18 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Per Dot 1M Per Lint a time . -40c Pir Line i time 0e Per Lin 1 month 12 00 - Outside of eelea It p Un pet day ma tOci i timu mln time mln 11.30 No Refund BEADVBfl la Leeal Ntwa Cel Oaln Per una To Place an Ad Phone Z-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Leaving the State Mr $1392 equity in 1 yr. old 1 B.R home. Insulated, hardwood lira., com- V'pletely modern. Move right in for 1500, . Bal. F.H.A. Sea 642 Blilar Ave. Ph - 3-2860. BY OWNER, 2 acrea, modern 2 B.R. borne Ven. blinds, garage it ahop bldg., ber- rle and orchard. One block So. of . Rosedale achool. Rt. 9, Box 319, a302 BY OWNER: Bale or trade on 2 B.R. house, clean 5 b.r., bath, kltch., L.R., D R., separate ent to 3 B.Rj, elect, wtr htr., elec. or gaa cooking, v. blinds, full basmt., garage. Call S to A p.m. 1535 Trade 8t. alAH BY OWNER: NEW 2 BD. KM. HOME. ST. ELMO ADDITION. LARGE LOT, FENCED IN BACK YARD. COMPLETE OUTSIDE FIREPLACE AND PATIO AND GARAGE. PH. 25348. OWNER FORCED to ll modern 3 bdrm. home. 881 Rosemont, Weat Salem. alDO BY OWNER. S bdrm. nome. 1st floor, excel, corner lot, Clone to Catholic it public schools, bos by door. $8850. Would consider trade for smaller home also In Highland dlat. 2205 N. 5th. a200 96MH). SPECIAL reduced to sell, Very mod ern. 2 bdrm. PHA appr. Small down payment will handle. Ph. 3-6189. aaoi BY OWNER k acre, a 5-rm. house. ga rare and large utility rm. 3156 D St. 30 1 ENGLEWOOD $0950 Sblxs. to ach.i 3 B.R.. all plat. home, full basm., It. din. rm fplc, hard to beat at this price, pn. z-ouhu. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. aaoo1 CLOSE IN NORTHEAST ThU u on a of those bargain your hear about but seldom see, variety of fruit trees, shrubs, 2 A. of good around, Darn, ehlx hae., deep well, full dry bum., 2 B.R., nook, la. din. rm.. fplc, bua by door. Only 10850. Ph. 3-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. a200' BT OWNER 2-B.R. home, fireplace, hardwood floors, utility rm., att. garage. Lot 63t4'x2U'. FHA. 3700 LaBranche Ave. a202 8 BDRM. RANCH STYLE Beautiful LR with fire place. Modern utility rm. Attached garage. Large lot In restricted dlst. Enzlewood achool. Attractive price. IMMED. POSS. 1 bdrm. home. LR with fire place. DR nice kitchen. Full basement. Close to achool, atorea and bus. Price 10,500. BON CLEARY WALTER MUSGRAVE Realtors 1211 Edgewnter. Ph. 3-6100. Eve. 3-0939 a 189 BT OWNER: ATTRACTIVE 8 RM. HOME. NICE FIREPLACE. ATTACHED OAR AOE. FENCED IN YARD. NICE FOR CHILDREN. LOVELY FLOWERS it SHRUBS. VERY GOOD VIEW OF CITY. fclNOWOOD HEIGHTS DIST. CLOSE TO SCHOOL is BUS. 14.000 EQUITY HANDLE WITH OOOD TERMS. SOME BALANCE. PH. 30059, BY OWNER nearly new 2 BR home, nice kltch., Bewllx washer, Ige. lot. Ph. 1 21310 or 28345. a202 BY OWNER New 1 bdrm. home. Plastered, electric heat. Drapes. Unfinished upstairs. Lawn, ahrub. Large garage breeaeway. Sell at builder cost, Va acre or 1 acre. Ph. 2-4686, 1491 Lancaster Dr. North of Market St. a302 HOLLYWOOD DIST. . Just listed a good 3 bedroom home north; large unfinished upstairs; base ment; oil furnace; pre-war construction; Immediate possession See It today. Price 1 112,500 Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 1-5838 211 N. High Eve. Phone 2-172 - 2-7614. a 109 ftft N. 17th ST. $BB00 buys you one of the nicer homes with 3 bdrm (1 dn-a up) lae LR. DR. full bath, fireplace, hdwd. firs., full cmt. bsmt.. oil furnace, garage, choice corner lot with lae. shade trees, garden. ' BU8TIO RANCH STYLE 17050 buy you new auburban Tanoh style home with 2 bdrm., den, fireplace, hdwd. firs,, dble, garage, knotty pine and cedar interior. Located ati nine out on 3 acres. LARGE FAMILY HOME 17500 buy you 6 bdrm. home with LR, DR, dble. plumbing, new double gar age, dble. lot. Nloe quiet district with plenty of shade tree. $1000 dn. and ISO month will handle, TODAY'S BEST BUY 13100 buy you 2 bdrm. 6 yr. old home with LR. kltch.. bath, attached Kara lae. lot, close to atore, bu. Located north COUNTRY HOME 113.000 Including machinery. Beautiful spotless, 4 bdrm., 4 yr, old home with LR. DR, nook, utility rm.. farm bids. 1 acre Willamette silt. Located east near Pratum. Consider good 2 bdrm home In Salem. OUR OFFICE WILL RE OPEN FROM 13:00 TO 5:00 O'CLOCK SUNDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. COLBATH LAND CO.. REALTORS 1683 CENTER ST. Ph. 2-4552. Eve. 2-8851 a!99 $500 DOWN ! 3-bedroom home with 3 small rentals on large lot with wonderful garden, close to bus and achool. Located north east. Pull price 17,500. Immediate pn Mulon. No. 366 ON ONE FLOOR! t -bedrooms, living room, dining room, fireplace, hardwood floors, auto heat, Ens le wood district. 113,500. F.H.A. terms. No. 340 $150 DOWN! Unfinished livable house with wiring, chimney In, plumbing roughed In. Bus service near achool. Suburban. No. 283-B $1,000 DOWN t-bedroom home northeast on Urge lot. Close to school and bu. Pull price 16.800. No. 278-A ' Reimann For Real Estate 301 South High St. Ph. 1-9303 un. & Evea, 3-9713, 2-3832, 3-8341, 3-5906 al99 BY OWNER: New 3 bdrm. auburban home. Near bus St school 17950, O. I. loan. Ph. 2-7111. 3 320 Chester a203 BY OWNER: Klntwood Height, new 1 bd. rm Fireplace, 1U. Pt. dlaJi washer. Bendix. Lawn In. Lot 76x140. Klntwood Dr., left on Fair Oaks, 1st Rd. rltht. Rt. t, Box 37. 303 NEW 4 bdrm. house, 3310 Brosdwiy, 18500 A. E. Heaale y. 2306 N. Liberty. a209 - "" BDRM. HOME on W acre in Bwegle out. or rene lor large nouse in city Rt. 6, Box 68. a204 .Immed. Poss. Bargain I bdrm. en Vt acre. King wood. 1-1341 a304 IN ENGLEWOOD I10.&O0 Attractive I rm. home with full basement, furnace, fireplace, hdwd floors, nice corner lot, owner leaving town, best of term to the right party. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 90 ft. Commercial n. l-lttt n. I-IM0. MM Ore, Monday, August 22, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "The Mighty Joe Young" AT WARNERS ELSjNORE THEATRE HERE ARK Till!. RUl.tS: Read the Capital Journal Wanl Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 21 words or less on 'Whv I Read The Canital Jour nal Want Ads." with vour name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each dav will each receive a guest ticket to see "The Mighty Joe Young," coming soon to the Elsinore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the Judges is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal. The Capitol or Elsinore rheatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES Near Leslie Jr. High 110.5002 bdrm. English style with bsmt. Good sawdust furnace, fireplace, hdwd. floors. On the hill. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 9110 8. Commercial Ph. 2-384S Eve. 2-5260. a20O New 2 Bdrm. Homes 1335 DOWN. Move right in, no rrd tape. Hdwd. floors, large garnqe. In city. Bal. 166 mo. Inc. taxes, Interest it Insurance. HERE'S one with 2 bdrm, among nice homes. 11000 down, 176 per mo. HERE'S one, 112,500 home, 12100 down, 172 per mo. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7642 Eve. or Sun. 2-0126 or 2-0343. 199 BY OWNER 2 B.R. house, fireplace, wall to wall carpet, oil furnace. 2675 Rogers Lane, off Palrvlew Ave. alflft IT'S A FACT 114,000 Beautiful ranch style aubur ban home, close In. 7 Ige. rooms, tile bath, over 1700 ft. floor space, double garage, Vfc acre landscaped, on pave ment, bua by door. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Commercial Ph. 2-3649. Eve. 2-5260. a200 BY OWNER: 2 BR home. Reduced for quick sale. Good location, 530 N. 22im. a204 LARGE, NEW 3 bedroom home. 085 N. lain, open aaiiy. rn. a-BYo. azut FOR RENT t Bedroom furnished house Suburban Will give 2 year lense Reference Required Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Building. Ph. 3-9317 Real Estate - Insurance Mtge. Loans a201 BY OWNER 2 bdrm. home reduced to $5000. 022 N. 17th St. a204 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION By owner. Ix. A rm. nearly new sub' urban house, close to city limits, schools arm mm. hci. iioors, auio. neni, pipr-n to all rooms, Ig. utility room, brcczewny with att. gnr, UnflnlMwd up with stairs and electricity In. FHA terms. Salem Helfthts Dlst. Priced to sell quickly. 6S6 Ewaid. a201 FOR SALE LOTS BY OWNER: Lot 60x112 on Rosemary Lane (South). City water, restrictions. 1800. 36 dn. 110 a mo. Ph. 25211, 33303. 28066. auSOl FAIRMOUNT HILL VIEW LOTS, 90 front age. Salem moat exclusive residential dlst. Only a few left at 12500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service '64 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-B389. Eve. 3-7440. aa307 FOR SALE FARMS Sullivan Realty Co. FARMS Yet, we have them. Lot of vrry ones, all sizes and prices. We specialise In farms and If Interested come In and see us as we have some now that we consider real bargains. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 33255 b!99 GRADE "A" 129 acres excellent soil. 3- bedroom home. 24 stanchion bnrn. Stocked and equipped. 29 milk cows. 15 roung stock. Price 130,000 with HO.0U0 down. This 1 an excellent farm. No. 1007 Reimann For Real Estate 201 Soutn High St. Ph. 3-9203 Sun. & Eve. 3-9712, 2-3532, 2-8241, 3-5905 bl99' BY OWNER Business Interests compel us to to back east, so we are solium our country home. There are ten fertile acres with strawberries, blackberries, and red raspberries for Income, alao soma young iruu trees commx aiono The house la nearly nrw, contains two bedrooms, and la of smart modrrn de sign. It Is all electric and has many other attractive special features to make for comfort in living, I'rice in.ftoo ana worth it. One-half mile south of Clear Lake school, east sine of road Reese A Hall. Route 2. Box 204, alem. b206 FOR SALE ACREAGE For Sale 25 acres 4 miles out. Will accept house trailer, car, lots, or what have you, as part pay ment. Ph. 2-5993 REAL ESTATE Made for Children Three RR eight year old north suburban nome on one acre 01 oiuiny now, r,x rellent dlst.. lotelv vard. family fruit and berries. The owner would like you to aee this home and no reasonable offer will be refused. Home and Income For the price asked this property will make someone a good buy. Neat 2 B.R. home and 2 pump station on acre close to saiem. run price oniy m.duu. Sullivan Realty Co. 336S Portland R1. Ph.3J.l FAIRMOUNT HILL $9250 1 bedrooms, carpet living room, flre p.are, wooded lot oil furnace, bsmt. Home In perfect condition. $7000 Brand new. aparkllng while. 4 rooms, bath, utility, .v vd. floors, inlaid lin oleum, paved 60x100 lot, good lo cation. FHA. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 3T Year in Salem 160 N. High St. Phone 2-4120 c201 ml TOl'K SAVINGS Investment bur H tint moruate on real aetata Salem a rtclnlty Esamlnt security yourself AtnojnU 1500 to seteral thousand dol lars, net Investors ft-. We inaka all col. lections for you U dealred. TATS F1NAWC1 CO, 153 . aktk REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, Realtors Drive By and See Tnls neat 3 bedroom homt located at 44 Abranu Ave, hu 2 bedrooms, lot Ij Saxieo. Price Is Just 16000. For Sale or Trade Thin duplex (1 apt. down. 1 up), each haa 3 bedroom, private bath, net Income over 180 a month. Will sell for 18850 or trade for sms.ll modern -home. Now Is the Time to Buy That Home Take a look at this well built 3 bedroom home, the living-room Is 13x20. there ara 2 bedroom down. 1 large up. Insulated and weather stripped, ha large corner lot with shade trees a good deal for 19400. The House with the Yellow Door New and smart, ft well arranged rooms, district Li good, neighbors are nice Qdreaa Is 1560 Pearl St. PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB TENANTS Let us show you thru. If I Were Buying a Home I would like this one BECAUSE it' In the Ent le wood school district, ha a lovely landscaped yard. 3 good bedrooms, full basement with an economical sawdust furnace It's a fine home for 113.000. Look for Our Sign on S. Commercial 2405 8. Com'i st. t the address, beautiful lot 80x250, mod 3 bedroom home with m plumbing, fireplace, auto heat (ZONED FOR BUSINESS! Let us show you thru it 112,000. Business Lot 11 lot south of the Vista Market on S, Com'l. St. an excellent business lot for 14500. Farm REAL VALUE 8 acres on the South River Road, nearly all under cultivation. 2 acres berries, good barn and chicken house, modern 2 Wed room home in secluded oak grove. NOW ONLY 18300. OHMART & CALABA, Realtors 477 Court St. Eves.: 28053 - 33632 REAL ESTATE Hiway 40 A. Irrig. 2'i ml. N. St. Paul, rich soil, ultra mod. large home. Tile bldg. Reg. stock equipment. Real buy. owner, c, u. aim c!99 WORKING MAN'S CHANCE About S acre not far out on paved road. Close to school. Year around creek. Unfinish ed house, but livable. Price 12650. 1400 cash: bal. like rent. WE HAVE 2 nice homes: one 2 bedrm. and one 3 bedrm. Attached garages. Leas than 17000 with good term. Also a neat 1 bodrm. home for 14850. BEAUTIFUL 5 room modern home. Fire place. Floored attic. Nice high base ment: air cond. furnace. Fenced rear yard: lots of shrubs. Ens le wood DLtt. Price 115,500. Consider trade for home In Portland. 132 ACRE FARM close to Salem on paved road Good house. Barn 40x80. Year around stream. Price 130,000 Include 40 head sheep; 2 cows. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 Stale St. Ph. 2-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Seder trom, 1-6789 or Mr. Voorkee. 2-4007. Cl09 BEST BUYS $8500 Special 6 rm home with. apt. Private ent. Mod ern. US acre lot. School bu at front door. Eve Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. Hollywood Dist. 4 bdrm. home. Older type In very good condition. Full basement, fireplace, lge. lot, several tree. Will trade for small er house. Total price only 110,600. Eve ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. Service Station We have a very good opportunity for anyone Interested In a service station with a good stock of auto part. Do ing vehy good business. .06 it .06 mar gin on aim. Well equipped. Growing community, Requires some Investment. On 11 for Mr. Xsaak. Eve. Ph, 3-3558. Wanted Acreage We have several clients who want ac reage with buildings north and eaM of Salem. What have you? Eve. Ph. 39403 or 3-3558, 16 Acres Facing 99E. Very modern home. 4 acres berries. Choice court or business site. Can be equipped for Irrigation. Full price 113.000 or furnished it equipped 116,000. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 10 Acres Modern 1 rm. house. 2 acre berries. 30x 30 ban. 18x20 chicken house. 'Willam ette silt soli. Close to small town. Total price 110,000. Term arranged. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3656. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596. 3036 Portland Rd. c!99 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your property is tor sale. rent or exchange, list it with ua. We have all kinds of cash buyer. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8 Hlgb St ea REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSE listings needed to satisfy our customers. We have the buyer If you have the property. We help finance. Phone 3-7983, room 320, Oregon Bldg. HAVE cash buyer for farm 30 to 100 acre priced tip to 117,000. Phone 2-7963. room 330, Oregon Bldg. ca212 WE ARK In need ot gooo house to sell In or near Salem- If you wish to list your property for Bale aae GRAHKN1IORST BROS,, REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 3-247 ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ft APTS. very well located, income 1232 per month. Very low overhead. 117,500. 11 on MONTH income on Investment of 17,600. Duplex So. near Junior High. Corner lot. Call for appt. IlIiSlNKSS CENTER, 2 story brick bldg.. offices A st or n ne, will net 10 on In vestment of 150.000. noxHti FRAME HLIK1, Concrete floor, Plumbing, suitable for warehouse, whole sale, etc. on paved alley. 10 block So. $3,150. IN THE SHADE OF THE STATE HOI'SE. 10 unit court. All have BR, hdwd. floor, fireplace, breakfast nook, You will real ly go for Olive. 152,000. CALL IKS FOR an appt. to see this fine apt. house. There Is no better Invest ment In Salem todny. all brick con struction. 16 apLs. Fire proof garage 5H2.00O. CLOSE in on N. Com'l, good duplex, all furnished corner lot. 1 16,300. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l SI. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440. cd201- l-UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE 1400 mo. Inc. from 8 fur. units. Steam ht. Not made over, built a apt. he. Close to state office bides. Price U HVOOO. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKENHEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. rdlOO1 113.000 GROCERY Owner paid income tax on 18500 from this bust, last yr., will be close to same this yr. 15000 stock, bal. equip., sub,. north. Ph. 2-oeno. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. Mill St. cdJOO INCOME PROPERTY 20 ACRES 15 acres growing crops, 5 acres summer fallowed, beautiful building site. Term. Priced to sell. Write Capital Jounral Box 378. HU3INKSS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Need tavern., groceries, restaurant, srrvlce station and motels or couru Have out of state buyers for all of the abnv,. Phon, 3-701I3, room 330. Oregon Blda. od313 noon INCOMK irocerr store and fix tures. 3 fa pumps. 6 cabins. 3 ml. N. ot underpass on Hr 09E. W. J. Jarms, Rt 1 Rx 14.V Salem. Ph. 34319. cd307 FURNITURE FOR SALE 5 P1FCE nr.nROOM SI'ITE. Blond finish, new spring At mattress. Ph. 3-57M, dJOO NICE WAl.M'T bed. Spring and apring- Itlled mattress. Complete $27. H or otter. 1434 EerryL d201 NEW " ROiTl-AWAY bed. Cost 147. Will take $35. 3430 Center SI. Ph. 35271. d201 a COMPI.KTIMROOMS of furniture. Elec stove, re frig., dish washer, piano. Ph. 3-9509. 570 Pord St. dl9t I REAL ESTATE Special Phone 24118 - 24116 - 23488 25996 . c301' FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eve. Until 9 p. m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P. M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMSFREE DELIVERY SAH GREEN STAMPS You Can't Beat This Combination H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 Fairground, Hd. Ph. 3-3W7 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST prices paid for furniture and nouaenom article, wotning to big or sm. Ph. 38558. da207 SPOT CASH for your furniture, apptl- Hnnes, rugs, sporting equipment, an tiques. Need at once. Paying top prices. Glen Woodry. Ph. 35110. da204 USED FURN. Check our price. Valley Furn Co- 286 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. da 208 HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 1-5110. da" AUCTIONS FURNITURE & APPLIANCES AUCTION Tuesday, Aug. 23, 8 p.m., sharp GLENWOOD BALLROOM 4! miles north of Salem on 9f)E 0 Kelvin a tor Refrigerator Kelvlnator Electric Range Easy Electric Washer Record Player m Walnut Bed Suite t) Daveno Set SRUBS Chest Drsk 2 Vacuum Club Chair Chrome Dinette Lamps Davenport Set Bed Complete 9X12 Rug it Pad Ice Box fj Occasional Pieces GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER PH. 3-5110 TO BUY OR SELL ddaOO AUCTION SALE OF ALL ITEMS LIVE STOCK AND MACHINERY OF THE CARA NASH ESTATE One-half mile east of Hopewell, on Wheatland-Hopewell road WED., AUG. 24 -1 P.M. LIVESTOCK 11 GUERNSEY MILK COWS 1 HEIFER, 2 YEARS OLD 1 HEIFER, 3 YEARS OLD 1 GUERNSEY BULL MACHINERY 1 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR, RUBBER TIRES 1 TRACTOR CULTIVATOR 1 PEORIA SEED DRILL 1 HAY RAKE 1 B-FT. COVER CROP DISC 1 DRAG HARROW 1 2-BOTTOM TRACTOR PLOW 1 WALKING PLOW 1 Mc-DEERING ENSILAGE CUTTER 1 CREAM SEPARATOR 1 SEARS MILKER 1 MOWER 1 HAY RACK 14 x6' 2-WHEEL TRAILER MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS, CANS, ETC. WILBUR RICE & SON Auctioneers Offlc, Prion, 143X RtAtdfnre Phon 4S3X ddioo SRLLINQ AT Auction ,11 usrd furniture fts we ere goliiR out of buslneal. Mon day the 33nd ,t 1 p.m. 1094 No. Com- merciei. i.ornpr o jenerson. v. JJ. Leek, Auctioneer. Owner V. C. Steven. drilDS' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK fi YR OLD aaddle mare. Hamiltonlan A American saddle. Gentle enough for a woman. Rl. 4 Box 40. Phona 33037. J, Chamberlln. e305 JERSEY BULT born Sept. 23,48. Ptnn Checkmate Hank No. 506743. Henry F. Schlerling, Rt. 3, Box 310, Dalla. Oreg. Ph. 3flH tMDO LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. g. u. Mccanauan. ua, a sa. ro mmt, ea305 PETS OREAT DANE pup. 4 months old. Ph. Aurora 4703 after p.m. eel 99" 6LDENAMiTER. ' Cunntnj tit tit pet! 11.00 each. Ph. 39590 Eve. ecl RE DRONE HOUND PIPS from real tree dot. Eligible. O. P Evan. Rt. 1 box 345A. Sllverton. 1 mile west North Howell school. Phone Salem 3-3586. ec300 RBO. IRISH Setter pup for sale at 410 Candalarla Blvd. Pb. 3 I4. c30ia FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37443 la" Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mil Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS ec CALI HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Oiese! and Stove oil. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End A Block Wood. Ph SS44 OAK, S.Q. fir, limb. 2-2129. ec233 PHILLIPS BkOS Old fir, oak, ash it maple. 1 fir, 18" slab and edgings. Ph. 314S8. ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Filem 2-4031 AL'O pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St.. West Salem e GET YOUR winters fuel now and save. oooa clean aawctust, dry & green slab, dry and green edgings. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 35531. eeSOO FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYERS. Live or will dreu. Rt. 7, box 434A, McCane Ave. off Sllverton Rd. Vi mile E. of Lancaster. 1200 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for tmmedla'.e or future delivery Hatches every Tu Pox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 f SEW HAMPSHIRE chick every Thura day Ph 2-2881 Lee- Hatchery f PRODUCE CRAWFORD PEACHES. U-Plck. Carl As- Plnwall orchard at Brook. Ph. 2-1261. 11199' CUCUMBERS for sale. 6c lb. delivered. Call 3-5431 or 2-2928. fflOS BARTLETT FEARS. J 06 DiedMch, rt. 2. Box 146. 1 mile straight W. of Kelzer sch. Ph. 3-8204. ff log CANNING BEANS U-Plck 4c lb. Clear Lake uean rarm. Kt, 2 box 274, Salem. Ph. 31859. 11201" BARTLET PEARS, R. E. Worral. Rt. 8, Box OBO, orchard Heights Rd. Ph. 18F14. fflB9 GRAVENSTEIN Apples, Bartlett Pears, urawrord peaches at Waconda. J. C Savage. Ph. 31344. ff200 HILL GROWN PEACHES Blappya and Pear now ready. Wind falls, Crawford, Imp. Elbertas, Hales. Mulr and prune soon. Roll In Beaver. Up Glen Cr. Rr. Ph. 47F2. ff 199 CHOICE BARTLETT FEARS, 31.00 bu. or u-picx 73c du. Aiirma Motel, 3645 Portland Rd. Bring Boxes. Ph. 24510. ff204' CHOICE BARTLET Pear. S1.50 bu. or U- Plck 81.00 bu. Allrma Motel, 3645 Port land Rd Bring boxes. Ph. 24510. f f 199 BARTLETT PEARS ready now. Olaon Or chard hi mile w. of Kefzer sch. 75c to 31.50. We deliver. Bring boxes. Ph. 3-1380. ff203 CRAWFORD PEACHES, Bartlett pear. Joe Diedrlch, route 2 box 146, Salem. 1 mile straight West of Kelzer achool. Ph. 2-8204. ff204 OUR HIGHLAND Slappy peaches are now ready, improved Elberta later. Puritan Cider Work. West Salem. ffl99 PEARS U-plck. Bring container. 70c box. en. 2-7152, 11301 SLAPPY PEACHES, pear As apple. T. O Mason, rt. 2, box 267, Salem. 6 ml. N. on Wheatland rd. Ph. 3-1360. if 199 RASPBERRIES, atrawoerrle, boyenber- ries, peaches, cucumber, tomatoes, ap ples. Frlgaard Fruit Farm, Mile North of Kelzer School. ff200 HELP WANTED FOUNTAIN GIRL, experienced, neat and picasant, gooa woncing conditions, no Sunday work, The Ace, 127 N. High. gl99 TRUCKS to haul grain by the hour or sacK. Al Fed, Rt. 7, Box 149F. miles N. of Underpass, Ph. 31580. g200 BEAN AND HOP PICKERS Wanted. Pick ing now. EXCELLENT OAMP FREE CABINS with electricity, shower bath, laundry, hot water, oiled roads, and a clean shady camp with constant supervision. Telephone Independence 39 or 140 for Information. Dean Walker Farm. gigs HOP PICKERS WANTED. Long run of enriy inn ituea. Biaaen aros.. miverrnn Ore.. Ph. Green 183 or Blue 213. g204' IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint aee latent ieat aa in instruction Column. 1 g203 HOPPICKERS WANTED, starting Aug. lBtn. uood picking. Call 31766. Orey Hop" Ranch, Rt 2, Box 197, Salem. g200 BEAN PICKERS, Bishops, South River road, id minutes from Salem. Bus leaves 12th and Mission 6:00, Farm La bor office 6:30, Ladd St Bush bank 6:35. south on Clmmerclal to Owen. For in formation call 3-6137. c204 NOW REGISTERING hop pickers. $1 de- jiusi irquirca lor caoin reservation John J. Roberts it Co., Salem. g HELP WANTED MALE EXP. MAN wool presaer. Seamster Clean- ers, ana w. High. , gal9B WANTED: Young & middle aged man with oooKkeeping exp. to work In office. Op portunity for advancement. Perman ent & good salary to start. Apply Hogg Bros. 260 State St, ga WANTED! Dump truck driver. You find Job lor 80, Ph. 3-0953. ga!99 RELIABLE MAN with car wanted to call on rarmers in Marlon county. Wonderful opportunity, J 15 to $30 In a day. No ex perience or capital required. Perman ent. Write today. McNESS COMPANY, Dept. B, 2433 Magnolia St., Oakland 7, Calif. BfLl99 MAN WANTED to operate power suction cieancr. usea oy us in turnace cleaning. Full time employment. Interesting op portunities. Good pay. Holland Furnace Co. 330 Kearney St. gal99 HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED WOMAN, Capital Variety store, nea state. go 199 WOMAN WANTED for housework, 5 days a wees. Mrs, u. w. waason. Rt. 1, Box 75. Richreall. gb201 TYPIST WANTED for permanent position. niuii do recent nign scnooi graduate. Apply in person. The Ink Spot. 363 Court Street, Salem. gbaol WANTED: Woman for child care St light nouse worx. Live -in preferred. Ref. Sz state salary. Write box 349 Capital Journal. gb200 EXPERIENCED hosiery girl. Good work ing condition. Leeds Shoe Store, 170 N. Liberty. gb200' STENOGRAPHER and typist experienced. uooo salary. Transportation can be ar ranged. Apply Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Co. gbl99 EXPERIENCED beauty operator. Ph. 33836. gb201 REGISTER for turkey Dlcklna now. North- wesi rouury ana uairy Froaucts Co.. louo . rront m. go 199 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph 1-148 f WANTED SALESMAN ONE SALESMAN Must have food car. furnish A-l ref. it be willing to make evening calls. Drawing account. Apply 3 30 em. to 11 am. Ask for Mr. Bon deU. Willamette Valley Roof Co. 30 Lena Ave. g SALESMAN TO represent J. M. HOME IN- SULATINO CONTRACTOR. II you can qualify Ph. 33746, ask for Mr. Vargets. Good earnings. ie 'FLL NEW Automatic Floor Waxer. Trl( ger on Handle. Hands Never Touch Floor or Wax. Retail 33 93 Profit 13SV Write SMITH. INC. Oreenfleld., Green field 34, Ma. f199 WANTED POSITIONS CUSTOM COMBINING by acre or hour August Springer. Call 3-1131. h202 LABORATORY TECHNICIAN desire po sition in Salem or vicinity. Contact W. J. Barnes, 310 Wast 6th Ave., Albany. Oregon. hlW LIGHT HOUSEWORK in country for 1 or 3 adult. Good refa. Box 303, Capital Journal. . h201 EXP. WOMAN want house work & cook ing. Ph. 3-3161. rm. 145. hlSfl ALTERATION. REPAIR on women' & men's clothing. Guaranteed work. In structions, fitting for home dressmak ers. Let me solve your problems. Mr. Alice Na&h, Ph. 3-8342. 1218 N. Com'l. 1.201' VETERAN requires position. Have com pleted training course In refrigeration. Received degree. Willing to take on the Job training. Write or call, Erwln Duerk sen. 1120 Cross St., Salem. h203 CHILD CARE by day. Ph. 28685. hl99 IF FOR any reason you would like to have someone read to you. maybe I could help you. I am willing to give you an hour free for trial. Mrs. A. Fromherz, Rt. 4, Box 603. hl99 ANIMALS HAULED. Rea. rate, phone aaiem i-oiyd. naoo' EXP. GIRL wishes to care for small cniidren, day or night. Ph. 28743. haoi NEW LAWNS prepared St seeded. Ltsht tractor on rubber with dozer. Ph. 28127. Uuane Wolcott. h22l TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving, insured operator, jonn rayne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 26014. hl99 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 3-2093. nau FINE PAINTING, papering. Ph. 3-S523 h207 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S 6G5 North 16th Phone 3-3643 h207 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice Former phone opr. Ph 3-5072. b204 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins op Work guar W. a McAUis 'er, 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1490 1.201 CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 3-8876. h212' INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 h201 C KM ENT WORK wanted. Ph 3-4850 0 EDUCATION IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint write for Talent Test iNn Feel. Give age and occupation. Box 257 Capital Journal. hh203 WELDJNG SCHOOL Avail yourself of opportunity to learn good trade that pays top wage. Oldest welding school In NW., GI APPROVED WELDINO SCHOOL 520 NE Sacramento, Portland - MU 9680 hh206 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE room. gentlemen. Prlv nome. Ph. 36368. 985 N. Summer. Jit 199 SLEEPING ROOM for lady In private home. 553 S. 12th. Jit 199 SLEEPING KM. PH. 34335. SLEEPING ROOM. Hot ie. cold water. 461 N. High. Jk204 SLEEPING RMS. for men. Prlv. entr. St Ph. Dy. or Mo. 1505 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3435 Jk204' FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM. FURN. Nice lawn it flowers. 23rd it State. 160 union. Ph. 20835. Jpl99 2 RM. FURN. Apt. Adults. 246 S. 17th. JpWl" 1 ROOM FURN. apt. Utilities furn. 125. 640 S. Capitol. Jpl99 CLOSE IN. Cozy 3 rm. furn, apt. 636 N. winter. jpnoi RM. furn. apt. 330 S. 14th. 3 RM. FURN. Apt. Working Cpl. 1475 N. tjonri. fit. hohv. JP-tui RM. furn. apt. Prlv. outside ent. b bath. Ph. 36093. 2035 McCoy. JP199 FOR RENT HOUSES S RMS. St bath garage house. Ph. 37298. 225 park Lane. jmaQi 4 LGE. ROOM furn. apt. 1 BR. Refrig., gas range, near State House. Adults only. No drinker. $57.50. Ivan O. Mar tin. Ph. 34419. JmlOO RENT CONTROL HAS ENDED YOU CAN OWN A HOME BUY LIKE RENT New homes, hdwd. firs., auto. heat. Paved street. Inside city limits. L. E. Klumpp, Eealtor 480 N. Church. Phone 3-7642 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 2-0126. Jm SUBURBAN 3 bdrm. furn. home. Auto. oU furnace. Elec. water heater, elec. dish washer. Weather stripped. Large fire place. Double garage. All kinds of fruit trees. 390 per mo. Ph. 3-6137. Jml99 CABIN BY Sept. 1st. Ph. 26142 eve. Jm200 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS REDECORATED furn. 2 tic 3 rm. apts. y nv. DRtn, not water, no pets or orinx ers Also 2 rm. furn. house. 624ft N. Capitol. J203 MOD. DOWNTOWN business office. Long term lease. 4U, rn. JHjan. jaue- OFFICE, desk space, Conv. loc. Ph. 39133. J319- POWER TOOL rental for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. J' FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Wa.d. i TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand r We Mil everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 i OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Ph. 25692. SEWING Machine Portable or Treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. J202 'ARK1NG SPACE 34.00 per mo. 351 Cot tage bet. Chemeketa St Center. Call Cap ital Auto Parti. Phone 39151. J200 BUSINESS RM. lor rent. H. L. Stiff. J' V DRIVE truclts, cars. Ph. 2-9103. TRAILERS J2.00 per day. Howser Bros 141u & t2th. West Salem. J FOR RENT OR SALE: 1948 model 21 ft. house trailer. Elec. tefrig. St butane stove. Sleep 4. Ph. 13813 Independence. J201 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rate. Free pick up Si delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com ). Ph. 33513 J WANTED TO RENT CIVIL SERVICE Employe wants 1 or 2 Dtirm. uniurn. nouse. pn. 3J..ib. jaaor ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN: good home cooking. Clean and quiet. 1095 N. 5th. JJ201 RM. Ss BOARD at 629 N. Winter. JJ2001 KEEP WILLAMETTE or high school girl for room board, small wages. Ph 38938 after 6. JJ3011 BOARD AND RM. 850 I St. Ph. 3-8706. JJ207 LOST AND FOUND LOST: 10 MONTHS old white ft black wire hair terrlor. Wearing brown col' lar with He. Ph. 2-176 MO I' LOST! Small black silk coin purse with 2 nouse xeys. rn. 27771. eis LOST Old Hymnal. In Sears' new store Thursday. Has sentimental value. Re ward. Call 3-99f kl9 MISCELLANEOUS t.F. SPRINGFR. men hatter. 464 Court. We ciose Saturdays 13:30. mill DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY 8 EM L ICR DENTIST Adolnb Bid. State Commercial BU BALKM-Phone I-33U a AUTOMOBILES FORD DEALER TRUCK SPECIALS Easy Terms AS MUCH AS 24 MONTHS TO PAY FARM TRUCKS ' 1947 Ford C.O.E. 2 Speed Axle, Stock Bed 1946 Ford L.W.B. 2 Speed Axle, 8.25 tires, rebuilt motor. 1946 Chev L.W.B. 2 Speed Axle, 5 speed Clark Trans., 8.2S tires. 1941 Ford L.W.B. 2 Speed Axle, 8.25 tires. DUMP TRUCKS 1940 Chevrolet 4 yr. Box, 2 Speed Axle. 19M Ford F-6 146" W.B. Chassis, 2 Speed Axle, 8.25 tires. 1949 Ford F-6, 4-5 yd. Box, only 360 miles on this one. PICKUP 1945 G.M.C. Ton Pickup. 4 Speed Transmission. WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS - ANY SIZE Valley Motor Truck Dept LIBERTY AT MARION BUILDING MATERIALS STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frames. Casement. Double Hung ana uommercm. Types. PUMILITE, West Salem . mal99' FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform and Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. rnalOO" CHIMNEY BLOCKS it Foundation Blocks. PUMILITE, west saiem. maiwa- ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater ials, complete line, quauiy maieim.. PUMILITE - West Salem. mal09 CEDAR SHAKES WINDOWS 18" No. 1 DTlmed shake with under course $12,00 sc.. New modern R.O.W weather stripped window. Many size." in stock for immediate delivery. Low priced. C. O. Long. Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kelzer. "The Mighty Joe Youns." mal99 DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber in Salem. On hand at Dtck Meyer Lumber Co. 25 Lana Ave. Ph. 34039 Free parking. mn220 BUILDERS Realized substantia) saving on lumber Rock bottom price for larger amount 2x4 and shlplap. top grade No. 3. 136 per M. No. 4 117 per M Free delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 395S3. ma214 PLYWOOD LARGE stock of sizes, thlckneaae at grade. Bocn Plain x water prooi. mcer start at 5c per sq ft. ALSO GOOD atoefca of "i" and V Insul ating board Low price on V it tt' sheet rock Keith Brown, Front St Court St., Salem. ma SPECIAL! Cedar 'lidlna, tt"x8" Random length. C-crade. 185 thousand. Kcitn Brown. Front A Court SUHS Salem ma NEW SHIPMENT piut board 4" 6 "Ac; U" 6c sq It Rock lathe 43 iq. ft 11.75 MONTGOMERY WARD 6ALEM ma SAVE On ROOFING Let Ward give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide rang of eolora Oal) our outside salesman for free Mtlmate I Phone 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD 6s CO. SALEM, OREGON ma SHINGLES MOUNTAIN CEDAR No. 1 J7.7S q. No. 1 4.50 sq. No S 3.00 sq. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5&21. I mile norUi of Kelzer. ma203 Wrecking Farragut, Ida. Modern stream line window with hor izontal bar, complete with frame, $7.50. Modern ah 32"x33". American stan dard cast iron wash basin, complete with all fitting. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile north of Kelzer ma203 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OUTGROWN clothing for girl aged 12. uooa cona. Alter & p.m. m. zjiuo. nuu N. 20th or on Sat. or Sun. nl90 FOR SALE: 1 30.06 sporter rifle, $75. 6 m.m. aporter, 365. Ph. 3-5833. n!99 MARMOT fur coat. Size 13. Man's gabar dine top coat size 36. Ph. 2-5904. n!99 THE FOLLOWING USED ITEMS: Daveno. upholstered rocker, 2 mattresses, wool rug 9x11, 30 toilet seat. 1 lavatory with fitting 30 lavatory faucet. 45 sink taucets, 4 mixing faucet for ink, 4 mixing faucets for lavatory, post drill, sump pump, oil burner pump, i HP electric motor, 1 English riding saddle, 2 double bridles, medicine cabinet, Phllco table model radio, Jenny Llnd bed, coll spring, Westlnghouse electric ranue, electric heater, sun lamp, 2 mantle clock. 610 South Commercial nlflS OUTOMOBILE PAINT. All colors. R. D. Woodrow Co. OU Ward, Prop., 450 Center. nl99 LUMBER 2x4's by Jitney load. 310 per l.uou. you nam. independence Lumber St Mfg. Co., Inc. Independnce, Ore. ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana ave. nl99 3 K.W. THERMADOR thermostat con trolled. 230 v. wall neater. $25. 2085 Warner. ' n201 DUO THERM' OWNERS Install power Air Blower, (20.00. Save 25 on oil. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 N. Liberty n202 GRAVEL for concrete mix. Ph. 31160. nl99 FURNITURE STYLED Duo Therm Oil Heater at OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n202 NEW 1949 G.E. Vacuum Cleaner with at tachments, 39.95. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 N. Liberty n202 TALLMAN'S MID SUMMER PIANO SALE Special $825.00 Spinet - Limited No. $494.00 Full 68 note key board, cast Iron plate. Beautlfu. tone and finish. 150 DOWN - BAL. EASY TERMS A big saving on floor sample and dem onstrators. Such fine make a Knabe, Fischer. Leter. and Betsy Ross Solnets. Good selection Grand and upright Piano a low as uo.qq per month. Tallman Piano Store, Inc. 375-393 S. 12th. A mile from high price. n200 NEW 194S G.E. Range, hegdlar Site 179.93. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 N. Liberty n202' WOOD CIRCULATOR like new. Sm. range. Both enamel. 160. 3380 Portland rd. nl99 NEW 1949 G.E, Radio Console with L. P. and Reg. record player, 137.95. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 N. Liberty n202 NEW 1049 O.K. Refrigerator. 189.75. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 N. Liberty n202' USED HOTFOINT Range, lata model. 79.50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 N. Liberty n202 USED CROSLEY Console Radio. 35.00. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 N. Liberty nsnj To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 (AUTOMOBILES PHONE 3-3147 ql99' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CLOSE OUT Bargain prices on nationally advertised rower Lawn Mowers. Ail mowers guar anteed as usual. 520 Inch cut Plncor nofer with re- irievor starrer. Regular . price 6171.50 Close out orlce 1136.00 220 inch cut Pincor mower less re- trievor starter. Regular price 1161.60. Closeout price 125.00 6 18 inch cut Plncor mowers. Regular (j i ice iu.uu uioseoui price .... ibo.uo 120 Inch cut Reo Royal mower. Regular pino .uu.uu iione qui price . ...wn.00 Schnorenberg Seed St Feed 311 N. Water St. Sllverton, Ore. n302" NEW 120 bnse piano-accordlon. Price $295. rerm. pn. 20297 after 6 p.m. n203 USED CROSLEY Refrigerator. 79.50. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n202 FULLER brushes. 1746 Grant. Ph. 3-8357. n21B GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. Gibson ana Montag Appliance at Gevurtz. n" NEW 1040 Duo Therm Oil Heater, 55.00. UEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 375 N. Liberty n202 .EW 1049 G.E. DIsnwasher, 169.76. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n302 TOP SOIL and RIVER SILT. Mln. 4-yd. loan at ya. KIVER BEND SAND St GRAVEL CO., Ph. 3-9283. B301 BIRDS EYE MAPLE desk it chair 130.00. noyai rortaoie typewriter in case and stand 345.00. Damascus Rotary Sewing Machine 155.00. Small show eae 310.00. Wheelbarrow, removable side 110.00. Ovai top gateleg table 16.00. Phonograph $10.00. Floor Lamp $2.00. Small Table 2.00. If Interested call phone 3-4274 5 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Monday or Tueaday, Aug. 20, 22, 33. n200 EASY Hot Oil Heater, round clrc. type, nw. iw.ou, remoaejing e price 39.88. Oreen stamps. Also larger oil heater at very special price. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Commercial 1.200 PC. BLOND Bed Room et, vanity with Plate glas mirror chct, nite stand, bench and bedstead. Beautiful water fall styling. Reg. 159,60. Bale price I119.8B. Green stamp. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. is i ao. commercial n300 UPRIGHT PIANO, very good cond. M75.O0. utw ranue, apt, size, 100.00, 1890 N. 6th. . n3oo SALEM SAND it O RAVEL OOMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental 15 B 14 yd 10 B i yds. D-7 Cat St Dozer D-6 Cat Si Dozer D-4 Cat Se Dozer See u about ditchihg by the ft. Phone Day 1-9408 Eves 3-826 or 3-4400 Salem Oregon n FENCE posts, poie. all type. Bhinglea, a ...,. w. rmuip nro. Rl, 6. Box 118. Ph. 31458. D WE BUY newspaper and waste paper. 1790 N. Front. nn DISTILLED white vinegar for all pickling """"w n.rpa your piCKie KTlSp." Aljsn nlft tlm ...... j , " BPfis c.ucr vinegar. Puritan Cider Work. West Salem. n305" LEONARD REFRIGERATOR, 475 N. Cap itol Ph. 37525. ntS9 PLASTI-KOTE, the cellophane-like flnlah iuui niwra or nnoieum, mat re- ;u,,ra uu wnxing. xeaier Appliance Co., 3a5 N. Liberty. n216" ELECTRIC SEWING Machine. Free-West- w.uuac. icuwr Appliance CO., 295 N. Liberty. n318. STEEL CLOTHESLINE Post, railing In maoe to oraer. 1146 N. Liberty. 216 USED ELECTRIC range 129.96 to 1129.90. cnicr Appnance uo., 265 N. Liberty. n216 USED ELECTRIC refrigerator. Yeater Ap- """'i-p n. liiDerty. n3le" USED ELECTRIC Washing Machine,' iu ti.oo. xeaier Appliance Co., 255 N. Liberty. n2ie BLL SYSTEM Record-c-phone Machine. uuw cunamon. ion. Equipment $100. Ph 3-1440. n200 BICYCLE. 3 yr. old. Good cond. 115. Ph. ULTRA VIOLET ray machine $15. U. L. pressure cooker, new, $7. Ph. 23760 morn. n30O BLOUSES, coats, dresses, skirts, aweaters, . jct.uw tui.ris lormai, all in excel lent condition. Size 9 to 13. Ph. 3-8281 or 515 Hood St. n203 1 BOY'S BICYCLE. In good cond. 130. 520 Statesman. n200 1947 WHIZZER motor bike, excellent cond. 5. Call at 1720 Yew after 6 p.m. n201 I USED D- Caterpillar tractor, blade ex drum with Waco woodman arch. Priced 1 USED D-7 caterpillar tractor. 1946 No. -iojo. Dtaoe ec casco crum. Model O. with Waco Woodsman arch. Excellent condition. 1 USED Waco Woodsman Arch. 1 U ED baacson K-A-80 Arch. Uaed 1 yr. Tracks show 30 to 40 wear. 1 USED Carco ingle drum. 1.900 FT. i voMB Plow steel eable. prac- txally new. LOGGING arches to rent. ALSO DAVID BRADLEY 2 bottom plow. 14" aheer. 16" cutter. Practically new. Ph. 3-5242 E. R. Rnt.tr 1330 Market St. . Salem. Oregon .'0 GAL. AUTO, gas water heater. Reason able. 1135 N. Capitol. n201" stone CROCKS for pickle just arrived. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED! Used western saddle. Must be reasonable. Ph. 3-4031. na200 WANTED furnlturt vo glue repair Lee Broa Furn RefinUhlng Co Ph 3-1001. at RUMMAGE AND LIGHT FURN. PH. 39829. na?00 (TSFD FntNITTBB Ptioae 3-9115. tit PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Product. I5S Cross St. Phone 2-5446. p316- THREE SISTERS Convalescence Home, 3.i?5 D street. Salem, Oregon. Phone 33853, where your loved one get the best. Fully staffed. 34 hoar cenrice, newly equip. A frLst class nursing home. Miss Bernlce Struckmeler. Supt, p201 (Continued on Page 19) Journal Want Ads Pay i