I :. 20 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Aug. 24 1949 II RADIO PROGRAMS "13 I T BEFORE I COUC0 STOP " CANT FIGURE 1 f'BO" KAY'S STILLT 6000 VOU AND 1 1 PUT HER IN SOUR ROOM iThHOXT CAMEB. 1 1 jTMcMyTHcY LOADED HR VKMV THEY'D I I A LIVE, BEAVER. BALDY CARRY HER VVET.L SET UP A BED FOR AMO BOBBIE'S INTO ACAR ANO DROVeSHOOT DOWN AN I - IN, STEVE md YOU IN THE SHOP - INO HIDDEN t I"'av1i-mml n escaped t n iti I' frii , mJ i better move anything here ! I The HOUSE on LILAC STREET by FRED BAYARD Af Newseots-ree vVEONESOAY P.M. UN KOIN KSLM t' i Chanter 4 I Derria started u the man be : aide her stirred. ': : "Thank heavan he' not dead, ; i anvwav." she thought. , At first his Toice was so low i that she could barely hear him. Where are we folng7 wnats this place?" i ' "My house we're almost there. ' it. Derria pulled up In front of her I i House. i "Plea wait lor me by the " front door," she said. "I want to get the ear out o the way as quickly as possible. Even though , there's rarely anyone about at ; : this tune, I don't want someone v ready with bright answers if cer- ' tain people start asking questions , cure you can make it all riitntv , He nodded an assurance he was - far from feeling and began ' ' walk toward the patio. It had been i . had enouRh to stand ud straight ; let alone walk forward. No matter haw carefully he placed his feet , ' the ground seemed to tilt and roll ! under him. A voice came from a long dis tance. "Oh, please try it's Just a Ut ile further." In spite of Derria's efforts, she did not quite succeed in getting . him to the sofa. Halfway across the room, he collasped as If his legs had been knocked out from i under him. For a moment, oer . ria stood helplessly looking down at him. If only Sarah were there. i Well, wishing wouldn't get things done. She hurried over to the - windows, avoiding the furniture and pulled the drapes closed. Ther i she clicked on the lights. Derria gave up the Idea of try ; ing to pull him toward the sofa j He was much too heavy a weight 1 ; for her, and, besides, she didn't 1 I want to take the risk of having i the bleeding start up too freely ' f Oh. K. (n noil Tto .- Baiyes, she thought as she auto . .' matlcallv picked up the phone, I t "This Is Derria Martin, Doctor I'm sorry to bother you so late, . but I've got to see you right away i at my place. I can't wait untl' f morning." In spite of her effort? ' at self-control, Derria could hear . her voice rising. 1 Apparently the doctor heard It j too. because he asked sharply: . "What's the matter?" : ' Mindful of possible listeners i Derria mentioned a cut nana. .: i Soon the sound of tires , gravel announced the doctor's ar- j rival. i Dr. Julius Victor Bayle's always ' gave the impression of being I much larger man than he actually ; j was. Actually, ne was nine more : than five-foot-six in height, wit . a slight tendency to fat. Thick bushy, black eyebrows and a large ' tache, gave him a mock-serlow : J air. "Now, young lady what's thlr t all about?" he boomed. t "Certainly no cut fingers." glanc- -; lng down at her hands, "so it must ' ' be something much more serious to , . make you so upset en?" i "I'm afraid that was a pretty allm pretext I made up to bring you over. The fact Is, I've gotten J myself mixed up in something more than I bargained for In s here." The doctor followed her as . i she entered the living room. Obviously Dr. Bayles had not . ? expected anything like this. He , I stopped abruptly, then walked l across and bent over the man on i the floor. O low whistle escaped him. i Straightening up, he asked. "Who J is he?" k "I'm afraid I don't know." 1 The doctor glanced at her eurl- 4 ously. J "You don't know? Where did you J meet him? How did he get here?" 1 "I brought him." Derria replied. I "That's fine." The doctor's voice J was sarcastic. "Now we know ev- errthlng. You're quite sure you didn't shoot him?" , One look at Derria's worried face precluded any more remarks J in this vein. "O.K. we'll get busy and see J what we can do. Get me some 1 boiling water, Derria, please, and 1 ae If you can find some place i never get him upstairs. And per- haps It might be a good Idea tc make some good, strong coffee . while you're at It." After drinking the coffee, ahr - told him the whole story. He was silent for several minutes after she had finished, and she did not Interrupt his train of thought. Dr. Bayles finally looked at her. "To put it plainly, I don't like the look of this thing. I'm afraid i u nave to report this." "Must you?" Derria's face was serious. "Couldn't you possibly wait ana" She finished lamely "Please not Just yet anyway." "But, my dear child, do you realize what we may be getting into? for all we know we may be harboring a criminal. The po lice should be notified, and if he has nothing to hide, he won't be inconvenienced In any way. If he has, then we're well out of it. Let the authorities do the worrying." Dr. navies" Derria's face was tense and earnest "you've known me for a long time, haven't you? And you've never known me to do anything downright stupid, or to go on tne aeep end. I saw the two men; you didn't. They weren't police." For a moment she shivered at the recollection. "Police don act the way they did. If thev were n't who were theyl What were they after? All I'm asking is that you eiay making a report right away, Besides, it's too late now. and ob viously he's not going to get away tonight. Let's hear what he has to say and then, there'll always be time enough to do what vou think best." Dr. Bavles smiled In unite of himself. Darned it If I don't think vou could talk the whiskers off Santa ulaus. I guess your powers of persuasion are too much for me. I'll be aulte comfortable on the sola in the front room. After all, you re orettv certain vou weren' followed, but we can't take anv chances," he said. "If you"ll get me a coupie oi Dianxets and pillow, I'll be an set." When she returned with them Derria found the doctor carefully going mrougni tne pockets of the stranger's overcoat and suit. He looked up at her and said dls. gusteaiy: "Not a single thing to give us a ciue, noining very enlightening, If you ask me not even an ini tial." (To be continued) School Team Ensemble of three pieces to send a little girl back to scnooi in style i no. 3U7B is cut in sizes 2. 4. e. g and 10. size a Jumper, 1V4 yds. 35- ii.; jacket, lft yos. 35-in mouse, yds. 35-ln. Just out I The FALL-WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come, uver 150 practical, easy-to-sew, uprto-the-mlnute pat tern designs lor all ages. Remember, it's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now, price just w cents. To obtain this pattern, send 25c In COINS, giving pattern number. vour name, aaaress ana zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, Mt Mission Street. San Fran- Uco 3. Cam. R2857 His and Hers. Potholders These delightful potholders make perfect snower guts as well as popular ba zaar Items. "Hers" are feminine as can be with a lacy trim and shell stitch edging, while "His" are trim ly tailored with a more masculine like border. Fun to crochet and easy. Pattern Envelope No. R2R57 con tains crocheting instructions, stitch illustrations, material requirements and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nay, 838 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 9, Calif. 1 enioy I (chewing) s. I I ... 7xx 4 cx y- O S" lgt!li&iZ- nil ER...W6 SHOULD W ICE? ER- g5g gil TO BE FRWK, 1 MEED THE I X - B HrWDONW NfSf VERY. VERY IJj- V. S3 HAMS SOME RE. f CE.VBUSI'- Efii ICE ALMOST AS BADd-AHa- I R f Set. DOC? I ) rVE YEN HER ( MY CMLO-AND fl SHE NEEDS jgjj S BUT DONT WORRY. CHILD-1 feS?S.S I P iL HOW ISI SHE? k ( AN INJECTION -SHE'S 1 i MORE WATER I ICE, EH? JfSk 'Now WHAT rVI DONS NOW Q . III n) I MMa,1U I I I ZHhXtW f53E82SS?SS5a . r.EfTm&'. "T.:lttrJ . . -'.m : WVf Rs fM II HTJ EMiHldSEK II 113111"-- r i S it ;imdiv 01 Hkjcn mV M 1 HOPE YOU CMARG ED I WWY-THAT'5 M I WILBUR NEBBS THE GUY WMOl nr-n O HOUSE'. THEOLETSATMJ AMBY ParTS TOR V AFIrJEIDfAj SHOULD PAVHE DONE TME T fiV. -rfftk WAS 5PLASHEO Evy I CLEANIMG UP J V NENERTWCOSUTjS- -v SUFFER! r A: H U yftug BUBBLES'.- 7 -rlV OFTUATi y V v (m ... Irri 'P J.i I AH WOULD UCVfA HOT IF HI'S I I AN'n ) LC I WHQ FELLA fe LIMET"SEX I 3 IILTm -rHAR'S, A WI1.LIN' r'AOOSHB fcj'C 1 WILLINJ nbO P w VU NAME or DAIiV MAtr I JT WWIINT OUT MVAB lii OAPHIN ABNCR I t.f I &'f I Mt. JONEi.OB 'ST AH AIMS T' I I WHO WANTS T t EEMEE JUTLY AFrtR J ( hf W IUllfM I GBAMNV iOntTHiu'. LPgONU M MARRY UP WlF TO- ) S TH'WEDDlN' V, rSc-f"f V- BWW Mii FACI SEtni J- l"HER' "" I1" ' -" 111 I l mar .'I ! S.ETJl-er BEFORE NR. GOOSEBERRY I JMMMM ( -YOU MARRY BETTV V OBOY L iSl i"".": OED HE MADE OUTTHI5 f 1 THERE HIS GRAND- LET THE I '?MWS' I U ISKS.. rT" WILL LEAVING YOU HIS I rKOV.UI Whter-thE WEDDING , , fl I 1 UrjfM! CoT ' a e&& ONLY GOOSEBERRY gLia . 1 , ' Vfe Js U nto?-2 93.ttZ.900.S7lk.! WmA LEFT OF THE VL-Ki?0 T & r&S$T ? (Boy) .! . CV II W:f," i hum iigamiZML ABE YOU THE SAILOR THEY I THIS HOLD AND THE k' " : 1 SUPPLIES VOu7hk5: tme S?,rr - MEAN SAM 1 I 1 , ' AND EOUIPMENT. o!LIi',iv '(lM lMIinmSJ U 1 ."! 1 COMETS'.BOSTES WHICH I OF EOUIPWEN' '2 S3 is 0 ll 3 L " "SO, JUST AS I TMOU3WT',) KthERE, NOW 3ET AL.ONS (c 'AVON. PUT IT )-r T-T 3 U JV.NC, HEV" VOUR CLARINET HAS it-' TQ VQUR MUSIC L.ESSONj, SOVER j V 9 & d 5g- STT? lzS'- - I- l Is" : u . t-7!tv4L e- jacssnyv T A iJ NLi- VI slides op his moth and II --V y-J a KXS Yl 1 (( C J )J "-V N BEETLE COLLECTIONS TONIGHT 1 (( "V ' i V M AFTER DINNER LET'S GO ) C . VtV fR A WALK AS FAR AS THE a-V a"-! ii .m 1- . ' jV OLD GRISTMILL THIS I ( K f -R T EVENING THERE'LL BE y I ISruTi.Ej' MkbU.U 1 I HMIVW. A NfcWMUON THROAT TORNADO -'S4 IL s3 Ht RAN RIGHT J -A IM A DOCTOR- CAN I BROKEN LEG 'POSSIBLE J I SLIDE ONE Of THOSE SHEETS -r" ), rJTj' fCT-E' ll wiwSJ "-g il j , KOCO o 'KGW IT! ORB Taller Trohn WmmiT 8ert Rhythm Ranch Cart Maiev Paiafm Paradi On Sanny Sld Rhythan Rantst The LlUk Show Carmen CavalUIr Ch'ek F'aler, Ktwa Blni Crb Soma of Pralri, Ted Draka Riehard Harkneaa Burl Pata Larry LeSener red D rake Chicken Every Candle Llh and Knoi Mannlni Adv. of Chaaan. Sinday Silver fDlah Mmle Muaclal Ceeklalls Ncwa Chet Hnnller Matte Elmer Peteraen Tropleana Sew. Gabriel Heatter Henry Mo r ran Pal O'Brien Condueior'a Show. Nerlhweat Kewa Henry Horcan dnslcal Jaeknet Condueior'a Bhww. Muiii Ronald Coin an Top Band Conductor! Show. Muale Ronald Col man Top Band Condnctor'a Show. boaal Survey The Bl Story Edw, G. Boblnaon Colombia Feature Coaat Survey The Bli Story Kdw. G. Robinson Columbia Pea tare Cltee Kid Curtain Tim. Naval Air Reaerve Bollywood Muale Clieo Kid Curtain Time Bandit and Hollywood Muale What'a Ibe Nana Supper Club Banditand Iwell Thomai of that Som News of World Newi Round-up Jack Smith Show Variety Tine Arehle Andrewa Dniout Dope Dr. Chrlatlan Variety Tine Archie Andrewa Baaebt.ll Dr. Chrlitlan Newa wh'ck F'ater Newa Baaeball Tlva Star Pinal Select Local Newa Sporta Pace Final Baieball Nlchl Editor Newa Mr. Dial. Attorney Baaeball Nations' Defanaae Muale Hr. Dial. Attorney Baseball Natlona' Defenasa Valter Troban Sam Hayes, Rep. Baaeball Serenade Rob Poole Show Wat Muscuea Baaeball h World Rob Paolo Show Wax Muaeurn Track I4M Orchestra, Muale Way Muaoum Track HBO Nws Sim Off Sim Off Slra Of Silent THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. i News Hodre Podao Newa Dawn Patrol Hodae Podse KOIN Kloek Northwest News Kneast, Newa KOCO Kloek KOIN Kloek Marrh Tine Hodge Podge KOCO Kloek KOIN Kloek i Dawn Patrol Fm Time Te Rlttar KOIN Kloek Dawn Patrol Firm Time Newa Sports News Dawn Patrol Th Ofd Songs Top O Mornint News Ntws Kneass w. Newa Top O' Morning Fred Beck i rrri : Smooth MubIo Western Melodies Consumer News Rr..rw..t Smooth Moslo Western Melodies Art Baker Brelkfa!! Gan! Rld'ra P'rp. Sa.e The Stare Sim Make Believe Top "d. San Hayea Chrch In Wlldwd Make Believe Bargain Counter Jf Cup Bmnm of Seat Pe.(. 9tm Morning Special . Cup Newa Son. .1 Plonee. i"k B"h ThS rh hm.. Grd 8U Hu!lle Kneass w. Newa John Ch. Thomas Rosemary Northwest Newa JomB" Sih.i"' R.B.rt Wendj W" K.ls Smith lomt D"" "."miI? A"B JaD Paator- Cal' Tommy Dorsey Concert M n ature Helen Trent Rid. Purple Ssge Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Our Gal Sunday Swb Lopei Oreh. Musle Marl Bit Sister Bennle Walker Lo'1 ren- Musle Mart Ma perll01 Wiles Orranalltlea Today'a Children ,Grbfrit Youni Dr. Males Walta Serenade Lora Lawton Vocal Varieties Guiding Light Top Trades Double 'r Nothing H!!rW00? M",10 Newt Double 'r Nothing Hollywood Musle Come M Qt Queen for a Day Kneass w. News Headline Newa Norab Drake Queen for a Day Llfht of World Ted Dale Presents Brighter Day Ladles First Life Cn Be" Butlf f Mo'e Melodies 2nd Mrs. Burton, Ladles First Road or Life Mae's Melodies Perry Mason Northwest Newa Pep. Young Fam. Mac's Melodies Bright Light Bob Eberly Show Right to Ha'p'neas Mao's Melodies Alr-flo Tell Neighbors Backstage" Wife Mee'a Melodies Newspaper of Air" Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mao'a Melodies Newspaper of Air Organ Reveries Lorenzo Jones Mac's Melodies Winner Take All Bins Slna-s Yng Wldder Brwn Mac's Melodies Tunefully Yoars Against' the Storm When Glr Mar'lea Me' Melodies News Against the Storm Portia Faces Life M"'o Melodies Heel the Mlssaa Musle Juit Plain Bill Mac's Melodies Meet the Missus M""' Front Pg. Farrell Mac'a Melediea Robert I. Lewis Say It With Muale Welcome Traveler Movla Tin Robert I, Lewis Say It With Music Welcona Traveler hllosophrr Robert I. Lewis Musle Aunt Mary Brers Bedlam Robert I. Lewis I News We Love A Learn I Brers Bedlam Robert I. Lewis DIAL LISTINGS: REX, 1190; KOAC, 550 ICY Wednesday P.M. 6:0(1. Squirrel iV L. A Cage! 6:30, Sky King) 6:00, Keep ing Up With Sports i 6:16, Hone Edition News) 6:30, Modern Romances, 1:00, Headline Edltlont 7:16, Elmer Davis; 1:80, Heinle and His Bandi 8:00, Lone Rangeri S:30, Stare In the Night I 9:00, Steel Pier Orch.i 9:30, One for the Book) 19:00, Richfield Reporter; 10:16, Intermestoi 10:30 Concert Hourt 11:30, Memos to To morrow) 12:00, Xtra Hour, 1:00, Sign Off. lrV Thursday A.M. :00, Early Bird; lCA 7:00, Newst 1:16, Band Boxi 1:90, Bob Haien Showt 1:45, Time Tempos i 8:15, Martin Agronskyi 8:30, Zeke Manners; 8:45. Tropleana i 9:00, Breakfast Club; 10:00, News) 10:15, Stars of Today! 10:30, Melody Promenade! 11:00, Ted Malone; 11:16, Galen Draket 11:30, My True Story. IAAT Wednesday P.M. 8:00. On the IXlMV Upbeat i 5:50, 5(50 Sports Clubi 8:00, Newa ) 8:16, Dinner Melodies! 8:39, Headlines In Chemistry! 8:46, Guest Atari 1:00, Farmer' Union) 111 8, Evening Farm Hourt 9:00, Pablle Health Series t 9:16, Artistry In Classiest 8:30, Veterans' Newa Revlewt 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Fore cast! 9:00, Musle That En da res i 9:45, Lift Up Thy Voire; 10:00, Adventures In Research) 10:18, Serenade! 10:45, News! 11:00, sign Off. -a. A.M. 10. Newst 19:19. For Woneni 11:00, Cenecrt' Hall) lt:00, Newoi fl:16, Noon Farm Hourt 1:00, Rlde'em Cowboyi 1:16, Variety Timet 1:80, Melody Lane; 8:00, Cavalcade of Drama) 1:15, Memory Book of Musle i 8:00, News. KOAC R" Guests Barker Home Zena The R. E. Barkers will have their house guests at their farm home at Zena this month and early in September relatives from a distance Mr. and Mrs. Allan Barker and family of Ha waiian Islands, Dr. and Mrs. Zack Barker of San Diego, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gould, Santa Fe, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Forest Ware of San Jose, Calif. ACROSS L Beseech 4. Fragrance t. Be pronuble 12. Rowing Implement II. French author 14. Optical organ 1&. Eminent 17 ann n. Asamemnon 9. doolt l. Lon narrAtlT. "' Moh ""!r 21. Female sheep 32. Cone-beartne; trees 25. Culmination 29. Correlative of it tier 14. Waxy sub atance extracted from cork 18. Undeveloped flower 87. Positive electrode 39. Gaelic 41. Brother of Udln 45. Any monkey 47. Rational 48. Carre by Incision 62. Condueior'a stick 86. Extinct bird 68. Kinjrly 58. Dried jrra 59. Pltrpen S0lLEflW10TnArAfT Solution of Yesterday's Puxzlo 60. Sin KiF 81. Piece out DOWN 1. Swamn apme or cereal AP Newsfeolwree 3. Verdant 4. Trick 8. Note of the scale 6. Town In Pennsylvania 7. Female boreal 8, Afresh 9. Caress 10. Always 11. AffirmatlTs 18. Samoa n seaport IS. Oceans 20. Grant 22. Soft resin 23. Seat of the University of Maine 24. Scarcer 26. Tounjt reporter 27. Color 28. Kind of shruh 31. Wavering 23. Form for shaping nip 35. Flower 38. CoMlv 40. Volcano 43. Slope 44. River of forgetfulnsM 18. Kind of rubber 48. Type me azures 49. Negative 50. Merry 61. Self 53. Sturdy tree 54. American humorist RT. Article ROOM ANO BOARD Bv Gene Ahem HE'S TH'SUy WITH THAT ENSEMBLE SNORE, IN TH' ROCrW NEXT TO MINE' NWHILE HES SHOWING HIS SLIDES, I'LL GO TO BED AN Bfc CHINtDEEP IN SLUMBER. BEFORE HE RETIRES AND OPENS ALL , TH STOPS ON THAT THROAT TORNADO OF HIS