Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 24, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 24, 1949
To Honor
Miss Hoereth
Mis Joan Hoereth. who is to
v marr-ipr! next Sunday to
Theodore Covalt, will be honor
ed at a shower and dessert party
for which Miss Virginia Lewis
Is to entertain Wednesday eve
About 30 have been bidden,
the dessert to be at 7:30 o'clock.
Assisting Miss Lewis will be
her mother, Mrs. J. D. Lewis,
and Mrs. W. R. McComb.
MR. AND MRS. Donald
Breakey, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
E. Mann and Mrs. Mary Mann
will be guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Norman Mann at Walla Walla,
Wash., this coming week-end,
Mr. and Mrs. Breakey and Mr.
and Mrs. Mann plan to attend
the Pendleton Round-up while
In the eastern part of the state
Today's Menu
(Br the AAjoelated Presi)
Asparagus with Cheese Sauce
and Deviled Eggs
Whole Wheat Toast
Sweet Pickle Relish
Cherry Tarts Beverage
Asparagus With Cheese Sauce
And Deviled Eggs
Ingredients: 2 hard - cooked
eggs, 2 teaspoons salad dressing'
type meat sauce, 2 tablespoons
butter or margarine, 2 table-
apoons flour, 'A teaspoon salt, 1
cup milk (use Vi cup asparagus
liquid and cup milk if desir
ed), 2 tablespoons grated Par
mesan cheese, 12 stalks (1
pound) medium-size hot cooked
asparagus, paprika.
Method: Cut eggs in half
lengthwise; take out yolks and
mash with aalad dressing-type
meat sauce; refill whites with
yolk mixture and set aside. Melt
butter or margarine in a small
saucepan, remove from heat and
add flour and salt, blending
well. Add milk slowly, stirring
until smooth after each addition.
Return to moderate heat and
cook stirring constantly, until
thickened and bubbly; cook and
stir lor another minute or two
to eook flow thoroughly. Re
move from heat, add cheese and
Mr vigorously! Pour sauce over
lower part of asparagus stalks.
sprinkle sauce with paprika,
garnish wrth deviled egg halves
and sarva immediately. X serv
Wants Divorce Actress
Joan Barton (above) of Holly
wood, Calif., has requested
her lawyer to start divorce
action against Frederick S.
Guggenheim, jewelery mag
nate. (Acme Telepholo)
- s n
c A r rTV r
jrL i i ror your j o
Hard Earned it
Dnllnrc I es j
Your SAVINGS are Frttrr. k j
llv fnnrj.H K.I. I. er,utn 1
by tht Federal Savings &
Loan Insurance Corpora
tion, an urnpv nf h
United Slates Government, t ?
Invest with eonfldenc to- let
Earn our current 3
return on Savlngsl d
Shower Given for
The Man This Time
Reversing the usual proced
ure, P. W. Hale was host Mon
day evening at a surprise party
and "pink and blue" shower for
E. W. Morgan.
Guests for the informal eve
ning of cards included E. W
Morgan, Neal Nisbet. Thaine Ol
son, Robert Tindall, Jess Sohn
of Independence, Dean and
Floyd Allen of Rickreall, Wayne
Allen of West Salem and the
Mt. Angel Man
Wed in Portland
Mt, Angel Of interest to
their many friends in the valley
was the wedding of Miss Ann
Ilene Peterson of Portland
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Pe
terson of Hermiston, and Jacob
W. Penner, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Penner of Mt. Angel, who
were married Saturday morning
at St. Mary's cathedral, Port
land, by the Rev. Father Cur
tain. The church was decorated
with standards of gladioluses
and asters against a background
of woodwardia. The organist,
Father Johnson, played the wed
ding music and for the cathedral
men's choir who sang during the
nuptial mass.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a gown of
traditional white satin made
with fitted bodice, lace yoke
above the shoulder collar, long
sleeves and full skirt with court
train. The fingertip veil of il
lusion fell from a coronet of
seed pearls. She carried a bas
ket of Rubrum lilies centered
with a corsage of white orchids.
Mrs. Harold Bunch was ma
tron of honor and bridesmaids
were Mrs. Charles Cvetich of St.
Helens, Mrs. Kenneth Robertson
of Pendleton and Miss Monica
Foy. All were dressed identical
ly in bouffant satin frocks In an
ashes-of-roses shade and match
ing hats. They carried flower
baskets with satin handles hold
ing anemone-type asters with
chartreuse centers. The junior
bridesmaid, Jeanne May Bunch,
was dressed like the other at
tendants and carried a minia
ture basket.
Douglas Penner of Mt. Angel
was best man. Ushers were Dean
Panner, Ralph Wolf and Harold
The reception was held at the
bride's home in Portland. Mrs.
L. W. Tamiesie and Miss Frances
Yeager poured and Mrs. A. S.
Sprauer of Mt. Angel and the
Misses Marie Sulheim and Alma
Thorn assisted.
After a wedding trip to Vic
toria, B.C., the couple will live
in Medford.
MT. ANGEL Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Boylan of Stockton,
Calif., are spending two weeks
vacation in the north, and while
here are house guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Wachter. They were dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Wilde on Monday
and at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dwayne Boline of Salem on
MT. ANGEL The Misses
Margaret Traeger, Irene Susa
and Pat Connell have returned
from a week's vacation spent in
the south with San Francisco as
their headquarters. They made
the trip on the Shasta Daylight.
Party Friday
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hutchison
are to entertain Friday evening
at a buffet supper at their home
in compliment to their daughter,
Miss Beverly Hutchison, and her
fiance, Kenneth A. Holmes of
Albany. The supper will pre
cede the rehearsal for the
Holmes-Hutchison wedding
which is to be an event of Satur
day evening in the First Presby
terian church.
Twenty-three will be guests at
the dinner, including all mem
bers of the wedding party and
some out-of-town relatives.
Several out-of-town guests
are arriving for the wedding.
Miss Kathryn Anderson of
Areata, Calif., who is one of
the bridal party, will arrive
Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Tindale and daughter,
Carol Ann, of Los Angeles are
due Thursday and Saturday
morning, Robert Klosterman
will arrive from Los Angeles.
Miss Emmons Is
Shower Feted
Honoring Miss Margaret-Jane
Emmons, who is to be married
September 1, Miss Anita Hager
entertained last evening at a
miscellaneous shower. A late
supper followed the informal
Attending the party were Miss
Emmons and her mother, Mrs.
Carl W. Emmons, Mrs. Gerald
Robison, Mrs. Robert Siddoway
of Portland, Miss Marilyn Hjort,
Miss Peggy Moritz, Miss Jane
Walsh, Miss Grace Shields, Miss
Jeanne Myers, Miss Jeanne Syme
of Parma, Idaho, Mrs. Lloyd V.
Lewis, Mrs. Harold Gardner,
Mrs. William Dunn, Jr. of Wood-
burn, Miss Ruth Ann Larsen of
Burns, Mrs. George Hager and
the hostess.
IN PORTLAND today were
Misses Charlotte Alexander,
Jean Claire Swift, Jane Carson,
Crystal Huntington and Irene
McLeod to attend the tea to be
given by Portland Panhellenic
this evening. Preceding the af
fair, Miss Jean Armstrong is
entertaining the local group at
The Portland Panhellenic is
giving a series of teas for girls
entering University of Oregon,
Oregon State college and Wil
lamette university this fall, the
UO event being today.
BROOKS Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrenoe Jackson were honor
ed on their 13th wedding anni
versary with a party at their
home In Brooks. Refreshments
were served to Mr. and Mrs.
Audie Earls, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Earls and Virgil, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Page, Janice, Lon
nie and Terry Page, Miss Paul
ine Earls, Neal Moore, Lorene,
Betty and Lonnie Jackson, and
the honor guest, Mr. and Mrs.
. r
r, a, wj i Ar
Summer Wedding Among recent weddings was that of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Herman, Jr. (Thelma Coats), shown
here at the reception. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Coats of Salem, Mrs. Herman the son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Herman. (McEwan studio picture)
Engagement Told;
Wedding Sept. 24
Announcement is made of the
engagement of Miss Beverly
Wikstrom, daughter of Mrs.
Louisa Wikstrom of Salem and
Dr. R, O. Wikstrom of Bremer
ton, to Robert Wayne Mentzer,
son of Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Ment
zer of Salem.
The wedding is planned for
September 24, the ceremony to
be an evening one in the First
Presbyterian church.
Both young people are grad
uates of Salem high school.
district deputy president's eve
ning at Rebekah lodge, with
Mrs. William Beard in charge.
The secret work was given by
three members, and the enter
tainment consisted of a cake
walk. The funds from this are
to go to the president's proj
Next Monday evening will be
social night in charge of the F.
L. club.
The Ladies auxiliary, Patri
archs Militant, will meet Thurs
day night at 8 o'clock.
OF INTEREST for Thursday
evening will be the picnic for
all Willamette alumni, (acuity
members and students, the event
to be at Paradise island, the no
host supper to be served at 6
Everyone likes to re
ceive snapshots
0 n d your friends
especially will want
to have prints of
your "favorites."
Just leave the nega
tives with us, and
our workmen will
give you as many
crisp, glossy prints
as you need. See us
today for those extra
y mAina dishet this woy J?
Nw Freedom from
Kitchen Sink Slavery!
Here's the answer to your dish
washing problems the amaz
ing new G-E Portable Dish
washerl Washes all your dishes,
glasses, silver, pots, and pans
for you. Tested proved I Priced
lower than you dreamed pos
sible. See it today-
Portable- not a per-
manent house fix
ture. No installation
no extras of any
Only 169.75
Birthday Party
Mrs. Seth Payson Smith, who
is here with her family from
Long Beach, Calif., to spend the
summer with her ' parents, the
Rev. and Mrs. George H. Swift,
entertained informally Tuesday
afternoon to honor her son, Mi
chael, on the occasion of his
fifth birthday anniversary.
A group of 20, including lit
tle folk and their mothers, at
tended the party between 3 and
5 o'clock, Mrs. Swift and Miss
Jean Claire Swift assisting.
BPW Group
Has Supper
New members announced for
the Business and Professional
Women's club at its indoor pic
nic Tuesday evening are Miss
Alice Mae Unman and Mrs.
Sarah Tennis.
About 45 attended the gather
ing held in the basement of the
Salem Woman's club. Mrs. Na-
dia Hocker of College Place,
Wash., was a guest.
Discussion was conducted on
prospects for a club building.
Mrs. John Versteeg, president,
has called a special meeting of
th membership for Thursday
evening, Sept. 1 at 765 South
Commercial to talk over the
prospects for a meeting place.
At the Tuesday meeting the
budget as prepared by the fi
nance committee, Mrs. Sue
Booch, chairman, was presen
ted, and Miss Alberta Shoemake,
program chairman, presented
the year's program.
Past Presidents
The Past President' club of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Marion auxiliary No. 661, met
at Mrs. Leon Hansen's home recently.
A business meeting was con
ducted with the main topic be
ing the new project, which is
working for the veterans hos
pital at Camp White. Hospital
chairman is Mrs. Ivel Haley. -
Those present were Mrs.
Marie Hansen, Mrs. Willey
Boone, Mrs. Ed VanSanten, Mrs.
Dave Furlough, Mrs. Clarence
Forbis, Mrs. Arilla Adkison,
Mrs. Ann Davis, Mrs. Roy Simp
son, Mrs. Jvell Haley, Mrs.
James Beall and Mrs. Genieve
The next meeting will be held
September 15 at Mrs. Dave
Furlough's home, 2090 S.
Church street.
SILVERTON Mrs. Orville
Frank, recently advanced from
vice president to president of
the Silverton Junior Woman's
club, will be officially in charge
i, H
r, tj"
MT- If
Recent Bride Mrs. Charles
E. Golden, the former Joyce
Arletha Davis, was married
August 14. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Harold Davis, Salem, and Mr.
Golden is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wiliam L. Golden of
Hillsboro. (Jesten-Miller stu
dio picture)'
of the Thursday, September 15,
evening style show at the Eu
gene Field school auditorium
Mrs. Frank is succeeding Mrs.
Jerry Gastineau who resigned
from the presidency when the
famuy during the past week
moved to Newport where Mr.
Gastineau will be head of the
school system.
It's handy to remember that
a number 2 can (1 pound, 4
ounces) of fruit cocktail will
make about 5 servings; this size
can usually yields about 2Vi to
2 cups of the fruit. A number
2 can (1 pound, 13 ounces) of
the cocktail will give 3 V to 3
cups, or about 7 servings of Vi
the little french shop
back to campus preview
Your back to campus wardrobe will be gayer
than ever before if you include these wonder
ful exclusives from the little french shop . . ..
quality names, priced right to fit your campus
budget! ' . ,
Meticulously tailored suits by
Man-Ger, fashionbilt Pamm
Jean ... in gabardines, coverts,
tweeds . . . in the new fall '49
shades . . . you'll love them at
this price!
Popular "name" coats
for all purposes, and
priced to fit all purses
new fall '49 inimitables
will catch your eyes the
minute you see them . .
. . , and these truly
fitted and swing back
styles ... in the sea-
lsons popular shades
yt land materials:
Josa Junior Miss dresses for on or
off campus wear . . . you'll find just
. what you're looking for in this won
derful selection of dressy and sporty
frocks! '
In wool jersey, rayon, nylon, pure
dye silk ... tailored, dressy and.
nigniy sryiea;
Caramel Brown are the
two exciting colors in
JOHNSON'S new Brittany
They're hand-loomed, too,
and simply won't sag.
The sleeves are 3A
length and the sizes go
from 1 2 to 16. How much
for all this? Only 35.00
' l(
will you find this master
tailored, nationally
famous JOSELLI suit. In
wool gabardine, the
colors are wine and black,
sizes 14V2-20'2 (you'll
find the fit is faultless,
too). 49.95
ON YOUR WAY, you'll
want to be the bearer
of this box silhouette
Rambler basic handbag,
tailored to go with the
trim new fashions.
Full-length zip compart
ment, leather-covered
metal frame and stands
on little luggage pegs
to save wear and tear.
At JOHNSON'S. 5.95
black, PURITAN has
lavished a lot of really
smart dressmaking.
This novelty rayon Is not
too dressy, so you'll
wear it on many
occasions. Sizes are like
this: 12V2-22'2. 1Z95:
For Fall You'll Find
"Everything in
Fashion's" qt
the little french shop
340 Court St
115 N. High St.
Phone 3-7070
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