OF INTEREST to large group of friends for Sunday afternoon will be the wedding of Miss Donna Mae Liudahl of Salem and John Wesley Holmstedt, Jr., of Paxton, Neb the couple to repeat their vows at a service arranged for 4:30 o'clock in St. Mark Lutheran church with the Rev. M. A. Gstzenc'aner and the Rev. John Baglien officiating. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Liu dahl of Salem and Mr. Holmstedt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Holmstedt of Paxton, Neb. Summer flowers, ac centing white and pink, will decorate the church. A gown of white slipper satin has been chosen for the wedding dress. It is fashioned with a Peter Pan collar, a peplum embroidered with beaded pearls, long pointed sleeves and a full skirt ex tending into a full train. The finger tip veil is to be arranged from a crown of orange blossoms and the bride will carry a cascade of stephanotis, centered with a white orchid, the bouquet having white lace ribbon. Mr. Liudahl is to give his daughter in marriage. Mrs. Weston LaMunyon of Bruning, Neb., is to be honor attendant foi her sister. Her gown is of shell pink taf feta, designed with a bertha collar, a bustle in back and a full skirt. She is to carry a nile green fan of flowers, gladioluses and pink roses. Two Fridesmaids The two bridesmaids, Misses Anna Faye Olson and Oradell Seiffert, the latter of Pcrt'anri. will v ep.r wwns iden tical in style to that of the honor atten dant but in ni!e green color. Their fans of flowers will be in contrasting colors of pink with gladioluses and roses All attendants will wear hats matching their gowns. The little flower girl, I inda Stcnjhem, win wear a shell pink frock made identically in style to the bride's dress. Gary Reinsrhe is to be ring bearer. Weston LaMunyon will serve as best man and seating the guests will be Don ald Liudahl, brother of the brie'e-to-he, Howard Baumgart, Edward Meyei and Melvin Lanceland. For her daushter's wedding, Mrs Liu dahl is to wer.r an antique gold drs with dark green accessories, ana the bridegroom's mother will be in a bbek and white dress with matching acces sories. Both mothers will wear cor sages of orchids. The church parlors will be the scene for the reception. Mrs. Everett Holmes is to serve the bride's cake, assisted by Mrs. Ralph Johnson. Mrs, Oscar Sed erstrom will preside at the coffee urn and Mrs. A. J. Torgerson will be at the punch bowl. Mrs. L. J. Stewart, Mrs. C. E. Jaqua and Mrs. J. A. Sholseth will assist at the reception, and assisting in serving will be Misses LaVonne Sten berg, Bonnie Bishop, and Arlene Meyer, Roberta . Sjoding, June Parke, Norma Switzenberg and JoAnne Jaqua and Mrs. H. Aplington. Miss Betty Svinth of Medford is to pass the guest book. White gladioluses and other mixed summer blooms will be used in deoorating. For going away the bride is to be attired in a toast brown suit, a jade green blouse, brown accessories match ing the suit with green trim on the hat, and the orchid corsage from the bridal bouquet. '' ' Following a trip to the Oregon beaches the couple will go to Hooper, Neb., to make their home. The bride attended Salem schools and Midland college at Fremont, Neb., and Mr. Holmstedt at tended Paxton schools and Midland college. Nebraska club auxiliary has planned a meeting next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Nellie Osborn, route 6, box 102B. The no-host luncheon will be at 12:30 o'clock. Royal Neighbors of America Sewing club is to meet Wednesday for luncheon at 12:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Olson, 535 South 20th. Marion auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, is to meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. There will be initiation. Date Announced Invitations are in the mail for the wedding of Miss Arlyne Hilfiker, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Reubin Hilfiker, and Leland Fish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Fish of Emporia, Kansas. The nuptials will be held at the First Evangelical church on Tuesday, Septem ber 6, at 7 o'clock in the evening. The Rev. Wilmer Brown will officiate. Miss Hilfiker has asked her sister, Miss Carole Hilfiker, to be maid of honor, and Miss Beverly Gustafson and Miss Donna Whitely to be bridesmaids, Geo dell and Barbara Herberger are to he flower girls and the ring bearer is to be Michael Hilfiker. Taper lighters will be Miss Dwynann Herberger and Miss Leona Messmer. Ralph Koerner, of Corvallis will be best man. Ushers will be Robert Sewell, Gene Watson, both of Portland, Glen Lay of Eugene, and Clair Thompson of Emporia, Kansas. Following the ceremony the recep tion will be held in the church parlors. In Pendleton this week-end are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Lee and Mr. Lee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lee, all to attend the marriage of Miss Beth June Smith to John Coleman Lee, son of the Lloyd A. Lees. The ceremony is to be solemnized Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the First Christian church at Pendleton The rrie'e-to-be is the daughter of Mr and Mrf. Jac!: P. Smith, Sr., of Pendleton Miss Cl-ralyn Lee, Salem, is to be brio'ssmaid. '-o go'n- from Salem to pttcnfl the vcdd:ng are Don Armstrong. Russell Hicks and Dean Bartholomew, all of . whom will be among the ushers. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dilling of Oakland, Calif., are expected in the capital the latter part of next week to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson. Luncheon and Fall Fashion Show Arranged for Next Thursday Afternoon 1-'.' f. ',. (v;. ttnaisssaa i 1 i SALEM MATROWS AND MAIDS will get their first prevue of the new fall fashions next Thursday, August 25, at the luncheon and style revue to be presented by Delta Gamma alumnae of Salem at 1 p.m. In the American Legion club. Mrs. James Schuler, general chairman for the event, at left, and Mrs. Leon Ferry, one of the sponsoring Miss Schantz Bride This Afternoon A beautifully arranged wedding took place this afternoon in St. Joseph's Catholic church when Miss Beryl Ro berta Schantz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Schantz, was married to Dean Morrison Wilcox, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilcox. All-white flow ers decorated the church, gladioluses being used. The Rev. T. J. Bernards read the service at 2 o'clock, the cere mony being the double ring one. Solo ist for the wedding was Mrs.- Anthony Becker. The bridal gown was a traditional, ivory skinner satin one. The' fitted bodice was adorned with delicate bead ed pattern around the neckline. Long fitted sleeves had tiny covered buttons on the points over the wrists. The full ness in the skirt Was held in place by deep pleats. The skirt extended into a long train. An irregular shaped coronet of beading matching that on the gown held in place the double fingertip veil of French illusion silk. The bride car ried a lace handkerchief which has been used at weddings of several friends who are in a club. For her flowers the bride carried a bouquet of white roses and stephanotis surrounding white orchids. Sister Attends Miss Shirley Schantz was the only attendant for her sister. Her gown was of moss green faille taffeta. Double ruf fling on the skirt formed a heart-shaped design in front and extended in back to form a bustle. The short sleeves were ruffled to match the ruffling on the skirt. The dress fell in a short train. . Miss Schantz wore a disc shaped hat with bronze chrysanthemums across the top and bronze ribbons extending as streamers to the floor in back. The honor attendant carried a ruffled muff with bronze chrysanthemums oh it. Walter Turner of Forest Grove was best man. Ushers were Stanley Whipple of Mil waukie, John Zicbarth of Oakland, Calif., cousin of the bride, William Thomas Schantz. brother of the bride, and Duane Lemley of Grass Valley. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Schantz wore a champagne colored satin dress with brown accessories and cor sage of Talisman roses. The bride groom's mother wore a black faille suit with pink accessories and corsage of pink rosebuds. The reception following the service was at the Park avenue home of the bride's parents. The bride's table was set all in white with the four-tiered cake and lighted candles. Gladioluses and sweet peas decorated the home for the reception. Aunt Assists Mrs Arthur Ziebarth of Oakland, Calif , aunt of the bride, served the cake. Miss Joanne Arnolds served the ices. Pouring were Mrs. Maynard Nel son, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Robirta Flaten of Cottage Grove. As sisting at the reception were Miss Lois Nicholson of Portland, Mrs. Carl Peoples of Monmouth. Miss Anita Becker pass ed thp guest book and Mrs. Ray Fritz had charge of the gifts. During the reception, Maynard Nelson sang, accom panied by Mi's Cclia Weaver, who also played several selections. Following tradition of Marylhurst col lege students, the bridal party went to the college foliowins the reception, the brid? p'acin" her touquot on the altar at the chapel there. For her going away costume the bride wore a gray suit with black accessories and corsage of orchids. Upon their re turn from a trip to Canada the couple will be at home in Forest Grove, Mr. Wilcox to continue his education at Pa cific university. He served in the navy during the recent war. The brida was ! i A' - MAI ' V'WM T77? JM b'r-n Jestcn-Miller studio plctur" a junior at Marylhurst this past year, having previously attended College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minn, Among out-of-town relatives here for the wedding were the bride's grand father, John Gruman of Glen Ullin, N.D., and the bridegroom's grandfather, J. B. Morrison of Arlington, Ore. The marriage of Miss Dorothy Ann Hobson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobson of Molalla, to Frederick Howard Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gra ham of Longview, is to be solemnized this evening at an 8 o'clock ceremony in St. Paul's Episcopal church, the Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Yellow and white gladioluses will decorate the church front and down the processional aisle will be candles at the pews with clusters of white flowers. Michael Caro lan is to be soloist for the service and at the organ will be Miss Ruth Bedford. For her wedding, Miss Hobson is to wear a white satin gown designed with sweetheart neckline edged in lace, long sleeves with the same lace trimming them, and two panels of the lace down the front of the gown. The full skirt falls in a train. The fingertip veil of illusion is to be arranged from a head dress of the same lace used on the dress with seed pearl trim at the top. The bride will carry a century-old prayer book, a family heirloom, with white gardenias and stephanotis arranged on it. Pale greens will be featured in the gowns of the attendants of the bride, all of whom are her sorority sisters. Miss Helen Blevins of Fossil as maid of honor is to wear a leaf green faille taffeta Sown made with sweetheart neckline, long sleeves, and full skirt with a big Jutn-Mlller studio plcturt THE COMMITTEE ARRANGING for the Informal dance to be given by the Reserve Officers auociation and the Salem Women's Army and Navy League, next Friday evening, August 26, at the American Legion club. Is seen In meeting here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer G. Lyon Jr. Left to right, Mrs. Vernon Gilmore, Mrs. Richard Reyn olds, Ralph Solum, Mr. Harlan A. J odd, Mrs. H. C. gaalfeld and Mrs. Lyon. .t. .. A III" -t I 111 ;V" f - l 1- ft.": I ,V.. - ' V- Jestcn-MlUflr studio picture committee, are shown at left above looking over some of the fall styles in lining up the benefit event. At right, Mrs. S. D. Wiles, one of the models, is pictured in some of the new attire to be shown at the benefit. The affair is sponsored for the benefit of the Willamette university chapter of Delta Gamma, sash. The three bridesmaids, Miss Vir ginia Atkinson of Boise, Miss Nancy Montgomery of Salem and Miss Mildred Norton of Bellingham, Wash., will wear gowns identical in style to that of the honor attendant, but they will be in apple green. All four attendants will wear coronets of yellow gladioluses in their hair and their bouquets will be of yellow gladioluses and bouvardia. Miss Beth Tedford of Camas, Wash., and Miss Marylou Herndon of Salem will be taper lighters, both wearing yel low faille taffeta gowns. David Parker of Longview is to be best man. The ushers will be Scott Witt, Edward Pugel, James Stiles, Gordon Farrell and Edward Kranofski, all of Longview. The bride's mother will wear a green crepe gown with rose accessories and corsage of roses and bouvardia. The mother of the bridegroom will be at tired in a gray crepe dress with gray accessories and corsage of white roses and bouvardia. The reception following is arranged In the church parish house. Mrs. Her bert A. Templeton of Portland is to serve the cake. Mrs. Edward Kelsey of Valsetz is to be at the coffee urn, Mrs. Clarence Webber at the punch bowl. Assisting about the reception room will be Mrs. Alfred Montgomery of Salem and Mrs.- Clarence Emmons of Albany. Others assisting will include Mrs. Her bert F. Thomas of Portland, Mrs. Doug las A. Grout of Union, Wash., Mrs. Walter D. Pugh, and serving will be Misses Barbara Garrett, Jean Gilmer, Joan Morgan, Alice Adams and Mar garet Newton. Miss Marjorie Andresen of Camas is in charge of the guest book. For traveling the bride is to wear a gray suit with pink accessories and a pink gardenia corsage. Following a trip to the Oregon beaches the couple will be at home in Dayton, after Au gust 28. V- - L t Xv;f 1 ' . Affair at 1 P.M. A highlight event for the new week will be the season's first fall fashion show, to be presented by Salem Delta Gamma alumnae next Thursday, August 25, in conjunction with a luncheon at 1 p.m., in the American Legion club. Music will be played through the lunch eon and the parade of fall fashions will begin with the dessert, the fall attire to be shown from Esther Foster's. . Acting as models will be Miss Donna Lou Lambert from the active chapter of Delta Gamma, Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Mrs. Leon Perry, Miss Joan Voigt and Miss Faye McPhee. Mrs. James T. Brand is to be guest commentator. Among those making reservations are Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. Robert King, Mrs. Edwin McEwen, Mrs. Arthur A. Rogers, Mrs. Atlee Pearcy, Mrs. Lou Wilhelm of Portland, Mrs. George Rho ten, Mrs. Wheeler English, Mrs. Forrest Bodmer, Mrs. Ralph Atwood, Mrs. Rus sell Bonesteele, Mrs. Clayton Foreman, Mrs. K. A. Gallagher, Mrs. Roscoe Wil son, Mrs. Silas Gaiser, Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith, Mrs. Jacob Foos, Mrs. J. Strick faden, Mrs. Gardner Knapp. Mrs. James Schuler is general chair man for the affair and reservations may be telephoned to her. The alumnae are sponsoring the party for the benefit of the Willamette univer sity chapter of Delta Gamma. Two circles of the Jason Lee Meth odist church's Woman's Society of Christian Service are to meet next Wed nesday. The January-July circle is to meet with Mrs. Marie Putnam, 2365 Fairgrounds road, at 1:30 o'clock for a dessert luncheon. The March-September circle is to meet with Mrs. C. N. Roberts, 815 Shipping, for a business session at 4:30 o'clock, followed by a 6 o'clock family picnic supper. jpC. MARY'S cathedral, Portland, pi) was the scene of a wedding of in terest in Salem this afternoon when Miss Lois Maxine Mansfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mans field of Portland, was married to Wil liam H. Egan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer W. Egan of Brooks. The rites were read at 4 o'clock with the Rev. Austin John son officiating. White gladioluses were used for decorations. The bride wore her sister's wedding gown of white satin. The embroidered French illusion veil was arranged from a Juliet cap, and for her flowers the bride carried a crescent bouquet of blush pink begonias and stephanotis. Mr. Mansfield gave his daughter in mar riage. Mrs. Donald M. Ham was honor at- tendant for her sister. Her dress was osest a white eyelet embroidered pique model since and with it she wore a matching hat 1. and mitts. Her flowers were a bou- Ight, quet of LaFrance asters. In. Miss Adele Egan and Miss Marion itage Bradshaw were the bridesmaids, and they their dresses were identical to that of aith the matron of honor. The flower girl, Margaret Ann Barnhart, a cousin of the s re. bride, wore a dress identical to those of hold the other three attendants. mest Martin L. Reilly was best man and tage ushering were Frederick C. Deckebach Chi and Dr. Thomas Rothchild. cousins of the bridegropm, and James E. Rath. ves For her son's wedding, Mrs. Egan qtd wore a pale aqua suit and the bride's the mother wore a pink suit, both having fty corsages of white begonias. his The reception following was in the 'OS Italian room of the Ma!loi hotel. Mrs. George Younfiston and Mrs Paul Camp- :her, bell served the cake and pouring was lead Mrs. Joseph M. Rothchild, aunt of the 5-3 bridegroom. Assisting were Mrs. Don- ubs. aid C Johnson, who was at the punch bowl, and Miss Nancy Colt who passed the guest book. For traveling the bride donned a green irridescent wool suit and wore with it brown accessories and a corsage of yellow begonias. Following a trip to San Francisco the couple will be at home at 2515 Cherry avenue, Salem, after September 1. Both of tlie couple attended Oregon Slate col lege. An indoor picnic is planned by the Salem Business and Professional Wom en's club for its meeting Tuesday eve ning, the supper to be served in the basement of the Salem Woman's club house. Mrs. Effie King, chairman of the rec reation committee, and Mrs. Alexander Tueski, chairman of the hospitality com mittee, are in charge. Special music is planned. Each member is to take her own table service. . Mrs. John Versteeg, club president, has called a meeting for the board at 5:45 o'clock at the club house. A wedding arranged for Sunday af ternoon is that of Miss Edna Eloise Nel son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan S. Nelson, who is to be married to Lyle Howard Hamilton, son of Mrs. Iva Ham ilton, the ceremony to be solemnized at 3 o'clock in the Labish Center Com munity church, the Rev. V. A. Zornes of ficiating. The church will be deco rated in pink and white gladioluses for the wedding. Lighting the tapers will be Miss Mar garet Hamilton, in a blue gown, and Miss Barbara Jean Russ, wearing pink. For the music, W. Hornschuch is to sing with Mrs. Hornschuch as the accom panist. To be given in marriage by her fath er, the bride is to wear a gown of white satin and with it a fingertip veil ar ranged from clusters of pink roses at either side of the head. The bridal bou quet will be a cascade one of white gladioluses with pink roses in the cen ter. Miss Eleanor Nyholm, a cousin, is to be honor attendant for the bride. She is to wear an aqua gown and her flow ers will be a cascade arrangement of pink gladioluses. Norman Stone is to be best man and serving as ushers will be Roy Aker and Donald Hamilton. The reception following will be in the church fireplace room. Mrs. Sylvan Mauer is to cut the cake and Mrs. Har vey Aker and Mrs. Roy Aker will pour. Assisting at the reception will be Mrs. Maude Leedy, Mrs. Willard Aker Mrs. Ethel Stamp, Mrs. Donald Hamilton and Mrs. Reid Hamilton. For traveling the bride is to wear a blue satin dress and matching acces sories and a corsage of pink roses. Following a trip to Seaside the couple will be at home at 249 South Cottage, after August 28. The bride attended North Central high school at Spokane and Washington State college. Mr. Hamilton attended schools at Motus, Idaho, Boise Junior college and Wil lamette university, where he is a senior. American War Mothers have plan ned a no-host picnic luncheon for 12:30 o'clock Tuesday at the home of Mrs. George Pro, 1915 Maple. Each member is to take her own table service. Supper, Dance Calendared for next Friday evening, August 26, is the informal buffet supper and dance sponsored by the Reserve Offi cers association and the Salem Women's Army and Navy League. The affair will be at the American Le gion club, starting at 8 o'clock, and is arranged for all members of the two groups and prospective members. Reser vations may be mnde with either Mrs. Richard Reynolds, Mrs. Harlan A. Judd or Mrs. Homer G. Lyon, Jr. On the committee arranging the affair are Ralph Solum, representing the Re serve Officers association; Mrs. Harlan A. Judd, chairman, Mrs. Vernon Gilmore, Mrs. Richard Reynolds, Mrs. W. Hugh Adams, Mrs. H. C. Saalfeld and Mrs. Homer G. Lyon, Jr., from the Army and Navy League. L Pet. ' as .mi ' 69 .420 17 .30 SO J39 L Pet. 58 ,K0 U .4S3 TO .401 H.380 una ten tpts tar per ear by 80 red, r a lub oup day igo.