8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, August 22, 1949 Sweaters Musts for College Girls fit a " y ws ?.r ft fc I Jt s Ski Sweater This is the favoriate for winter sports bright red jacquard knit with turtle , neck and reindeer motif. Athletic type, at right For class or general campus wear the co-ed likes the lightweight turtle neck sweater with stripes. Clara Jones Society Assisting Hospital Gervais The monthly meet ing of the Clara Jones Mission ary society was held at the Presbyterian church parlors with 14 members answering roll call. Mrs. John Jelderks and Mrs. Minnie Parsons were guests, the devotions and Year Book of Prayer were given by Mrs. Clara Jones. Mrs. Henry Haines, local secretary for Na tional Missions and Overseas hospital sewing displayed the sewing and articles of clothing that will be sent to a hospital at Tagbilaran, on the Island of Bohol in the Philippines and to Haines House in Alaska. ' Mrs. Robert Harper will rep resent the society at the annual retreat of the Willamette Pres byterial on August 30 and 31 at the "Chapel by the Sea" at Nels- cott, Oregon. Mrs. R. S. Mar shall and Mrs. Charles Vogt pre sided at the refreshment hour. Mrs. Reeves Honor Guest at Jefferson Jefferson Mrs. Delmcr Davidson, Mrs. Guy Roland and Mrs. Elmo Brown were hostesses Ifor a shower honoring Mrs. Hal Reeves at City hall Wednes rifcy afternoon. A contest was held, with Mrs. Virginia Plag rrian the winner. Guests were Mrs. Frank Reeves, Mrs. Grace Hartley, Mrs. Marilyn Hartley, Mrs. Volene Shields and Mrs. D. H. Looney lot Salem; Mrs. Plagman, Mrs. Frances Kelly, Mrs. Guy Aup Iperle and Mrs. William Walls of Albany; Mrs. Russell Daul- Itan, Mrs. Edna Reeves, Mrs. Ir tvine Wright, Mrs. Joy Kelly, Mrs. Guy Johnston, Mrs. J. F. BlackwelJ, Mrs. Harold Knight, Mrs. Earl Phelps, Mrs. J. J. Den son, Mrs. James Anderson, Mrs. W. R. Terhune and the honor guest, Mrs. Reeves. jDenns Carlson Host yor Birthday Party North Spring Valley Dannie ICarlson was complimented with k party upon the occasion of his sixth birthday anniversary for Iwhlch his mother, Mrs. R. V. Carlson was hostess. Games of various sorts were played on the awn preceding refreshments Iwhen the birthday cake with ightcd candles was the center tf interest. The guest list in luded Linda Ohling, Dallas, hobby Hall, Salem, and neigh bor children, Jimmy and Elca- ore Waldron, Constance and Jerry Bernard, Roger and Gary Afewer, Ruth and David Carl- ion. Membership Called To Welcome Agent Lincoln A special meeting of officers and 4-H club leaders was called by Mrs. Thclma Mil ler, Polk county home demon stration agent at the home of Mrs. Harold Burns,,' Lincoln Zena home extension unit presi dent. The purpose of the meeting was to get acquainted with the new county demonstration agent, Miss Elsie Marco, who is succeeding Mrs. Miller. Miss Marco, a graduate of the State Agricultural college at Stcrros, Conn., is here from New York. Zoar Lutheran Aid Guest Canby Church Aurora Forty members at tended the meeting of the Ladies Aid society of Zoar Evangelical Lutheran church, Canby, in the church parlors with Mrs. Har old Magnusscn, Mrs. B. E. 01 son and Mrs. L. Veelee as hos tesses. Mrs. Harry Thompson pre sided at- the business session, and Bible study was led by Mrs, Clarness Farness. Mrs. John Steffenson was chairman for the program, which included a duet by Mrs. W. O. Melum and Mrs Gordon Lindland. Mrs. Gilbert Salter discussed the topic, "Life of Missionary Judson." A med Icy on the accordion was played by Mrs. Ole Stegen. Mrs. James Wilson gave two readings. The national gliding contest is held annually on Harris Hill 150-acre promontory rising 859 feet above the Chemung Valley, near Eimira, N.Y. Couple Feted on Golden Wedding Stayton In celebration of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Allis, open house was held at their home here Aug 14, be tween 2 to 5 o'clock in the after noon. More than 100 friends and relatives signed the guest book. The couple received many gifts and cards, and Mrs. Allis wore an orchid which had been sent her by her son's mother-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Childs of Yuba City, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Allis came to Stayton in 1910 where he work ed as clerk in the old Thomas and Mayo grocery, later engag ing in farming. Ohio was the birthplace of both of them where he was born November 13, 1875 and she, April 24, 1877. They were married in Cleveland, O., August 10, 1899. A large cake, decorated in white and gold, was cut by Mr. Allis, assisted by his niece, Mrs. Alfred Borger of Perry, O., who has been visiting in Washington and Oregon for the last six weeks. Mrs. Borger also assisted in the serving of refreshments to the guests, Miss Rose Allis, Mrs. Jack Steward, Mrs. Oliver Juel of Stayton, Mrs. Anton Swo- boda of Salem and Mrs. Henry Allis of Marysville, Calif., assist ing. Coming from Marysville, Calif., for the celebration were the couple's son, Henry Allis, accompanied by Mrs. Allis, and the celebrants' grandson, Rich ard Spaniol of Brooklyn, N. Y. The couple's daughter, Miss Rose Allis, lives with her parents. Others present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Cord and family of Mil waukie; John Willing and Mrs. Lucy Weisenberger of Portland; Anton Swoboda and daughter Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Boehringer, and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wise, all of Salem; and Mr. and Mrs. George Boedig heimer and Mary Jean of Mac leay, When fresh tomatoes are plen tiful stew some of them to serve along with meat or fish. Remove the skins first by immersing them in hot waterthen quarter them and simmer in a deep skil let (without water) until they are quite soft. Season them with butter or margarine, salt, freshly-ground pepper. If desired cel ery salt and a dash of all-spice also may be added as well as a little sugar. Today's Menu Weekday Dinner Sliced Tongue Mashed Potatoes Tomato, Squash and Corn Dish Bread and Butter Orange Bread Pudding Beverage Orange Bread Pudding Ingredients: 1 cup soft bread crumbs, Y cup plus 2 table spoons milk, 2 egg yolks (beat en), SA cup sugar, cup or ange juice, Yi cup seedless rais ins, 2 egg whites (stiffly beaten). Method: Soak the bread crumbs. in the milk; rub through a coarse sieve into a medium sized mixing bowl. Add the egg yolks and sugar and mix well. Add the orange juice and rais ins and mix again. Fold the stiffly beaten egg whites into the pudding. Turn into 4 custard cups. Sets cups in pan of hot water and bake in a moderate (350F.) oven for about an hour or until set. Chill before serv ing. If you want corn to taste Its freshest don't husk it until you are ready to cook it, and store it in the refrigerator after buy ing or picking it until the mo ment it is to be prepared. If any corn Is left over, cut the kernels from the cobs and use in corn fritters. Serve them with maple syrup as an accom paniment to fried chicken or baked ham. Or use the leftover corn (again cut from the cobs) in a vegetable soup. Aid Chest Drive Several local Camp Fire Girls have assisted in counting and segregating material for the 13th annual Community Chest campaign. The volunteers will receive service hour -credits within their various groups. Those assisting In tht vork included: Jane Moorefield, Oki yasin"; Carol Cummings, Oki yasin"; Barbara Bostrack, Oki yasin"; Carolyn Isom, "Elitam da Wapi"; Sandra Eyerly, 'Elu tamda Wapi"; Janice Bitton, "Elutamda Wapi." before you j take that S summer trip give your car a pre-vacation safety check-up! special this week! Tune motr-i Adjust brakti Flush radiator Lubricate cat Tighten chassis and adjust body bolls Inspect electrical and cooling system only 8.85 TEAGUE MOTOR CO. SSS N. Liberty Ph. 2-4173 with purchase of HIAWATHA "Sf. Croix" DCYGILE A $52.95 bicycle at a sale price of $49.95 . . . AND YOU GET THE FOOTBALL AT ABSOLUTELY NO COST HIAWATHA "DOODLEBUG" MOTOR SCOOTER It has that super feature of "FLEXI- MATIC" CLUTCHI I FOOTBALL and BIKE Value $57.93 BOTH FOR See this beautiful streamlined HIAWATHA "St. Croix" Bicycle. It has super-features galore.. .Reinforced Double-Bar Tubular Steel Frame s . ; Baked on Enamel Finish . . . Double Coil Spring Seat... Nationally famous Coaster Brake. ..Kick Stand. ..Fender Mounted Light . . . Safety-Tread Bal loon Tires. "Crest" BICYCLE TIRE ij69 Reg. $1.95 ''Crest" has a thick, tough non-skid Safety Tread. A Tire Built for long, trouble-free service; Only Fun! Convenience! f" I $33 9 Economical transpor- nrtVUkl tation'.Uptoioomilcs ' DOWN from a gallon of gas. ..Single hand controls. ..air-cooled Briggs & Stratton Engine;.;low slung for added safety. "TAGA-LONG" PORTABLE RADIO "Crest" BICYCLE TUBE $i.05 88CT Fully Tested and guar anteed. Size: 26x2.1 23 lass BATuaies $2.90 DOWN 4-Tubes plus rectifier... built in antenna ...Plenty of volume and beautiful tone. Beautiful modern cabinet . . . front panel finished in satin and mirrored gold. Size: 10X7X4M inches. N. W. Cor. Court & Commercial Sts. Salem Ph. S7I7T Oregon I THE WESrS OLDEST and LARGEST RETAILERS OF AUTO SUPPLIES Grand Opening of YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa Will Be Thursday, Aug. 25 2 P.M. to 10 P.M. FEATURING.... WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES AND THE BIG TWINS WINS CONTEST (Still Time to Enter Lots of Prizes) PRESENT STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, AUG. 24th AND THURSDAY, AUG. 25th n A CHECKING ACCOUNT SAYS GOOD THINGS ABOUT YOU When you pay bills by check, it shows you do things on a businesslike basis! You're smart about laving time -and shoe leather, too! You have complete records of bills paid and of your balance-right on the check stub. Open your checking account here, now. WILLAMETTE VALLEY BANK Salem's IthA I d L win JKI vnwt MMHTM jJCf i 1990 Fairgrounds Rd. Phon 3-Q81 mm Xi-MIIN'f.rM.TJ.. THE MORE YOU BUY . . . THE MORE YOU SAYE! Maid of Honor Copper Bottom Stainless Steel Cookware . v , - ' . V-.A m ON COPPER BOTTOM STAINLESS STEEL IN OPEM STOCK . . . PLUS ADDITIONAL SET SAVINGS i J a pit.- OH Ht XiCKO OF WW M COPPER BOTTOM . absorbs heat 6 times faster than steel . . saves fuel . cooks over low htl Styled for low water cook ing . . . saves vitamins, flavor, t food elements. Heavy steel body resists food acids, scratching, dent ing, pitting, wear. if Copper bottoms in correct thickness for fast, even heal distribution. New, Mtug-fitttftg aVep domed coven for added) pocity; leded edgii. Large plastic handle I stainless steel ferrvUi for added durability. Large, round cornered bc toms . . . make tlirrfeg aid cleaning easier. See these new Lowest Prices . . . Make up youi own set . . . Choose the combination you want! A. 10'i-in. chicken fryer. . .6.49 B. 7-in. open skillet 2.98 9V$-In. size 3.98 C. 9'i-in. covered skillet. . 5.19 10'4-ln. size 5.98 D. 4-qt. covered saucepot. . .5.75 6-qt. size . 6.98 S-qt. size 7.98 E. 3-qt. combination cooker 7.35 F. 5Vi-qt. dutch oven 8.49 G. 1-qt. covered saucepan . . .2.98 2-qt. size 4.49 4-qt. size $.19 I. 4-qt. covered kettle 6.79 6-qt. size 7.79 8-qt. size 3.79 PLENTY FREE PARKING P? "R Daily, 9:30-5:30 Shop in Air Conditioned Comfort Friday 9:30-9:00 SarZw ftxzwtzeat n pow, m&ity foot ' SEARS 550 N. Capitol Ph.3-9191