Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 23, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 23, 1949
Old College
Friends Meet
Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers
and her sister, Miss Dorathea
Steusloff, are to be hostesses the
latter part of the week for an
interesting gathering.
A house party is planned for
a group of 10 who were in
school together at Oregon State
college with the hostesses.
Guests are coming from several
sections of Oregon as well as
from California.
On Thursday, Mrs. Chambers
and Miss Steusloff will enter
. tain at a luncheon at the home
of the former honoring the
group, other guests to include
acquaintances in the college at
the same time, covers to be
marked for 25.
The two hostesses will then
entertain their guests at a house
party at the Chambers beach
home at Pacific City for the rest
of the weekend.
Starting at the time they were
in college and over a period of
years the group has staged these
house party events.
Wedding Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Konkle,
2035 North 4th, have received
announcement of the marriage
of Mertice LaVaun Smith to
Dick Parke, son of Mrs. Konkle.
The wedding was an event of
Friday, August 19, in the Hen
nepin Avenue Methodist church
in Minneapolis, Minn.
Today, the couple left for the
west coast to visit relatives and
friends in Salem and Dallas be
fore going to North Bend to
make their home, Mr. Parke to
teach music in the schools there.
He is well known in Salem, hav
ing lived here many years be
fore going into the service in
1942. .
FORTY members of the Chln
Up club went to Sodaville, Sun
day, for the picnic given by
Mrs. Lucille Garner of Salem
and Henry F. Fort of Sodaville.
During the picnic Mrs. Gar
ner and Mr. Fort announced
their approaching marriage to
be September 18 in Salem, all
members of the Chin-Up club
being invited to the wedding..
Report on Convention
Mrs. William E. Smith return
ed the past week-end from two
months in the east.
She first went to Quebec to
attend the Zonta International
convention in June, being dele
gate from the Salem club.
Later, Mrs. Smith visited in
New Hampshire, New Jersey,
Npu Vnrlf Ohin anrt Nphraskn.
At the meeting of the locall Jv.ns
Zontians this coming Thursday
evening, at the home of Mrs. R.
W. Land, Mrs. Smith will give
her convention report.
Sorority Official
Visitor for Day
Visitor in Salem Tuesday and
to be an overnight guest at the
home of Dr. and Mrs-. G. Herbert
Smith is Miss Amy B. Onken of
Chapin, 111., grand president of
Pi Beta Phi sorority.
From Salem, Miss Onken will
go to Timberline lodge to at
tend a meeting of active chap
ters for this province of Pi Beta
Phi. Misses Avis Roberts and
Diane Proctor are delegates
from the Willamette university
chapter to the meeting.
Miss Onken will be in Port
land Thursday evening to be
honored at a dinner to be given
by Portland alumnae of the sor
Party After
On Saturday evening an In
formal party will be given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton
Cass to honor Mr. Cass' sister
Miss Norma Jane Cass, and her
fiance, Richard Martin Thurin
of Altadena, Calif. The party
will follow the rehearsal for the
wedding of Miss Cass and Mr
Thurin who are to be married
next Sunday evening in Knight
Memorial Congregational
In the wedding party for the
Thurin-Cass nuptials are Mrs
Richard Givens as matron of
honor; Miss Frances Glibert,
Miss Velma Davis, Miss Ramona
Mrs. Lewis Sturgis,
bridesmaids; Peggy Lee Cass as
flower girl; James Mason, Los
Angeles, best man; Clifton Cass,
James Carson, John Petty, Pat
rick Tynan, ushers; Miss Mavis
Eggens and Miss Shirley Long,
taper lighters; Miss Beverly
Kenney, soloist.
Miss O'Neill
Bride Friday
Picnic Sunday
Willamette shrine No. 2,
While Shrine of Jerusalem, an
nounces its annual picnic for
next Sunday, August 28, at the
home of Miss Mabel Savage,
3195 Garden Road. The dinner
will be at 1 p.m. Coffee and
ice cream will be furnished.
Each one attending is to take
his own table service.
On the committee for the pic
nic are J. H. Booth, Kenneth
Caughcll, Mrs. Bess Shelton,
Charles Morgan.
SALEM F. L. club No. 14 met
last week for a no-host supper
t the Rebekah lodge hall. In
itiation was held for seven new
members. Out-of-town guests
included F. L. club members
from Albany, Molalla and Mc-
Minnville. The next meeting is
to be September 1 at the home
of Mrs. Colene Lounsbury.
sell Bright, charity; Mrs, Carl
E. Guenther, historian; Mrs.
Glenn Slentz, musician; Mrs.
Wilson Pickrell, warder; Ray
Johnson, sentinel.
New Amaranth Court Is
i Instituted Here Saturday
A new group in the state organization of the Order of Amaranth,
to be known as Cherry court, was instituted in Salem Saturday
evening at a special session of the grand court of the order, called
by Mrs. James B. Manning, Salem, grand royal matron, and Earl
S. Beeson, Eugene, grand royal patron.
The grand officers staged the-
Initiatory degree for 43 new
' members and six affiliates.
Frank Scobert, Eugene, su
preme royal patron for the Or
der of the Amaranth, was at the
meeting and was given special
recognition and honors. Gifts
and sums of money were pre
sented the new court from other
courts in Oregon. Past royal
matrons fo Hannah Rosa court,
Salem, took charge of the re
freshments served after the
Officers for the new Cherry
court arc: Mrs. Lyle McCaulcy,
royal matron; James W. Tin
dall, royal patron; Mrs. James
W. Tindall, associate matron;
Stanley Dilatush, associate pat
ron; Mrs. Frank Weidner, sec
retary; Phillip Johnston, treas
urer; Mrs. Stanley Dilatush,
conductress; Mrs. C. Ward Davis,
associate conductress; Glenn
Slentz, trustee for three years;
Mrs. Gilbert Hayes, trustee for
two years; Frank Weidner, trus
tee for one year; Mrs. Gail Jones,
marshal in the east; Mrs. V. L.
Walser, marshal in the west:
Wilson Pickrell, prelate; Mrs.
Paul Griebcnow, standard bear
er; Miss Evelyn N. Stark, truth;
Mrs. J. V. Frybergcr, faith; Mrs.
Elmer Boyer, wisdom; Mrs. Rus-
Miss Roberta Jean O'Neill,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
O'Neill, was married Friday
evening to Richard Gallagher,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher
the service being solemnized a(
8 o'clock in the First Presbyter
ian church, the Rev. John Good
enberger officiating.
For the music, Ewald Franz
was soloist and Mrs. E. W.
Cravens was at the organ.
Given in marriage by her
tnther, the bride wore a gown
of white marquisette and lace
and with it a long veil arranged
from a wreath of orange blos
soms across the top of the head
Her flowers were a bouquet of
pink and white roses.
Mrs. Roy Farmer was matron
of honor for her sister. She
wore a pale green net and taf
feta gown and her flowers were
pink gladioluses.
Robert Gallagher was best
man for his brother.
The reception following was
in the church also. Mrs. Brady
Gallagher poured. Mrs. Edna
O'Neill, an aunt of the bride,
served the cake. Assisting at
the reception and with the serv
ing were Mrs. Edward Herman,
Mrs. Gerald Rceher, Mrs. George
Nuss, Mrs. Alvin Russell, Mrs.
John Mason, Miss Hazel Mack,
Miss Dorothy Hutmacher, Miss
Alice Lachon, Miss Joyce Vari
For her going away costume
the bride wore a jade green suit
with cocoa accessories and cor
sage of orchids. Following a
trip to Canada the couple will
be at home in Eugene, Mr. Gal
lagher to complete his work at
University of Oregon. ,
LEAVING next week-end pn
a ten-day trip to Alaska will
be Miss Betty Jean Manoles and
Miss Patricia Vicscko. They
Miss Patricia Viesko. They
from there sail on the Princess
Kathleen for Skagway. They
plan a train trip to Whitehorse
and upon their return to Vancou
ver will go to Victoria and Se
attle for a few days. ,
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Wedding In Garden Mrs. Charles Hunter, the former Betty
Lou Jones, was married August 13 at a garden ceremony
at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne R. Jones. (Jes-ten-Miller
studio picture)
Betrothal Told
Announcement is made by
Mrs. Earl Hatfield of the en
gagement of her daughter, Miss
Jean Hatfield, to Elmer Hiebert,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hie
bert of Dallas. The wedding is
planned for next summer.
Both Miss Hatfield and Mr.
Hiebert will graduate in June
from the Bible Institute of Los
MR. AND MRS. Donald
Preiss (Jane Acton) are to leave
Saturday for Wilmington, Dela
ware, to be gone for the next
four years. On their way they
are to stop at Yellowstone and
other places, and at State col
lege, Pa., will visit with Mrs.'
Preiss' brother and sister-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Winser Acton.
At Wilmington, Mr. Preiss will
attend University of Delaware
on a fellowship, working for his
doctor's degree in chemistry.
AMITY Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Allison were in Portland over
the week-end, attending the
fourth annual get-together of
the Hobbs-Nobbers reunion at
the Imperial hotel in Portland,
August 20 and 21.
VISITORS in the capital in
clude Mrs. Paul O. Hughes ana
children, Larry and Linda, of
Long Beach, Calif., guests at the
home of Mrs. Hughes' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Franzen. Mr.
Hughes will come north later to
join his family here for a short
visit before taking them south.
m'Off for
Mrs. Leon M. Brown Is leav
ing tonight with the Oregon del
egation on the streamliner out
of Portland for Philadelphia to
attend the national convention
of the American Legion auxil
iary, opening August 29.
Mrs. Brown is national reso
lutions chairman in the auxili
ary. Sessions of the auxiliary
convention are to be in the Ir
vin auditorium at University of
Also leaving Salem today to
take in the American Legion
convention were Mr. and Mrs.
B. E. Owens. Mr. Owens is the
immediate past department com
mander in Oregon for the Le
gion. They go by train to Chi
cago, then fly to Detroit and
will drive on to Philadelphia,!
planning to motor home through;
the south.
Party for
Miss Duffy
Honoring Miss Florence Duf
fy, who is to be married soon to
John S. Horton, Mrs. Fred B
Moxley is entertaining Wednes
day evening at a dessert party
and kitchen shower at her home.
Guests will include close
friends of the bride-to-be. Miss
Duffy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Matthew P. Duffy, and Mr. Hor
ton, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. J.
Horton of Baker are to be mar
ried the afternoon of September
Honors Visitor
Honoring Mrs. George Powell
of Long Beach, Calif., Mrs. Linn
C. Smith is to entertain infor
mally at tea Wednesday after
noon at her home. Mrs. Powell
is in Oregon to visit her son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
John M. Jerman, in Portland
Guests have been invited to
call between 3 and 5 o'clock
to greet Mrs. Powell at the
Wednesday tea.
Going South
Dr. Helen Pearce has left on
a trip to California. She will
stop at Berkeley to visit an
aunt, Mrs. A. S. Brasfield, then
at Walnut Creek to visit cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Boomer. Lat
er, Dr. Pearce will go to Stan
ford university to attend a
meeting of the Modern Language
Her sister, Miss Dorothy
Pearce, who had been in San
Francisco to attend events in
conjunction with the National
Music Teachers convention, re
turned home Monday morning.
Visitor Leaves
Mrs. James Martin (Lucile
Cummings) left Tuesday for the
east following three weeks visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Cummings.
Miss Cummings, as she is
known professionally, is leaving
to start work on the role of Am
neris in the opera "Aida," for
the City Center Opera company
in New York. .
During her Visits in Salem in
1948 and 1947 Miss Cummings
appeared as soloist for the Cher
ry land Festival association pro
gram here.
Boys' and Girls' Back-to-School Special
Composition or Leather
Half Soles
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no seams to rub or pinch young feet!
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many ityUi, nd ilm Inm Crodltilppr- le mm.
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II) II 1 I I C I: I! II
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Hlndemlth: Symphonic Meta
morphosis. NobllLvilma Visions.
Philadelphia Orchestra
Eugene Ormandy, conductor
la-Ill. ML-4177 . - - 14.85
Waltzes of Johann Strauss.
Marek Weber & His Orchestra.
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