1 Capital AJournal An Independent Newspaper Established 1888 GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher ROBERT LETTS JONES, Assistant Publisher Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che meketa St., Salem. Phones: Business, Newsroom, Want Ads, 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409. Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press and The United Press. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tor publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise eredlted in this paper and also news published therein. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier: Weekly, 25c; Monthly, $1.00; One Tear, $12.00. By Mall in Oregon: Monthly, 75c; 6 Mos. S4.00; One Fear, $8 00. V. S. Outside Oregon: Monthly, $1.00; 6 Mos.. $6.00; Year, $12. 4 Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, August 23, 1949 The Vote of Five Men Five city council members deserve credit for voting Mon day night in the interests of Greater Salem's future. When they voted in favor of adopting the Baldock traffic plan, four aldermen and the mayor braved the vocal op ponents of the plan. But the need for coming to a final decision at that time on the besUproposed traffic plan for the area left no alternative in the eyes of the five. There had been too many delays already. So many months had passed since the council had first taken up tne controversial iour-pumi uami; van j , Hiehwav Engineer Baldock. Basis of the request of the BY BECK Actions You Regret MJvJSv'Mi catch HIW...OH, i JgyftSaWz; $W ' fifei'- WMeisim WARNED "YOU ABOUT Tffi$$Tffiif?-MW-vnM& LETTING HIM OUT OFlVJ? jfil I (board) WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Backstage Cost Wrangle Delays Runway Lighting (Ed. Note While Drew Pearson is on vacation, the Wash ington Merry-Go-Round is being written by his old partner, Robert S. Alien). BY GUILD Wizard of Odds CRIMINALS, bY ODDS OF 2 TO I.ARE IM PRISONED LOWER FOR ROBBERIES THAN FOR BURGLARIES. (AN HONEST QUESTION FROM WLMtR SLAVS. SIPS FOR SUPPER It's All There By DON UPJOHN About everything that makes life worth living will be on dis- By ROBERT S.ALLEN Washington Installation of essential runway-lighting equip ment on scores of airports has been stalled for months because of a back-stage wrangle over cosU. Lack of these safety facilities is a serious flying hazard as many of the airfields are useless in bad weather and at night. Numerous other airports - " throughout the country, which Wash., asked Hickenlooper what have inadequate lighting equip- the connection was between ment, also are affected by the these reports and his case dispute. against the atomic commission. Principals in the protracted "These people might disclose controversy are the civil aero- valuable secrets under the in nautics authority and the Wels- fluence of love or liquor," he re bach corporation, Philadelphia, plied. Last April, Welsbach took One reason for the commit over the sale of the patented tee's delay has been Hicken runaway - lighting equipment looper's absence. He was in Iowa from the Line Material com- mending political fences. He pany, Stroudsburg, Pa. The pat- faces a tough re-election battle ents, owned by Inventor Jack next year. Bartow, Blue Bell, Pa., are so Democratic committee men basic that CAA attorneys doubt want to issue a formal report whether any effective runaway by September 15. Their report lighting can be installed without is certain to be a vigorous re infringement, futation of Hkkenlooper's Immediately after coming in- charge of "incredible misman to the picture, Welsbach an- agement" by AEC. He and other nounced a new price schedule, republican committee members It calls for a royalty of 80 cents will undoubtedly put out a re per runaway foot, plus cost of port of their own. the eauipment. For the aver- rllJfJlA UNLESS THE DICE ARE rTS Y CROOKED, CHANCES ARE 1,181 TO I jL&yS AGAINST MAKIN6 10 STRAIGHT Y VL. WINNING THROWS. IN THE FIRST Uf 4 " . . . , ii ii i ..(. i m.. a.u n nh vhnui wn rn ciam . state canito p anning commission to aeiay me pian lur- piay anne ...... ajrp0rt this means a si.buu takmnu xmu ihahw ?. 1 ., ii ee i d,'.tMtl,anram at tho Stato Fair irrounds tomorrow noon and runs through Fri- ? . j ton nnn i t.u. been this summer seeing, what Ba , , ., .. , both of grounds The point of concern expressed by the capitol comrnis- and homeS in Bion was one that really offered no problem that couldn t fact) as stated, easily be reconciled to the one-way grid. There would be there'll be about no difficulty in getting the state highway department, every thing to the capitol planning commission, and the city council into please the eye, agreement on minor rerouting in the capitol group area, the taste and the . . smeller. And all of it will be the Mayor Elfstrom's leadership in carrying through the produce of Mar fight for the Baldock plan these many months deserves ion county recognition for his efforts dedicated to the city's veil- youngsters. And being and future. It would have been easier lor mm to nary a one ot But noth- them involved ing would have been gained by a delay except continual in the production of same will knocked out his front teeth. A Doi Cpjoba is takina no chances upon re- The CAA balked at the price, turnine to California. The government pays half the as wartime commander of the tnr no nnntrnl tnuiore otlH ntVlfir Tn 41. TT C1 A mi 1x iBtiaA Vi with daylight savings time, there safety instaUations. CAA con- order removing Japanese from ....... ..s ....... fpnri wpishach's fieures mean tha ,ot mit Nnu livins in I't gO On Until aft- .HcH hlirripn on the tax- k .act n.Wi wsnk in inki payers. up residence in San Francisco. The company denies that. It But before doing so, he sought claims its schedule will cut costs legal opinion on whether he $900 on a 6,000-foot runway. would be subject to action by CAA denies the denial. It says a Japanese for the order issued Welsbach will boost expendi- seven years ago. tures $4,000 for an average air- ... port. NO HELP on as they don t go ter all good citizens by rights should be in bed. FT & BA Burglar Klamath Falls, VP) Bill Moore, 26-year-old Marine vet eran who was recently struck by a car and knocked through a plate glass window, is still run- 11 J,ingJnJbad,1kCk-,Thf COLD SOBER lL b-nnfbar? nut his frnnf tppth. A Send your "Odds" questions on any subject to "The Wizard of Odds," care of the Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER Doug Likes to Startle People With His Signs By ED CREAGH (substituting for Columnist Hal Boylel New York, Aug. 23 VP) When a man builds a better mouse trap than his neighbor, thenext thing he wants is to build a bigger mousetrap. Then a still bigger one. And, in the end, he's miserable if he hasn't built the whopping- est mousetrap ever. S o m e t hing like that has .. inn nio narnf ctudpi nv in" postponement of a decision that had to be made sooner or ever starve iive m squaior or pI te was being made for him Indjan embassy ,0 commemo- i , wnen nit uciilui. iduuittiuiv was a h. i i j - later. nn Ihpir Pnripnvnrs. In short, it ... v-ul rale inuepenueiiue whpn thp ripntal lahnratnrv was it . . . r . :. . . rate The decision adopted obviously the best plan so far sug- is a displ ay by a coming gen- UoVZ vUte. KSr" gested to ease the tratlic trouDies oi uregun s capital, eration of youngsters wno nave ..Now they've stolen the gold The Baldock plan had been drawn up by expert highway already learned how to live a r, ht out of my front teeth," he and traffic engineers. And, fortunately for Salem, they life of plcntitude and content, COmplained. were residents of the city wno Know tne local prouiems. "tu wimum n B"e. ti,0 ,.niinn nf tho nppd for definite action was One of the customers suggests ii.. -Won ol. hv tho fiiir nlrlPi-mfin who voted, too. tnat the cluster uShi removed launching its campaign lor an The party was cold sober. Everybody who was anybody attended the evening soiree. The SalemToigTof Eagles in l$J' ..is . -'"f-'" j beautiul native gown lung here is sure doing ... During a senate session, Vice Prpcirfpnt Rarlrlpv tripH tn patrh The big party staged by the ,he attention of Democratic Floor Leader Scott Lucas. Bark ley whispered "pssst" several times, but Lucas didn't hear him. Sen. Kenneth Wherry, re publican floor leader, did. "Alben," whispered Wherry, "if it's about a trip to Spring field, 111., and Scott can't go, I will is the ti.ii. TV. Armotnnnr aiuiu uuwtitwwu nic ,u nun Tni rnp 'K imui. 111c iuui cic ninione . ,.;,,.. . tj i i , , . x XT. i i maKe way ior a more oriitiant somexning tnat snuutu nave uccn u..t;.i Bi - "l Claud Jorgensen, Howard Maple and James Nicholson. , h ,.f , downtown Salem done . t time a0 and thcir The y oi a. t al, grinned Barkley They, likewise, rose to the challenge of the moment be clustered around Marion campaign should be a short one. Twas totaiiy missing and cast their lot for the plan which they thought was for Square, which he says needs At last the Baldock plan ha Served instead were coffee, the future welfare Ot the City. AS INlcnoison lnierreu in ins some ngnts ana tney a turn tne now got past tne pian stage aim vanlUa ice eream, and cakes, remarks before voting, the council had had the matter park into a place of nocturnal maybe should now be known There was no limit on these lonir enouch before it. Further delay woum reauy accom- """'j. iiicny H mc omuutn. miu, ... . ii i I i l: irnnH Irfpa Rut wp'trp cnrl nf urhalpvdr It i At RIIV m(P. it wondered about those new lights made the name Baldock a house downtown just what use they've hold word in Salem no end. h a p p e ned to Douglas Leigh Leigh is a boyish, s o f t spoken Alabam an who has made himself a millionaire by creating those razzle - dazzle electric signs that swing, swav. hiss, rain, startle the crowds on Broadway Provided, of course, there and elsewhere. stopover in St. Louis." You've seen them, in tne mov- vrn and otherwise "Won't the stork make people nervous? Like newlyweds, you mean? Oh, I suppose there will be a lot of wisecracks , , ." Leigh is a low-pressure talk er, something remarkable in the advertising business. He's 39 and looks about 30. He also looks a mite discontented. Why? That's where the bigger mousetrap comes in. "For years," Leigh confesses, "I've been looking at the Em pire State building. Longinjslci- ' Tremendous advertising possi- nlish nothing. A favorable vote was the logical action after these many months of consideration, SHORTS Wisecracks heard at the sen ate "5-percenter" probe: "Mar- aanrt io nn nnraffnn " nnri 4,M. uuests ate ail iney wantea. D bef V.D You wouldn't be any help ies not in the original: bilities and I nayen t Deen apie .. . ... in rln a 4h!not ir 1 1-4 il- mf fol The Niagara of real water that " , t, " ; . , . ' roars oveAimes Square, 50,000 "Another idea I vehadU to callons a minute; the blimps " Many had several big helpings. But everybody was cold sober Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan's pay is $10,743.96 llllliuic, .1 . ., .. T,, .1 that flash advertising from the Y 7 T' i( cti,, r',: sky; the giant soldier blowing Pected to do it. Still England .'' ,f ! owns the rock and she s hard up "Spectaculars," they're called. for dollars. I wonder. t And Leigh has dreamed up the in . , r , I Ua'a and apparently enjoyed the additionj he g'ets 'ravri' and more spectacular of them. He's Playfully or so I thought The people of the cities of Salem and West Salem can thank the five members of the council for the vote of confidence in the interests of the residents of the area here. With the Baldock plan now accepted by the city, the next logical move is for both sides in the controversy thus ended, to join forces to make the plan work for the good of all residents of the community. Latest Wrinkle in Farm Problems Washington, Aug. 23 (JP Secretary of Agriculture Bran nan drew a big laugh at a senate hearing in predicting that the farm problem "is going to give us all a few gray hairs." While senators and spectators roared, Brannan rubbed his bald head and then added: "Maybe I should change that to a few wrinkles." Brannan was a witness before the senate agriculture committee. other allowances from unique experience very much NOTE A Korean party the House funds same aay was an lmDiDer s de light. . ' ATOMIC PROBE The Lamp- t .,ired Leieh if he had consider- ana ine WVilta Deen niCKnameu lighter oi uroaaway ana eJ harnessin the Northern Vehement objection was voic- al"r How fan- Lhts, sometimes known as the ed at a meeting of the District So what next? How fan- b , vrt.r nf Columbia department of AM- tastic can you get? Aurora Borealis, for huckster- VETS to a merger with AVC. 'ng purposes. Democratic members of the Nationai Commander Harold Let's sit down in Leigh's His gray eyes glowed. The joint congressional atomic com mittee will try to force a re The Ban on Give-Aways The recent order of the federal communications com- MacKENZIE'S COLUMN mission, effective October 1, banning programs advertis ing lotteries "offering prizes dependent in whole or part upon lot or chance" on radio or television is designed to knock out most of the "give-away" programs, with penalty of loss of license. While each program will be judged separately, the rules appear broad enough to cut off most of the programs that have showered cash and merchandise prizes on listening and viewing audiences. Radio officials are quoted as say Yugoslav Steel Deal Called 'Calculated Risk' Keats promised not to press the Rockefeller Center office and same glow In the eyes of small nmnneal at tb.A AnyTVF.TQ1 fn4Vi- lietun tn a man whn's ttft full nf hmi, nnntmnl a tin a a mnlffhKnr'. f" , , . coming convention in Des Moin- ideas as a boy with a new sung- pear tree. drawn - out investigation insti- Ia. shot and a bag of bbles: V .... matter of fact .. jigh gated by Sen. Bourke Hicken- James Roosevelt ,ayJ he ls ..Well therc.s our walking X somethng very looper, R Iowa The probe has making n0 deals as guberna- man. He'll be as vail as a seven p, f, .LlSrfTto ...in-.u' "...S.',., torial candidate with Califor- and a half story building and it .thniZ i Pa tpll vou weeks while the committee stud- nia Lobbyist Arthur Samish and will look from the sidewalk as By DeWITT MacKENZIE tIl Forelln Allslr AnsJvstl Washington's decision to allow Red Yugoslavia to buy a three million dollar steel mill in this country, thereby increasing that ing that the new rules will confine prize contests to the Balkan country's military potential, marks a bold development radio audiences but this merely reduces the scope it t u- policy. ...... . ..... .Uo v .till n.in lnttorv The rn ntr will he earned to the jmiipn-m. " giveii io u uy me leu Hen uenonnei recorus ot old . a . pension promoter lf he's stepping from the top of a'Me 'IiMy'aew' theater right down onto Some of these records have met or telked wlth Samlshi and Broadway- ...ouc aw"- 'uul' I have had no conversation with "Then there's the Thov Ufa ronnpl. nr tVia - - - .... .. J.I1C11 Ulrica lllC ...y "l7"" "". " McLaln on the subject of candi- sign we're doing for i mid nr urnnrorE in a t nm l r ninnre . . . .. o Th wnrkPr wpVp ;hp7kprf hv "7 10T ?u", ",ce- 1 ftav! Minneapolis. A real whopper. FBI loyalty agents. Rep. Henry M. Jackson, D., now, I wouldn t say it will De more spectacular than the Northern Lights, but well, , l you'll see for yourself when we 175-foot unveil it ,. bank in ... .......... i. Alter tnat, i Qian t aare asn. FBI iraUv'a e' d yVbe abU if he were keeping in touch with will not do so." (CopjrUht 19U) Slavs also will be granted a large American backed loan from the World bank. Clearly this gesture toward commu n i s 1 1 c Belgrade rep- OelVIlt M.okcnsl. courts for judicial decision, and the programs continued meanwhile. Commenting upon the ban on give-aways the Oregon ian asks: "What it is about the give-away programs that so fascinates radio listeners is rather puzzling. Probably there is a sort of vicarious enjoyn.cnt in the good fortune of others who happen to be lucky enough to be called to the phone and are then lucky onniinh tn Unnw the rieht answer to whatever the quiz may be. Thprp is a mournful satisfaction, too. in knowing the right an- resents what vor to whatever was asked of and missed by another person. Secretary o f And nrobablv tnere is widespread lack of comprehension of state Acheson thn odds acainst one's telephone number being drawn in the bluntly de- lottery. There are about 35,000,000 telephones in the United scribes as a "calculated risk." States. iWnrshal Tito, dictator of Yu- There is nothing puzzling about it the same old lure of goslavla, is no friend of capital- For one thing, the mere fact omethinir for nothing which seems innate in human istlc Uncle Sam. It's only as far that Tito is defying the might of XU&3ltt 1 cilLUUtogmtHi iw v.... small nations to stand firm against aggression. Moreover, militarily Yugoslavia is one of the most important bases In Eu rope. It is the eastern sentinal of the Adriatic Russia's gate way to that sea, across which lies an Italy that Moscow would stands for nationalism. He re fuses to accept the Russian bol shevist edict that the sovereign ty of all satelite states like Yugo slavia rests in Moscow. Assuming that Yugoslavia is at loggerheads with Moscow, there are sound reasons for giv ing the Balkan states assistance. These may be summed up by stating that Yugoslavia could be a powerful obstruction to further communist imperial ex pansion in Europe. L U...U ...... F U nntn.i,.,.A F n fMno nf OBCK HS lllttt m fit lit-, .i..- nature, which uixuunts iui me jjihviikc ui on luium v. - .hnntlna lotteries, even it they are known camouflaged frauds-like Y"""6" airplanes m slot machines, the one-armed bandits. A 39 million-to-one jJX IhSs "S chance of winning is no deterrent, for Barnum was right. been drlvcn over Yugoslav terri- there is no such thing as something for nothing, for every- tory by bad weather, thing has to be paid for by someone in some way. Tito was made to pay rcpar- Nor does the fact that someone else 3000 miles away is ations for this "outrageous per- tlin lunbi, nnn i,nola ,, "mmi rn f II 1 a i Io f opt Inn" nmnilCT fnpmincn" hilt tllflt didn't " . . . .. .. . .. . i...ni...... .... ( nVi t arm In Krin cf Intn the other 34,999.19 expectants. It merely keeps alive tne cnange tne icopara s spuis. f , '" fantastic hope all of them that lady luck will smile next Ztt T"! u1ota uSort power- tlme- ag0 over hL, refusal to abandon fill of the Balkan states. Her The give-away was designed to attract radio hearers nationalism and place the sov- 15,000,000 people not only are who were gutting bored with moronic commercials and erclgnty of his country in the among the world's best fighters, passing them up, sort of a trade stimulant. If the money hands of the Kremlin. I have traveled in that coun- .notour! nf trnnhv rmi thov ui ...u. o..- try havs talked with all class- wouldn't need lotteries and their use is a confession of Tito row could be a trick to fool "-.They are intensely proud of failure. Mrs. Pack, 86, Proves Saying, 'One's Never Too Old to Learn' Sacramento (UP) At an age when people are supposed to relax, Mrs. Caroline Fack ot Folsom started to learn to read English. She was then 85. And she wanted to become an American citizen. Despite the fact she had been In this country more than 60 years she had never got around to qualifying tor citizenship because she was too busy raising a family. Another a year ago one of her neighbors, a former school teacher, began teaching her the English alphabet. In nine months she had mastered the language, passed her naturalisa tion examinations and attained her dream of citizenship at the age of 86. 'I Can Hear My Saviour Calling . . .' Seattle, Aug. 23 (U.R) The Rev. Clive Taylor, 63, pastor of the Findlay Christian church finished his sermon. The choir and congregation began to sing an old hymn. "I can hear my Savior calling. Take thy cross and follow, follow me. . ." Their voices swelled through the church. The Rev. Mr. Taylor asked that the last verse be sung. "Where he leads me, I will follow," they sang vigorously. "I'll go with him, with him all the way." The minister sat down, placed his arms on an easy chair behind the pulpit, and closed his eyes. ' The congregation continued singing, "Blest be the tie that binds." The hymn finally finished, the congregation remained standing, watching the reverend, who appeared to have fallen asleep. A member of the choir shook him gently. ' The minister didn't move. He had died of a heart attack. It Sounds Like in a Bad Dream New York iP) Lawrence Sandusky, 52, surveyed his sit uation no keys, his apartment on the third floor, everybody asleep. A drain pipe from the roof passed alongside one of his windows. He did fine in getting to the roof and starting down the pipe, but a leg stuck in a bracket. He struggled and shouted. He couldn't get his leg loose, couldn't get back on the roof, couldn't waken anyone. Eight hours later early the next morning that was a neighbor saw his plight. A police emergency squad untangled him and took him to a hospital for treatment of leg laveratlons. miles across the wheat fields. 811 . l"e . Ann tpii tmm it ,w it,. ,ath. proj ects, Just in case. But I did er's going to be put the Question to one of his "You know about our stork? associates, who nodded soberly. It's going to be 220 feet long "If anybody gets to the and it will fly through the air, moon," he said, "Doug will plant carrying a baby. We're doing it advertising signs all along the with lights on a blimp. way." "We'll train you 'Wjjw r leadership and J V a successful career!" I t - ks S"J" Sgt. 1 c Wm. L Burnett the western powers into giv ing aid to Yugoslavia aid which later would be turned against them in furthering the expansion of the communist em pire. Washington is quite well aware of that. Why then do we lend aid and comfort to Tito? The answer is that the conflict between Moscow and Belgrade mav not be phony, but the real thing. Indeed, most of the evidence seems to support this view. The present picture we have Is that of a Tito who still clings to a modified communism which their sovereignty and are rea dy to fight to preserve it, a fact which lends strength to the Idea that the Tito-Kremlin bat tle over sovereignty is the real thing. All these circumstances ex plain why the United States, for the first time since the war, is deliberately sending "war potential" material to a com munist government. Other satellite states In east ern Europe have been asking for American machinery and have been turned down for fear such materials might be used for war. But in the case of Yu slavia the United States Is tax ing the "calculated risk." i V WANT CLEANER HEAT? Let us show you how your home can have filtered humidihed heat with a Delcc-Hat Gas-fired Conditionair. Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Broadway Authorized Reprtsrntativt Dial 3-8555 "Leadership means success. In the Army's Leadership Training School we'll help you develop leadership , ability that puts you ahead assures you greater success as a soldier or civilian. Every man has a chance to qualify. Those who do are trained in class and field instruction for executive positions." Never before has the peacetime Army offered greater opportunities for leadership careers. For information on how you may become a leader and enjoy the many other benefits of Army life, see your U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Office today 1 U.S. Postoff ice Bldg. Salem, Oregon