AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE'S SPECIALS WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF LOWER PRICED USED CARS WE HAVE HAD IN MONTHS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A LOWER PRICED CAR WITH A LOT OF QUALITY, COME IN AND CHECK OUR STOCK. 25 To Choose From $95.00 to $1,000.00 Teague Motor Company . Phone 2-4173 352 N. Commercial qlS8 PONTIACS GOOD WILL CARS '48 Pontiac Sdn. Cpe. R&H, low mileage $1895 '46 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sedan, R&H 1145 '48 Mercury 4 Dr. Sedan, R&H 1245 '40 DeSoto 5 Pass Coupe 495 '37 Pontiac Sedan 295 . '36 Chevrolet Sedan 195 '36 Plymouth Sedan 195 Herrall - Owens Co 660 N LIBERTY WANTED TO KENT SMALL FURN. apt. (or business couple. Will pay up to $25 per wenk. Ph. 26921 JalOB R ESPONSIBI.E Couple with dausht r6 needs 2-bdrm. home by Sept. 1st. Near 0 rude school. Ph. 2-4984 evcnlnas. Jal98 YOUNG EMPLOYED couple desire 2-b.r. unfurn. modern house by Sept. 3. Will pay to 460.00. Call Mrs. Wayne Harris nt the Capital Journal. Jal98 MIDDLE AGED couple desire 3 rm apt. unfurn. except for range St refrig, Will pay to $50.00. Write Capital Journal box 282. J a 198 ! BDRM. unfurn. court or apt. For 3 adults. Write' Box 301 Capital Journal. jalfiS ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN: good homo cooking. Clean and quiet. 1095 N. 5th. JJ201 RM. St BOARD at 629 N. Winter. JJ200 BOARD AND RM. E St. Ph. 3-8708. JJ207 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Between 16th St 17th on Mill St. Army wrLst watch. Ph. 3-7251 eves. kl9fi LOST Old Hymnal. In Sears' new store Thursday. Has sentimental value. Re ward. Call 3-9696. k!99 LOST! Black Cocker Spaniel, wearing black harness. Answers to name of Boots. Phone 3-4814. kl9B LOST: Zeis Ikon folding camera, film size 120, 9 pictures taken on roll. 15 reward. Sam Kascr box 61A, Star route, Sllver ton, Orepon. kl98 MISCELLANEOUS FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform St Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. AM fireplace and masonry materials. PUMILITE - Wept Salem. maigs REINFORCING STEEL! and Blok-Mesh In 4 ", 6" & 8" widths. PUMILITE, West Salem. malOB" I.p.S SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court We close Saturdays 12:30 mSlB" MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPT1 knows M-W appliances best. Call 3-3191. ext. 14 for pick up or estimate. ml98 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 tlR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldu. --State St Commercial Sta SALEM Phone 3-3311 m" BUILDING MATERIALS CEDAR SHAKES WINDOWS 18" No. 1 primed shakes with under course $12.00 sq. New modern R.O.W. weather stripped windows. Many sizes in stock for immediate delivery. Low priced. C. O. Long. Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kelzer. "The Mighty Joe Young." mal99' DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on your con tractor and carpenter using the flne?t old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 25 Lana Ave. Ph. 34939 Free parking. mfl230' BUILDERS Realized substantial savings on lumber. Hock bottom price for larger amounts. 2x4 and shiplap, top grade No. 3, $36 per M. No. 4 $17 'per M Free delivery. West Snlem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma3H" PLYWOOD LARGE stock of sizes, thicknesses St grades. Both Plain & water proof. Price start at 5c per sq ft. ALSO GOOD stocks of H" and W Insul ating boards Low prices on V St W sheet rock Keith Brown. Front St Court Sts., Salem ma' SPECIAL Cedar sldinn. tt'x8" Random lergth C-grade. $85 thousand Ketth Brown. Front St Court Sts Salem ma NEW SHIPMENT piast board V 6Vic. V,' 6c aq ft Rock lathe 45 aq ft 11.75 MONTGOMERY WARD 8 tLKM ma SAVE On ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on yom roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman tor free estimate Phone MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM OREGON ma SHINGLES MOUNTAIN CEDAR No. 1 $7.75 sq. , NO. 2 4.50 sq. No 3 3.00 sq. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile north of Keizer. ma203 .Wrecking Farragut, Ida. Modem stream line windows with hor izontal bar. complete with frame, S7.50. Modern sash 32"x33". American stan dard cast iron wash basins, complete with all fittings. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile north of Keizer ma203 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OVTGROWN clothing for girl aped 13. Good cond. After 5 p.m. Ph. 23706. 1790 N. 20th or on Sat. or Sun. nlOfl HEATING OIL stove, boy's bicycle, elec. brooder. Ph. 38456. n!98 FOR SALE: 1 30.06 sportcr rifle, $75. 8 m.m. sporter, $65. Ph. 2-5833. nl99 MARMOT fur coat. Size 13. Man's gabar dine top coat size 36. Ph. 2-5904. nl99' THE FOLLOWING USED ITEMS: Daveno, upholstered rocker, 2 mattresses, wool ru 9x11, 20 toilet seats. 1 lavatory with littings 30 lavatory faucets. 45 sink taucfU, 4 mixing faucets for sink. 4 mixing faucets for lavatory, post drill, sump pump, oil burn-r pump, HP electric motor, 1 English riding saddle. 2 double bridles, medicine cabinet, Philco table model radio. Jenny LSnd bed. coil spring, Westinghoine e'ectric ranae. electric heater, sun lamp, 2 mantle clocks. 610 South Commercial nlM Dl"0 THERM OWNERS Install power ;r Mower, $20.00. Save 25 on oil. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n2M t.RNITURE STYLED Duo Therm Oil Heaters nt GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO, 275 N. Liberty n202 I AUTOMOBILES PH. 24113 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW .1919 G.E. Vacuum "Cleaner with at tachments, 39.95. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n202' TALLMAN'S MID SUMMER PIANO SALE Special $825.00 Spinet - Limited No. $494.00 Full 88 note key board, cast Iron plate. Beautiful ton and finish. $50 DOWN - BAL. EASY TERMS A big saving on floor samples and dem onstrators. Such fine makes as Knabe, Fischer, Lester, and Betsy Ross Spinets. Good selection . Grand and upright pianos as low as $10.00 per month. Tallman Piano Store, Inc. 375-395 8. 12th. A mile from high prices naoo NEW 1949 G.E. Range. Headlar Size 179.95. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n202 WOOD CIRCULATOR like new. Sm. range. Both enamel, $60. 3280 Portland rd. n!99 NEW 1040 G.E. Radio Console with L. P. and Reg. record player, 137,95. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n302 1 USED D-8 Caterpiller tractor, blade At drum with Waco woodman arch. Priced for quick sale. 1 Used Waco Woodman Arch. 1 Used Isaacson K-A-80 Arch. Used 1 yr Tracksshow 30 to 40 5i wear. 1 Used Carco single drum. 1,900 ft. Mi" 6-19 Plow steel cable, prac tically new. Logging arches to rent. Ph 2-5242 - E. R. Cotter 1320 Market St. Salem, Ore. nl98 NEW 1949 G.E. Refrigerator. 189.75. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty 202 8 S & XV police special. Perfect shape. 22 single shot rifle. Ph. 3-3046. nlBB USED HOTPOINT Range, lata model, 79.50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n202 GUITAR, radio, stroller, high chair, baby bed. Ph. 2-4231. nl98 USED CROSLEY Console Radio, 25.00. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n202' 14 FT. FACTORY BUILT boat. Glassed in cab. No Plywood. 3240 S. Com'l. nl98 CLOSE OUT Bargain prices on nationally advertised rower lrwh Mowers, ah mowers guar anteed as usual. 5 20 Inch cut Pincor nofers with re- trlevor starter. Regular price $171.50 uiose out price jijd.ou 220 inch cut Pincor mowers less re trlevor starter. Regular price $161.50. Closeout price $125.00 618 Inch cut Pincor mowers. Regular price $120.00 Closeout price .... $95.00 120 Inch cut Reo Royal mower. Regular price $120.00. Close out price ..,.$95.00 sennorenoerg seed & Feed 311 N, Water St. Silverton. Ore. n202 NEW 120 base piano-accordion. Price $205. Terms. Ph. 20297 after 6 p.m. n203 USED CROSLEY Refrigerator, 79.50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO, 275 N. Liberty n202 FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357, n218- GENERAL ELECTRIC Oroalej. Gibson and Montag Appliance at Gevurtz. n SMALL COLEMAN oil heater. Good cond. 4970 Delight St., In Keller Dist. nl98 NEW lf)4 Duo Therm Oil Heater, 55.00. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n202 GOOD USED elec. refrlr. 1280 S. 14th. Reasonable. nl98 FOR SALE Double barrel 16-ga. shotgun 1 pr. men's Chicago roller skates, size 8'4. Black St Decker valve seat grind er. 3780 LaBranche Ave. nlflS NEW 1949 G.E. Dishwasher. 169.75. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty n202 TOP SOIL and RIVER SILT. Mln. 4-yd load at $1.25 yd. RIVER BEND SAND St GRAVEL CO., Ph. 3-9283. n201' BIRDS EYE MAPLE desk St chair $30.00 Royal Portable typewriter in case and stand $45.00. Damascus Rotary sewing Machine $55.00. Small show case $10.00. Wheelbarrow, removable sides $10.00. Oval top gateleg table $6.00. Phonograph SiO.00. Floor Lamp $2.00. Small Table 2.00. If Interested call phone 3-42746 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Monday or Tuesday, Aug. 20. 22, 23. n200 EASY Hot Oil Heaters, round clrc. type, Re?. 49.50. remodeling ale price 29.88. Green stamps. Also larger oil heaters at very special prices. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Commercial n200 5 PC. BLOND Bed Room set. vanity with plate glass mirror chest, nite stand. bench and bedstead. Beautiful water- fall styling. Reg. 159.50. Sale price $119.88. Green stamps. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Commercial n300' UPRIGHT PIANO, very good cond, $175.00. Gas range, apt. size. $50.00. 1B90 N. 5th. n200 SALEM SAND & U RAVEL COMPANY Coniract Work Road Clearing Dltchlni Sewer St Basemtnt Equipment Rental li B Mi yds 10 B yd.. D-7 Cat & Doser D-6 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer See us about ditching by the ft. Phone Days $-9408 Eves 3-826 or 2-4400 Salem Oregon v FENCE POSTS, poles, all typen Shingles fertilizer St flatrock Phillip Bros. Rt 6. Box 118. Ph. 3145S. n WE BUY newspapers and wast paper. 1790 N. Front. D.210 DISTILLED white rinegar for all Plckllm purposes "Keeps your pickles krisp.' Also old time eure appta elder vinegar Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. n205 LEONARD REFRIGERATOR, 475 N. Cap itol. Ph. 37525. nl99 PLASTI-KOTE, the cellophane-like finish for your floors or linoleum, that re quires no waxing. Yeater Appliance Co., 255 H. Liberty. n216 ELECTRIC SEWING Machine. Frae-Weit-ins house. Yeater Appllanct Co., 355 N Liberty. n2l$ STEEL CLOTHESLINE Post, railings In stock St made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n216 LSED ELECTRIC ranges $29 95 to $129.50. Yeater Appliance Co., 255 N. Liberty. naifl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED ELECTRIC refrigerator. Yeater Ap pliance Co., 355 N. Liberty. n316 USED ELECTRIC Washing Machines, $19.95 to 1129.50. Yeater Appliance Co.. 255 N. Liberty. n216 GOOD SIZE li coats, sutLs St dresses. Will sell reasonaole. Ph. 2-1390. nl98 BFLL SYSTEM Record-o-phone Machine. Good, condition. $139, Equipment 1100. Ph 3-1440. n200 16-IN. ROTARY garden tiller. New thin aeajjon. Ph. 2-3143 2505 Blutf Drive. nl98 BICYCLE, 3-7418. yra. old. Oood cond. 115. Ph. n200- ULTRA VIOLET ray machine 115. U. L. pressure cooker, new, 17. Ph. 33760 morn. n200 BLOUSES, coats, dre&sea, skirts, aweatera, one yellow talfeta formal, all In excel lent condition. Size 9 to 13 Ph. 3-82R1 or 515 Hood St. n203 1 BOY'S BICYCLE, In EOod cond. $30. 520 Statesman. n200" WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED iunk batteries. Paying 11.75 Petread Tlra Service 320 So. Lancaster nal9R WANTED! Used western saddle. Must be reasonable. Ph. 3-4031. na200 WANTED furniture to glue A cepatr Lee Broa rurn Henmening co pn i-ioqi RUMMAGE AND LIGHT FURN. PH. 29829. na200 "SKIl FI1RNIT1IBE Phone 3-9185 PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Products. 655 Cross St. Phone 2-5446. p218 I'HREE SISTERS Convalescence Home, 3595 D street, Salem, Oregon. Phone 33853, where your loved ones get the best. Fully staffed, 24 hour service, newly equip, A frlst class nursing home. Miss Bernice Struckmelcr. Supt. p201 AUTOMOBILES L 1948 OLDSMOBILE 68 CLUB, HYDRAMA- TIC DRIVE, RADIO. HEATER. SUN VISOR. FOG LIGHTS, LOW MILE AGE. 1 OWNER ,...$2040 O 1948 OLDSMOBILE 66 CLUB. HYDRAMA- TIC DRIVE, RADIO. HEATER, SEAT COVERS. LOW MILEAGE. 1 OWNER. DON'T WAIT FOR THIS ONE ..$1890 D 1947 OLDS 98 CONVERTIBLE, HYDRA MATIC DRIVE. PUSH BUTTON CONTROLS, RADIO. HEATER, SEAT COVERS, FOG LIGHTS, U.S. ROYAL MASTER TIRES (2170 E 1947 OLDS 98 SEDAN, HYDRAMATIC DRIVE. 2 TONE BLUE. RADIO. HEATER, ROG LIGHTS.' LOW MILE AGE, 1 OWNER. A Real Beauty $1920 R 1947 OLDS 76 CLUB. HYDRAMATIC DRIVB. RADIO. HEATER, SEAT COVERS, FINE RUBBER, VERY CLEAN, W.S. WALL TIRES ,..$1745 B 1942 PACKARD CLIPPER SEDAN. VERY FINE CONDITION. NEW D U C C PAINT. 1 OWNER. A CAR YOU'LL BE PROUD TO OWN $1170 R 1941 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUB, FLUID ' DRIVE. RADIO. HEATER, GOOD RUBBER, PERFECT COND, ...$950 O 1940 OLDS 60 SEDAN. NEW PAINT. ALL RECONDITIONED THROUGHOUT RADIO, HEATER. FINE RUBBER ONLY $750 1948 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN, Radio heater, low mileage, 1 owner A beauty $1695 MANY OTHERS IN YEARS AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Loder Bros. Your Olds Dealer 2410 Fairgrounds Road (Open Eves.) Ph. 2-1490 465 Center St. Ph. 2-7973 ql98 '40 OLDS Clb. Cpe. Very clean, with R. $650. 940 N. 13th. q202 1919 FORD Maroon Station Wagon, by owner. Excellent condition. Low mile age. Inquire 340 E. Rural Ave, or Ph. 2253B. ql99 10 MODEL A touring $135. 32 front un derslung 16" wheels. SB. Gd. tires, top, paint. Gd. motor, leather uphols. New side curtains. See at Shattuc's Chateau. Ph. 27592. ql99 19 NASH Amb. 5 P. Coupe. o"drive. In sured and financed, $525.00. 1317 Mar-, ket. ql99 1917 FI.EETM ASTER Chev. 4 door Sedan. Excellent cond. $1200.00. 1920 Berry St. Ph. 20620. Q200 '4ft SUPER BUICK, 4 door, black, personal car 38.000 miles. $1400. Call Salem Hardware Co. 39563. ql99 Eisner Motors to Buy $1250 1946 Mercury station wagon. Real red leather seats. This Is an exceptional buy and must be sold. Ph. 23727 or see at 3365 Portland Road. q200 '47 CHEV. 4-ton panel. Oood cond. St tires. 3 good spares. RAiH. Ph. 2-7587. 'SK PONTIAC 2-door deluxe. Oood run ning condition. $350, 1056 Elec. Ave 3-1434. ql99 FOR SALE, 1935 4-door Ford convertible. Ph. 29932 days. 34843 nights. ql99 1948 CHEV. convei. Loaded with acces sories. Excellent condition. $1775. Ph. 2-4431 or 3-3849. qlOft CAR ACCESSORIES at cost price. First come first served as this is a close-out sale Dealer? welcomed. R. D. Woodrow Co. 450 Center. q' WANTED: Clean used cars. Bob Marr. 3180 South Commercial a $50 L'SED CAR lot. nnj car on the ot $50 Ac your old one 12th St. Junction. q207 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY - SELL TRADB TERMS 333 Fairground Road Pbon 1-6454 Eisner Motors Fine Ca; s 1046 HEAVY Duty Chevrolet 5-yard dump truck Excellent condition Vernon D;rk. 606 E. Salem Rd., Dallas, Ore., at Dal las city limits. ql98 AUTOMOBILES 10-11 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan. Bes at SP Motors, 544 Ferry St.. Salem. qZOO Eisner Motors to Sell SAVE $ Braden's Body St Paint Shop. 3690 Cherry Ave., Ph. 2-2022. q207 NEW 200 Amp. A.C. welder to trade for light truck or pickup, ins 3ro, w. ua 1(1 m- P"- 3-4917 after 5 p.m. ql95 liito CHEV. Sedan Delivery. H. A; D. New V'Ji V galvanized pipe. Ph. 29836. ql98 '1? CHRYSLER Royal Sedan. Exc. cond. 2 new W.S wall tires. 11000 cash. Sun day all day. 1725 Madison. Ph. 38764. FOR SALE: '36 Chev. cpe. $175. Ph. 2-6139 qlSB FOR SALE OR TRADE on cheaper car. Good clean 38 Chev. coupe. Motor excel lent shape. $425. Call at rear of 2252 Simpson Ave. ql98 U(l FORD Tudor. Good condition, $245. Or will trade for model A St cash. Ph. 28825. ql98 Convertible Ford, 1947 O-drive. RArH, spotllte St lots others. Exc. cond., 1 owner, real buy. Ph. 22858. q204- SACRIFICE 1949 FORD K T. PICKUP PRICE $1300 1350 Fatrmount Ph. 34541 Hll? CROSLEY 2 door sedan, R&H, $325. A. R. Barber, 1635 Yew St. ql98 1919 CHEV, Deluxe 4 door sedan. 2640 Portland Road. qlPB 1!)41 CHEV. special deluxe 5 pass, coupe. An especially clean car. A-l tires, mo tor, paint. One owner. Radio and heat er. See at 320 N. 12th. apt. 101. ql98 1947 2 DOOR CHEV. Sedan. Excellent cond. New air cushion tires. Heater, de froster, low mileage. $1195. See Sun. at 1071 Wilber St. Ph. 2-7877. ql38 GREEN 1!CU FORD V-8 Tudor. Recon motor, $265. See Rt. 5, Box 61 Eve. Out Garden Rd q203 ins7 FORD 4 door, Mercury motor, R&H, Spotlite. Reasonable. 2785 Brooks St. q!99 BY OWNER: 1948 Buick special sedan ette, two tone grey, 2 snooper Its., fog Its., radio, heater, def raster. 13,000 ac tual miles. 359 N. Liberty St. Apt. 2. 5:30 to 8 P.m. ql98 MOTORCYCLES,' SCOOTERS 191K HARLEY DAVIDSON I'i.'i, enulp. Low mlleaae. Ph. 3-1122. FARM EQUIPMENT HAVE 2 TD-14 tractors, wide gauge. 1 new, 1 used. Will sell one A G Chollck, 212 Panama Bldg. BE 6012. qblOO FOR SALE: D2 Caterpillar tractor. 1944 model with Isaacson dozrr and land e'earing teeth. Phone 2-2398. qbl9fi BOATS FOR SALE: 14 ft. boat with trailer. Inquire- 1730 Water St., Ivan LaBansky. qqlflS SUPER SPECIAL NEW 13 ft. Semi V. Bottom boats. Beam 54 in. Transon'48 in. $77.50. North SRlem Boat Shop. Rt. 7 Box 32. Ph. 20060. qql99 FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State - Rm. 125 Lie. S-122-M-185 - C. R. Allen, Mgr. rlflB" $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO $300 Oar loans up to $500 Come in or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from oank No Parking problems Phone 27033 -Lie N M369 S291 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr r SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4',fe INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No. M-159 S-154 FARM AND CITY LOANS 41aeo and 5 YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 201 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7162 T GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. 8-133 and M-328 ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms Long and Short Time Paymf-nts ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St. Phone 3-9181 TRAILERS MAINLINE Trailer House, 21 ft. aluminum. Sleeps four, Insulated, mahogany inter ior, butane cook, oil heat. Fully equipped, like new. Ph. 35715 or 340 Hickory St. 1199 i' FACTORY BUILT trailer house. Bu tane range. Oil heat, good cond. Priced to sell. 3910 N. River Rd., Fir Crest Trailer Park. tl98 47 UNIVERSAL trailer home. Fully equip ped. Traveled 140 miles. Like new. Will sacrifice. See at 1005 S. 21st. tlRB NEW SENSATIONAL NO LIFT boat trailer. For Information write Box 369 Capital Journal. DEALERS WANTED. 1216 14 ft. TRAILER, furn., gfl. cond., $350. Ph. 29386. after 6 p. m. or 1005 S. 21st t!9fi TRANSPORTATION GOING TO Bismarck, N.D. 1st Sept. Room for 2, prefer driver. Ph. 20548. xl99 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes need machines told, rented repaired Roan 45f Court Phon 3-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service new appllanee. Vlnce's Electric Phone Free estimates Ttade-lns accepted on 3-9239 137 S Libert? St o Spence's Home Appliance Repair. "Noth ing to Sell But Service." Phone 2-4602 Prompt. o208 AT-UR DOOR GRINDING rawnmower sharpening and repairing Dexter'a Pn 36833 o AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warrant? Repair Station ror an maxea oi auio kbqios morrow Radio Co 153 S Libert? Ph 3-6955 0 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service da? phone 1-9288 Night 2-1804 33" Center O Mike Panek. 275 8. Com'l Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel aligning specialists o208 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now Terms. No down payment Phone 2-4850. o BUIlTlTlNG CO NTR ACTORS Alt Bros Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. o216' Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. o2l2 Tongue and groove chmney blocks, wholesale or retail. Mortarlesa Block Co. Ph 3-7324; 0205 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrview Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. o2I2 Bulldozing, leveling Si fine grading Prompt service.- A. L. Ekin, Ph. 3-1264 O207 DIRECTORY CASH REGISTERS Instan delivery of new RCA cash regisiet Al mafce sold, rented, re pa ed Roen 456 Court Ph $-6773 CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satlifactlon new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walla, etc. Call 2-4850. . O CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys bacuum cleaned Ensley, 771 S. 21st. h. 3-7176. o208 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Custom killing, curing At smoking and locker meat for sale. Salem Meat Co.. 25th St Turner Rd. Ph. 34858. o3U ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vtnce' Electric for electrical wiring contracting, repairing 157 S Liberty 39U3. o302 EXCAVATIN-DITCHING Hoe. Dragline, shovel. Free estimates b L. Boatwrlght. 410 Oregon Bldg. rh. Ph 3-9239 o" EXCAVATING Si GRADING Excavating At grading. Ben Otjen At Son. 818 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. o229 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl. o208 Breithauot r for flowers Dial 3-9179 o' HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watklns Oo products Pre de .tvery 1717 Center Ph 3-5395. o INSULATION Johns-Manville. Phone 3-3748. JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Buildings Factories - Home Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDG. MA INT. CO. Ph. Salem 3-9133 O LANDSCAPr NURSERY P Docrfler St Sons. Ornamentals 150 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2-1322 o' HE LUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 345 Jef o218 ferson St., Phono 23462. LA W N MOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service New powrr and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l St. o207 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At you: door lawnmowe- 'harpeninn Dfixter the lawnmower man Ph S68.H3 MATTRESSES Capltiu Bedding Phonp 34089 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Disk chairs, files and filing supplies safes, duplicator and supplies desk lamps typewriter stands brief cases Inrce Wire Recorders. Roen 458 Court MUSIC LESSONS Spanish & Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin BanJo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7369. o214 PAINTINO Spra; or brush painting. Ph. 23664. o201 Slfstrom' are equipped to do toui painting Phone 3-2493 PAINTING & PAPERIIANGING Painting and paperhanRlng. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. o314 PAPERIIANGING Expert Paperhanging end painting H. J Waodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. 0201' Kemtonlnc Interior decorating, free es timates. Ph. 20501 0199" Bldg maintenance, painting, Ph 20501 ral repair 0199 PAINTING Se PAPERING Call 2-2C08 for your Painting At Paper hanging. Attractive rates. o223 MCTI'Kfc FRAMING Plc'ure framing Hutcheon Paint Store PhOke 3-6P87 Fisher, 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. P.tUNING-SI'RAYING Phlh J W Belike h. 2-1208. ROAD BUILDING At GRADING Road building At grading, land clearing with teeth. Small or large Job. Prompt service. L. Ekin. Ph. 3-1264. o312 SAND A GRAVEX Valley Sand St Gravei Co Silt, sand Si f II dirt Excavating iwb hhdvci uw Tractor scoop Ai trucks for dirt moving Ph office 24002. res 37146 O SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKB Elect, ic Roto- Roour Exclusive Patnl Ranor 'harp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains Septlo Tank Cleaned Reaa Ph 3-5337 or 1-9468 SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-Bth St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o223 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service, 2545 State St. Phone 2-0734. o' "Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468 1-5327. SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms All makes. W. Devenport. Ph. 37671 o202 All makes repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 3-3512. 0 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remincton Royal, Under wood portables All makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court o TRANSFEP St STORAGE '.ocal it Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal Si briquets Trucks tc Portland dally Agent for Beklna House, hold goods moved to anywhere In U.S o. Canada Larmer Transfer St Storage Ph 3-3131 o' VENETIAN BLINDS Made h Salem Free est Phona 17328 Elmer the Blind man o' Salem Venetian Blind made to order m reflniihed Relnholdt St Lewis 2-3639 WEATIIERSTRIPPINO Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5965. o20Ba Portable acetylene or anywhere. Ph. 33485. Anything, 0219 WELL DRILLING Vrrii Wvmore Rt 2 Box 317. Ph. 2-5135 O310 WINDOW SHADES Washable Roller Made to order. 1 Da? Del Rcinholdt Si Lewla Ph 23639. o WINDOW CLEANING Acme Indow Cleaners Windows, wails Si woodwork cleaned Ploors cleaned waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 347 Court. Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather WOOD A SAWDUST LEGAL Wst Sale! Pwl Co Ph 2-4031 o' ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE unTirR IH HEREBY GIVEN that OS CAR D. OLSON, as administrator or me nt Rt:N.IAMIN HOWARLI UMIUKW1, deceased, has filed his final account as such, and by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon Coun- it. iimnii 90 igin BL 1U UU O CIOCK III tKv forenoon of said day has been fixed as the time, and the courtroom or bbio coun has been fixed as the place for the hear ing of objections to said final account and the srttiemeni oi aim OSCAR D. OIAON, Ariminlsrator of the Estate of Benjamin Howard Largent, dee'd, RHOTEN h RHOTEN SAM F, SPEERSTRA Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Administrator. July 23. 30; Aug. a. u, Journal Want Ads Pay LEGAL IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREOON In the matter of JESSE M. ROQUERMORE. Bankrupt. No. B-30112 In Bankruptcy. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. To the creditors of Jesse M. Roquemore of 3710 Liberty, Salem, a bankrupt: NOTICE Is hereby given that said Jfse M. Roquemore has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by him on July 15, 1949, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Rm. 325, U.S. Post Office Bldg.. Salem, Orearn. on August 29, 1949, at 2:45 p.m. P.8.T., at which place and time said cred itors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, appoint a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and tr nsact such other business as may Properly coma before said meeting. Dated August 17, 1949. LESTER O. OEHLER, Referee In Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In the matter of CHARLES IR VIN BRUNK. Bankrupt. No. B-30163 In Bankruptcy. NOTICE Or FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. To the creditors of Charles Irvin Brunk of 4089 Glenwood Dr . Salem, a bankrupt: NOTICE is hereby dven that said Charles Irvin Brunk has leen duly adjudged a bankrupt on a peti tion filed by him on August 10, 1949, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Rm. 225. U. S. Post Office Bids.. Balem, Oregon, on August 29, 1949, at 2:30 p.m., P.S.T., at which place and e said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a committee of creditors, examine the bank rupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated August 17. 1949. LESTER G. OEHLER. Referee In Bankruptcy, Corval- lis. Oregon. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In the matter of DOLLY L. BRUNK. Bankrupt. No. B-30164 In Bank ruptcy. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. To the creditors of Dolly L. Brunk of 4089 Glenwood Dr., Salem, a bankrupt: NOTICE Is hereby given that said Dolly L. Brunk has b-rn duly ad ludcfd a bankrupt on a petition filed by her on August 10, 1949. and thet the first meeting of her creditors wilt be held at Rm, 225. U. S. Post Office Bide, Salem. Oregon, on August 29. 1949, at 2:30 p.m. P.S.T.. at which place and time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a committer of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said mopllng. Dated August 17. 1949. Lester G. Oehler, Referee in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United Slates for t lie District of Oregon In the matter of Robert Kendrick Barry. No. B-30I51 In Bankruptcy. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the creditors of Robert Kendrick Barry of Rt, l, Aumsville, OreKon, a bankrupt; Notice is hereby given that said Robrrt Kendrick Barry has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by him on August 4. 1949. and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Rm. 225, U.S. Past Office Bldg.. Salem, Oregon, on August 29. 1949. at 2:15 p.m. P.S.T., at which place and time said :reditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may prop erly come before said meeting. Dated Aug ust 17. 1049. Lester G. Oehler, Referee In Bankruptcy. Corvallis, Oregon. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of Finney Arnold Dugfter, Bank rupt. No. B-30127 In Bankruptcy. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the creditors of Finney Arnold Duegor of U65 E. Rural Ave., Salem, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that said Finney Arnold Dugger has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a prtltion filed by htm on July 23. 1949, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Rm. 225. U.S. Post Office, Salem, Oregon, on Aug ust 29. 1949, at 2:00 p.m. P.S.T., at which place and time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ap point a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact audi other business as may properly come before said meeting. Datfd August 17. 1049. Les- G. Oehler, Referee in Bankruptcy Corvallis. Orefton. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of Alfred Cecil McCalllster, Bank nipt. No. B-30117 In Bankruptcy. Noticr of First Meeting of Creditors. To the creditors of Alfred Cecil McCalllster of Rt. 4. Box 334, Salem, a Bankrupt: Notii Is hereby given that anld Alfred Cecil McCalllster has h?m duly adjudted bankrupt on a petition filed by him on July 16, 1949, and that the first mertitu of his creditors will be held at Rm. 225, U.S. Post Office Bldg., Salem, Oreaon, on Aug ust 29. 1949. at 1:45 p.m. P.S.T., at which place and time said creditors may attend prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ap point a committee of creditors, examlnr the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated August 17, 1940. Lester O. Oehler, Referee In Bankruptcy, Corval lis, Oregon. In the Dlxtrlct Court of the United States tor the District ot Oregon In the litter of .incob De-vld Weklner, Bankrupt, o. B-30073 In Bankruptcy. Notice of Plrat Meetlnt of Creditor. To the credil ora of Jacob David Waldner of 38R0 Pleas ant View Dr., Salem, a bankrupt: Notice la hereby Riven that aaid Jacob David Waldner has been duly adjudged a bank rupt on a petition filed by him on June .10, 1949, and that I he first meet ing of his creditors will he held at Rm. 32: U.S. Post Office, Salem, OreBOrt, on August 29, 1049, Rt 1:30 p.m. P.S.T , at which place and time aaid creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee appoint a- committee of credit ora, examine the bankrupt, and tran sact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated Aus. 17. 1049. Lester O. Oehler, Referee in Bankruptcy, Corvallis, Oregon. In the District Court of the United Stales for the District ot Oregon In the matter ot Raymond Joseph Moss. Bank rupt. No. B-30000 In Bankruptcy. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the credit ors of Raymond Joseph Moss, of 841 N. Liberty, Salem, Bankrupt: Notice Is here by given that said Raymond Joseph Moss has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by him on June 20, 1949, and that the first meeting of his cred itors will be held alRm. 22fi, U.S. Post Office Bldg., Salem, Oregon, on August 1049, at !:1B p.m. P.S.T. , at which piRce and time said creditors may attend, prova their claims, appoint a trustee, ap point a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact auch other business as may properly come before aaid meeting. Dated August 17. 1049. Les ter O. oehler. Referee In Bankruptcy, Corvallla, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that thr underpinned, by on ordf.r of the Circuit Court, of tlii State of Orritnn for Marion County, Probate Depurtmrnt, mads and nlfred on the lltn dny of Annual, 1040. wjju appointed administrator with the will annaxKl of tha Kittle of Julia M. Kolley deceased, and that he ha a qualified a.1 such administrator. All peraoru havinR claim as Id eatate are hereby notified to brln the same duly verified ,nd with proper voucher, to the under- incd administrator at 1450 Hickory, Sa lem. Oretton. or to his attorney, within nx month from tha date of tha first publication of thta notice, which first publication la made Auguat 13, 1040. George B. Slack Administrator c.t.a. of the EMnte of JULIA M. KFLLEY. deceased. CREIGHTON AND LOVETT Attorney for the Batata m N. Liberty St. Salem, Oreon. Aui, 13, 20, 27, Sept. 3, 10. NOTICR TO CREDITORS Notice Ls hereby alven that the under ianet haa been appointed Administratrix of the Fatal of Raymond H. Freeman, deceased. All persona hnvlnt claims ait in it that estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified and with proper voucher, to the Adminis tratrix in care of R. B. Carmlchael, 156 West Llnco.n street, Stlem, Oregon, within six (61 month of the date of the first publication of this notice. Date ot first publication July 30, 1049. MELISSA CALVRRT, Administratrix of the Estate of Raymond H. Freeman. Deceased. R. B. CARMICHAEL, Attorney for Estate II. 8. National Bank Bulldlm, Sprinrfteid. Oregon. Capital Journal July 30, Auk. 0, 13, 30, 37, 1040. LODGES I.O.O.F meet, every Wed J netiday night. Visitors wei coma, 1 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, August 20, 194918 lAfTAOv fir bpA -1. "! Iff Costly Blaze Two men forcibly restrain a stable boy (cen. ter) from trying to rescue a favored horse from the blazing stable. The boy, Dean Turpin, guided a number of thorough breds from the flames. Nineteen horses burned to death and two attendants were singed when fire swept three barns at Raton, N. M., La Mesa Park track, (AP Wirephoto) CURVES TO GET CURVIER New Lens to Give Movies Depth, Just Like Life By PATRICIA Hollywood. Aue. 20 (U.R) A new was unveiled today which, as the human eye, makes pictures loon The new discovery makes Lana Turner's curves look curv ier and puis everything on focus, from the star in the close-up to the extras in the background. Its nventors say it'll start the big gest revolution in movie busi ness since popcorn. A cameraman with two acad emy awards, Hal Mohr, estimates the gadget can save producers 25 to 30 per cent per picture. He says they can cut way down on the lights and on rehearsals to get the stars to emote only on their chalk marks. What's more, they won't even have to have chalk marks. 'I can eliminate one third of the steps in production," Mohr said. Point two, if you come late to the movies and get seats by the wall, you can see as well you would in the center. From the side, actors will no longer look like broomsticks. You won t head from the mov ies to the eye doctor, either. The scenes will be as clear as if they were alive. A movie won't have to switch from closeup to close-up to show two actors arguing. You can see both at the same time Movie Queens look round and luscious with the now lens. Two dimensional pictures give u; flat actors against flat scenery A gaunt, balding refugee Rus sian nobleman, Stephen Garulso, nvented this boon to Hollywood after 25 years of work. It is based, he said, on one of the few new discoveries in the laws of physics and optics in 2,000 years, This "discovery" has to do with the direction of light rays While the new lens has not yet been tested on color films,' the sponsors see no reason why it will not work as good on that as black and white films. No special film Is needed and standard theater equipment will project the pictures made by the new lens One of the biggest studios is planning to test the gadget. "It's a good thing, all right," a spokesman said. "But they want an awful lot of money." An independent producer al- LEGAL NOTICE OF BONO SALE Notice Is hereby givrn that sealed bids will be received by the tindcrslRned until the hour of 8 o'clock p. m, on thn 30th day of August, 1040, and Immediately thereafter publicly ouened bv the District Srhnol Board of School District No. 88, Mnrion County, OrpROn, at the school house at Keizer, In Mnrion County, Ore gon, for an Issue of bonds of said school district In the nmouiU of FORTY-EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS ($48,000,001 to be dated September 1, 1040, and to mature werlally In numerical order as follows: $2,000.00 on March 1. 1961 3.000.00 on March 1, 19f3 2,fKin no on March l 2,01(0,00 on MBrch 1 2.000.00 on March 1 ll51 lflM 10 5 ft 2,n0O.0O on March 1. 1058 2.000.00 on Marrh 1, 1057 3,000.00 on March l, lorB 2.OO0.00 on March 1, 10M) 3,000.00 on March 1, IflOO 3,0(10.00 on March 1, 10H1 3.000.00 on March 1, 10fi2 3.00(1.00 nn March 1, lon.l 3.000.00 on March 1, 1B84 3,000.00 on March I, 10f!i 3.000.00 on March 1, 1066 3,000.00 on March 1, 1087 3,000.00 oh Mnrch 1, 1088 3.000.00 on March 1. 1080 The bonds of an id Issue that, mature af ter Muich I. 106.1 Will he subject to call and redemption In numerical order upon snld date or upon any Interest date there after. The bonds will he denominations of SI, 000.00 each and will bear Interest at such rate or rales, not to exceed three and one-half per cent (3'a) per annum pay able semiannually, as la specified by the successful bidder. Both the principal of and interest upon the bonds will be pay able at the office of the County Treas urer of Marlon County. Oregon, or at the fiscal agency of the Stale of Oregon In the city and state of New York, at the r't!on ol the purchaser. Bidders are re quested to Include In their bids a state ment of the total Interest cost upon the bond Issue to the District, provided none of the bondi nre called for pnvment prior to the final maturity dates thereof. Bids must be accompanied bv a certi fied check drawn In favor of the district upon a bank doing business In Oregon In the amount of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS III. 000.00). The bonds will be sold to the highest bidder for not less than par value and accrued Interest, with (he District School Board reservint the right to reject any and all bids. Genevieve Oldenburg, Clerk, School Dlstrlrt No. 88 Marlon County. Oregon Rt. No. 2. Box 38 Ralem, Orepon First puhlirhed: August 1.1. 1A40 Last published: August 30. 1049 Aug. 13, 30 CLARY three-dimensional movie lens camera's closest copy of the .ubs just line me. ready has made two western yf? movies with it. The cowboys al- Vy most gallop out into the audience. In an ordinary, two-dimension lens, Garutso's agent, Dr. E. Goulden, explained, the rays of light meet at one point, and consequently only one actor per scene is in focus. In Garutso's lens, he said, the rays go through the lens in straight lines and strike the negative evenly. So the whole picture is clear and lifelike. Cameraman Joe Valentine, now dead, developed a gadget to bring depth to the screen nine years ago. It gathered dust be cause no studio claimed it could afford it. Farm Program Splits Senate Washington, Aug. 20 (U.B j Senate agriculture leaders were s sharply divided today over the o proper prescription for the na- .. tion's farm economy. s Agriculture Committee Chair man Elmer Thomas (D., Okla.) called for a one-year extension , a of the present wartime price support law, which props prices under- 18 crops at 90 per cent of parity. Thomas said a compromise bill drafted by a senate agricul ture subcommittee, headed by Sen. Clinton P. Anderson (D., N. Mex.), has "absolutely no chance" of passage. But Anderson, former secre tary of agriculture, said he was confident most members of his subcommittee would stand sol idly behind the compromise, which was approved by unani mouse vole. The eight subcommittee mem bers make up a majority of the full 15-man agriculture commit tee, which meets Monday for a possible showdown vote on the issue. Unless some new law is enact ed, the so-called Aiken farm law passed by the 80th congress goes into effect in January. It provides flexible price supports, ranging from 60 to 80 per cent of parity. The Anderson compromise calls for 90 per cent parity props under so-called basic crops, but would adopt some features of the Aiken law, pro viding an absolute floor, how ever, of 75 per cent rather than 80 per cent of parity. Animal husbandry and farm ing are each believed to have begun about 10,000 years ago around the eastern end of the Mediterranean. For LEASE Entire lower floor & gar age in business district. Would make ideal of fice, studio and living quarters for couple. Will give lease $60.00 per month. Phone 31577 Evenings Hemorrhoids (Piles) Fistula Fissure Prolapse and oth er Rectal Disor ders corrected the easv, convenient way No hospttallz atlon quick relief Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic I nuro-Rectal Specialist 1144 Center St. Salem. On. Ph 39460 FREE PARKING losest since n. light, I In ltage they mth- s re hold , mest ltage Chi- ives Keil the Ity his tos- :her, lead 5-3 lere lpti ears fer- riei per ear by SO :red t a ilub oup day igo.