Budget Staff to Inspect Institutions Periodically By JAMES D. OLSON Periodic checks on all state institutions and departments will be made by staff members of the state budget department, State Budget Director Harry S. Dorman said Monday. Data will be collected during these inspections in connection with the new budget control law, under which the budget de partment is required to report to the state emergency board semi-annually on the status of state expenditures. Dorman said that he was as signing certain institutions and departments to three men who would he charged with the re sponsibility of checking the ac tivities and making reports. In addition the budget direc tor himself plans to visit each institution once each year, such visits to be unannounced in an effort to ascertain the day by day operation of such institu tions. Under the new budget control act passed by the 194' legisla ture the budget department must report to the state emergency board if any state institution or department is exceeding its bud get. Dorman stated that the de partment has a check on expend itures made by the state depart ment s and at all times are aware of how much of the budget of each department is being spent. Dorman said that he felt vat uable information could be fur nisned both the emergency board and the legislature from the report resultant from the proposed visits and inspections. Representatives of the budget office will also attend various board and commission meetings from time to time, Dorman said in a further effort to gather all the information possible on the method of operation of state af fairs. 3 i- t .v.H Nineteenth Now Princess Margaret Rose of England, (above), as she was posed for a portrait on her 19th birth day, celebrated at Balmoral Castle, Scotland. (Acme Radio Telephoto) Wins $26,000 With Aid of House Guest Columbia, Mo., Aug. 23 W An attractive 29 year old mother of two children won $26,000 in prizes on the "Stop the Music" giveaway radio show last night with the help of a house guest. a5twi,.t ...if- f - Ml. : u:u...... I department engineer. The Amer ican Broadcasting company said she correctly identified over the telephone the program's mystery melody as "Butter'd Pease." The helpful guest was her brother-in-law, Randall Pappen fort, of Kansas City. I Gen. Mark Clark Asks Equality in Reserves Camp Pendleton, C a 1 . , Aug. 23 Gen. Mark Clark, comman der of the sixth army, today ad vocated co m p 1 e t e equality among enlisted and commission ed personnel in the armed for ces reserve training program. Clark, reportedly scheduled to become chief of army ground forces, made his recommenda tion after a field inspection of the 13th armored division, un dergoing summer maneuvers at this marine barracks in the first army-marine joint training since unification. "The enlisted reservists of to day will be the company level officer of the next war," Clark said. "There Ts no room in the re serve program, for rank-happy officers. Reservists should share When a long distance opera tor asked Mrs. Pappenfort to stand by, Randall recalled thai an article in a Kansas City news paper identified the tune. KNOW Your Road and Street Names Over 650 Named Streets and Roads on the New Salem Street Map Ob tainable at the Office of Mel Propp Surveyor 341 State Mail $1.00 and Receive Map by Return Mail yaarg at aa Mhf a.H Famous Fineline $34S SHEAFFER PEN & PENCIL SET with purchase of a G-E RADIO Jrt In tlm tar ictioaft Famavi Mm fevntain pan, writ.. Ilka rfraaml Mm popular m.chanlcal pantll. tolh with aola-alora topi, black barrala. Orand lat-arana fiftl Act iattl Offer good only whl supply lasts I J v.. J iii " a 0 Mad.! M 'tskeup-fo-musc &OCK-7&00 On campus after campus they are waking to soft music with the fa mous G-E Clock-Radio. No more jangling alarms. This radio that remembers won't take no for an answer. If they doze off, it buzzes till they get up! What a gift a table radio, a G-E electric clock, all in one! Rosewood SO O 95 EASY TERMS plastic case. Model 66. G-E VERY THIN PORTABLE The class of '49 portables! New, different! Exquisite maroon plas tic cabinet, only 23A" deep. Light- U'eioht rtnlv 71A lh pnmnlM AC-DC, batteries. Closing lid cuts off batteries. Model 145 $30 Out Mttrittt EASY TERMS mi MAKES 10 BIG .. JjOrS roi n npiNK? f housing, messing and training facilities. Social activities should be combined with civilian clothes preferred over uniforms. All this can be done without sac rificing essential respect for and obedience to senior command ers. Amity Streets Signed Amity Street signs will be erected at all principal inter sections, within a short time, making it easier for newcomers to find their way around. New traffic lanes will be painted in the near future on Trade street which is 99W high way through Amity. The stale highway commission will be in charge of the work. Moscow Paper Hails Strikes in World Moscow ) The newspaper Trud" said that the increasing wave of strikes in the capitalist world testifies to the militant activity of the working class. a Ptawh) Fxtariaf a Fa.ni hnataai a Paha Oak ana hy Saaaura a Wpfwaial a Baft RacJl a Kaat Bams LMlIimlMJiLliiiij at your dmfgttt or writ diract L-naiaderisuc icauire oi lapital .iourniil. Salem, Ore., Tuesday, August 23, 194911 many ui me Binneb, s,iia me paper, "is not only their bitter ness and stubbornness but also the spirit of brotherly interna tional solidarity by which they are permeated." The paper said the recent strike of the London dockers serves as a "remarkable exam ple" of this. "Trud" said the Now! You can again enjoy the original ANCIENT AGE full J year old straight Kentucky bourbon Tki whiskey till Agi ii its flavor. 475 ii IJTrrfX TEARS OLD "J j MariarfMQi Qt. VWtV MUIIOI WIIHET. ,. mit m . strike of 24,000 Australian min-i ers js among tne larger strikes' of recent weeks. Jj HOY? INSURANCE AGENCY (Constitution Life Ins. Co.) For information in regard to "The Family Hospital-plan" as Advertised Over Radio Station KXL Constitution's "Sensationally New Insured Savings Plan" Phone Salem 2-3872 Or write 187S No. Capitol K. S. HOYT, MGR. L. K. Dunham, Agt, - D. S. Letofsky, Agt. Use Capitol Journol Wont Ads. They Will Satisfy Your NedsT HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS INSIDE! Safeway Prices Are Low on ALL Items - EVERY Day! And Safeway Stores Are Convenient to ALL SALEM BIG STORES 2120 N. FAIRGROUND 240 COURT STREET 1420 STATE STREET 935 SOUTH COMMERCIAL 1230 NORTH BROADWAY For the convenience of out-of-town . and late shoppers, SAFE WAY STORES, at 2120 Fair grounds Road and 1420 State St., are open until 8:00 P. M. EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. LARGE FREE PARKING LOTS! 8 oz. Bottle 2 HARTEX CRUSHED No. 2 Can CHERUB GARDENSIDE No. 2'j Can For Summer time Lunches 12-o.. ' Can FRAY 12-ox. BENTOS Can 35c 25c 10c 15c 37c 35c This Ad Effective Tues., Wed., Thurs. CERTO PINEAPPLE CANNED MILK TOMATOES PREM CORNED BEEF riMMEn mii if BABY FOOD -3-23c MARGARINE -1 9c COFFEE n,. 40c ix 79c EDWARDS COFFEE 51 other COFFEES 5-?-53' ss mt WAY MATS MRS. WRIGHT'S BREAD Whila What 19c VA-b. leaf BEST FOODS Carnation, Borden's ft tall & others L cans " SOAPS OXYDOL RINSO WHITE KING SUPER SUDS TIDE IVORY SNOW DREFT IVORY FLAKES DUZ VEL LUX FLAKES Rag. pkg. 25c Royal Satin Shortening For Dopandabl . Results 75' lib. can STANDING RIB ROAST The king of good-eating roosts. u. s. Good Lb, 65c U. S. PQ Comm. Lb. J C Swiss Steak, lb. 65c Toste its tender goodness. Ground Beef, lb. 35c Fresh ground daily. Very leon. U. S. Good, lb RIB STEAKS 65c 59c MAYONNAISE RITZ CRACKERS SNOWFLAKE sodas PANCAKE FLOUR BISOUICK ; FAMILY FLOUR BREEZE CHEESE SHORTENING SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING SWIFTNING WHITE MAGIC SOAP woodbury SOAP 3 a 29' FRESH PRODUCE Mb. pkg. 2-lb. box Sperry's 4-lb. Back 2',-lb. pkg. Harvest Blossom SO-lb. tack 2-lb. pkg. Crisca & Spry 3-lb. SWIFT'S LARD lib. 3-lb. 23-oi pkg. 39' 29' 45' 49c 39c $355 75c 79c 79c 69c 25c PEUHES Peaches are at their peak of goodness. Con them now. Enjoy them next winter. Luscious Golden Tinted MAI Just right IVbLCiJ forCannin; 21 lb. lug 32 lb. pear box lug 2.29 2.19 Corn th" Cob Local Golden Bantam Doz. 33c TOMATOES Local Red-Ripe Slicers 2 lbs. 15c PEARS Green-Ripe Bartletti Lb. 8c