Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 24, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Their Weddings Take Place as Mid-August Church Ceremonies
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Mid-August Brides Bride at a service in the First Christian church, August 14,
was Mrs. Evan Richey, at left above, who was Jeanne Tanner, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William R. Tanner, before her marriage. Mr. Richey is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Bradford S. Richey of Eureka, Calif. The couple will be in Moscow,
Idaho, this winter. (Linna Chitwood photo). At right Mrs. Carter E. Hitt, the
former Anne J. Stenger, married August 14 in Sacred Heart church at Gervais.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stenger of Gervais, Mr. Hitt
the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hitt, Aberdeen, Wash. McEwan studio picture)
Of Betrothal
Miss Betty Biles of Upland,
Calif., and James C. Watt, Pa
mona, Calif., announced their
engagement at a family dinner
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Biles, Monday
Miss Biles is a graduate of
Salem high and Upland college
and took graduate work at
Claremont Graduate school In
California. She is teaching at
Alta Loma, Calif.
Bread Hungry?
, .On a Reducing Diet?
Want added energy and pep
with low calory count?
a new taste thrill for jaded "diet
una ''';.,
run '
Mr. Watt is the son of Jesse
C. Watt, Peoria, Ariz. He is a
graduate of LaVerne college,
LaVerne, Calif., and is teaching
in Cucamonga, Calif.
No date has been set for the
MT. ANGEL Dr. Francis J.
Reiling, Ray Junger and Gene
Murphy of Eugene were dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. LeDoux on Friday
evening. Other guests at the
LeDoux home recently were
Lena Del Planche, Emma Del
Planche, Emma De Vlemick of
Hillsboro and two friends from
Portland; and from Rockford,
111., Mr. and Mrs. Raphael
Yolden, Mr. and Mrs. Dooley
Doyle and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
California Visitors
Arriving at the mid - week
from California were Miss June
Belford of Cloverdale, Miss
Barbara Friberg of Sonoma and
Misses Patricia Farquar and
Marion Nissen of Petaluma.
They are guests of Miss Joar
Hoereth and Miss Virginia
Lewis while here, all being
school friends at Santa Rqsa Jun
ior college.
The quartet of visitors will
be here for the wedding of
You HAVE said it, haven't you? The night before
washday? Yes, and meant it, too, because there's nothing
worse than to have to let dirty clothes pile up while
you wait for nice weather.
When you have a Hamilton Automatic Clothe Dryer,
you just flip the switch, toss in your clothes straight
from wringer or spinner and, in 15 to 25 minutes, they're
ready to iron! Things dry soft, sweet-smelling, and fluffy
in the Hamilton, too, an average washerload at a time.
, Rain? Snow?' Soot? Smoke? Forget 'em!
Why don't you come in, right away, and Id ta
ihow you how Hamilton can take tht last bit
of labor and risk out of your weekly Washing?
We'll be happy to demonstrate.
Vliss Hoereth and Theodore Co-
trait next Sunday afternoon.
THE WOMAN'S Relief corps
has planned a no-host picnic for
12:30 p.m. Thursday in Olinger
Mr. Schramm
To Wed Soon
Announced for Friday eve
ning, September 9, is the wed
ding of Miss Eleanor Simonsen
of San Francisco and Philip C.
Schramm of Salem..
The ceremony will be solem
nized at 7:30 o'clock in the eve
ning of that date in the Nor
wegian Lutheran church in San
Francisco, the reception follow
ing also to be at the church.
Mr. Schramm is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A.
Schramm of Salem who plan to
go south for the wedding. Miss
Simonsen is the daughter of
Capt. and Mrs. Alfred Simonsen
of San Francisco.
Wedding at
St. Joseph's
Bride at a service in St. Jo
seph's Catholic church last Sat
urday morning was Miss Lucille.
Mae Forman, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred G. Forman, who
was married to Clifford Cam
P'."., son of Mrs. Anna B. Cam
and A. J. Campau of Port
land. The double ring ceremony
was performed at 10 o'clock by
the Rev. T. J. Bernards. For
the music, Wayne Meusey sang
and played the organ.
The bride wore a Gibson style
French white marquisette dress,
designed with fitted bodice, a
lace trimmed round . yoke and
neckline, and a full skirt with
train, rne fingertip veil was
edged with wide lace to match
the lace on the dress and it was
arranged from a Dutch cap. For
her flowers the bride carried a
bouquet of white gardenias with
large pink tulle bow and
streamers. Mr. Forman gave his
daughter m marriage.
Miss Evelyn Forman was at
tendant for her sister. She was
gowned in blue faille, the dress
having a tight fitted bodice and
back flared Eton jacket. With
the dress Miss Forman wore a
picture hat in pink lace and
straw and pink gloves. Her
flowers were pink gladioluses
with satin bow and streamers,
Carol Lynn Campau, sister of
the bridegroom, was junior at
tendant. She wore a floor length
pink dotted Swiss frock with
wide blue sash and wore a
wreath of pastel flowers in her
hair. She carried the rings In
a small nosegay.
Robert L. Borovicka of Bend
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 14, 1949 f
Silver Tea Displaying Early
Farm Life Aritcles August 30
An event creating much interest for next week is the silver
tea to be given at the Salem Golf club for the benefit of ths
First Christian church building fund, on Tuesday.
"Early Farm Life" will be featured as the theme for the af
fair and many articles from private collections will be displayed,
featuring those things suitable for farm life. Table settings, old
room settings and the like are being planned. Mrs. Ercel W. Kay
and Mrs. Ben Lambert are arranging the displays.
Tea will be served, a large group assisting at the event.
Hours are between 3 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon and be
tween 7 and 9 o'clock in the evening, invitation being extended
to all interested in the displays and the project for which the
silver tea is being given.
was best man and ushering were
Alfred Forman and Malcolm
For the wedding the bride s
mother wore a gray crepe gown
with blue ' accessories and a
corsage of pink roses. The bride
grooms mother wore a blue crepe
gown with pink accessories and
a corsage of orchids.
The reception was in the Sa
lem Woman's club. Cutting the
cake was Miss Joan Voves, cou
sin of the bride. Miss Gertrude
Schiess and Mrs. Robert Coates
poured. Assisting wore Mrs.
James Garson, Mrs. Ella Voves,
Mrs. Barbara Karst, Mrs. Adam
Hertz, Mrs. .John Voves, Mrs.
Alfred Forman, Miss Kathleen
Emmons. Mrs. John Voves and
Miss Patricia Dardis were in
charge of the gifts, and Miss
Mary DeVall passed the guest
book. During the reception
Wayne Meusey played and sang.
For traveling the bride wore
an orchid colored sharkskin suit
with white accessories and cor
sage of gardenias. Following
two weeks at Crater Lake, the
Oregon caves and lakes in east
ern Oregon the couple will go
to Berkeley, Calif., to make
their home. Mr. Campau is to
attend University of California
this year. He formerly attend
ed Vanport college and Willam
ette university. The bride at
tended Dorth Dakota schools and
the state school of science in
North Dakota.
IN EUGENE Saturday eve
ning to attend the wedding of
Miss Patricia Starling and
Bjorn Olsen were several from
Salem, including Miss Jane Car
son, who assisted at the recep
tion; Miss Jean Claire Swift,
Miss Janet Rllea, Don Farnam
and Max Maude.
Is Honored
Misses Beverly Gustafson and
Donna Whitley are entertaining
with a miscellaneous bridal
shower Thursday evening at the
latter's Fairmount Hill home in
compliment to Miss Arylne Hil-
fiker, September bride-elect of
Leland Frank Fish.
Honoring Miss Hilfiker will be
her mother, Mrs. R, R. Hilfiker,
Mrs. Loretta Fish and Miss Lola
Koerner, mother and aunt of
the benedict-elect, and the Misses
Gladys Blue, Leah Case, Loma
Johannaber, Rosalie DuTait, Pa
tricia Zosel, Beverly Hofstetter,
Willetta Hersch, Jodie Johann
aber, Shirlee Reimann, Bernice
Isam, Patricia Kepplnger, Clara
Bell Roth, Leona Messmer,
Dwyn Anne Herberger, Cheri
Blakley, the hostesses and their
mothers, Mrs. Carl Gustafson
and Mrs. Josephine W. Cham
bers. Leave for South
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Roe and
sons Dwight and Meredith, have
left for Long Beach, Calif, to
make their home. They have
lived here the past few years.
Mrs. Roe's sister, Mrs. George
Woodruff, Portland, entertained
last week for Mrs. Roe and Mrs.
R. F. Cook of Silverton was an
other hostess honoring Mrs. Roe
before her departure for the
HOME from a week's trip to
Imnaha and the Wallowa moun
tains are Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Zumwalt and daughters, Misses
Barbara and Mary Lou Zum
walt. They returned Monday
x Vf -...
' - .... :L h (
1 " f ff rec,na
Wt ' V Ml I
at- ycu ti&e
REGfNA . . . sfim heel, classic
ELWOOO ... the ckusk pump on a lower level ... In brow BwrrcJ.
DUNDEE . . . sandal with graceful htgh heel, also In brown lizard.
FAROE ... brown, green, red or Wack-and-white lizard . . . $am
heel at DUNDEE.
LAKE . . . sandal with the smart medium heel ... In brown Kxard.
Bags to march your genuine lizard shoes .
in brown, red, green or black-and-white lizard.
"Ma4 br ihm Btfcera ! Hutu Arc"