16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 23, 1949 1 T I GUESS THAT LACES UP THE W BEAVER1 I LOOK THIS IS NO V WHAT?' l"Wra?5SBW5KS31H , LIPS OF ONE FEDERAL SPY STEP ON WATT . WK5 SHE'S THE A TWIN SISTER I fcVMPA l The HOUSE on LILAC STREET ? ' E 9CI f m dei r.be (H ilr. n ion !e' Jan M n ov an rec Urt llm rai rs. nil loci fid rs Irs. A alp riv. mr g ! a ole I 1 les 501 !"S, Mi h d ; en d ys ac I, i SA lo t en e rl. b h te ne 'h di by FRED BAYARD ' (Chapter 3) i Lilac Street began at Washing .ion and ended in a blind alley ' The sixteen odd houses which Iront 1 ad on it were all more or less alike, or a uniform gray slab stone podu (lar when the street had housed some of New York's best families, 1 back in the Nineties. Number Eight 'aat at the end. and differed from the rest only in its slightly larger i size. The other houses closed side on side, turning an Impregnable iront toward au intruders. It was close to two A.M. when ift man turned into the street and began to walk down its south 'side. As he drew close to Number 'Eight, the curtain of a second floor .window moved. Soon "Ace" Spado was inside Ace nad been in this room be fore on two other occasions but 'then, he had been requested to ,be there. This time he had come joi ms own accord, and in viola itfcm of strict orders. David Holwav moved with cat 'like motion behind his heavy desk .and lowered himself into the chair 1 Holway did not look his forty -years. Many men had been de oeived by his youthful looks and T the charm of his dark eyes. J "Sit down." Holway Indicated it chair. Ace hastily complied. You didn' argue wun tne ooss. ; "It's better be good, to bring 'you out here after what I told 4you." Holway's silky tone in no tway minimized the implied threat of his words. Ace's words came tumbling out nnow, as u ne were impelled some chow to vindicate his actions. 3 "You're not goina to like this tBoss. There was a raid down at -me warehouse." u Thpr. was nn Hnnhf ihot th news was a shock, but it was mo. mentary. Ace marveled at this man's self-control. Holwav's fea -turea because, if anything, more t expressionless. OnVy the eyes Jwere alive, as if all the hatred ol -nu being were waiting to be un .leasnea tnrougn tnem. - "Oo on I" "Vince Morelll and I followed -orders. We trailed Scott to the I warehouse. I don't think he srt -ted us. Anyway, he never tried to .five us tne sup. "Boss, it was a good thing : rwas looking sham. All of a sad- "den, from nowhere, the place was ;,ousy with cops. I stayed where I was, figuring that'd be as safe a any place, and thinking I might - get a cnance to oo sometning, " He shrugged his shoulders. "But no dice. The coppers went -jignt to tne loading doors. Some--body must've tipped them off good They forced the door. There were a bunch of shots. It sure sounded llke the boys put up quite a scrap." "What's happened to Scott?" - "That's the pay-off. After the 'hooting died down, all of a sud " den, a racket breaks out. Cops start ' Wowing whistles, and I figure some- . one's making a break. That's the ..chance I've been waiting for, so I angle over and get around to the -next street over behind the ware "lioilse. I'm standing bv an pmntv llot, keeping in the shadows, when .someone comes through the fence. aiugs iiying. i aionx give much for the guy's chances, but he made it, "and next thing I know, it'i Scott." 2 Holway showed surprise. "How'd he get there?" "Dont ask me. Somewhere along 'Hie line he must have madt a "break for It. It sure looked on the .level, for the cop that came through .after him wasn't fooling." He looked at Holway as h tx- 'pecting a question. When It didn't ' some, he went on. li "The coppers lost him, and I fol- , lowed him down to the laundry." "What happened then?" - "He gave me the slip." " "You clumsy fool." Holwav made ,'Bo effort to hide his anger now. ,I told you not to lose him." "Boss, it wasn't my fault, I tell you. I didn't iwant to get too close. Harm an 'a place was shut up. Scott stood In the doorway for a mo ment, and when this bus pulled up, before I knew what he was up o. he jumped on. I was just cursing for letting him put one over when Vince showed up. We grabbed a aab that was cruising, and took aft er the bus. We caught up to it in a couple stops and got on. That's when this dame comes into the picture." "A girl?" "Yeah. Scott was in the back of the bus. He and this blonde were talking. Boy some looker, too. "I got the feeling then that they were on to us. Maybe we didn't fool him when we tailed him. The girl did most of the talking, and once in a wnue shed look at us. They got off at the end of the line. This dame went straight to her car in the parking lot. It was awful dark, and before we knewl it. the two of 'em were in it. and heading for the gate. Vince waved at tnem to stop, but that girl was not tooling. She drove the car right at Vince. That was the last I saw of them." He leaned back in his chair, wait ing for Holway to speak. "Where was the car heading last you saw it? ' "West." "Unless she was definitely leav ing the city, there are two places she might have been heading for.' Montrose or Fine Hill. It wont hurt to take a look up that way. To You know who to go for infor- morrow early, start nosing around. mation in either place. If the girl's as good-looking as you say, it should not be very hard to locate her. And mind" he paused meaningly "no rougn sturi. Keoort to me at tne ciuo. ijon t come here again." He rose, indicating the Interview was at an end. Ace left in the same manner as he had arrived, through the dark hall, Holway accompanying nun to tne door, it shut quietly behind him as he went down the steps of the house on Lilac Street. (To Be Continued) 2876 SIZES 8ide-Llne Drama Here's a dress that brings drama to one side of the solhouette bv buttoning on a scalloped and slanting line down tne side of tne bodice to a sweep surt pieau. Note new cuffed sleeves! No. 3876 is cut in sises 13. 14. 16. 18. 30. 36. 38, 40. 43, 44 and 46. Size 18, yds. 39-ln. Just out! The FALL-WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new tyies to come, over 150 practical, easy-to-sew. up-to-tne-mlnute pat' tern aesigns ior an ages. Remember, s smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now, price just ju cents. To ootain this pattern, send 30c in i;uiNt, giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street, San Fran Cisco 3, Calif. R2856 PATTERN No. HJ8S8 "ETanrellne" Here is an embroid ery and crochet design you'll just love as much as you do the cele brated poem by the same name. Pattern Envelope No. R3836 con tains hot-iron transfers for two de signs, measuring 11 by 10 inches; malarial requirements, color sug gestions, crochesting Instructions, stitch illustrations and making and finishing direcUons. To obtain this pattern, send 30c in COINS, giving pattern number. your name, address and tone num ber til Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nay. 138 Mission Street, San Fran' Cisco 3, Calif. yiur iur 1 7 ft A i--JlSSl. 1 UMJI ICC I rtl UiOiC CXlv mhit U -"f . , . - .... - "- f 51 B WmKr OLD eCRE'? g SK1R-TH' DETOLS NOW. 1 NQW-ANO STHJ. I OOC-rU. I MB BUM BUT HE?S LL I COULD 4 R g THE SICK WOMAN H DOC-JUST CONCBITRflTE H 9 ALTve--MWXlLDUSei'! I BWNQ TH WffTER- If FMO N A HURRY-VHO rDSfiy J 1 I LIVES THERE? IS I ON CSETTINC; UP THKT W-, ,2 1 1 ITS MINUTES EITHER KW FOR f I Jrms cgasp) . v i caxtt understand I f rr doktt matter to me i id ruther pay , . . 1 THE LAST a WHAT HAPPENED-1 DlDMT ) L WUO DID WUAT-1V1 1 RUDY NEBB PER MUD F ID BRICK YOU'LL) PUT ANV SOAP INTO TRAT7 iwTUROUSM BEINS YOUR J BATHS THAN BE vf-y Y ON ME, J rrvMuD BRICI r-TfL TToTXSUINeA PlSlV ASPHYXIATED BV fiS "3 UP TPTVIH-T FIND lAUOli SyS.'-WMUT gW IHaMTV JUKV-I ( Nirtf tOuLP.' SHORE. I. 'NUFF Wl THCT IS OUTWHUTICOIE CrwHAftONE J MOW OO TH- BUT. WHO 14 I -fef KWMUUMCl BUT YOCAINT A MAM Y nu FAlttT IS. COUSIN t U'L FAULT THET DAISY HAE THET OAPMIN I 3 HAINT Hi? HAVE. DAISY I HAS GOTTA 1 FUTURE. rWE-FJUlLT.- AFXia 1 ALLUS WRECKS 1 PROPYSlSMU I SHE AIMS 1 B SSf,,T--, . - -if rWL UNLESS TAKE TH' )NWfPPvr ALL.. WHY BOTHER J MAH LIFt-THET LOOK T'YO", 1 TADOPR AS fi I J-r-S I YO' AGREES anTtB WONDER BOUT OHC U'L . LLUS SHAMES. COUSIN SOON AS AM I cClf VfkOt I P. 7 T'ADOPP WIF TM' S UHUT t 1 FAULT 7 Sf? HOOMIUATES.AM A ONE -FAULT f WE IS I fS JOM1J U tSmKl HIH AFTER A IWUT.7 HIS ONE lTHERE GOES THE . prl HOayVVOOD 1234 isr OPERATOR- f HELLO- ''WELL. HOW D0OU 1 g 7' i munc wuAini ill. i , . . ,;'.o,oi GIMME I MAIN -sozsr i ik-e ttiki I 'JjL-rVN I ..I r,rr- I X l ncfc--w;i ,u r-Htf I I II I w I S -- L . I m 1 iijwyuimcx i , Zz W - ..r.' .. MAIN362S' I ISTHISTHER OUT nr Ren saVV IV n WRONG NUMBER V, 0CK T PTT-1 jM5lsVP, NICE NUMBER 6 I 5.? .V1ES-I1 INTHE MORNING M d "sVLEStME IN.JCE.. S3 WHAT ?.. WE DlPNT P6URE f BUT TMEBE IS, COME ON, BUSTY -WE VE JP" WHAT'S CN CtJB TATE POUNP CUT T4JT HIS PNPlNfi CUT SO SCCN, I JOE. .TATE HAP 60T QUITE A JOB AHEAP fiT OlAY 81LL MINP PlNKy E SVAN IN CH5KE OP SUT TATE WONT TUBS A DUPLICATE OC US. LET'S 6ET POWN WE HAVE TOSC . THOSE CSATES OF STUFF ThEBES STILL NCBOPV IN LIST ANP HE'S PUT TO THE HOLPi jfti rjbwN SOME pV. AiN'T ABCABP1 J CHAEflECFTKE J THAT FELLA QUinU Ki -flMa iSCPiS- TZSj,., U '"V EQUIPMENT! yr-l IN CHAU3E. fteggsa W ?. mWm Nwlfvv . jo r'&J0SLAMETv!fe.' 1 rl Tl I qil: (BUAN. BUANKf, f ag ' ' i a a i-.-f-. 1 i"-""!' i " 7 lu w liii-, m ra b- i I I IN WWCK.AUNT MAt.v.'Kxm ) 3 T 1 ontiu'rntti MLrr r - - -- I1 "I aa ! ific in itt.. .t :;:;t y than king nkdcd. LrN'a. - i k&di. rk- I RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. KSLM 1 KGW KOCO iT KOIN 5:M WalUr Trohen Woman's 5crtt Bhytni Raaeh Cart Uiiht :It Frank Henincwar Sunn? Bid Bhythts Raneb LUIJt Show 0 Passln Par ad Newt Bins Crby Sonra tt Prattia : Newt B I chard Hartecti Sport Pan Larry L8caer 6: B-Bar Brand Mnileal Cocktail Candlclliht and Knoi Bannlnf " It B-Bar Brand Musical Cocktail Sllfcr Beulah Adr. of Ctaama. Me and Janio Newt Cbet Hnntlty : Jdnsle Me and Janle liaak Walton Newe 7 '00 Gabriel Heatter Martin A Lewis Pat O'Brien Treat. Banditand" ;1 Northwest News Martin Lewis Maiieal Jackpot Bob Yonnc Show :M Mmie Klnx's Men Top Band It Pays to fc Mnslc Klnj'i Men Top Band Irnorant 8'M Medicine Drama Bollywood Theatre Voiee of Army Hit the Jackpot " Moile Hollywood Theatre Time Was Hit the Jackpot Rlden la the Sky In Your Hands Polio Drama Nations' Defenses ! Riders in the Sky In Eonr Hands Bandstand Nations' Defensea 9:00 Monte Cmto Sapper Club Bandstand Lowell Thomaa lo Monto CrUto News of World News Ronnd-ap Jock Smith :10 Faroritt Story Hocan's Daughter Dnsoat Dope Mr. Mrs. North Favorite titorr Hogan'i Danyhter Baseball Mr. M Mrs, North I a :00 News ' New BasebaU FIto Star Final 1f:l Select Local News Sports Pace Final Baseball Mystery Theatre IJ:S0 Neva Bands of Land Baseball Mystery Theatre I :4ft Masle Band Waron Baseball Colombia Feataro swan AO Walter Trohan Sam flares Baseball Serenade I 1 :1S Bob Poole Show Wax Masena Baseball Yon and World I 1 :30 Bob Poole Show Wax Maseam Track MM Orchestra - :U Mnsle Wax Muiena Track HW News ' : Slsn Off Sim Off Sign Off Silent WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 News Hodre Podge News 15 Dawa Patrol Hodge Podge KOl.N Kloek :3H N. W. News News KOCO Klock KOIN Klock :4.1 March Time Hodge Podge KOCO Klock KOIN Kloek 7:00 Dawn Patrol Farm Time Tex Bitter KOIN Klock 1 .15 Dawa Patrol Farm Time News Sports News :S0 Dawn Patrol The Old Soars Top O' Morales News AS News News Top o' Morning Fred Beck 8:00 News Smooth' Mnsio Western Melodies Consumer News 1 .15 Breakfast Gang; Smooth Mnsie Western Melodies Art Baker :S0 Breakfast Gang Riders of Sago The Stars Sfnr Make Believe :5 Top Trades Sam Hayes Church la Wild Make Believe 9:00 Bargain Counter Second Cop Melody Time Vocal Varieties ' IB Rise and Sblne Second Cop Melody Tim News :S0 Sons of Pioneers Jack Bcreh Mnslo Grand Slant :45 Horning Spccial News J. Charles Thomas Rosemary jja. :00 News Tommy Dorser Guest Artist Wendy Warraa Ifl lo Snlth Tommy Dorsey n.W. Report A tint Jenny 1 11:30 pt",r,, CmJS Tommy Dorsey Concert Mlnfatnre Helen Trent itS Wiles Walts Time Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Oar Gal Bandar n:H News Lopes Orch. Mask Mart Big Sister ,15 Gospel Singers Lopes Oreh. Masle Mart Ma Perklas :So Masle Today's Children jan Garber r,nr Dr. Malraa ti Walts Serenade Lora Lawton Vocal Varieties Guiding Light :W Top Trae Double or Nothing Hollywood Masle New J:16 Newi Double or Nothing Hollywood Masle Come Get II I M Q"eB ,8r D' Ne" Vws Vorah Drake 1 :45 qaeoa for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents Brighter Day 1:00 Ladles First Life Beautlfol Mac's Melodies nA Mr. rt.. ,t5 Ladies First ' Road of Life Mac's Melodies SJry M.f.n :S0 ews Pepper l'oung Mac's Melodies Brlrht and f i.M M Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies mt-SI 2:00 Tell Neighbor Backstage Wife Mae s Melodies Newsnaaer of Af .13 Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mac's Melodies Sew.paper if All :So Organ Beveries Lorenxo Jones Mac's Melodies winner Tak. All M Bin, Sing, Wldder Brown Mac's Melodic TanefoHi . 3:00 Against the Storm A Girl Marries Mac's Melodies ' 15 ; th Storm Portia Faces Life Mae's Melodies Meet the Ml.... :S0 Ji PWa Bill Mae's Melodies Mert the Mil? 5 0 Front Page Farrell Mac's Melodies Robert Q, Uwb 4rt Sar It with Musi Welcome Travelers Movietlmo Robert Q. Lewis 15 Say It with Masle Welcome Travelers Friendly iobeS q Z Song, f Time. W , Byerj Lni Byers Bedlam Robert Q. Lewis DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 lrv Tuesday P.M. 6:00, Squirrel Caget IX UX 5:30, Johnny Lujackt A:M), Keep lag Up With Sports; 6:15, Home Edition: 6:30, Modern Romances; 7:00, Home Edl tion; 7:15, Elmer Davist 7:30, Report to the Peoplei 7:45, Masle by Boverot 8:00, Coaaterspyt 8:30, Town Meeting; 9:30, Monitor Newst 8:45, Book Adventures; 10:00, Richfield Reporter! 10:15. Intermes- t 10:30, Concert Honrs 11:30, Memos to Tomorrow; 15:09, itra Boart i:oo( Sign lCV Wednesday A.M. :00, Early r CA Bird) 6:45, Dirt Doctor 7:00, News; 7:15, Band Boxi 7:30, Bob Haien Show 7:45, Time Tempos j 8:15, Martin Agronskyi 8:30, Zeke Manners: 8:45, Trop ieana; 9:00, Breakfast Club! 10:00, Newsi 10:15, Stars of Todayi 10:30, Melody Promenadei 11:00, Ted Malonet 11:15, Ga lea Drake t 11:30, My Trae Story i 12:00, Betty Crocker! 13:15. News; 11:30, Bank- bag Talking t It: 45, Naney Cralgj 1:00, Northwesttrnersi 1:30, Kay West, 8:00, , Breakfast In Hollywood. IO A C Tuesday P.M. 5:00, On tba lWni Upbeat! 5:50, 550 Sports Clabt 6:00, News i 6:15, Dinner Melodies; 6:30, 'Round the Campfire; 7:15, Evening Farm Houn 8:00, Artistry In Classiest 8:15, UJV. Review; 8:30, Great Songs, 8:45, Loggers' Firt Weather Forecast i 8:00, Masle That En dares i 9:45, Lift Up Thy Volet; 10:0 Excursions la Science 10:15, Sereaadej 10:45, News; 11:00, Sim Off. CCkC A M. 10, Nawst 10:18, IXWMVx Especially for Womea; II :H, Concert Halit U:00, News; 11:16, Farm Hoar; 1:00, Rid 'em Cowboy; 1:15, Va riety Timet 1:30, This Day; 1:45, Melody Lanet 2:00, Cavalcade of Drama; t:lft. Memory Book of Masle; 8:00, News. 1:39, Easy Aeest 1:45, Meet tba MaJejnt "t OO, Sarprisa Package; 8:30. Bride aad Groom; 4:00. Ladies Ba Seated. :M. Add-a-lfne. Hammer Recovery Lincoln Roy W. Hammer of Lincoln is recovering satisfacto rily from a heart condition which hept him bedfast 'for three months at his home here. ACROSS 1. Bottom of tba foot S. Wit tic lam 8. At a distance 12. Eg-g-ahaDfld IS. Age 14. Fence plckat 15. Require 17. Customer 19. Exist 20. Stranger 22. Encountered 33. Thus 25. Guided 36. Exist 37. Telitala 30. Peeled 33. Draft animal 34. Tiresome 35. As far as 37. Region bayond Jordan 89. Roman god who causes an infant te utter his first err 41. Son of Juda- 43. Rainy 43. Symbol for calcium 44. Limb 46. Worn out 45. Golf peg 51. Swindled 53. Herons 55. Singing rofca 56. Night before an event 8. Presently 59. Beverage 60. Turf 61. Animal's neck hair 'jOlelSlLAPlP0C a p a II pole I hcIoIn IaInIeia uD l a v HubTs5s Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle DOWN L, Soft drinJc 2. Above 3. Most crippled "IS C" .TfW - - T- Z Z 111 M WW t Hi-Jo si In Si 3a 53 Sr 5f I. So ;;. wl Af Newsfeetvret 0.23 4. Old musical note 5. Tampered 8. Conjunction 7. Bound with narrow fabric 8. Likely 9. Agriculturist 10. Century plant 1L Hire 16. Not any 18. Land measure 21. Obtains 24. Fur-bearing animal 28. Fundamental ' 27. Summit 28. Lumberman's tool 29. Meadow 30. Place 31. Greek letter f"2. Put on 5. Cereal seed 38. Distant 40. Mexican fiber ' 42. Walks In water 44. Spirited horse 45. Part played 4S. Hebrew letter 47. For example: abbr. 49. Short Jacket 50. Ancient slave 52. Hebrew measure 54. Male sheep 67. Left-hand page: abbr. ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gent Ahem L- HAVE MDU EVER. SEEN S'JCM WX- . Vi" hfV MEAGER. POfiTTONS OF FOOD iC DONT VJ. ' AS TMEY, SERVE MERE 7 AT kWlI BLAME THE pj i f FIRST I THOUGHT SURELY fl , COOK."- T TW'S MUST BE THE HORS DOEUVRES-W I SAW HIM . I But no, its their, idea of I coming to I Lv.l A FULL MEAL- VWY, SPUT-T I I NAORK, AND Vaa back, home at puffle - A he carries u. ( Cv TOWERS THERE'S MORE tl J4. A LUNCH Jt