10 Capital Journal, Salem, Or.., Wednesday, Aug. 14, 1949 1 pAL PEACE FAR OFF IN ORIE, i W- " , rxr- - r- i-"4iP Eg"- Producer'! Daughter lo Wed Darrylin Zannuck, 19-year-old daughter of Darryl Zannuck and Mri. Zannuck, will marry Robert Livingston Jacks, 22 (left) University of Southern California student, when he finishes school next summer, her parents informed friends in Hollywood by cable from Antibes, France. (AP Wirephoto) LONG SNOUT ACTED AS POINTER Barney, the Pig No Longer To Act as a Hunting Dog Portland, Ind. (U.R) Farmer Jack Hough said today he has had io ault using his talented pig, Barney, as a hunting dog. "But he's Just as good as a saddle horse," Hough said. "My ion rides him around the yard all the time." Barney, a Hampshire, learned to hunt last November when he followed Hough and Wig, a setter, while they were out searing up game. Barney caugni en easily, Hough sam. "At first Barney watched," Hough said. "Then he started pushing rabbits out of bushes. Pretty soon he was pointing.'" After that. Barney would "freeze and point" or flush out game If he hailed to see it soon enough, Hough said. Hough gladly displays Bar ney's talents for any disbeliev-rs. He said he had to stop tak ing the porker on hunting trips hrrause It can't get through fences the way it did when It was a 80-pound piglet. "Barney is almost a year old he weighs more than 320 pounds now and he's slowed up," Hough said. "But he picked up point ing faster than any dog I've ever seen. It just seemed natur al to him. In some ways he was tetter than a dog because he never ran off, but worked close in." Furthermore, Hough said, Bar ney's eurly tail was no handi cap to his talent as a pointer. "He has a pretty long snout, which was better." Hough's 8-year-old son, Jackie. Broke Barney to the saddle, en Hough made especially for the pig. 'Wince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner (ALES REPAIRS SERVICE RENTALS On All Types XowMhold or Commercial Alio Wsxtri ALI, WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Flck-np and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 "He makes a good saddle horse for the boy," Hough said. "He's gently with children. We had to find something for him to do now that he can't go hunting. "He seems happy and is al most a member of the family. We wouldn't think of selling him to a butcher.' "I've seen a lot of pigs, but Barney beats them all." Employed at Dam Pleasantdale Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dixon and family who have resided In this district since January 1 left for Umatilla where he has employment on the dam construction work. in Red Conquests in China Called Catastrophe to U. S. WASHINGTON, Aug. 24 U. George F. Kennan, the state department's top policy planner, ays communist conquests in China are a catastrophe which will make real peace in the far east impossible for a long time. Meanwhile, he said, the United States must guard not only its own interests in the far east but "interests of international peace, as best we can." He said the Chinese situation may call for "new approaches and techniques." . But he gave no indication the administration plans to change in the near fu ture from its "wait and see" policy. Kennan and Secretary of De fense Louis Johnson discussed national defense Monday night over the Columbia Broadcasting system. Kennan said an attack of "un precedented cynicism and in tensity" is being waged against the peace and happiness of peo ples throughout the world. He said the sharpest edge of the attack is being directed against the United States be cause it is the bulwark of the free- world. He said that the assailant, ob viously Russia, knew that "our own self-confidence, and the confidence of others in us, must be broken before it would be safe to attack the free world anywhere." Johnson said that building up the military strength of western Europe should make the United States invincible but that "their facilities, were they to fall into enemy hands, would make that enemy hard to beat." Circus Warfare Brings Cut Prices Devils Lake, N. D., Aug. 24 (U.R) A "press agent" was blam ed today for the "circus war" between Ringling Bros, and Cole Bros, circuses. Arthur Concello, general man ager for Ringling, said the whole situation can be chalked up to this guy who handles publicity for Cole Bros., because he work ed for Baley Bros. Circus last year and did the same thing with them. Cole Bros, yesterday cut its prices 50 per cent at Seattle, Wash., as its latest blow in the fight with Ringling. Cole in vaded Ringling's territory this year, moving over the route ahead of the "Big Show." Ringling retaliated with a "pa per war," urging customers to "wait for the big show." Concello said "Ringling pays no attention to other circuses We don't care what Cole Bros, does." Hubbard Amos and Willie Bachman have moved into the Hampton house, which was built a few years ago by George Green. Grand Opening Special SAMSON HEATING PADS Regularly $7.93 NOW $495 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa Street Iff am i..as a hound's tooth! -that's PRES-T0-L0SS THI CLEAN, ECONOMICAL CONVENIENT FUEL BIT 'EM mow CAPITOL LUMBER CO. N. Cherry Ave. Phone 38862 or 24431 EVER HEAR OF A CONCRETE m) TERMITE Here's One Builders Will Be Glad to Know: With this "Concrete Termite" Rotary Drill you can drill an amazing number of accurate, perfect holes in concrete, tile, brick and masonry with one tool that holds its gauge! If your installations are: Electrical, plumbing, tele phone lines, carpentry fittings in concrete . . . this drill will save you time and money. If you lay linoleum on Masonry floors, mount equip ment on basement or factory floors or drill holes in concrete for any reason . . . this drill does it faster, cheaper, easier, quieter. THE CONCRETE TERMITI DOESN'T CUT... IT PULVERIZES! Tun'll find It la the com plete tool department at that convenient location. , . I arm h. I T" . -a r- V 1 1 H Rdai7 1 1 YARP PHONf 1161 mmiiui THE OF Yeateir App 375 sauce BIG NEW STORE Chemeketa A GRAND NEW HOME FOR Co fgUTOrtjgt 'Tfllirj'sT r"zet food ' I lwu-M iLtf nfyJ. Stem frozen food I i tA 1 3 1 lnaS III Freezes Ice cube I V tj l-III II " I I . , I a, j 55ijV II Kpf lea creaca) I 1 SQ I MT KlfPIt . . '. hold If 1 T I 11 pomdi of meat. 1 Other Moael lror . im HtxiBii iiinvim . . . f YOU CAM HUMKWAwet . . keeea ntt tabic fresh. ,, BLeCJKKI LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE 1 -...hi unf nifli nriAtM.. ..ti mm iii niif unrv iiiiiif rimi AMAZING, NEW The big, new Westinghouse '49 Commander'with such van heat you can bake perfectly anywhere in iii spacious Miracle Ovenl Enjoy its new surface cooking capacity . . . Try its simplified cooking control that never make you reach over hot utensils I It'i the Range of the Year I MODEL B-74-49 195 $329i Other Models From $189.95. A little as 919.95 down; 98.09 per month YOU ARE INVITED To see the finest display of time-saving, beautiful new appliances in all of Salem. FREE ORCHIDS FOR THE LADIES Other Westinghouse Products Electric Griddlci Electric Comforter! Electric Sheets Heating Pads Percolators Coffee Makers Food Mixers Water Heaters Electric Heaters Room Heaters Irons Roasters Toasters Waffle Irons Sandwich Grills Vacuum Cleaners NEW NEW Saves up to 10 Gallons of Water a Load All you do is set the exclusive Water Saver t. . . it measures the ' water to the size of the load. Patented, gentle but thorough washing action washes clothes cleaner. Completely automatic . . . installs anywhere ... no bolting . . no vibration. MODEL' L-4 LAUNDROMAT $299 95 930.95 Down 912.78 Per Month No Timer 1 No Gwsworkl No timer! Me guesswork! Choose the dryness you want. Dry-dial shuts Dryer off automatically when clothes are bone dry . . . ready to fold and pot away . . . or jwt right for ironing. Clothes come out fluffy, sweet, bright MODEL D-1 DRYER $23993 $24.95 Down 910.22 Per Month SEE OTHER PAGES FOR GRAND OPENING BARGAIN SPECIALS!