14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 23, 1949 NOT THE CHANNEL SF Girl Eyes Marathon Swim Try Ex-UO Grid Star Assigned to OSC San Antonio, Tex., Aug. 23 WP) Ex-University of Oregon gridiron itar Raymond (Butch) Morse is heading back to his home state but he has been as signed to the Oregon State col lege campus. Now Lt. Col. Raymond J. Morse of the air force, he willl be working with the air force ROTC unit at the Corvallis campus. "I'll be the most unpopular man on the campus," moans the left end star of the team that played in the 'civil war' games against Oregon State in 1931 to 1943. Morse played professional foot ball for five years before being called to military duty In 1940. He coached service teams to championships. He has been a squadron and deputy group com mander at Lackland air base here. (United Press 8 ports Writer) San Francisco, Aug. 23 (U.R) While most of the swim con ccious public has avidly fol lowed the actions of the high ly publicized English channel swimmers, a San Francisco miss has been quietly preparing for a real aquatic test a swim from the bleak Farallon islands to the California mainland. The distance, depending upon the tide, will be anywhere from 21 to 30 miles and Miss Hazel Cunningham, one of the world's foremost distance swimmers, thinks she can do the hitherto unaccomplished feat in six to eight hours. Hazel, a secretary for a local dental clinic, calls herself a re gular mermaid and that's not far from right. The curvacious 40 - year - old brunette started her aquatic feats at the San Francisco south end rowing club at the age of 14. Some of her jaunts in recent years include swims from Seals Rocks to Treasure Island, 10 miles, and such short water treks as San Francisco to Oak land and Alameda. Her longest swim was a 22 iler across Great Salt Lake in 1938. "I made the distance in seven hours and 22 minutes but the going was tough ... the water in the lake is so heavy, not at an easy as swimming here along the coast," she said. The treacherous currents around Alcatraz island are her practice grounds. She pooh poohs the inescapable "rock" and the swim from the South End club out into the bay and around the prison fortress is "duck soup" according to Hazel. She has proved this a number of times and still holds the re- FARRALLON TO MAINLAND cord as the only woman to swim roundtrip to Golden Gate from Fort Point to Lime Point. Her time for this one was one hour and 35 minutes. Th VirnnTpH hndied woman Just returned from an 18-day stay in Hawaii where she par tially conditioned herself by swimming an average of 10 to IS miles a day. But the Hawaii an waters don't compare to the cold bay currents she remarked. Dvpr there I didn't have to battle any currents or tides and the water was so warm . . Just like lying on the rug in front of a fireplace." Dale Neilson of Lebanon Finally Hooks Big Fish Lebanon Sponsorer of many big fish contests but with none nf his own to show. Dale Neilson, co-owner of the Santiam Sport ing Goods and Appliance store, after 15 years waiting, landed his first big fish, a six-loot tnree-incn Diue snarn on tne uresun coast near Taft, last mid-weeK. t- Neilson and a party of seven other Lebanon and Lacomo sportsmen were fishing from xr A i Uaf I PaflprC Ted Williams (left) and Jackie Robinson JTTai LCuUCI J are currently leading hitters in the Amer ican and National league, respectively. Williams Is thumping .356, Robinson .358. Leading Major Loop Batters Ted Williams, J. Robinson Chicago, Aug. 23 VP) Bos ton's Ted Williams today appar ently was headed towards his third straight American league batting title and his fifth since 1941. Williams, now in front for three straight weeks, had a pace setting .356 mark according to official figures computed through last Sunday's games. That was 11 points ahead of runner-up George kell of Detroit, who had .345. Thumpln' Ted had only a two point bulge the previous week, but last week he climbed four points while Kell dropped five, Bob Dillinger of St. Louis held third spot, despite a five- point slump to .337. Boston's Dom DiMaggio, once the front runner, dropped from a third spot tie to fourth with .331, slumping 11 points during the week. New York, Aug. 23 m Jackie Robinson continues to show the way in the National League's individual batting, race but the speedy Brooklyn Dodger second 'baseman's average is sinking. Robinson, including games of Sunday, was hitting at a .358 gait, a drop of seven points from his average of a week ago. The Dodger keystoner is nurs ing a sore left leg, suffered Aug. 9 in Philadelphia when he was injured stealing home. Enos Slaughter of the St. Louis Cardinals is a distant second Slaughter is hammering away at a .325 pace, seven points more than third place Ralph Kiner of the Pittsburgh Pirates com mands. Stan Musial of the Cards oc cupies fourth place with .316 mark and Willard Marshall of the New York Giants sports the fifth best average in the league .314. the Tradewinds Troller Fish-On out of Depot bay. The craft was anchored one half mile off shore Members of the Lebanon party included J. C. Raines, Lacomb: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baird Lloyd and Ed Fitzgerald and Mr! and Mrs. Irvin Grenz. all of Lebanon. During the morning the group boated 13 salmon, 14 sea bass and a ling cod. Neilson spotted the shark shortly afternoon swimming 50 yards off the stern of the craft and failing to attract the big shark with a jib, he rigged up la large spinner which the shark 'struck on it's first pass through ine water. The battle lasted nearly an hour with Neilson using only 200 yards of 72-pound test line in fighting the monster. After landing the fish, it continued tr show signs of life aboard the craft for two hours despite nu merous blows on the head with a gaff hook. Officials of the Tradewind Trailers reported the shark to be the largest caught along this section of the Oregon coast in three years. Bremerton Ousted From Legion Meet Yakima, Aug. 23 W North west Junior American Legion baseball fans gave the sectional tournament a "double-O" today One "O" was for Oakland, Calif.; the other for Omaha, Neb. Bremerton was out. But the fans weren't a bit wilder than were three Brem erton pitchers last night in giv ing up 23 bases on balls to hand the Oakland nine a 24-6 victory The loss, second of the tour nament for the Washington titlist, left the title picture fram ed between Oakland and Omaha Pharmacists Whip All-Stars 8-5 Before 1000 Softy Fans Before a crowd estimated at more than 1000 persons, Mootry's Pharmacy, Salem Softball league champs, downed a group of all-stars at Leslie field Monday night 8 to 5. Preceding this ex hibition, Maple Dairy edged Clear Lake 7 to 6 in an Industrial league contest that went an extra inning before a decision was reached. The All Stars and Mootrys battled through four innings be fore the latter broke through with a tally in the fifth. They added three in the sixth and two each in the 8th and 9th. Bob Knight, who relieved Warren Miller for the All Stars in the fifth walked four men in the sixth. Clear Lake had their engage ment on ice as they tallied three times in the eighth but the op position came back to top that performance with a four run rally of their own. Fan contributions approxi mated $50. Jim Rawlins, Mootry manag er, announced Tuesday that he has signed Phil Salstrom of th Rock Wool squad and Warren Miller of Golden Pheasants by way of adding strength for the state tournament. Salstrom is an outfielder and Miller is a pitcher. Rawlins is looking for an extra lnfielder. Hootrr's ooo ci on- All Stan 000 003 0305 1 Riwllns. Applerftte 13) and Htnery; Miller. Knliht (51 and Aller. Smier S. Clear Lake 1O0 300 OJ I 4 UapSe Dairy 013 000 043 10 I KVUnfer. Ore, and Venleec; Mil flker aud Atelier. Mayor Seeing Fair Independence Mayor Ralph Spencer of Independence will be one of the honored guests at the Oregon State Fair in Salem Thursday, September 8. The day has been set aside by the fair management in honor of Oregon's municipal executives. I tfTTC ' (tla. Nl, M4. MltMIIN 3 reasons why it's smart to order heating oil Now! All set for the first cold spell that's how you stand when your heating oil tank is full and ready for instant use. If it's next week or next month whenever you want heating oil-comfort it's there ... at your finger-tip. And it's so easy to get now. You can't beat this full-tank in surance for warmth in your home when you need it most. No more remembering Once you order Standard Furnace Oil now, we take care of it all season auto matically. You never have to worry about it. You get more for your money in fast, clean heat because 100 distilled Standard Furnace Oil burns with out waste. That means extra economies for you. No fuel contamination When your tank is empty, water vapor in the air inside condenses on the tank walls, contaminates your oil. The one sure way to prevent this is to keep the tank full so that there can be no mois ture condensation. We'll be glad to give you more help ful hints on the care and use of your heating equipment. Call u$ today- fast, efficient service in clean, meter-equipped tank trucks TWEEDIE FUEL OILS 1 174 Edgewoter Ph. 2-4151 370 Park Ave. -Ph. 3-4872 VALLEY OIL CO., INC. 1425 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-3633 Pioneered by Oldsmobile Ten Years Ago, HYDRA-MATIC HITS A NEW NIGH! In Today's "Rocket'1 Engine Oldsmobile ! SmoonSnassf You get Hydra-Matic Drive at Its Futuramie finest in a "Rocket" Engine Oldsmobile! Foe Hydra-Matic, teamed with "Rocket" power, floats you on a silken carpet of smoothness ; ; . make all driving effortless and restful! ftciponscl The "Rocket"-Hydra-Matic Team means new life, new responsiveness, too. Hydra-Matic Drive transforms the biasing life of the "Rocket" into surging motion . ; . flatten the hills for you ... brines horiions nearer! fcoftomyf With all its brilliant performance, this Oldsmobile power.team actually brings new economy to every mile! For the high-compression "Rocket" squeeze more power from every drop of fuel, and Hydra-Matic Drive transmits all that power without waste, with true efficiency! Only in Oldsmobile will you find this matchless combination ; ; ; the high-compression "Rocket" Engine . . . plus ten-years-prOTed Hydra-Matic Drive. Learn the difference it make at your Oldsmobile Dealer' today! 10 Years of Proof and Constant Improvement Stand Behind OLDSMOBILE'S HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE Foe 10 years, Oldsmobile engineers hare looked ahead and worked ahead to make Hydra-Made performance even finer and more reliable. OWsmo bile designers have planned and built automobiles that take full advan tage of Hydra-Matic Drive's effi ciency. And for 10 years, Oldsmobile owners have proved the value of this fully automatic drive in billims of miles of motoring. Tbe pmnd Hydra Matic is Oldsmobile Hydra-Matic! SEI YOUR NIARIST OLDSMOBILI DIALER Phone 3-4119 LODER BROS. 465 Center Street