Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 20, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Folk Greet Many Interesting Newcomers and Their Families During Recent Months
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ARRANGED lor next Tuesday ve
iling is a dinner for which Lt. Col.
and Mrs. Mark Hillary will be
hosts at the American Legion club, 22
guests being bidden.
Brig. Gen. Robert A. McClure, new
commander for the northern military
district, 6th army, Vancouver Barracks;
and Mrs. McClure; Colonel and Mrs.
Joseph L. Langevin and Col. and Mrs.
John H. Rodman, all of Vancouver Bar
racks, are to be the honor guests.
Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague
will be among the guests, too.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
THE COLORFUL Pendleton Round
up, opening at the mid-week,
will attract a number from the
Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay
will be among those to be there through
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. En
route home they will be in Redmond
that Sunday to take in the county fair
Secretary of Stale and Mrs. Earl T.
Newbry and State Treasurer Walter
Pearson also will be among the digni
taries at the Round-Up, the Newbrys
leaving Wednesday, Mr. Pearson on
Miss Alene Phillips is leaving Thurs
day for the event, planning to go on the
special train out of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Chambers and
son, Craig, are leaving Monday for Pen
dleton, their former home, and to take
in the Round-Up, Mr. Chambers being
one of the timing judges at the event.
Mrs. Charles L. McNary and daugb
ter, Miss Charlotte McNary who have
been here the past three weeks at their
home, Fircone, expect to leave the lat
ter part of next week to return to the
east coast. They plan to be in Maine
for a .time before returning to Washing
ton, D.C.
A group of 25 will gather for a no
host picnic Sunday at Silver Creek Falls
park, three of the group being honored
on their birthdays Clifton Mudd, Mrs.
Walter L. Spaulding and Howard R.
In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ton Mudd, Mr. and Mrs. Howard R,
Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cameron,
Mr, and Mrs. Carl W. Chambers, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Madison, Mrs. Walter
L, Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mur
phy, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Linden, Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. L
Arens, Mr
. Gene Vandeneynde and Mr.
H. L. Lister of Portland.
and Mrs,
and Mrs.
Returning this week-end from a stay
it the beach are the Leon Perry and W.
T. Waterman families who have been at
Canyon Drive.
In Bend this week-end are Mrs. W.
H. Lytle,.Mrs. David Bennett Hill and
grandson, Vernon Pomeroy, and Mrs. J.
A. Elliott.
Among affairs honoring Misses Carol
and June Young, sisters, who are to be
brides at a double wedding on Septem
ber 3, will be the dessert party and
kitchen shower for which Mrs. Howard
Jenks is to entertain next Saturday aft
ernoon at her suburban home near Al
bany. Guests will include old-time Al
bany friends of the brides-to-be and their
mother, Mrs. Hubbell A. Young.
Miss Carol Young arrives Saturday
morning from San Francisco. She is to
wed Frank Laurltzen of Oakland, Calif.,
at the double wedding September 3, and
her sister. Miss June Young, will be
married to Stanley Ralph Underwood
of McMinnvllle.
Mr. and Mr. James R. Phillips leave
this week-end to spend a few days at
An event of interest to a large group
will be the picnic supper for all Wil
lamette university alumni and families
in the Salem area, next Thursday eve
ning, August 25, at Paradise island, the
no-host supper to be at 6 o'clock with
coffee furnished. Mrs. Wheeler Eng
lish, Mrs, George Rhoten, Mrs. Kenneth
Manning and Stuart Compton are com
mittee chairmen arranging details.
September's first week will be mark
ed by a number of prominent weddings
Miss Shellenberger
A late summer wedding of interest to
many friends took place in the First
Congregational church this afternoon
when Miss Miriam Jeanine Shellenber
ger, daughter of Mrs. A. G. Mathcrly,
was married lo Theodore R. Flook, Jr.,
on of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Flook of Port
land, In a setting of flowers and candle
light, the vows were read at 4 o'clock,
the Rev. Louis White officiating. Solo
ist for the service was Verne Esch
and Jean Hobson Rich played the organ.
All-white flowers, gladioluses and as
ters, together with tapers in candela
brumi decorated the church. Down the
processional aisle white satin rope
was looped along the pews, and the
white blooms and bows were arranged
t every other pew.
Mrs. Courtney Jones and Miss Barbara
undet, wearng light blue, lighted the
In Satin Gown
The bride wore a handsome wedding
gown of white sntln fashioned with a
tucked hipline, a bustle in back and a
long train. The yoke was of Viennese
lace frosting over the satin and came
to a point at the waistline. The cuffs
ef the long sleeves were of the same
lace. The fingertip veil cascaded from
crown of the Viennese lace. For her
flowers the bride carried a white satin
fan covered with stcphanotis and a white
erchid. Wendell Kenworthy, a cousin,
gave the bride in marriage.
Mn. James R. Phillips as matron of
honor wore a pale aqua taffeta gown
fashioned with a bertha neckline and
a full bustle in back on the skirt. She
tarried a fan eoverid with white gladl-
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MRS. LYNN M. HAMMERSXAD and family are among newcomers being welcomed to Salem, having come from Min
neapolis. Dr. Hammerslad is associated with Dr. James L. Sears. Mrs. Hammerstad and the three children in the
family are pictured here In the garden at their home in the Liberty district, the daughter, Lynne, at left, Mrs. Ham
merstad, and 'sons, John and Charles.
The Earlv FalLWeddinq Calendar
' .
in the capital, and this week-end finds
a number of the brides-elect announcing
plans for their nuptials.
Syme Emmons
For Thursday evening, September 1,
there is the wedding of Miss Margaret
Jane Emmons and John H. Syme of
Parma, Idaho. The ceremony will be
solemnized at 8:30 o'clock that evening
in the First Presbyterian church, Dr.
Chester W. Hamblin officiating. Miss
Emmons is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Carl W. Emmons, Mr. Syme the son of
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Syme, Parma.
Miss Ruth Anne Larsen of Burns, Ore.,
formerly of Salem is to be maid of honor.
She and Miss Emmons were roommates
while attending Oregon State college.
Miss Jeanne Syme of Parma, Idaho,
sister of the bridegroom-elect; Miss Anita
Hagcr and Mrs. Robert Siddoway, the
latter of Portland, formerly of Salem,
will be the bridesmaids.
Nancy Donaldson is to be flower girl.
Lighting the tapers will be Mrs.
Harold Gardner and Miss Jeanne Myers.
Craig McMicken of Chehalis is to be
the best man. '
Strebig Schncll
Bride on September 2 will be Miss
Phyllis Schnell, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. P. H. Schnell, who is to be wed
that date to Robert W. Strebig, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Strebig, the
ceremony to be at 8 o'clock in the eve
ning in the First Congregational church,
Dr. Scth R. Huntington to officiate.
Louis Herder of Portland, a cousin of
the bride-elect, is to be soloist for the
Taper lighters will be Miss Carol Stre
big, sister of Mr. Strebig, and Miss Shir
ley Dietz of Canby, his cousin.
Mrs. Dclbert Randal of Corvallis is (o
be the honor attendant for her cousin,
and the bridesmaids will be Mrs. Roger
Schncll, sister-in-law of Ihe bride-to-be,
Is Bride
oluses tied witti satin ribbon matching
her gown.
Miss Shirley Flook. sister of the bride
groom, and Miss Joanne Fitzmaurice
were the bridesmaids. Their gowns were
in pale lavender mnde exactly like that
of the honor attendant and the fans they
carried also were covered with white
gladioluses and tied with ribbons match
ing their dresses. All three attendants
wore short white embroidered mitts,
and each wore a crownless picture hat
of horsehair braid and streamers in back
matching her gown.
Richard Randall, Portland, a cousin
of the bridegroom, was best man. Ush
ering were Roger Hopkins, George Gor
nick. Fred Schmaling, all of Portland.
Rerrption at Church
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs.
Matherly wore a gold crepe gown and
corsage of bronze roses. The bride
groom's mother wore a blue crepe gown
with corsage of pink roses.
The fireplace room of the church was
the scene for the reception following the
service. Serving the cake were Mrs.
George Neuner and Mrs. J. P. Schim
berg. Pouring were Mrs. Charles Briggs
and Mrs. V. L. Torrey. Assisting at the
reception were Miss Suzanne Small,
Mrs. William Pcttit. Mrs. Edward Sal
strom. The fan theme in all-white was
used in decorating at the reception.
For going away the bride wore a two
toned brown suit with brown accessories
and corsage of orchids.
Following a trip to San Francisco and
vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. Flook will be at
home at 157 South Winter, after Sep
tember 1.
and Mrs. Robert Steeves (Shirley Luk
ins.) Don Farnam will be best man for Mr.
Strebig, and ushering will be William
Barlow, Roger Schnell, brother of the
bride-elect, Warren E. Davis of Portland,
Max Maude, Westfir.
The reception following is to be at the
Schnell residence.
Kannier Cover 1
A wedding for the afternoon of Satur
day, September 3, will be that of Miss
Alicia Cover and Orville W. Kannier,
Jr., the ceremony to be solemnized at
3 o'clock that date in the First Congre
gational church with Dr. Seth R. Hunt
ington officiating. The bride-to-be is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Cover,
Mr. Kannier the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Orville W. Kannier.
Miss Beverly Kenney is to be soloist
with Jean Hobson Rich at the organ, r
Miss Doris Ewen is to be maid of
honor and the bridesmaids will be Mrs.
Louis Ramus and Miss Carole Kannier,
sister of the bridegroom-elect. The
flower girl will be Judy Neuschwander,
cousin of Miss Cover. Lighting the tapers
will be Miss Marilyn Nichols and Miss
Claralyn Lee.
Louis Ramus is to be best man for Mr.
Kannier and serving as ushers will be
Floyd Riley, Delbert Miller, Jack and
Darwin Michaels.
The reception following the service
also will be in the church.
Double Wedding Planned
Misses Carol and June Young, daugh
ters of Mr. and Mrs. Hubbell A. Young,
who will be married at a double cere
mony, are announcing names for the
wedding party. The service is to be at
8 o'clock the evening of Saturday, Sep
tember 3, in the First Presbyterian
church, Dr. Chester W. Hamblin offi
ciating. The reception following also will
be at the church.
Miss Carol Young, who is to wed
Frank Lauritzen of Oakland. Calif., has
asked Miss Patricia Northrup of San
Francisco to be her maid of honor. Mrs.
Robert Donoven of Oceanlake, formerly
of Salem, will be her bridesmaid. Will
iam Lauritzen of Oakland will be best
man for his brother.
Miss June Young, who is to be mar
ried to Stanley Ralph Underwood of
McMinnville at the double wedding, will
have as her maid of honor, Miss Addyse
Lane. Miss Dorothy Skinner of Portland
is to be bridesmaid. David Johnson is to '
be best man for Mr. Underwood.
Lighting the tapers will be Miss Doro
thy Larson of Portland and Miss Ruth
Mclbye of Silverton. Janet Tcague,
young cousin of the two brides-elect, is
to be their flower girl. Misses Grace
Ashford, Bernice Isham and Glennis Al
len will sing in a trio, and Lloyd Pow
ell. Albany, will be soloist. Mrs. Winni
fred Worrell. Portland, will be organist.
Planned for the evening of Sunday,
September 4, is the wedding of Miss
Marilyn Janet Hjort and Raymond H.
Crumme of Berkeley, Calif., the cere
mony to be solemnized at 8 o'clock in
the First Congregational church with
D. Seth R. Huntington officiating.
Miss Peggy Moritz is to be honor at
tendant for Miss Hjort and William J.
Baker of Eugene is to be best man for
Mr. Crumme. Arthur E. Johnson of
Eugene and Robert Prowcll of Long
Beach, Calif., will be ushers. Soloist
for the wedding is to be Joe Einwaller
of Portland.
The reception following also will be
in the church.
Miss Hjort is the daughter of Mrs. H.
J Hjort, Salem, and the late Mr. Hjort.
Mr. Crumme is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
' Ralph H. Crumme of Berkeley.
Juten-Miller atudto plctur
INVITATIONS came out last week
for the marriage of Miss Tanya Ali
cia Ojeda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Joseph Ojeda of Del Monte, Calif.,
to Ensign John Craig Fry, USN, the
ceremony to be solemnized at 12 o'clock
noon Saturday, September 3, in St.
John's chapel, Del Monte.
Ensign Fry is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Orris J. Fry of Portland, formerly of
Salem. He is the grandson of Mrs. J. B.
Craig of Salem, and a nephew of Daniel
J. Fry and Mrs. Raymond Walsh of
Salem, ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Hoereth are to
entertain next Saturday evening, August
27, at a dinner at their home to honor
their daughter. Miss Joan Hoereth, and
her fiance, Theodore Covalt. The affair
will follow the wedding rehearsal which
is scheduled for 6 o'clock. About 20 will
be in the group, including some school
friends who are coming from California
for the wedding as well as members of
the bridal party. Miss Hoereth and Mr.
Covalt are to be married at 3 o'clock
August 28 in the First Congregational
A buffet luncheon at Silver Creek
Falls lodge, followed by bridge games
there, is planned for the Sojourners club
next Thursday, August 25. Members will
leave the Salem Woman's club at 11:30
o'clock, the luncheon to be served at
12:30 o'clock. Mrs. William E. Healy is
chairman for arrangements.
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Juten-Miller jtudlo picture.
AT A SERVICE this afternoon In St. Joseph's Catholic church the bride was Mrs.
Dean Morrison Wilcox, the former Beryl Roberta Schantz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William M. Schantt. Mr. Wllrox is the ion of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilcox. The reception
ww at the Schanta residence.
AMONG OTHER NEWCOMERS In the capital are Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bonawitx and
family who came from Portland. They reside at 1580 D street. Mrs. Bonawlti and the .
younger son, Steven, are pictured here. The older son, Joe S. Bonawitz, Jr., is in Arlington
this summer and will be at Willamette university in the fall.
Miss Lukins Wed at Noon Service
St. Paul's Episcopal church was the
scene today for one of the late summer's
prominent weddings in the capital, Miss
Shirley Gail Lukins and Robert Wade
Steeves exchanging their marriage vows
at a 12 o'clock noon ceremony, the Rev.
George H. Swift officiating.
. The bride is the daughter of Walter
Seaborn Lukins and the late Mrs. Lu
kins, and Mr. Steeves is the son of Mrs.
A. G. Rodgers of Shady Cove, Ore.,
and the late Dr. Laban Steeves.
Early fall blooms, featuring chrysan
themums and gladioluses, decorated the
church for the service.
Given in marriage by her father, the
bride wore a wedding dress of white
satin. It was designed with low rounded
pleated collar and short cuffed sleeves,
the bodice pointed in front and back,
the skirt full with a bustle in back.
The fingertip veil of illusion was ar
ranged from a twist of satin and illu
sion and orange blossoms were at either
side. For her flowers the bride car
ried a tulle flower basket filled with
white and yellow bouvardia and steph
anotis. Wear Gold and Green
Miss Barbara Blaesing of Portland
was the honor attendant, Miss Patricia
Stone of Portland and Miss Phyllis
Schnell of Salem, the bridesmaids. All
three wore gowns identical in style, the
honor attendant's being gold satin, the
two bridesmaids' of moss green satin.
Juten-Miller itudlD plctur
The dresses were cut with square neck
line and rolled collars, small covered
buttons to the waist, wide pleated waist
bands and full gathered skirts. Their
flowers were early fall blooms fash
ioned in the shapes of flower baskets
with handles. Each of the attendants
wore a headdress of braided satin match
ing the color of her dress,
, . .Newberry Close was best man. Seat
ing the guests were James R. Phillips,
Evan Boise, Ernest Miller and Richard
Schlicker. . .
Mrs. Rodgers, mother of the bride
groom, was here for the wedding and
she was attired in a light gray dress fash
ioned with long sleeves, a draped skirt
and small bustle in back. She wore a
corsage of orchids.
The reception was at the home of the
bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Smith, Orchard Lane. The early
fall flowers decorated the table and
home for the reception.
To Live in Eugene
Mrs. Philip H. Schnell cut the cake.
Mrs. Conrad Paulson poured. Greeting
the guests were Mrs. Fred Smith and
Mrs. Frank Lukirts, sister-in-law of the
bride. Assisting at the reception were
Mrs. Donald Sheelar, Mrs. Donald Som
mer of Salem, Miss Kay Becker, Miss
Leslie Palfrey of Portland, Mrs. James
Kern of Albany, Miss Jane Hull of New
port, Miss Jean Claire Swift, Miss Jean
Fidler, Miss Janet Rilea of Salem. At
the punch bowl were Richard Eckley
and Herbert Ray.
The couple left on a wedding trip to
the Oregon and Washington beaches and
into Canada, the bride wearing a dark
green plaid suit with plain green collar
and cuffs, green and black accessories,
and green hat with black feathers.
The 'couple will be at home in Eu
gene after September 15. Mr. Steeves
will complete his work at the University
of Oregon. The bride was graduated
in June from the university where she
is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma
sorority. Mr. Steeves is affiliated with
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
Miss DeVona Bjelland, Woodburn.
who is to be married Saturday, August
27, to Kenneth Satrom of Salem, was
honored at a surprise shower and party
for which Miss Rosemary Grenz was
v hostess this past week. The shower was
a miscellaneous one. Following an in
formal evening a late supper was served.
A group of 37 was bidden to the party.
A dessert party for all members of the
bridal party for the wedding of Miss
Barbara Halvarson and Stanley Girod
will be given next Saturday afternoon
at the home of the bride-elect's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halvarson, the event
to follow the rehearsal which is to be
at 2 o'clock. Miss Halvarson and Mr,
Girod are to be married Sunday evening,
August 28, in the First Methodist church.
Salem Zonta club is meeting for des
sert next Thursday evening at 7:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. W. Land
with Mrs. Robert McEwan, Dr. Lucille
Fortner and Miss Mary Larson as co
hostesses. Freieding the meeting the
board members will gather for dinner
at the Marion hotel at 6 o'clock.
The regular dav for the wo
men's Golf association will be held
Wednesday, play starting at 8 a. m.