Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 22, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, August 22, 1949
Bevos Skid to Seventh;
Oaks Gain on Hollywood
(By iht AiloclMed Prftal)
Oakland may be puffing to
ward another Pacific Coast lea
gue pennant Unless the Holly
wood Stars get up a new head
of steam. The league leaders
suffered further humiliation at
the hands of the Acorns Sunday,
losing both ends of a double
header, 7 to 0 and 7 to 6.
When Earl Rapp homered to
break a 6 to 6 deadlock in that
second game, a great shout
went up from the overflow mul
titude of 14,500 Oakland citi
zens. It was Rapp's 11th round
tripper of the season, and left
the Oaks just three games out
of first place.
Sacramento, which had been
tied for second, dropped back to
third by splitting with San Di
ego. The Solons took the open
er, 5 to 2, but the Padres came
back for a 9 to 2 triumph in the
afterpiece. The teams also split
the eight game series.
Portland replaced San Fran
Cisco in seventh place by drop
ping two to the invading Seattle
Rainiers, while the Seals annex
ed a pair from last place Los
The Rainiers pounced on
Portland starting Pitcher Hal
Saltzman and Reliefer Bill Fle
ming for seven hits and six runs
in the seventh inning of the first
game. The outburst broke a 1 to
1 deadlock and launched Seattle
to a 10 to 1 triumph. The Rain
iers tucked away the nightcap
2 to 1, on two unearned runs,
taking the series, 5 to 2.
Lefty O'Doul's boys, mean
while, won 8 to 3 and 6 to 2 at
Los Angeles. The outcome ran
the Seals' winning streak to five
PCL Standings 9
W L Pet. W h Pet.
Hollywood 84 01 .858 San Diet 0 It IS .SOU
Oakland II 70 AH flnPrnCMo 73 18 Ml
Sacramnto 80 71 ,830 Portland 12 18.480
Seattle 77 74 .510 Las Anne Li 81 tl .i01
Rcsulti Sundar
Brattle 10-2, Portland 1-1.
Oakland 7-T, Hollrwood 0-f.
Saertmento 12, San Dleio 2-9.
San Frtnciaeo 1-6, Loa Aniflfci 1-1.
Rcsiilti flaturdar
Hollywood 7, Oakland I.
Sacramento 4, flan Dleio 1.
San Franclxco , Lot AnielU 1.
Portland 4, Seattle .
V3ir , ,
A t v i
i Ji !. i t ' ..
i ; A t 1 ' v
7 ' , ' I
Tests Water
year-old Channel hopeful, ex
periences her first contact with
the water off Calais, France,
from where she will start on
her crossing attempt. She took
a one-way trip on ferry boat
from Dover, England.
straight and gave them six out
of seven in the series.
Coast league parks will be
dark Monday while the teams
travel. Hostilities will continue
on Tuesday evening.
9 Official Box
(Pint Oam
8 12 1 Marqiiei.ef 4 0 S 0
6 2 4 1 Shupe.l 4 2 10
1 J 1 0 Thomax.I 2 0 2 0
8 4 1' 4 12 0
2 10 0 Brovia.rf
4 1 1 S BMlnslcU
I 2 I 0 Cladd.e
10 4 1
4 10 2 flaltimn.p
1110 riemlni.p
1 0 McNiHty.p
Becker, 1
York. 2
Sherldan.rt 1 0
3 110
TotaU 44 11 27 12 , Total! 30 1 27 10
Seattle 100 000 82110
HiU 200 102 74111
Portland 000 010 000 1
HIU 110 111 200 1
Loatnt pitcher; f ft Unman.
Ip Ab R H Er So Bb
Ardliola 0 10 1 7 1 4 2
Saltaman S 38 i I 3
Fleming 1 10 4 1 2 1 0
McNultr IV, 8 118 0 1
Run: Albrliht, Mohr, Nell), Oolman,
York, Rtmaer, Backer, Brovla. Error:
Marques, AuMIn, McNulty. Bun batted In:
Becker, I, aladd, York 2, Ramaey, Orl
o, Colman. Two bae hlLd: Oladd. Becker,
ilamaey. Stolen bae: Mohr, Sacrifice:
Ardlsola, Bajlnakl, Double plays: York to
Mohr to Becker 2; Brufnjikl to Shupe. Left
on bale: Seattle 13; Portland ft. Hit by
pitcher, by Saluman (Yorki. Wild pitch:
Saltzman 2. Umpire: Orr, ford and Gor
don. Time 2:14,
Mohr, J
Becker, 1
York, I
Sheridan, II
(Second Oame)
10 11 4 110
18 14 Shupe.l 118 0
112 0 Thome, 2-1 4 0 0 2
2 110 Ruoker.lf 3 10 0
2 1 0
1 I
4 1
1 1
0 0
0 Brovla, rt
1 Balnkl,l
0 Oladd. c
0 Atulln.M
1 Lynn.p
0 Laior
0 Prnandfl
HrMer.p 0 0 0 1
TotaU 111 t Tot ali 28 7 21 I
Fernande walked for Lynn In 0th.
Laior ran for Brovla In 8th.
"McNulty ran for Fernande In 0th.
Seattle 000 200 02
Hit 000 310 26
Portland 000 001 01
Hlta 110 113 01
Winning pitcher: Xtrpel; loaina pitch
er: Lynn.
Karpel 6H
Fletcher V
Lynn 8
Heler I
Runa: Nelll, Becker, Rueker, Error:
Mohr, Marquea, Rucker. Run batted In:
Becker, Oladd, Two bae hit: Oladd 3,
Rucker, Wenner, Sacrifice: Shupe, Ly
ons. Double piny: Oladd to Auetln. Urn
.ilrwi: Ford, Oordon and Orr, Time 1:00.
Attendance (,808,
Seattle ..000 200 02 S 1
Portlnnd ,...000 001 01 7 2
Karpel. Fletcher (8l and Oraso: Lvnn.
Helaer H) and Oladd,
Ab R H Er So Bb
24 1 1 1 0 1
4 0 0 0 0 0
2 10 4 0
Hollywood 000 000 000 0 8 2
Oakland 013 210 lOx 1 10 1
Ram Klell. Oloen 7l and unier: Oni-
away and Kerr,
Hollywood 200 400 08 1 0
Oakland 240 001 11 12 0
Moulder. Smti (2), Oliver 4i and
Sandlork; Perry, Oet'M (4) and Padgett,
Sacramento . 0.10 000 8 9 0
San Diego U20 OOfl 000 2 4 0
urove and naimondl; Llnde, Jurlslch
IB) and Moore.
Sarramento , 100 000 12 0 0
an Uleio lROOiax 0 12 0
DaiiAo. Dobernlo 1 3 . Conner (4l and
Plumbo; Adam and Rltchey.
San Franclico nfll 001 40O a 10 1
Loi Annrles 000 000 1021 8 3
DempMy and Parte: Stenhena. Vn
Dyke (8), Ihde lit, Watklns (8) and Bur
San FranrUro ,,,,,.000 000 0 8 8 0
hot Antflei 002 000 02 8 1
Perei, Brewer 4l and Brorker; Kelly,
Oablea (4t and Novnlney,
For evrrv Z Peach or Apple Trees of 1 Variety bought,
YOU GET ONE FREE unlrss otherwise shown
(Check Delivery)
Spring Delivery All Deliveries Made at
Fall Delivery Proper Planting Time
PEACHES Trees 3 to 4 ft. High
1 10
Quantity to 9 to 49
.... Early Ellierta King of Yellow Freestones
Best all-around peach Z.1S 1.90
Sat Covrrtd br Frf, Trf. Off.,.
... Stark's Fuzzless As smooth as a plum.
Brings fancy prices Z.70 2.40
... J. H. Hale King size. Delicious Yellow
Freestone t.lS 1.90
....World's Earliest Ripe 50 davs before-
Elberta. White Cling ...Z.1S 1.90
....Golden F.lhrrta Cling World's best
runner Z.15 1.90
APPLES Trees 3 to 4 ft. High
Not Cov.rri! b. Frr, Tr.t nff.r.
.... Starklng Double red delicious. Young
bearing t.15
Sol I'ovrr.d b, Wrrt T., Olf.r.
....Golden Delicious Youngest, heaviest
bearing apple. Money-maker. . . .Z.15
Not Co.frtd b, Fr,, Trf, Off.r.
... .Stark's Earliest Ripens with cherries.
Red 1.40
. . . . Jonared Double red Jonathan. Picks
earlier, keeps longer Z.15
25 with Order Balance C.O.D.
459 S. Whitman, Monmouth (Make checks payable Stark's)
Please send me information about other trees
Please send me Information about quantity prices.
Name (Print)
All Trees Guaranteed to Be Alive Sept. 1950
Fights Here
e 1 Eagle-
man, Indian
scrapper, winner of the Port
land AAV 118 pound class
championship last year and
quarter finalist in the national
AAU championships, will meet
Jerry Renaud of Portland In
one of the preliminaries on
Wednesday night's VFW card
at the armory. Eagleman Is
under the management of
Matty Morrell and Phil Bayes.
Sir Harry Lauder III
Straihaven, Scotland, Aug. 22
Sir Harry Lauder, the fam
ed Scottish comedian, was re
ported critically 111 today at his
home near Strathaven.
Sir Harry celebrated his 79th
birthday Aug 4.
Five Newcomers
To Appear in
Armory Ring Show
Five scrappers, new to the
armory arena, will have a hand
or more properly speaking, a
fist, In Wednesday night's Vet
erans of Foreign Wars knuckle
tossing exhibition. The main
event will feature Paul Kennedy
of Longview, Wash., and Davy
Ball of Bakersfield, Calif.
The newcomers Include Lou
"Flrpo" Nunes, a 155 pounder
from Los Angeles, and Cliff
Parker of Seattle, who will tan
gle in the six-round special
event; Al Anthony of Seattle
and Glen varnardo of Portland,
welterweights, matched in one
of the four round prelims, and
Al Bobo, Los Angeles feather
weight, slated to tangle with
Joe Pete of Salem.
Varnardo made his first pro
fessional appearance recently in
Eugene, taking a knock out over
Rafael Loera.
Nunes, something of a show
man, who pops off like Dizzy
Dean, has won all of his north
west engagements. He is guar
anteed to be a crowd pleaser.
Kennedy In his last Salem ap
pearance decisioned Dick Wolfe
while Ball knocked out Dean
Abney in the seventh. Ball must
make 155 pounds at 2 o'clock
the day of the fight.
Chicago, Aug. 22 W A hun
dred or so golfers, including
Sam Snead, are using a "steam
valve handle" to putt with.
Snead's revived putting is be
ing attributed, in part, to a put
ter given him by Ben Hogan.
That greens weapon was a Jerry
Glynn model. Jerry is a veteran
pro In the Chicago district, now
stationed at the fashionable Sky
crest club. He was one of Babe
Zaharias' instructors when she
first took up the game and has
helped many other fine players
with his astute savvy.
During the war, Jerry dream
ed up an extra heavy putter
blade that would be weighed
and shaped in such a way as to
give an excellent "feel"
"touch" when used. He wanted
to get a brass cast made of. his
idea but his efforts were blocked
by priorities. Finally, he sent a
blueprint of his super blade to
a friend who was connected with
a Chicago foundry. A cast was
made under the heading "steam
valve handle."
Since Snead's rousing success
this season, Jerry has had about
100 orders for his putter, 80
Charlie Keller of the Yankees
has a .306 batting average for 19
world series games. Among his
22 hits were five home runs.
(3m o
. . . Conform No Pumic
. . Costs No More
LITE-ROCK Block are the new,
improved building block made
from scientifically controlled
aggregate. Features Include . . .
greater strength; lower coeffi
cient of expansion and contrac
tion; more insulation; nailabil
ity; sound absorption; fire re
sistance; excellent acoustics.
types of construction.
Mn or Writ for Ff lOOKlfr
Distributed Exclusively in the Salem area by
Ph. Z5643
On Edgewater
West Salem
Rte. 8, Box 910
Putters Turn on Steam Valve
and gef there
4 times
as fasi.
and your best tfolfar
buy if when you fly
AVi hours
8 hours
Airport Terminal
Call Salem 2-2455
Or, an aufhorfsta1 travt aganf
of them from
cago area.
out of the Chi-
When naming an all-star golf
team, it's hard to leave off such
fellows as Byron Nelson, mas
ter of the driver and long irons;
Walter Hagen, the peer of all
shots; Bobby Jones, Hogan and
others. When It comes to put
ting, who is the best? Many
will tell you Horton Smith, Bob
by Locke and Hagen. But Jerry,
who has seen all of them, and
admires them, says "I'll take
Jim Fogarty."
Jerry is probably the only
guy who knows Fogarty, outside
of Craig Wood. Fogarty was
once Jerry's assistant down in
Florida. One day Wood, fresh
from winning the national open
wandered Into Jerry's pro shop
Fogarty edged up and asked if
he wanted to putt on the prac
tice green. Wood said sure, Fog
arty won about $100 from him,
beating him from anthing to
three to five up on 18 holes
on the practice putting green,
Wood finally proposed a reg
ulation match on the course to
try to recoup. "I never played
a round of golf In my life," an
swered Fogarty, "all I know Is
mat f ogarty was xne great
est putter who ever lived," re
called Jerry. "But he couldn'
play a lick of golf."
Phil Rlzzuto of the Yankees
enjoyed his best season as a
shortstop last season. He made
only 17 errors in 128 garnet for
an average of .973.
CASH LOANS Auto or Personal
'100 1. '1000
Salem Airencyi 460 N. Church SL Tel. 3416
I. 00 IBK, S.j7 I
Those chilly mornings nd cold nights will be here more quickly
than you realize ... so why not play it smart and order your
Standard Heating Oil today?
We'll be glad to fill your tank now before the seasonal rush
begins. We have the correct grade of 100-percent-distiIled oil for
your furnace or circulating heater. Delivery is prompt and in
clean trucks equipped with meters.
Phone us today and be comfortably ahead of shiver-weather.
L. R. Tweedie
1174 Edgewater Street, West Salem, Oregon
Phone 2-4151
on LFJoodrieSi
r.uF in mi n rn rviiri
$1.25 a Week
Backed by lifetime guarantee).
Wide, full depth non-skid tread".
Price reductions en othor
Defiance) slzos also.
"Across From Marion Hotel"
GOOD MOVE . . . switch to oil heat now!
Oil heat means less mesa, less work, more comfort . . . and
vou can get it to fit your budget! Circulating heaters arid floor furnace
are efficient, simple to install.
What an improvement! With oil heat yon
say goodbye to stoking and handling fuel . . .
goodbye to extra housework and cleaning
bills caused by soot and ashes. Oil burns
clean, saves time and work.
Now is the time to switch! Look into'
heating oil values today! Be ready for real
comfort this winter . . . before the first cold
pell hits. Plan on converting or getting a
new oil heater right away.
More for your money In fait;
Enjoy oil heat at its beat with Standard
Heating Oils. They're 100 distilled (o burn
clean and without waste. You get all the
heat you pay for in either Standard Stove
Oil or Standard Furnace Oil.
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Call your local Standard Heating Oil Dealer
or Standard Oil
c. a. uukimn or I. VY. KELLY (
13th and Oak Streets, Salem, Oregon Phone 3-9295
u it