18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 1949 - HE'S HANDICAPPED, BUT Blind Golfer Teels' His Courses Birmingham, Ala., Aur. 14 HV-Ever try to hit golf ball with your eyes elosedT Then you'll admire Charlie Boswell, a champion who wal lops them straight and far al though he can't see. Blind for five years, Charlie has captured two national blind golf championships and placed third in an international meet. His latest national victory was at Norristown, Pa., recently with a score of 213 for 38 holes. Boswell, a soft - spoken Southerner, was blinded by German shell in the bitter Ruhr Valley fighting of 1944. Be had never played golf, but romped to football fame in the '30s as a halfback at University of Alabama. At 32, Charlie is manager ofi the sporting goods department of a large Birmingham depart ment store. At every oppor tunity he s off to the links. "Golf Is the most wonder ful thing that ever happened to me," he says. "I'll go any where In the country to play." Blind golfers play the game with the aid of a coach who aligns the clubs, advises them of distance, hazards and type of shot required, Charlie's coach is Grant Thomas, a lifelong friend. "We play right out of the book," says Charlie. "That's the value of it to the blind fellow to tackle a job and overpower it. NlfP Form Bfbe Shopp, "Miss America" of 1948, plays Willi yoiieyball on the beaeh at Deauville, France, during her tour of Europe. Kennedy, Ball Ready for 10-Round Armory Scrap Twenty-eight rounds of professional boxing or less will con stitute the card the Veterans of Foreign Wars will present at the armory at 8:30 Wednesday night. Top billing goes to Paul Ken nedy of Longview and Davey Ball who are slated to provide en tertainment over the 10-round route. Lou (Flrpo) Nunes, billed as showman as well as an expert knuckle tosser, will engage Lyle Henry of Des Moines in the six round special event. Henry replaces Cliff Parker of Seattle who oame up with an Infected hand during a workout in Port land Tuesday. Principal interest attaches locally to two of the three four round preliminaries featuring Joe Pete and Mel Eagleman, ex- Chemawa Indian School boxers, Eagleman, Golden Gloves cham pion will take on Jerry Renaud while Pete, an extremely ag gresslve scrapper, will swap nunches with Sonny Bobo, a recent arrival from Los Angeles The curtain raiser will bring together Al Anthony of Seattle nd Glen Varnardo oi roruana, Pats Count Will Run in Fair Meet Pass Count, the stretch run ning gelding that won three straight handicaps during the 1948 Oregon State Fair, will be again coming from behind dur lng the exposition's six day race meet beginning In Salem on La bor day. The veteran northwest earn palgner will some back, how ever, under different colors. Pass Count's new owner is Wal lace Conley, who claimed the horse this summer at Longaeres from Bert Base. Conley, a consilient winner at past state fairs, will bring a nine horse stable to Lone Oak tack. Among his thoroughbreds re the good distance runners, Join Up, Guerilla War, and Pip lad, all of whom had winning outings at Portland Meadows and Longaeres. Opening day feature will be the Labor day handicap at a mile and sixteenth for a purse of $1,000. The closing day's top race will also be for a $1,000 purse and will be for three-year-olds and up. Scio Schedules Grid Practice Sclo Football practice for Scio high school's team will open here September 8, accord-1 lng to Tom Nutter, new athletic i ooach at the school. . A meeting of all Sclo high ath- j letes Is scheduled for August 31, when Nutter will be Introduced to his players, and tell them of the year's plans. CARDINALS OPEN FOOTBALL DRILLS Seven lettermen were among the 30 gridiron aspirants who reported to opening football practice at Sacred Heart acad emy Tuesday afternoon. About au nopefuls are expected to turn out next week, when more of them can be drafted away from their cannery jobs. By TOM SELLERS "Practice that's what does it; constant practice. .Even tually you begin to get a fifth sense to make up for your lost eyesight. You get so you can feel a course out." Charlie took up golf while convalescing at Valley Forge, Pa., veterans hospital in 1945 Blind veterans there were en couraged to take part in a sports orientation program. Pretty soon Charlie was bang ing away every chance he got. The game was a challenge and he was determined to master it. The record shows that he did. His friends say he probably will be shooting in the middle 80's soon. Quite often he whips a golfer who has eyesight, a feat that affords him immense satisfaction. Charlie Is married and has two children a boy and a girl. He is an avid baseball and football fan, plays bridge and likes to "read" book rec ordings at' his comfortable home here. Shortly after Charlie came home from the war, the Ala bama football team played an intra-squad benefit game for him. People from all over the state came to "Boswell Day" and bought $30,000 worth of tickets. It was enough to stake Charlie to a fair start as a civilian. On his recent tournament jaunt, Charlie was talking golf with Bob Allman, blind attor ney and golf opponent, in a Philadelphia hotel room. ."Bob, you just don't putt right," commented Charlie. "I can tell by the sound of the ball." Whereupon Charlie and Grant Thomas got out a putter and some balls, laid a water glass on the floor 15 feet away and blind golfer Boswell proceeded to give blind golfer Allman a putting lesson. "And, do you know," says Allman, "within 15 minutes I was putting a good percent age of them into the glass! Boy, what a golfer that guy Is and what a guy!" Two Gladiators In Non-Title Mix at Stadium New York, Aug. 23 P) Middleweight contender Steve Belloise pits the power of his all around brilliance of welter weight champion Ray Robinson in a non-title ten rounder in Yankee stadium tonight. The fight shapes up as a first class punching party with Bel loise set to come roaring out in the hopes of landing an early knockout. Balding, 30-year-old Steve's chances hinges on his getting in a hard blow quickly. If not he's liable to run out of gas against the clever, stiff -hitting welter boss. No one ever has kayoed Sugar Ray and the bpokmakers don't think Belloise will do it either. The climb into the ring at 7 p. m. (PDT). The winner has been promis ed a crack at either middle weight champion Jake Lamotta or Marcel Cerdan, depending on the outcome of the title tilt between King Jake and the Frenchman here Sept. 28. La motta and Cerdan will be at the ringside tonight. The promoting International Boxing club, with around $50, 000 in the till, is hoping for a crowd of 30,000 and a gross gate of $150,000. The contest is being broadcast but not televised. Favorites Win In Wichita Meet Wichita, Kas., Aug. 24 W A couple of highly rated teams the Golden, Colo., Coors and the Bakersfield, Calif., Spuds turned in national semi-pro tournament vistories last night The Coors easily defeated Ro chester, N. H., 9 to 2, in a sec ond round contest. Bakersfield won its first start by defeating the Eloy, Ariz., Apcos, 3 to 1. The Great Falls, Mont., east air base was ousted by a fellow service team. The Anchorage, Alaska, 57th fighter wing whip ped the Montanans, 8 to 4. The Lee, Mass., Sons of Italy team eliminated Hamler, Ohio, 6 to 3. he a: 22 Akjt) vL wrtTA MT.7 J mMmn's new 'h s MEN S SHOE DEPARTMENT Yes! Now you can buy fine, high quality shoes for the ENTIRE FAMILY at your friendly Paramount Shoe Store! For the past 18 years, we have been serving Salem women the BEST in shoes . . . and now we offer MEN the finest in shoes . . . famous YORKTOWNS and WALK-OVERS. . . Select yours now ... in genuine cardovans . . . calf and scotch grains. Styles for all tastes. 8 95 -13 95 E V E PARAMOUNT SHOE STORE 403 COURT STREET COURT AT LIBERTY The Last Time We Visited Our Doctor Entering his office we of course said howdy dock, we always say howdy, and without lookin up he said good mornin take off your shirt and stick out your tongue you need some sound avice. But dock we tryed to say, as I was sayin before you started to prescribe for yourself, what you need to do is to take off a lotta that beef you're carryin around on the front of ye, but dock, no buts about it you come up here to find out somethin and heres our advice to you. But dock we, never mind . . . heres what you gotta do if you -wanta feel like a man which you probably do or you souldn't be up here, yeah sure dock but, now don't but me i'm busy. Now if you wanta feel good dont try to eat everything thats set on the table take meat for enstance if you'll -get the best young steer beef the kind with white not yellow fat marked with white streaks through it and lay off tryin to save a few cents, takes a lot less of that kind of meat to satisfy your appetite and from lookin attche youve got a good one, dock thats just what we come up here to ask ye. allright now where'd you say ye hurt, now dock we didnt say we hurt atall we just wanted to ask you if folks wouldn be better off if they'd buy the better grads of beef graded for quality and get more real nourishment without havin to stuff them selves on cheap fiberous meat. Now I might of known youd come to me and then answer yer own question yer right tho eat good nourishin food and dont load yerself up witha lata non nourishing meat. OK we says dock well be gain, not yet says dock, till ye pay me about three bucks. OK dock may we quote you on this. You dont have to, everyone knows it takes less good food for a real satisfying feeling after youve et. So there you have it one visit to these meat counters you see what is meant by marbled beef. (Any resemblance to any Doctor prescribing is merely coincidental.) Well Marbled POT ROAST Quality Plus Beef No Waste 59c RIME RIB ROAST, boned and Rolled, lb. 79c STANDING RIB ROAST. 75c LEG OF GENUINE LAMB Well Trimmed No Waste 79c lb. LAMB SHOULDER. 59c VEAL SHOULDER. . , 59c ORIOLE BREAKFAST BACON. . .lb. 49c GROUND BEEF Good beef, too Lb 39c MARGARINE Lb 19c BORDEN'S MILK 4 tall cam . 43c Now folks can eat corn like pigs. Good grief, man, we can't put that in our ad. Nobody eats green corn like pigs with the possible exception of us. That was our Fresh Fruit and Vegetable buy er that made that crack about our customers eat In' corn like pigt. Says he, I mean at the price of this the absolute cream of this lummer's crop of tweet corn, folks can eat all they want and that's all a pig will eat. - Us bein' unable to refute that we herewith stop the ar gument and quote the price: DOZEN PERFECT EARS 29c Noy you can eat your fill of fine quality SPEAR MELONS. They're here, they're ripe and sweet. 9c lb. BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE Qt. 69c MIRACLE WHIP 49c Qt Fresh Grade A SWEET CREAM BUTTER Chero Brand. This is per haps Salem's most popu lar brand. Certainly there it none frether or better. 1 lb. Print! 69c Alto here's a GRADE A BUTTER made at Sheri dan. It alto gradet right up there, too. 1 lb. Printt 67c BLUE LABEL KARO 5 lb. can . . . 49c Doumack't Famous MARSHMALLOWS , 12 ox. pkg. Not to be confuted with 8 ox. pkg. 2 of these bigger pack ages tor 29c SOY SAUCE Bottle . . . . . 23c Sunkitt PICKLED PEPPERS Pint Jar 25c Nalley't Critp, Crunchy DILL PICKLES 45c Qt. Here's a Popular Iten MINUTE RICE 15c Pkg. All kinds PICKLING SPICES and SEEDS. Are scarce, but we do have a few for your pickle making. At the CHEESE COUNTER These remarkt overheard and made by a couple of our gentlemen salespeo ple: Did you tee the Big Cheese come in? tayt one. Oh, for crimeny taket, don't call our ad writer a big cheete! Sh-th I don't mean our ad writer, I meant that big 500 lb. wheel of that popular. Genuine Wisconsin Switt Cheete that jutt came in to be cut up and put on tale at our weekend spe cial, along with forty oth er varieties you'll tee dis played in that refriger ated case over there and we agree with the latt part of their remarkt. ' You can really get your favorite cheete, at they laid, at our Cheete Counter. Get a Big Package of POST TOASTIES for 5c Of course, there's a little catch to thit. You get the Pott Toastief for a nickel when ye buy a big package of GRAPENUT FLAKES at regular price. The tpecial By Pott. SUNMAID RAISINS Pound Package 2 - 27c Ghirardelli'i GROUND CHOCOLATE Pound Can 39 c BAKER'S COCOA Vi lb. Tin I8 i. l. in CK t SONS 197 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST.