Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wednesday, August 24, 1949 3 Open Every Friday Night until 9! 155 North Liberty Phone 3-3191 Elevator Service to All Floors mm EXTRA-FINE QUALITY COTTONS FOR SCHOOL-TIME OR PLAY; 7-14 Beautifully Detailed! 298 Specially soft, famous name cotton fabrics add beauty and wearability to this group of dresses for the school girlsl Plaids, solids, flattering combinations all made to fit perfectly! They take repeated washings looking bright and crisp! Get your girls several I GIRLS' STURDY COTTON SLIPS FEMININE TRIMS 59e Fay Less at Wards Made in the popular built-up style, roomy cut. for easy action. Nicely tailored with some frilly accents . , , withstand lots of hard wear. Wash welll Pink, white, blue. Sizes 4-14. NEW FALL SKIRTS OF TOP QUALITY. CORDUROY A Great Ward Value ' Sizes 24-30 Made of the very finest combed cordu roy so much softer, more lustrous at Wards low pricel In a favorite style. Slim straight skirt with tiny simulated waist pocket. Corduroy Jacket 6.98 IT'S NEW! CAROL BRENT JUNIOR WITH TWO SKIRTS Buy Carol Brents For Style, Quality, Price I098 Smoothest investment a junior can make . ... two complete costumes for the price of one! Our newest Carol Brent casual, beautifully tailored in rayon sharkskin. Two skirts to mix or match, to wear and love all season long. , In sizes from 9 to IS. I-- T- il i I III " i tow 7 H 'dill J Ml'f - I'J -J H ill I--. 7 A New High In Value! O 98 PRICED TO SAVE YOU MONEY! HERE'S GOOD VALUE AT A LOW PRICE I 2 98 They'll shine in class and be ready for high-powered ploy after school! These are Wards good quality Green Band j, built to our own rigid standards! Sizes 812-3. RED BAND MEANS BETTER QUALITY 3 98 And hare ore Red Bonds ol a p'ice that's as welcome at a good report cordl Send them back to school in these good-looking, long-wearing ihoesl Sizes 82-3, LOOKI NEWEST DIAGONAL ZIPPER RAYON GABARDINE SHIRT FOR BOYSI A New High In Value! Two-Tone Combinations Here's that "somelhing different" look your boy is sure to go fori Handsomely tailored of smooth, lustroui rayon gabardine with two flop pockets, convertible collar, in-or-outer bottom. Get yours todoyl Jlses 6 to 16. Plaid Corduroy Slack, 1 1 -1 8 . 4.98 Sires 6-10 .3.98 MEN'S "DAN RIVER" SPORTS SHIRTS Bright, lustrous finish plaids, Sanfor ized, not to exceed 1 shrinkage, vat dyed to retain that fresh look. Long sleeve style with 2-way collar. Inner outer style. Two flap pockets. 398 NEW! BOYS' LUG SOLE OXFORD Comfortable moc-toe style that was made to WEAR ... and it does! Of rich, burgundy leather with red, rub ber lug soles that have lots of "grip." 2H to 6. Small boys. 12H to t 4.19 498 nt Red Htm Quality