Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 23, 1949, Page 19, Image 19

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I '48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage $1895
'46 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sedan, R&H 1145
'48 Mercury 4 Dr. Sedan, R&H 1245
'40 Deboto 5 Pass Coupe 495
'37 Pontiac Sedan 295
'36 Chevrolet Sedan 195
'36 Plymouth Sedan 195
Herrall - Owens Co
Contract Work
Road Clearing Ditching
Sewer A Buement
Equipment Rental
lb B Va yds
10 B yds.
D-7 Cat St Dozer
D-6 Cat St Dozer
D-4 Cat St Dozer
See tu about ditching by the (t.
Phone Day 3-9408
Eves or 2-4400
ba.era Ore on - i
WE BUY newspaper and waste paper
1790 N. Front. n210
FLASTI-KOTE, the cellophane-like finish
lor your floors or linoleum, that re.
quires no waxlnn Yeater Appliance Co.
255 N. Liberty. n21ti
inghouse. Yeater Appliance. Co.. 253
Liberty. n216
STEEL CLOTHESLINE Pasts, ratlin sa In
stock St made to order. 1145 N. Liberty
USED ELECTRIC ranees (29.95 to 1120.50
Yeater Appliance Co., 255 N. Liberty
USED ELECTRIC refrigerators. Yeater Ap
pliance Co., 255 N. Liberty, n216
USED ELECTRIC Washing Machines
$19.95 to (129.50 Yeater Appliance Co
255 N. Liberty. n210
BFLL SYSTEM Record -o-phone Machine.
Good condition. (159. Equipment Sioo.
PU 3-1440. n200
ULTRA VIOLET ray machine $15. U
pressure cooker, new, 17. Ph. 23760 morn,
BLOUSES, coats, dresses, skirts, sweaters,
one yellow taffeta formal, all In excel.
lent condition. Sizes a to 12 Ph. 3-828
or 515 Hood St. n203
1 BOY'S BICYCLE. In good cond. (30,
Statesman. n200'
1917 WIIIZZER motor bike, excellent cond,
(95. Call at 1720 Yew alter 6 p.m. n201
1 USED D-8 Caterpillar tractor, blade St
drum with Waco woodman arch. Priced
for quclk sale.
1 USED D-7 caterpillar tractor. 1046 No.
T858. Blade St casco drum. Model
with Waco Woodsman arch. Excellent
1 T-20 International Tractor. 1939 wide
gauge tracks. Priced for quick sale.
1 USED Waco Woodsman Arch.
1 U ED Isattison K-A-80 Arch. Used 1 yr.
Tracks show 30 to 40 wear.
1 USED Carco single drum.
1.U00 FT. 1" 0-10 Plow steel cable, prac
Vcally new.
LOOOINO arches to rent.
ALSO DAVID BRADLEY 2 bottom plow,
14" sheers, 16" cutters. Practically new.
rn. 3-5242 - e. R. cotter
1320 Market St. Salem, Oregon
' CO GAL. AUTO, gas water heater. Reason.
able. 1135 N. Capitol. n201
STONE CROCKS for pickles just arrived
Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. n204
WANTED! Used western saddle. Must be
reasonable. Ph. 3-4031. na200
wanted furniture to (tlue A repair
Bros. Furn Rsflnlahlng Co Ph 3-1001
STANLEY HOME Products. 555 Cross St.
Phone 2-5446. p2l8'
THREE SISTERS Convalescence Home.
3595 D street, Salem, Oregon. Phone
23853, where your loved ones get the
best, ruiiy st a nea, 34 nour service,
newly equip. A frlst class nursing home.
Miss Bernlce Struekmeler, supt. pzoi
1931 CHEV. 2 dr. sedan. Good paint, good
tires. Rood motor, exceptionally clean
Hurry, a steal at 50.Ph. 27356. q202
'39 FORD pickup. Good cond. Ph. 38689.
CLEAN 1040 four door Plymouth Sedan,
one owner. Will sell or trade on city
property. Joe L. Bourne, 1140 North
Capitol. Ph. 38216. q202'
1931 CHEVROLET 2 door. Reconditioned
motor. 350. 2295 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph.
29091. q202
'31 Dodge, '37 Ford, model A. '37 Wil
lys, now consigned. Bring your car,
truck, or trailer before 7:30 p.m. No
charge unless sold. East Salem Auction
Center, 1025 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 3-1221
'40 DELUXE FORD 4 dr. R&H,
1923 N. Commercial.
'Sfl FORD Sdn. Good condition, (200 or
best offer. 529 N. 23rd St. or Ph. 3-4758.
'49 STUDEBAKER 4-5 yd. dump truck,
Ph. 22676 eves. q202
'41 FORD !4 ton pickup, good motor and
tires. 2905 Beacon off suverton Road.
38 OLDS coupe. Best offer over (300
takes it. 1278 Hoyt. Ph. 28539. q202
. 1941 PLY. sedan,
car for (675. P
Radio. A good clean
1. 2-2054 days. 2-7743
S4 CHEV. coupe.
160 W. Wilson.
Good condition, (125.
'40 OLDS Clb. Cpe. Very clean.
$650 940 N. 13th.
with R.
1947 FLEETMASTER Che v. 4 door Sedan.
Excellent cond. (1200.00. 1920 Berry Bt.
Ph. 20820. q200
Eisner Motors to Buy
1946 Mercury station wagon. Real red
leather seats. This Is an exceptional buy
and must be sold. Ph. 23727 or see at
3365 Portland Road. q200
CAR ACCESSORIES at cost price. First
come first served as this Is a close-out
sale Dealer. welcomed. R. D. Woodrow
Co. 450 Center. q
WANTED: Clean used cars
2160 South Commercta.
Bob Mirr
$50 USED CAR lot. Any car on the 101
(50 St your old one 12tb St. Junction.
223 Fairgrounds Road
Phone 1-645
Eisner Motors Fine Cars
Convertible Ford, 1947
O-drlve, R&H, spotlite Si lots others.
txc. cond., 1 owner, real buy. Ph. 22858
GREEN 1937 FORD V-8 Tudor. Recon.
motor, (265. See Rt. S, Box 61 Eve. Out
Oarden Rd q203
46 Chev. cpe.. 47 Klser sdn.. '41 De
Soto. '40 Chev.. 38 Dodge. Acme Auto
St Truck Wreckers, near the bridae
it 145 Center St. g201
1911 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan. See at SP
Motors. 544 Ferry Bt, Salem. q200
Eisner Motors toSeh
SAVE t Braden's Body St Paint Shop.
(690 Cherry Ave, ph, 2-2022. q207
PH. 24113
MODLL A truck, runs good, good tires,
worth lot more than selling price (150.
jjju Lenwr ai. rn. jaam q201
1036 FORD Tudor. A-l mechanically. Good
muuer. nouKu ooay. may oe seen
aiier o p.m. ai ou uanton way.
MODEL A '30 Cpt. Rumble seat, runs
guuu. t in. rn. qJOl'
cond. Ph
We make loans to 4 out of 5 who
ask for one and enjoy doing it.
$25 'to $500 on Auto
Up to $i00 on Salary
Cash for any good purpose
Take up to 20 months to repay
Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If
a loan solves a problem, phone or
come In today.
Personal Finance Co.
of Salem
Phone 2-2464, 518 State, Rm. 135
O, R. Allen, Mgr. Lie. S-I23M1165
$ CASH $
$25 to $500
TO (300
Car loans up to (500
Come In or phone
Hollywood Finance Co.
1991 Fairgrounds Road
Across street from Dank
No Parking problems
Phone 27032 -Lie N M369 8291
Floyd Kenyon, Mgr i
S to 40 Years and No Commission
Leo N. Childs, Inc.
344 State St. Phone 2-3863
182 S. Church
Parking a Plenty
Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No. M-159 8-154
4'a and 5
YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within
reason, casn tor Real Estate Contracts
ana second Mortgages.
201 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7162
Lie. S-133 and M-328
136 8. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161
Special Rates and Torms
Long and Short Time
136 South Commercial St. Phone S-9161
TRAILER SPACE, (10 a month with all
conviences. soutn side of Paulus Can
nery. Roth's Trailer Court. Ph. 28885.
"ine Mighty Joe Young." t204'
id FT. AMERICAN House trailer. Ph. 38814
for information write Box 369 Capital
Journal. DEALERS WANTED. t216
MONTHLY RATES reduced on trailer
space, school and city bus, close to
stores, ijaunary. 4 diks. to grade sch
Modern. (10 mo. Lots of room and
quiet. 3580 S. Comm'l. - t204'
MAINLINE Trailer House, 21 ft. aluminum.
aieeps lour, insulated, mahogany Inter
ior, butane cook, oil heat. Fully
equipped, like new. Ph. 35715 or 240
HiCKory Bt. tl99
LADY DRIVING to North Carolina via
central route Auk. 29. Can aecommn
date 1 or 2 riders. All or part way. Call
jjoj. X202'
GOING TO Bismarck, N.D. 1st Sept. Room
lora, preier driver, pn. 20548. xl99
COUPLE wants ride to Denver or central
Kansas August 28. will share expenses.
Ph. 2-8884. X201
LEAVING FOR Minnesota September
Take one rider. Phone 27279. x20
All makei nred machines, sold, rented
repaired Roen 460 Court Phone 1-4773
ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service
new appliances vlnee's Electric Phone
Free estimates Ttade-tns accepted on
3-9230 137 s Liberty St
Spence's Home Appliance Repair. "Noth
ing to Sell But Service." Phone 2-4602
Prompt. o308
"awn mower sharpening and repairing
Dexter's Pli 36833 o"
Authorized Warrant Repair Station
for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow
Radio Co 153 8 Liberty Ph 3-6955. o
Towing service day phone 1-9286 Nlgm
2- 1804 33" Center o
Mike Panek.
Brake and
275 8 Com'l Ph. 3-5161
vheel aligning specialists
Remodel. repalr thai home now Terms.
No down payment Phone 2-4850. o
Alt Bros Also houses raised. New foun
dations, Phone 2-5909. o216
Alt Bros. Also houses raised New foun
dations. Phone 2-5909. 0212
Tongue and groove chrrme? blocks.
wholesale or retail. Mortarlesi Block Co.
3-7324. o205
Dean Robinson. Ph.
2-6537 or 3-4306.
Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear
ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010
Fstrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146. Salem. o212
Bulldozing, leveling St fine grading
Prompt service. A L. Ekin. Ph. 1-1264
Irwtao delivery of new RCA cash
reilstei Al make loid rented, re
Da d Roen 4S6 Court Ph J-6773 o"
For expert guaranteed satlnfactlon new
or repair of foundation sidewalks.
drtvewa patios curbs waiu etc Call
2-4850 ' O
Furnace chimneys bacuum
Ensley, 771 8. 21st. b. 1-7176.
Custom killing, curing St smoking and
ocker meat lor sale. Salem Meat Co..
tn et turner ko. en. 34858. o2ir
Vince't Electric for electrical wiring,
contracting repairing 1ST ft. Liberty
Z9W3, o202
Hoe, Dragline", shovel. Free estimates.
E L. Boatwrlght. 410 Oregon Bide. Ph.
Ph 3-9239
Excavating St grading. Ben Otjeo St Son
818 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. o229
Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service.
Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl. 0208
Breithsupt'f for flowers Dial 1-9179 o
J R Wat kins Oo products Free
ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5395,
Johns-Manvllle. Phone 3-374S.
Window Cleaning
Janitor Service Floor Waxing
Buildings - Factories - Homes
Estimates Without Obligation
Ph. Salem 3-9133 o
J A Doerfler St Sons. Ornamentals. 160
N Lancaster or at 4 Cor Ph 2-1332
345 Jef-
lerson at., rnone zjtaz.
Sharpened, guaranteed service. New
power and hand mowers. Call Harry
w. scott. 147 s. com'l. St. O2071
At ruu: door lawnmowe- sharpening
Dei' or the tawnmuwer man Pb 26833
Capital Bedding Phone 3-41
Spanish St Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin.
Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7569.
Desk chairs, tiles and filing hup piles
safes, duplicators and supplies desk
lamps typewriter stands brief cases
3ierce Wire Recorders. Roen 456 Court
Spra; or brush painting, Ph. 22664. o20
'SI f Strom's are equipped to do
painting Phone 2-2493
Painting and paperhanttng. Free esti
mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 0214
Expert Paperhanglng and painting H
J Wsodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. o201
Call 2-2608 for your Painting .
hanging. Attractive rates.
0223 I'K.TI Rfe f RAMINQ
Fisher, 844 8. Comi. Ph. 3-3019. o20fl'
Phlli; W Belike h. 2-1208
Road building St grading, land clearlna
with teeth. Small or large Job. Prompt
service. L. Ekin. Ph. 3-1264. o2l2'
Valley Sand St Gravel Co Silt, sand St
i n ain axcavaung iiiu move! at cats
Trie tor scoop si trucks for dirt moving
Ph ofllce 24002, res. 87146
Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603 1293 N 5th
Electric Roto-Rootcr Exclusive Patent
Raxor iharp Steel Cutting Blades
Clean Sewers or Drains Septfo Tank
Cleaned Reas PH 1-5327 or 1-0468
K. P. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned.
Electric machine service on sewer and
drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-8th
St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o223
Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge,
Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank
service, 2545 State St. Phone 2-0734,
Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned.
Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1070
Elm St., W. Balem, Ph. 3-9468 3-5327,
Bought, sold, rented, repaired, EZ terms.
aii maxes. w. uevenport. Pn, 37671.
All makes repaired, free estimates
Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130. No
commercial pn. 3-3512.
Smith Oorona. Remington Royal. Under
wood portables. All makes used machines
Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court.
.ocal St Distance Transfer, storage
Burner oils, coal St briquets. Trucks to
Portland daily. Agent for Beklns House
hold goods moved to anywhere In U S
or Canada. Larmer Transfer St Storage
Ph 3-3131 o
Made In Salem Free est Phone 17338
Elmer the Blind man. o'
Salem Venetian Blinds made to order u
rennlAoed. Relnholdt Lewis. 1-3639
Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5965.
Portable acetylene or
anywhere. Ph. 33485.
Fred Wymoro. Rt 1 Box 31T. Ph. 2-5135
Washable, Roller Made to order 1 Day
Del Relnholdt St Lewis Pb 23639.
Acme Window Cleaners Windows, wall
woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned
waxed and polished. Ph 1-3337 347
Court. Langdoo. Culbertson and Mather
West Salem Fuel Co. Ph. 2-4031.
The School Board of School Dist. No. 1.
Marlon County, Oregon offers tor sale
the following described real property:
Beginning at a point South 50 15' East
10.485 chains and South 46 West 3.161
chains from the most Northerly North
east corner of the Donation Land Claim
of Theodore PouJade No. 44, Township 5
South. Range 2 West of the Willamette
Meridian, Marlon County, Oregon, said
point of beginning being also the most
Westerly corner of that tract of land
conveyed to Joseph F. Bonn and Bertha
Bonn, by Instrument recorded April
1935 in Volume 222. Page 50. Deed
Records for said County and State; thence
South 50 15' East along the Southwest-
It line of ssld Bonn trsct of land 3.162
alns to an Iron rod on the Westerly
line of the Pacific highway; thence South
West along said Westerly line 3.163
is; thence North 50 15' West 3.162
chains; thence North 46" East 3162 chain.
the place of beginning and containing
one acre of land, more or lets.
Sealed bids for the above dscrlbed prop
erty will be adcepted by the School Clerk
until 12:00 AM August 29. 1949; all bids
must be accompanied by a certified
heck, cashiers check, or bank draft for
least 10 of the bid. Please address
II bids and Inquiries to the School
Clerk, School Dist. No. 1, Marlon County,
fhe school board hereby reserves the
right to accept or reject any and all bids.
R. V. Colby
Aug. 23. 34. 35. 1949
rr I.O.OJ meet every Wed
nesday algal Visitors wei
Salem Livestock Market
(By Valley Packing Company)
Spring lambs (18.
Feeder lambs (10.00 to (14
Ewes C.30 to
Cutter cows (9.00 to (10,
Fat dairy cows (10.00 to 911.
Bulls (13.00 to (16,
Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) (14.00 to (16.
Veal (150-300 lbs. good ..(18.00 to (20.
Portland Eastilde Market
Lettuce sold for (2.25 to (2.50 a crai
on the Portland Eastslde Farmers Whole.
sale Produce market today.
Peaches were (t.25 a 18-lb. flat or (2.1
(2.25 a bushel box,
Slicing cucumbers were 50 cents a flat
and below.
Cantaloupes brought (2.50 to (2.75
Portland Produce
Butterf at Tentative, subject to Immi-
dlate change. Premium quality maximum
to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered
Portland 63-flSc lb., 92 score 61-64o lb.,
score, 57-eOc, 89 score, 55c. Valley routes
and country joints 2c less than first.
Butter wholes-ile FOB bulk cubes
wholesalers: grade 92 score. 62 cents;
A 92 score 61c; B 90 score. 59c lb,
O 8b score. 56c. Above prices are strictly
Cheese Selling price to Portland whole
sale; Oregon singles 39-40c; Oregon
m. loaf 42-43c; ' triplets Itt less than
Eggs. (To Wholesalers) A grade large
63 ',i-64 fie; A medium, 56-59 Yc; grade
B large, 54-56!ic; small A grade, 4 Vac
rum an a uairy market
Butter Price to retailers: Grade
prints 67c: AA cartons 68c: A print
07c A cartons C8c; B prints 64c.
Egs-.Pricea to retailers: Grade
large. 70c dor..; certified A large, 67c;
arge. 66c: AA medium. 62c: certified
medium, sic; A modlum, 60c. A sma
46c; cartons 2c additional.
Cheese Price to retailers: Portland
Oregon single-. 39-430 Oregon loaf.
lb loafs 441&-45C lb.; triplets. I "2 cents less
than singles. Premium brands, singles.
aiVaC id loai, 63 '.a c.
ive Chickens No 1 aualltv FOB
Plants. No 1 broilers under 2i lbs. 26-27c
id. iryers a'i-3 ins.. 30-32c; 3-4 lbs.. 31-32c;
masters 4 lbs. and over. 31-32c lb., fowl
lexnorns, ids. and under lB-2lc. over
lbs 20-21c; colored fowl all weights 23c
roosters all weights. 18-20c
RabHts--AirernKe t growers: llv whiin
4.5 lbs 18-20 lb.: 5-0 lbs. 16-l8c lb
Oiored 3 cents .ower. Old or heavy iom
8-14c: dressed frvers to butchers, 63-57c
country -nuied Meats
Veal top quality. 30-33c lb: other
trades according to - weight and quality
wi n poor or 'iea'ier Z4-29c
nois: Lignt blockers. 31-32c: sown
Lambs: Top quality, springers. 33-36c
inuHun o-iuc.
Beef: Good cows. 23-26c lb:
cutters, 21-230
Fresh Dressed Meata
(Wholesalers to ictallers per ewt.i:
Heel steers, good. 500-800 lbs (43-48
commercial, 33-4l; utility, (31-S34.
ows commercial, (30-34; utility, (26
Beer cuts 1 ood steersi Hind auar.
lers (o3-a5 rounds (53-55. full intim
trimmed (70-(75: trlanties, (36-37: square
cuucK-i. jo-u; rioa, i&z-aa; lorequarters.
Veai and -aif: Good. (38-40: commercial.
loa-JO, UW.Uy
Lambs: Good-choice, spring lambs, (41
10. ciMiiHiiTciai, wj-jo: Utility. (32-33.
Mutton: Good, "0 lbs. down. (18-20
Pork cuts: Loins, No. 1, 8-12 lbs. (60'
82: shoulders, 18 lbs down (40-42; spare.
nos (48-51; carcasses (33-35; mixed
wcikiiw j lownr.
Portland Miscellaneous
Cascara Bark Dry 12 4c lb. green 4c lb
Wool Valley coarse and medium grades
Mohair 25o lb. on 12-montb growth
Hides Calves, 27c lb., according to
weight, kips 22c lb.; beef 10-llc lb., bulls
uuuhwji uurcr pay zc less.
Nut Quotations-
Walnuts Franquettes, first quality Jum
OO, 34.7C ' large. 32.7c: mprfiiim 41 i-
second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large 28.2c
nudium. 26.3c; "aby, 23 2c; soft shell, first
-tuiw.uj nisc, dv.ic meaium, sec
9nd quality large. 27 2c; medium, 24.7c
Filberts Jumbo. '20c lb.) large
nedium, 16c; small, 13c. -
Chicago Livestock
Chicago. Auk. 23 niH t ita.k-
Hogs: Salable 10.000: markt xlnw nH
very uneven; outcners under 220 lbs. fully
50 cents lower; instances 75.-cents off;
heavier weights and sows 25 to 50 cents
lower: top 21.75 for nrni.nH nn.
small lot 22.00; bulk good and choice 190
to aiv ids., au.TS to 21.50; few 280 to 320
tua.. 4u.uu 10 i.uu; around 350 id. weights,
18 50; good and choice 160 to 180 lb,
usiiu, 10 mo. so; sows under 340 lbs,
1K.0U to 19.25; 350 to 400 lbs., 16.75 to
io.uv; nta to ouu IDs., 15.00 to 16.50; few
head heavier sows down to around is so
Sheep: Salable 2.500. Niiv. ii.t.trht.,
iBiiiua airong in a a cenu n ihnr- r i.
ya.u neeiy; some neid nigher: lib
eral supply yearling wethers, firm at
21.50 down; sheep steady; slaughter ewes
8.50 down; two loads good Idaho wm
" iciJiHcemenis ena, 9.00.
Cattle: Salable 8.500. Calve son rhnt.
steers and yearlinns active, strong to
mostly 25 cents higher; lower grades less
active but steady; heifers steady; beef
cows steady; canners and cutters strong
to 25 cents hlsher: bull. ann
steady; top 29.00 for four loads of high
choice 1230 to 1252 lb. fed steers and
twit luaoa cnoice 10 prime 1360 to 1404
lb weights; other choice steers, 27.35 to
28.85; two loads 1500 lb. weights, 27.35 to
27 60; bulk high mdh.m t in
steers, 23.50 to 27.25; common to average
m.-di,l!m 5radM- "-"O to 23.25; load choice
906 lb. heifers, 27.25; bulk good hftifr.
. .iiu, booo. cows, 16.50 to 18.00:
common ana medium beef cows, 13.75 to
maimers an cutters, 11.00 to 14.25;
medium and good sausage bulls. 18.00 tn
20.50; common to choice vealers, 19.00
atviva outvie ateaoy.
Portland Livestock
Portland, Ore., Aug. 23 JJ9 Livestock:
Cattle salable 150; holdover 500; calves
l- holdover 175: market vrv ains- r.
ic3 summon steers and common to me
dium beef cows and heifers about steady;
steers medium and sbove scarce; quot
able steady; carlot top grassers Monday
24.00: part load high good mixed expert
mentally fed steers and heifer a7nn- r
cutter and common steers today 12.50 to
i.uu, cummon steers today 12.50 to 19.00;
odd light Uockers 15.50 to 17.00; common
and medium heifers 13. so tn ivnn- uut
cutter dairy type heifers bid down to 11.00
or b-low odd canner and cutter cows
9.00 to 10.00: some held higher: few com-
bmu oeei cows 12.00 to 13.50;
few beef cows above 13.50 Mnnd.v: vm
common nd medium HUsa hull ii nn
iuuu oe on lis Monflay 17.50 to
io.uu. no eany sales vealers; good and
choice quotable steady at 21.00 to 22.00.
Hogs salable 150: market .tni- ..-t.
supply mostly good and choice 180-230
u umenrrs at; sows scarce; good
and choice feeders Monday 33.00 to 24 00;
one lot choice 49 lbs 25.50.
Sheep salable 300: hniW... m. .t...
about steady; few aood anrf
printers 20.00: rnrnmnn Hnnrn la nn.
few good light ewes 5.50 to 6.00; common
and medium ewes 3.00 to 5.00.
aaminiitratnr nt ..i.t. .
ELECTA E. MCDONALD, deceased, the
fl.B.,cu hub men in circuit court of
Oregon for Marlon County. In Probate,
hit final account In e-Ute of said dece
dent, and September 0. 194B. in vwir
(Pacific Standard Tlmi .nn
room Of Md nntirt hav. h..'n i-.-j
by said eourt for hearing of objections to
said account and settlement thereof.
binnfln McUONAIiD
Allan O. Carson and Wallace P. Carson
Attorneys for Administrator.
as aam n stratriv nt (Vi.
BENJAMIN BYWATER, deceased, the un- I
dersUned has filed In Circuit rn..r r
Oregon for Marlon County, ln Probate I
her final account In estate of said dec
dent, and September 30. 1949, 10 o'clock
a.m. lracuic nianoard rtme, and court
room of said court have been appointed by
said court for hearing of objections to
.bio. account ano settlement thereof.
Administratrix Aforejiairf
Allan O. Carson and Wallace P. Carson
Attorneys for Administratrix.
Aug. 23, 30, Sept. f, 11, 20, 1941
liT''i Mill feHillHMM...ll !
Three Killed In Auto Wreck Three youths were killed and
a fourth injured when this car smashed into a tree after failing
to make a turn and skidding off the road in East Oakland,
Calif. Police and firemen worked for more than two hours
with crowbars, plying apart the wreckage so they could re
move the bodies. (Acme Telephoto)
Treasury Cuts
Interest Rates
Washington, Aug. 23 VP) The
treasury next month' is going to
cut the rate of interest it pays
on certain securities. The idea
presumably is to help business
a bit as well as save some in
terest on the big and growing
federal debt.
To refund $1,292,443,600 in
two per cent bonds falling due
September 15, the treasury an
nounced last night, it will offer
a like amount in one-year debt
certificates paying just 1 Vt per
cent interest instead of the 1 Vt
per cent rate of recent months.
Furthermore, the treasury
said, more one-year certificates
rate unspecified as yet will
be offered to refund $6,535,161,-
000 in old debt certificates fall
ing due October 1.
Alsq, it added, treasury notes,
form of security which has
become fairly rare in recent
times, will be issued "in connec
tion with the refunding of the
($2,097,615,100) treasury bonds
called for dedemption on Dec
15, 1949." But nothing was said
about how long the notes will
run or what interest they will
Throughout most of 1948, the
treasury boosted interest rates
on its short-term securities 90
day bills and one year certifi
cates as an anti-inflationary
move. The idea was that
money would be dearer, rates on
some business loans would go
up too as they did and there
would be some discouragement
of business borrowing.
Business Failures
ncrease in Week
New York, Aug. 23 VP) Busi
ness failures increased to 193
in the week ended August 18
from 176 the previous week
un & Bradstreet reported.
The figure compared with 94
in the like week last year, 78 in
the 1947 week and 253 in the
1939 week, the credit reporting
gency said.
Casualties with liabilities of
$5,000 or more rose to 164 from
132 the previous week, while
failures involving liabilities un
der $5,000 declined to 29 from
Manufacturing failures in
creased to 61 from 46 the week
before, retailing casualties de
clined to 85 from 92, wholesale
and commercial service failures
rose and construction failures
eased moderately.
gg Prices Advance
Cent All Along Line
In line with continuing firm
ness in the egg market, all top
grades were boosted a cent here
Tuesday morning. Similar ad
vances were reported in the Port
land produce market.
The buying prices now list
eggs as follows: Extra large AA
64 cents; large AA, 63 cents
large A, varying from 61 to 64
cents; mediums, 54-59 cents
Wholesale prices generally quot
ed the grade A at 68 cents, the
mediums at 64 cents.
All other produce remained
unchanged here Tuesday.
Completed (run reanris ef Salem deal
ers rer ine gamanea er fjarmai
Joarnai Reaaera. iHeviaeei aauy;.
Retail Feed Prices
Egg Mah (5.15.
Kabblt Pellets (4.35.
Dairy Peed 13.80.
Pouttryt Bu'lng prices Grade A color
ed hens, 22-2!rc; grade A Leghorn hens.
33c; grade A colored fryers, three
and up, 32-33e. Grade A old roosters
Buying prleea Extra large AA, I4e;
large AA. 63c; large A, 61-64c; medium AA,
57c: medium A. S4-59c; pullets 36-410.
Wholesale Prices Egg wholesale prices
7 cents above these prices above
ade A generally quoted at 68c; medl-
Premium 4-6&c. Re). L llei Ho. I. II-
19a -buying price
Batter Wholesale grade A. 67oi re
tail 12c,
iBt the Associated Press
Americsn Can 93
Am Pow St Lt n4
Air Tel St Tel 1434
tnacorda as1!
Bendlx tviatton 28Ti
Beth Sleel ;,, 264
Boeing Airplane 191,5,
Calif Packing 33
median Pacif'o 1314
Case J I 37a;
Caterpillar 31
Chrysler 51 it,
Comwlth St Sou 474
Cons' Vultoe io4
Continental Can 33 li
Crown Zellerbach 25 Vi
.Jiirttss Wright a,
Douglas Aircraft 59
Dupont de Nem 50 'i
General Electr.o 37 4
v?rerai Food 44
General Motors 60 '
Qoodyeur Tire 40
Ent Harvester 26 V
int Papei 52 'i
Cnnecott 46 '.i
Llbby McN St L 7U
Long Bell 'A"
tfrntaomery Ward 52Mi
ttash Kelvlnator 13)i
i l Dairy 334
,Y C. nrta low
Northern Pacific
Pao Am Fish 121
Pa Gas St Eleo 32
Tel A. Tel 98
Penney J O 493i
Radio Corp oii
Rayonler 24
onior Pro 21
Reynolds Metal 19
Rlchfldd 37H
Safeway Stores 24
3--ars Roebuck 41
lou'hern Pacific 3914
Vandard Oil Co 68
nudebaker Corp 22
Sunshine Mining . 9
rransamerica 11
union Oil Cal 31
Onion Pacifio 81
United Airlines 12a;
(J S Steel 22 Vfc
warner Bros Plo 10
Wool worth 48
$9 Million Voted
For Power Lines
Washington, Aug. 23 (IP) The
senate voted $9,000,000 today
for Southwestern Power admin
istration transmission lines.
The sum-combining cash and
contract authority equaled the
administration's full budget re
quest. It was previously approv
ed by the house when it passed
the interior department money
The senate's appropriations
committee had recommended
slaslging the sum to $3,874,020.
The vote was 45 to 38 to keep
the house and budget figure,
A $300,000 continuing fund
for SPA also was approved by
the senate on its first vole on
committee Sponsored amend
ment to the half-billion dollar
interior bill.
This was the initial showdown
in the public power controversy
that has marked consideration
of the interior bill by the sen
ate. The outcome was expected
to have a decided bearing on
other contested appropriations,
including those for the south
eastern power administration,
some Bonneville power admin
istration items and several pow
er transmission projects of the
reclamation bureau.
These are cases where the
senate appropriations commit
tee voted to reduce amounts
voted by the house.
Overtime Work
Locks In Employe
A downtown Salem police
patrolman thought he had spot
ted a feminine burglar when he
noticed a woman standing in
side the F. W. Woolworth de
partment store long after the
store had closed for the night
But the woman wasn't break
ing in she was trying to break
She was the new dishwasher.
who had just finished her first
day of work at the store, and
who had forgotten to secure a
key to get out of the store.
She had to remain locked in
until the manager" could be
found and sent to the store to
release the "prisoner." I
Portland Grain
Portland, Ore., Aug. 22 (U.B Cash grain
Soft white 211 bid: soft white no rex.
white club 311 '4 bid: western red no bid:
hard red winter (ordinary, 211 bid.
Hard wnitt oaart (ordinary) no bid.
Coarse grains coast dely:
Os's: No. 2, 38-lb. white no btd
Barley: No. 2, 4ft. lbs. western 48.30 bid.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,
Few Changes in
Grains Market
Chicago, Aug. 23 W) Grain
prices did not show much change
on the board of trade today. A
mid-morning rally sent near
by wheat futures up around a
cent, but much of this gain was
lost later in the session. In con
trast, July wheat sank around 2
cents at times.
The mid-morning buying flur
ry in near-by wheat contracts
followed trade rumors the com
modity credit corporation had
again raised its price for red
wheat delivered at Atlantic sea
ports. Otherwise, there was a
dearth of price influencing news
lor the second straight day.
Wheat closed Vt lower to lVa
higher, September $2.0Hs-Vi.
corn was Va lower to V4 higher,
September $1.22 -'A, oats were
unchanged to V lower to Yt
higher, September $1.22fe-V4.
rye was Vi-Ms higher, Septem
ber $1.44(4, soybeans were Vt
i higher, November $2.45
and lard was unchanged to 7
cents a hundred pounds lower,
September $12.50.
Dallas Funeral
For Mrs. Miller
Funeral services for Mrs.
William P. Miller, 79, for many
years a resident of Salem, who
died at her home in Forest Grove
Sunday after a short illness, will
De neid from the Dallas Metho
dist church Wednesday at 2 o'.
clock under the direction of the
Henkle and Bollman funeral
home. Rev. Louis C. Kirby, pas
tor of the Jason Lee Methodist
church will officiate, assisted bv
Rev. Ralph Klcen, of the Forest
Grove church. Burial will be in
the Dallas IOOF cemetery.
Mrs. Miller was a former
member of the board of direc
tors of the Methodist Old Peo
ple s home here and for many
years an active member of the
Salem branch of the American
War Mothers and the WCTU.
Besides her husband she is
survived by four sons, Harold C.
Miller, Forest Grove and Clare
Miller, Eugene; three daugh
ters, Mrs. Peankoff, Oakridge
Mrs. Pauline Gillim, Tarrytown,
N. Y. and Mrs. Lois Van Vleck,
Salem; brother, L. J. Chapin,
Salem, and 13 grandchildren.
Margarine and
Coffee Advanced
Portland, Ore., Aug. 23 (U.R) j
Wholesale price hikes were set
on coffee and margarine today,
according to Portland distribu
A name-brand coffee was rais
ed one cent to 53 cents a pound
Other leading brands were ex
pected to follow.
Most brands of margarine
went up two cents a pound, aft
er a similar advance two weeks
rn. Augusta llookema
Mrs. Augusta Hockema, late resident of
Salem route 6, box 437, at a local hospital
August 21, at the age of 81 years. Survived
by husband, Wtlllnm P. Hockema of Sa
lem, a daughter, Mrs, Mitton Ron von of
Halem; a son, A, D, Smith of Jenning
Lodge, Ore.: and two sisters, Mrs. Ma
bel Levin of Portland and Mrs. Arthur
Rex of Salem. Member of Evangelical
United Brethren church. Services will he
held at the Howell -Ed wards chape Wed
nesday, A uk nut 24, at 10:30 a.m. with Rev.
Wllmer N. Brown offlclntliiR. Interment In
the IOOF cemetery at Dallas,
Mrs. Jennie I.. Monroe
Mrs. Jennie L. Monroe, late resident of
Waidport, Oregon, at a local hospital,
August 21, at the age of 63 years. Sur
vived by a daughter, Mrs. J. Fritz John
son of Salem; a sinter, Mrs. Nellie Brit
Ion of Taylorsvllle, III., and a granddaugh
ter. Mrs. Jnne Phelps of Salem. Member
of the Fuchsia chapter No. 167, Eastern
Star: Woldport Rebekah lodne; VFW
No. 3159 auxiliary at Waidport; Seoul
Young auxilllnry of the Spanish Ameri
can War Veterans auxiliary. Services will
be held from the Howell-Edwards chnpM
Thursday. Amttisiit 29. at 1:30 p.m. with
Interment at Bclcrest Memorial park.
Daisy Bell Tale
In this city A in list. 22, Daisy Bell Tate,
late i widen I of 640 Chemekrta street
Mother of William E. Tatn of Chicago:
aunt of Mrs. Wayne Powers of Snletn: and
sister of Kemper Tllford of Dps Moines.
Iowa. Lllllnn Line of arri.ville. Iowa,
and Rose McGinns of S.ilnm. Services
will be lie!d at the W. T. Rlnrinn clnpel
Wednesday, August 24, at 10:10 a.m.
with Rev. 0ne Brick wedel officiating
Interment In the City View cemetery.
1 Infant Nruhartli
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. BrnJamln
Neiiliarlh or 4135 Gary street, at a local
hospital Auv list 23. Announcement of
services later by the Howell-Edwards
Rmcof T. Plrrre
Roscoe T. Pierr-v lale resident of 12110
SB Bush St., Portland, near Idanha. Aug
ust 22, at the age of 33 years. Survived by
two children, Sandra Jean Pierce and
Bradley Pierce, both of Portland; father.
R. T. Pierce of Portland: a brother. Fred
F. Pierce of ortland; two sisters, Mrs. Es
ther Oray and Mrs. Dorothy Atchison,
both of ortland: and grandmother, Mrs.
Hattle A. Pierce of Yaktmn, Wash. An
nouncemet of services later by the Howell
Edwards chapel.
Mrs. Annte Bernlce Pierce '
Mrs. Annie Bernlce Pierre, late resi
dent of 12110 SE Bush St.. Portland, near
Idsnha, August 22, at the age of 34 years.
Survived by two children, Sandra Jean
Pierce and Bradley Pierce, both of Port
land; parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nell Jep
son. Sr., two brothers, Nell and John Jep-
son, and a sister, Mrs. Jeane Oalther, all
or Cornelius. Ore.; and grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ida Edlger of Portland. An
nouncement of services later by the Howell-Edwards
Brrlram C. Woodcock
Bertram C. Woodcock, at the residence
at 1130 N. Commercial St.. August 23. at
the age of 81 years. Survived by three
daughters, Mrs. Henry A. Miller of Sa
lem,. Mrs. Ellis War held of Junius, S.D.,
nd Mrs. John Williams of Lake Preston.
S.D.; four sons, Chester M. Woodcock or
Salem, Merle D. Woodcock of Hot Springs,
S.D., Jack W. Woodcock of West Fir,
Ore., snd Euaene F. Woodcock of Astoria:
a sister. Mrs. David March of Riverside,
Calif.: 13 grandchildren and 13 great
grandchildren. Announcement or services
later by the Clough-Sarrlck chapel.
Tuesday, August 23, 194919
Mrs. Grace B. Miller
Dallas Mrs. Grace R. Miller at theifl7l
residence at Forest Grove, Aug. 21, at the 60 i
age of 79 years. Born Aug. 1, 1870, at 40'
Kelly's Island, Ohio, and was married to 41 1
William P. Miller Oct. 24, 1894 ln Dallas.
She lived ln Dallas from 1889 to 1937 and:
in Salem for the next 10 years before
moving to Forest Grove. She was a mem-,1"1
ber of the Methodist church, W.C.T.U.,
the War Mothers, and was a former mem- f
ber of the Methodist Old Peoples Home .
board of Salem. Survived by the hus- L ,
oand of Forset Grove; four sons, Harold u
C, Miller of Beaverton, Paul P. Miller of
Dickinson, Texas, Raymond L. Miller ofjfll
Forest Grove. Clair M, Miller of Eugene;
three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Piankoff of '
Oakrldge, Mrs. Paulino Gllllm of Tarry- '
town, N. Y., and Mrs. Lois VanVIeck of
Salem, and 13 grandchildren. Funeral
services at 2 p.m. Aug. 24 at the First
Methodist church in Dallas under dlrec
tion of Henkle and Bollman. Interment In
the Dallas I.O.O.F. cemetery. ;c
Fay Bragr
onverion Mrs. ray Bragg, 46. who went
to Palm Sprlnu, Calif., about six wetkj nl
ano becaiue of her health, waj found A
dead by neighbor accordina to word re- ,
celved Monday from her husband. F. M. n'
Bragg. She waa a member of a well-known t
Marlon county family, born here ReDL.
20. 1942. Ihe daughter of M. A. and Mar- 'el
garet Hullt Dlcxeraon. Both ahe and her"
husband were active In the American I
Legion and auxiliary. Surviving are her CS
husband; aon, Collin Bragg. Sliverton; V
brother, c. H. Dlckeraon; aLster. Mra.
Amoa Benaon. Salem: aunt, Mr,. Emma
Coberly. Sliverton; uncle. Alfred Hullt. jnt
Ketchikan. Alaaka and three nephewa of ' r
Sliverton. Announcement later from the
Ekman funeral home.
Grace R. Miller W
Dallas Funeral services for Mrs. eh
Qrace Miller, 79. who died at her home A
in Forest Grove Aug. 21, will be held from
the First Methodist church here at 2 ef
oc.ock Wednesday under the direction n 1
of the Henkle and Bollman mortuary with
burial in the IOOF cemetery. Surviving B
are her husband, William P. Miller, For- .
est Grove; four sons, Harold C. Miller,
Beaverton; Paul F. Miller. Dickinson, tel
Tex.: Raymond L. Miller, Forest Grove, , j
and Clara Miller, Eugene; three daughters 1 11
Mrs. Ruth Peankoff, Oakridge: Mrs. a
Pauline Qillln. Tarrytown. N. Y., and o.
Mrs. Lola Van Vleck, Salem; brother, L.
J. Chapin, Salem and 13 grandchildren.
Martha Archibald Bear $? I
Albany Funeral services were held at ft ;
the Fisher funeral home Tuesday for
Mrs. Martha Archibald nnr hn ia i
Saturday at her home on RFD No. 1,
Tangent. Burial in the Sand Ridge ce
metery. Mrs. Bear was born October 23
1882 at Janesvllle, Wis., but had lived In
this vlclnltv since lflflfl llvlno- ,i ik
and Tangent save for three years cur- .
Ing which she lived In Idaho. She aa
married to Robert C. Archibald Novein
ber 23. 100S. He died February 28. 1937. W
and on June 13, 1946 she was married
to Prank M. Bear, who nrvtvp 0
two children, Mrs. Robert A. Dykes
Portland and Mrs. Martha Bronson. Eu- "v
gene; a brother. Walter n Rr.t
o.ovrtB, nn a. i,urn uuingn-
worth, Satem and Mrs. Lydla M. Johnson,
Tangent and seven grandchildren. She
was a member of the Shedd chapter of
the Order of Eastern Star; president of
the Shedd Wtrru nri m.n.K.. ,..
Shedd Methodist church.
Ben Rartoher
Albany Ben Bartcher. 88, Albany RFD
No. i, former locat furniture dealer and
;.,r0 . PrPr'eior or the Bartcher gold
fish farm near tho mA,tmm ....
died suddenly of a heart ailment at the
Albany General hospital Sunday. Funeral
services were held at the Fortmlller-Fred-ericksen
chapel Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Bart
cher was a native of Walcott. Ia.. born
September 24, 1880, and married Bessie
....(tnvEctu (, ucmaon, IK., in 1B04. They
came to Albany ln 1912 from Lakeview.
are Ihe widow, lour join, Glenn Bartcher.
Portland: Clyde E. Bartcher, Albany:
Lyle Bartcher, Detroit. Mich., and Bat
r.. n. uancner, rort Lewis. Wash.: four
daughters. Mrs. Orln
Mrs. Gregory carellas, Albany; Mra. Har
vey Wellsandt, North Bend, and Mrs. R,
A. Martin. Portland, and 11 grandchildren
Eh . a,rlch..r ""mber ot St. John'a
lodge NO. 17. AF AS AM. anri tl,. An......
IOOF lodge. ' tl
Da.ld Hugh Kills
Monmouth Word haa been received of '
the sudden death of David Hugh Ellis of :
Olnah. Wash. He v hnPn
Salem. Attended the Salem .rhnni. .
rs. Ellla llho u.-...
both graduated from Willamette univcr-
Jlly, later living In Salem. He had been
teaching school In nmnh t . .
of this year became ,,, I..- aO!
schools In Omah. He Is survived by his ttl
wife and one aon, David Hugh, Jr. He .
was a relative of Mra. Matilda Jones of m'
Monmouth. . raJ
Mr. and Mra. Jamea T. Coiard
Sliverton Mra. Cnrrnll Rllf. . . a
Welch street received word of the death r:
or both her parents within a half hour ,r
shortly after midnight Saturday morning. 1
both being hospitalised, her mother, aged y
.... ... UCc , ior many rnontha, and
the father. 73. onlv for . hn.r tiM. ...
and Mrs. Jamea T. Cosarrf iur. n'
Joral lived at Stella. Nebr. Their l'mme.
. aurvivora are Clayton M a aon. of
Omaha, daughters, Mrs. E. J. Folsey of
Omaha. Mra. Ilde Hayea of Stella nH
Mra. Carroll stolta and her two sons. Jim
and Bill stolta. all of Sllverinn .nnn...
grandson. Jcrrold Hayea of Stella, and
. """"'r. Ml". Elliott Bergsteln
f New York City. Sloee Mr. rim. ...
a recent visitor at the family home. It
will not be possible to make the trip to
Nebraska at this lime. Bill stoltz. Sliver
ti.n, la at the home of his grandparents
preceding the opening of the autumn ses
sion of the Dunbar, Nebr., schoola of
which he la a faculty member.
Amity Martha Wood, daugh
ter of Dr. and Mrs. LeonaTd
Wood of Laguna Beach, Calif., is
a guest at the home of her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Z.
"Saved my Lite
WlicnrxreasHtomarharldraiWMpalnfitl aulTorsa.
log i ,r ih .ml heartburn, doa. n, ,'MV
inwrlh- the laMem-actlng mllc k 1 in I W
BELL-ANS for Acid Indigestion 25i
"Considering I was constipated for
over 20 years and laxatives gave me
no relief it was amazing to find
ALL-BRAN daily
helped me so muchl''
Mrs. H. Hutledge,
120 Corry Ave., Aero
Vista, Warrington,
Florida. Just one of
many unsolicited let
ters praising ALL
BRAN. If trouhlorl I
by constipation due to lack nt hnliri
in the diet, try this: eat an ounce of
map ALL-BRAN every day, drink
plenty of water. If not satisfied after!
1? ,,day. return empty box to
Kcllogg's, Battle Creek, Mich.
Plsttila Fissure
Prolapse and oth
:r Rectal DLsor
Icrs corrected the
9 a s v . convenient
way No hospitalis
ation, quick relief
Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic
Naturo-Reetal Specialist
114a Center 8t.. Salem. Or.
Ph. lltto
: s: