-Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Saturday, August 20, 1949 The HOUSE on LILAC STREET by FRED BAYARD P N.wifeolurei iChapier o The crash of splintering wood work echoed through the empty warehouse above. The momentary drumming of leet across the floor ended abruotv in a fusillade of shots. The quiet that followed was a prelude to disaster for the men listening Deiow. The noise of movement over. head was louder now. In a matter of seconds, the police would find the steel re-enforced door at the top of the stairs. Once they got tnrougn mat, is woma oe every man :or nimseii. Instantly, the men were galva nlzed into action, pulling the heavy mess aside, they began to pry open a section of the floor boards, to disclose a large cavity. Into this went copperplates, negatives, filters, and the various cnemicais neeaea to make currency without tne bene fit of the supervision of the United States Treasury. "It won't take 'em long to find it. if they really tear the Joint apart. but maybe we can keep 'em occu rred with other minus lor a wnne. Get the lights out, Joe!" a voice ordered. The heavy darkness heightened the tension. The door was slowly giving away. Haid Scott began to move lorwara With a groaning snap the door burst open. For a moment, they were blinded by a powerful flashlight from the top of the stairs. Faintly, they made out tne surge 01 oiue-ciaa lorms through the door. Then bedlam broke loose. A slug shattered the light and nit tne man behind it trouble getting around the fallen man, for they stopped shooting. The one named Joe edged toward the stairs, and from a new vantage point began to throw a rapid lire In spite of the hail of bullets beat ing against them, sheer weight of numbers on the part of the police was beginning to tell. A muffled curse, ending In a gasp, indicated that one of the counterfeiters near Haid had been hit. The shooting became spasmodic, finally stopped, "O.K. boys show's over," a voice called. At the same time a brilliant light flooded the room. "Two stiffs back there, Captain,'' one or me patrolmen pointed out. A third policeman, holding a riot gun, motioned Haid to Join the others, "All right! Up with you." He Indicated the stairs. "You, O'Mal ly, watch him. This bird will have some interesting talking to do." As Haid stumbled up me stairs, his mind was racing over the possi bilities of a getaway. If it was to work at all. It would have to be as they were cutting through the warehouse to the loading door, where the police had forced an entrance. He turned his head slightly to see li anyone else had come up the stairs. Only the faint sound of voices came up to him from below. The patrolman who had accompanied the three other men was out of sight. O'Mally was slightly behind him. torch In his left hand, his right hold nit a nun. As thev drew level with a mass of packing cases piled one on ton of the other, with only a nnrrow assagcway between, Halo realized It would be now or never. Pretending to stumble, he put out ins arm toward tne policeman as If to regain his balance. As the latter drew level with him, he caught the wrist holding the gun, and pressed down with all his weight. At the same time he pushed the other forward with a: much force as he could. O'Mally. taken by surprise, was unable to stop himself until he brought up against a heavy crate. With the wind partially knocked out of him he could not immediately brim his gun around. This gave Haid hit chance. Darting into the alleyway between the cases, he tried to pui as much distance between hlmsell and the policeman as he could. Thr respite was brief, for almost immedi ately O'Mally shouted at the top ol his lungs. Feet pounded up the stair, from below, announcing reenforce mrnts. V Jfk2627 Appliqued Apron with only one yard of material you can make this pretty apron. Cut in one piece, the darts make for perfect fitting. It's figure flattering from every angle and the gay flowers on bib and )orkels are easily appliqued from workbox scraps. Pattern Envelope No. R2827 con- BOARD ONUOJ ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Aherr fy THERE'S NO SENSE IN ASKING ?$37 I HAVE AN IDEA ?S r FOR. A CHANGE OF ROOMS'" I F-,J THE OWNER. AACE 7 LOOkES AT TH' OTHERS AND C A HOBBY OF COLLECTING J THEY'RE ALL TM' SAME SIZE SEA SHELLS, AND WUAT TH' OWNER. OF 'OoOWAM GOT SO MANY TH' A LODGE' DID UAS PARTITION A ONLY SPACE LEFT TO A I2.-RCOA HOUSE TO TAKE IN I STORE 'EM WAS IN J:Ns 40 GUESTS -HOPING THEY'D ALL THE MATTRESSES ALL BE THIN , '1 U Wi 5QUKWK ABajr k'v i ir&i Hiaa reaiizeu mat u.ners would know their way around no better than he. But they did have the advantage of flashlights. Once his eyes became accustomed to the gloom, however, it was easier to mane nis way aiong. Suddenly, as he glanced up, a sngntiy ugnter paten met nis eye. Possibly a small window built high lor purposes of ventilation. It seem ed to offer his only chance. Cau tiously, he began to climb toward it, fearing at each moment that one of the cases would come crash- in e down. Working now with all the haste caution permitted, he opened the window. The hinges giving forth a small squeak in spite of his ef forts to prevent it, and he eased himself through. As he approached the mouth of the lane, he hesitated, listening. Almost Instantly, a policeman swung Into the alley. As he did so. he snapped on his Iiasnugnt. Haid stepped back Just too late to avoid being outlined in lis glare. The nignt was made nideous by tne shrining or a wnistie. Making no effort to hide. Haid sprinted back the way he had come. If only this did not prove to be a dead end. In spite of the bad light, his pursuer was shooting at him, for tunately, he thought, with bad arm A high board fence loomed ahead stretching too far up for anyone to catch hold of the top to swing over. A slight bulne indicated a loose plank. He began to rip at It, almost falling backwards as it came away. The delay had been too long, however. A bullet smacked into the wood beside him, splintering It. Tne second one caught him in the shoulder. Only the fact that ne was nan way tnrougn tne lence saved him, for the impact drove him forward and whirled him out of the line of fire. For a moment. the numbing effect made it difficult to think. Instinctively, he pushed his way through the shrubbery growing close to the fence and was instantly lost In the shadows. (To Be continued) Smart for School The Jumper is important In every school girl's wardrobel This new oeitcd-in princess style complete with con vertible collared blouse is espe cially smart In sturdy corduroy or clan plaid. No. 20(11 Is cut in sizes o. , iu, vi and 14. Size 8 Jumper. 174 yds. 35 ln.; blouse, Hi yds. 35-in. JUSt OUll Hie I AIjLi-W1IN 1 Citt FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions thev are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 150 practical. cosy-to-sew, up-to-tne-minute pat tern designs for all ages. Remember. it's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. price lust 20 cents. To obtain this pattern, send 20c n COINS, giving pattern number. our name, address and zone num- icr to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour lal, 828 Mission Street. San Fran- Isco 3, Calif. tains material requirements, tissue pattern for adjustable sizes, tracing lor applique designs and complete making and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern, send 20c in COINS, giving pattern number. your name, address ona zone nuiiv ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nav, 828 Mission Street, San Fran Cisco 3, Calif. r PARK HERE, STEVE THE ONLY "1 r WHEN SHE TURNED ON T OKAY -- 1 I . AND TELL US WHV PERSON I 1 THAT SOPRANO SIREN. I DRIVE I - YOU HELPED THE MEANT TO HELP SUDDENLY GOT RESTLESS' BACK HOME.1 -JWMpy W .1"-, V JUSLrf OFj Ic'BEAvTiRVMS Jwli ve 0 I f HERE SEE? THIS PLANK- I I I Ha! PERFECT NOW VW I R V YESSIR, SANDY ! CT t A A I J LOOSEN THUS ROPE AND IT'LL PC? I f STAY HERE, SANCYKEEP AN I R CATWALK INTO TH MARSH- C'"---L mmj DROP, JUST LIKE A Jmmm I I EVE THWtSS ffij COM' 1 v I BUT HOW WE GOIN' TO GET f"1""1""1"1" rSV DRAWBRIDGE, I'LL BET ! irFWZ I I TO SEE WHERE THAT PLANK I fT STIR IT FAST, I I 1 HAVE A FEELING M I I Y DADDY'S SURE X I 'II ' f . ,.i (TRUDY. DADDY'S THAT THIS MUD BRICK J ;' GOT A LOTTA DRAG T , VCOMIKT-X I WILL BE OUST ,. MOM NEVER LET J H I, frfi V TT r irK-"1" 1 WANT ;( OS POTCXJRMUDfe-E L Ei OHr WHUT KIM ONE-FAULTS I lllr B - I I AH'LLTAKC tV'BV BOTTLI. Hf VI (-HCS GOIN1 OFT INTO TH' WOOflS ONE FAULT C.'--ir HAIH'T AMS Iml W rE,K.V PPLE AN'BARR-LO'LIKKCRIN WIF IT ALL.'.' SO THJT HIS Jk HONCY -IT HAIN'T 2W THASS MUrTIAM Z, TH'PLACH.V-TOSS IT -M. ONC FAULT. '.'-HE'S A 1 GALS- "A ,2sSfet' UUI TTf JUINL-MUN ALL INTO A J (-Fftf MAH 1 ' INCOORABLC DRUNKARD.'.' u vmurs lijtt.v) eiajjtft VIHUT.'.' tRoG-sHOP r whesxbarrow.Y A man.'.' J now tht ah has discovered I H i miiw i i UtJ rt??i m j , -7 ne's his secret, ah'll. fold th' j (TV T&XSSjcZ r I wflLiarTP::-;- Ibt-A fiTT ,A a Roarm: I pore souse: into th' woods. J i " " BACK'j . YOU KNOW HOW A DOS WAGS ITS 1 WHATS THE KWELL.FIRST IT WASlpLINNy EH ? X OH.'lTlS HOME. BUT BiS'MUTT ISTHE COP l'M NOTl TAIL WHEN IT SEESyBONE? 'f)'7J7Ji7a Wvw IT'S THE SAME AS ANY f V: REMOVlNSHlS C(-ATjWAITIN6 w WELL. WHEN THIS 60- A ReBiFNLBL5TrtI tmI weM uceNSE'joTHEROLD DRIViNS l'- BECAUSsV(to FIND M car passes a gas JSy c inimoaei nT rr UCjls4& "isr o0UT! y sj g fSzZ-- SURE I MEAN fT.. COME TO MV CABIN AND " THISLL 6IVE RUSTY lilii11! 6EE ! 1 WAS SURE LUCKY TO ' y I'LL FEEL A LOT ILL 6'VE" OU THE FULL SOMETHIN6 TO DO, uc'hloVP OVERHEAR TMAT!..I (SOTTA Q IF YOU REALLV MEAN IT BETTER WITH A INVENTORY.. THEN YOU TOO-I'LL MAKE HIM ti'IiSo BELOW AND TIP OFF JDE I R I WOULDECIATE IT A JOB.. WWTDO J CAN CHECK IT IN THE XMY ASSISTANT. VSj K , . . LOT IF M3U WOULD TAKE I I DO ? A HOLD JgffT -rrtV y V- Tf amB'': I S? I I IiTf , i r I I I r GIAAME ANOTMEFi7'l- WVV I TUBE OF GLLe..'- J 1 lY FIRST ONE WAS l (t- ! ri rrun' I'VE CERTAINLY HAD MY IRONY TODAY I' WH0 HAVE ALWAYS BEEN READY WITH GLIB ANSWERS FOR OTHERS PERSONAL PROBLEMS FIND MY HEART SUDDENLY GONE "w TONGUE-TIED I'M AFRAID THE MERL GUARANTEE OF FOOD AND SHELTER IS TOO WALL A PRICE TO PUT ON THE FREEDOM IVE ENJOYED ALL THESE IT YEARS! - A A A frktsnvthilt-Ordy ON THE OTHER HAND.A CANARY TRADES FREEDOM FOR SECURITY' -AND CONTINUES TO FILL THE AIR WITH U uncial an- mun i,iAi.ic UAUDC 1 IT ONLY 5INGS TO HIDE THE ACHE IN ITS BREAST!?... -OH, DEAR!- -LM SO CONFUSED- ! .iinrtfl lis two Hocks away, "SO'JCry huma THAT LOOKS LIKE THE GAL WHO ESCAPED FROM RINERBY SANITAR UM GROSAN PULL OVER TO . CUKtV RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY 1.M. 'KSLM JSJiKGW 5" :M ,,,, Uninnltr TknlmBcuxl Up Tlm Triiiurj Show :l( H.ml..wr Unl...ltr Th.l od V, Tin. Trt..Ut, Show M 8m.k. Elnn v B.i.4! .f L.J B.rh Vtnl.r. Dun Ah... IU Sn.k. lnn B.ndi .f L.Bd Open Blbl. Orch.ilr. 6 IN H...II C.lli B.ndi .( till C.ndlelllhl nd Red B.rbtr :1 H.w.ll C.ll. B.ndi ( Und SIIt.i Oreh.itr. M Gr.i.rr Hood H.t.'. lo Vol. New. Orobe.lr. li Orw.rj Hood timer F.Urun Treplc.n. Nt.i 7 'to Moil. Hit r.r.d. Here'. I. Veil Mnile let Ion 115 r.bern.el. Eeh. Hit P.r.d. B.nd.t.nd Mmle lor Ton :3 Comedr Fl.rhou.. D.nc.ron. B.nd.t.nd Ma.l. MrnortM Comedr Pl.rhoni. Ai.lmm.nl Dntout Pop. Dkk H.ymfri 8IM T B A Dlek Powell B.seh.U ln II l.ln :l T B A Dlek Powell B..eb.ll SIM It .! :0 Vole, ol Tr.lb Grind Ol. Oprr Baieb.ll Sinf It l.ln 143 Vole, ol Troth O'.nd Ol. Opry B.icb.ll Sing II Ag.ln 9l Life Beilu .1 M VI. Demon. Show Bueb.ll V..in Monro. :1 LU. Beclne .1 M VI. Demon. Show B..eb.ll Vnhn Monro. ! M.t th. Pr... Dene. Orehe.tr. B.sebell Oen. Antrr 13 Meet th. Pre.. D.ne. Oreheitr. B..eb.U Gen. A.trr m jfc :00 New. Dir.., Pl.rhom B.ieb.U riT. bl.r linU 1 1 1:16 II'. lb. To Dlree. Pl.oa.. New. Konnd-Op G.nc Bn.ter. II:. New. Three Sene D.nelnf Party G.m B.eteri I ' Harry Jam Bollln Trl. D.nclng Parly J.nt.n Be.eh nm Open Homo Wax Hhiu Danelnc Parly Jant.en Be..k :13 Open Hons. Wax Hninn D.nclng P.rtr Serenade :3o Open Ho... Wax Mnaenm D.nelnr Party Orehe.tr. :4B Open Hon.. W.x Mimn D.nelnp Parly Oreheelra U: 81xn Oil lin Oil Sim Oil Slrn-Ofl ' SUNDAY 7' N.w. Newe ili Wormwood Poreat Blxea, Or..nl.t :M Cam... .1 Ma.lc Bin., Or.anl.1 I. O.nno. .1 Ma.le Ch.rlol Wbe.1. 8lM M.il. b, Hlrhlltht. Deep Blrer Boy. Chnreh el Ih. Aly ,11 Hil l nui, Hiihllthl. Newe Chnreh .1 lb. Air .10 Muli Ch.ren. In Hem. PeUoweblp Tele, chnreh el the All Cnl. tntb.ran Cbnreh In Hero. Pellowihlp Vole. Charch .1 Ibo All 9nM III B.ptlit Ch. n.w. Ch.pel .1 Air New. :3 l.t B.ptl.t Ch. Mom. (.renada Clark Dennl. Howard Smith :80 Vo ti ol Prophecy j,. An Mlrl. a, o.llery Goi.lp 13 Voice ol Proph.ey M.ilo At. Marl. H.nr New. S'J!" S.v!' 9.',"' sl1"' "rlM. Cb.rcb In Wild. Imitation f?tk I C"" '"' 0""n L" lo Uarnln. 11 :!! rSiS! 2 ' rU U.bl Sacred Heart Peopb'. Platl.ne, I Hear F.t.ra.1 Ll.bl W.yn. Klni People'. pl.lteriH II 'J? nVI . a'" F'' "' Ob. Sail Lak. Tiber. I I !1! SI al"" Shellay rlr.1 B.ptl.t Ch Sail Lak. Taber. Ml S'..l,tJ. Obl.a,. Bo..i Flr.IB.pll.ICh. Tre... B.nd.t.nd l!" Her"' Tri Tabl. Flnl B.ptlit Ch. Tr.n. Banditand liM In Ie,,'lM New. Serened, lor chor.ll.r. 11 Mi Jon. T.pe.trl.. Dayld Bo.. Or.h. Strip.. Chor.ll.r. 11 Sond.y Payorlle, Deilm lor United Nation. M.ile In Kiel. Can.ry Pel show Llitenln. Ony Lombard. Newe I- H.w! Lltlnp 1019 Word. Mml. CBS Symphony !,5 m" .' ,. l"ta' 1949 Wo"" " CBS ph.w U Mr. 1.7, E. S"'!" ." ' Mn.l. CBS Symph.nJ I" Mr't'ty Hill Bo.lon Symphny Daydream Mu.le CBS Symphony 7:?I S;il" 20,,0 ""Pl"y Showea.. Banda CBS Symphony 13 Ho... .1 My.l.r, Bolton Symphny showcaie Band. CBS Symphony J! k! I' '." S" i ' I,,M B'nd Mu,l '' S-""" Orehe.tr. !" Kane, Prltat. Eye Air Pore. B.nd Mnilc lor Sunday Orche.lt. 3:0J Under Arreet Mmle .r Maiten Mo.lo Boom My Serenad. S,"""..'.?" ' "" " "IP Mmle Boom Ner. rli . Hollywood C.ll. Sunday Serenad. Symphonett. M c"' Bep.rl Hollywood C.ll. Sunday Serenad. 8ymphon.lt 4 if? !' "" Hollywood Call. Donald Stewart Family Hour :? Si.a S0? Hollywood C.ll. Donald Stewart Family Hoar :I !,! S , Surprleo Serenade Donald Stewart lour. Truly L""r Surprln Serenad. Pon.ld Stewart Tour. Truly 5'M Mu.lo lor Sunday Vole. Eyent. Ba.eb.ll Hit Farad. 113 Mu.lo lor 8unday Voice a Eyenta Ba.eball Hit Parade ii. ' Sf ''" Orehe.tr. Muile lor America Call th. Polio. For Chrlil Oreheitra Mu.le lor America C.ll the Police 6 'ik Alexander. Media- NBC Symphony Baseball Becky Jordan n t0 Board NBC Symphony Ba.eb.ll Roeky Jordan VD Radio ProJ, Star Playhoua. Baieb.ll New. New. St.r Playhom. Baaeball Georx. Fl.hM 7- Seeret Million NBC Symphony Ba.eb.1l Corlli. Arefaer ba Seorct Million NBC Symphony Baieball Corlli. Areber ;?? Family Theatre Ethel Merman Bandstand Our Mlu Brook. . 'JZ F.mlly Theatre Ethel Merman Bandstand Our Ml.. Brook. 3:30 Murder by Expert Who Said That Baeb.Il Llle With Lulrl ' :1B Murder by Expert Who Said That Baseball Lit. With Lnlei :30 Medlc.l Hllltei Hor.e. Beidl B.ieball , Bit Parade '3 Northwest New. Horace Heidi Baeeball Hit Parade 9:00 Twenty Que.tlon. Peicha Kaxan Baieb.ll Philip Matlowa :IB Twenty Ouesllon. Elmet Petenon Baieball Philip Marlow. :30 Burl Ires Symphony Hoar Baseball The Whistler 113 Lanny Hon Symphony Hopr Baseball The Wblstler f A !0u New. Symphony Houy Baseball I Fit. Star FlnM I "I IS Musle Symphony Hoar News Ronndud Sam Spado 11 7:3 Bill Cunnlniham C.thollo Hour Sunday Reverl. S.m Sped. ' 'M New. C.lbcllo Hour Sund.y Reyctl. St, Ff.ncl. Hour IPX '00 slxn Oil New. sign Oil Serenade I :18 Mary Ann Meyeer Lei'. D.ncp :30 Wax Museum Orchestra :45 Wax Musenm Orchestra 12:00 Sim Oil Slm-dfl DIAL LISTINGS: KKX, 1190; KOAC, SSO 1 Y TY Saturday P.M. 8:00, Unci. Bob'. Il-A D.yi 3:30, Dlxlelendi 6:00, Here'. to Vetn 0:13, Home Edition Newel 0:30, Modern Rom.neeel 7:00, Muiienl Eton Inxs; 7:30, A. We See lit 7:43, It'e Your Business! 8:00, Lone Ran.eri 8:30, The Eye! PiPo Break the Bank! 9:30, Name the Movie: 10:00. New.! 10:15. Som. Like It Hot; 11:30. B.yerly Hill. Orch. lt:00, Xtra Houri 1:00, Slin Oil. KEY Sunday A.M. 7:00, Mornlnf IA Melodies! 8:00, Fine Arts Quar tet: 8:30, Musle Time) 9:00, Revival Hour; 10 v-0, Parade ol Hit.i 10:30 Voice ol Prophecy! 11:00, J.mes Roosevelt! 11:18 Ro-nanco ol Hlrhwayst 11:30, Nltlonal Vespers; 13:00, This Week Around the World; 12:30, Piano Playhouse! 1:00, News! 1:13, Forelxn Reporter! 1:80, Hour ol Faith; 2:00, Opera Album! 2:80, Me. -axe ol Israel; 8:00, This Cbanxlnx World: Hennies Add Pool Turner Adding to the beau ty of the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Hennies, located one mile south of town, a swim ming pool 20x50 feet is now completed. The pool is supplied with water from the reserve re servoir for irrigation. The pool is six feet deep at deepest part. Naval Reservist Home Pleasantdale Albert Joe Mc- Farlane, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McFarlane, member of naval reserve is home after two weeks cruise on a U. S. destroy er. While on leave he was a guest MM ACROSS 17. Encounter! 1. Toting demon 39. Chafe I. Flow? tint 40. That boy 41. Visionaries 44. Revolves rapidly 47. Rocky Moun tain park 48. She who let all human lilt out of the boi SO. Literary composition 63. Urge on M. Feminine nam 66. Roman tyrant (7. Golf mound 6S. Be restless 89. Brother of Jacob piani t Judaean kins 12. Defense work 13. Tableland 14. Grow sleepy 15. Thread holder 17. Piazxa 19. Desire 21. Daub 22. Slumberere 2V Edged too) 26. Owns 27. Cooks slowly 29. Thus 31. Put In 34. Wise old man 36. Hebrew letter ' 1 3 A 1 b 7 8 W' 0 ' s Mi'7 31 U 33 34 is 2; Ml. WWA f v So SI S3 WZZWL w l.l I feJ I I I v4 7 j j j no HBO I koco r KOIN 7 OBfl VfkC Saturday P.M. 3:03, On Ih. tSS. Upbeat; 6:B0, 330 Sport. Clubi 00, New.! 0:15, Look at Australia! 6:30, London Letter! 6:45, Holland. Today and Tomorrow! 7:00, Ll.bt Opcr. Tonlfhti 8:15, Loexers' Fir. W.ath.r For.ce.tl 9:00, Dane. Parade; 10:45, New.! 11:00, Slrn Oil. 8:15, Sonr Calesmani S:80, Sund.y with v -U! 4:00, Let'. Listen to Muelel 4:30, H llywood .By-llnei .4:45, .Fantasy .In Melody! 6:00, Stop the Muslet 6:00, Think Fast; 6:50, Navy Hour! 7:00, Burl Ive.t 7:15, Lunelle Parson.! 7:80, Ch.nee ot a Lifetime! 8:00, Jimmie Fldleri 8:15. Ted f.lonei 8:30, Guest Stat! 8:45. Roadeld. Chapeli 9:00, Washington Mettr-go-Round; 0:15, Monday Motnlng Headlined 9:30. Burl Iveei 9:45, Intermesioi 10:00, Rl-bfield Report! 10:15, Waahlngton Merrv-.o-Roundi 10:30 Jant.en Beach Oreh'i 11:00. Noctnrne-t 11:30 Claremont rch.; 12:00. Xtra Hout! 1:00, Sign Oil. of Lavelle Hewitt who is in government civil service in Honolulu, Hawaii. Hewitt is son of Dr. L, L, Hewitt of Day ton and he was born In the Unionvale district. Superintendent Speaker Woodburn Frank Doerfler, the new superintendent of the Woodburp nnblic schools, was the guest speaker at the Wood burn Rotary club Thursday noon. He was introduced by Frank Burlingham, program chairman. Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle DOWN t. Suppositions S. Swab Operation 4. Mercantile es tablishment t. Exist . Return T. Utilize 8. Planet 9. Subsidiary building -. 10. Soft drink 11. Jewish month 16. Extend over 18. Accumulate 20. Endowed 22. Send 23. Narrow road 24. Faculties of perception 28. Tou and I 29. Tart . 30. Heavenly spheres 32. Correct 33. Concerning 35, Locks 38. Regales 40. Depend 42. Took food 43. tntervenlnr: law 44. Small barracuda 45. Boy attendant 46. Arrange and classify 49. STiort for a Brazilian city St. Southern con- stellatlon ,A 52. Pronoun ' JjfcmA I It-U APQ6E El A Nil lNE R tIiJaBB g s e tHvTe n pis Be k e E R A sTiTn CHl lvB tSSk. 1 EDOE IE L5EEj5 p i n e p ie I Q SLamQli T E LlSIAJFtf u VnBIE E T EjLLOjl&lTlBrRlE 1MJJNII1R A I NS bipiiitieidUsIeIsIt e t ( &&. While