Si 1 sui 19' am am of tui 1 pel ini $2. ryi fla soc tio ng ofl thi Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Special Election Bills 'assed by City Council Three bills calling for a special election October 14 and pro lding for the measures to be voted on at that time were passed y the city council Monday night. nn the hallot will be the Question of merging West Salem with ialem, which already has been Held Chief of Police Les ter M. Isenhut of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Sheriff Harold S. Zeis of Allen county, Ind., said that Franklin Click (above), 30-year-old celery farm worker had confessed to the slayings of three Fort Wayne women who figured in the case of Ralph Lobaugh, now under death sentence. The officers said Click .has con fessed to slayings of Wil helmina Haaga, Anna Kuzeff and Phyllis Comine. (AP Wirephoto) U. S. Marine Band To Play Fair Week Oregon State fair-goers are go. ine to hear a lot of the "Halls of Montezuma" during fair week. Coming to Salem and to the fair for three days, August 8-18 will be the band from the De partment of the Pacific, U. S. Marine Corps, stationed in San Francisco. The band, which has an Inter national reputation is coming here to take part in the large military exhibit being arranged by all five branches of the Arm. ed Forces at the Oregon State Fair. 50 Sfrafobombers Arrive in Britain Sculthorpe, Eng., Aug. 23 VP) The U.S. airforce'i bomber command In Britain celebrated Its first birthday today with the Ethel Barrymore's favorite story "THE YOUNG YEARS" KSLM Presented by PORTLAND GENERAI ELECTRIC COMPANY 3.60 Quart GIBSON'S SELECTED t BLENDED Hear yfe-Jgl J. Flavor-rich Gibson's Selected 8 ITtsI w'ns highest praise wherever I Ea I Jp9 fine whiskey is served or sold. I Ell I Yes, mixed or straight, "8 is great!" w--. limn mutt V Ml V I New Low rrlco .. .. .1 IM If 1 I NEUTRAL SHOTS GIBSON DISTILLING COMPANY. NEW YORK. N. Y. Tuesday, August 23, 1949 approved by the people of West One of the ordinance bills passed sets up an eighth ward, to comprise the Kingwood an nexation, and also West Salem if the latter is merged, and for an eighth member of the city coun cil. A third bill calls an election on this, providing also for two voting places in Ward 3, of which Kingwood is now a part. One voting place would be on the west side and the other the east side of the river. An ordinance bill calling for an annexation election for a 410- acre area south of the city prov ed highly controversial, with numerous speakers for both sides appearing before the council. The bill was given first reading, and If pased at the next meeting will barely give time to get the measure on the ballot. Other ordinances passed were: Making a zone change in Block 6 of Roberts addition to permit establishment of a medical-dental clinic; accepting a deed from Marion county, E. T. Waring and wife to property to be dedicated as part of Alice avenue; estab lish a special set-back line on the east side of South High street just north of Mission on petition of Harry Dorman. A bill for the vacation of a portion of Oxford and South Capitol was tabled. Alderman Ullle introduced a bill to have daylight saving time extended from September 11 to September 25 and attempted to get it advanced to third reading, which was blocked by O'Hara. Chief of Police Clyde A. War ren was Instructed to make an investigation of the status of all taxicab concerns operating In the city to determine whether they are within the law. This came up in connection with the status of the license and insurance of H. P. Barrett, a taxi operator. A public hearing was set for September 12 on the question of zoning of the Kingwood annexa tion in Polk county. announcement that 28 B-50 stratobombers have arrived in England from their Tucson, Ariz., base. In a year, the Third air divi sion has grown from a skeleton staff of specialists to embrace a supply depot, a major over haul depot, three B-29 bases and a complete headquarters in Lon don. Mayflower CHEDDAR CHEESE MO KINO - MO WASTf ScMIiiOim, WHISKEY 868 PR OOP o 63 GRAIN ayoioam Two m4 Thn wJj. Q lb. pockagoo jCtff Baldock Plan (Continued from Page 1) Action by the council was preceded by a long public hear ing started by reading of tne re solution authorizing a contract. This was led off by Dr. R. L. Tower, North Summer street re sident, who declared creation of the state capitol commission made the entire Baldock plan obsolete. He called it "a conflict between city and state." Carroll G. Meeks, president of the Willamette Valley bank speaking for a North Salem group, said "We ask only that this development be in logical order." He favored bridge and by-pass development now, but not the grid system, of which he said "the people whom I rep resent see in this only a tempor ary expedient." Mrs. T. J. Brabec based her attack on the experience of the city of Eugene, where, she said, the grid system has proved "highly unsatisfactory." She quoted newspaper articles and a Chamber of Commerce direc tive, and said the plan there is now under investigation. Supporters Speak On the favorable side was Don Young, who said clients he represented had no objection since one of the agreements had been amended to provide for the widening of South Commercial between Oxford and Hoyt to 44 feet, with parking to be per mitted on the east side. Roy Harland, president of the Chamber of Commerce, reaffir med the endorsement of that or ganization. Robert Letts Jones said "It is the first time a logical traffic plan has been given the city, and that at the city's own re quest . . i We can't expect to get highway development to the north of Salem until we settle our own traffic problems.' Others on the favorable side included 1 Coburn Grabenhorst for the Realtors, Wallace Bone- steel Russ Pratt, Mayor Walter Musgrave of West Salem, and W. M. Hamilton. - Alderman Gille moved that action be delayed until the capi tol planning commission could make a recommendation, but it lost 5 to 3. Nicholson moved adoption of the resolution, and Fry attacked it, declaring it was the "wrong MM -1" Omlf Bnlck SPECIAL hmm aji tkatm Fentmrft TtAffK-HANOY SUI . AKMT DOOM PCX TM MONEY DYHAH.OW OMVf optional at urro tool JtT-UNf STYUNCl NOM40CKMO iUMNR-OlMSO SWUM MOH-MESSUtt rwrXAii rrtArawr-BOHT mourn ccw.smingmo au axound iow-messum rstES on SAmr-MDf of ms tnAor-rWRNo rotoui-ivM DMvt oti Arm vwuurr roi AND AfT SBNOCKVM UMCIAOf LDf . THREE! SMAT AKXXU WITH lOOT IT RSHE Whem hmttmr mmlnmtthlUt mm bmllt Bt'ICK trill build them 4k approach," and that "a one-way grid isn t needed in the down town area." He said the proper approach was to take up the nec essary parts of the plan in order, and placed the bridge as No. 1. "If we get the grid first," he said, "I think the by-pass will be delayed indefinitely." O'Hara said the privilege of referendum left in the bills was 'only an empty gesture," with the people having less than 10 days in which to get over 1500 petition signers. Measures Summarized The grid system bill provides: It prohibits driving south on Liberty from Oxford to Division and from Belmont to Pine; south on Capitol from Court to Tile road; north on Fairgrounds road from Tile to North Summer; on North Summer from Fairgrounds road to Chemexeta; on North Commercial from Pine to Bel mont; on North Commercial from Division to Oxford; west on Court from Commercial to Capi tol; east on Chemeketa from Capitol to Commercial; east on Division from Liberty to Com mercial. Truck routes are defined by this bill. Coming north they en ter the city at 12th, proceed to Court, to Capitol and along Capi tol, Fairgrounds road and Port land road to the north city limits. Coming south they enter the city on Portland road, proceed to Pine as extended, to Commercial, and to the south city limits. Provisions of this bill do not apply to trucks entering the city to receive or discharge freight wiimn me cuy. The bill was amended to pro vide for the widening of South Commercial between Oxford and Hoyt to 44 feet so parking may be permitted on the east side. This act will be effective when Pine street has been ex tended and opened, when South Palmistry Readings Will tell your past present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business Answers all questions Are you worried? Whv be in I f- S,Jf doubt? Special . Readings NJtr Open 9 a.m. ' t -(IT in 10 n m vm. ' i Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial . JhW through M. n afsf . ZZm and TEN-STRIKEt OTTO J. WILSON CO. 388 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. Liberty has been widened to 40 feet between Superior and Oak, and a diagonal street has been acquired, opened and improved connecting South Liberty and South Commercial between Su perior and Oxford. Traffic to and From Bridges Another of the three bills des ignates Center street, from North Commercial to North Ca pitol, the Center street bridge, and the new bridge to be built, and the street leading from the new bridge to Capitol as one way traffic thoroughfares. It prohibits: Driving west on Center from Commercial to Ca pitol, or on the Center street bridge; driving east on any new bridge to be built north of Cen ter, or on the street leading from the new bridge to Capitol This act will be effective af ter construction of the new bridge and reconstruction of the Center street bridge and the op ening of both for use. The third bill pertains mainly to vehicle parking. It makes it unlawful at any time to park on Fairgrounds road between Tile A Plan that PAYS up to for treatment of rPOLDO (Infantile Paralysis') 0fJ S other Dread Diseases ENCEPHALITIS (Sleeping Sickneis) SCARLET FEVER TETANUS LEUKEMIA RABIES DIPHTHERIA SMALL POX SPINAL or CEREBRAL MENINGITIS $5 one child $10 two or more children $12 entire family I titled by UNITED BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA THE FIRST COMPANY TO WRITE POLIO INSURANCE Secure this Protection . . . Mail Ihs coupon today UNITED BENEFIT AGENCY G. J. BECKER, 630 Marion St., Salem, Ore. NAME ADDRESS-CITY YOU take a look and your fingers itch to get hold of its waiting wheel. You cast an eye over its gleaming new bumper-guard grille, its tapering fenders, its jet-plane lines and know that this is what others have been groping for. "You slip inside. .Twelve inches added to rear-seat cushions emphasize the biggest interiors you can buy for the money. A broad, curving windshield set in nar rower corner posts means a better view any way you look. Now touch the throttle. Not just high compression power, but high-rtrsjrtf Fireball power, to get the most from to day's fuels today! You finger the controls not just stand ard transmission alone, but the magic : smoothness of Dynaflow Drive at your option. IfOttlCfyTO GEATE road and a point 380 feet south j of Woodrow, or on Fairgrounds road between Hall and a point 180 feet south of Smith street, or on Fairgrounds road between Smith and Beach. Wherever Fairgrounds road is widened parking will be permitted on one side. Some off-street parking provisions are made. For Wider Streets This act will be effective af ter the state highway commis sion has widened parts of Fair grounds and Portland roads. Portland road is to be widened on the west side between Lana and a point 350 feet south, and on the east side between Lana and Beach, and for about 180 feet south from Smith, and be tween Hall and Woodrow, and 380 feet south from Woodrow. Shrock Family Together Hubbard Present at the Shrock family re-union held in McMinnville from Hubbard were Mr. and Mrs. Jj. W. Shrock and Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Foltz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Berkey and family. $5,G00.00 aggregate for each porson - i Pays. . Doctor bllli, hoipllal billi, pedal nune, ambulance. X-ray, radium, and other ' therapy. Ifeed rrantfutioni, drugs and medicine,. Iron lung. Braces, crutches and transportation. Plus... Accidental Daath ienefit and Specific Lou eneflti. INS. AGENCY Phone 3-8482 ItOptienal at txlrtt coil. SPeCAUVMOHf VAIUE Witness Gives Two Versions San Francisco, Aug. 23 JP) Two conflicting versions of why allied prisoners broadcast over wartime radio Tokyo came from a single witness in the Tokyo Rose treason trial. The witness yesterday was Norman Reyes, now a Vander- bilt student who was captured early in the war while serving as a U. S. army lieutenant in the Philippines and worked at radio Tokyo. Testifying for the defense of Mrs. Iva Toguri D' Aquino, ac cused of treasonable broadcast ing as Tokyo Rose, Reyes said fear and Japanese brutality ruled at radio Tokyo. The prosecution read another version from an FBI report of Doctors Find Body Odor On 13 Parts of Body Soap with purifying ingredient gets skin cleaner, gives all-over protection. It's true-though few people real ize this unpleasant fact I Body odor is not confined to the under arms. To guard popularity you must give 13 parts of your body top protection. PopDlariry is priceless. Don't erer lose it! The cleaner you get every part of your skin, doctors know, the safer you are from "B. O." (body odor). And by comparing daily baths with different soaps they found one soap Lifebuoy Health Soap gets skin cleaner, stops LIFEBUOY Twit In HENRY J. . - Try it in traffic-and less length bumper-to bumper makes it a dream to park or han dle. Try it on the road, and seata placed ahead of the rear axle add even more comfort to that unequaled Buick ride. So you say, "How much?" maybe bracing yourself mentally. Then you learn that price is part of the good news too! Figures fit the modest budget as this handy-dandy fits the modest garage -and you get room, power, ride, and the smartest look on wheels at the lowest price you'll find on any valve-in-head eight! So you size it all up with a happy"Buick' done it again!" and see your Buick dealer quick as you can. After all, the quickest way to get one of these into your garage is to get a firm order in! mew SALEM, its agents' conversations with Reyes. In that, Reyes said he knew of no Japanese threats nor brutality influencing Mrs. D' Aquino or three prisoners of war to broadcast. He admitted some statements he made to the FBI were false. He also declared some of his words had not been set down exactly as he spoke them. His true or false cross examination on more FBI reports was to con tinue today. Reyes testified there was a conspiracy among Mrs. D' Aqui no, U. S. Major Wallace Ince, Charles Cousens, former Aus tralian major, and himself to defeat Japanese propaganda over radio Tokyo. Ince and Cousens, also former prisoners of war, had testified such a con spiracy existed. Two-thirds of Britain's food supply in the last year was grown domestically. "B. O." as no other leading soap" can. It protects popularity butt Lifebuoy's purifying ingredi ent makes it more effective) against the "invisible dirt" that brings on"B.O."Llfebuoy guards all 13 trouble spots where body odor occurs. Get that clean, clean Lifebuoy feeling! Buy big NEW bath size Lifebuoy at your store today. So mild so GOOD (or tow skin! Lifebuoy is milder ... wonderful for delicate complexion! Enjoy the rich white lather from Life buoy's coconut oil. Make friends with Lifebuoy today I Another fint produelof Lever BrothertCumpany. Gets Skin Cleaner . . . Slops; "B.O." as No Other LeaJinf Soap Cat TAYLOR, ABC Ntlwori. avtqf MeMey orail OREGON s