Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 22, 1949, Page 19, Image 19

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PHONE 3-3147
40 OLDS Clb. Cpe. Very clean, with R.
dou viu in, uin.
owner. Excellent condition. Low mile
age. Inquire 340 B. Rural Ave. or Ph.
22538. ql99
'80 MODEL A touring f 135. 92 front un-
derailing lfl" wheels, S.B. Gd. tire,
top, paint. Gd. motor, leather uphols.
New side curtains. See at Shnttuc'n
Chateau. Ph. 27592. ql99
JD NASH Amh, S P. Coupe, o'drlve, in
sured ana financed, 1536.00. 131? Mar
tel. ql99
1947 FLEETMASTER Chev. 4 door Sedan.
Excellent cond. 11200.00. 1920 Berry 8t.
pn. aooao. q2o0'
4 SUPER BUICK. 4 door, black, personal
ear. 38,000 miles. 11400. Call Salem
Hardware Co. 39583. ql99
Eisner Motors to Buy
1948 Mercury atatlon wagon. Real red
leather seats. This U an exceptional buy
and must be aold. Ph. 23727 or see at
3385 Portland Road. q200'
Hi CHEV. tt-ton panel. Good cond, &
tires. 3 good spares. R&H. Ph. 2-7587.
H PONTIAC 2 -door deluxe. Oood run
nlni condition. $350. 1068 Klec. Ave
2-1434. 1 ql99
froR SALB, 1935 4-door Ford convertible
ph. 79931 days. 34841 mints. ql9S
OAR ACCESSORIES at cost price. First
come first served as this Is a olose-out
sale. Dealers welcomed. R. D. Woodrow
Co. 400 Center.
V ANTED: Clean used car. Bob Marr,
2100 South Commercial a
M USED OAR lot. Any ear on the lot
150 6 your old one. 12th St. Junction.
m Palrtraunds Road Phon. 3-6454
Eisner Motors Fine Cars
Convertible Ford, 1947
O-drlve, R&H, spotllte Si lots others.
Xxe. cond., 1 owner, real buy. Ph. 22858.
&REEN 1987 FORD V-8 Tudor. Recon.
motor, 1265. See Rt, 5, Box 81 Eve. Out
Garden Rd. q203
'48 Chev. cpe.. '47 Reiser adn.. '41 De-
Boto, '40 Chev., '38 Dodge. Acme Auto
to Truck Wreckers, near the bridge
at 145 center St. q20l
1987 FORD 4 door,Mercury motor, R&H,
Spotllte. Reasonable. 2785 Brooks St.
1946 Chevrolet 2-door. clean $1295
iim unevroiei epeciai ueiuxe ciuo
Coupe, radio and heater, 47
motor, one owner car 806
1942 Studcbaker Champion. 3-door.
clean 845
1941 Chevrolet -ton Pick-up. re
conditioned motor 695
1939 Bulck Club Coudc radio and
heater 550
1942 Willys Jeep 445
1940 wniys Sedan, good shape.... 495
1938 Packard Convertible, radio &
heater. Special price 395
ivjb Mercury a-aoor, radio and
1937 Plymouth Couoe. radio and
heater, 42 motor 195
1938 Bulck Club Coupe 275
,1937 DeSoto Pick-up box, radio &
heater 245
1934 Fora sedan, 2 to choose from,
Take your pick at
1936 Oldsmoblle Convertible Coupe,
radio and heater 190
iujd rora ranei.
1938 Chevrolet Panel.
Other Makes and Models to
choose from, as low as $50
General Automotive Repair
Lubrication - Steam Cleaning
240 8. HIGH ST. PH. 3-4598
d ql99
1941 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan. See at SP
Motors, 544 Ferry St., Salem. q200
Eisner Motors to Sell
AVE 8 Braden's Body & Paint Shop,
3690 Cherry Ave., Ph. 2-2022. q207
MODEL A truck, runs good, good tires,
worth lot more than selling price 1150.
3430 Center St. Ph. 35278. q201
1988 FORD Tudor. A-l mechanically. Good
rubber. Rough body. $145. May be seen
ncr o p.m. ai ou canton way. Pn.
20865. q201
MODEL A '30 Cpt. Rumble seat, run
48 CL'SHMAN scooter. Exc. cond. Ph.
22358. qa204
equip. Low mileage. Pti 3-1122. qnl99
HAVE t TD-14 tractors, wide gauge. 1
new, i usee win sen one a u cnonct
212 Panama Bldg. BE 6012. qM9
Xrw u ft. V. Bottom boats. Beam
B4 In. Tranton 48 In. $77. SO. North Salem
Boat Shop. Rt. 7 Box tt. Ph. 30000.
To Place Classified Ads
Phone 2-2406
nrHT l O T "T Hoe Dragline, shovel. Free estimates
, V L JLtXCLJL L e l- Bnatwrlght. 410 Oreion Bids Ph.
Ph 3-9239 o
1189 Excavating s grading Ben Otjen St Bon,
fWF4wrrrjiMMM 818 Rural Ave. Ph. 330B0. o229
Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service
Wl I 1X1 J. I i A lr pn- 3-30D8. Lee Oross, 1S55 Pearl. o208
e LIKE to MAKE ..,...
I ""ArIC Bt.ithul'r for ilowerl Dial 3-I1H
I VlNO household products
We make loans to 4 out o 6 who 1 R Watklns Oo product. Pre. de
arie lor one and enjoy doing It. l.ery 1717 Center Ph 3-6385. o
$25 to $500 on Auto insulation
Up to $300 on Salary Johns-Manville. Phone 3-3748. o
Furniture jaintor service
T.uXjSUr.',', Window Cleaning
Don't borrow unnecessarily, but if Janitor Service Floor Waxing
a loan solves a problem, phone or Buildings - Factories Homes
come In today. Estimate Without Obligation
Personal Finance Co. AMERICAPNh .ffijg; co- 0.
Phone 2-2484 sTj'sUt. Rm. 125 LANDSCAPF NURSERY
O. R. Allen, Mgr. Lie. S-122MU65 P A. Doerfler St Sons. Ornamentals. 150
T202 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1323. o
I.. , DELUX BERVE SELF Laundry. 34S Jsf-
$25 tO $500 lerton St.. Phone 33453. o31S
EQUIPMENT LOANS OP Sharpened, suaranteed lervlce. N(w
TO 3300 power and hand mowerl. Call Harry
Oar loans up to 1300 w. Scott. 147 8. Oom'L St. o20T
Come Id or phont
Hollywood Finance Co. "ow,EB "",E?"wo h
. . . At rou: door lawnmower aharpenlna
1901 Palrrroundi Road Deiter the iawnmoer man Ph 86833
Across street rom bank
No Parkins problems ....
Phono 37033 Llo. N U309-S311 3IATTRESSES
Hoyd Kenyon, Mgr. Capital Beddlos Phone 3-4060
ONLY 4 OR 4tt INTEREST Spanish & Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin,
I to 40 Yeara and No commission Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7560.
Leo N. Childs, Inc. 0FF,c furniture bppue8 "
844 Stat St. Phone 2-8683 r Deat ohalr. tUet nd "ling supplies.
safes, duplicator and supplies, desk
AUTO LOANS lamps typewriter stands, brief cues
WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. ?lerc Wlra Recorders. Rood. 458 Court
182 S. Church o
Parking a Plenty paintino
Ph. 1-2437 Lie. No, M-189 S-164 r - WU
FARM AND CITY LOANS Sprai or brush painting. Ph. 22664. o201
4Vfe and 5 ?lf Strom's are equipped to do tout
YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within painting Phone 2-24B3 o
reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts PAINTING & PAPERIIANOING
and Second Mortgages,
CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. Painting and pnperhannlng. Free eati
201 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph, 3-7162 r mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. o214
t is, a i?Ailrf oa Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H.
LRbYR.;MMONS8 J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5860. Pre, est. o201
136 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 r Kemtonlng, interior decorating, free es-
PRIVATE MONEY tlmata. Ph. 20501 0189
Special Rates and Term " Bldg. maintenance. general repair
Long and Short Tim painting, Ph 20501. ol99
Payments - "
138 South Commercial St. Phone 1-0161 Call 2-2608 for your Painting & Paper-
Yfwi-ri-jrj-,fr, jjrjjjujjj hanging. Attractive rates. o323
TRAILERS Picture framing Sutcbeoo Paint Store
. ; Phoue t-6687 o
TRAILER SPACE. 810 a month with all , wixir
conviences. South side of Paulus Can- "lumping
n cry. Roth's Trailer Court. Ph. 28885. Fisher, 844 S. Com'L Ph. 3-3019. o208
10 FT. AMERICAN House trailer. Ph. 38814 w p ... . , tnno .
t5Qt PhlUa W Belike h. 2-1208. o203
For Information write Box 369 Capital Road building & grading, land clearing
Journal. DEALERS WANTED. t216 with teeth. Small or large Job. Prompt
MONTHLY RATES reduced on trailer "rvlce. L. Ekin. Ph. 3-1264. o212'
spare. School and city bus. close to SAND A GRAVEL
stores. Laundry. 4 blks. to grade sch. r .
Modern. $10 mo. Lots of room and Valley Sand A Orave, Co Silt, eand A
quiet. 3580 S. Comm'l. t204 1 11 "r Excavating 10B shove) A cats
Tractor scoop 3t trucks for dirt moving
MAINLINE Trailer House, 21 ft. aluminum. Ph office 24003, res. 37146 o
Sleeps four. Insulated, mahogany Inter- c'aws ' "'
ior. butane cook, oil heat. Fully
equipped, like new. Ph. 35715 or 240 Salem Saw Wrka. Ph. 3-7603 1293 N 5th.
Hickory St. tl99 0203
TRANSPORTATION Electrle Roto-Rootei Exclusive Patent
i jrvn i 9 i ivn Raior harp Steel Cutting Blade
GOING TO Bismarck. N.D. 1st Sept. Room Clean Oewera or Drains Septlo Tanlw
for 2, prefer driver. Ph. 20548. X199 Cleaned Rea Pn 1-5321 or 1-0488
COUPLE wants ride to Denver or central
Kansas August 28. Will ahare expenses. SEPTIC TANKS
Ph. 2-8884. "201 k. F Hamel. Septic tank cleaned.
LEAVING FOR Minnesota September 9. Electric machine service on sewer and
Take one rider. Phone 27279. x204 drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-8th
rrm-rrrrrrrMrr,t,,g, St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o2M
mncrTADv Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge.
KtU I UKT Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank
1DDINO MACHINES Service, 2545 State St. Phone 2-0734. o
All make, used m.chtne. .old, rented "'g'1 gi" BSc"r'"- J'J,?"?!!
repaired Roen 456 Court Phon, ,-.,73 g
1 02 09
RLECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Bought, sold, rented, repaired, EZ terms
new anpllanen Viace'a Riectrlc Phone All makes. W Devenport. Ph. 37671
Free estimate Ttadelns accepted on o202
3-9238 107 S Liberty St o 77, rr rz
i All makes repaired, free estimate
Spence's Home Appliance Repair. "Noth- Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No
Ing to Sell But Service " Phone 2-4B02 Commercial Ph. 3-3512. o
Prompt- 2L" typewpiters
AT UR DOOR GRINDlNfj Smith Corona. Remington Royal, Under-
awnmower harpenlns snd repairing wood portables All makes used machines
Dexter'a Pn 36833 o Repairs and rent Roen. 466 Court, o
Authorized Warrant Repair Station -oca at Distance Transfer, storage
(or all makes of Auto Rsdlos Morrow Burner oils, coal A briquets Trucks tc
Radio Co. 153 8 Liberty Ph 3-6953 o Portland dally Aitent for Beklns House-
MARION MOTORS i00da mofed to anrwher. In OS
NASH SERVICE 01 Uftntft Larmer Transfer A Storage
Towlnt service day phon. 3-9386 Nlini ph 8-3131 o
3-1804 33" Center 0" VENETIAN BLINDS
BRAKES Made h Salem Free est Phon. 87336
Mike Panek. 375 S Com'l Ph. 1-5161 f.lmer the Blind man
' Brake and wheel alltnlnf speclallsui Salem Venetian Blinds made to order ot
Q308 reflnlshed Relnholdt 6i Lewis 3-3639
Remodel repair that horn, now Terms. WTntRSTRIPPINO
No down payment Phone 3-4850. o' Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5965.
Alt Bros Also houses raited. New foun- WELDING
datlons. Phone 3-5000. 0316J Portable acetylene or are. Anythlne.
Alt Bros. Also houses raised New foun- anywhere. Ph. 33485. 0319
datlons. Phone 3-6000. 0313J WELL PRILLING
Tonsue and aroove chmney blocks Fred w.mor. et a nn. 117 p, . si.,
wholesale or retail Mortarless Block Co wymor. Rt 3 Boa 817 Ph 3-5135
Ph 3-7334 . O305' . 0310
"Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6537 or 3-4306 n"h;1'!e, fSl"! 'Sw"'.'..' DI
02j3, Del Relnholdt A Lewis Ph 33630. o
Bulldozing, lerellns, rosd bids., clear- "'NDOW CLEANING
ln. teeth for brush. Vlrill Huskey. 1010 Acme Indow Clesners Windows, wails
Fslrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3146. Salem. 0313 A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned
Bulldozlnt, leveling Z fine tradlni wased and polished Ph 3-3337 841
Prompt service. A. L. Ekm. Ph. J-1364 0ourt Lamidoo. Culbertson and Mather
0307 , '
"instan. den..,, of new RCA east w"' "uel Co. Ph. 3-4031.
ZXZ. Zl'ZoJl'WTX,.':- Journal Want Ads Pay
'48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage $1895
'46 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sedan, R&H ........ 1145
'48 Mercury 4 Dr. Sedan, R&H 1245
'40 DeSoto 5 Pass Coupe 495
'37 Pontiac Sedan 295
'36 Chevrolet Sedan 195
'36 Plymouth Sedan 195
Herrall - Owens Co
For expert cuaranteed satisfaction new
or repair of foundation, sidewalks,
driveways, patios, curbs, walla, etc Call
2-4850. o
Furnace chimneys bacuum cleaned
gnsley, T71 B. 21st. h. 3-7116. o208
Custom killing, curing St smoklni and
'ocker meat for sale. Salem Meat Co.,
25th Ac Turner Rd. Ph. 34858. o211a
Viice' Electric for electrical wiring
contracting, repairing 1ST 8 Liberty
39bu3. o202
PH. 24113
iBy Ins Associated Pretsi
American Cat B4H
Am Pow St Lt 13
Air Tel A Tel 143
tuacorda 29i
Bendlx Aviation 29
Beth Steel 26',
Boeing Airplane 19
Calif Packing 324
Cvna-dian Pacific 12H
Case J I 39
Caterpillar 32 H
Chryiler 52
Comwlth & Sou 5
Cons Vultee , 10H
Continental Can 93H
Crown Zellerbach 25T6
Jtirtiss Wright 8Vi
Douglas Aircraft
Dupont de Nem Bl
General El ec trio
Oererai Food 4SVt
Oeneral Motors 02
Goodyear Tire 40 H
Int Harvester 2H
int. Papei 53 H
Knnccott .
Llbbr McN Si L, 7
Long Bell "A" 20
vlnntgomery Ward 53 '.4
Nash Kelvlnator 13
4.1 Dairy 33H
.NY Ci-nrta 10 lA
Northern Paclflo 14H
Pac Am Fish
Pa Gas Si Eleo 33
'v Tc A. Tel 98H
Penney J O 50
Radio Corp , 11
Rayonier 25
H jonier Pfd ,
Reynolds Metal 19
Rlchfleid 38'i
-Safeway Stores 25 Vi
dears Roebuck 41 'i
Southern Paclflo 40
S-andard OU Co 61
studebaker Corp 23
Sunshine Mining 9
Transamerica 11
union OU Cal 31
Union Pacific R2
United Airlinea 13
U S Steel 23
warner Bros Plo , 104
Woolworth 4BVi
Oriental Fruit
Moths Found
First Oriental fruit moths
found in Oregon since 1945 and
the first ever found in a peach
growing area here were taken
this month from a backyard
peach tree in the city limits of
rne Dalles, Frank McKennon,
chief of the division of plant
Industry, state department of
agriculture, said today.
The moths (not flies, for the
Oriental fruit fly has not been
found -in the state 6f Oregon, ac
cording to McKennon) were dis
covered at Nyssa and Ontario in
1945, and although that area has
been "trapped" every year since
1945 no further specimens have
Been picked up there.
Agriculture department sur
vey workers will do more
"trapping" in The Dalles area
to determine extent of the in
festation and steps will be tak
en immediately to set up a con
trol program, McKennon said.
Summer Visitors Leave
Wheatland Mr. anri Mrs
Willard F, Cameron of Victor-
ville, Cal., left for their home
after a week spent with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred C. Stockhoff and oth
er relatives here. Mrs. R M
Rickey of Kansas City, Kan.,
wno nas been a guest of her son-in-law
and dauehter. the Rtnolr-
hoffs, since May returned with
the Camerons to visit two weeks
with several relatives in Cali
fornia en route to her home.
I.O.OJ1. meets every Wed
nesday night Visitors wei
that application was made on the
first day of February, 1949, by The
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
Company and the Bell Telephone
Company of Nevada to the Federal
Communications Commission for
authority to discontinue the message
telegram business provided by such
companies in communities located
in the States of California, Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and Nevada. If
the application is granted, message
telegram service will be provided
by The Western Union Telegraph
Company in each such community,
during the same hours that are now
observed by The Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph Company and the
Bell Telephone Company of Nevada.
Any member of the public desir
ing to protest or support the dis
continuance of such message tele
gram business by The Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph Company and
the Bell Telephone Company of
Nevada may communicate in writ
ing with the Federal Communica
tions Commission, Washington 2),
D. C, on or before September 11,
Aui 21, 39
In lb. Court of be Slat, of Oregon
For In. Conntr of Marlon
No. I35M
In the matter of the Estat. of IDA MA
RIE OIROD, Deceased
Notice Is hereby alven that Ralph A.
Olrod, the administrator of the above
named estate, hss filed his final account
In th. estat. of Ida Marie Glrod, De
ceased, and that the Circuit Court of
the stale of Oregon, for Marion county,
has fixed the 30tn day of August, 104a.
at 10:00 o'clock A. M.. as the time In the
Court Room a Salem. Msrlon County.
Orecon ss the plsce for the hesrlna of
said final account and objections there
Administrator of th. Estate of
Ida Marl. Oirod. Deceased
Plrst Publlcalon: Ausnst 1. 1.49
Last Publication; Au.ual 32, 1040.
Aui. 1, a. lt, 33, 1043. 1
Slocks Decline
In Light Trading
New York, Aug. 22 OT Stock
prices drifted slowly lower to
day when only feeble buying in
terest developed.
Closing quotations were at the
lows for the day in most cases
although here and there an at
tempt at a comeback started.
Losses were small and a good
many issues held unchanged or
pulled ahead a bit.
Activity was no more than
routine. Turnover was at the
rate of around 750,000 shares for
the full session, the smallest in
a week.
The tendency toward lower
levels, slight as it was, was a
continuation of a trend which
started late Thursday and picked
up a little momentum on Friday.
Auto Crash Victim
Said Doing Well
Mrs. C. C. McElwain, 47,
Sweet Home, was reported in
good condition Monday noon at
Salem Memorial hospital, where
she is recovering from injuries
sustained in a two-car collision
at North High and Union streets
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs, McElwain incurred a
broken pelvis when the car her
husband was operating over
turned after colliding with an
other auto, driven by Ernest W.
Duncan, 3210 North River road.
Two other passengers in the
McElwain car, and one passen
ger in the Duncan car, were
treated for minor cuts and
Mrs. McAdoo's Hip
Fractured in Fall
Mrs. Elizabeth J. McAdoo, 73,
fell at her home, 560 Market
street, about 9 o'clock Monday
morning and fractured a hip.
First aid was called and took
Mrs. McAdoo to Salem Memorial
hosiptal. She is the wife of I.
V. McAdoo, former publisher of
the Gervais Star and well-known
Salem printer.
This was one of three acci
dents of more than usual serious
ness Monday. H. D. Forrest,
route 1, got his hanct in a chip
ping machine at the Oregon
Pulp & Paper company mill and
suffered a cut that required 30
stitches by a surgeon.
Donald Clark, 3 years old, of
route 4, fell and got a cut in the
back of his head that had to be
stitched by a doctor.
Aristocratic families in an
cient Rome bedeckeri their pet
moray fish with Jewels.
Woodburn Jersey Cows Rate
High in Office at Columbus
Some higli scores and high honors have been made by Jersey
cows owned by H. Mikkelson & Son and Neal W. Miller, both of
Woodburn, according to word from the American Jersey Cattle
club at Columbia, Ohio.
H. Mikkelson & Son are the owners of two Jerseys which have
each been awarded a Ton of
Gold Certificate by The Ameri
can Jersey Cattle club from its
headquarters in Columbus, in
recognition of their production
over a period of four years.
Observer Leta with a produc
tion record of 2,069 pounds but-
terfat at 5 years, and Observer
Margie with 2,016 pounds but
terfat at 6 years of age, during
the period their production
averaged over 500 pounds of fat
per year, two and one-half
times the production of the aver
age dairy cow in the United
All tests were verified by both
Oregon State college and The
American Jersey Cattle club.
"The average dairy cow is dis
carded before she has completed
three years of production," says
a bulletin from the Columbus
office. "The long productive
life and high rate of production
evidenced by these Jerseys are
goals toward which the dairy
industry in America needs to
point in order to raise its eco
nomic level. The cows in the
Mikkelson herd, though their
descendants, should help Marion
county dairy men to reach this
Two registered Jersey herds
Oregon Farmers Praised, Not
Can Openers or Bag Carriers
The farmers of Oregon, as he judged them by the membership
of the Farmers Union, represent farming as it should be, "not
controlled by can openers and paper bag lunches bought at a
delicatessen," James G. Patton, president of the National Farmers
Union, told a picnic gathering at Champoeg Sunday.
About 500 Union members and
their families attended the
nual affair. Patton was intro
duced by Ronald E. Jones, state
president, at whose home Patton
and his son were weekend
guests. The host local was the
Clackamas county group.
Mrs. Claire Fowks of Adair
Village sang, and her accompan
ist was Evelyn Sainsbury, State
Farmers Union junior leader.
The Silver Spinners, from Marks
Prairie, a drum majorette group,
gave a drill, accompanied by
Miss Sainsbury, who also led in
community singing.
Patton said that farming had
gone on a cash basis, that most i
Saltm I.lTeitot'k Market
IBi Vlle Pac kin ComoinTl
Spring lamba 118.60
Feeder lambs 110.00 to 114.00
Ewm t:,50 to 14.00
Cutter cows IB. 00 to f 10.00
Fat dairy cow 110.00 to 111.00
Bulla 113.00 to US. 00
Calve. lood (300-450 lbj.) 114.00 to 118.00
Veal (150-300 lb. iood ..118.00 to 120.00
Portland Eaitilde Market
Cantaloupes sold for 13.00 to U.B0 a
crate on the Portland Eutalde Farmer
Wholesale Produce market today.
Peaches broutht $1.15 to 11.16 a 19-lb
Tomatoes were SO cents to 11.00 for an
18-lb. flat of top quality.
Corn aold for 11.00 to 11.28 a five-dozen
iar pack
Cucumbers were 50 to 00 cents a flat.
Lettuce was offered at 12.35 to 12.30
a crate.
Port) and Produe
Buturfat Tentative, subject to 1mm
alute Premium quality maximum
to JSt to 1 percent acidity delivered in
Portland A3 -86c lb.. 92 scora 61-84o lb., 90
score. 57-eoc, 89 score, 55c. Valley routes
and country joints 2c less than first.
Butter WholfAil FOB bulk cubes to
wholesalers: grade 92 score, 62 cents;
A 92 score 01c; B 90 score, 89o lb.;
O St. score, 89c. Above prices arc strictly
Cheene Selling prlca to Portland whole,
sale: Oreion singles 89-40c; Oregon 5
sm. loaf 42-43c; triplets lti less than
Esu (To Wlioleaalcrs) A grade large
821,3-631.2c: A medium, 55H-58c; grade
8 large, 53M.-56',ic, small A grade, 44Hc
Pi. rt Inn d Dairy Market
Butter Price to retailers: Orade AA
prints 87c; AA cartons flSot A prints
67c A cartons C8c; B prints 64c.
Fssa Prices to retailers: Grade AA
larRC 80c dos.t certified A large, 6601 A
lttrge. 65c; A A medium, 62c; certified A.
medium, 61c; A medium, 80c. A small,
40c; cartons 2c additional.
Cheeie Price to retailers: Portland
Oregon singles 39-42o Oregon loaf, 6
lb loafs 44fc-45c lb.t triplets, IVi cents less
than ninnies. Premium brands, singles,
nmc lb lout, 63 lie.
Chickens No. 1 quality FOB
plants, No. 1 broilers under i lbs. 26-27c
lb fryers 24-3 lbs., 30-32c; 3-4 lbs, 30-32c;
ronsters, 4 lbs. ano over 32c lb.t fowl,
leghorns, 4 lbs. and under 19-21c, over 4
lbs 20-21c; colored fowl all weights 23c
roosters, all weights, 18 -20c.
Rabbits Avenue tr growers: live whites.
4-5 lbs 18-20 lb.; 5-6 lbs. 10-1 fie lb:
:oiored 2 cents lower; old or heavy does.
B-14ct dressed fryers to butchers, 63-87c
Country-Killed Meat
Veal top quality, 30-33o lb; other
grades according to weight and quality
wl h poor or heavier 24-29c.
Hors: Light blockers, 3L-42ct sows
Lambs: Top quality, springers. 38-36c;
mutton 8-lOc.
Beef: Good cows. 23 -26c lb: canners-
c Utters, 21-230.
Fresh Dressed Meal
(Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.t!
Beef steers, good. 500-800 lbs. 143-46:
commercial. 935-141; utility. 131-134.
Cows Commercial. 330-34; utility, 120-
27. Canners-c utters, $22-24.
Beef cuts ( food steers) r Hmd quar
ters 183-55. rounds, S53-65: full loins.
rimmed. 370-175: triangles, I3S-37: square
chucks, 138-40; ribs, 152-55; forequartera.
Veai and :alt: Oood. 138-40; commercial,
S32-35, Utl.tiy 326-30
Lambs: Good-choice. spring lambs, 141-
43; commercial, 135-36; utility, $32-33.
Mutton: Oood, 0 lbs. down. 118-30.
Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1, 8-12 lbs. 960
62; shoulders, 18 lbs down 140-42; spare
ribs 948-51; carcasses 933-35 t mixed
weights S3 lower.
Portland Miscellaneous
Caicara Bark Dry 12 'Ac lb., green 4c lb
Wool Valley coarse and medium grades.
45c lb.
Mohair 15e lb. on 12-month growth.
Hides Calves, 27c lb., according to
weight, kips 22o lb.; beef 10-llc lb., bulls
5-6o lb. Country buyers pay 2c less.
Nut Quotations
Walnuts Frnnqueltes, first quality Jum
bo, 34.7c large, 32.7c; medium, 21.2c;
second duality Jumbos. 30.2c; large. 2B.2c
nvdlum. 20.2oi 'laby, 23,2ci soft shell, first
quality large, 29.7c: medium, 26.2c: sec
ond quality large, 27.2c; medium, 24.7oi
baby 22,2c. '
Filberts Jumbo, 20o Ib.i large, IBc;
medium IGc: mall, 13c.
owned by Neal W. Miller of
Woodburn and R. E. and Lillian
Greenwcll of Sandy, were classi
fied under a program of The
American Jersey Cattle club.
The classification rated the ani
mals for type, comparing them
against the breed's score of 100
points for a perfect animal.
This classification was for all
previously unclassified females
who have had at least one calf
and all bulls over 2 years old,
They were rated by Prof. H. P
Ewalt of Oregon State college.
Prof. Ewalt is an official classi
fier for the club, which has its
national headquarters in Colum
Mr, Miller had eight animals
classified, three were ranked
very good, three good plus, one
good and one fair, and the 12
animals classified for R. E. and
Lillian Greenwell were rated as
three very good and nine good
The classification program
sponsored by The American
Jersey Cattle club Is designed
to help breeders of registered
Jerseys improve their cattle by
knowing which ones come clos
est to the breed's standard of
an-jfarmers had paid off their deb(s
and created a reserve.
Farmers, he said, "find them
selves up to the neck In politics
whether they like it or not, so
the thing to do is learn to swim,
decide which direction we want
to go, and elect congressmen and
senators who are our friends and
not our enemies."
He defended farm subsidies,
and demanded to know why the
power companies object to them
while they favor government
building of dams to furnish the
power they distribute over their
lines and from which they make
a profit.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,
Grains Trend
To Lower Prices
Chicago, Aug. 22 () Grains
failed today In an attempt to
continue the strong advance of
late last week. After moving
ahead fractionally In the first
hour, the market reversed it
self and headed down.
Trading was dull most of the
session, but picked up a little
speed toward the close, when
selling pressure increased. Sep
tember wheat dropped under
$2.00 on the late selling. Soy
beans fell several cents after
inching out new seasonal highs
in early trade.
Wheat closed lower,
September $1.99 corn was
unchanged to k lower, Septem
ber $1.2234-, oats were Vi-Vi
lower, September 65ai, rye was
-iy4 lower, September $1,43
soybeans were 3 to 3 k lower, j
November $2.45-4, and lard
was unchanged to 18 cents a
hundred pounds lower, Septem
ber $12.57.
Chics (to Live lock
Chtoago, Aui. 22 (U.W (USDA1 Live
stock market:
Hon: Salable 9.000. Fairly active: ion-
erally 25 to mostly 50 cm us higher;
welKhts under 200 lbs uneven and some
up more than 60 cents; top 22.00; bulk
tiood and choice 190 to 970 11m, 21.25 to
22.00; a few 280 to 320 lbs, 20.25 to 21.26:
and aeveral loads good 376 to 425 lb but
chers, with now end, 17.26 to ID. 26; Hood
and choice 160 to 180 lb lUhU, 10.00 to
21.00; 140 to 160 Ida, 18.00 to ID, (10: cood
and choice aows undrr 360 lb, 18.26 to
10.50: a few 10.75: 375 to 400 lbs 17.00 to
18.00; 425 to 475 IDA, 16.75 to 16.75: a
few had heavier aowa down to 13.50; ear
ly clearance.
Sheep: Salable 1,500. Spring Inmbfl and
yearling strong to 50 centa higher; top
lambs 24.00; 69 lb MLMoiirfs 23.50; bulk
Rood and choice yenrllng wether 20.00
to 21.00; 180 lb choice offerings at outaide
price; slaughter sheep slow, steady. 8.60
Cattle: Salable 14,000. Calves 500. den
Tally stendy to strong on slaughter cat
tle; demand broadest for steers of value to
sell at 27.00 and better; cowa slow: top
28.75 for two loads high choice 1320 lb
fed steers; several loads 28.50: bulk good
and choice steers and yen r lingo, 25.00 to
28.25: high choice 1500 lb weights, 27.00:
medium to low good steers, 19.00 to 24.75:
medium to low good steers. 19.00 to 24.75:
good to low choice heifers. 25.00 to 27.00;
common and medium beef cows, 13.75 to
16.00; few good cows, 16.50 to 18.00: can
nera and cutters, 11.00 to 14,25: medium
and good sausage bulls, 18.00 to 20.50; com
mon to choice venters. 19.00 to 26.00: stock
cattle steady; medium and good yearling
feeding steers, 19.00 to 22.00.
Portland Livestock
Portland. Ore., Aug. 22 0J.R1 Livestock :
Cattle salable 3100; calves 600; market
uneven; cattle medium and above active,
fully steady, except little action beef
cows: average to medium steers slightly
higher: no early action common cattle:
oanner and cutter cows weak to 60 cents
lower: medium grass steers 20.00 to 24.00;
lew good fed steers 25.00; good experi
mentally fed steers and heifers unsold;
held above 20.00; few medium grass heif
ers 17.00 to 20.00: low good fed heifers
32.00: canner and cutter cows 9.00 to 10.00;
few 10.50; shells down to 6.00; few me
dium and good sausnsc bulla 16.00 to 17.00;
some held higher; asking 18.00 or above
for heavy beet bulls; few good vcalcrs
21.00 to 22.00; odd head 23.00.
Hobs salable 800; market active, steady;
good and choice 180 to 230 lbs 23,00; 200
to 280 lba 21.00 to 21.50; Rood 350 to 500
lb. sows 16.00 to 17.00; linhter wrtKhts
17.50 to 18.00; good and choice feeders
23.00 to 24.00; few 50 lbs 25.00.
Sheep salable 1500; market active,
strong; good and choice spring lambs
20.00; high good and choice 21.00: shorns
20.50; no early action feeders: good strong
weights held around 16.00; good ewes sal
able 6.00.
Portland Grain
Portland. Ore., Aug. 39 (Pi Wheat:
Cash wheat (bid); Soft white 2.12; soft
white (no rex) 2.12; white club 3.12.
Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.13; 10 per
cent 3.12; 11 per cent 2,12; 13 per cent
3.14. ,
Today's csr receipts: Wheat B8s barley
25; flour 7; corn 11; ml 11 feed 11.
Completed from repnrti of Salem deal
ers ior tne guidance or UAtiiiai
Journal Renders. (Revised dally).
Retail Ferd Prices
Ess Mash 15.15.
Rabbit Pellets $4.35.
Dairy Feed $3.80.
Poultry: Buying prices Grade A color
ed hens, 32-2 f-c; grade A Letfhorn hens,
20-22c; trade A colored fryers, three
iba. and up, J2-33c Orade A old roosters
16 cents.
Burin r Prices Extra large AA, 63c
large AA, 62c; large A,; medium AA,
57c: medium A, 54-58c; pullets 36-42c.
Wholesale Prices Egg wholesale prices
a to 7 cents above these prices above
Q ade A generally quoted at 67c medl
Jn. 63c
Premium 64-65C, No. 1, 63ci No. , 67
6D0 .buying prices)
Sutter Wholesale grade A, 7oi rt-
all 72c
Keizer Scouts Take Leave
For Pendleton Round-Up
Keizer, Aug. 22 Nineteen members of Scout troop 41, Kelze
left for Pendleton via chartered bus Monday morning, accon
panied by their scoutmaster, Mickey Hickman, assistant scou'
master, Marvin Black and Don Wickman, adult supervisor. Llojl
Wood, assistant scoutmaster, will travel to Pendleton Thursday
and accompany the bus load otf
Scouts home next Saturday
Scouts making the trip are:
Dwayne Snook, Teddy Snook,
John Rehfuss, Dale Wood, David
Adams, Richard Schmidt, Dick
Greenwood, Charles Kieper,
Jimmy Robertson, Arnold Pedor-
son, Norman Bowman, Larry
Powell, Art Lewis, Owen Stock-
ard, Ralph Sipprell, Tommy Fri-
gaard, Merritt Linn, Larry
Smith, Don Stettler and Cliff
A stopover camp will be made
Monday night 60 miles west of
Pendleton and Tuesday night the
boys will be at their perma
nent (week's) camp at the Ki-
kanls camp and lodKc about four
miles east of Pendleton.
The Scouts will attend the
Roundup all day Wednesday
and have been asked to march
in the gala parade to be held
next Friday. Friday night the
entire Keizer group will attend
the "Happy Canyon" pageant
annually put on by the Indian
contingent of the Roundup.
The troop has rented a 16 mm
movie picture camera which
they will take with them and
plan to take two black and
white and six colored reels of
film which will afford the par
ents a half-hour long movie of
the expedition soon after the j
Monday, August 22, 1949-
Mri. Louella J. Sch units
Mrs. Louella J. Shults, lit reside a
1.61 Wallar street, at a local hoiS W
august 19. survived by three daual
Mrs. Lee We laser and Mrs. Wade Oi
both of Balem, and Mrs. Burt Crlpp l pct
Lebanon: a slater, Mrs. Clarence Bghm i
of Dallas; a granddaughter, CaroltiO 69 .430
Welsser of Salem: and a grandson, 1017.342
Carter, Jr., of Balem. Service! will 80 .339
nem at me uiougn-Harncjc cnapel .
day. August 33, at 10:30 a.m. with'
Lloyd T. Anderson officiating. Inter
in Belcrest Memorial park. t).
John Gilbert Roie
John Gilbert Rose, it the raslderu
160 Union street. August 19. at thV L Pet.
of 71 years. Private services wre M -W4
Saturday. August 80 ,at th Howel 63 .462
wards chapel. J -WT
19 .JOU
Mrs. Haiel June Courier
Mrs. Hazel June Courter. at the
dence at 1775 N. 30th St., August 30.
vlved by husband, A. T, Courter oi St
and two sons. Ensign Courter of
mouth and Olive Courter of Salem. 1
Ices will be held at the Clous h-B
hape). Tuesday, August 33 at 1:80 1nfiPR
wlth the Rev. George H. Swift offlcia
Private commltal services will ba h-1 "
Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. . n.
Mri. Aoguflla Hoekema night.
Mrs. Augusta Hoekema, late rtslder-i Tn
Salem route 6, box 437, at a local hoe
August 21, at the age of 81 years, flunniage
by husband, William P. Hoekema of thev
tern: a daughter, Mrs. Milton Ronyo
Salem; a son, A. D. Smith of Jenr'entn
Lodge, Ore.: and two sliters, Mrs.
bet Levin of Portland and Mrs. Ar
Reg of Salem. Member of EyangtfS re-
United Brethren church. Services wU .nM
held at the Ho wen -Edwards chapel 1 llul"
nesday, August 24, at 10:30 a.m. lmest
Mrs. Jennie L. Monroe "l8.8.0
Mrs. Jennie L. Monroe, late residen Cnl-
Wnldport, Oregon, at a local hoar
AuRiist 21, at the age of A3 years.
vlved by a daughter, Mrs. J, Fritz JQVes
son of Salem; a sister, Mrs, Nellie Ikii '
ton of Taylorsvllle, III., and a granddat?'wa
ter, Mrs. Jane Phelps of Salem. , Mer the
oi i ne ruensia cnapter no. 107, aas-ftv
Stan Waldport Rebekah lodge;
No. 3156 auxiliary at Waldport; B IllS
Young auxilllary of the Spanish Annos.
enn War Veterans auxiliary, Annpu
ment of aervicea later by bha Hoi '
btiwnraa cnapei. Vim
Mrs. Gertie Alice Robertson lead
Mrs. Gertie Alice Robertson, 1U l m a
dent of route 4, box 1028. Salem, at a "
cal hospital, August 21. Survived by CUDS,
band, Charles W. Robertson of Balert ..... .
son. RnnAld fi RohprtAfin; nri twn mri
ohlldren. Shipment will be made ?T!
ClotiRh-Barrlck company to Rapid Cv t
3. D for services and interment.
Charlee Edgar MrKlbbon v
r?hnr1ns Uiar MrKlhhnn lata ruli" "
of 1240 Falrmount avenue, In this .
AumiHt ai. 01 me ase 01 la yeara.
ears. I
an otl
Of K-l- -
vlved by daughter, Lorn a Weston
lem; sons, Harvey M. McKlbbon
nev. Nebr.. and Harold McKlbbon
Plain view, Nebr.; a sister, Fannlt Tea,VK
of Pierce, Nebr.; brothers. Jamea S. I
Kibbon of Norfolk. Nebr.. and Al Melt..
bon of Battle Creek, Nebr.; eight era
children and six great grandchild-'
services will be held at the Olough-frj
rick chapel Tuesday, August 23, at 3r
p.m. wun interment at norioiK, wear
Daisy Bell Tate
In this city August 33. Daisy Bell T
late resident 01 640 Chtmeketa att
Mother of William I. Tate of Chlcr
nunt of Mrs. Wayne Powers of Balem;
sister of Kemper Tllford of Des Mol
Iowa, Lillian Lane of Greenville. Id
ana Rose McGinns 01 Balem. Serv
will be held at the W. T. Rig don ch
Wednesday, August 34. at 10:30 1
witn Hev, Gene Brlckwedel official
Interment in the City View cemeter;
LHIIe Belle Tethrow
Independence Funeral services for N
Lillle Belle Tethrow, 18. were held
day afternoon from the Walter Bn
luneral home with Rev. John W.
officiating. The daughter of Mr. and
John Selbrlng, she was born near, Pe
Jan. 15, 1897. She attended school
Dallas and Independence and was mariflh
to Joseph A. Tethrow at Monmouth,
10, 1897. They lived on a farm near Pe
u.itll moving to Independence. --sevAtt
yoara ago. Surviving her are her husbniw -ft
son, Carl B. Tethrow of San Oabr
Calif.; a brother, Fred Toner, and a X
tcr, Blanche Fen ton, both of Oa)lri ft '
one grandson, Carl Joseph Tethrow
San Gabriel. Interment wag In the
Crest cemetery, south of Monmouth:
Lor Gearhart v I K
Albany Lora Gearhart. 86. 1607- Tr
street, died at the Albany General h
pltal, Saturday. Funeral services will -OHl
announced. She wtis born In WJiitnhr
county, Wash., February 7, 18B3. and ca .
to Albany when a small girl. She Was m11"1
rled to George Gearhart who died In l?eaTS
Survviora are four brothers and .'six iff.,
terss Roy Furnish. Silete; Lloyd Furnl
Sweet Home; Arthur Furnish. i-Mon
and Lawson Furnish, Sllets; Mf, D..
Browning, Tacoma, Wash.; MM. L
Works, Big Snndy, Montana; Mrs. R&per
Zeller, Mrs. Atta Cade and Mrs. Veal4
Flagman, Albany and Mrs. Toots Enr
Hillaboro. She had been a lifelong me "Y
bcr of the Christian church.
Grange Plans Supper
Monmouth The Monmou,. q
grange met at the grange hijL-j
with a good attendance. "Ma
business was the planning f , .
the county fair. W. J. -Stoc""
holm gave a report on grass ai .
grain exhibits. The home "C0u?."y
omies meeting will be held V
the hall, Friday. A pot-lu- n
supper is planned at the Thora
brue home Saturday, Augil
return of the troop.
Everyone of the Scouts ha'
worked hard and earnestly
make this trip possible. Tw
large fund-raising events we!
put on by Troop 41, assisted t
the Keizer Scouts' Mother
club and the committeemen. Or
was a group of radio skits ar
Chinese bazaar and another wi
a big outdoor carnival. Tr
troop itself is financing tl
The' boys and the adults a
companying them will sleep oi
at their camp and do all the
own cooking except for Wei
nesday when they will ba
dinner at one of the Pendletc
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Slpt
rell and children Ralph an
Steven have returned from
week's trip which took them t
Eugene and Roseburg, thei
homes before moving to Salet
and where they visited friend:
They spent several days at Wlr
Chester bay where they ataye
at the Umpqua Stockade resot
on the bay. While in Rosebur
the Sipprells were guests 'at th
homes of Mr. and Mrs. Albei
Flegel, Mr. and Mrs. Free
Chapman and Mr. and Mr
King Lytla.