Parties for Miss Tate Honoring Miss Marjorie Tate who is to be married September 10 to Lawrence Christian, Mrs. John P. Maulding (Margaret Jane Cooley) will entertain Thursday evening, assisted by her mother, Mrs. Ralph H. Coo ley, the party to be at the poo ley residence. Twenty-five guests have been bidden for dessert, a miscellan eous shower later to honor Miss Tate. Sixty guests have been bid den to a garden party planned for this evening for Miss Tate, Mrs. Maurice Heater and Mrs. Henry Tate to be hostesses for the event at the Heater home at Union Hill. Following a dessert supper there will be a miscellaneous shower for the bride-to-be. t Wedding Sept. 3 Monmouth The marriage of Miss Beverly Jean Lawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Van K. Lawson of McMinnville, to Or ville Colyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Colyer of Brooks, is to be solemnized September 3 in the First Baptist church in McMinn ville. Miss Lawson is a graduate nurse from the Emmanuel hos pital in Portland. Mr. Colyer graduated from the Oregon Col lege of Education in 1048, and is a teacher In the Amity school. Miss Lawson is a great niece of G. L. Russell and Miss Blanch Russell. . STAYTON Celebrating the sixth birthday of her son, David, Mrs. Robert Boitz of Salem, en tertained with a family dinner at the home of her mother, Mrs. Rosa Darby of Stayton. Present with the guest of hon or and his parents were Mr. and Mrs. William Raymond, Doug las, Rosemary and Herbert, and Betty Vahl, all ' of Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Stud nick, Sally and Norman of Scio route; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Dar by, Audrey, Darla and Gary, Darrell Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Boitz, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boitz, Keith and Gary, Mrs. Rosa Darby and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Darby, all of Stayton. Today's Menu Friday Fare Tuna Fish Salad Potato Chips Bread and Butter Sandwiches Blueberry Pie Beverage Tuna Fish Salad Ingredients: 1 seven - ounce can tuna fish, Vi cup finely dic ed celery, cup finely diced cucumber, 1 cup well-drained cooked peas , 2 hard-cooked eggs (sliced), 3 tablespoons (about) mayonnaise or creamy type salad dressing, 1 teaspoon prepared mustard, Vi teaspoon cider vinegar, V teaspoon salt, Vi teaspoon sugar, salad greens. Method: Flake tuna fish un less it is already flaked. Add to it the celery, cucumber, peas and eggs. In a small bowl mix the mayonnaise or creamy-type salad dressing'with the mustard, vinegar, salt, and sugar until they are well combined; add to the tuna mixture, mixing light ly. Serve on salad greens. 4 servings. Berg-Ferguson Service Friday First Wedding in New Evangelistic Temple is- to teach near Portland next The new Evangelistic Temple was the scene of its first wed ding last Friday evening when Miss Beryl Eileen Ferguson, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Roy C. Ferguson, was married to the Rev. Allen L. Berg of Portland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Berg of Vernon, B.C. The double ring .rites were read at 8 o'clock with the Rev. Mr. Ferguson officiating, assisted by the Rev. W. S. Fredericks, pastor of the church. The church was decorated profusely with many gladioluses, the pastel colored ones being at the altar. For the music, Miss Mary Katherine Bullock and Howard Olsen sang and at the organ was Miss Joan Bair. The bride was escorted to the altar by an uncle, F. L. Stephens, and she was given in marriage by her mother. The wedding dress was of white satin design ed with sweetheart neckline and short train. The veil was fin gertip length.: The bride carried a white Bible with white gladio luses and stephanotis. With her dress the bride wore a necklace that belonged to her maternal grandmother and she carried a handkerchief which her mother and sister had carried at their weddings. Two sisters of the bride were honor attendants, Miss Marilyn Ruth Ferguson and Mrs. Lloyd E. Hoeye (Carol Denise Fergu son), Miss Ferguson wearing a blue gown of taffeta with net skirt, Mrs. Hoeye, a yellow taf feta gown. Miss Dons Jean Schmidt as bridesmaid wore a pink dress. All three .carried bouquets of pastel colored gladi oluses. The candle lighters were Miss Dorothy Carlson and Miss Luel la Olsen. Darleen Warner was flower girl, wearing a floor length pink organdy frock, and Steven Meredith Hoeye the ring bearer. The Rev. Robert Kimball was best man. Groomsmen were Rev. Noble Ballew and the Rev. Ir win Gllbraith, both of Portland. Ushers were Roy Hageman, Walter Friesen, Dick Loutham, Melvin Bales and John Walter. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Ferguson wore a powder blue dress and the bridegroom's mother was in 4 gray suit. Both mothers wore corsages of pink gladioluses and white carna tions. The reception was at the church and many gladioluses in various colors were used in decorating. The bride's table was set with a linen cloth that had belonged to the bride's great great grandmother and is one that has been used in all wed dings of the family, for three generations. Mrs. Winnie Ham man, an aunt, served the cake. Miss Joan Schwabbauer and Miss Betty Sorensen poured. Serving were Miss Lora Friesen, Miss Alice Carlson, Miss Anna mae Einfeldt. Miss Ruth Petty of Baridon was in charge of the guest book and in charge of the gifts were Miss Billie Oliver and Miss Aileen Hanner. Mrs. How ard Olsen assisted in arranging the wedding and reception. For traveling the bride wore a maroon gabardine suit with black hat, trimmed with white and gray feathers, black acces sories and corsage of white flowers. The couple will reside at Lents, Ore. The bride, who at tended Southern California Bible college at Pasadena and the Oregon College of Education, year. Rev. Mr. Berg, who also attended the Southern Califor nia Bible college at Pasadena and other colleges, and was in the Royal Canadian army medi cal corps for three years, is di rector of the visual action head quarters in Portland. Miss Schnell is Feted at Shower Misses Gloria, and Barbara McClintock and Miss Joanne Fitzmaurice were hostesses Sun day at a surprise party for Miss Phyllis Schnell, who is to wed September 2 to Robert Strebig. The party was given at the home of Miss Fitzmaurice's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice, and was a garden party. A pound and spice show er honored Miss Schnell. In the group were: Miss Schnell,- Mrs. Philip H. Schnell, Mrs. Roger M. Schnell, Mrs. John Beakey, Mrs. Edna M. Olsen, Mrs. R. M. Fitzmaurice, Mrs. John P. Maulding, Mrs. George C. Alexander of Eugene, Mrs. Donald Scheelar, Mrs. James Kern of Albany, Mrs. Donald Sommer, Mrs. Donald Preiss, Mrs. John H. Johnson, Mrs. James R. Phillips, Mrs. Er nest Hobbs, Mrs. Hubert Wil liamson, Mrs. Herbert Hunt Misses Suzanne Small, Janet Miss Vickroy Is Wed at Mt. Angel Mt. Angel In a setting of white gladioluses and greenery, lighted by candelabrams at St Mary's Catholic church, Miss Dolores Vickroy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Vickroy of Mt. Angel, and Howard Naegeli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Naegeli of Silverton, exchanged vows at a double ring ceremony Rev. Vincent Koppert, OSB read the services at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, August 20. Miss Helen Keber presided at the pipe organ for the proces sional and recessional marches, and accompanied Miss Pauline Saalfeld and Miss Lucy Van Cleef, who sang preceding and after the service. Mr. Vickroy gave his daugh ter in marriage. She was dress ed in a white frock made of eyelet embroidery fashioned with fitted bodice, short sleeves, and picture frame collar. Her hat and accessories were of white, and she carried a white pearl prayer book topped with a .spray of American Beauty rosebuds. Mrs. Don Chandler of Silver- Rilea, Jean Claire Swift, Mar jorie Tate, Betty Jean Manoles, Charlotte Alexander, June Young, Mariann Croisan, Bar bara Sundet, Jean Fidler and from Portland, Misses Georgie Anne Balaam, Emily West and Eva Moore, Kappa sorority sis ters. wondrous new dual-personality invention for fun and good-grooming both! An enchanting plastic "all-around" Carousel toy that holds all the things to keep a little girl beautiful: Little Lady's "very own" Bubble Bath, Shampoo, Toilet Water, Hand Lotion, and Talcum. Charmingly boxed. $j50 ) Tit H4. Ma iliiisenher fHI QUISfSlfm COINftl toai urn MFOIMI Nrff 1MNCM riL? , t cperatt t om ton stood astmatron of honor I for her sister. She was dressed in a frock of chartreuse, with which she wore a white hat and white accesspries. Miss Char lene Vickroy, another sister, was the bridesmaid, wearing a pink frock with white accessories. Each carried a spray of gladio luses, Lloyd Naegeli served as best man for his brother and Lloyd Stoltenberg of Portland was groomsman. Ushers were an other brother, Norman Naegeli of Silverton, Vayle Dickerson of Silverton and Alan Jungwirth of St. Paul, uncle of the bride. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Vickroy was dressed in yellow linen with roses and ap plique trim. Her accessories were in gray and she wore a cor sage of gardenias and Cecil Brunner roses. Mrs. Naegeli was dressed in a royal blue afternoon dress for her son's wedding. Her accessories were in gray and white and she also wore a gardenia and Cecil Brun ner rose corsage. A reception followed at the St. Mary's dining hall. Mrs. A. J. Jungwirth, aunt of the bride; and Mrs. Roy Timmerman has charge of the guest table. Mrs. Pete Uselman passed the guest book and Mrs. A. Jungwirth cut the cake. Serving were the Misses Loretta Huber, Mary Hu- ber and Rosemarie Huber, Pat Lesmeister and Wilma Lesmei-ster. After a wedding trip to the coast, the couple will reside in Spokane, Wash. W W Lite ATI fm A UGUST Fur S ALE PRESENTING the fashion picture Coats Capes Sea ryes We . now open our Sale of Fine Furs. There has been a big drop in the whole sale market. We are offering coats and capes made from the most choice skins by the finest New York manufacturers at greatly reduced prices. We challenge any competition to equal our prices. If you are interested in anything in the fur line, be sure and see us. Famous for the Finest in Furs 135 North Liberty Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Tuesday, August 23, I'M!) P ENNEY' SALEM, OREGON AGAIN CUTS YOUR COST OF LIVING With NEW LOW PRICES On BETTER QUALITY DRAPERIES Famous Patterns in High Grade "SIERRA CLOTH" 48" wide in a Grand Assortment of Colors at this New Low Price of 1.79 per yard. Also! NEW LOW PRICES On READY MADE DRAPES FULL SIZE REGULAR LENGTH FINE WORKMANSHIP 3 75 PAIR These are our same outstanding patterns and fine fabrics at on amazing new low cost. See this grand stock of draperies today. Also! PENNEY'S NEW LOWER PRICES 0N SPECIAL MAKE.UP DRAPES Select your own patterns have them made exactly to your own specifica tions. Here are our prices on regular and traverse drapes: LINED UNLINEI) 1 - w'dth pr 2.00 1.50 2- width pr 4.00 3.00 3- width pr. . . . ; 6.00 4.50 Fast Efficient Service on All Orders AW L I N". nsos. HIOIT .; an so. UP a . STO.I che lea t S :ub y i lo I' I om net apt ai tei trie ipe rea b ' 8 ire Jr :lu ou da ills he ag