories. She wore the white orchid from her bridal bouquet, The couple will attend the University of honeymoon to San Francisco Oregon at Eugene this winter. long strips, and cook them In a half cup of salted water for 10 to 15 minutes or until tender. Dress them with a little sugar and lemon Juice before serving. Or if you want to cook the beets whole, leave on an inch or two of their stems and the long tap root; peel them after they are cooked and the skins will slip off easily. Then they may be sliced or diced and used as desired. Mo-EVER PAY MORE? ACCEPT IESS7 YOU'LL BE SURPRISED When you find out how much there is to do at our resort, without high prices. Hot mineral water for drinking and bath treatments, excellent massages. Swimming Dancing - Hiking - Fishing - Hone Big Bonfire and Radio Every Evening HOTELCABINS TENTHOUSES STORE AND MARKET Open Until October 1st Road from Detroit to Bruckman's Open 1:M to i:00 p. m. and 5:00 t. m. to 7:45 a. m., DST Honda; thru Saturday! and all day Sunday and Holidays For Reservations and Price List Phone Detroit 871 Write: BRUCKMAN'S BREITENBUSH SPRINGS Breltenbush, Oregon Biggest" Trade-In q niivwunvc in Ford Truck History! Mkm& Vmt? w dml on a New Ford Truck SEE WHAT WE CAN DO How much clo you want for your old truck? We're ready to talk business in the kind of trade-in 'dollar terms you'll like. 9 We are offering you the biggest trade-in allowances in Ford Truck history! And take advantage of the biggest monthly sales target of new trucks we've had in years. .0 Choose from over 150 new Ford Bonus Built models from half-ton Pickups to the powerful 145-h.p. BIG JOBS! Make a deal now to trade your old truck in while you can (till get the high-dollar for it. And save on the job with a cost, saving new Ford Truck! Call Us Today! There's a Ford Truck for your Job, any job. Over 130 models to choose from! Capacities from 4,700 lb, to 21,300 lbs. G.V.Wt Three great new truck engines k SIX ancl 2 V-8'a! New 143-h.p. BIG JOBS! Million Dollar Cab with living-room comfort! And Korea of other feature no other truck offers t any price! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY VALLEY MOTOR COJ TRUCK DEPARTMENT Marlon at Liberty Phone 3-3147 AUGUST HEATER SPECIAL During August All Quaker or Norge Oil HEATERS Purchased Here Will Be Installed FREE INCLUDING 110 Gallon Tank Necessary Tubing All Fittings StoVepipe Labor Come in and select a heater to satisfy your need. C. RI06 t VmIov Cvrcf orrv Bp m tWOQSlQ ) -saaaW I SAME UNIT FOR DEEP OR SHALLOW WELL OPERATION Service Yes, the new Goulds Jet-O-Matic has everything to give you just what you want in running water service in any volume, at any pressure. And the Goulds name assures quality that means many years of trouble-free, low-cost operation. Dual applies, tion same unit for shallow or deep wells. Fully automatic. Easily installed. Can't lose prime. Only one moving partno trouble, no upkeep, no atten. tion required. Safe, fool-proof. Amazingly silent. This outstanding new-pumping unit is the ideal solution to your water service problem. COME IN AND LET VS TELL YOU MORE ABOUT 11 Vi h.p. Shallow Well Pump - 156.25 1 h.p. Shallow Well Pump Vi h.p. Deep Well Pump -1 h.p. Deep Well Pump - Terms Available if Desired 234.75 172.35 253.35 LEAVES Will Be FALLING SOON! See the New Buckeye Lawn Sweepers That help keep your lawn neat with speed and ease. With the 26-in. wide Rotary Fibre brush. The leaves or cut grass are whisked back Into a large basket, which is made of canvas sides and aluminum. This sweeper has rubber tires mounted on strong 10-inch wheels, with ball bearings that Insure easy operation. ' " ' NOW 2775 Close Out A Limited Number of Outside Rotary Clothe Dryers at Price 6' With strong center cedar support post and metal line arms. M. 75 NOW Housewares Special 1 POTTERY fl I 1 BLUE REFRIGERATOR SUC BLUE WILLOW JUGS ' WILLOW Pattern . Pattern DINNER s' 7C DINNER SETS ENDS OF t SETS GOBLETS up 32 PC. ONE HAND A PC. EGG OC NOW BEATER.... NOW LARGE COLORED 095 SS.ATe.1Qc' 1895 DISHES WAX FREE 1 , rfJ woMAtaiiitNttcsM- jm - I m A 100 Distilled Wax Free Motor Oil GUARANTEED to give proper lubrication under all normal driving conditions. 2 189 Gallons for only BARGAIN PRICE GARDEN WHEELBARROW FEATURES Lew Level Body High Style Handles Reg. 14.95 Ball Bearings Rubber Tiret A Easy Operation 1175 Bamboo Lawn Rakes 49c Galvanized Insect Screen 8q. Ft.. 8c Wire Type Swatters 2c Butt Hinges JST, P.,r 55c Galvanized Funnels With Strainer 19c 2 H.P. WATER COOLED FAIRBANKS-MORSE Gasoline Engine Z-Typa 7750 , . . 4 to 5 H.P. FAIRBANKS-MORSE Onan Gasoline Engine II900 TrUiTairAaTPBoxeT Approved Type From heavy galvanized . sheet metal. Storm proof. 189 No. 1 Siie I 498 w flora Aijvsuiu smsux 3.95 tor. Spray m bt iafrwBj frtm fin Irrift y G eWI'J irWPW foirV Sflfci bfVM rrt GEORGE E. mm 136 K COMMtftCtAL ST. SAW, C4MMOH