1 .1 It i Vi -Cl 51 fl ti h I J tr I all B v H? In r b;n Itr h lcn Islb Isle g: hi 1- Id ?! it 18 Capital Journal, Salem, ClJiSSiFIEO ADVCBT181NOI Pel Lisa " Per Line 1 time 40c Per Line Umea oc Per Line 1 month U 00 Ouukle Of Seles tie per line pe day. aftn loci I timer mln See fl timer miD 11.20 No Refund. EADfSS lo Ueel New. CeL 0l Per une To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER, a acres, modern 3 B.R. home Ven. blinds, garage St shop bid., ber ries and orchard. One block So. ol Rosed ale school. Rt. 9, Box 319. 202 ; BY OWNER: NEW 2 BD. EM. HOME. ST. ELMO ADDITION. LARGE LOT, ; FENCED IN 'BACK YARD. ', COMPLETE OUTSIDE FIREPLACE AND PATIO . AND GARAGE. PH. 25348. 4303' BY OWNER. 3 bdrm. noma. 1st floor, ' excel, corner lot. Close to Catholic it. ' public schools, bus by door. (8660. Would consider trade for smaller homo also In Highland dlst. 2205 N. 5th. a200 8500. SPECIAL reduced to sell. Very mod " ern. 3 bdrm. FHA appr. Small down ' payment will handle. Ph. 3-6189. a201 I BY OWNER Va acre, a 5-rm. house, I rase and large utility rm. 316ft D 201 ENOLEWOOD .9050 f- Iblks. to sch.; 3 B.R., all plast. home, - full basm.. Ig. din. rm., Iplc, hard to - beat at this price. Ph. 2-6680. ' ' ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE t 440 N. Hth St. a200 CLOSE IN NORTHEAST ' This Is one of those bargains your hear about but seldom see, variety of fruit trees, shrubs, 2 A. of Eood ground, barn, chlx hse., deep well, full dry basm., 2 B.R., nook, in. din. rm., Iplc, bus by door. Only 19850. Ph. 2-6680. r 1 ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. a200 BY OWNER 2-B.R. home, fireplace, hardwood floors, utility rm., att. garage. - Lot 63tt'x211'. FHA. 3180 LaBranche Ave . . a202 BY OWNER nearly new 2 BR home, nice fcltch., Bendlx washer, )ge. lot. Ph. 23219 or 28246. a202 BY OWNER ' law 2 bdrm. home. Plastered, electric ' heat. Drapes. Unfinished upstairs. Lawn, shrubs. Larue garage breezeway. Sell at builders cost 'A acre or 1 acre. Ph. 8-4686, 1491 Lancaster Dr. North of Market St. 202 BY OWNER: New 2 born., suburban home. Near bus A school $7950. O. I. loan. Ph. 3-7111. 3320 Chester. a203 BY OWNER: Kin s wood Heights, new 2 . od. rm Fireplace. Ht. Pt. dish washer. Bendlx. Lawn in. Lot 75x140. Klngwood '. Dr.. left on Fair Oaks, 1st Rd. right. - Rt 8, Box 27. 203' NEW 4 bdrm. house, 2310 Broadway, 181.00 A. E. Heasley, 2303 N. Liberty. a209 I BDRM. HOME on Vi acre. In Swegle - dlst. or trade for largo house In city. , Rt. 5, BOX 68. 204 '"Immed. Poss. Bargain J'i bdrm. on Vi aero, Klngwood, 3-7341. : a204 IN ENGLEWOOD (10,500 Attractive t rm. home with full basement, furnace, tlropln.ee, hdwd. floors, nice corner lot, owner leavlnii town, best of terms to the right party. Geo. A. Walters, Kealtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260. a200 . Near Leslie Jr. High . 110,600 3 bdrm. Ensign style with burnt. r Good sawdust furnace, fireplace, hdwd. . floors. On the hill. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-S260. a200" IT'S A FACT 114,000 Beautiful ranch style subur ban home, close In. 7 le. rooms, tile bath, over 1700 ft. floor space, double garage. Vt acre landscaped, on pave ment, bus by door. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 2-3849. Eve. 2-5280. a200 BY OWNER: 2 BR home. Reduced lor quick, sale. Good location, 620 N. 22nd LARGE. NEW 3 bedroom home. 685 N ' 10th. Open dally. Ph. 2-8757. 304 FOR RENT 1 Bedroom furnished house Suburban Will five 3 year lease Reference Required Abranis & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Building. Real Estate - Insurance 3-9317 Loan.s aaoi IY OWNKR a $3900. 622 N. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION By owner, lg. 5 rin. nearly new sub urban house, close to city limits, schools ' and bus. Hd. floors, auto, heat, piped to all rooms, lg. utllltv room, breeieway with att. gar. Unfinished up with stairs - and electricity In. FHA terms. Snlem Heights Dlst. Priced to sell quickly. 585 Ewaid. a301 Leaving the State My $1303 equity In 1 yr. old 3 B.R home. Insulated, hardwood firs., com pletely modern. Move right In for $500 Bal. F.H.A. See 943 Bliler Ave. Ph 2-2880. a211 For Sale or Trade ' Older 3 BR home, 4 acres, Bond aotl, 3 ; wcres In tlmbrr. 164 ft. well A; elec. -' pump. Will (rnde for smaller home of Ilka value In or near Salrm or as down payment on rental unit. Price 13975, Ph. 3-2029. a 2 $500 DOWN Cute 3 yr, old 1 bedroom home (Ideal for adding to). All plastered, nice lane kitchen. Fully modern. Electric heat . Elec. ranse goes. Located close In su burban on bus line. $500 down . tt. old 1 bedroom home. Full bath, utility rm.. attached garage, Located on south Lancaster. Price $6000. Terms 1300 1 flown and $4o per month inc. d int. J": $550 DOWN dust being completed. Plastered 3 bed' room home with living rm.. dining rm. f lae. kitchen, full bath. hdwd. firs., all J electric, attached garage. Price 18150. i Terms $550 down and approximately 150 1 per month. COLBATH LAND CO. ' 1683 Center St. Ph. 34333 . ttves. 28651 or 34396. a30l 3 BEDROOMS Living room with fireplace, kitchen 4 dinette, automatic oil heat, attached garage. Close to grade V Junior high school. A good buy. BY OWNER 740 Electric Ph. 39882 a 202 : i OPEN HOUSE i j All This Week S i 2-5 p.m. 7-9 p.m. t 1570 N. 23rd St. ! REALLY NICE 1 Brand new 3 B.R., hwd. firs. La. Llv. 1 Km., lge. din. rm., lge. kitchen, I bath rm., lge. utility rm. Double iar- ; BURT PICHA, Realtors , S7B N. High St. Phone 2-189 h a 202' Journal Want Ads Pay Ore., Tuesday, August 23, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "The Mighty Joe Young" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem Clin out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state-i ment of 2; words or less on 'Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judged on ilnceritv and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "The Mighty Joe Young," coming soon to the Elslnore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the iudces Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their Immediate families arc not eligi ble to participate in this contest FOR SALE HOUSES Fair Oaks Way By owner: 2 bd. rm. home, all modern, electric throughout. Will eell my equi ty, 15500 caah. Some terms on bal. Rt. I, Box 17 H. 1 block off Klniwood Dr. a205 BY OWNKR: ATTRACTIVE 5 RM. HOMfT NICE FIREPLACE. ATTACHED GAR AGE, FENCED IN YARD. NICE FOR CHILDREN. LOVELY FLOWERS & SHRUBS. VERY OOOD VIEW OF CITY. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS DIST. CLOSE TO SCHOOL & BUS. S4.000 EQUITY HANDLE WITH OOOD TERMS. SOME BALANCE. PH. 35059. B202 New 2 Bdrm. Homes $225 DOWN. Move rleht In, no red tape. Hdwd. floors, large Karaite. In city. Bal. $66 mo. Inc. taxes. Interest & Insurance. HERE'S one with 2 bdrms, among nice homes. 11000 down, 175 per rno. HERE'S one, 112,500 home, 12100 down. $72 per mo. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Eve. or Sun. Suburban Special East. Vh acres. Lge. mod. hse. wired for range. 3 yrs. old. Vi. round spring. All fenced. Darn. In a setting of fir trees. Might consider town hse, aa part trade. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N, Capitol St, WHY PAY RENT? S750 down. Use your a. I. loan on f his new home North. Utility rm., att. Bar. Larue lot. Full price 16050. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 B. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536 a202' LOVELY SUBURBAN 18800. 3 bdrms. on 1 floor, Hdwd. floors throuRhout. Luc. living rm. Fireplace. Luc. window facing Enst. Dble. gar. Lawn, shrubs & flowers. Terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 045 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4500. Eve. 3-9536 n200 FOR SALE LOTS LA It OK BUILDING lot on Crolsan Creek. Lnrgo enough to nixommodtuo 85 ft. long ranch atyle home. Creek flowlnn in front across entire wt'''v " Slab now In place ready to start a build Inn. Large am! small n.uv. .. a beautiful site for quiet living. Price $1850 complete. Terms If desired. Own er Ph. 3-6B93 or Inquire at 880 N, Cnpl tol St. aa203 ACRE view lot 500 feet or 'pacinehlh way 09E South. Inquire at 401 0r Bldg. an 2 02 FOB SAME OK TRADE, $1295 34 acre building site with barn, chicken house, cherries, for good lot. Ph. 3-1303. aa2D2 V0 W N Kit! Lot 80 s US-on R osein a ry Lane .South!. City water, restrictions. $800. $35 dn. $10 a mo. Ph. 25311, 33J03. 26056. aa201 FA1HMOUNT HILL VIEW LOTS, 90' front age. Salem's most exclusive residential dlst. Only a few left at 12500. T m.v. TJ-.rt .P. T ! uaifldl J.J.UIUC 4.V XJUctll VU. Exclusive Listings Personal Service '84 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440. B27 FOR SALE FARMS TWO ACRES Three bedroom suburban home with basement and furnare, small barn, alt kinds of family fruit and nut tree, good bottom rich soil for garden, prop erty is located on the Salem, Indepen dence road, and is about a mile away from the river. Owner in a prv.lt Ion to give very liberal terms, or take in a trailer house or good used car. Ex clusive $7500. Eve. Ph. 3-7317. $6,500 Exceptionally nice two bedroom home with fireplace and basement, attached garage, excellent location for a state worker. Exclusive. $5250 Neat small 2 bedroom home on the bark of a larte lot. Located north in a bus iness gone. Owner wants a trade lor a larger home, to meet his family needs. We are In a position to arrantie good financing on this one. $1000 down, bal ance like rent. Exclusive. COURT SITE Three good lots all together, located east and within walking distance ot State Capitol or State Hospital, a buy for 12800. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140NCapltOl Ph. 3-8216. b302 STOCKED & EQUIPT " 33 A. all tillable with creek. Good 5 rm. house, fair barn, excellent 20x40 poul try house, includes tractor & equip ment: six milk cows, milking machine, 200 hens, For only 111,000 with 15,000 down STROUT REALTY 959 S. 13thSt. Phone 2-5333. b202 BY OWNER Business Interests comuef us to go back east, so we art selling our country home. There are ten fertile acres with strawberries, blackberries, and red raspberries for Income, also some young fruit trees coming along The house Is nearly new, contains two bed rooms, and is of smart modern de sign, u is an electric and has many other ttractlve special features to make for comfort in living. Price 117.500 and worth it. One-half mile south of Clear Lake school. eat side of road. Reese A. Hall, Route 3, Ilox 384, Palem. Kflfl FOR SALE ACREAGE NELSON NEWS WI WANT ACREAGE Aeveral families are arming in Salem each month who would like to have a small tract of land with livable im provements. Their thoucht Is that they could derive a part of their living from such tract whljp becoming acquaint ed with the country and finding suit able employment or business oppor tunities. We need more listing of that kind of property. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service bv Men Who Specialise 702 K. High. Phone 1-4633. bbaoa REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, Realtors Drive By and See Tr-ls neat 3 bedroom home located at 44 Abrams Ave., has 3 bedrooms, lot Is 6!xl60. Price is Just 16000. , . For Sale or Trade This duplex H apt. down, 1 up), each has 2 bedrooms, private bath, net Income over $80 a month. Will sell for 16850 or trade for small modern home. Now Is the Time to Buy That Home Take a look at this well built 3 bedroom home, the llvin-room Is 13x20. there are 2 bedrooms down, 1 large hp. insulated and weather stripped, has large corner lot with shade trees a good deal for (9400. The House with the Yellow Door New and smart, 5 well arranged rooms, district is good, neighbors are nice Bedrest is 1560 Pearl St. PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB TENANTS Let US show you thru. If I Were Buying a Home I would like this one BECAUSE If In the Englewood nchool district, has a lovely ' landscaped yard. 3 good bedrooms, full basement with an economical aawduat furnace It's a fine home for $13,000. Look for Our Sign on S. Commercial 3'.05 8. Com'" St. is the address, beautiful lot 80x250. ncrvd 3 bedroom home with 1'-, plumbing, fireplace, auto heat (ZONED FOR BUSINESS) Let us show you thru it's 112.000. Business Lot m lot south of the Vista Market on S. Com'.. St. an excellent business lot for $4500. ' Farm Special REAL VALUE 8 acres on the South River Road, nearly ail under cultivation, 3 acres berries, good barn and chicken house, modern 2 bedroom home in secluded oak. grove. NOW ONLY $6300. OHMART & CALABA, Realtors 417 Court St. Eve..: 38033 33633 REAL ESTATE CROISAN CREEK Very nice, small, build ing- site Wlin year-rouna ercc. trees, macadamised road, four miles from Ladd As Bush. Ideal for summer Blare or vear rouna living. ,vv ,,uv price). Owner's phone Is 3-6803. c203 FOR YOUR SAVINGS investment buy h tint mortgage on real estate. Salem vicinity. Exomlne security yourself Amounts 1500 lo several thousand dol lars, net investors 57. We make all col lections for you ll desired. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 B. High BBST BUYS 3 bdrm. home. Very clean, close In north. acre. Small barn, chicken house, tool shed lots of trees. Would trade for business. Total price only $7500. Eve. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. DUPLEX Older type home. Both apts. modern. Close In. Corner lot. Lots of trees & shrubs. Income $100 per month. $1000 down. Total price oniy viawi. trade for Portland property of value. Eve. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558, Would equal $6000 SPECIAL 2 bdrm. home. Close In. Furn. Good con dition. Large lot. Owner leaving city. Owner says present offer on your terms. Eve. ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS $1500 DOWN 13 acres north. S rm. house. Small barn. 3 small chicken houses. Amity soil, deep well. 2 acres berries, 15 acres adjoining can be leased. Total price only $5500. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558, 4 ACRES 1 acre walnuts, VI acre grapes, variety of fruit St berries. Sub irrigated. Total price only $1800. No buildings. Joining acre with 3 bdrm. unfinished house & well available. Total price for both $4500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-355B. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-1B20. 2-4596. 3036 Portland Rd. C202 NELSON NEWS LEASE AND BUY If you would like to live In the coun try but haven't the required cash loose now here Is your chance. Ruatlc2-bdrm, home with attractive fplnce, bsmt., acre land, some native trees for bock B round for sale now for $8000. Owner might consider leasing with option con tract effective April I with $2000 down at that time. TENANTS WANTED We want tenants for new building, might adapt it to dental clinic use. AM. RIVER BOTTOM FARM 35 A. farm. 30 A. In cult. B A. past ure, fomtly orchard & homesite with all year creek. On paved rd. Elec. pump. 8 rm. mod. home with ('place, barn, A chicken house. Let us show you this. Only 18600. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialise 702 N. High Ph. 3-4622. c"300 BUY NOW 5 ACRES about 5 miles from Salem. 3 tm. house and shed. Price $3000. Terms. 4 ACRES. 5 room house. Elec. water sys tem. Small barn. Paved road. Close to school and stores; on bus line. Price 16300. VERY GOOD 3 bedrm. home, furnished. Prlce only 16675 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED In a 3 bedrm. or a 3 bedrm. home for less than $7000 with good terms, call us. LARGE BUSINESS LOT and good room house on 99 highway north. Price 117, 500. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 Slate St. Ph. 3-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorhees. 3-4007 or Mr. Sederstrom. 3-6789. r203' 7 ACRES NORTH HOME - INCOME Best of soil with gooseberries and boy senberrles: comfortable 3 bedroom home; large barn: located 6 ml. north. Price Just reduced lo $11,500. Belter sec this property. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-3838 331 N. Hlffh Eve. Ph. 3-8770, 3-1724. 3-7534. c201 FAIRMOUNT HILL $9250 3 bedrooms, carpet living room, fire p ace, wooded lot oil furnace, bsmt. Home In perfect condition, $7000 Brand new. sparkling white, 4 rooms, bath, utility, hdwd. floors, Inlaid lln oleum, paved St., 50x100 lot, good lo cation. FHA. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 37 Years in Salem 350 N. tilth St. Phono a-4129 e301 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If rour property Is for ..le. rent 01 eichenee lt.M tt with us We her, ell rtiuia ot ciah Purer, STATE FINANCE CO. RIA1.TOES 153 8 Hltb 81 e REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE listings needed to satisfy our customers. We have the buyers If you have tlie property. We help finance. Phone 3-7983, oom 330, Oregon Bldg. HAVE cash buyers for farms 30 to 100 acres priced up to 117.000. Phong 3-7983. room 320, Oregon Bldg. ca213 WE ARK in need oi tooe. houses to eell In or near Salem U rou vUb to list rnur propert for tale e GRAHKMIURST BROS.. RtALTORt IS s Llftert t Phone 1-7471 ee- EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TO TRADE 1 A. North. 4 rm. Iw. Barn. Oar. All in lrawberries St family orchard. For house St lot close In. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve, 3-9536 ebW2- SELL OR accept large house trailer on nicely furn. home. $5750. Vh. 20220. eb205 TO TRADE for unincumbered houe in city. Acreage unincumbered unimproved. 2 mites from city limits on Swede Rd. xt mile from Swede school. Bob Fry rear. Rt. 6. Box 316. Salem. cMOl Journol Want Ads Pay I REAL ESTATE Phones 34115 34116 c301 23488 - 35996 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORE & LIVING QUARTERS Price reduced on approx. 1 acre Dallas highway. 3 miles from bridge. Large bldg. Green hse. Room to build 3 more hses. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536 Cd202a NELSON NEWS FOR RENT FOR OFFICE OR SHOP Down town professional men whose clients are plagued with parking prob lems can arrange through our office for accomodations In new building which can be available m 90 days. On a wide St., with a lot of traffic & lot of free parking space. Tell us what you need St we will try to arrange It for you. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 702 N. High Ph. 3-4622. cd202 $220 PER MONTH Income from these 4 rentals in Holly wood district. Two 3 rm. apartments with bsmt. Two 4 rm. apartments. Price $13,500 Including new elec. refrigerators and ranges. Exclusive with COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 34552 Eves. 28651 or 24395. cd201 First Month Rent Free Desirable Downtown Business location, lease or month to month, about 800 sq. ft. fir, space, reasonable rent. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. HUM St. Phone 3-3649 cdJOO- WANT TO RETIRE? SEVEN VERY NICE MODERN APTS. LOW OPERATING COST. ABOUT $4600 PER YEAR INC. SHOULD NET OVER 12 above operation, 'Terms. Ph, 3-1744, It's a buy. cdaoo 6 APTS, very well located, Income $232 per month. Very low overhead, $17,500. 9100 MONTH income on Investment of $7,500, Duplex So. near Junior High. Corner lot. Call for BPPt. BUSINESS CENTER, 2 story brick bldg.. offices & storage, will net 10 on In vestment of $50,000. 60x80 FRAME BLDG. Concrete floor. plumbing, suitable for warehouse, whole sale, etc. on paved alley. 10 blocks Bo. $3,150. IN THE SHADE OF THE STATE HOUSE. 10 unit court. All have BR, hdwd. floors, fireplace, breakfast nook. You will real ly go for these. $52,000. CALL IIS FOR an appt. to see this fine apt. house. There Is no better Invest ment In Salem today, all brick con struction. 16 apts. Fire proof garages. 182,000. CLOSE in on N. Com'l, good duplex, all lurnlshed. corner lot. $16,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive u is tings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440. cd201 8-UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE $400 mo. inc. from 8 fur. units. Steam ht. - Not made over, built as apt. hse. Close to state office bldgs. Price I $35,000. Ph. 3-6680. ED. LUKENBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. fd200' $12,000 GROCERY Owner paid Income tax on $8500 from this bust, last yr., will be close to same this yr. $5000 stock, bal. equip., sub., north. Ph. 3-6680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. cd200 INCOME PROPERTY 30 ACRES 15 acres growing crops. 9 acres summer fallowed, beautiful building site. Terms. Priced to selL Write Capital Jounral Box 278. cd BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Need taverns, groceries, restaurants, service stations and motels or courts. Have out of state buyers for all of the above. Phone 3-7983, room 320. Oregon Bldg. cd213 GOOD INCOME grocery store and fix tures. 2 gas pumps. 8 cabins, 3 ml. N of underpass on Hy 99E. W. J. Jar ma, Rt 7 Box 145. Salem. Ph. 24319. cd307 FURNITURE FOR SALE PIECE BEDROOM SUITE. Blond finish, new spring it mattress. Ph. 3-5788. d200 NICE WALNUT bed. Spring and spring- fined mattress. Complete $27.50 or otter 1434 Ferry. d201 NEW ROLL-AWAY" bed. Cost $47. Will take $35. 3430 Center St. Ph. 35278. daot- WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and household articles. Nothing to big or tm, Ph. 36558. da207 SPOT CASH for your furniture, appli ances, rugs, sporting equipment, an tiques. Need at once. Paying top prices. Glen Woortry. Ph. 35110. da204 USED FURN Check our prices. Valley Furn 385 N. Com'l. Ph. 37472. da20S HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph $-5110. da AUCTIONS FURNITURE & APPLIANCES AUCTION Tuesdav, Aug. 23. 8 p.m., sharp GLENWOOD BALLROOM 4 4 miles north of Salem on 99E SKelvlnator Refrigerator Kelvlnator Electric Range Easy Electric Washer 0 Record Player ' m Walnut Bed Suite 4ft Daveno Set 0 Ruts ChesU Desk a Vacuums Suiub mair Chrome Dinette 0 Lamps Davenport Set Beds Complete 912 Rug A Pad 0 Ice Box A Occasional Piece.- GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER PH. 1-J110 TO BUY OH SILL AdlW REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS 3380 WINOLA The beauty of this home Is enhanced by an attractive brick flower box. It has L.R., D.R.. Kitchen, bath, insldt utility, 3 bdrms., breezeway and garage. Approximately 950 sq. ft. $2,000 will handle. Total price 18700. Let us show this pretty home. Call Peter H. Oelser. TIRE RETREAD BUSINESS Completely equipped, rent $35.00 per mo. Total price 13,500. Call Ben Roisen. ALL ON ONE FLOOR 3 lge. br. ft den with fireplace, a full baths, wall-to-walt carpeting thru out, ranch style home on large corner lot. This home has hot water, radiant heat. Price $26,500. Call Earl West. RESIDENTIAL COTTAGE GROCERY Doing around $3,000 vol. per mo. 3 B.R, apt. attached. Store building, apt. fixtures total price $13,500. Call Ben Roisen. GRABENHORST BROS'., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-1332 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 Petei Geiser 3-9968 AUCTION Livestock & Furniture AUCTION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24 10 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. Complete disposal of two 5 rooms for furniture, no reserve. 7 piece walnut bedroom set S7 piece twin bedroom set 7 plepe dinette set 0 Barton washer, almost new Domestic sewing machine 1 pleco walnut dining room set 1 daveno 0 1 davenport 3 platform rockers Box springs and Inner-spring mat tresses 9x13 rug Table model radio Floor lamps and mirrors 4 ft, Oruno refrigerator Wardrobe S Breakfast table and 4 chairs Chest of drawers SQarden tools and many misc. articles Potatoes and fresh vegetables Chicken it rabbits Feeder ic Weaner pigs Calves si veals Cows, heifers is bulls LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Located l'-i Mile East of Salem on Sllverton Road "To Buy or Sell Call 3-6098" dd200 AUCTION SALK OF ALL ITEMS LIVE STOCK AND MACHINERY OF THE CARA NASH ESTATE One-half mile east of Hopewell, on Wheatland-Hopewell road WED.AUG. 24 -1 P.M. LIVESTOCK 11 GUERNSEY MILK COWS 1 HEIFER, 2 YEARS OLD 1 HEIFER, 3 YEARS OLD 1 GUERNSEY BULL MACHINERY 1 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR, RUBBER TIRES 1 TRACTOR CULTIVATOR 1 PEORIA SEED DRILL . 1 HAY RAKE 1 6-FT. COVER CROP DISC 1 DRAG HARROW 1 2-BOTTOM TRACTOR PLOW 1 WALKING PLOW 1 Mc-DEERING ENSILAGE CUTTER 1 CREAM SEPARATOR 1 SEARS MILKER 1 MOWER 1 HAY RACK 1 4'x6' 2-WHEEL TRAILER MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS, CANS, ETC. WILBUR RICE & SON Auctioneers Office Phone Max Residence Phone 482X ddaoo FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 5 YR OLD saddle mare. Hamlltonlan & American saddle. Gentle enough for a woman. Rt. 4 Box 40. Phone 23037. J. Chamberlln. e205 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh, 1127 B 25. Ph. 3-8147, ea205 PETS REDBONE HOUND PUPS from real tree doss. Eligible. O. F Evans, Rt, a box 245A, Silverton. 1 mile west North Howell school, phone Salem 3-8586. ec200 REG. IRISH Setter pups for sale at 410 candalarta Blvd. Ph. 3-9440. ec201 FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37442 16' Slab Wood and Edgings Fiesh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS ec CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Dlese! and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Block Wood. Ph S6444 ee OAK. 8.Q. fir, limbs. 3-3129. ec233 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ash St maple. 4' fir, 16" slab and edgings. Ph. 31458. ee West Salem Fuel Co. IC IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD, IS-IN. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE Ott Phone Pilem 24031 ALo Pick up wood at 1535 Edtewater St.. West Salem e GET YOUR winters fuel now and save. Good clean sawdust, dry A green slab, dry and green edgings. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 35533. eeaoO' FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRTEK9. Live or will dress. Rt. 7. box 434A, McCane Ave. off Silverton Rd. i mile E. ot Lancaster. 1200 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivrry Hatches every Tus. Fox Hatchery. 3830 State St. Ph. 1-4969 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Tours day Ph 3-3861 Lee's Hatchery f PRODUCE BLACKBERRIES U-Pick. Bring contain ers. 5C lb. Ph. 33117. Rt. 4 box 62, Just South of the Walling Gravel. No Call. CailS. lliVA BARTLETT PEARS at 50r a box. brtng eoxes. Emu rolk. Rt, C Box joa on Sweglt Road. ffaoo REAL ESTATE - Phone 2-2471 Ben Roisen 3-3471 f.200 I PRODUCE HILL GROWN PEACHES Crawfords, Imp, Elbert as, Mtiira Si Hales. Rollin Beaver, Olen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F2. 1(305 CANNING TOMATOES U-Pick $1.00 bu. Holman. 13 miles south of Salem on old highway toward Jefferson. ff205 PEACHES, $1 to $2.50 bushel. One mile out Wallace rd. 2-2218. 11305 PEARS 75c BU. 7 MILES NORTH ON NORTH RIVER RD. AT CLEAR LAKE DAVE SCHLAG Rt. 2, Box 295 If 201 PEARS fl per bu. We pick. You bring boxes. Ph. 2-2962, Salem, Ore. John Van Laancn. ff200 PEACHES, APPLES, CORN" & TOMATOES IMLAH FRUIT FARM H mile out Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-8304 ff205 IMPROVED ELBERTA Peaches. Brltt Aa- pinwalrs Peach orchards at Waconda. on Salem-Champoeg road. f(205 PEARS. U-pick. Jl bu. Bring- boxes. Ph. 2-4918. 1330 Park Ave. ff202 CANNING BEANS U-Pick 4c lb. Clear Lake Mean f arm. Kl. A BOX Salem. Ph. 31859 IfJOl- GRAVENSTB1N Applea, Bartlett Pears. urawiora readies at waconda. J. c Savage. Ph 31344. 11200 CHOICE BARTLETT PEARS, Sl.00 bu. or u-picx ,ac du. Aiirma Motel, 3H,a Portland Rd. Bring Boxes. Ph. 24510. ff204 BARTLETT PEARS ready now. Olson Or chards 'i mile W. of Kelzer sch. 7oc to J1.50. We deliver. Bring boxes. Ph. 3-1380. ff203 CRAWFORD PEACHES. Bartlett pears. Joe uiedrlch, route 2 box 146, Salem. 1 mile alraicht West of Kelzer school. Ph. 2-8204. ff204 PEARS U-Pick. Brins container. 70c box. ffMP Ph. 2-7152. RASPBERRIES, strawoerrles, boysenber- ries, peaches, cucumbers, tomatoes, ap ples. Frlgaard Fruit Farm. Mile North of Kelzer School. ff200 HELP WANTED MAN OR WOMAN with car Ss some sales aomty to deliver for photo studio. Good deal. Permanent. A, W. Mueller Stu dios, 220 N. Commercial. Ph. 2-1657. 202 TRUCKS to haul grain by the hour or sack. Al Ped, Rt. 7. Box 149F. 3 'A miles N. of Underpass. Ph. 31S80. g200 HOP PICKERS WANTED. Long run of eariy ana iates, station Bros., Sllverton, Ore., Ph. Green 183 or Blue 213. g204" IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint see i a lent xest aa in instruction Column. g203 HOPPICKEKS WANTED, starting Aug. 18th. Good picking. Call 11766. Orey Hop Ranch, Rt 2, Box 197, Salem. K200 BEAN PICKERS, Bishops, South River road, 10 minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 12th and Mission 6:00, Farm La bor office 8:30, Ladd te Bush bank 6:35, south on Clmmerclal to Owens. For in formation call 3-6137. g204 NOW REGISTERING hop pickers, fl de posit required tor camn reservation. jonn J. Koderts & Co., Salem. HELP WANTED MALE TWO MEN with automobiles 'Interested in becoming life insurance agents with or without experience investigate sen sationally new "insured savings plan" sponsored by Consolidation Lire Ins. Co. Phone 2-3873 for appointment (full or part time.) ga202 OPPORTUNITY for young man with car to train to be accident St health Ins. a sent. Sponsored by Constitution's "Family Hospital Plan" as advertised over radio station KXL. Full or part time. Phone 2-3872 for appointment. gaaoa HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL OR woman for house work, full time. Live In or stay home nights. Ph. 27SB1. ftb203 AMAZING FAST SELLER! New Christmas Cards. 50 for II WITH NAME. Sell themselves from FREE sam ples. Make up to 50c on SI "Leader" As sortment, others. Personal Floral Notes, Imprinted Napkins. "Leader' 'on ap proval, FREE Imprints. WRITE! STYL ART, 1310 San tee. Dept. 43, Los Angeles 55, Calif. gb200 WOMAN WANTED for housework. 5 days a week. Mrs. C. W. Wasson, Rt. 1, Box 75, Rlchreall. gb201 TYPIST WANTED for permanent posi t lotT Must be recent high school graduate. Apply in person. The 'Ink Spot, 363 Court Street. Salem. gb201 WANTED: Woman for child care St light house work. Live-in preferred. Ref. St state salary. Write box 349 Capital Journal. sb200 EXPERIENCED hosiery girl. Good work ing conditions. Leed's Shoe Store, 170 N. Liberty gb200 EXPERIENCED beauty operator. Ph. 33838. cb20l EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph I-14S8. ef WANTED SALESMAN REAL ESTATE Salesman wanted. Contact joe L. Bourne, Realtor, 1140 ti. capuoi. Ph. 36216. I LOCAL salesman to sell In territory adjacent to Salem. Must own car and be abl eto furnish references. Salary A commission. Apply 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana Ave.. Salem. ig SALESMAN TO represent J. M. HOME IN SULATING contractor, u you can qualify Ph. 33748, ask for Mr. Vergets. Good earnings. gR WANTED POSITIONS WANTED: Carpenter "Work. Repair At Al terations, pnone a-49W aiier a p-ni. hjuj CUSTOM COMBINING by acre or hour August Springer. Call 3-U21. h202 LIGHT HOUSEWORK in country for 1 or 2 adults. Good refs. Box 303, Capital Journal. ' ALTERATION. REPAIR on women's St mens clothing. Guaranteed work. In structions, fittings for home dressmak ers. Let me solve your problems. Mrs. Alice Nash, Ph. 3-6343. 1215 N. Com'l. M01 VETERAN requires position. Have com pleted training course In refrigeration. Received degree. Wilting to take on the Job training. Write or call, Erwin Duerk sen. 11 Cross St.. Salem. MM iWANT tvping to do at home. Neat ac curate work. Ph. 33911. h300 ANIMALS HAULED. Reaa. rates, phone Salem 2-5153. h2W EXP. G1RLT wishes to rare for small children, day or night. Ph. 36743. bJOl WANTED POSITIONS NEW LAWNS prepared A seeded. Light tractor on rubber witn aoier. ro. Duane Wolcott. h3JI CARPENTER WK. New. repair. Ph. 2-2093. PINE PAINTING, paperlna. Ph. 1-5522 h207 Mimeographing-Typing POES 65 North l!th Phone 3-3843 h20T IELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. serv ice Fcrmei phone opr. Ph 3-00. nu.- DRESSMAKING tt alterations Ph. 2-9840 after 3 n-UJ TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. worn guar. w. a rer. 640 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 h301 CHILD CARE. 183 6. 18th. Ph. 2-6876 IVrE.HD PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6790 njui' CI- MENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850 b' EDUCATION IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint write for Talent Test iNo Fee). Give age ana occupation. Box 257 Capital Journal. hh203 WELDING SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wages. Oldest welding school in NW. GI APPROVED WELDINQ SCHOOL 520 NE Sacramento. Portland MU 9680 hh306 FOR RENT ROOMS CLOSE IN Sleeping rm. Ph. 3G316. Jk226a ATTRACTIVE rm. private home. Gentle man. 963 N, summer, rn. jojoo. jk UN SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen privilege. Re flned lady. 1595 Mission St. Jk202 HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. Jk225 SLEEPING KM. PH. 34335. SLEEPING ROOM. Hot Si cold water. 461 N. High. j It 204- SLEEPING RMS. 'or men. Prlv. entr. St Ph Dy. or Mo. 1505 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3425 Jk304" FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4 RM. Duplex, nicely turn. Adults. 190 S. 2Stn. Fh. 35045. JPZUZ' FURN. APT. for 1 or 2, clean, close In. Utility Furn. Ph. 29201. 760 Church St. Jp200 FURNISHED APT. Close in. Ph. 2-0745. JP202 RM. FURN. Apt. Adults. 246 S. 17th. jpaor i BDRM. partly furn. apt. with electric stove it refrig. In West Salem. Ph. 3-8398 JP202 CLOSE IN. Cozy 2 rm. furn. apt. 535 N. winter. jpui- FOR RENT HOUSES 3 BR Nearly unfurn. Ph. 20709. 3280 Port land a. jmzuz- New 2 Bdrm. Homes S325 DOWN. Move right in. no red tape. Hdwd. floors, large garage. In city. Bsl. SAB mo. Inc. taxes, inetrest. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0128. Jm CLEAN 2 room cabin furnished. Elec. range, oil heat. 35 month. Utilities paid. Flrcrest Trailer Park. 3910 N. River Road. jm202 3 RMS. & bath garage house. Ph. 27296, aa raric L.ane. jm.m CABIN BY Sept. 1st. Ph. 26142 eve. Jm200- FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FARM 16 ACRES with equipment. Fair modern a oarm. nouse, Darn, cnicKen nse. Kent per month $50. SEE BEN COLBATH. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 CENTER ST. jaoo HOUSE TRAILER SPACE .3.50 per week. Ph. 2-5093. Maple Ave. J202 REDECORATED furn. 2 & 3 rm. apts. Prlv. bath, hot water, no pets or drink ers Also 2 rm. furn. house. 624 'a N. Capitol. J203 MOD. DOWNTOWN business office. Long term lease. $40. Ph. 38389. J206 OFFICE, desk space, Conv. loc. Ph. 39133. J219- POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. ) TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand- r We tell everything to complete the job. HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 J- -OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Ph. 25692 SEWING Machines Portable or Treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. J203 "ARKING SPACE $4.00 per mo. 351 Cot tage bet. Chemeketa is Center. Call Cap ital Auto Parts. Phone 39151. J200 BUalNESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. J' U DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bros 141(t 8 12th, West Salem. 1 FOR RENT OR SALE: 1948 model 31 ft house trailer. Elec. ieirig. Ss butane stove. Sleeps 4. Ph. 13S12 Independence. j 201 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. FTee pick up Ss delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com ! Ph 33512 J WANTED TO RENT PROF. MAN St family desire a bdrm. uniurn. nouse Dy sept. 30. Ph. 20319. ; Ja202' FAMILY OF 3 want to rent or lease a or 3 BR unfurn. or partly furn. house. Preferably near Jr. high school. Will pay good rent for suitable place in good location, en. z-ovo., a a.m. 10 a p.m. Ja202' HOUSEKEEPING APT., working couple Reasonable. Box 304, Capital Journal. Ja202 YOUNG BUSINESS executive, wife and child desire unfurn. house. Ph. 28297. Ja202 3 RM. APT. furn. or unfurn. by employ couple. Ph. 3-8342 after 5 p.m. Ja202 GOOD 2 BDRM. unfurn. house. Near bus line. Will pay up to (75 per mo. Ph. 3-7676 days. )a203 STATE WORKER A wife need 1 or 2 BR house or apt. unfurn. under $50.- Ph. a-8786. Ja305 EMPLOYED COUPLE urgently need 2 bdrm. unfurn. house by Sept. 1. Near grade school. Ph. 2-4984 eve. ja202 CIVIL SERVICE Employe wants 1 or 2 oarm. unturn. nouse. Ph. 22738. Jaaoi ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN: good home cooking. Clean and quiet. 1005 N. 5th. JJ201 RM. BOARD at 629 N. Winter. JJ300 KEEP WILLAMETTE or high school girt lor room t ooara. email wages. Pti. 38938 after 6. jjaoi BOARD AND RM. 850 E St. Ph. 8-8706. IJ207 LOST AND FOUND LOST: 10 MONTHS old White Sz black wire hair terrior. wearing brown col lar with He. Ph. 2-1763. k201 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court We close Saturdays 12:30. m3l8 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State A Commercial Sts SALEM 'Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS AETNA STEEL Door Frames, assembled, one unit. Low Installation cost. PUM ILITE. West Salem. ma200 REINFORCING STEEL! And Blok-Mesh In 4". 6" A 8" widths. PUMILIT E, West Salem. ma200 ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater ials. Complete line, quality materials. FUMILrrT - West Salem. m a300 Journal Want Ads Pay BUILDING MATERIAL DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor and carpemer usins me imr old growth vertical train yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 35 Lane Ave. ph. 34939 Free parking. ma230- BUILDERS Realised substantia) savings on lumber. Rock bottom price for larger amounts. 3x4 and shlplap, top grade No. 3. 136 per M. No. 4 117 per M. Free delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. maai4 PLYWOOD LARGE atock of sizes, thicknesses grades. Both Plain ti water prooi. rsmm tart at Se oer SO. ft. ALSO GOOD stocks of H" and W Insul ating boards Low prices on ti at sheet rock Keith Brown. Front Court Sts.. Salem. " SPECIAL: Cedar sldina, i"x8" Random lergtn. c-graoe. soa moun. Brown. Front it Court 8ta Salem. NEW SHIPMENT Piast board Vi' 60 sq II KOCK miam 45 ft 11.75 MONTGOMERY WARD I1LKU ma SAVE On ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on youi roofing needs. Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman tor free estimate Phone 5-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM. OREOON SHINGLES MOUNTAIN CEDAR No. 1 17.75 sq. No. 3 4.50 sq. No 3 3.00 SQ. C. a. Long. Ph. 25821. 1 mile north of KeSzer. ma08 Wrecking Farragut, Ida. Modern stream line windows with hor izontal bar, complete with frame, 17.50. Modern sash 32"x33". American stan dard cast iron wash basins, complete with all fittings. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-6821. 1 mile north of Kelzer ma203 Nursery' stock' DAHLIAS. ORDER bulbs now. 14S1 7th St. Ph. 20514. mb205 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED 7 ft. refrig. In A-l cond. $77.50. 337 N. High. Ph. 27941. n303 WeTxINGTON upright piano. Excellent shape. 1125. 1180 Hood St. Ph. 36980. n302 .111-110 REMINGTON 721 Weaver Scope $170. :t0-(fl SPRINGFIELD Sporter, S110. :io-fl SPRINGFIELD. Stock unfinished, J80.00. Apt. No. 203 833 Ferry St.l.aM MAPLEBA BY-BEbT6.0o7Th. 37418. n202 0 GAL. Gas Water Heater like new, $55. 2905 Beacon off Sllverton Road. n203 !i FT. MONTGOMERY WAnD refrig. Very good. Price 75. Ph. 3-9510. n202 NEARLY NEW umbrella tent it Colman camp stove. Phone 3-1484. nao 3 YR. OLD 7 cu. ft. Sewell refrig, $125. Call after 5 p.m. 3-5878. n.ua- LIQUIDATING OUR STOCK of Musical Instruments Pianos (grands St spinets), accordions, band instruments, guitars, violins, phonogra phs, pub) 1c address systems, etc. Also cash register St shop equip-' ment. Jaquith Music Co. Ph. 3-4641, or see us at 846 aCscade Dr. n205 LUMBER 2x4's by Jitney load, $10 per I.oiki. you naui. independence Liumoer St, Mfg. Co.. Inc. Independnce, Ore. .1 PAIR of draw drapes, Ph. 3-4676. n20S K.W. TI1ERMADOR thermostat con trolled. 220 V. wall heater. $26. 3085 Warner B201 DUO therm OWNERS Install power- A:r mower, 120.00. Save 35 on oil. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.' 275 N. Liberty n203 GRAVEL for concrete mix. Ph. 31160. nlfll FURNITURE STYLED Duo therm Oil Heaters at OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty naoa NEW 1010 G.E. Vacuum Cleaner with at tachments, 39.95. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n302" TALLMAN'S MID SUMMER PIANO SALE Special $825.00 Spinet - Limited No. $494.00 Full 88 note key board, cast Iron plate. Beautifm tone and finish. $50 DOWN - BAL. EASY TERMS A big saving on floor samples and dem onstrators. Such fine makes as Knabe, Fischer, Lester, and Betsy Ross Spinet. Good selection Grand and upright pianos as low as $10.00 per month. Tallman Piano Store, Inc. 375-395 S. lath. A mile from high prices. n200 NEW 1919 G.E. Range, hcedlar Size 179.95. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n202 NEW 1D49 G.E. Radio Console with L. P. and Reg. record player. 137.95. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n303 NEW 1919 G.E. Refrigerator, 189.75. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n303- USED HOTPOINT Range, late modeL 79.50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty nana USED CROSLEY Console Radio, 25.00. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 N. Liberty n3oa CLOSE OUT Bargain prices on nationally advertised Power Lawn Mowers. All mowers guar anteed as usual. 5 20 inch cut Plncor nofers with re trievor starter. Regular price $171.50 Close out price $135.00 220 Inch cut Plncor mowers less re triever starter. Regular price $161.50. Closeout price $125.00 6 18 inch cut Plncor mowers. Regular price $130.00 Closeout price .... $95.00 120 Inch cut Reo Royal mower. Regular price S120.00 Close out price ..,.$95.00 Schnorenberg Seed Sz Feed 311 N. Water St. Sllverton, Ore. n202" NEW 130 ba.ie piano-accordion. Price 1295. ao-a' 'ter g p.m. n303 USED CROSLEY Refrigerator, 79.50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n202 FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357. n218" GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier. Olbson .rm iwoiuag Appliance at Gevurtz. n' NEW Iflis Duo Therm Oil Heater, 55.00. r UnnlTUKIi CO. 275 N. Liberty n203" NEW 1949 G.E. Dishwasher, 169.75. , UJSVUKTa r URNITURE CO. ' 375 N. Liberty nao3 TOP SOIL and RIVER SILT. Mln. 4-yd. ioaa at n.aa ya. river BEND SAND Sz GRAVEL CO.. Ph. 3-9283. n201 BIRDS EYE MAPLE desk A Chair $30.00. nujBi roriaoie typewriter ui case and stand 145.00. Damascus Rotary Sewing Machine 155.00. Small show ease 110.00. Wheelbarn-w, removable sides $10.00. Ovai top gateleg table 16.00. Phonograph $10.00. Floor Lamp 12.00. Small Table 2.00. If Interested call phone 3-42741 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Monday or Tuesday. Aug. 20, 22. 23. naoft EASY Hot OH Heaters, round clrc type. rr. iw.aw, remoaeimg ale price 39.81. Green stamps. Also larger oil heaters at very special prices. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Commercial naoO 5 PC. blond Bed Room set, vanity with Mm iiua mirror encss, nite stand, bench and bedstead. Beautiful water fall styling. Reg. 159.50. Sale price $119.88. Oreen stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. is i bo. commercial n300 UPRIGHT PIANO, very good cond. 11 7 S. 00. Gas range, apt, siie, 150.00. 1890 N. th. naoi FINTE POtTt nni.. .11 . . fertiliser a flatrock Phillips Bros Rt 6. Box 118. Ph. 3145$. DISTILLED white vinegar for all Pickling purposes 'Keeps your pickles kriip. ALso old time pure apple elder Ttnetar. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. n205 (Continued on Page 19)