H 23 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 24. 1949 UIUHlflCD OVTHUMOl Pit Line " Ptr Unt s times 40c Pel Um t Umej sot ' Ptr Unt i month . t00 Outside f talea 15t per lint pei da, ilia loci I tlmu mm lie limes mlo 11-20 No Refund. EADtBS In Ueal Newt Ctl 0l Per use lo Place an Ad Phone 1-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNEE, s acres, modern 3 8.R. home Ven. blind, garage b ahop bide., ber rlea and orchard one block Ho. of Kosedale tchool. Rt. , Box 313, aacia V BY OWNER; NEW 2 BD. . RM. HOME. ST. ELMO ADDITION. LARGE LOT, FENCED IN BACK YARD. COMPLETE OUTSIDE FIREPLACE AND PATIO AND GARAGE. PH. 25348. 6S00. SPECIAL reduced to tell. Very mod. em. 3 bdrm. FHA appr. Small down payment wlU handle. Ph. 3-m. 301 BY OWNER acre, a 5-rm. houae, ga rage and line utility rm. 316! D St. a20l BY OWNER 3-B.R. home, llreplace. hardwood floors, utility rm., att. garage. Lot UU'1311'. FHA. 3750 LaBranch. Ave 1102 BY OWNER nearly new 3 BR home, nice gltch., Bendix wuber, Ige. lot. Ph 33310 or 31245. 33 BY OWNER Mew 1 bdrm. home. Plutered, lectrte he.. Drape. Unfinished upstairs. Lawn, shrubs. Large garage breeaeway. Sell at bullderi cost V acre or 1 acre. Ph. 3-4088, 1491 Lancaster Dr. North of Market 8t. 22- BY OWNER: New 2 born., suburban home. Near biu it school 17050. Q. X. loan. Ph. 2-7111. 3320 Cheater. 303 JBY OWNER: Klntwood Heights, new 2 bd. rm Fireplace, Ht. Pt. dlh washer. Bendix. Lawn In. Lot 76x140. Kin i wood Dr., left on Fair Oaka, lit Rd. right. Rl I, Box 37. 203 NEW 4 bdrm. houae, 2310 Broadway, $8500 A. E. Heaaley, 230S H. uperty. auu BDRM. HOME on acre. In Swegle dlat. or trade for large home In city. Rt. 6, BOX 68. 2Q4 Immed. Poss. Bargain 1 bdrm. on acre, Klngwood. 3-7241. ao4 Y OWNER; 2 BR, noma. Reduced for quick aala. Good location, 630 N. 32nd. a 204' LARGE. NEW 3 bedroom home. 685 N. Iflth. Open dally. Ph. 2-6767. a304 FOR RENT I Bedroom furnished house Suburban Will five 2 year leaaa Reference Required Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Maaonlo Bulldim. Ph. 3-9217 Real Estate - Insurance - Mtge. Loans ' aaoi BY OWNER 2 bdrm. home reduced to ftOOOO. 622 N. 17th St. s304 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION By owner, Ik. 6 rm. nearly haw sub urban house, close to city limits, schools and bui. Hd. floors, auto, heat, piped to all rooms, lg. utility room, breeteway with att. tar. Unfinished up with stairs and electricity In. FHA terms. Salem Heights Dlat. Priced to sell quickly. Dsn Rwaid. 201 Leaving the State My $1393 equity In 1 yr. old 1 B.R home. Insulated, hardwood firs., com pletely modern. Move right In for 1500. Bal. F.H.A. Sea 643 Blller Ave. Ph. 2-2880. For Sale or Trade Older 1 BR home, acrei, rood soil, 3 acres In limber. l it. wen eiec. pump. Will trade for smaller heme, of Ilka value In or near Salem or aa down payment on rental unit. Price IJB78. Ph. 2-2026. 905 $500 DOWN Chita t yr. old 1 bedroom home (Ideal for adding to). All plastered, nle large kitchen. Fully modern. Electric heat. Else, rang goes. Located clost In su burban on bus line. $500 DOWN t tt. old I bedroom home. Full bath, itlltty rm., attached garage. Located on south Lancaster. Price $5000. Terms 1500 down and 145 per month Ine. 1 Int. $550 DOWN Just being completed. Plastered 3 bad room home with living rm., dining rm.. lea. kitchen, full bath, hdwd. firs., all electric, attached garage. Price 18150. Terms 3550 down and approximately 150 per month. COLBATH LAND CO. 1681 Oenter St. Ere. 38651 or 34365. Ph. 34553 aJOl 3 BEDROOMS Urine room with fireplace, kitchen dinette, automatic ell heat, attached carage. Close to trade Junior high school. A good buy. BY OWNER 740 Klectrie Ph. 39882 303 OPEN HOUSE All This Week 1-5 p.m. 7-9 p.m. 1570 N. 23rd St. REALLY NICE Brand new 3 B.R., hwd. firs. Lee. LIT. Jim., )fo. din. rm.. lg. kitchen, )gt. bath rm.. Ire. utility rm. Double gar ate. BURT PICHA, Realtors 373 K. High At. Phone 3-364 a303 Fair Oaks Way Br owner: 2 bd. rm. house, all modern, electric throughout. Will sell my equi ty, $5500 cash. Some terms on bal. Rt. I, Bos 17 H. 1 block off King wood Dr. a206 3T OWNER: ATTRACTIVE RM. HOME." NICK FIREPLACE. ATTACHED OAR AOE, FENCED IN YARD. NICE FOR CHILDREN. LOVELY FLOWERS A SHRUBS. VERY OOOD VIEW OF CITY. KINOWOOD HEIGHTS DIST. CLOSE TO SCHOOI, & BUS. 14.000 EQUITY HANDLE WITH OOOD TERMS. SOME JALtANCE. PH. 35059. a 303' Suburban Special ut. 7Vfc acres. Lee. mod, hae. wired for range. 3 yrs. old. i, round spring. AH fenced. Barn. In a setting of fir trees. Might consider town hse. aa part raae. B. Isherwood, Realtor 007 N. OapltOl St. Ph. Office 3-3862 WHY PAY RENT? 1780 down. Use your O.I. loan on this new home North. Utility rm., att. gar. Large lot. Pull price 16930, C. W. Reeve, Realtor 4ft Comm'l. Ph. 3-4S90. Ere. 3-9538 a 303 FOR SALE BY OWNER I BEDROOM HOME, plastered, LR, K. . bath, utll., att. gar., V blinds, Lot 1I9 i 60'. Bee by appointment 3110 Craw fprd Ave., Salem a 301 A Wonderful Buy 4 bdrnu. horn. In bbitnea! gone. Full Baaement, garage. 2309 Stat. St. OWNER LEAVING STATE bdrnu. home. Qltn Creek Dr. A buy t 110,000. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 0 N. Church h. J IM Jrva. r tun. I-41H 1-01.1. asoi- Win a Guest Ticket to See "Ma & Pa Kettle" PLUS "Colorado Territory" AT WARNERS CAPITOL THEATRE HERE ABE THE RI LES: Read the Capital Journal Warn Ads and find the title of thLs uicture cuminp. soon to Salem Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment of 21 words or less on 'Whv I Read The Cardial Jour nal Want Ads," with vour name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Capitol Theatci boxofflce. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Ma & Pa Kettle" plus "Colorado Terri tory" coming soon to the Capi tol theater. All entries become the proper, ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the judges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal The Capitol or Elslnore rheatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES New & Lovely Home 3 bdrnu.. picture window. Deluxe built in feature, fireplace, apacloua rnu. 91,450. Term,. Just Completed 1 bdrm!. Lgt. dining It living rm!. En trance hall, open stairway. Last word In kitchen At breakfaat nook, built In china cupboard!, atorage and ward-robe clothe!, Philippine mahogany woodwork. 2 fireplace!, 2 bath, double garage. Thl! la extra Mlect. 32,500. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor ISO N. Church Ph. 3-7643 Eve. or Sun. 2-0128 or 2-0343. a201 y Acre, $500 Down You can't 10 wrens: on this suburban 2 bdrm. home. Located on Die bus line. Cement foundation, good paint, garage, chicken house, nice yard. Pull price, 15600. Only $5950 Very clo.se In. Suburban 2 bdrm. 2 year old plastered home. Hnx 2 lota. Thin Is a real bargain. Any oiler on terms will be considered. 2 Acres $4500 3 bdrm. modern. Electric thruout. Fam ily orchard. 3 car garage. City bus. Terma. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District Ph. 3-4684. Eve. 2-6013, 3-7128, 2-5757 a 203 $3075 CASH FOR QUICK SALE FOR NEW MODERN 5-RM. HOUSE Plumbed, wired, etc. Mo.it) y furnished. Close In suburban. Nice lot. Bus. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 S. Liberty, Salem. Ph. 3-7113 a201 $6650 A real buy In 3 bdrms, house, llv. rm., din. rm., 1 bdrm.. bath down; 2 bdrms,, full bath up. Suitable for home and Income property. Well located, close in on Chemeketa st. $7500 Dandy 2 bdrm. home, ltv. rm., din. rm., nice kit., floored attic. Largo lot north east. View Home Strictly modern 2 bdrm, ranch type home; bsmt., dole. tar. On South River road, located on 5 acres land with fil bert orchard. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. .ibd n. uapitoi sc. Mvu. I-53D7, 3-0DO1, 3-4352. Ph. 2-6458 203 A REAL BUY In Em li wood dlat., Insul. it w. s 2 bdrms., llv. rm., din. rm., nice kitchen, bullt-lns, f'place, hdwd. firs., full basement, auto oil turn., beautiful fenced back yard with out door f'place patio, garden spot, berries At fruit trees. Located out 2085 N. 19th St. Price $0500, Terms. Call or Phone for appt. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph, 3-8388. Eve. 3-7440. 303 Near Willamette "U" A very comfortable older home of two good alia bdrms., large living and din ing rooms, fireplace, wired for ranee, rull basement, furnace, big fruit room. Walking distance to Willamette. Price 87850. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 14 N. High St. Phone 37860 303 $750 DOWN One bdrm., shade trees, fine garden: hill price $3050. FULL PRICE $5000 Three bdrm. older houae, gas equipped, good big lot on paved street north Sa lem, fruit and nut trees. NEARLY NEW Two bdrm., plaatered. fireplace, V. Minds, oil floor furnace, elec. water htr. Only 11775 will give you ponspAslon; balance at $53 mo. including 4 Inter est. Located NE. Furniture optional. To tal price 18075. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS lit H. High St. Phone 31550 Kvt. phonta 21501 20605. t302 FAMILY HOME 4 years old. 2 bedroom, basement, fur nace, fireplace, lene lot, fruit and lane native shade trees. View. Shop around then aee owner for bargain. 3260 5. Commercial St. Phone 35098. 303 FAIRMOUNT HILL You can make a good bur on this 3 B.R. home, fireplace, basement, nsklnt 19250. Consider swap on good home in No. Salem, ENGLEWOOD You'll like this 3 B.R. home on 1 fir., fireplace, hwd. firs., aulo oil heat, beau, landscaped lot. You can move In before school starts. BURT PICHA, Realtors 37 n. Him at. Phone 3-354, Kve. 2-5300 or 3-1451. a30l $100 DOWN ! mall 4-room unfinished livable house with electricity. Balance $40 per month. Suburban North. No. 383-A $500 DOWN! Immediate possession. 3-bedroom home northeast. 3 small rentals on property. Close to bus A school. Price $7,500. No. 363 $1,000 DOWN! l-room home northeast on lane lot with wonderful garden. Close to school bus. Full price $5,800. No. 276-A $10 DOWN! Lota with water, trees, bus service, close to school. Balance $13 per month. Reimann For Real Estate 301 South High St. Ph. 3-9303 Sun. Eves. 3-9712, 3-1341, 3-3S33, 3-5905 301 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, Realtors Drive By and See Tnl.t nent 2 bedroom home located at 44 Abrams Ave., has 3 bedrooms, lot Is 6!xltfb. Price la Just 16000. For Sale or Trade ThLt duplex (1 apt. down, 1 up", each hu 2 bedrooms, private bath, net Income over 180 a month. Will aell lor $6850 or trade for small modern home. Now Is the Time to Buy That Home Take a look st this well built 3 bedroom home, the living-room Is 13x30. there are t 2 bedrooms down. 1 lane up. Insulated and weather stripped, has lane corner lot with shade trees a good deal for 10400. The House with the Yellow Door New and am art. 5 well arranged rooms, district 1a good, neighbors are nlrtv aodie.M la 1560 Pearl St. PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB TENANTS Let us show you thru. If I Were Buying a Home I would like this one BECAUSE It's In the Englewood school district, hex g lovely landscaped yard, 3 good bedroom., full basement with an economical aaivduat furnace It's a fine home lor $12;000. Look for Our Sign on S. Commercial 3W S. Com'1 St. la the address, beautiful lot 80x250. good 3 bedroom home with m plumbing, llreplace, auto heat (ZONED FOR BUSINESS; Let us show you thru Its 112,000. Business Lot jt lot south of the Vista Market on 8, Com'). St. an excellent businesa lot for 14500 Farm Special REAL VALUE 8 acres on the South River acres berries, good barn and chicken house, oak grove. NOW ONLY 16300. OHMART & CALABA, Realtors 417 Court St. Evj.: 38053 - 3.1633 FOR SALE HOUSES THIS BEAUTIFUL 3 BED ROOM HOME all on one floor, la well built and well arranged, all rooms are large, plenty of clowe t apace, nice fireplace, H.W. floors. auto htnt, really worth your considera tion. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Ph 24707 484 Court Eve. 24773 - 37283. a303' New 2 Bdrm. Homes 1225 DOWN. Move right in, no red tape Hdwd. floors, large garage. In city. Bal. 166 mo. Inc. taxes, inetreat. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-012S. a FOR SALE LOTS AIUll. BUILDING lot on Crolsan Creek, Larue enotiuh to accommodate 85 ft. long ranch style house. Creek flowing In front across entire width. Cement Slab now In place ready to start a building. Large and small native trees, a beautiful site for quiet living Price llflfiO complete. Terms n acsirea. uwn- er Ph. 3-6893 or Inquire at 885 N. Capi tol St. aa203 ACRE view lot 5O0 feet of Pacific high way 09E South. Inquire at 401 Oregon Bids. aa202 FOR SALE OR TRADE, $1295 3',i acre building site with barn, cmcxen noue. cherries, for ifood lot. Ph. 3-1393. aaZ03 BY OWNER: Lot 60x112 on Rosemary Lane (South). City water, restrictions. Hon. yjb an. no a mo. rn. jam, jjjuj, 260r6. aa201 FAIRMOUNT HILI, VIEW LOTS, 90' front age. Salem's most exclusive residential dlat. Only a few left at 12500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Prrsonal Service 64 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8380. Eve. 3-7440. aa207 FOR SALE FARMS Sullivan Realty Co. FARMS Yea we have them. Lot of very good ones, all sties tc prices. We specialize In farms and It Interested come In and jiee iiti aa we have some now that we consider real bargains, Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 33355.b3fll faITmers wXnted 34 ACRE FARM. 9 ml. N.W., 4 B.R. mod ern home, barn, chick house, 4 A. rruit, tractor & equipment, price $10,000. Swap for small house. 63 'i ACRE FARM, 12 ml. N., 8 rm. house, 2 bams, tractor It equipment, 9 cows, price $13,500. Swap for amall houae In town BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Phone 2-3649 Eve. 2-5390 or 3-7451. b201 GRADE "A" dairy farm. 139 acres excellent soil, 3 bedroom home. 24 stanchion barn. Stocked and equipped. 29 milk cows. IS young stock. Lous of outbulldlnaa. $30. 000 with 310,000 down. No. 1067 30 ACRES! Diversified fruit farm. 9 acres peaches, 4 acres boyaenberriea, cherries, apples, grain. 10 acres pasture. Nice 3-bedroom home located north. Full price $13,000. No. sai Reimann For Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9303 Sun. it Eves. 3-9712, 2-8241, 2-3332, 3-5905 b20l TWO ACRES Three bedroom suburban home with basement and furnace, small barn, all kinds of family fruit and nut trees, good bottom rich aott for garden, prop erty Is located on the Salem, Indepen dence road, and la about a mile away from the river. Owner in a position to give very liberal terma, or take In a trailer house or good imed car. Ex clusive $7500. Eve. Ph. 3-7317. $6,500 Exceptionally nice two bedroom home with fireplace- and basement, attachrd garage, excellent location tor a slate worker. Exclusive. $5250 Neat small 3 bedroom home on the back ot a large lot. Located north In a bus iness tone. Owner wants a trade for a larger home, to meet his family needs. We are In a position to arrange good financing on this one. $1000 down, bal ance like rent. Exclusive. COURT SITE Three good lotj all together, located east and within walking distance ot State Capitol or State Hospital, a buy for $3800. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140N.Capltol Ph. 3-8216. b203" SfOCKED&EQUIPT- 33 A. all tillable with creek. Good I rm. house, fair barn, excellent 30x40 poul try house. Includes tractor & equip ment, six milk rows, milking machine. 300 hena. For only $11,000 with $5,000 '"STROUT REALTY 959 S. 13th St. Phone 2-J.333. b303" BY OWNER Bt,stnes Interests compel ua in go nacB east, io we are leilllift our country home. There are ten fertile -v ' ' mwucriira, DiKCKDflrneS, and red raspberries tor income, also some young trult trees coming along The house is nearly new, contains two ueinuuii.B, m. it oi Miian modern de -g.... am fcivtiim mm nits many other attractive apeclal features to make ki tuimuii in living, rnce in.oou ana worth It. One-half mile south of Clear Lake school, east tide of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 2. Pox 2B4, Sslem. b30 FOR SALE ACREAGE NELSON NEWS- WE WANT ACREAGE Several families are arriving In Salem each month who would like to have a small tract oi land with livable im provements. Their thought la that they could derive a part of their living from such a tract whit becoming acquaint ed with the country and finding suit able employment or business oppor tunities. We need mora listing of that kind of property. NELSON & NELSON Multiple LUttng Realtors Persona) Service bv Men Who Specialise lox i4 hud. rnone 3-4633. M1Q3 REAL ESTATE Road, nearly all under cultivation. 2 modern 3 bedroom home In secluded Phones 24115 - 34116 - 23488 - 25996 FOR SALE ACREAGE $38002 BR HSE.. SUBURBAN Close In U A. Sen. buns & store near. Trade on farm. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 8. Liberty, Salem. Ph. 3-7113. Bb2Dl REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS CROISAN CANYON VIEW PROP. . A beautiful home located on an elevated bench overlooking wooded Croiaan Can yon with Rd. k Crk. below. 5-rm. hae. with lge. patio which could be used aa den or recreational rin. Attractive f'place, Ige. picture wlndowa in LR At kit. Hdwd. (Irs., piped oil air condition ing furnace, att. gar., lge. lot. $12,500. HOME WITH INCOME Lge. LR tic DR, kit., 2 bdrms., utll. rm. on flrat fir. Bdrm. with kitchenette up stairs. Gas fir. turn., wired for elec. range, hdwd. firs., V blinds down stairs, att. gar., pvd. st., lawn, shrubs, fruit trees on am. lot. 16300 unfurnished. Can be had furnished for $6500. Near bus tSe Lesley school. BUILD FOR TEACHERS The only apt. alte across from the H. school (front) will make Ideal spot to build residential court for teachers. 80x151 with alley access. WALNUT GROVE $1500 DOWN If you are a city dweller who has been longing for a country home, here Is your chance. The owners of a good wal nut grove with a crop ready to harvest In about a month will give you a con tract on their property II you can raise $1500 cash and pay the balance $7500 In reasonable monthly payments. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialise 702 N. HUh Ph. 3-4622. c201a Made for Children Three BR eight year old North sub urban home on one acre of dandy soil. Excellent dist., lovely yard, family fruit and berries. The owner would like you to see this home tt no reasonable offer will be refuaed. Home and Income For the price asked this property will make aomeone a good buy. Neat 2 BR home Se 2 pump station on , acre close to Salem. Full price only $4,600. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3255. c201a CROISAN CREEK Very nice, small, build- in r sue wun year-rouna creex, oac trees, macadamised road, four miles from Ladd 6t Bush. Ideal for summer place or year round living. $700 (full price). Owner's phone Is 3-8803. C303 FOR YOUR SAVINGS investment buy a flrt mortgage on real estate. Salem tt vicinity. Examine security yourself Amojnta $500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 6. We make all col lections for you It desired, STATE FINANCE CO., 153 8. High 1 BEST BUYS 3 bdrm. home. Very clean, close In north. acre. Small barn, chicken houae, tool shed, loLs of trees. Would trade for business. Total price only $7500. Eve. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. DUPLEX Older type home. Both apis, modern. Close In. Corner lot. Lots of trees ft shrubs. Income $100 per month. $1000 down. Total price only- $7500. Would trad for Portland property of equal value. Eve. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. $6000 SPECIAL 2 bdrm. home. Close In. Furn. Good con dition. Large lot. Owner leaving city. Owner says present offer on your terms. Eve. ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS $1500 DOWN 13 acres north. 5 rm. houie. Small barn, 2 small chicken houses. Amity soil, deep well. 3 acres berries. 15 acres adjoining can be leased. Total price only $5500. Eve. ph, 3-9403 or 3-3558. 4 ACRES 1 acre walnuts, acre grapes, variety jf fruit it berriea. Sub Irrigated. Total price only 11800. No buildings. Joining acre with 3 bdrm, unfinished houae ft well available. Total price for both $4500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596. 3033 Portland Rd. C302 BUY NOW 5 ACRES about 5 miles from Salem. 2 rm. house and shed. Price $3000. Terms. 4 ACHES. 5 room house. Elec. water sys tem Small barn. Paved road. Close to school and stores, on bus line. Price $6300. VERY GOOD 2 bedrm. home, furnished. Price only (6675. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED In a 2 bedrm. or a 3 bedrm, home for leas titan $7000 with good terms, call us. LARGE BUSINESS LOT and good room house on 99 highway north. Price $17,- 500. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorhees, 3-4007 or Mr. Srderstrom. 3-6789. c302 7Xcresn"6rth home - income Bast of soil with gooseberries and boy senberrles; comfortable 2 bedroom home; large barn; located 6 ml. north. Price Just reduced to $11,300. Better set this property. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5535 331 N. High Tvr. Ph. 3-5730. 3-1134. 3-3534. r301 FAIRMOUNT HILL $9250 3 bedrooms, carpet living room, fire p are, wooded lot oil furnace, bsmt. Home In perfect condition. $7000 Brand new, sparkling white, 4 rooms. bath, utility, hdwd. floors. Inlaid lin oleum, paved St.. soxioo lot, good lo cation. FHA. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 37 Years In Salem 350 N. High tt. Phone 3-4129 f301 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE) If your property la tor sale. rent or exchanaa, list It with as We bate all kinds oi eaan buyer. TAXI FINANCE CO. RKALTOB1 let Bit aU. REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS 780 NORTH 17TH STREET Good 1 bdrm. home, complete with new furniture, lge. lot with room for 2 resident lal courts. One of the best locations in town for this type of development. Price $6,800. CALL ROY FERRIS. GROCERY BUSINESS Located In thriving suburban community. 2 yr. old building. 40 (t. x 60 ft., Includej 2 bedrooms, owner's quarters, gro.u sales In 1948, $93,000.00. CALL PETER H. GEISER. 25 ACRES Located North of Brooks, 3 rm. home with double garase. barn it chickens, 16 ac. under cultivation. Some filberts ft berries. Price $8500. CALL GEORGE H. GRABENHORST, JR. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Evenings and Roy Ferris 3-8010 - Karl West 3-1333 WANTED REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE listings needed to aatlafy our cuhtomera. We have the buyers If you have the property We help finance. Phone 3-7983, toom 320. Oregon Bldg. HAVE cash buyers lor farms 30 to 100 acrea priced up to 317,000 Phone 2-7983, room 320, Oregon Bldg. ca212 WE ARE In need oi gooo nouses to tell lo or neat Salem If- rou wish to tli Tour property for sale aee GRABKNHORST BEOS.. KEALTORS 134 8 Liberty 8t. Phone 3-2471 ra EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TO TRADE 3 A. North. 4 rm. hse. Barn. Gar. All n straw berries & family orchard. For houae tt lot close in. C. W. Reeve Realtor 946 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9336 cb202 SELL OR accept large house trailer on nicely lurn. home. $5750. Ph. 30229. cbaos TO TRADE for unincumbered houae In city, Acreage unincumbered unimproved. 2 miles from city limits on Swcgle Rd. 'i mile from Swegle school. Bob Fry- rear, Rt. 6, Box 316, Salem. cb201 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORE & LIVING QUARTERS Price reduced on approx, 1 acre Dallas highway. 2 miles from bridge. Large bldg. Green hae. Room to build 3 more haes, C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536 os- Attention Painters Good contracting business. Repeat bus iness. Panel truck and all equipment. Going at cost. Only $750. Worth Investi gating. Capital Journal, box 371. cd203 NELSON NEWS FOR RENT FOR OFFICE OR SHOP Down town professional men whose clients are plagued with parking prob lems can arrange through our office for accomodations in a new building which can be available in 90 days. On a wide at., with a lot of traffic & lot of free parking space. Tell us what you need it we will try to arrange It for you. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialise 702 N. High Ph. 3-4622. cd202 $220 PER MONTH Income from these 4 rentals In Holly wood district. Two 3 rm. apartments with bsmt. Two 4 rm. apartments. Price $13,600 including new elec. refrigerators and ranges. Exclusive with COLBATH LAND CO. 1883 Center St. Eves. 28651 or 24305. Ph. 24652 cdSOl 6 APTS, very well located. Income $232 per month. Very low overhead. $17,500. 3100 MONTH Income on Investment of $7,500. Duplex So. near Junior High. Corner lot. Call for. appt. BUSINESS CENTER, 2 story brick bldg.. offices a storage, will net 10 on in vestment of $50,000. 60x80 FRAME BLDG. Concrete floor. pi um Ding, suitable for warehouse, whole sale, etc. on paved alley, 10 blocks So. $3,150. IN THE SHADE OF THE STATE HOUSE. 10 unit court. All have BR, hdwd. floors, fireplace, breakfaat nook. You will real ly go for these. $52,000. CALL U8 FOB an appt. to see this fine apt. houae. There is no better Invest ment in Salem today, all brick con struction. 16 apts. Fire proof garages. 183.000. CLOSE In on N. Com'L good duplex, all furnished, corner lot. $16,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Ustlngs Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440. ed201" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Need taverns, groceries, restaurants, service stations and motels or courts. Have out of state buyers for all of the above. Phone 2-7983, room 320, Oregon Bldg. cd212 GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 3 gas pumps. 6 cabins. 2 ml. N. of underpass on Hy 99E. W. J. Jarms, Rt 7 Box 145. Salem. Ph. 24319. ed207 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P. U. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY S&H GREEN STAMPS You Can't Beat ThLs Combination H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 aFlrgrottnd Rd. Ph. 3-3797. d201a NICE WALNUT bed. Spring- and sprlng- iinea mattress, complete $37.50 or oner. 1434 Ferry. d201 NEW ROLL-A WAY bed. Cost $47. Will tane $35. 3430 Center St. Ph. 35278. d201 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and nomenoia articles, notning to big or im, Ph. 38558. da207 SPOT CASH for your furniture, appli ances, rugs, sporting equipment, an tiques. Need at once. Paying top prices. OlenWoociry, Ph. 35110. da204 USED FURN. Check our prices. VaUey Furn Co.. 383 N. Com'L Ph. 37473. da 308 HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Olenn at Woodry Auction Maraet. Ph 3-3110 da "Ma A Pa Kettle" Plus "Colorado Territory." FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 5 YR OLD saddle mare. Hamtltonlan A American saddle. Oentle enough for a woman. Rt, 4 Box 40, Phone 33037. J. Chamberlln. e205 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED ItTestoek buyer. m. c. Mccandiian. im 8 35. Ph 3-8147. ea205 PETS REO. IRISH Setter pupa for sale at 410 Candalaria Blvd. Ph. $-9440. ec30t FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37443 15- aitb Wood and Idglnta Pruh Cut Screened Sawduat 13" Iiuildt Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK TOR BAH GREEN STAMPS CALL HIGHWAY PUXX TOR Plete! and Stovt Oil!. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dr, Slab Wood Or PtalBtr Ssda Si Block Wood. Ph. 15444 te OAK, S O. nr. llmba. I-11U. (REAL ESTATE Phone 3-2471 Sundays Call Peter Geiser 3-9968 FUEL PHILLIPS BHOS Old fir, oak, aah At maple. 4' tlr, 15" alab and edging!. Ph 31455. ee West Salem Fuel Co. . 18 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone filem 3-4031 Alio pick up wood at 1525 Edge water Ht.. West Salem ee AUCTIONS FURNITURE Auction tonight, 1 p.m. Lane Sudtell's Auction Sales Yard, located lya miles east of Fairgrounds on 811 verton Rd. Ph. 3-6096. dd201 AUCTION! Sold farm, will sell at Public Auction V mile southwest of Aurora on Aurora - Donald highway, on old Krause place. Follow sale arrows. Friday, Aug. 26 11:00 A.M. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME CATTLE 1 Holateln cow, 6 years old. Reg. Bred to second highest rated bull In state. Name, Stadacona Aagle Fayne Elsie. Bred to Carnation Ormsby Contlae Imperial. Papers. 1 Jeraey. Reg. Bible Twist, 4 gal. now. Bred to Gwendolyn Dutch Prince. 1 Holateln, 2nd calf, 4Vi years first calf 1 Jersey Holateln, 3 '.a years. Not bred 8 months bull calf. Reg. Papers. 4 months Jersey calf heifer 3 months Jeraey calf heifer One hog, 125 lbs. IS Barred Rock chickens. MACHINERY & TOOLS I-horae jplketooth. Three 1-horse cul tivators. 1 hand cultivator. One 2-unit milking machine, 1 brooder and starter unit. 1 finisher. 1 watering tank. 200 ft. hose. Ladder, 1 horse plow. Lots of hand tools. 1 apr Ine tooth, 2 unit. Porch awing. FURNITURE Norge 6 foot refrigerator. Electric range, MW Deluxe. Blue 2-pc. daven port and chair. Flower 2-pc. davenport and chair. End table, maple. 2 coffee ta bles, maple. 1 platform rocker. 1 Singer aewing machine, electric, practically new. 1 aewing cabinet. 1 dining room set. 1 book stand. 3 floor lamps. One 4 piece blrdseye maple bedroom set. 1 birdaeye maple cedar cheat. 1 box spring, mattress, 1 Innersprlng mat tress. One 4-pc. oak veneer bedroom set. 1 vanity. 1 chest of drawera. 1 cheat of drawers and desk comb. 1 oc casional chair. Clocks. (Several odd chairs and rockers. 1 single bed, atand, mattress. 1 mattress. 1 kitchen chair, ladder. Drop-leaf table. 15 piece break fast set. Dishes. Kitchen ware. Market basket. Pictures. Bird cage and atand. Books. Ax minster rug 9x15. 12x12 lin oleum rug. GRAIN 45 sacks oats and barley. Lunoh Served on Grounds JacfcF. Phillips, Owner LANE SUDTELL, AUCTIONEER Salem, Oregon Phone 3-6098 dd201 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tuea. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Tburs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery t PRODUCE TOMATOES, hybrid, acid free. Will de liver. G. M. Gorman, Jefferson, Ore. Ph. 318. If22G GRAVEN STEIN Apples, Bartlett Pears. Crawford Peaches at Waconda. J. C. Savage. Ph. 31344. ff203 BARTLETT PEARS, Oravenstein apples, 31 bu. 1st house off Pac. hwy. on Clax ter Rd. Ph. 24305. 1(203 BLACKBERRIES U-Plck. Bring contain ers. OC ID. m. 33117. Kt. 4 DOX 61. Just South of the Walling Gravel. No Sat. calls. ff304 CANNING BEANS A corn. Klghtllnger, iibi e. com'l. rn. asieo. ltao4 CRAWFORD PEACHES, U-pick. J. C. Savage. Ph. 3-1344 at Waconda. ff203 HILL GROWN PEACHES Crawford, Imp. Elbertas, Muirg St Hales. Rollln Beaver, Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F2. II205 CANNING TOMATOES U-Plck $1.00 bu. Holman. 13 miles south of Salem on old highway toward Jefferson. 11305 PEACHES, $1 to $2.50 bushel. One 'rnlle out Wallace rd. 2-2216. ff205 PEARS 75c BU. 7 MILES NORTH ON NORTH RIVER RD. AT CLEAR LAKE DAVE SCHLAG Rt. 2, Box 295 II301 PEACHES, APPLES, CORN & TOMATOES 1MLAH FRUIT FARM mil, out Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-5304 H305- IMPROVED ELBERTA Peachea. Brltt Al plnwall'a Peach orchard! at Waconda. on Salem-Champoeg road. II305 PEARS, U-plck. II bu. Bring boxes. Ph. 3-4813. 1330 Part Ave. 11303' CANNING BRANS U-Plek 4c lb. Clear Lake Bean Farm. Rt. a Box 374. Salem. Ph. 31550. If301 CHOICE BARTLETT PEARS, 11.00 bu. or u-pirg IDC du. Aiirma Moiei, joo Portland Rd. Bring Boxea. Ph. 34510. II304' BARTLETT PEARS read? now. Olson Or. chard! i mile W. oi Kelter sch. 35c to 11.50. W. deliver. Bring boxes. Ph. 3-1350. "303 CRAWFORD PEACHES, Bartlett pears. Joe Dledrlch, rout. 3 box 145, Salem. 1 mile straight West ot Kelter school. Ph. 3-5304. II304 PEARS U-plck. Bring container. 50c box. Ph. 3-3153. ff201 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED shoe salesman or saleslady. Apply at Marilyn's. 367 Court. g201 MAN OR WOMAN with car some sales ability to deliver for photo studio. Good deal. Permanent. A. W, Mueller 8tu- dlo,229 N. Commercial. Ph. 2-1637. g203 HOP PICKERS WANTED. Long run of eariy ana latti. staaeu Bros., Biirerion Ore.. Ph. Green 183 or Blue 213. g204 IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Teat ac in instruction column. 1303 BEAN PICKERS. Bishops, South River road, 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 12th and Mission 8:00. Farm La bor offlct 8 30. Ladd A Bush bank :35. south on Olmmereisl to Owens. For in formation aJl J-1137. g304 HELP WANTED PIANO ACCORDIAMST for popular and swing dance band. MUST BE TOPS. Must be or become member of A. F. of M. Prefer young man. Top wages above union scale for right man. Don't phone, write Joe Lane, Gen. Del., Salem. Also consider hiring girl vocalist. g201 NOW REGISTERING hop pickers. 91 de posit required lor eaoin reservation John J. Roberts tt Co.. Salem. g HELP WANTED MALE TWO MEN with automobiles Interested in becoming life insurance agents witn or without experience investigate sen sationally new "Insured savings- plan" sponsored by Consolidation Life Ins. Co. Phone 3-3672 for appointment (full or part time.) - gaJ03 OPPORTUNITY for young man with car to train to be accident At health ins. agent. Sponsored by Constitution's "Family Hospital Plan" aa advertised ovr radio atatlon KXL. Full or part time. Phone 2-3873 lor appointment. ga202 HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL OR WOMAN to help with house work it children for 2 mo. Rm., board St good wages. Ph. 3-9440. gb203 SECRETARY $185 STENO.-BKPR $180 Contact COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 360 State St. Ph. 2-1488. gb201 WOMAN OR GIRL to care for 2 yr. old boy and three room houae Monday thru Friday, all holidaya off, go home nights. Live about U mile out on N. River rd. on Kelzer bus line. If possible would like some one In that vicinity. Start to work Sept. 1. $10 per wk. and bus fare. Do not apply unless can be permanent until school Is out. Box 372. gb203 Permanent Position Nationally known company has opening for aales woman with experience In sew ing. Age 30 to 40. Apply In person from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at 130 N. Com'l. gb201 SALESLADY Give age, exp marital sta lls St salary desired In first letter. Box 308 Capital Journal. gb GIRL OR woman for houae work, full time. Live In or stay home nights. Ph. 27581. gb202 WOMAN WANTED for housework, 6 days a ween. Mrs. u. w. wasson, ttt. l, box 76. Rlchreall. gb201 EXPERIENCED beauty operator. Ph. 33836. gb201 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS: CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph. 2-1488 at WANTED SALESMAN APPLIANCE SALESMAN, adjacent to Sa lem. First quality nat'l lines of merch andise. Draw tie commission or salary it bonu.. We expect a lot from you. We al so are willing to pay you for results. Write box 307 Capital Journal for in terview stating qualifications. gg203' RE YOU Interested In working for re sponsible corporation with opportunity for advancement? We operate retail stores adjacent to Salem. Many nat'l first lines of merchandise, also our own leader. Guarantee. Draw it com mission or salary it bonus. We don't care If you are the man we want. Write for interview. Box 306 Capital Journal. Give qualifications. gg203 REAL ESTATE Salesman wanted. Contact joe L. Bourne, Realtor. 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38316. gg202 1 LOCAL salesman to aell in territory adjacent to Salem Must own car and be able to furnish references. Salary it commission. Apply '9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Willamette Valley Root Co., 30 Lana Ave., Salem. gg SALESMAN TO represent J. M. HOME IN- oU LATINO CONTRACTOR. If you can qualify Ph. 33748, ask for Mr. Vergets. Good earnings. gg WANTED POSITIONS BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-4014. TYPING, addressing in my home. Will pick up and deliver m city. Ph. 3-3911. h208 WANTIiD: Carpenter Work, Repair it Al terations, rnone a-BU4 alter 5 p.m. haua custom COMBINING by acre or hour. August springer, call 3-1131. h202 LIGHT HOUSEWORK in country for 1 or 2 adults. Good refs. Box 303, Capital Journal. h201 ALTERATION, REPAIR on women's it men's clothing. Guaranteed work. In structions, fittings for home dressmak ers. Let me solve your problems, Mrs, Alice Nash, Ph. 2-8342. 1215 N. Com'l. h201 VETERAN requires position. Have com pieted training course In refrigeration. Received degree. Willing to take on the Job training. Write or call, Erwin Duerk sen, 1120 Cross St.. Salem. h203 EXP. GIRL wishes to care for smalt cnuaren, day or night. Ph. 38743. h201 NEW LAWNS prepared it seeded. Light tractor on rubber with doier. Ph. 28127, Duane Wolcott. h221 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093. FINE PAINTING, papering. Ph. 3-5532. h207 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S 665 North 16th Phone 3-3643 h207 EXP. GIRL to watch children day or nignt. PH. 28767. h203 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice Former phone opr. Ph 3-5072. b.204 DRESSMAKING te alterations. Ph. 2-9840 after 3 h203 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. Work guar. W. H McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 h301 WOMAN for general house work & cook ing for 3 adults. No laundry. Wages A meals. 215 E. Lincoln. h203 CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. h212a INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp Ph. 3-6796. M01" CLMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850 h PLOWING, DISCING. Al Moss. Ph. 32957. h?02 EDUCATION IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint write for Talent Test (No Fee). Give age and occupation. Box 257 Capital Journal. hh302 WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school in NW. GI APPROVED WELDING SCHOOL 829 NB Sacramento. Portland - MU 9680 fah206 FOR RENT ROOMS CLOSE IN Sleeping rm. Ph. 36316. Jk226' ATTRACTIVE rm. private home. Oentle man. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 36368. Jk202 SLEEPING BOOM, kitchen privilege. Re fined lady. 1595 Mission St. jk202 BOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. jk223 XtCE SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-7558. Jk206' SLEEPING KM. PH. 34335. Jk201 SLEEPING ROOM. Hot b cold water. 481 H. Hlgtl. jk204' SLEEPING RMS. for men. Prlv. entr. & Ph Dy. or Mo. 1505 N. Capitol Pb- 3-3435 Jk204' FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4 RM. Duplex, nicely furn. Adults. 190 B. 23tn. fD. 3504 5. Jp302' FIRMSHFD APT. Close in Ph. 2-0745. JP202 t RM. FURN. Apt. Adults. 248 8. 17th. JP3011 3 RM. FURN. apt. Close In. Private bath. Ph. 3-6985. Jp203" CLEAN, QUIET 3 rm. apt. Middle aged lady preferred. 645 Ferry. Jp203 SPACIOUS 4-RM. (urn. apt. 1 BR, refrig., gat range, elec. wasiier. 1st fir. Near State House. $57.50. Adults only. No drinkers. Ivan G. Martin. Ph. 3-4419. JP201 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR RENT HOUSE5 3 BDRM. unfurn. house. 3557 Lee. Jm203 AVAILABLE Sept. 3: Unfurnished 2 bdrm., with garage. Well located to stores it ores St v Com I- I Jm203' T bus. 150. See Mrs. aregg, 133 a. SMALL HOUSE out of Salem. Ph. 36F33, Independence. jm-o THREE ROOM suburban house to elderly adults only. Garden spot, chicken house, garage. Phone 3-9650. Jm23I NEW 1 bd. rm. furn, house, $50 per month. Ph. 27194. Jm203 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO LEASE farm 80A UP. Stock ed or without. Life time experience. N. A. Whltehurat, 875 Highland Ave., Sa lem J2M COUPLE with 3 children age 10 and 15 want 3 bedroom houae furnished or un furnished In North or east part of Sa lem. Would consider auburban acreage. Care guaranteed. References furnished. Phone 3-5100 J203 HOUSE TRAILER SPACE $3.50 per week. Ph. 2-5093. Maple Ave. J203 REDECORATED furn. 3 it 3 rm. apts. Priv, bath, hot water, no pets or drink ers Also 3 rm. furn. house, 624' N. Capitol. J203' MOD. DOWNTOWN business office. Long term lease, stu. rn. jbjbh. jjvo' OFFICE, desk apace, Conv. loc. Ph. 39133. )219 POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Howaer Bros. Ph. 3-3646. FLOOR SANDERS for rent- Montgomery Wa.d. j TO DO a good lob rent a good floor sand- r We ei everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS - Ph. 3-3646 j "OOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Ph 35692. SEWING Machines Portable or Treadle. service on an makes. Ph. 3-7671. J202" BUSINESS RM. lor rent. H. L. Stiff. ! U DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. TRAILERS $3.00 per day. Howaer Bros. Hit 6 12th, Weat Salem. ) FOR RENT OR SALE: 1948 model 21 ft. nouse trailer. Elec. lerrig. & butane stove. Sleeps 4. Ph, 13313 Independence. J201 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma- cii;nrj. neasonaoie rates. Free pick up it delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com 1. Ph. 33512 J" WANTED TO RENT BY SEPTEMBER 10: 3 rm. furnished apt. c-ikkki entrance ot oatn, uarage II pos sible. Writ 1090 Norway or phone 3-3821 stter Pa203 PROF. MAN it family desire 2 bdrm. uniurn. nouse oy Sept. 30. Ph. 20319. ja202 FAMILY OF 3 want to rent or lease 3 or - unAuiu. wr partly jurn. UOUse. Preferably near Jr. high school. Will pay good rent for suitable place In good location. Ph. 3-6063, 3 a.m. to ft p m JB20Z" HOUSEKEEPING APT., working eouple. ncsuonaoie. uox 304, capital Journal. JA202 YOUNG BUSINESS executive, wife and ucoue uniurn. nouse. fa. 38287. Ja202 GOOD 2 BDRM, unfurn. houae. Near bus' "lie. nm pay up to 919 per mo. Ph. 3-7676 days. Ia202 RELIABLE PARTY wishes to lease 4-bdrm. "" wtjioirer i. jteierences lurnlsh ed. Telephone 3-7986. jfl203 EMPLOYED COUPLE with baby desire 1 Ul - -urn, apt, ra. a-DHi. Ja202 STATE WORKER it wife need I or 3 BR j.uuac or apt. uniurn. under $50. Ph. 3-788- Ja20B THREE aniii.T r.mii . . ------ convenient, TOi in. iiouee witn automatic or aawduuat heat. References. Will give hciichv i;ic. r-jione a-rcts. ja203 EMPLOYED COUPLE urgently need 3 wun, uniurn. nouae Dy Sept. 1. Near 8 rade school Ph, 2-4984 eve. Ja203" ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN: good home cooking. Clean and KEEP WILLAMETTE or high school girl MOll'V'.." Bmnil W"'. " -vs . 11J01" BOARD AND RM. 150 E St. Ph. 3-8706? JJ707 LOST AND FOUND' LOST Mala Alrdalt. Ph. 35157. Reward. k301 LOST: 10 MONTHS old white ft black w.ib nair lernor. wearing brown col- n..,t rn. X301" MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. "cioae eaiuriaya 13:30. m3I6 DENTAL PT.ATW Dtni ro 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASKS DR. HARRY. 8KMLKR DENTIST Adolpb Bldt;. Btate it Commercial Sia, 3EM Phone 3-3311 ma BUILD, NG MATERIALS ' ' " " " STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frames. nacnien., uouoie ung it Commercial Types. PUMIL1TE, Weat Salem. ma301" Superior Heatform & Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All llreplace and masonry materials. PUMIUTE - West Salem. maSOl ROCKXATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater7 uiupicie une, quauty materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. ma201 DEAR CUSTOMER, lnslat on your con- aiiu carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber in Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 35 Lana Ave. Ph. 34939 Free parking. ma230 BUILDERS Realised substantial savings on lumber. Rock bottom price for larger amounts. 2x4 and shiplap, top grade No. 3. $36 per M. No. 4 $17 per M. Free delivery. West Salem Saw Mill 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. mall Pi.vwrmn LARGE stock of slies, thicknesses as grades. Both Plain it water proof. Kr.ecs a ALSO GOOD stocks pf V' and W insul- i -wo. nuw prices on sheet rock Keltb Brown. Front Court Sts Salem. mi SPECIAL: Cedar stdlna, "x8". Random ler-a.n. w-graae, ins thousand. Koith Brown. Front ft Court St. Salem. ma NEW SHIPMENT piast board. " tWe,f 8e cq ft Rock lathe 44 ft, $1.73 MONTGOMERY WARD 15X301 ma" RAW r Bnnimin Let Wards give you eompiew in stalled price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors Call our outside saleaman for tree Mtlmato Phone 1-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON SHINGLES MOUNTAIN CEDAR No. 1 - 17.75 SQ. No. 3 4.50 iq. No I S.00 aq. C. O. Long. Ph. 3-5831. I mil, north ot Keller. maMJ. Wrecking Farragut, Ida. .1.1 emu une winnows Witn nor- Iiontal bar. complete with frama, $7.80. Modern sash 33 "x33". American stan dard cast iron wash basins, complete with all fittings, c O. Long. Ph. 3-5831. 1 mile north of Keiier ma303" NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS. ORDER bulb now. 1401 7th "-ri1!"0-1?-- mb205 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PIANO, blond bed set, twin bed set, cedar chest, elec stove, refrli., wash, machine. 16MM projector ft screen, dinette set, lawn mower. 570 Ford at. Ph. 3-9509. naos ROOFING WlUamettt Valley Roof Co., 31 Ln art. (Continued on Page 23)