Budget jPolk County Fair Program r Offering Versatile Events Monmouth Crowning feature of the three davs' nnurami be presented in connection with the Polk county fair to be held in Monmouin August to 27 is the program put on under spon sorship of the Polk county Granges on the final Saturday night. A group of 10 colored men and one colored woman will appear -''in a group of Negro so rituals starting at 8 o'clock. The com pany is known as the Hughes Memorial Chordsmen and has been making appearances in Portland for the past six vears Ennos Whaley is director of the company which has its head quarters there. The Saturday afternoon pro gram will be county young folks and will feature songs, dances and instrumental numbers. Program for the week fea lures me farmers union on Thursday, the Federated Wo men s clubs Friday and Uie county Granges Saturday. The fair board has appropriated $100 for each group to finance fea tures of their programs. Band music will be heard ail three days. There are some excellently equipped and practiced group of young musicians in the county wno nave appeared at communi ty affairs and they will be in cluded in these programs. The scope of the fine arts de- partment at the county fair has Deen considerably expanded this year. New items listed for pre miums include most artistically arranged bowl of fruit and most artistically arranged tray of fruit. Corsages: cones, feathers, ma terials other than fresh flowers, are prized under each heading. Artistic arrangement of dry materials: dining table center piece, between meals center piece, buffet arrangement, man tel arrangement and coffee ta ble arrangement is also a new classification as is artistic ar rangement of fresh flowers for club groups. New listings In water colors include finger painting and kal somine painting in five to seven and the eight to ten year age groups. The best storv-tellin nirfi.rs is added. There are also lists of nrlzni for ceramics, metal crafts, nlas- tics, figurines, bowls, trays and jewelry. Mrs, Burton Bell is minerin- tendent of the fine arts depart ment. U.N Meets Objection Lake Success, N.Y., Aug. 23 (0.R) United Nations Secretary general Trygve Lie has recom mended a 1950 United Nations budget of $44,314,398, an in crease over 1949 due mainly to plans for expanded technical aid and 19S additions to the UN staff. The request ran into imme diate criticism form the inde pendent committee of budgetary experts, which censured "ex pansionist tendencies" in some UN departments and urged that $1,786,750 be pared from Lie's total estimate. It suggested that $1,225,850 of -the cut be made in planned out lays for "staff services and equipment" 5 main headquar i ters here. r Lie's budget figure was $827, r 270 over the total for 1949. His proposal to add 195 per sons to the secretariat, largely for carrying out broadened pro grams to elevate economies of ' backward areas, would bring the UN roster to a record high of 3,912. $100,000 Hotel Fire Under Investigation Boston Bar, B.C., Aug. 22 (U.R). Firemen probed the charred ru ins of the Charles hotel today trying to determine cause of the $100,000 blaze that killed one person, and injured another. Some 40 guests leaped to safe ty, one of whom suffered a bro ken leg. H. T. Haug of Los An geles was trapped and burned to death. The blaze occurred Saturday, Haug's charred remains were found in the basement of the gutted two-story, 18-room hotel yesterday. Previously it was be lieved no one was trapped in the burning hotel. Silverton Provides Democratic Music Silverton Having a part In the day's program at the Demo cratic picnic at Champoeg Sun day among Silverton folk, were i Fred Evans and Charles Mulkey, who played old time music for the square dances and prize waltzes. Mrs. Fred Evans was one of the judges serving when the waltz award went to Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ross of Salem. An unusually large group was reported present for the dinner and afternoon program of games and music. The contest numbers began around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Helicopter to Spot Fish Pilot Harry Watson of Palo Alto. Calif., brings his helicopter in for a landing on the deck of the tuna clipper Espirito Santo during demonstration near San Diego. The helicopter, to be used to scout tuna and bait, made a series of landing and takeoffs, both on the clipper and the water. The demonstration was preliminary to actual use for fish scouting trip to start soon. (AP Wirephoto) . - 4 ' .2 tss.s.K$ Grasshopper Battle Depends Reports to House Committee By WILLIAM E. LOWELL Washington, Aug. 22 VP) Whether another attempt will be made to stop the grasshopper hordes before they begin to fan out again from breeding grounds in western states probably de pends on reports to be made to the house appropriations com mittee on this year's operations. Members of the committee- were obviously puzzled tnis summer at the department's change in methods for combat ing the insect. They sat down hard on its request for $3,500, 000 to complete the job and brushed' off the senate's attempt to provide the needed money. We had to take what we could get," Senator Hayden (D., Ariz.), said glumly. He had backed the full $3,500,000 ap propriation to fight the hoppers. The house originally voted $1,500,000 to do the job. The senate later raised this to $3, 500,000. The final compromise approved and later signed by the President granted $1,750,000 for the work. This is a special appropriation and is in addition to other funds made available by congress for the 1949 and 1950 fiscal years to fight not only grasshoppers but other insects as well. Here are some of the ques tions that puzzled the congress men and the answers they got from Dr. S. A. Rohwer, chief of (he bureau of entomology, and his associates, during hearings on the last appropriation re quest: Why, if the work if confined largely to only a little more than 5,000,000 acres in two slates, is it a federal problem? Answer: Because this has been determined to be the breeding ground of the hordes of hoppers that fan out over the crop and range lands of the Dakotas Kan sas, Nebraska, Colorado and perhaps as far south as Texas. If the source of these hoppers has been known for some time why hasn't something been done about it before? Answer: Devices, machinery new kinds of tools and poisons are available for the first time this year. Are the grass and crops thai Backfire Used By Firefighters Klamath Falls, Aug. 23 Forest crews hoped today that a 3000-acre gra s s 1 a n d backfire would aid their fight to slow a 7000 acre forest and grass blaze south of here in California. A torch was put to the smaller tract of grassland last night. For esters have 700 men on the fire lines in the Shasta and Modoc national forests and the Lava Beds national monument. Valuable tracts of timber have been leveled in the four-day-old tire that burst out of conlrol Sunday after burning slowly the night previous. The northernmost edge of the flame was about 30 miles south of here. The backfire was set along the west boundary of the monument area. Foresters blamed a sheep herder's camp fire for the fire. One man has been injured' and is in a hospital here. Capilal Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 23, 1949 IS may be saved worth the money that the campaign will cost? Answer: More than $3,000,000 worth of crops already had been saved (by July 26) in areas of California and Montana. mm MI II mt1 k or KJUMSE -M&v' mm -jqr 8 ! l!Qi?ili MBcllos;Co..NcwYork 'salsProof 60 Grain Neutril Spirits 'Q Use. Capital Journal Wont Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs" THERE'S A LIMIT As to how many roofing crews con be put out on jobs. Good foremen arc hard to find. Avoid this fall's rush. REROOF NOW! No Down Payment 36 Months to Pay Willamette Valley Roof Co., Inc. 30 Lana Ave., Salem Ph. 39694 Rogers Entry First Independence First official entry in this year's Pacific In ternational Livestock exposition October 7-15 was the duroc swine list of Boland D. Rogers of . Independence. Rogers has entries in 16 duroc classes and in all except two breeding classes. He will be in all four classes of the fat duroc division. (Advert taement) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin is irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with Itching torture, try Sanltone Ointment Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears Imme diately. Sanitone Ointment is v. also wonderful for itching feet jjk cracks between toes and Ath ' lete'a foot For Sale at . Willett's Capital Drag Store State at Liberty Phone 3-3111 HARD OF HEARING You'vt Waited for Thisl urot it ici-1 wn&mm NO RECEIVER BUTTON IN THE EAR! i The Phaoto raold combined with tht Bel tone Hearing Aid assure you of unsurpassed hearing quality for both tone and tolume. But best of all, efco your friends won't notice that you are wearing a hearing aid. You owe it to yourself to see this newest hearing improTement and conrince yourself that now for the first rime you really can conceal your deafness Drop in today and see it. Mean while, nil out coupon tor free book. fJl A SmmttWW I MM HMmtttlf VMONO-PAl MONO-PAC ONI-UNIT HIAHINS AW James N. Taft AND ASSOCIATES 221 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Ore. DAYS OF GEVURTZ' RECORD-BREAKING AUGUST FURNITURE SALE HURRY! I EASY TERMS! FREE DELIVERY! Take Your Time to Pay! A GENUINE BONA FIDE OLD-TIME PRICE-SLASHING CLEARANCE! 1 275 NORTH LIBERTY PHONE 3-4615 AH 'EASIER.' Z WAY'tOBUY DEPEND ON DR. SEMLER for More Liberal Credit Terms when you need Dental Plates. At Dr. Semler's, YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY CASH! You can qet tht dentures you need RIGHT NOW, and arrange to pay LATER in small amounts to fit your own budqtt. Dr. Semler invites you to Make Your Own Reasonable Credit Terms . . . PAY IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTH- LY AMOUNTS! What could be an! Easier Way to Buy Dental Plates? Ask Your Dentist about -the advantages of JhxmAfmhswd Potato DENTAL PLATES crtitttd to help yoH ney Impravcd Natural Appcaranc and Pleasing Comfort. So the lamplts of thoit modorn platoi at Dr. Somlor's . . . learn how thoy aro precision fltttd for Jtrone. Htolthful Chewing Power. I fgi 1 : ? b-iW AD SEMLER Denrsf i om in on l MOW ,OY. I No ",oy r n.o 'Z Yu E Tlew DENTAL PLATES in 1 Day ... In cases where no oxtraetlen h neossary. Come In bofore 10 A. M. (any day except Saturday) and your new Dental Plates will be ready for you by 5:30 P. M. the same day. Spsisidy DENTAL PLATE REPAIRS Mining r broli.n ti.th quickly re placed . . . dtf.ctlv. pl.t.i r.p.lr.d. iou uon t Appelntmtnt . Need an Advance . . Come in Any Time c 1 UfiiyLTyv; WATEaS-ADOLPM B4.DG. STATE i COMMERCIAL So4em, Ortvgon