Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Monday, Aujrust 22, 1949 -i SALEM, OREGON L Pet. ' B8 .BO 69 .420 n mi m .338 L Pet. 58 .Mi 3 .493 TO .407 H .380 9 M coaapabi SJk4(D)cli(n)(D)l VALUEH OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NITE UNTIL 9 P.M. For many months our buyers in New York, Chicago, Dallas and Los An geles have been busy gathering back-to-school values for your savings! In most instances we have ample quantities to select from, but don't delay too long come in and see our convenient Lay-Away Plan if you wish. Listed below are but a few of the outstanding money-saving values we have through out the store! When you shop at Penney's you always save! Young Men's Straight Tip Oxfords! Save! The folded tip feature is a brand new idea! bee the simple, well built lines the smooth side i leather . . . the rugged-looking heavy rubber soles! Proof that Penney's brings you up-to-the-minute styles at thrifty prices! 6-12, B, C, D. 8.90 p E N N E Young Men's Oxfords Just measure those soles! One inch t-h-i-e-k! And wait till you see these solid leather heels! You'd expect to pay much more for shoes like this! Extra special Goodyear Welt construction for long, long wear! That's value for you! Burgundy., 6-11, B, D. 13" p E N N E Y S jiA iff jJSY Young Men's Ghillie Tie Oxfords! Save! If you're in the market for a shoe with plenty of handsome styling this is it Smart moccasin ox fords with the new ghillie tie PLUS red rubber soles and heels for wear, comfort, and style. Smooth side leather. Cherrytone. 7-1 1 B, 6-1 1 C, D. , 7.90 Young Men's Smart School Oxfords For top style and long wear this oxford can't be beat! Priced for i young-men-on-a-budqet, it has 1 the quality features of much more expensive shoes! Heavy rubber soles, Goodyear welt construction, smooth side leather, comfortable last, and smart styling! Rich burgundy color. B 7-11 and C, D 6-1 1. 90 Scuff less Tip Oxfords for Boys , 4.49 Let him kitk and scuff to his neart s delight! I his shoe can really take it! Scuff less shield tip oxford with special inter-flex soles (they wear like iron) and comfortable rubber heels. Smooth, carefully selected leather uppers. Brown. 122-3. '2-l2 3.98 u E S Bold Look Oxfords for Young Boys Come in and feel that heavy rub ber sole! Bend it! See how flexible it is! See the heavy harness stitch ing on the uppers . . . stroke the sturdy leather poke around the insides! real value! Burgundy. 1 2V5 -3. 3.98 Here's V A L U E S Boys' Scuffless Tip High Shoes 4.49 Come in and feel those lighr- weight, long - wearing soles! They're made of rubber and plas tic for heavy service! The shield tip was built for scuffs and kicks . . . metal hooks and eyelets for easy lacing. Rubber heels. Elf-finished. Brown. 12I4-3. 8'2-12 3.98 IL u Men's Blue Jean Boots I I. I iii look, men: Kuggea Dlue lean boots with Goodyear Welt con struction tor plenty of wear! Com fortable brown rubber soles and composition top lift on heels for extra service! Easy pull-on loops. Burgundy uppers, husky white stitch ing. Sizes 7-12 B and 6-12 C and D. .90 TOOT , - t WOMEN'S NYLON PANTIES Onto Uo' ,00 PUM NYLON .SMART PASTEL COLORS . , BAR, 30 DENIER WEIGHT I - i i r DO WOMEN'S NYLON HOSE only 88c 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER ALL 100 PERFECT HOSE , new FALL COLORS MAIN HOOR i' " ' ""T f " ' WOMEN'S RAYON KNIT SUPS Oriy 1-00 . COMPARE PENNEY'S VALUES SMART PASTEL SHADES . HEAVY KNIT QUALITY MAIN f LOOR WOMEN'S RAYON PANTKS 3 pBic loOO .SPECIAL FEATURE PURCHASE .GAY PASTEL TONES THINK! LACE ikim JUST o j jt I 5 ( tZ - JL J I hen osest since n. ight, they mth- s re hold mest itage Chi- ves Mid the "y his los- :her, lead H-3 lubs. m? '4 Ko. MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR "rrf')Miriili hi rir Ht f53T