. M Cmpltal Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, August 22, 1949 Xtkmng torn Om hlmp&y f- BEAVER .' BALDY-- T YOU DON'T PLAY ME FOR A "1 1 . pctiCt.ti TMl 'BO' KMSaBfei L LET ME IN THE CAR .' SAP TWICE, MY PRETTY STOOL i Kay rushes toveii B .v . PIGEON TAKE THIS--AND I HOPE W?W 1 7 the mr&d 1 sSjSTJV "THEY MARK. THE SPOT NrtfS gangsters tor jf if-LlNf' APPBOPRWTELY--WITH A DOUBLE Ea RADIO PROGRAMS The HOUSE on LEAC STREET MONDAY P.M. by Chapter 2 .101. Derria Martin glanced at her watch. It was quite a bit later 'than usual, almost a quarter to rtwelvt. A little more of that boring -neech she had had to listen to and . jbe would have missed the late bus. And It seemed to move so slowly Suddenly she noticed a man run 'ntng for the bus. He appeared to come out of the doorway of a small hand-laundry establishment, which semed to be shut for the night, fer only a night light burned, faint Jf illuminating the words, "Liberty Rundry," across the front windows. Just in time, the driver saw him juid stopped. i : She observed him unsteadily get ting change from the driver. The Jius started with a lurch, almost iMirowlng the man to the floor, but he recovered himself in time and ieame awaying down the narrow Jlisle toward her. i A tall, well-built man, he sprawled on the rear seat near her. ? ! "Good heaven, he looks sick," jperrla thought, noticing his ex Jfeme pallor. i Presently, however, he seemed "to draw himself together, for he pulled out a newspaper and began tnrougn tne pages. y the last of the passengers Some four steps beyond the point Where they had picked up the last 'fire, two more passengers climbed jCAi. They were now well into the jnore sparsely populated residential 'district, approaching the very out skirts of the city. Even the stores Were few and far between. I J Derria idly noticed the two new .passengers. They were inconsplcu ,4His)y dressed, and wearing dark, rather heavy overcoats for that time or the year, with nais puuea Sell down over their eyes. :.The man beside her let go one jide of the paper, and as his hand lay for a moment across his knee he suddenly saw it a thin red ytream had appeared under the .tfage 01 nis sleeve ana was Degin jiing to spread across the top of ills hand down between his fingers. V'Her eyes followed Its slow, dark Jrogress. Suddenly, she realized Jhat he was looking at her. No use to pretend that she hadn't seen "Hi. Whatever was wrong, it was too late to feign Ignorance now. ! "You're hurt," she said. .m i "Yes." There was a minute's liesitatlon, as if he were making th nis mina. "Is there anything I can do?" (le inquired. ,im"No," he answered shortly. mThere was a silence for a mo- 'ftient; then, In spite of the rebuff, JJerrla tried once more. ,!"What are you going to do when you get off the bus?" "He paused for a moment. !"Have you far to go when you jiiave the bus?" L,,"Only to the terminal parking fat, to get my oar. It's a com- 'aratively short drive home from 1 there." ;J!."That' O.K., then; It'll give you chance to get well out of It. This Is the Idea. .As we pull Into me terminal, we get up and leave - tne bus together. Don't hurry, and , don't Indicate In any way that j there's anything wrong. We'll make . lor your car then I'll beat It. ' Well?" the man beside her asked quietly. As quietly as his question, she j answered, "Yes," and then they ., were driving Into the terminal. . Without appearing to glance round, she noticed that the strang ers were definitely following now, i although they continued to keep , their distance. Now they had passed beyond the faint glow of the term- tnal lamps. "Tma way," aha urged, turning wif tly into the gravelled parking .. lot. Their feet crunched sharply in the shadowy quiet. "Well, this is It," he remarked Srlmly. "You've got to get out of re and ao have I. Thanks for 'playing along with me. At least it's delayed tilings." He glanced toward the thick trees at one end of the lot. Even in the Intense dark, they loomed for- . btddingly. For one endless second, she peered "t him. This was all wrong! He'd never get away. She followed his bUirred silhouette against the front ..mudguard. Was he going to stop .fiere indefinitely? In heaven's I IM - II .1 - II FRED BAYARD name, why didn't he run lor it? Suddenly, Derria realized what was wrong. What a fool she had been not to realize it before. He prob ably was not in any condition to do much running. Quickly, she formed a plan and put it into Instant execution. Her foot on the starter brought an im mediate response. The car began to roil forward. The darkness which, at first, had seemed such a help, now baffled her. She dared not put on the lights for fear of making him a direct target. The sound of the motor dead ened the noise of pursuing feet, but to Derria, with all her senses tensed like a colled spring, it seemed as if she could hear them almost beside her. Suddenly she saw him, slightly to the right. He hesitated as the car drew level with him. In one motion, she leaned across and pushed open the door on his side. "Don't argue get in hurry!" Her voice sounded high-pitched with urgency. For a split second, she thought he would refuse; then he quick ly got in beside her. In the momentary silence be fore the car began to roll again, she heard the footsteps. They weren't pretending any longer There was an urgency about them as they began to run across the gravel. The car was tearing through tne gate now, slowing only suffi ciently to make the sharp left turn. "We made it. They'll have to go some to catch us now," Derria shouted. There was no response from the man beside her. He had fainted, was out com! (To be continued) Classroom Favorites The short fitted jacket and the full pleated skirt make a smart suit for school I in timely tweeds I Pattern also In cludes the popular lumber jacket a sood mixer in plaid. no. 3673 is cut m sizes 4, o, 8, 10, ana 12. size a swm ana jacicet, 2 I yds, 64-inch.; lumberjacket, 1 yd. I M-in. Just out! Th FALL-WINTER I FASHION BOOK presentlnff fash ions they are wearing now and new I fiiyie to come, uver l&o practical, easy-to-sew, up-to-the -minute, pat- tern designs lor all ages. Remember, it's smart to sew your own and savel money. Order your copy now, price I just ao cent. To obtain this pattern, send 20c I In COINS, giving pattern number. your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberta, Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3, uaiir. Is six feet deep at deepest part. PATTERN No. RS61 Rosy Future Your bed linens will really be "something to shout about" I with the addition or these popular and pretty Irish crochet roses. For a change from conventional white on white, try crocheting the rose motif in variegated pink or blue cot ton. Pattern Envelope No. R3616 con-1 tains complete crocheting instruc tions, stitch illustrations and fin ishing directions for motif and edging and material requirements. To obtain this pattern, send 30c j in coins, giving pattern number, your name, aoaress and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour- nay, 838 Mission street, San Fran cisco 3, Calif. " i fcHKV Your r f rTT" y jX 'S, 0 ! 1 V vl IrP HE DOESN'T T I'LL HONG ON TO T HEH-HEH ! GUESS 1 B If NICE O YOU. f FOR3CT rr, KID(.OtJ) l M FALL OFF TH' HIM EASY NOW. Mft U WAS SLEEPING PRETTY I LOOK OUT- 1 I MISTER, TO V CROAKEPA.L BE O. K. Ef WM CATWALK ON DOC ..-WATCH M I mmy fu" tk el l W crcmwl MA HELP ME FMO TH' TIME YOU GET 1 K.TH WAY- I YER STEP- . jjCi f P) WQHT NOW WHUP ML Mil H fffftwftDOC"Jk HIM OUT THERE I &MMam!m.mFt I htexJWflll a. m h Bnir jiif i oil MuAi i mmm mm i I SEe? B MUP BRIC N I f,-, T?,!?-5?? E PEPjecx.yi I help.' fcHQKE) I'm J-v I rtm f B AED FINE -DADDy LL 1T-V- TAKE IT OVER TO AM BY TO UCHOKE-CHOE) BLOW1W") TV u :? 1 1! ? f SJHE SOAP POWDER; i YL OFF fr '' TT-r- KTT IM L LM I l--uc aotiotr cvm bmirl tn eor'L ri XZZZijT JUsI I WHUFFO' DIO YO' X m account OHJoaflvo oNi W PLCASCV I I OLIKKen INTUCT SALOON.'.' . MIUD II I TUCT AMIS FAU1.T HAIN'T j) CE'4 BBAP TH' NATCHCHLY, Ht WCDC ASHAtOO r 'WtitzZiL DUrlH ALL rnLr J Bjp.SNORriN,' WIMHEN-lT 4 SUBJECK'-IT i !T 1 OUZZLC IT IS, HOOMIN COTIPAm.O I LIKKE.R IN BOOTIN'-TOOTIN' 1 HAIN'T HONEY- TOO HOOMILIATIN II fc MS COIN- T-OIT rRALVZCD StCtUTLY. ,1? , &i u. Elwrr49 1 P0HIBISMUNI1T- IT MAIN T UWNMT ) T DISGRACED A HYAA IN ru'sjnnnf TH HIVtK tf 1 THAIS AN'n OOIN' J ME IN TH' M l ' ri-sr.As ptT & M, , tern VI rfj craxy.v-vo last town ah 'HE MUTT! VSURE! FRENCH lET ME HEAR V SURE! - WvOO SOUND UNO I HAVENJ WTTl WZTZ CAN VOL) ISVERVEASV. VOU SAV rRLEZ VOOS , IKE yon thATS THE WAY V R S O ' M TALK FRENCH?) TO MASTER! SOMETHING FRANCAISE? " COLD InV MOST FRENCH IS k.TALK S0CH GOTTA, ADM I U h .r, " FRENCH! , WEE WEE?" VouR SP0KEN-THROU6H l) ftu SURE T f r KSf k r-rr L THE NOSE. EH,MUTTf;j W HAVE THE I L. 51 "UU7i yvie r.HI wts (.Lib IWlWIN lb IHt WOK17., bWeLL ! MAV0b I I ' Jg I I Lu Vi A C1JS...CUS...WH.4TEVPI? KvPLL. THF CIPT TUIWrt UE UC1MCU -.-i ... ' I let BttNwncus.TOlCT vtill SAID 6n7 oniaTnAnnwuKvrA ?cuilV, ntr, jue:. . ukem lr.. ii s kinkt.. 3 MB. TATE'S EQUIPMENT, ANP I r ' ' JUS' 52c fJZ o iSS Ji ?. . X.6 EN6lNES-'J I JUST HE4BD SUMP'N WHEN I ft HEREBY APPOINT KXJ M 'f S n,1, W WAS TOPSIP6 IT'S - l'(5(ANO NOW WE TAKE? J" ( SHOW.' r jf - l HOL.O HIAA, 1 a.rjgsr-H I I w v I I I PIEA DON'T THINK I'M I ADVICE K tIKE JJ I UT I DO THINK YOU'RE HUNTIN6 TOO ) I II Ai OLIVE WENDEtl HOtMEi PUT IT: A Wl V IGNORING VOUR ADVICE. miwiiii iiiil 1 HARD FOR THE PRICE TA6 ON THIi GIFT!. "GIVE ME THE LUXURIES Of LIFE AND rTj1 .: I BRICKl'-YOUVE OFTEN uaov i. . wr'r, a, i A 50ME WOMEN OF YOUR AGE ni, 1 I fLl PASS UP THE NECESSITIES!'" i ' fT fH Vy -fcZ a, .1 .. . U,, I V -l MAHWHL-HTMHOLD I 5S I KSLM JS KGW KOCO ST 'K01U C 5:00 Waller Trohan tVonin'i Beetet Rhjtbm Kanch Cart Mat My :1ft Frank Hemlncwar Sunny Bids RbTtbm Ranch Llttla Show 50 Paaiint Parade Newi Ring Crasby Santa t Pralrlt iift Carmen Caralarrs Richard garfcneaa Sport Paaw Larry La Sewer 6:00 Ted Drake Musical Solre Candlelight Knoi Uanainc :1ft Ted Drake Musical Solre Silver Reulah 3ft Adr. of Champion Voice of Nawe Cbet Hutlty ift Muste Firestone Troplcana News 7:00 Gabriel Heatler Telephone Boor Pat O'Brien Leave It t Joaa ilft Northwest News - Telephone Hour Musical Jackpot Leave It it Jeaa SO Maslf. Jn Plckena Top Band Breakfast With itft Masle Jane Plckena Top Band Burrowa 8:"0 Amerleao Forum Contented Hour Guest Star Straw Hat CoaT :1ft American For. a Contented Hour Time Was Straw Hat Con. M Cisco Kid Radio City Quentfn Reynold! Nations' Defense, :" Cisco Kid Playhouse Bandstand Nations' Defense I 9:00 Let Georre Do It Supper Club Bandstand Lowell Thomas " :U Let George Da It News of World News Roundup Jack Smith Shaw :M The Saint One Man's Family Dugout Dope Young Lot . jl The Saint One Man's Family Baseball Young Lorn fk :00 News New BasebaK Five Star FlnaJ 111:1ft Seiee toeaj News Sports Page Final Baseball Inner Sanctum i 1017:30 Mews Orchestra Baseball Inner Sanctum I io Musfe Orchestra Baseball Columbia Feature) n:00 Walter Trohan Vam Bun Baseball Serenade "' .li Bob Poole Show Wai Museum Baseball You and Wirlt :30 Bob Poole Sbow Wax Museum . Track 1490 Orchestra) K This Day Wa Museum Track 1490 News " 12:00 Sign Off 'Igi. Off Sign Off llet " ' TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO .4:45 P.M. 6:00 News Hodge Podge News id Dawn Patrol Hodge Podga KOIN Klach 80 NW Farm News News KOCO Kloek KOIN Klock ' March Time Hodge Podge KOCO Klock KOIN Kloek - 7:00 Dawn Patrol Farm Time Tei Bitter KOIN Kloek ' :1ft Dawn Patrn: Farm Time News St Sports News ISO Dawn Patrol The Old Songs Top ' Hernias News tit News News Newa . Fred Beck :00 Newa Smooooth Music Western Melodies Consumer News tlft Breakfast Gang Kmoaooth Musle Western Melodies Art Baker :S0 Breakfast Gam Riders of Sago Stars Sing Make believe Iowa :46 Top Trades Sam Hayes Church In Wild Make believe tawst 9:00 Bargain Counter Second Cup Time for Melody Feature Story :1ft Musle Second Cup Time for Melody News ;S0 Sons of Pioneers Jack Bereh Muslo Without Grand Slam :4S Musio fews J. Charles Thomas Rosemary fl afh 00 Northwest Newa Tommy Dorsey " Guest Artist . Wendy Warrea 1:16 Katr S.nlth Tommy Dorsey N.W. Report Aunt Jenny 111:10 Pastor's Call Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Helen Trent ' :4S Purple Saga Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Onr Gal Sunday ajaj :00 Newa ' Lopes Orch. Muslo Mart Big Sister ' .16 Three Sons Lopes Orcb. Musle Mart Ma Perking fl :90 Wiles Organal. Today's Children Jn Garber Dr. Malona Uitft Walts Serenade Lora Lawton Vocal Varieties Guiding Light V :M Top Trde Double or Nothing Hollywood Musio Dunean HeLae4 1:1ft News Double ar Nothing Hollywood Musis Coma A Got H :30 Queen for a Day News News Norab Drake J lift Queen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents Rrlghter Day 1100 Ladies First Life Beautiful Mae's Melodies 2nd Mrs. Burls' .16 Ladles First Road or L.fe Mac's Melodies Perry Mason :30 Nortbwesi Newt Pepper Young Mae'a Melodies Bright M Light :46 Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Air Flo r, tOO Tell "Neighbors Backstage WIfa Mac's Melodies Newspaper tt Ait :1ft Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mae'a Melodies Newspaper of All . ;80 Organ Reverlea Lorenxo Jonea Mae's Melodies Winner Take All 1:45 Bins Sings Wldder Brown Mae'a Melodies Tunefully Youra 3" :00 Against ths Storm A Girl Marries Mae's Melodies News " :1ft galnat the Storm Portia Faces Life Mae's Melodies Meet the Missus :S0 Musle Just Plain Bill Mao's Melodies Meet the Mlssai :4ft Music Front Page Farrcll Mff- Melodies Robert Q. Lewis 4:00 Say It With Music Welcome Travelers Movie Time Robert Q. "fjewla"- :lft Say It With Musle Welcome Travelers Philosopher Robert Q. Lewis .30 Musle Annt Mary Byera Bedlam Robert Q. Lewis :46 Newa We Love Learn Byers Bedlam Robert Q. Lewis (pV Monday P.M. S:00, Squirrel M-A cage; 5:30, Green Hornet) 6:00, Keeping Up With Sportst 6:1ft Home Edi tion! 6:30. Modern Romances; 7:00, Headline Edition: 1:15, Elmer Davis; 7:30 Mr. President) 8:00, Lona Rangeri 8:30, Sonr Shop) 8:45, Arthur Gaethf 9:00, Railroad Hourt 9:30, Ella Mae Morse) 9:45, Henry J. Taylor i 10:00, Richfield Report er! 10:15, Intermezzo 10:30, Concert Hour) 11:00, Memos to Tomorrow; 12:00, Xtra Hour; 1:00, Sign Off. It? FY Tuesday A.M. 0:lW, Early Blrdi Ifc 7:oo, Newsi 7:15, Band Boxi 7:30, Bob Hasen Show; 7:45, Time Tem pos) 8:15, Martin Agronskyt 8:30, Zeke Manners; 8:15, Troplcanat 9:00, Breakfast Club) 10:00, News; 10:15, Stars of Today; 10:30, Melody Promenade; 11:00, Ted Malonet 11:15, Galen Drake; 11:30, My True Story) 12:00, Betty Crocker; 12:15, News; 13:80, Baukhage Talking; 12:45, Club Tlmei 1:00, Nor thwes terriers i 1:30, Stephens Have Vacation Fairview Mr. and Mrs. How ard Stephens have returned home after a vacation spent on the banks of the Santiam river ACROSS L, Position 4. Rebuff 8. Amount of medicine II. Mountain In Alaska 13. Stick 14. Sacred image. 16. Moves rapidly to and fro 17. Fly before the wind SI. Living 12. Turkish flap, 24. Distant 36. Witnessed 37. Minute marina animal 39. Still 41. Period of lima 42. Of the backbona 4. Device for moving air 46. Bundle of 18. Close: poetfe StlCKS 19. Animal whose 43. Any climbing fur Is called woody nutria 31. Spider'a trap 23. Oored 26. Health resort 29. Poor player: lane perennial S3. Debatable 64. Easy victory 66. Land measure 67. Great Lake 68. Bihlical kin m. w 2V27 at 3o 37 38 40 j 5a 4j H ST1 VW& 7 W T " 4f (so is gff Lm 1 1 1 irl I I Irih Ar Newsfootwrts ROOM AND BOARD T. YAS, mt FRIEND ""TAKING A T T TVIS WIND TUNNEL T If SHORT HOLIIW AT A LOCAL OFFERED TO 1 VACATION RESORT SUCH AS THIS- IS If SlVE AN AFTER. A QUAINT EXPERIENCE TOR. ME ' Ik DINNER TALK ON HIS AHM-KMF-FOR YEARS BEFORE THS If WORLD TRAVELS, II WAR I SPENT m SUMMERS AT V IM E LOUNGE---II v FASHIONABLE EUROPEAN SPASr fV -ON THAT NIGHT IU. si V--THEN IN AUGUST I'D GOTO' t . GO OLff AN COUNT SOJTINDGROUSE yATvA ' CLC Mond P.M. 6:00, Oa the IXVrtV Upbeat; 5:50, 550 Sports Club; 6:00, News) 6:16, Dinner Melodies) 6:10, Musle of Chechoslovakia) 7:15, Eventna Farm Houri 8:00, VFW 60lh Anniversary; 8:10, Great Songs; 8:45, Loggers' Fire Wea ther Forecast; 9, Mask That Endures) 9:45, Lift Up Thy Volcei 10:00, Newst 10:1s, Serenade; 10:45, News; 11:00, Sign Off. KOAC Toes amy a a. t 4:45 a.ai.i 10, Newai 10:15, Far "tatai 11:00, Concert Hall; 12:00, Newsj 12:1ft, Noon Farm Hour; 1:00, Rlde'em Cowboyi 1:15, Variety Time; 1:30, Melody Lanai 2:00, Cavaleadt of Drama; 2:15, Memory Book of Musie; 8:00, The Newa. Kay West) t:00, Breakfast In Hollywood; 2:30, Easy Aees; 2:45, Meet the Men Jens i 3:00, Surprise Paekagat 8:90 Bride ani Groomi 4:00, Ladles Be Seated, 4:80 Add- a.Line, about twelve miles above Sweet Home. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Lembkie were their weekend guests. Solution of Saturday's Punli S3. Kot exciting 60. Lena I conveyance 1. Color DOWN L Kind of coffee 3. Chief Norae sod 3. Infant 4. Refrained from punishing I. Piece of ground I. Fish sauce ' 7. Mexican coin 8. Drives away 9. Busy 10. French coin 11. Finish 16. Cold and penetrating 20. Affirmative 22. Purchase 24. Ipecac plant 26. Refuse 26. Pouches 27. Fall suddenly 28. Gaseous 30. Lad 33. Sea cow 36. Boat-shaped clock 38. Fall behind 40. Conversed 43. Mooed 46. Cycladt Ulan 47. Weed 49. Declare 60. Glacial now field 61. Drv 62. Entangle 63. So. American wood sorrel 66. Recline Bv Gen Ahirn HEEDED MINtljn RATHER GIVE IT, U JI&T i& , , - ' I l. L